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First Love Monster
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Jul 3, 2016 7:11 AM

Oct 2012
That was funny but really weird and even Gin cannot convince me to keep watching.
Jul 3, 2016 8:20 AM
Apr 2016

Well,I sense some irony in this anime...I'll skip to the point.Before you know it,it's gonna get all sappy,which sucks because the anime itself could've been,let's say,approachable.
The voice actor chosen for's a little bit off...I mean,I get that she's a spoilled child that lived pretty damn good...but,seriously?When I first heard her voice,I was I get why Kanade said she's creepy xD
On the other hand,it has a sensible touch...because on the first episode we find out that Kanade's mom died 2 years ago.
Despite all this wreck,I think I'll watch it further,because who knows?It might be fate that led me to this thingy right here...heheh
Jul 3, 2016 8:28 AM

Jul 2014
At first I was like "meh wtf who cares abt fifth gradersssa" but after seeing this through the end I think I'm gonna fall in love with this anime. The dick joke was pretty funny too lol.
Doctors want to check me
Poke me and dissect me
What do they expect?
Feelings from a wind-up toy?
I don't think so

Jul 3, 2016 8:33 AM

Feb 2016
Would've been great if this was a PARODY. I sensed a rather shounenish comedy like that poop-wiener and goddamnit it's so fucking weird, it's supposed to be shoujo.

Is shoujo finally taking a metamorphosis?
All people have their own sh*t tastes, therefore, there are no sh*t tastes, since everything is equally sh*t.

Jul 3, 2016 8:33 AM
Jul 2016
Honestly, when I saw this, I was excited but then, I saw the anime.. and my mind changed completely, I'm not gonna say it was "horrible" but at the end of the day, it wasn't the best and I mean, I was so so confused about how a child could be in 5th grade and have such a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep voice.
Jul 3, 2016 9:53 AM

Sep 2013
this was different
Jul 3, 2016 10:33 AM

Mar 2014
i like gyagu anime with some odd and unrealistic setting. this is what an anime should be like.
Jul 3, 2016 10:52 AM

Aug 2011
-Janet said:
If people can handle anime like Food wars where the character has an orgasm while eating something they enjoyed ( which btw is weird ) then they can handle Hatsukoi Monster.

It's because Food Wars adheres to its weird setup.
Hatsukoi Monster threw in a mix of several elements that typically aren't the norm all in one episode. Of course it took some people by surprise.

age gap
a 'shoujo' premise
bishounen (voiced by some of the most distinguished seiyuu in the industry)
you could draw the line there and call it standard but then it adds in toilet humor/parody-esque shounen gag manga elements which is not in the synopsis btw
and of course you have to throw in gender into your post too
standJul 3, 2016 12:26 PM
Jul 3, 2016 11:45 AM
May 2016
Never again will I not read the full synopsis of an anime. That was painful to sit through honestly. Also, as others pointed out, the colour changing hair was v odd. I did kinda like the character design of the one highschooler she mistook for the landlord though.
Jul 3, 2016 11:45 AM
Dec 2013
I wanted to like this anime, the character designs for the guys looked cool, but it creeps me out way too much to know they're children, what the heck kind of twist is that, couldn't it have been any other kind of thing?
Jul 3, 2016 12:01 PM

Sep 2014
- Hot guys
- Talking
Sokah said:
I know this will get dropped before too long, but I just had to say... WIENER HANDS!!!!!

More like YAOI HANDS!!!!!
Jul 3, 2016 6:21 PM

Jan 2008
I lost it when he said he was a grade schooler.

It's like an the opposite of a shota show.

Could not stop cringing the rest of the episode.
Jul 3, 2016 8:34 PM

Feb 2008
This anime is just gross, immature, not funny .. and causes extreme cringe.
I'm actually pretty surprised there are people who find it funny.

I thought it was just going to be your typical romcom where the comedy comes from the character being a 5th grader maybe due to poor grades or some crap like that but not actually dressing, playing, or acting immaturely like one. It sends shivers all over.

Totally dropped. Not going to continue it. Here I thought the bear one was pretty weird. Gao gao ... gao gao >.>
Silvy-ReactsJul 3, 2016 8:37 PM
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds.
Jul 3, 2016 9:25 PM

Sep 2011
What the fuck did I just watch? The VA choice is good, but I simply don't get the logic. Yes, there is an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes people to physically age significantly faster than normal, but having three of them in the same place is unnatural and seems to only exist for plot convenience. I'll likely drop this at 3.
Jul 3, 2016 10:25 PM
May 2016
It seems very humorous, but I really hope a high schooler doesn't end up with a 5th grader. Really enjoyed the art style and voice cast tho.
Jul 3, 2016 11:41 PM
Feb 2015
Mayuka said:
-Janet said:

I mean who cares if the characters are in elementary, people should look pass that and enjoy the anime ( just like we are ). Ah are you talking about the age gap between Haru and Ren?

