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Jul 20, 2016 8:50 PM

Feb 2010
I would like to invite members of each species to help come up with and contribute to the lore and culture of their kind. If you have an idea or your character started doing something, feel free to post it here for others to view. I'm not saying all must abide by the first one to post, but together you can create a more expansive and detailed idea of how each species lives and co-exists. Here are some things that could be decided on, and if you come up with others just say so:

Physical Attributes: I added a lot of these, and for some species the variations are so great that it's hard to say, but maybe some certain parts of a species mean something culturally. Maybe there are details I missed or some variations that could be added.

Diets: As far as diets go, these six species are the only ones in existence. In other words, there are no animals, insects, fish, etc to eat, but for examples, plants exist and food could also be manufactured artificially, or some species possibly have functions like photosynthesis?
Secondly, beings don't die of starvation. Eating allows them to grow up, as without any food at all they will stay near infant size. More nutritious food means stronger, healthier, larger, more energized, and even smarter peoples, so it is worth it to eat, but living without food is possible.

Reproduction and families: There is no reproduction, and therefore no reproductive organs. Due to this, there are no parents, and if there ever were, it is long forgotten who birthed who. Thus it can be assumed the family system differs from the one we know, if there is one at all.
Romance may or may not exist. Pairs of two may or may not raise newly reincarnated children, or it might be a community effort, a more complex system, simpler one, or they might be left to fend for themselves, etc.

Clans: Maybe they live in clans? Maybe they live in tribes? What are the differences between these peoples? Why are they separated like this, or how did they end up that way? I think you get the idea.

History: This one is a little harder to really cover well as I left stuff intentionally vague and plan to fill it in as the plot goes, but feel free to contribute anything regarding the past of a species in the last five hundred years or so. Please leave details more vague and unsure as it goes further back, and never exceed two millennia ago.
CrogLatteAug 12, 2016 9:19 AM
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Jul 20, 2016 8:56 PM
Jul 2016
Krak Culture

Clans - Sea Clan, Mountain Clan, Plains Clan, and so on. Exposure to the Li near each of their home areas alters their appearance in a significant way. (This allows Krak roleplayers to get a little bit creative with their appearance instead of just big rock no. 45.)

Why Clans?
-Why did they separate in this way? Perhaps a long time ago the Krak were more wanderers than settlers. Once the Great One enlightened everyone, the split-apart clans were united in a single territory. Thus, even though they now live together, their traits from way back when still influence their lifestyles in many ways.

Krak structure is mostly based on strength. Disputes are settled by beating each other up. The strongest and smartest Krak lead the clan, but aside from territory control and deciding who gets to have what land and where the clan should go, there is little power involved with the position. Each clan has a leader and the different clans often meet to discuss relations and the like.

Two main classes in Krak society. The pebbles and the stones. The pebbles are the lesser class and they do everything that the stones tell them to. Pebbles are tasked with the grunt work while the stones usually just laze around. They earned their spot by beating up their challengers.

Krak have a habit of lightly terraforming their specific spots in the territories to suit their needs. For example, the Mountain Clan would work together and pile up large piles of dirt and rocks to make themselves feel more at home. The Plains Clan would flatten the land around them. Of course, this could stir up conflict between clans who have different ideas about how the land should be.

No genders. Krak use he and she interchangeably, depending on the preference of the individual. This isn't a gender identity thing, it's just that the word literally has no meaning to the Krak. (This just gives Krak roleplayers a little leeway so they don't have to it they etc. every time.)
jillwildroseJul 21, 2016 2:59 AM
Jul 21, 2016 12:47 AM

Feb 2016
I would like to contribute for the Fi in the way that most Fi live in tribes or clans (depends on what you like the best). Maybe like 80% of Fi live that way, to create their own seperate communities to stand more stable against the Av and many other species. There could be tribes/clans that raid and kill, some that simply farm, anything really, someone that makes a Fi character could choose to make a tribe/clan with the character. There are of course then the other 20% that don't live in tribes/clans, they may wander and do their own thing, whatever they'd like to. It just adds a bit to the lore of Fi's, and might make it more intriguing to create a Fi character.

As to the location of thes tribes/clans, it would probably be in the unowned lands, but close enough to interact with everyone else. Maybe it could also be some area inside the owned lands they have claimed themself.
Aug 9, 2016 12:50 AM

Jun 2015
Monetary system---

In Avia there are 2 different types of currency:
The first one is used throughout Avia and it is completely the same.It goes:copper,iron,gold,platinum.An iron coin is worth 10 copper coins,an gold coin 10 iron but a platinum coin is worth 100 gold making platinum a very rarely used coin.
But this is just for legal deals.All of these have the pictures of 1 of the 6 races stamped on each side.What picture it has on the side determines where it can be used.It doesn't really matter since the exchange value is 1:1 anyway.

