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Dec 10, 2016 7:23 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, the mystery thickens more with more identity issues and the mysterious girl just made this episode even more strange to watch.
The Wardenclyffe Gun is also revealed as some important key to the New World System...

All these pieces of puzzles adding up together won't bring back the dead so..I'm not expecting anything exciting to develop after this episode. Poor Gamotan..
Stark700Dec 10, 2016 8:44 AM
Dec 10, 2016 8:04 AM

Apr 2016
Too many puzzles with every revelation is a new suprise.... this series evo to best with ever episode ;)
Dec 10, 2016 8:51 AM

Jan 2015
Ryo-tas, oh... I mean Aveline. Can you just shut Gamotan's mouth quickly and give explanation QUICKLY?! I'm so eager to listening about your explanation, but damn Gamotan almost cut your word. It's painful, to rewind over and over just to hear your explanation to get the gist of it. I know this anime is the "think more of it" type to understand. But still, can't you show some respect, Gamotan? At least let Aveline spoke until she stop by herself #Triggered
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Dec 10, 2016 8:57 AM
Apr 2016
It seems that Nishizono is going to get erased, since as long as the bodies with scandium exist so do their "ghosts"... or so I understood from this science-fiction mess. Time traveling is way less complex.
Dec 10, 2016 9:17 AM

Dec 2015
Two episodes left and I have no idea how this show is going to pull off a proper ending. So many mysteries still left @_@

Also wtf @ the end. Did someone steal Nishizono's corpse?
Dec 10, 2016 9:36 AM
Nov 2015
Daniel_Naumov said:
It seems that Nishizono is going to get erased,

I am not sure about this. She had a shadow during the lighting and all the times, the dead were shown without a shadow.
Dec 10, 2016 9:38 AM

Jul 2014
Well, it seems that guy in white with the ceremonial mask is the one sent to remove the ghosts, so that could be an interesting problem later. Also, I'm not surprised that the ghost with black-magic girl (what's her name again) is actually her brother, but I don't see how it's worthwhile bringing that into play now. I was surprised about Ryoka's secret though, as while I thought she might be Zonko I didn't think she'd be even more important than that, especially with her weird gun being the Wardenclyffe Gun that is needed for the New World System. Also, that ending scene with Nishizono only really highlights how little she has actually been in the show, as I was more surprised to see her appear than I am curious about her corpse disappearing.
Dec 10, 2016 9:55 AM

Oct 2013
Ik Gamon is going through a personal crisis but him interrupting everyone every 5 seconds on some "I DON'T UNDERSTAND" is so...annoying. LMFAO...

This show loves to answer one question and then bring up 5 more lol. I hope they do something about this time travel question as well, however I don't see how they can go in depth with 2 more episodes left so. I wonder if Nizhizono possessed her own body. Also if Aveline, and Ryo, by extension, are part of this syndicate/medical group I wonder if she has an evil side or is just working to do as she pleases.

Atavistic said:
ghosts, so that could be an interesting problem later. Also, I'm not surprised that the ghost with black-magic girl (what's her name again) is actually her brother, but I don't see how it's worthwhile bringing that into play now.

I kind of wonder if thats actually her brother contacting Ria(?) through the "black ghosts" ..body? That could be a stretch. He also looked as if he was like glitching out so he could also be fading and might need to be zapped with a gun to continue his astral projection. I feel like whatever that was will be tied into some new revelation about the properties and system that controls scadium. I could very well be wrong though, nothing about this show really makes THAT much sense lol
I couldn't think of anything cool to put here.
Dec 10, 2016 10:05 AM
Oct 2016
Can somebody explain to me the Ryouka / Aveline thing?

So she is the daughter of Tesla (and there is a photo of her as a young girl with him where she has shorter hair and no big boobs)… but she is also Narusawa Ryouka, inhabited by a spirit… ah, I don't get it!
Dec 10, 2016 10:10 AM

Aug 2016
And with this episode I just gave up with the story, I now just let it happen and wait for it to end XD

Just...why are the story creators mixing up so much stuff...why.
Dec 10, 2016 10:17 AM

Apr 2016
Good thing I have to read the episode. The camera angles in this show are starting to drive me insane. If I was a native speaker watching, I don't think I'd appreciate it switching directions left and right and up and down all the time.