You would be surprise how many females I've come across who love Food Wars Mayuka-chan. I just wanna be clear I might've not enjoyed Food Wars but that doesn't mean I hate it I just don't understand why people would say Hatsukoi's werid when half of the things that happen in Food Wars are unexplainable.

Yeah, a lot of people were bothered by the age gap (including me) since it's kinda similar to Boku no Pico

I also like Food Wars (not for the orgasm scenes). But I think more of the hate is coming from the guys in this thread, so it's understandable. Dunno why they picked it up when it's in the synopsis lol

Totally understandable but I've said this a couple of times but back when Full Moon wo Sagashite was airing the couple had a 12 year gap and nobody seem to mind it but now that there's an gap between a gay couple everyone seems to be bothered by it. I don't get why though.

I know I should've tried to look pass the orgasm scenes but somewhere in my mind told me to stop watching it, the anime doesn't seem so bad maybe one day I decide to pick it up again but for now I'll stick to my bishounen stuff. Ughh I'm not surprise all the hate is coming from the guys its pathetic because for some reason they love spreading there hate for shoujo/BL stuff.
Jul 3, 2016 11:44 PM

Jul 2012
-Janet said:
Mayuka said:

Yeah, a lot of people were bothered by the age gap (including me) since it's kinda similar to Boku no Pico

I also like Food Wars (not for the orgasm scenes). But I think more of the hate is coming from the guys in this thread, so it's understandable. Dunno why they picked it up when it's in the synopsis lol

Totally understandable but I've said this a couple of times but back when Full Moon wo Sagashite was airing the couple had a 12 year gap and nobody seem to mind it but now that there's an gap between a gay couple everyone seems to be bothered by it. I don't get why though.

I know I should've tried to look pass the orgasm scenes but somewhere in my mind told me to stop watching it, the anime doesn't seem so bad maybe one day I decide to pick it up again but for now I'll stick to my bishounen stuff. Ughh I'm not surprise all the hate is coming from the guys its pathetic because for some reason they love spreading there hate for shoujo/BL stuff.

it's because they're gay and people are more sensitive in 2016 than ever
back then, all the cute shoujo shows don't get watched by many boys but now, a lot of guys try and watch every single airing anime and end up hating something not targeted towards them ://

shokugeki has cute boys yo!!!
especially the blonde italian chef voiced by natsuki hanae, the senpai voiced by sakurai takahiro and the older chef with glasses voiced by nakamura yuuichi c':
also another guy voiced by suwabe that comes later on~~~

yeah boys will be boys LMAO

Ryuugamono said:
Would've been great if this was a PARODY.
but it is

Ryuugamono said:
Is shoujo finally taking a metamorphosis?
girls have been into dick jokes for a long time.. but it's mostly in BL manga/anime ww

Shock_Yin said:

Mayuka should give it three more episodes before trying to defend it then. Rolls eyes.
lmao i will defend it if i want

i will never hate this show unless it loses it's comedy later on

BlissfulQ said:
was so so confused about how a child could be in 5th grade and have such a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep voice.
thats the joke tho
MayukaJul 3, 2016 11:47 PM
Jul 3, 2016 11:53 PM

Jul 2015

Lol This is GOLD, I didn't expect this to be so funny, Studio Deen is really Unpredictable....

freaking enjoyable anime, but it's really weird,

Jul 4, 2016 4:21 AM

Nov 2015
What did I just witness??? She's now dating him, well that was quick. Weiner hands tho lol.

Jul 4, 2016 4:42 AM

Dec 2014
That's a creepy start, it was neither bad or good so I will continue watching it.. It is strange and That's what caught me.
I hate the GIRL, Very much. But The three friends are Very funny to Watch.
Jul 4, 2016 5:31 AM
Mar 2016
this proves age and physical appearance is all a troll in anime world. not like this is the first one though 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jul 4, 2016 6:06 AM
Treasure Hunter

Feb 2014
I went into this completely blind, assuming it would just be another generic Shoujo-Highschool-thing, probably amongst the lines of Ookami Shoujo I could drop after one, maybe two episodes.
The first half happened and even though it clearly was a rushed and stupid action, when the MC confessed her "love" - much like Anna from Frozen - I was hooked, it could have literally gone to interesting places from there. There would have been interesting possibilities about the psychological state of that guy, getting into a relationship with her this easily and acting this odd in general.
Then the guy confessed his secret... I really wanted to hear an explanation for that right away. Pedophilia is not my case at all. Even though all the signs were there, I dismissed them as just that guy joking around.
Then the second half came along and I literally fell to the ground. Hard.
Juvenile humor is not exactly the kind of gimmick I like and if it hadn't been for the nicely arranged first half, I'd have dropped it on the spot.
Hopefully the second episode won't be as painful, if it would... It'd be a damn shame.
There is nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, wearing their discomfort like a favorite shirt - Johnny C.