Like in every other country,trade exists in Avia.Trade happens everywhere but for this trade there is a special currency.
They are metallic plates of wooden coins with numbers on the side.Think of them as checks you can turn in for cold hard cash in the bank.The metallic plates can hold an indefinite number of coins while the wooden ones can only hold up to 50g(gold)

But how do you determine how much coins these plates/wooden coins have in them?Simple,check the side.If it is a legit copy and not a counterfeit there should be a number with a letter on the side.These letters represent what kind of coin the plate/wooden coin is holding.Here are the letters and what they represent:


I call this the BSGP system.

People are going to have to give 6% of their income to the clan representative.This guy is going to transport 3% over to the Av who use it for various matters and is gonna keep 3% to improve life in the area.If you live in a private property you are going to pay an additional 2% taxes.
If you have a private business it is seperated in three categories;Small(3% additional taxes,gotten by making a set amount of money per month)Medium(6% more taxes)Large(8% more taxes)

If you are found making a ton more money than what you have reported in you monthly report you will be fined accordingly(min fine-5g max fine-1P)

And that's about it...
CalmCallAug 9, 2016 8:23 AM
I don't even know what to write in here.
Aug 9, 2016 6:12 AM

Feb 2016
In my personal opinion this sounds cool but I think 4 types of coins is too much. I think it would be much better to have a very simple copper -> silver -> gold system.
Silver is 10 copper, Gold is 100 copper or 10 silver. Much easier for everyone to use and not get confused with.

But that's just my opinion, depends on what ASimpleHollow thinks c:
Aug 9, 2016 8:24 AM

Jun 2015
A platinum coin is worth 100 gold so ti's gonna be rarely used.I understand that it's kinda confusing but imagine walking around with 100 gold in your pocket.That would be heavy and impractical.Instead you could exchange it for a platinum coin at the bank and just carry that one coin around.
I don't even know what to write in here.
Aug 9, 2016 8:45 AM

Feb 2016
@CalmCall Well then why would you take 100 gold coins with you if you can't carry it? A gold coin might be a lot depending on the economy, so even rich people might only carry 10, as that could be worth the same as your platinum coin. I'm not saying each of our systems have the coins be worth the same thing :)
Aug 9, 2016 8:56 AM

Jun 2015
@destroythesauce have a point..I mean now that I think about it walking around with 100g would make you a target to thieves,and,you probably wouldn't need that much cash...I still don't want to give up on platinum though.Shall we leave it up to Hollow?
I don't even know what to write in here.
Aug 9, 2016 9:02 AM

Feb 2016
Of course we will, he's both admin and the creator. We're just making suggestions, he can choose what he wants to add :3
Aug 9, 2016 9:04 AM

Jun 2015
Lol,of course that's a given.
I don't even know what to write in here.
Aug 10, 2016 9:40 AM

Feb 2010
First off, especially regarding the species you have made characters for, you don't have to think of it as me having all the power and you just making suggestions. I'm the one being lazy about that, and you are the ones actually bringing the species to life by playing them. Now if something you mention conflicts with something I have in mind or I have a different idea, I'll mention it, but that doesn't mean you have to change your idea if you like it, I'm good at changing mine and working in others.

With that all said, the monetary system is a pretty important part, and I've been striving pretty hard to avoid bringing in the conventions of humans, even for convenience's sake. A simple coin and check based economy is very similar to what humans have employed for a long time, but finding an alternative has been... hard to say the least. Still I'm glad you brought it up, it got me to finally start thinking about it more and ultimately I think the best solution would be the lack of a monetary system at all, because it's very hard to think of an alternative that isn't just a flat replacement (i.e. feathers instead of coins, but the system is the same.)

Ultimately I'm thinking it's a pretty simply process of the Av saying, "We need or want this. You get it done if you want to be part of this community and be reincarnated." Obviously there could be trade among individuals, that is completely natural and unavoidable. But I would think establishments like bars would be a matter of someone having an idea like a place to relax and drink after working. They get the idea to the clan representative and he or she decides, "Is this something we should have. If so, how do we do it?" Then they get in touch with the correct farmers for ingredients, and get the ingredients to the bar owner. The bar owner's job is to give out drinks for free and have a place to relax and socialize. In exchange they get to live there and not have to work else how. They can of course sell large volumes of drinks in exchange for food or something if they have extra. The idea basically works on the principal that the Av and the Incas are trying to build up society and create new things to increase convenience and power, and the Aa and Cil generally do the work for this. Meanwhile, all the species take action to improve their everyday lives through entertainment in whatever forms, and this is generally allowed.

