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Apr 27, 2016 10:28 PM

Jun 2015
Kei!!! you didn't deserve that!!
I was literally crying at the end those tears were contagious
May 18, 2016 7:49 AM

Apr 2013
I liked the concept behind it, the whole other viewer's perspective can be tricky, often things get interpreted different from what people intend them to, creating confusion and in this case, something extreme happens as a result.

That being said, I haven't really enjoyed these stories so far.
Jun 2, 2016 2:53 PM

Aug 2014
This series of episodes is really good.
Not a single bad episode.
I liked Winter more the Summer, simply because it was darker and it had much better scenes.
Good arc, 7.2/10
Jun 20, 2016 7:19 PM

Jul 2014
I guess this ark was... good. In terms of direction, it was stellar, as the different color/season changes indicated a different perspective and emotional state on K's part quite well. Sensei's was in summer as he considered his life to be under control, and looking good for the most part, whereas K's is winter, as he feels trapped, isolated, and in need of self-improvement. Ojousan's clothes being a different color could attest to the two men's dichotomous perception of her, which was quite neat.

I believe that both arcs were designed to achieve different things. Sensei's perspective was mostly purposed to show the inverse relationship of morals/pride, and the implications of it being skewed to the extreme. K's, on the other hand, shows the consequences of isolation (similar to Sakura no Mori in this regard), and one's yearning for warmth and understanding as a result of such extensive isolation. It's well done, absolutely, but comparatively speaking this dulls in the face to the former two arcs. For some reason I feel as if here, I'm not watching a complete story. Despite the beautiful execution of what the creative staff was given here, oddly enough it's still lacking in substance (THERE'S MORE TO THIS STORY, AND I KNOW IT), something the previous two stories were laden with.

As for which perspective is more accurate, I like to believe it doesn't matter, at least in light of the whole purpose of showing the opposing perspectives of this love triangle. In situations like these, one always sees the worst out of their rival. This is seen as in Sensei's POV, K was for the most part portrayed as some disheveled giant, whereas in this episode, Sensei usually dons glasses whose glare covers his eyes, imparting a rather menacing attitude, befitting of some cheesy antagonist from a mid 2000s anime.


I could be way off to what I'm "supposed" to be seeing, as I do admit I'm not too sure on what to think, but I enjoyed these two episodes nonetheless. Looking forward to the rest.
Why do people have such bad taste? Anime isn't subjective anymore.
Jun 23, 2016 12:19 PM
Puddi Queen

Oct 2009
KittyDaFuhrer said:

Oh Lord, I can't even stop laughing! I thought the exact same thing and it totally ruined the moment for me, because something so tragic was suddenly interrupted by something so unrealistic, AGH! I hate such elements so much, guh..

Other than that, I was really happy to watch K's version of the story, because it gave so much more insight to his personality and insecurities. At first I didn't like him and thought Sensei was just an unlucky guy, but that totally did a 180 when watching K's episode. Man, life is so tragic. I thought this arc was definitely worth watching albeit unsuspected and perhaps not entirely befitting of the genre 'horror'? I mean, there was blood, yes. Lots of it... :') oh well.
Sep 30, 2016 5:45 PM

Aug 2016
i understood everything except for that like gold puch that he was holding in the last few secs of the episode 8... what was that? i know the girl put it there but i honestly dont remember what it was or why it was connected to the picture of the sunflowers.
Apr 17, 2017 8:31 PM

Jul 2009
I feel like I just don't really get this arc. The contrast between winter and summer was really interesting, especially with the colour scheme. Like WOW this episode was really muted! It was interesting to see their different interpretations of the same events, I mean obviously they both see the other guy was the "villain". Felt bad for K that he got left alone at the station, but I was a little confused at the ending when he stepped on that water pouch ... wasn't that in his room? I thought he was running to kill Sensei o_O Anyway, there was definitely way too much blood for that small of a blade lol. So yeah I think I kind of get what they were going for here, especially how all the colours came rushing back after K died and we got to see Sensei again, but ... I think I'm just missing something tbh :P
Aug 23, 2017 5:17 AM

May 2016
Damn poor K was played with by a bitch like that.
flaxman85 said:

tl;dr - women are evil

I couldn't say it better
Feb 8, 2018 7:09 PM

Jul 2017
for me this is the best ep yet from this series
May 14, 2018 7:22 PM

Aug 2017
OK. The last episode was from Sensei's side and this from Kei's side. The first was creppy and this is tragic.