With two episodes left, I feel like this is only becoming an average show, if not a little worse for scaring off half the audience in the first two episodes. I made the comparison to Steins;Gate before, saying that Steins;Gate also took some time before people recognized it as good -- but this show just doesn't get to that level. Yes, the story pieces are coming together, and yes, it's starting to make more sense, but I don't feel any appreciation for many of the characters. With Steins;Gate, anything bad happening to any one of them would've been absolutely terrible. With Occultic;Nine, I feel like I can write off half the cast.

I still love the ED though.
Dec 10, 2016 10:19 AM

Aug 2015
First, fuckin' called it that Ryo-tas is the radio voice. Second, it doesn't make anything clearer and probably won't help bring this story back on track.
Dec 10, 2016 10:20 AM

Aug 2016
nicatronTg said:
Good thing I have to read the episode. The camera angles in this show are starting to drive me insane. If I was a native speaker watching, I don't think I'd appreciate it switching directions left and right and up and down all the time.

I welcome thee, Motion Sickness....I was glad for the subs to distract me as well XD
Dec 10, 2016 10:31 AM

Jan 2016
I have a feeling that the religious guy in the mask who is getting rid of the ghosts is actually Blue Moon's manager.

A lot more mysteries cleared.
Fort-For5 said:
Can somebody explain to me the Ryouka / Aveline thing?

So she is the daughter of Tesla (and there is a photo of her as a young girl with him where she has shorter hair and no big boobs)… but she is also Narusawa Ryouka, inhabited by a spirit… ah, I don't get it!

She is Aveline, who is possessing Narusawa Ryouka. She was able to live on as a ghost through the use of the ray gun which allows astral bodies to live forever, it seems. The point is that we're not told EXACTLY how this all happened, so wait until next episode to confirm everything.
Dec 10, 2016 10:40 AM
Apr 2016
ButadonMeitante said:
I have a feeling that the religious guy in the mask who is getting rid of the ghosts is actually Blue Moon's manager.

A lot more mysteries cleared.
Fort-For5 said:
Can somebody explain to me the Ryouka / Aveline thing?

So she is the daughter of Tesla (and there is a photo of her as a young girl with him where she has shorter hair and no big boobs)… but she is also Narusawa Ryouka, inhabited by a spirit… ah, I don't get it!

She is Aveline, who is possessing Narusawa Ryouka. She was able to live on as a ghost through the use of the ray gun which allows astral bodies to live forever, it seems. The point is that we're not told EXACTLY how this all happened, so wait until next episode to confirm everything.

Some viewers have expressed opinions that her... exquisite appearance was due to being an alien. Well, guess what, a bonafide miracle of nature I guess.
Dec 10, 2016 10:52 AM

May 2012
can someone explain to me the background of nishizino? hahah
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Dec 10, 2016 10:54 AM

May 2016
I knew it! Ryouka-chan is Zonko (and Aveline buth whatever).
So Gamotan is special because 'poya poya weapon'?
So she has multiple personality (Ryotas, Zonko and Aveline), how to explain, basically the original Ryouka is Gamotan minion isn't she?

I am confused

Daniel_Naumov said:
It seems that Nishizono is going to get erased, since as long as the bodies with scandium exist so do their "ghosts"... or so I understood from this science-fiction mess. Time traveling is way less complex.

Maybe, but why did she dream of the crime, and what is the truth behind Professor Hashigami's death...

Last, the reason why Ria thought she was alive was because the devil used his powers unconsciously?
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Dec 10, 2016 11:04 AM

Jan 2013
So cowtits was carried around for 10 only to be used as an exposition machine for some 10 minutes? Okay.

Oh, and the camera tilts were out of control this episode. Almost felt like a fucking rollercoaster.
CondemneDioDec 10, 2016 11:13 AM
Dec 10, 2016 11:44 AM
Jun 2016
This episode was amazing, why O;N is so underrated :(
Dec 10, 2016 12:01 PM

Dec 2014
That was a really good episode, Lots of new revelations and plot threads that are connecting everything.

