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Dec 21, 2016 9:32 AM

Nov 2011
Ah the final episode with the competition as everyone is anticipating for.

This episode highlights the final performances of the skaters. Up to this point, the momentum has been very strong and we've seen the best of the best. What I really found this episode entertaining is still the strong character chemistry between Yuri and Victor. The show has been focusing them as a central relationship and still shows it in the finale (like that embrace before Yuri's performance).

Speaking of Yuri, this episode capitalized on what he has worked up all the way here from the beginning. I thought his performance was just so natural, with him enjoying the life of ice skating. Christopher also did very well too, although expected. Yurio also performed at an exceptional level. Wow, this show has been quite a ride. One of my favorites this Fall season. I also loved that duo performance with Yuri and Victor for the finale.
Stark700Dec 21, 2016 9:46 AM
Dec 21, 2016 9:54 AM

Jan 2010
A little disappointed about the ranking, but i've come to make peace with it (kind of).
It's easy to say who was most determined but I think it's easy to favor Yuuri's win because
his narrative was so sentimental and inspiring? I guess that's where some of my conflicting emotions come from.
But even so, Yurio literally sold his mind, soul, and body to hat prima donna instructor boss lady.
In the end, both Yurio and Yuuri have worked hard for it so it's not right to say who deserved it the most.

If anything, I think there should be a medal for most character development this season. I would give that to Yuuri of all people.
Yuuri didn't win gold like he's been wanting but he didn't cry over not winning it
He's a crybaby and easy to feel disappointed and if that is not what you call character development then what is.
And honestly, I'm just happy Yuuri is happy and satisfied with the results.

I also loved seeing Yuuri and Victor so supportive of Yurio! And impressed that Yurio's dream came true. Fantastic adult division debut!
It was also really touching to see Yuuri offer the medal to Victor!
That boy has so much gratitude towards him. Victor's practically his world, it's cute.

And more than pleased to see those two pair skate together.
That was magical. And it was really cute how Yuuri wore Victor's signature outfit but in blue!
They really have great chemistry and excited to see more of them in the future!

Overall, Yuuri has grown so much and it was really fun to see him grow as a person and inspire not only his opponents but his own coach.
I'm really interested in what next season will be like. Hope to get to see Yuuri soon <3
cottonpieDec 21, 2016 11:42 AM
Dec 21, 2016 9:58 AM
Apr 2010
Ok, it was good, waiting for second season. Russia strong ^_^
Dec 21, 2016 9:58 AM

Dec 2007
If only Yuri hasn't messed up his short program, he would have that gold for sure... Loved seeing Yuri and Victor skating together.
So does that mean we can expect a second season? :p
Dec 21, 2016 10:00 AM
Apr 2010
Yuri asked Victor for one more year so, apparently, yes.
Dec 21, 2016 10:01 AM

Jun 2012
Wanted Yuri to win gold, guess it was expected that it wouldn't happen.
Season 2 with a little less gay would be nice.
Dec 21, 2016 10:07 AM

Sep 2013
Crying Victor's got to be one of the best things to ever grace Yuri on Ice in my eyes! Yuuri really need to give him more hugs.... And Golds.... Because apparently No Gold = No Kiss.... </3 The results weren't as I had expected, but at least one of the Yuri's got gold....

Also, Yuuri managed to beat Victor's long-time World Record and do Victor's signature Quad Flip during the last half! He scored an insane 221.58, a Season's Best, making his final score 319.41 and (temporarily) in 1st place!! I'm so proud of him, especially when he shouted his victory cry at the end of his FS! I don't know what to feel about Victor having both his SP and FS World Records broken all in one season though....

I really wish Yuuri got the Gold.... Even though Victor is supportive of him regardless, but still.... All that hard work and he still manages to make a slip due to his anxiety in his SP.... Proves he's only human, I guess.... The good news is that they're going to stay together and keep skating!

Kudos to Yurio though. First senior debut and he already beat Victor's SP, had 2 clean skates AND managed to win Gold for Russia and continue on their (at least) 6 year winning streak. What potential!

I think the best thing about this episode that (that attempts to cover up the salt of Yuuri not winning Gold is that) WE FINALLY GET OUR PAIR SKATE AT THE GPF GALA!! Kubo and Yamamoto delivered! What a way to end the series!