In the first episode, Kei was perceived as a mean man that wants to steal Sensei's women. In this episode, the woman seduce Kei and Sensei is perceived as a mean friend. Anyway, in both stories, the mother is evil. Another difference is that here is Winter and at the last one was Summer.

Overall, it was a interesting arc. 8/10
NurguburuMay 14, 2018 7:29 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
May 20, 2018 2:17 PM

Sep 2011
Now this one was good! A love triangle presented with two points of view.

Some of the events were different from one to another, so I don't really know what was the truth, maybe by reading the book it would be clear, but it was so well done.

We got the two main characters, one is a rich fellow that found peace and happiness by living with a lady and her daughter, which he loves, and the other, his not so fortunate friend, is a poor man training his spirit with nothing much to show for it.

K, the poor one, was really intimidating on Sensei's point of view, I was even scared by him. He was portrayed as someone that was forcing his affection on Ojou-san and it gave the idea that his friend made a mistake by bringing him home.

Then we get to see K's point of view, this time Sensei was clearly the intimidating one. K's a really nice person, but he's insecure, anxious and despite all of his training, lost. I really sympathized way more with him, Ojou-san was the one that fell in love first, or maybe she was just using him to break away from that life, unfortunately we don't get to see her point of view, but it was her initiative for sure. The poor guy fell in love too, she was warmth itself to him, but he was so insecure that he wasn't fully able to believe her feelings.

When they decided to elopy and she didn't show up I guess he believed all those dark thoughts, that he was just being made fun of by them, that she wasn't serious. So he decided to kill his friend in a desperate outburst, but it was then, and only then that he realized that Ojou-san really cared about him, after all she prepared the brazier for him like always, it was warm like herself. If she didn't appear at the station it was certainly because her mother realized her intentions and prevented it. Feeling thankful, but hopeless, he decides to end his suffering. At least winter was warm for him this year.

This one was really tragic and good, I can't wait for the next, looks like we're back to Dazai.
Oct 29, 2018 7:44 AM

Feb 2018
Really didn't like this episode, it felt unnecessary and forced, the last episode ended perfectly, this only ruined the mood, with it being the same story but with a lot of different details, it felt completely different in a incoherent way.

2/5 for this one, ep 7 was amazing though.
Feb 24, 2019 7:58 AM

Nov 2017
It was good but I still thing that "No longer human" is the best one yet

Mar 20, 2019 4:09 PM

Apr 2018
Wow so sad, maybe my favorite story from this anime, poor K
May 1, 2019 2:07 PM

Sep 2013
Beautiful episode,the first one was kinda meh but seeing that fragile K was so interesting and sad,especially that ending,they really played with his emotions :'(
Deep dark fantasies
Jun 23, 2019 5:49 PM
Jul 2018
I really loved episodes seven and eight. Seven made me think K was creepy and delusional right up until he killed himself. That scene, by the way made me yell "oh!" out loud, a rarity for me. Then before starting episode eight I spent some time wondering if I was wrong and felt really guilty. There were some noticeable large differences in each story that make me believe that neither is the full truth or the watcher is supposed to make up their own mind about who to believe. After seeing eight I believe k's experiences to be more truthful. Tragic and beautiful.
Also I have not read the original story from which this is based on, though I plan to.
Aug 11, 2019 7:34 AM

May 2016
K just wanted to live the monk life so he can get used to having nothing like he always did but Ojou kept on leading him on by giving him everything he never had and copped out at the very end. Her actions were so contradictory that he wasn't able to read her intentions at all especially when it was shown how naive he really is when it comes to the ladies so I felt very sorry for him compared to how I saw him at the previous episode. I can only describe this as a case of Oremonogatari gone wrong, oof.

