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Apr 22, 2016 2:30 PM

May 2014
the first house on the left side of the road, can hold up to 4 people
RazorDestinyApr 22, 2016 2:43 PM
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May 1, 2016 7:47 PM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

She arrived in the house and looked around vigilantly, preparing for anything that would come. She had 4 vials of human blood with her for emergencies, in case the enemies weren't humanoid enough to trigger her regeneration.

She reached out her hand and slowly but surely a sword leaked out of it. She held it in a defensive stance and proceeded with caution.
May 1, 2016 9:01 PM

Mar 2015

Jackson arrived shortly after Akane, advancing into the house, rifle raised and ready after her. Once he reached the darkened interior, he pulled down his thermal laced NV eyepiece and proceed faster then Akane, passing her and moving down a hallway. Once he reached the first door in the hallway, he let his rifle drop onto it's sling, and drew his combat knife and pistol, and gripped the doorknob, opening the door and advancing into the room behind it.
May 2, 2016 4:02 AM

May 2014
The house had a dark feeling to it, yet there was total silence, in the hallways as well as the rooms, a silence that would drive most people out.

Jackson's Room:
After he had gone into the room, the door shut close behind him, leaving him, not total darkness. A soft breeze could be felt as he stood on a grass hill, a view over a castle in distance, an ocean behind it, the moonlight reflected in it. A hooded man was sitting just a bit away from Jackson, something laying in the grass next to him, but it was hard to tell what, even from up close, as if it's view was...blocked by something. "Nice view from here right?" The man spoke, the voice old and cracking

Shimura's room:
After she had gone into a room, the door shut behind her, leaving her in darkness for a small moment, until a grey light covered the room. She was standing on a white platform, her shadow behind her. "My my, a new challenger.... but don't worry, I'm not going to fight you, where's the fun in that? No, not me....but she is~" After the mysterious last words, Shimura's shadow deattached from her, going underneath her, then on to a bit in front of her. It stopped there for a moment, then deattached from the floor, gaining some color, giving a dark close of Shimura herself
May 2, 2016 6:15 AM

Mar 2015

Jackson gazed around in amazement at having been transported. The place he was now in was definitely one that hadn't been touched by the ravaging hunger of war. It looked like paradise to him... Jackson looked over to the hooded man when he spoke, shaking his head as if to clear it, then gazing at the guy.

"Yeah, pretty damn good one.... where are we? This a dream or something?"
May 2, 2016 6:59 AM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

She saw her shadow creep up from under her standing in front of her, and she didn't flinch. She had seen the devil himself and thensome, she wasn't going to be scared of something like this.

She twirled her sword around with her ribbon before grasping it with both hands. "A dark clone. Perfect. I've been thinking of casting my darkness apart. Killing a literal dark version of myself would be the perfect stress reliever." she said before swiftly stabbing the shadow's heart with her sword in a thrusting motion, saying "I don't suppose you bleed too, do you?"
May 4, 2016 8:34 AM

May 2014
Jackson's Room:
The man looked out over the view, before slowly turning his hooded head to Jackson "Maybe the question you should be asking isn't 'where are we?' but rather 'Where are we going?" The man spoke "Mankind always has interesting questions. Who are we? Are we alone? Yet no one stops to think about the fact that that doesnt matter. In the end, everyone goes to the same place" The man stood up slowly, having grabbed the stick from next to him, having kept one side on the ground and turned to Jackson completely "Would you know where to?" He asked

Akane's Room:
The close had kept standing in front of Akane, yet mirrored her as she twirled the sword around her ribbon, grasping it with both hands, before speaking at the same time "A dark close. Perfect. I've been thinking of casting my darkness apart. Killing a literal dark version of myself would be the perfect stress relieve" Then struck in a same fashion as Akane "I don't suppose you bleed too, do you?" She got in reply. Neither of the two would be mortally wounded, but the pain and the cut would be real on both ends
May 4, 2016 9:25 AM

Mar 2015

Jackson listened to the man's reply, or at least the one whom he assumed was a man. Not ask where he was? But rather ask where he was going? He supposed that made since. No longer feeling on edge with the deep conversation, Jackson holstered his pistol. Everyone goes to the same place? Well, he supposed that was true. Jackson had stopped believing in God just as soon as the war started. He'd had a family before the draft, when he left, they were all killed in a strike on the city the were living in. His entire family, snuffed out in a moment.

"Where too? Well, I never was the deep type, but if I had to say, i'd guess that were all moving forward, straight into the abyss of nonexistence."