Jul 4, 2016 6:44 AM

Dec 2012

Jul 4, 2016 6:48 AM

May 2016
It was... um. Really interesting

I guess it took me by surprise? That's something.

Jul 4, 2016 8:06 AM

Mar 2012
This is fucking weird. I don't get it...

Jul 4, 2016 9:29 AM

Feb 2013
I have no idea how I feel about this lol.

The comedy was good, the romance is kinda stupid.....and creepy lol.

But I'm keeping an open mind on this one.....I almost feel like it's a parody of school romances....which if I think of it that way....I'm totally on board.
Jul 4, 2016 9:43 AM
Apr 2016
it's kind of weird but i am looking forward to the next episode :) let's see what they have for us
Jul 4, 2016 10:18 AM

Jul 2014
Oh my God, wtf was this.... this was... horrible.. by a landslide the worst anime this season has offered besides Berserk's weird CG, I mean seriously? the plot is just wrong.

Im having mixed feelings of continuing this because Sugita's one of the VA's, everything becomes funny af when he starts talking, but then again even he cant make me like this fcked up show so yeap, dropped.

Quite surprised some people found this funny and actually defending this, this is Boku No Pico tier creepy.
-StrayJul 4, 2016 10:22 AM
Jul 4, 2016 10:24 AM

Mar 2013
i like the beginning but then i watch all of it :X
Jul 4, 2016 12:08 PM

Mar 2016
Uhm, whaaaaat?

I don't know what I expected based on the description, but that was not it. Guess I'll keep watching for now, though I'll probably end up dropping it.

Also, how on earth is this Shoujo?!
BlondieJul 4, 2016 12:14 PM
Jul 4, 2016 12:44 PM
Mar 2012
Didn't know you could make bad reverse harems worse. It's not even funny in some kind of ironic way. It's just bad.
Jul 4, 2016 1:07 PM

Jul 2014
I started this only because I thought it was going to be a reverse harem.
alight the girl mc annoys me a lot especially the voice
Other characters are great
I'm gonna continue this purely because of the crude humor if I finish idk
Jul 4, 2016 1:33 PM
Mar 2014
this is a cougar bitch's fantasy
Jul 4, 2016 1:57 PM
Aug 2014
What the hell is even the target demographic here? While the idea is... interesting, it just feels very odd.
But the wind... is ever so softly weeping.
Jul 4, 2016 2:26 PM

Mar 2008
Sugita Tomokazu VA in a weird show? I love that guy so much. sign me in XD
Jul 4, 2016 4:20 PM

Dec 2010
I thought I was going to watch a typical shoujo anime.

First impression: "mmmh, this girl doesn't look shoujo-ish... at all ಠ_ಠ "
By the middle of the episode, I started thinking there was something really wrong with this anime.
The second I heard Sugita's voice, I finally got where it was going.

I think I laughed more than I should have. I'm now here looking for nonsense, to hell with romance.
Jul 4, 2016 5:25 PM

Sep 2015
arisu_otherworld said:
this proves age and physical appearance is all a troll in anime world. not like this is the first one though 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Age doesn't exist in anime! Ahaha it's a lie. Pretty much the reason why Renge from Non Non Biyori has a fan base and body pillows. If the character is cute, age is thrown out the window in favor of loving the crap out of them.

Most of my waifus and husbandos are high schoolers urghhh. :,,^)
Jul 4, 2016 5:26 PM

Sep 2015
Kella said:
I thought I was going to watch a typical shoujo anime.

First impression: "mmmh, this girl doesn't look shoujo-ish... at all ಠ_ಠ "
By the middle of the episode, I started thinking there was something really wrong with this anime.
The second I heard Sugita's voice, I finally got where it was going.

I think I laughed more than I should have. I'm now here looking for nonsense, to hell with romance.

I'm here for the dick jokes :^)!! The whole weiner bit got me pffft
Jul 4, 2016 5:28 PM

Sep 2015
xull said:
What did I just witness??? She's now dating him, well that was quick. Weiner hands tho lol.