Nov 8, 2019 2:38 AM
Jul 2018
I love how these episodes show that truth is never one, but every incident and the memory of specifics, details, the perspectives vary from person to person. And every incident involves the role of people who are never seen in the plain view.

I felt so bad for K..
Feb 3, 2020 7:13 AM

Jul 2015
Seeing this from K's perspective with his thoughts makes his suicide a lot more sad and understandable, being betrayed by his friend and all and not killing him but killing himself instead

I like the small differences of what happened, such as from sensei's perspective K was kind of coldhearted while from K's perspective he had many worries while sensei started to act coldhearted

Oct 16, 2020 7:17 PM

Jul 2020
It’s nice to see K’s perspective on the story. It gives more depth on the reason he commit suicide.

So basically I think Ojou-san toyed both K and Sensei. She just wants to escape her house and anyone between K and Sensei will do. The last part on the previous episode where Sensei said that he lost to K I think what he means is that K realized first Ojou-san’s original intention.
Dec 15, 2020 3:48 AM
Apr 2020
I don't know what to say, but for sure is Ojousan really happy now?
Dec 27, 2020 6:13 AM
Aug 2018
Soraaaxii said:
It’s nice to see K’s perspective on the story. It gives more depth on the reason he commit suicide.

So basically I think Ojou-san toyed both K and Sensei. She just wants to escape her house and anyone between K and Sensei will do. The last part on the previous episode where Sensei said that he lost to K I think what he means is that K realized first Ojou-san’s original intention.
Soraaaxii said:
It’s nice to see K’s perspective on the story. It gives more depth on the reason he commit suicide.

So basically I think Ojou-san toyed both K and Sensei. She just wants to escape her house and anyone between K and Sensei will do. The last part on the previous episode where Sensei said that he lost to K I think what he means is that K realized first Ojou-san’s original intention.
ah damn dude now i understand what he meant by he lost to k
Jan 9, 2021 3:12 PM
Sep 2015
What the fuck did they do with Kokoro?
I'm currently reading the book and while I didn't expect a perfect adaptation, I expected more than this. The main character of the book was never introduced. The anime just showed Sensei's backstory and did it in such a dumb way. I really can't comprehend how other viewers understood these two episodes - do you guys trust K or Sensei? Their versions of the story were different & also super similar so who did people who didn't read Kokoro decide who was telling the truth?

I agree with the users that said the animation wasn't good. My disappointment is huge.
Mar 19, 2021 5:12 AM

Jul 2013
I haven't read the book, but I really liked this arc, especially the way music and the seasons are used to show the contrast between emotion (K) and logic (Sensei).

The different points of view remind me of Akira Kurosawa's "Rashomon". I wouldn't mind a third episode from Ojousan's point of view. It sounds ambitious, but it could potentially offer a better balance to the story.
Mar 24, 2021 12:56 AM
Aug 2020
I can't believe people are saying that Ojosan is the evil one in this story, when clearly it's the Sensei.
Apr 17, 2021 9:49 AM
Aug 2020
I honestly didn't care for the first part as it wasn't interesting to me at all, but this one was so much better. I very much prefer Kei's perspective over that other guy's (I already forgot his name).
May 26, 2021 12:59 PM
Oct 2020
But why didn't Ojou San come to the station if she loved Kei ? Or was she toying with him to get her relationship with Sensei to move forward? Loved the couple of episodes. If there was one with Ojou san's POV it'd have been perfect 😅😂
Jun 1, 2021 8:07 PM

Feb 2020
-Nanashi- said:
flaxman85 said:

I don't think she's in love with anyone and was playing K for a fool (out of pity but in a good way)

I don't know about Jap tradition back in those days, but I assume she has no choice but to agree to her mother on whom she will marry (Sensei in this case).

She finds Sensei and her lifestyle too boring and decided to have some fun with K.

I could go into more detail, but you get the idea.

tl;dr - women are evil


This. The story pretty much narrates the famous quote, "all women are whores" in two, 20 minute long episodes. It also illustrates how men turn against each other and do stupid things for a woman. My favorite arc in this series so far, very well done.