How does that sound to you? I feel like I'm taking away some potential for criminal actions by taking away money, the most valuable thing of all, but I also hesitate to stick to the same conventions we use everyday.
Aug 10, 2016 10:04 AM

Feb 2016
Hmm, I know you want emphasis on the species and all that, but it just seems like a boring and or overly advanced way to do it. People serving drinks for free? It just seems like a weird way to do it, like everyone has to be in harmony and want to do the exact same thing, that just makes the ideas of species worsened in my opinion, in my opinion things should be a bit more strict, not in the way that it gets harder, but that everything gets more tense and interesting.

It also just doesn't work as well in RP since fx buying a sword would be giving the materials or whatever to a smith and having it made. Then how do you get the materials if you can't buy it? Go make everything yourself? Or trade for it? Trade five logs for an iron bar or something, I guess. Just seems weird to me :P

I'm not sure if I could explain it understandably, so excuse me XD
Aug 10, 2016 10:29 AM

Jun 2015
Ye while what you say is true @destroythesauce I'm with @asimplehollow here since creating something original without SOMEHOW basing it off what we use today is very hard for the normal person.Most people tend to take the monetary system as granted and that's propably the reason why I can't create something original from scratch.Also the monetary system is way more complex than that so it would take absolutely ages to fully cover it.

Well...while writing this I got an idea.
The lore goes that all beings are made out of Lo.What if the Av created a device which could extract that Lo and turn it into solid state.This way the whole system would be based on trading.You get Lo by working,and that Lo you use for buying stuff...think of it as..You give me this amount of Lo for this finely crafted sword.
Yes,while beings were made of Lo extracting that from them would kill them right??Now from this point forward I'm talking out of my ass since I have no idea what the creator plans to do with the universe next so..
What if the Lo inside the body of a creature rapidly generated to the point where it would be impossible to extract it fully?Think of it as you give the Lo inside your body to The Av which in turn pay you with solid Lo to use as currency.Since you spent nothing here except experiencing a lot of pain sine your essence was sucked out this would be very good.Plus solid Lo didn't have to use all the essence they collect.They could just be small unbreakable cubes filled with Lo which was used for trading.This way theamount of Lo the species was recieving through extracting it was far greater than what they were using to make 1 currency.This would keep the system from collapsing and as long as Kor was around there would always be an infinite amount of Lo.This was of course assuming that when Lo is extracted it takes a liquid form.
I don't even know what to write in here.
Aug 10, 2016 9:52 PM

Feb 2010
@DestroyTheSauce It's less of an emphasis on the species, and more of an emphasis on that fact that this is not our world. It didn't develop the same way, and likely wouldn't have the same systems. Plus it isn't nearly as vast. It would technically make things simpler, but in practice more difficult for the average person. It is however, plenty efficient to build a society under the lead of a single council or person.

But as for how you would purchase a sword, you actually thought it out too much. There is a man who makes weapons, and his job is pretty much to make them and supply them to the Krak and sometimes Av. You go there and you ask for a weapon, and you give him something he wants. Maybe he wants logs for bows. Maybe he wants a drink. Maybe he wants you to do some physical labor for him. It could be like a quest! Basically he already has the sword, cause he gets shipped iron and is a weapon smith. But you are right that everyone does have to work more in harmony... but that doesn't mean they do it willingly. For ANY reason a worker might not be able to work, and the town has to deal with a problem or shortage. A bartender might refuse to serve a customer or begin charging despite the deal for drinks in exchange for property. I think the capacity for tense situations is not lower, but I totally admit it does make things harder and less simple.

@CalmCall: I did consider using Lo, but I found two problems with it. The first is that Lo is something the Av have a monopoly over. It makes beings stronger, and it would not be wise to allow all the beings the same degree of power that they have. Secondly, it would ultimately just be a substitute for money. The Lo cubes don't seem to have value on their own, thus making them like a coin or dollar bill. On the other hand, if they do have value, like being used to power magical devices or being consumed to strengthen themselves, it isn't currency anymore. It's just something you trade for and then eat/use. I've kind of come to the conclusion that, well we all know this, but money is just a placeholder for whatever you choose to buy with it. In other words, most things would just be a replacement for it. While Lo is lore friendly, it would lead to a pretty similar conclusion, just another way to make money.