Jackson looked around once again.

"This place.... it's so peaceful..... seriously though... where are we?"
May 4, 2016 10:03 PM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

Her eyebrow twitched as she realised the shadow was copying her. She retreated back, bleeding out from the cut her clone made on her. "This is going to be annoying..." she said before walking to the corner and sitting down for a bit, thinking about what she could do. Her wound healed a bit after absorbing the shadow's blood, strangely. "What can I do..." she thought. She definitely didn't want to fight too much, it would be bad if "she" comes out in this kind of fight which needs strategy. At the same time she can't just sit there.

In the end, she had an idea.

"Let's see if you copy this..." she said before stabbing herself in the waist, coughing out blood and hoping to see if she would do the same thing.
May 6, 2016 5:23 AM

May 2014
Jackson's room:
The man looked at Jackson, then looked over the view as well, nodding a bit "Straight into nonexistence hmmm..." The man spoke, copying his words, before hearing Jackson say it was so peaceful here, the man turning his eyes at Jackson again "It really is, and do you know why?" He asked, having a slight pause before he started to formulate the answer on his own while looking back over the castle "There are no more people here. The world becomes loving and peaceful where mankind has left"

Shimura's room:
The clone perfectly shadowed every single one of Akane's moves and words, having the same blood dripping down and going to a corner, the darkness making it hard to tell what happened to the shadows wound. The shadow did copy her final move as well however, stabbing her own waist and coughing up blood, an amused chuckle coming from the same voice as before, some clapping with it "Oh my, you really are amusing! but.....would you be able to fight yourself? She suddenly asked, a slight flash of white happening, and if Akane were to look again, she would see the normal full color her standing in the other corner, while her own vision had gone to the dark clone, also allowing her to see the clone had not regenerated like she did. Next to that, countless of bloodlust voices were in her head, screaming for blood and murder
May 6, 2016 5:57 AM

Mar 2015

Jackson shook his head.

"Yeah... I know, we suck, the human race is a curse, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I came to accept that the day the nukes dropped. We wiped each other off the face of the planet all over a barren waste land holding nothing but oil as a resource... all for nothing."

Unslinging his rifle, Jackson sat in the grass.

"Though what you say isn't entirely true. I knew people who would rather live in a place like this, tingling full of life, and doing nothing but living of the land and it's plants. Not all humans are bad, there are just a few who have poisoned the bunch."
May 6, 2016 11:07 PM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

She had instantly realized that she had switched positions with her opponent. She had also heard voices of bloodlust in her head and, while these were more vivid and much more loud, she was used to this kind of stuff, it's not like the demon in her sword kept quiet all the time, and "she" was always at the back of her mind. Noticing that she didn't regenerate though, she realized that this was a nice way to use her sword without worrying of turning into "her". She had only needed to suppress this bloodlust. As long as she had her mind fully though, this wasn't a problem.

She then cracked her neck and said "This is going to be enjoyable." before jumping towards her body to stab her in the heart.
May 7, 2016 1:12 PM

May 2014
Jackson's Room:
The man looked at Jackson for a moment, seeing how he sat down after having taken off his rival, before hearing how what he said wasnt entirely true "Oooh? The man asked, hearing to Jacksons reasoning, then chuckled a bit, the chuckle having something....more eerie in it "Yet they live here in ways not as they would normally happen. These structures arent natural. This used to be a beautiful area, which got destroyed to make that. That's why all humans should go" The man said, turning the stick in his hand, the other side displaying the clear blade of a scythe, dark aura coming off of the man "You'll be joining the others now" The man said, slicing his scythe at Jackson

Shimura's room:
Akane's own body stood in front of her for a moment, copying her cracking her neck, yet when Akane lunged forward, The clone didnt copy and dodged Akane's attack suddenly instead, lunching her own sword at Akane, trying to get the blood to heal herself as well "Are you sure you want to kill me? After all, this is your own body" She smirked
May 7, 2016 6:25 PM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

She let her clone stab her, and as the sword was in her shoulder, she grabbed the sword so her opponent couldn't move. She then smiled at the clone and saw her eye to eye. "That would be perfect actually." before using her sword to stab her chest.

She had always wanted to kill the monster which was herself, but she couldn't do it as her own blood would heal her and "she" would come out if she had consumed too much blood, but now... there's nothing stopping her.
May 7, 2016 10:44 PM

Mar 2015

Jackson sighed, the guy just didn't get it, did he? There was no surprise when Jackson heard the guy say "you'll be joining the others now." as Jackson could guess what the guy was about to do. When the man swung the scythe blade, it was met by Jackson's K-bar, which deflected the scythe away, and Jackson drew his pistol, pointing it at the man.