Please, please let 'See You NEXT LEVEL' mean there will be a second season!! Please~! Yuuri reeeeally needs his Gold!
DoragonessUDec 21, 2016 1:14 PM
Dec 21, 2016 10:09 AM

Jul 2008
I honestly don't know how to feel. I'm so sad Yuri didn't win gold TT_____TT but the pair skating was so cute! I honestly didn't think that was going to happen. I think I'm more upset than happy.. I'll lower my expectations in s2 for sure lmfaoo at least I got what I wanted which was for Victor to cry xp
ok rewatching the episode softened my heart a little bit. I'm still full of salt but I'll divide it into things I hated and things I loved
> that scene in the hotel room where Victor starts crying and Yuri has like.. no reaction. he's just like 'omg victor didn't expect you to cry :/' that scene was over in 10 seconds
> Otabek got straight up robbed / JJ getting into the top 3
> Victor returning to the sport. holy shit this is the worst. I hate this more than anything else
> the final Yuri on Ice performance was so beautiful
> I love Yuri and his internal monologue while he's skating
> Yuri setting a new record Q ___Q !!
> the pair skating
overall, bitterness aside, I enjoyed this anime. solid 9-8/10 for me. still upset yuri/victor is left romantically ambiguous.
milkhoneyDec 21, 2016 2:59 PM
Dec 21, 2016 10:23 AM
Jun 2014
I actually knew Yuuri would not get gold. As much as I wanted him to get gold, it's a perfect set up now for a season 2. Yuuri is now not retiring because he is now aiming for more and I believe "See You Next Level" definitely says there will be another season :D

That end gala was freakin' beautiful though, still tearing up from that. I have to applaud Kubo-senseii for making this wonderful series!
Dec 21, 2016 10:23 AM

Oct 2015
I'm not that happy with the ending. I know, I know - it'd be too fast if they'd get married in season 1. In my opinion it'd also be too much for only one episode. It's sad that Yurio won the gold medal but I'm really glad to see Yuri and Victor's pair skating. I love that! I hope that we won't have to wait a long time for a 2nd season (like Shingeki no Kyojin...).
Dec 21, 2016 10:25 AM

Dec 2012
I'm not really satisfied, I look forward to S2 but I almost think I would have prefered a conclusive ending.
Dec 21, 2016 10:26 AM

Feb 2012
Shuhan said:
Wanted Yuri to win gold, guess it was expected that it wouldn't happen.
Season 2 with a little less gay would be nice.

I hope season 2 is even more gay than this one.

/so far only saw spoilers for the raw ep on Tumblr, but gosh, this is so satisfying already
Seems like we didn't get a clear definition for Victuuri relationship, but hey, here's to hoping for the future, aaah. Healthy gay ships like this in anime are so few and far between as it is already.

/agrees with Tost that them getting married in this season would be too rushed anyway
Dec 21, 2016 10:30 AM

Dec 2007
milkhoney said:
I honestly don't know how to feel. I'm so sad Yuri didn't win gold TT_____TT but the pair skating was so cute! I honestly didn't think that was going to happen. I think I'm more upset than happy.. I'll lower my expectations in s2 for sure lmfaoo at least I got what I wanted which was for Victor to cry xp

Judging from the reactions on Tumblr, there are plenty of people who feel the same. But I guess Yuri had to win silver so they can make a season 2...

Niverdia said:
Shuhan said:
Wanted Yuri to win gold, guess it was expected that it wouldn't happen.
Season 2 with a little less gay would be nice.

I hope season 2 is even more gay than this one.

Haha, you beat me to it!
Dec 21, 2016 11:05 AM

Mar 2016
I think they rewrote the ending so the could have a season 2 to milk off of it.

I thought it was an ok episode it wouldn't make since for yuri to beat the fairy (he still ass pulled to be behind him just by a couple of decimals). Not sure what to think of Victors return.

Lol at JJ ass pulling to be in Bronze, Otabek and Chris BTFO.

This show was just okay overall, it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. It was more meant to be just a fun dumb sports comedy.
Dec 21, 2016 11:17 AM

Nov 2009
After everything that Yuuri's been through, this feels unfulfilling. Not saying he can't bounce back from not winning, but realistically it would be emotionally draining to gather strength to keep trying after years of losing. A silver medal is still something, definitely, but losing by such a small margin... it hurts.

The whole "Viktor going back to skating" doesn't fit into his narrative, either.

I don't know. I feel like there's not a lot to take from all the build up.

I need to admit that I'm a sap for happy endings (which this wasn't, in my opinion) so that's where most of the disappointment is coming from.