I have liked a lot of your ideas. I think the tax system can be basically called a quota. Whether they met or exceeded their quota is reported to the clan head. The goods, supplies, or tools are then taken to the Av, while part of it is used to improve life in the area. Then if they don't meet their quota or are found to be holding out on excess, they are likely fined, this fine being taken out of their land or their personal goods.

As far as private businesses go, I would say they are probably very rare and disapproved of by the Av. They want their hands in everything.

Then yes, Lo is liquid initially. The Kor is actually like a little sponge ball and you literally just squeeze it and Lo comes out xD but Inca have probably found out how to make it solid and it could make for cool things.

However I don't think creatures should produce Lo, as it would ultimately make it less valuable. As it is, all things produce Li, but my current working idea is that Li is a byproduct of gravity, which all things with mass already produce. So it isn't something they produce inside, more like they radiate Li? I'm working on it >.<
Aug 10, 2016 10:17 PM

Feb 2016
@ASimpleHollow I just think it sounds tedious and odd to me. I can't see how an empire that big could be keeping together like a little town village. Realistically it would cause caos and disorder to do it like that. I can understand trading things, but it just seems like they have skipped an important social evolutionary step by just ignoring currency alltogether. Like having the Incas create all these cool magical things, but currency not even being discovered? I still think there is a better way to do it.

It's just weird because what if a crippled Krak wants to buy a sword for his best friend, but is unable to chop wood? Then he needs to trade something for wood, but he might not have anything to give except his pet. Then he has to trade his pet for the sword but the pet is worth way more so he has to buy five swords to make the trade work? Then he has to go around trading swords or something like that. Also if someone was a thief would they go into somebodys home and fill their pockets with ingots? I just think there should be some kind of supplementary way of paying people other than trading. Not saying it will be the only way to pay like in our society, but you could trade for something and throw some coins in aswell to make the trade worthwhile. Then when the person that received with the coins wants to trade for something else, but doesn't have an item worth quite enough, he can just throw in some coins to balance it out. Same if you're trading something that's worth more than what you're getting and you ask the seller for coins to make it worth it.
Aug 11, 2016 12:40 AM

Jun 2015
Tecnically since everything is made of Lo and that thing is infinite why would they need currency.I mean kor will exist for a very long time and as long as it does so will Lo.And Lo creates shit...Just a thought..
I don't even know what to write in here.
Aug 11, 2016 11:33 PM

Feb 2010
I do understand the idea... so maybe we can use Calm's idea with a little change. Ultimately food is a precious resource even though it isn't necessary for beings to survive. It is necessary for them to grow. So maybe in addition to the land the Av allow other species to use, they pay them in specialized Lo tablets. They would be consumed, and couldn't really be used for much else because the treatment they've gone through to solidify them took away their property of changing forms. But they are at least nutritious, and could easily be used for change in such a situation. As mentioned it's a little more lore friendly.

With all that said, I'm still going to argue a little against your points, cause I am me. I think it would make sense for Avia to skip social evolutionary steps. They're working too hard on making industrial/technological evolutionary steps, and their current system doesn't encourage much social thought on ways to change the current way. The only ones who really have that right and time, the Av, are probably quite happy with things the way they are. If money exists, then there is potential for the weak to horde it and become strong.

Also it is an empire I suppose, but the Av and Krak don't really need to trade. They usually ask for something and get it a little later, they don't really need to work towards it. Only the Shared Territory really needs to hold together in such a way. The Inca would probably invent their own little system of passing around, borrowing, having a ton of resources, whatever.

And as far as your example goes, I admit it is tedious, sure, but it isn't that difficult. Just trade the pet for food or something you need a decent amount of, then trade some of the food for the sword. Kind of like a currency substitute, which is where I got the idea for the Lo tablets. I'll give um a little name too.

You are correct about the infinite supply of Lo. However, the rate at which Lo can be extracted from the Kor is indeed limited. The Av consume it. The Incas manufacture and experiment with it. Krak eat some too. Basically it gets used about as soon as it comes out, and any extra is probably just added to the Great Leader's plate. But yes, that is one reason that they may not need currency, though because of our ability to grow food and wood on Earth, we have a lot of infinite resources too, yet we still need it because again, the rate at which we get it is not sufficient to support our population. That and tending plants takes labor.
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