In case anyone is looking for clarification, I'll summarize what was revealed in this episode

Lelouch0202Dec 10, 2016 12:09 PM
Dec 10, 2016 12:14 PM

Feb 2016
oh maï gadeeeeee
Dec 10, 2016 12:22 PM

Sep 2014
The guy who wears white nask erases all ghosts that wondering around and also kills everyone who witnesses his act.If only the shitty protagonist would shut his mouth to grasp what's exactly going on with Ryo-tas/Aveline that would have been great.At least we learned what her weapon does after all and that Nicola Tesla was behind the New World System.Also liked that ending with Nishizono's missing body.
Dec 10, 2016 12:27 PM
Oct 2016
ButadonMeitante said:
She is Aveline, who is possessing Narusawa Ryouka. She was able to live on as a ghost through the use of the ray gun which allows astral bodies to live forever, it seems. The point is that we're not told EXACTLY how this all happened, so wait until next episode to confirm everything.

Thanks! So Ryouka Narusawa is a real person (and her family owns hospitals? Or something?). So her bubbly personality is real.

But she is paying attention to Gamon (at least in part) because she is possessed by ghost Aveline, daughter of Nicola Tesla, who is guiding Gamon to do… whatever he is supposed to be doing with the key, etc.

I guess Aveline possessed Ryouka because it would be easy to hang around and influence Gamon in the form of a super cute high school girl.

But that still leaves me confused about the border between the Aveline personality and Ryouka personality is fuzzy. At first I thought that Aveline had essentially replaced the real Ryouka, so Ryouka's consciousness is sleeping or something while Aveline is living through her body. Aveline acting childish, encouraging Gamon and distracting him with her boobs, and then finally dropping the act when Gamon wouldn't pull himself out of his funk in Episode 9.

But is this true? Or is it still really Ryouka's personality most of the time, but Aveline is somehow influencing or guiding her – without Ryouka's awareness?

When Aveline zaps Gamon and then switches back to the bubbly Ryouka personality, is she just switching modes, the way you change your voice to talk to a little kid, or is that the real Ryouka coming back out?

I guess I'm still confused!

It's suspicious that Aveline in the old photo looks so much like Ryouka (shorter haircut and no big boobs but otherwise close), but I guess they just made the character designs similar to help viewers draw the connection.
Dec 10, 2016 12:28 PM

Dec 2012
Creepy person with mask making ghosts disappear. OK then...

Ryo-tas is actually possessed by Tesla's daughter, Aveline.
More info coming in.

Nishizono is somehow alive again.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Dec 10, 2016 12:28 PM

Oct 2011
So confusing and excessiveky text-heavy - I definitely wouldn't even finish the first chapter of the novel if I accidently bought it without watching the anime.

Dec 10, 2016 12:31 PM

Apr 2016
Well, finally, a secret is released / we finally get more info, but I do not like the series.
Many things just do not interest. The MC characters (Gamon & Ryouka) are simply garbage imo.
Dec 10, 2016 12:32 PM

Jun 2014
So it looks like Ryo-Tits is being possessed by Tesla's daughter, can't say I ever saw that coming. It would have been nice to hear her explanation without Gamon's shrieking voice interrupting every 2 seconds.

That weird dude with the mask that was making people disappear was creepy as fuck, and it looks like Sarai figured out a big clue at the end. Pretty eerie post-ED scene with Nishizono's body being gone.

And finally, I agree with what others are saying about the camera angles in this episode. Once or twice is fine, but it happened like 50 times in this episode and just felt downright annoying and unnecessary.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 10, 2016 12:36 PM
Mar 2015
Lelouch0202 said:
That was a really good episode, Lots of new revelations and plot threads that are connecting everything.

In case anyone is looking for clarification, I'll summarize what was revealed in this episode

The emperor actually is the grandfather of Narusawa Ryoka, alias Ryotas, and he is also the fundator of the hospitals where Gamo and co were injected with Sc
Dec 10, 2016 12:50 PM

Dec 2014
Finally we know where Gamotan's key is supposed to go into. The Aveline stuff was weird. I have the feeling we're going to get an open ending and meh I'm not looking forward to it.
Dec 10, 2016 12:59 PM
Oct 2016
Very clear summary, thanks!

I guess I'm gonna complain about how excessively exposition-heavy this episode was. I mean, it was basically ALL exposition, at the expense of any action!

This is particularly galling because it was the episode where we finally learn the truth about Ryouka and she becomes a major player in the story. Wouldn't it have been nice to have her actually DO something?