"Who are you? Death?"
May 11, 2016 12:48 AM

Mar 2015
Shimura's room:

Akane's sword pierced the clone's left lung, making blood gush out of it's grinning mouth, creating quite a gruesome picture. Remaining at point-blank range with Akane, with both of their swords penetrating each other, clone's eyes started to turn red as she stared into Akane's eyes. She cracked up and laughed slowly: "Ha-ha-ha-ha!", releasing it's sword to remain in Akane's shoulder while grabbing the sword in her chest with both hands and rushing backwards, making Akane lose grip on it. Now they exchanged swords, but since they were both the same, it wouldn't matter which sword they weilded. Clone ripped the sword out of her body, making blood flow out of the healing wound. Having the same nature as Akane, due to consuming a lot of blood in the fight, the clone was now much stronger and faster, but it's actions now were more simplistic, only fueled by rage and bloodlust: "I ache for the taste of BLOOD!" - she yelled, launching herself at Akane with immense speed and strength.

Jackson's Room:

"All yours." - said the man with a grin on his face that slowly turned skeletal, removing flesh and revealing clean bones while his clothes turned into a black robe. The robed skeleton seemed to be floating above ground a little bit now as it's robe waved on the breeze, which now felt much colder, almost freezing. Having it's scythe prepared, Death flown half a meter above ground at high speed, going around Jackson to slice at him with the scythe from behind.
May 11, 2016 5:48 AM

Mar 2015

Jackson gritted his teeth and rolled forward as the man who had been identified as death attacked. He then turned swiftly, brought his pistol up, and fired at the skeleton's skull, once, twice, three times, then swept his k-bar up to meet the scythe that was swung at him. Due to the inevitably longer reach of the weapon, it was slower to swing a scythe, but it was countered by the fact that Jackson's stainless steel knife was short, and easier to move. The scythe that most thought of simply wasn't meant to do battle with.

"Your like some B-Rated horror flick villain, you know that?"
May 13, 2016 12:34 AM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

Akane was thrown off from her clone and took a few strides back, holding her shoulder, which was badly wounded but did not necessarily incapacitating her whole arm. She took a few breaths to calm herself and not let the whispers beckoning in her mind to get to her. Compared to the devil inside her before, this was not much. Speaking of which, she noticed that the bloodlust had slowly affected the clone already. "Feels good doesn't it? Of course it does, you have no humanity to begin with after all." she said as she readied herself for an attack when she saw the clone launching herself to her. Quickly, she took the sword which was on her shoulder, quickly realizing that although the powers which let her regenerate and feel bloodlust were removed, the swords were the same. Realising this, she smirked and positioned herself defensively.

As the clone got close, the sword she was holding which were switched, suddenly disappeared, making the clone fall right on top of her without much of a threat besides a physical one, and at that moment, she let the dissipated sword out of her stomach, impaling the clone before using the clone's own sword to stab through its neck, letting the bloodlusted voices inside her head have their way a little.

"Now, we die." she said looking down on the clown with a frightening glare.
May 13, 2016 12:02 PM

Mar 2015
Jackson's Room:

Jackson was able to hit the skeletor's skull with first and second shots, but the opponent managed to dodge the third one by swiftly moving aside. The hits shot didn't seem to cause any visible damage to it though, not a single crack in the bone could be seen, only a creepy skeletal smile. Trying to block a scythe with the combat knife wasn't the smartest move either, as the inertia of the swung scythe and immense strength of the attacker were too much for a mere soldier to handle and Jackson couldn't hold on to the knife as it flew five meters aside and the scythe made contact with the soldier's chest, cutting through kevlar and flesh, creating a long but not deep wound spanning across his chest. It didn't go deeper and fracture ribs or go for the heart because block attempt shifted trajectory of the scythe and kevlar armor made it harder to cut through. Only now Jackson could notice a slight light-blue glow coming from beneath the robes of the skeletor in the middle of the chest area.

Shimura's room:

Shimura's plan worked and clone didn't dodge the attack as it was too consumed by bloodlust to foresee it and the sword went clean through it's throat, making blood gush out of clone's mouth. As it caughed up some blood at Akane's face, it still had some strength to look at her with a pleased grin, but it couldn't say anything now. Instead, clone went closer, digging the sword deeper in it's neck until it and Akane were face-to-face. It licked the blood from Akane's cheek and with a weak laugh it collapsed on the floor in a puddle of blood and disappeared. The fight was over.