GOTTA protect the weiners
Jul 4, 2016 6:37 PM

May 2014
Wow. I'm really surprised.
For whatever reason, I was expecting something along the lines of "Recently my Sister is Unusual", but this was adorable, endearing and hilarious- I laughed a shit ton...anime once again proves there ain't nothing like a good dick joke!

I'm really loving what we've seen of the characters so far- Gin and Kaz are the ones that I immediately liked. Lmao at Sugita voicing another Gin...I'm wondering if that was intentional or not XD

Might stick around for this one but I'm prolly gonna binge watch it after it's aired.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 4, 2016 7:13 PM
Feb 2015
Mayuka said:
-Janet said:

Totally understandable but I've said this a couple of times but back when Full Moon wo Sagashite was airing the couple had a 12 year gap and nobody seem to mind it but now that there's an gap between a gay couple everyone seems to be bothered by it. I don't get why though.

I know I should've tried to look pass the orgasm scenes but somewhere in my mind told me to stop watching it, the anime doesn't seem so bad maybe one day I decide to pick it up again but for now I'll stick to my bishounen stuff. Ughh I'm not surprise all the hate is coming from the guys its pathetic because for some reason they love spreading there hate for shoujo/BL stuff.

it's because they're gay and people are more sensitive in 2016 than ever
back then, all the cute shoujo shows don't get watched by many boys but now, a lot of guys try and watch every single airing anime and end up hating something not targeted towards them ://

shokugeki has cute boys yo!!!
especially the blonde italian chef voiced by natsuki hanae, the senpai voiced by sakurai takahiro and the older chef with glasses voiced by nakamura yuuichi c':
also another guy voiced by suwabe that comes later on~~~

yeah boys will be boys LMAO

Guys need to grow up and stop acting like little girls. As long as there's love between two people no matter the gender then it shouldn't get judged. Oh and I'm pretty sure if the protagonist was a 15 year old male who was crushing on a Loli every single guy on here would be fine with it right? But now that it's the opposite and its a shoujo with a female crushing on someone younger then her EVERYONE HATES IT !! People can be PATHETIC :/

Oh gosh I wasn't aware the anime was full of sexy bishies with my favorite seiyuu's voicing a couple of them dude . Maybe I should reconsider and give it another try. Gotta love them Bishies !!!
Jul 4, 2016 7:59 PM
Feb 2014
Gosh. I don't know what to think. I feel a bit creepy watching it. The humor is juvenile. I felt like this was some kid's show.
Kanade does have a promising backstory, though. So I guess that counts for something?
Jul 4, 2016 8:17 PM

Jan 2011
lot of reverse harems this year... was gonna give it a try since the main girl was cute but i never been so off put by a opening before.

at least there are people out there that will enjoy this?..
Jul 4, 2016 9:42 PM

Aug 2014
This is fucked up.

....still gonna watch it tho
end my suffering
Jul 4, 2016 10:27 PM

Feb 2008
-Janet said:
Mayuka said:

Yeah, a lot of people were bothered by the age gap (including me) since it's kinda similar to Boku no Pico

I also like Food Wars (not for the orgasm scenes). But I think more of the hate is coming from the guys in this thread, so it's understandable. Dunno why they picked it up when it's in the synopsis lol

Totally understandable but I've said this a couple of times but back when Full Moon wo Sagashite was airing the couple had a 12 year gap and nobody seem to mind it but now that there's an gap between a gay couple everyone seems to be bothered by it. I don't get why though.

I know I should've tried to look pass the orgasm scenes but somewhere in my mind told me to stop watching it, the anime doesn't seem so bad maybe one day I decide to pick it up again but for now I'll stick to my bishounen stuff. Ughh I'm not surprise all the hate is coming from the guys its pathetic because for some reason they love spreading there hate for shoujo/BL stuff.

I think you are wrong. I didn't even know there was a gay couple in this show because I probably stopped it before I even got to that point. I actually like anime with gay couples. So that is not the reason I dropped it.

Believe it or not, it also isn't the age difference either. It's the way the characters are behaving and the way they presented everything. It's simply not funny to me. The show would have been perfectly fine if it just continued like the first half and the character while where 5th graders, still acted as they did from the start.

Edit: In short, the comedy is just not good to me. It's cringy, not funny.
Silvy-ReactsJul 4, 2016 10:41 PM
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds.
Jul 4, 2016 11:40 PM
Feb 2015
brabbit1987 said:
-Janet said:

Totally understandable but I've said this a couple of times but back when Full Moon wo Sagashite was airing the couple had a 12 year gap and nobody seem to mind it but now that there's an gap between a gay couple everyone seems to be bothered by it. I don't get why though.