Dec 21, 2016 11:22 AM

Nov 2013
I'm kind of upset because Yuuri didn't win gold :')
Dec 21, 2016 11:30 AM

Jan 2013
Yuuri should have won. Or it should have been Chris! I'm upset Chris didn't win, he's going to retire soon anyway. At least give him some medal :(
I felt that it would have been better if Yuuri won because it would be repetitive next season to see him try to win gold again. I'm certain it's going to get a season 2 because of the disc sales.
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Dec 21, 2016 11:32 AM

Sep 2015
I was expecting a little more for this season, the finale did leave me a little sour I'll admit, but it was great regardless. Loved Yuuri's entire performance.

I wished he won but this way the series will have more fuel for a second season. I didn't really want a second season to begin with but eh, I'll watch it.
Dec 21, 2016 11:51 AM

Mar 2013
I think it was fair the fact that Yurio won the gold medal. Yuri messed things up in his first one.

That's the reason we gonna get another season.
In sports animes, usually, the main character (or team), don't win in the first season: BIG EXAMPLES: Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu.
And the one Yuri needs to beat is not only Yurio is JJ. JJ in his full potential not a nerfed JJ.

LOVED the duo in the end.
I don't think this anime was a bait. I see true feelings between Victuri.
_junoDec 21, 2016 12:50 PM
Dec 21, 2016 12:05 PM

Jun 2014
Wow, Yuri was so close to getting the gold but fell short to Yurio. Their point differential was very small too. Looks like Victor returned to skating as well.

I personally thought this show was all right at best, I never really bought into the hype that so many people gave it. 6/10, I won't be mad if this doesn't get a second season but I'd still watch if it happens. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this got a second season.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 21, 2016 12:11 PM
Jun 2016
How see already still waiting on crunchyroll.
Dec 21, 2016 12:18 PM
Nov 2015

AND OH MY GOD, my son Yurio, I'm so proud :') <3
But THEN I fucking remembered NO VICTUURI WEDDING D:<
Dec 21, 2016 12:21 PM
Dec 2016
where did you guys watch it?
Dec 21, 2016 12:21 PM

Aug 2016
Well, I knew that Yuri wasn't going to win gold just by the sheer popularity of this and how much potential it has for a second season otherwise he would of won gold.
Definitely happy that there was a pair skate the end, props to them for animating it so beautifully there.
Dec 21, 2016 12:22 PM

Nov 2016
How JJ beat Otabek is seriously beyond me.

I'm a little annoyed at Yurio's gold - I do think that Yuuri should have won it but in the end, it all came down to that small point margin. As far as finales go, I'll give it a 6/10. The season as a whole, an 8/10 - I feel that the first half of the series was much better than the second, just better pacing and such. It's been an awesome ride with these characters and I'll be very happy to see a second season.

The last scene of Yuuri and Victor skating together made me so emotional. Geez. The way Yuuri touches Victor's face.

Keep sailing, Victuuri!
vultursDec 22, 2016 4:19 AM

Bölvat es okkr, bróðir,
bani em ek þinn orðinn;
þat mun æ uppi;
illr er dómr norna.
(The Battle of the Goths and Huns)
Dec 21, 2016 12:46 PM

Sep 2015
i fucking new yurio would win!!!

kinda confused about jj being in third though. i was rooting for otabek tbh.

also kinda wanted some closure and...i dont know... a kiss maybe, but, oh well, i guess there's a whole other season for that -o-

talk me down
safe & sound
too strung up
to sleep
⋯⋯ ⋯⋯
watch this space
i'm open to
falling from grace

Dec 21, 2016 12:52 PM

Apr 2014
This was by far the gayest anime I've ever watched

Looks like Victor is staying with Yuri so a season 2 is possible

Dec 21, 2016 12:53 PM
Apr 2016
The nature of their relationship is more ambiguous than ever! Though given the previous episode that is what I was expecting.

Ultimately It's all pretty much what I expected. I'm surprised Victor wants to return to ice skating (I thought his character arc was heading towards him leaving for good), but I can see him wanting to compete against Yuri at his best- it was hinted at earlier in the series.

JJ winning bronze is the only thing that annoyed me! There's no justification for him catching up to Otabek with that sloppy free skate.

Somebody suggested that the ending may have been altered in order to create a second season and... actually, I can see that. I'm sure they didn't expect to make a second season going in, but the final image pretty much confirms that there will be one.