But, suddenly, Akane would hear a voice coming from behind: "My-my, you actually did it! Didn't think you had it in you..." Akane would feel paralyzed, unable to move a limb while female hands went up her waist, making the wounds and blood disappear from her body, revitalizing her physical state almost instantaneously, as well relieving pain as calming her down, making the voices silent. The female voice behind Akane laughed and the dark environment changed to a dim room with a bed, table, bookshelves and all that bedroom stuff necessary for a normal life. It was all quite dusty though and lights didn't seem to work. If Akane would turn around, she wouldn't find anybody, she was all alone in this room. If she would open the door, it would lead into the hallway she came from.
May 13, 2016 7:29 PM

Apr 2013
Shimura Akane

The clone disappeared, Akane had won. exhausted, she heard a strange voice taunting her, but then she realized that the situation had begun to normalize, and it became a rather lackluster looking bedroom. She had noticed that she was fully healed and that the bothersome voices had gone, instead replaced again by the whispers of her sword, in which she groaned a little. "Well, that was a bit disappointing." It seems she had succeeded in taking the room, but not in killing the darkness in herself. She began dissipating her sword and cracked her neck a bit before leaving the room.
May 15, 2016 9:02 AM

Mar 2015

Jackson gritted his teeth as the weapon made contact with his flesh, causing him to stumble backwards. His knife was gone, and with only his pistol remaining.... Jackson holstered his pistol and grabbed his rifle, simultaneously bringing the weapon up and switching the weapon to fully automatic, before unloading it at the skeleton's chest.

"All right then motherfucker, you asked for it."

After letting the rounds out, Jackson dropped the rifle again so it was only held by the strap, drew his pistol, and ran forward, firing three times at the skeleton's chest, and waiting for an attack by the scythe, prepared to roll to away from it and then get up and continue running.
May 16, 2016 6:05 AM

Mar 2015
Jackson's Room:

When Skeletor faced Jackson again after his first attack, only thing he could see was a barrage of bullets flying towards his chest and his skeletal smile turned into something more un-smiley, you could say. As the bullets hit his chest, he let out a terrifying unearthly roar, grasping his chest in pain, but before Jackson could switch to the pistol, the skeleton disappeared into the ground, seemingly swallowed by it. For a few seconds it would be complete silence, but then when Jackson was least expecting it, the skeleton appeared right beneath him, jumping out of the ground with his... spear? Just before this he had a scythe, but now it took form of a spear... a little un-Deathlike, but whatever. What matters is that the skeleton managed to pierce Jackson's armor and chest, lifting him off the ground, pierced on the spear like a marshmallow. Death smiled at him and said in a creepy cold voice: "Show me your will to live... or learn to accept death!"

Death's chest now glowed much brighter, completely exposed to Jackson. Being pierced on the spear and lifted up into the air like a trophy is no fun, it kinda hurts, but the soldier managed to keep the grasp on his pistol in hand.
May 17, 2016 9:48 AM

Mar 2015

Jackson coughed and spat blood as teh weapon pierced his chest and he was made into a soldier-ka-bob, blood spattering his clothes. Gritting his tether, JAckson raised the pistol he had barely managed to hold on to, and aimed it at Death's chest.

"Go back to purgatory you skeletal son of a bitch!"

With those words, Jackson pulled the trigger multiple times, unloading the rest of the mag in the skeleton.
May 22, 2016 10:21 PM

Mar 2015
Jackson's Room:

The skeleton roared demonically in pain when projectiles from Jackson's pistol hit the glowing part of it's chest. It forced the skeleton to back down, graspinv his chest while the black robe was dissipating around him, turning into casual clothes and skin started to grow back on it's face and bands. The spear-scythe dissipated as well, surprisingly leaving no apparent wounds, not even the first cut - Jackson was completely healthy now, the only things reminding of the battle were torn vest and some aftershock.

The "Death" turned back into the man that Jackson's seen when he only arrived here. Man was gritting his teeth in a painful expression, mumbling: "Hell that stang..." - before gazing over Jackson and letting out a retarded grin: "Heh... yeah, that was awfully underwhelming. Sorry for piercing you and all that, I suppose I won't be killing you then. So... alright, you can have this room, I'll leave you alone. Don't wanna deal with these damn weapons anymore. Bye!" - he said with a giggle and dissapeared, destroying the scenery with him and leaving Jackson in a normal, but dusty living room with wooden furniture, bed, electric lights and everything required for a humble life.
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