I know I should've tried to look pass the orgasm scenes but somewhere in my mind told me to stop watching it, the anime doesn't seem so bad maybe one day I decide to pick it up again but for now I'll stick to my bishounen stuff. Ughh I'm not surprise all the hate is coming from the guys its pathetic because for some reason they love spreading there hate for shoujo/BL stuff.

I think you are wrong. I didn't even know there was a gay couple in this show because I probably stopped it before I even got to that point. I actually like anime with gay couples. So that is not the reason I dropped it.

Believe it or not, it also isn't the age difference either. It's the way the characters are behaving and the way they presented everything. It's simply not funny to me. The show would have been perfectly fine if it just continued like the first half and the character while where 5th graders, still acted as they did from the start.

Edit: In short, the comedy is just not good to me. It's cringy, not funny.

Oh we're talking about Ren and Haru from Super Lovers I'm not sure if you've seen it but it's a BL ( gay anime to be precise ) anways there's an age gap between those two which bothers a lot of watchers. I'm not sure why because if there's real love between two people the age difference shouldn't matter in my opinion.

Totally understandable the comedy in this anime is a bit weird but I honestly enjoyed every bit of it but what I find funny many others won't and that's fine like I said before it has its weird moments but I can look pass that and enjoy it.
Jul 5, 2016 12:49 AM

Apr 2016
Sakurashoujo said:
Stark700 said:
That was odd. I kinda like it but also felt weird after watching it even as a shoujo. The main girl is very shy while we get the introduction of the main characters although not all of them really impresses me in particular the male cast.

Kanade on the other hand reminds me of Sata from Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji for some reason. Otherwise, average episode imo. It had some potential though.

You know, seeing Kaho and Takahashi together remind me of Ririchi(Ririchiyo) and Soushi-kun from Inu x Boku SS.

This is all I could think about to be honest! :3

However episode 1 was cute and funny and at the same time weird idek, but liked it.
Jul 5, 2016 1:54 AM

Feb 2008
-Janet said:
brabbit1987 said:

I think you are wrong. I didn't even know there was a gay couple in this show because I probably stopped it before I even got to that point. I actually like anime with gay couples. So that is not the reason I dropped it.

Believe it or not, it also isn't the age difference either. It's the way the characters are behaving and the way they presented everything. It's simply not funny to me. The show would have been perfectly fine if it just continued like the first half and the character while where 5th graders, still acted as they did from the start.

Edit: In short, the comedy is just not good to me. It's cringy, not funny.

Oh we're talking about Ren and Haru from Super Lovers I'm not sure if you've seen it but it's a BL ( gay anime to be precise ) anways there's an age gap between those two which bothers a lot of watchers. I'm not sure why because if there's real love between two people the age difference shouldn't matter in my opinion.

Totally understandable the comedy in this anime is a bit weird but I honestly enjoyed every bit of it but what I find funny many others won't and that's fine like I said before it has its weird moments but I can look pass that and enjoy it.

Oh super lovers, hmm I watched a bit of that. Was pretty interesting but not really my cup of tea. Love Stage!! is probably the best example I can give for the kind I like.

As for age mattering, it sort of does. There is a good reason it's illegal. You need consent, and getting consent from a child isn't really valid. However, on an anime, I don't mind simply because it isn't real. That is what fiction is for :3 ... I love me some loli characters XD, even more so if they just look young but are older.
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds.
Jul 5, 2016 2:01 AM

Sep 2013
Considering making Hatsukoi Monster my new anime bashing of the season like I did with Mayoiga last season.

Not sure if I'm gonna keep watching this. The 1st episode gave me diarrhea. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get Ebola next by episode.....2

What the fuck did I just watched?
TehSnawnJul 5, 2016 9:45 AM

Jul 5, 2016 3:02 AM

Jun 2013
OMG. This is sooooo fucking creepy. It's like a reverse lolicon... shotacon! Just because the MC is a woman, it doesn't excuse her. She's under 18 (yes, I know this is Japan and their laws are different) so she's also "technically" underaged herself, right? Can she still go to juvie for seducing a child? He doesn't look like it but he's a child. He's in fucking elementary school! D: How old is that in Japan? He's like 9 or 10 years old, right? I know kids develop and mature really fast nowadays but THAT is ridiculous. What kind of milk and snacks is that motherfucker drinking and eating to get that big? Why didn't I have those snacks when I was younger? Okay, I'm just ranting now.

Tomokazu Sugita as Gin is killing me! XD He's a fifth grader and he sounds like Gin-san from Gintama. I love it way too much when he says "chinko/po" or any "dirty" word for that matter. It reminds me a lot of Gintama.

Wiener GO AWAY! XD
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