With the exception of the first episode, all Ryouka has done all season is hang out in the cafe with Gamon and dance around distractingly. Episode after episode, I couldn't believe the writers didn't give her any action outside the cafe. Storytelling-wise, this only makes sense if there is something we don't know about her, something they’re saving up…

Turns out that was true! After episode 9, with Ryouka’s voice becoming serious, and her cornering Gamon in that office at the end, I was sure we would finally have Gamon and Ryouka on some kind of adventure together. The frivolous wall-flower finally becoming a person who does things!

But no. All Ryouka does is deliver an explanation of her backstory. Then we see other characters talking about her, finding a photo. Then the secret society people talking about her ray gun. It’s all about Ryouka… but it’s just a bunch of talk! All these characters, doing nothing but talking about her!

Would have been so much better if we’d seen her spring into action. Like what if Gamon found himself suddenly following along as she is making decisions and giving orders for a change. We see her abilities, and how others react to her when she is in a commanding mode. I have a feeling that may be coming next episode based on the preview, but I won’t get my hopes up.

It was certainly underwhelming that the moment of Ryouka’s reveal was handled as a series of explainy scenes, instead of having her do something cool.

Show, don’t tell! Isn’t that what they say?
Dec 10, 2016 1:38 PM

Nov 2016
I found the angles annoying too but it's probably symbolism of everything being turned on its head and all that jazz

When the taxi driver explained that Blue Moon was now a run down abandoned building or whatever I nearly screamed, I called that from like the fifth or sixth episode

All of the using different codes to decipher information was very interesting and explains a lot but my god, I was so confused. Granted I am in the middle of exam time so my brain is fried but still, it was SO much to follow. I kept having to pause and be like ????? what?
Dec 10, 2016 1:44 PM

Aug 2013
This should be a 24 eps series, but it's good anyway. Can't wait to next week.
Dec 10, 2016 1:49 PM

Jun 2014
oo the masked person that exorcised the ghost and killed the witnesses in front of Blue Moon... I wonder if hes from the Society of Eight Gods of Fortune...

And the ending scene. Rairika's body missing from the morgue. Funny because just before that I was thinking "okay so the mystery behind Ryokas/Zonko has been revealed; So now the only major piece remaining is Rairika and her manga..."

more pieces have been cleared up about the occult and how they created 256 test subjects for their scandium voodoo. More pseudoscience on how electromagnetic radio waves allow ghosts to exist and communicate.
Dec 10, 2016 1:57 PM
Sep 2015
more and more mysteries is being unraveled, and more and more surprises. so many plot twists, its making even more interesting to watch.

Ryo tas being the grandchild of tesla and also the voice behind the doll, Zonko. Plus the gun that Ryo tas is always holding is actually a key. so much mysteries is getting solved and in the same time so many mysteries is also coming to surface. how much more mysterious can this anime get

Also that ending wow, ririka's body is gone which means the ririka we see at the end is the astral body able to take control of the body again? how is that even possible?

Really excited to see what kind of mysteries will be unraveled next week
Dec 10, 2016 2:49 PM

May 2015
So the mange artist escape for coffin? Just how?
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 10, 2016 2:53 PM

Jan 2014
Wow, I have no hope left for this show. ^^° The idea is interesting but the execution is freakin horrible, it tries so hard to be 'mysterious' that it just feels completely convoluted. No revelation actually makes me go "ooh, damn!" at this point 'cause I just don't feel invested anymore ... Especially the dialogues are so badly written with no feeling of realism whatsoever - NO ONE would talk like that and it really kills off any kind of immersion the setting could have had. No character actually feels like a person, so why would I even care about any of them.
Dec 10, 2016 3:12 PM

Sep 2013
AOTS sucks so much that it's only 1 season :'(

Ryotas has a spirit called Aveline in her but ryotas befriended gamaton of her own will.
Ryotas was shooting gamotan since the beginning so was he dead since the start? :O the key is for the gun to unlock it's limiter.
More explanations and angles.
Kurenai might get reunited with hr brother after all.
Cafe owner is a fake and that masked guy is killing ghosts.

