Damn you Pandora Hearts, damn you. I really need to sleep, really, and here you're holding me captive. Tomorrow will be painful.
I'm so happy I read this chapter... 3? 4? times. It wasn't until I just reread it now to reference something that I realized I was misinterpreting something, but this new interpretation is much less problematic, yay! I had quite a bit of a problem with Oz the first several times, now it's just a tiny one.
It's just kinda hard for me to believe the whole "everything you have is fake" in the first place, it's tremendously difficult to invest myself in, because it's so damnably obviously not true it's a real challenge to put myself in Oz's shoes and relate, and having all the big overblown drama of him recovering from that notion just seems a bit silly. Why yes, Oz, people actually do love and care about you. Congratulations. The whole whiplash of this drama feels maybe a tad contrived, but at least the whole Jack calling Oz nothingness adds more to Jack's own nature, so I think I'll let it pass.
I had been initially concerned that this was something near the climax of the manga and this was the finale of Oz's character arc (and god I dearly hope that's not the case), but now I can see it as him simply recovering from the shock induced agreement with Jack, a simple necessity for Oz to move forward to greater heights.
Because Oz should be our hero, and, in this one chapter, Oscar's a bigger hero than Oz has been in the entire manga. Surely, that must change, right, please? In the meantime, I'll wait and enjoy Oscar. Even if I was a bit annoyed with Oz in this chapter, I couldn't muster the will to say I didn't really, really, like it.
Oscar's wonderful. I loved him to so many bits in this chapter. I'm just kinda baffled at the fact that somehow I have the notion that he had a 'happy end' instead of some tragedy. I mean, sweet camera picture taking at the end or not, what happened to him was a tragedy. I'm sure he'd rather continue living with Oz, Ada and Gil, his wife and son could've waited a bit longer. It should be sad, but my heart doesn't carry the slightest shred of depression at his death. I guess I'm just too bowled over by how wonderful he is to process the fact that he's dead? But seriously, he's now probably somewhere 2-4 of my favorite ph characters now. So much heartfelt emotion, such a badass. Sara's a lucky woman. Oz is a lucky nephew.
This manga is gorgeous. Oscar with Oz, Oz with Alice, the panels in this chapter just took my breath away.
Gil! You can be so precious! Why, I so didn't expect you to just hug Alice like that! So nice to see you accept her so warmly, I guess can you can rise a little higher in my eyes because of that.
And Alice, how are you so amazing? I don't understand why I love you so much, but, I do, that's that. On the other hand, Will of the Abyss, wtf. I know there was once a time when I wanted sisterly bond between you two, but I didn't want it to be so unfoundedly inconsistent with what we knew of you. Whatever happened to "She's a doll that shouldn't have been born!" or "you'll definitely regret choosing the black rabbit over me" or "eat the black rabbit"? 'scuse me, it's not adding up. But you're crazy, bipolar, and often overtaken by bouts of amnesia. It'll be interesting to see if there's something we're not seeing here.
What's with all the Zai hate? Seriously? Sure, he's bad, but not that bad. He shot Oscar, but might that not have been to shorten the suffering from Zwei? I just have never been on board with hating this guy. His actions, while often undeniably cruel, are understandable, and I have a certain (relatively short, admittedly) measure of sympathy for the man. (Not that I like him - not at all- just don't hate. Or even really dislike...)
Jack, I have two messages for you. A) I'm so done with you're manipulations. I used to have a healthy measure of sympathy for you, but it's quickly running out. It's just nauseating, all your lies and machinations. So cruel and wrong, again and again and again. B) Don't you dare disappear (for good, at the very least) just because Oz wants you to. That's way too silly and convenient. You've gone too far to be stopped just like that, and that's your body, dammit! Even though you're turning to dust... Well, looks aside, you really are just a really old man. Please, give a memorable exit? Don't just let Oz bully you around I don't give a damn if it's well deserved payback
Echo and Noise! Mysterious girls of the few remaining mysteries in this series! What's with you two? Can Noise really act that well? I was quite certain it truly was Echo - did Noise just take advantage and switch? Questions... And Noise, you get a prize. I think you're honestly one of this story's creepiest. Good job. and here I'm praising the character that hurt Oscar unreservedly. What's wrong with me, I love Oscar, so how..?
One thirty am. I'm getting up in a few hours. Sob, whhyyyyy... |