It actually makes me a bit annoyed at all of the people harping on about a second season. I always said that I was concerned with a satisfying end to this one first and foremost, because leaving things open just leaves you wanting more.
IanamusDec 21, 2016 1:01 PM
Dec 21, 2016 12:55 PM

Sep 2015
Fuuuuuck 0.12 ??? what kind of scoring is it xD
At least this anime was entertaining from start to finish, kinda different compared with other 'sport' ones
9/10 for me (JJ bronze LUL)

+ the french voice acting was disastrous xD zero emotion in his lines
Dec 21, 2016 12:55 PM

Jun 2008
Great ending!!
Everyone was crying. I was crying.
Couple skating.
Dec 21, 2016 12:55 PM

Oct 2011
omfg Yurio won ahhhhhhh
Victuri duet performance ahhhh
Dec 21, 2016 12:55 PM

Mar 2016
Such an intense episode.

I guess the rumors I heard were true, Yuri didn't win gold but instead silver I'm assuming so that they have a plot point for season two but honestly this is pretty disappointing to me. It's nice that they're breaking cliches while also resolving the conflict between Yuri and Victor with their argument about retiring or not but it's anti-climatic for me. I would have preferred to see Yuri end with gold and have season 2 (if it happens) focus on something other than winning the gold. Victor's already done his fair share of skating in my opinion, but I suppose I can see Yuri and Yurio's desire for him to continue...I'm glad Yurio was rewarded for all his hard work, though.

The skating scene at the end with the credits made the episode and finale for me though. I didn't think they could actually fit pair skating into the narrative, but they did and it was hands down the most gorgeous scene to come out of this show.

I loved seeing JJ get out of his slump, and his backstory. Every single skater has become likeable to me in this show, and I love that about Yuri on Ice. It makes you want to root for everyone (even though Yuri will always hands down be my favorite). Their interactions are always fun to see, as well as how their personalities come out in skating.

I'll be buying the show for sure, hopefully we'll get a season two and see best character Yuri win as he so deserves.
Dec 21, 2016 1:00 PM

Feb 2015
Yay, Yurio won. :D Seriously expected Yuri to win, but I'm now glad he didn't.
Makes it more realistic to me.

And that duet performance at the end. S2 when?

SchwingBonerDec 21, 2016 2:09 PM
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Dec 21, 2016 1:02 PM

Sep 2014
Wow... how much less of an impact can you make as a finale.

Well this show ended up betraying the expectations I had after the first 3 highly enjoyable episodes. It fails as a sports show because the performances are very barren and repetitive, and there's no real sense of tension and dramatic stakes. It fails as a character story because it lacks focus and none of the character developments feel earned or meaningful.
Dec 21, 2016 1:03 PM

Jun 2014
Wow, so it was all set up to have a s2 from the start. Overall, I'll give this show a solid 9/10. This was the highlight of the season for me and I can't wait for a season 2. Also, the ending scene where they were skating together was beautiful and the final part with Yurio and Viktor waiting for Yuri was super cute.
alpha_shadowDec 21, 2016 1:06 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:06 PM

May 2016
At first I was pissed that Yuri lost to Yurio--but it paved the way for Viktor to stay on as his coach, so I'm over it. So is Viktor going to make a comeback or not...? The dialogue was confusing.

AND I don't understand how Otabek lost to JJ when Otabek gave a perfect performance.

Ugh this whole episode. I don't know how to feel. The ending sequence of them pair skating was beautiful. But emotionally, as a whole, I don't think the finale delivered at all.

I hope there is a season 2 to fix this.

Edit: I wish they'd just cut some of the performances and put in more story to fill in the blanks. Why show us Otabek's performance at all when it had 0 relevancy?
yuurenDec 21, 2016 1:12 PM
Dec 21, 2016 1:07 PM

Mar 2015
Predictable end. Queerbaiting till the very last second.

Season 2 (if they make one; of course they will milk this cow) should try a different approach.
Dec 21, 2016 1:12 PM

Oct 2008
I can see season 2 coming from a mile away now.

I was pretty shocked Yuri didn't take the gold because that's basically what we saw them working for for the most part of the entire series. I did have a tiny bit of suspicion Yurio would win after all but it still surprised me.

I see people being annoyed by Yurio (because no wedding? xD) but there really is no reason to! It turned out like what Victor wanted. Him popping in to tell Yakov about coming back, just right before Yurio went on? That's definitely intentional. Add in that hug and you can guess he wanted Yurio to win so that Yuri wouldn't want to retire, and Yurio did just that. So nice assist, Yurio.
Dec 21, 2016 1:13 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
This episode was just kind of there. Also it pissed me off that Otabek didn't even get a medal, he nailed all of his jumps. What kind of bullshit is that?

Yurio winning pleases me though.