Dec 10, 2016 3:17 PM
Jul 2018
not good episode went up for me, but i hope it will ve proper ending
Dec 10, 2016 3:41 PM

Oct 2012
So Ryo-tas confirmed to be Zonko and has revealed that she is currently housing the astral body of Aveline, Tesla's secret child?
Also, glad to know that I was right about Ryo-tas's ray gun being the Wardenclyffe Gun.
Not all that surprised that the devil ghost guy was actually Aria's brother, they looked similar to me and I couldn't believe that he would just randomly appear to her.

Looks like next ep we'll be getting some answers and hopefully no more questions xD
Also Ririka's body is gone. Does that mean she managed to enter her body again?
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Dec 10, 2016 4:30 PM

Jun 2015
The stupid camera angles are back. Some things are starting to make sense now. The Wardenclyffe Gun seems important, but it went missing. Ryo-tas is the one that has it. She is also possessed by Tesla's daughter. The masked guy is making ghosts disappear. Gamotan is still freaking out about everything that's happening. He wouldn't even let Ryo-tas explain things, which was annoying.
Dec 10, 2016 4:57 PM

Feb 2015
Enjoyed the episode, now they're getting close to the experiment and the answers, and after the ending we can see that Nishizono revived, or something like that.
Dec 10, 2016 5:26 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Are the directors actually dumb? Stop with these camera angles. I'm saying this everytime, there is at least one directional fuck up every episode.

Ryotas/Aveline = Kiryuu/Aria's brother, could that be the same case happening in both situations?

A big scandium feast happened.

Did Nishizono just revive?
Dec 10, 2016 5:48 PM

Jun 2013
jesus fuck those weird camera angles! so the daughter of Tesla is possessing Ryotas
Dec 10, 2016 7:00 PM

May 2015
Holy dutch angle batman! I almost felt dizzy watching this episode.
Dec 10, 2016 7:19 PM

Jun 2016
Just, why is everybody find something bad in this anime ? Occultic;Nine is one of the most intersting in story, design, and risk taking, for a long time. This anime has many errors, but so many qualities ! Stop complainning ! These camera angle are just parfect about what the anime is trying to show ! And all this wtf information. To understand the story, it's just necessary to go on Google and read about Tesla, EM wave, I-Chang, binary code et etc. For once that an anime go way more that it's own story, it's so refreshing !

This episode was awesome ! Just sad that Ryo-Tas is important just for the ending....her caracther was sadly misused.
Dec 10, 2016 7:28 PM

Oct 2015
Ikitsune8 said:
Just, why is everybody find something bad in this anime ? Occultic;Nine is one of the most intersting in story, design, and risk taking, for a long time. This anime has many errors, but so many qualities ! Stop complainning ! These camera angle are just parfect about what the anime is trying to show ! And all this wtf information. To understand the story, it's just necessary to go on Google and read about Tesla, EM wave, I-Chang, binary code et etc. For once that an anime go way more that it's own story, it's so refreshing !

This episode was awesome ! Just sad that Ryo-Tas is important just for the ending....her caracther was sadly misused.
because people couldn't take that much info dump and has 0 knowledge over the occult like most of us, so of course it's hard to understand at first.

Top secret organization uses wikipedia, you know that shit is unreliable1111
EGOISTDec 10, 2016 7:46 PM
Dec 10, 2016 8:41 PM

Oct 2011
Omg Ryotas revelation ye s
Dec 10, 2016 9:19 PM

Feb 2016
I enjoy this show but the rotating camera was too much this time. Hopefully it's the last time they use it this much.
Dec 10, 2016 10:17 PM

Jan 2011
When I thought R;N was bad I remembered C;H. Reflecting back on those two installments I now hope nothing to come will be as awful as O;9. Seriously this ones drama is so try hard it's hard to watch in addition to everything else in its anime form that makes it completely annoying to watch. Just hurry up and end.

And another fan/community (what turned out to be) over-hyped show falls flat on it's face...again.
IZEROIIDec 10, 2016 10:20 PM
Dec 10, 2016 10:18 PM
May 2016
O_o my head is spinning, the dialogues are already fast then there's the crazy camera angles added, wtf A-1.

Ryotas was possessed by Nikola's daughter, Aveline, didn't see it coming

Homonculus said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
It seems that Nishizono is going to get erased,

I am not sure about this. She had a shadow during the lighting and all the times, the dead were shown without a shadow.

So it seems like she came back from dead, and got her physical body, it showed the empty coffin of her. If that's the case there's a chance to get Gamon and the others' physical body back.
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