And all men are pigs, right?
Jun 5, 2021 10:29 AM
Jan 2011
ponpokorin said:
-Nanashi- said:

This. The story pretty much narrates the famous quote, "all women are whores" in two, 20 minute long episodes. It also illustrates how men turn against each other and do stupid things for a woman. My favorite arc in this series so far, very well done.

And all men are pigs, right?

I don't remember anymore, last time I watched this episode and this series in general was when the post you quoted was posted, which was 8 years ago (Wow, has it really been this much? Time sure does fly).
Oct 4, 2021 3:00 PM

Sep 2016
lucjan said:
This was amazing. The story here completely diverted from the story in the book though. Let me make this clear, this is not in any way how Kokoro went. They made Sensei way more cynical than he was, and gave K way more emotion than he originally had too. K also didn't kill himself because of Ojosan (Miss in the anime), but because he couldn't live up to his standards. K's last words in the book, in his suicide note, were "Why didn't I do this sooner". This thus implies that Ojosan was but a small step in the direction K had been always following. But nonetheless, even if it isn't canon, this was breathtaking. The anime gave so much emotion to Kokoro!

LOVED this double perspective thing and the tragic little story. Your post made me REALLY want to read the book, like, right now!! I liked what they did in the anime, but if the book is more in depth, than I want that.
Nov 3, 2021 6:40 AM

Jan 2020
If only they showed Ojousan's perspective which I bet she's toying with both Sensei and K.....
Nov 3, 2021 6:42 AM

Jan 2020
This pretty much sums up what's in K's mind
Jan 21, 2022 4:01 AM

Jan 2021
This episode left me with a few questions

Why did the time of the year change between the stories, why did the suicide notes change

It makes sense that this story is not cannon because K seems totally out of character, in the first episode he is just so much different, transformation of his character is almost unbelievable

Maybe because it is an anime, but 2nd ep seems to be going far more to the extremes than the first one, far more sensationalistic too

Jan 30, 2022 9:28 AM

Dec 2010
Cammell123 said:
This episode left me with a few questions

Why did the time of the year change between the stories, why did the suicide notes change

It makes sense that this story is not cannon because K seems totally out of character, in the first episode he is just so much different, transformation of his character is almost unbelievable

Maybe because it is an anime, but 2nd ep seems to be going far more to the extremes than the first one, far more sensationalistic too

I could not agree more it felt so detached from the first thank goodness is not canon cause it was horrible whoever wrote the second half should be ashamed it was good just as it was and here you came to f-up a story that did not belong to you.
Feb 13, 2022 11:54 PM

Feb 2021
eh sorta enjoyed it. I wish they would explain their psychology more
Jun 8, 2022 3:44 AM

Jan 2021
Really liked the POV of K.
I guess, he was far more expressive than I thought.
Really liked dynamic of seasons.
Jun 25, 2022 1:52 PM
Jan 2022
My interpretation:

Miss was just being genuine with K cause of the arranged marriage agenda with some unknown guy popped up. But she gave up things after finding out that the guy she's supposed to marry is the sensei?. Tho I still find it weird that K killed himself over that...
Anyway, I didn't enjoy this story much.
Nov 5, 2022 8:01 PM

Jul 2020
The presentation of everything in this arc was pretty amazing. I rlly felt the emotions of Kei.
Feb 14, 2023 7:33 AM

Oct 2020
Rewatching it and remember how confused I'm with this part, are ojou like k or not ? And sensei deserve better 

Well after througly search the summary of the novel natsume souseki kokoro [font="\"Helvetica neue\", Helvetica, \"lucida grande\", tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif"]i get the answer that shizu aka ojou love sensei very much as her husband[/font]
Destroyer31Feb 14, 2023 10:18 PM
Mar 22, 2023 2:19 PM

Jan 2011
i dont like these type of stories since its impossible to know whos telling the truth an most likelly both stories are wrong an exagerated
Aug 13, 2023 5:49 AM
Aug 2023
just like... wow.
Sep 10, 2023 8:18 AM

Oct 2018
Complete change of perspectives, the changing of season based on the character was something I would never expect, and the directing goes even harder on this episode.
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