Dec 21, 2016 1:13 PM

Aug 2013
As a sports anime, I think it did pretty okay. Since figure skating is relatively repetitive, MAPPA did a great job in adding their flare to the sport itself.

I am not surprised Yurio won gold to keep the story going. However, that pair skating at the end was beautiful. I am very surprised they implemented that since I believe pair skating is only between one man and one lady today. I wonder how it will play out in Season 2.

At the same time, the finale didn't hit me as well as the other episodes. It felt a tad off compared to the other episodes. I think it has to do with MAPPA excelling well at leaving cliffhanger endings after each episode but wrapping the whole thing up can be a challenge. Though on the contrary, the way they ended Episode 12 brings so many questions and discussion like every other episode. Is Viktor still Yuri's coach while he's competing? How are they going to do the pair skating? MAPPA has the ball rolling and it generates conversation.

Even though, Yuri on Ice has been one of my favorite anime this season. I appreciated the small things like how they composed unique music for each skater. I value the power of music and OST in anime and MAPPA did an excellent job.

Overall, I am excited nonetheless to see what MAPPA has to offer for Season 2.
Dec 21, 2016 1:16 PM

Aug 2011
Wooooooooow that pair skating sequence, what a truly glorious marvel to behold.

I'm torn because my enjoyment level was high all the way throughout the show but I do have my issues with it as well.

I will mention though that Otabek scoring less than JJ was a kick to the gut.
Dec 21, 2016 1:18 PM
Jun 2008
Well, so much for "making history". Not canon.
Dec 21, 2016 1:18 PM
Unfortunate One

Jul 2016
My predictions for the rankings were almost right! Though I'd expected it to be Yurio, Yuri, and then Phichit. D: Our poor Thai child... guess we gotta come back for that Season 2 they hinted at to see if he can make it this time. I'm super glad that Yurio won gold though. I feel like Yuri getting second was a more realistic end.

Plus if Yurio can win gold at FIFTEEN he truly is a genius, more so than Victor ever was. Think of what that kid could do when he gets older!

Dec 21, 2016 1:18 PM

May 2016
komasan said:
It turned out like what Victor wanted. Him popping in to tell Yakov about coming back, just right before Yurio went on? That's definitely intentional. Add in that hug and you can guess he wanted Yurio to win so that Yuri wouldn't want to retire, and Yurio did just that. So nice assist, Yurio.

Ohhhhh! That makes so much sense!
Dec 21, 2016 1:20 PM

Nov 2007
Dec 21, 2016 1:21 PM

Sep 2011
Wouldn't mind a season 2. Show was good despite being pretty gay at times. That duet skating though lol. OST and skating was on point throughout the whole series. The animation went up and down but it wasn't terrible. Yurio winning pissed me off since he only got a score of 200 while yuri got so much more, but I guess that's what happens when you give an abysmal first performance.

Dec 21, 2016 1:22 PM
Mar 2013
I had a feeling that Yuri wouldn't win the gold, and in exchange would skate with Viktor. I guess the wedding will have to wait haha
Dec 21, 2016 1:24 PM
Dec 2016
VanishingKira said:
Probably what I'd consider the best show this season,still only a high 6/10 or a low 7/10 imo (moderately good,but by no means great).

It started out really promising but once they added the pretty much forced "romance" and went full blatant fujoshi pandering it really lowered the quality of the series.

Not that this was a bad series,just that it seriously wasted the potential it had in the beginning of the series,which is pretty sad honestly considering this was among the better shows of this year.

2016 really was a shitty year overall for anime,can only hope 2017 will be a better year.

The only thing I am really disappointed at is that the relationship between Yuuri and Victor is not made "explicit" at the end of the season. For me it is pretty clear that they have feelings for each other. You called it a "forced romance" or "fujoshi baiting," which basically implies that Victor and Yuuri were "faking to be gay" to attract fujoshi viewers. I see it as pure romance in which two male characters slowly but steadily develop feelings for each other, just like any hetero couple romance, but not in a too explicit way.

I guess it must be better to make it explicit (like a marriage) at the end for same-sex couple, since otherwise, so many people would just assume that it is "queer-baiting" which is so frustrating. Anyway, let's look forward to season 2.
Dec 21, 2016 1:24 PM

May 2016
Remember that one South Park episode that referenced YOI?Well, it seems they were happy about it

Dec 21, 2016 1:25 PM

Sep 2010
I so hoped Yuri would win gold…ah well, was kinda predictable when he messed up his short program

a happy day for people who wanted to see Yuri skate with Victor

Yurio was so cute when he didn't want Yuri to retire

They better make a season 2 soon!
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