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Aug 11, 2014 1:56 PM
Feb 2014
I enjoyed it.

There were futari with maxed heart, they splashed the last villain to the stars, yes there were 5 precure, they were going for it, Aida Mana as the main heroine was very refreshing, she cought my heart, I liked the suite there, I loved her smile, which made my heart dokidoki all the time. I guess you can even say she charged my happiness but I haven't seen that one yet.

The only thing I didn't like was Regina switching sides all the time but what she could've done about it? She didn't have the strength to resist dark energy as Cure Heart had. And btw. why should be all precure equal? Why can't people accept her as happy prince as her friends did?

If I consider the evolution of the ideas through the history of pretty cure, every series satisfied me more than enough. I laughed a lot, cried a lot, I love the ost. That's all I need to enjoy. If you love something, you don't search for things you don't like and you are able to overlook faults. Regina switching sides all the time wasn't fault from her standpoint therefore 10/10 for another precure series again.
Aug 19, 2014 10:18 PM

Jun 2012
That ending was amazing. One of the best imo. I know this series gets a lot of hate (totally undeserved by the way), but this is probably one of my favorite Precure season are this finale. They even kept their powers at the end! How great is that?! Found it odd that only Mana got the finale upgrade, but she was so badass after that fight I could care less.
Sep 9, 2014 2:18 PM

May 2014
They even kept their powers at the end! How great is that?!

Unless you're being sarcastic, every Precure series end up with the girls keeping their powers, so you can't really say it's something great or refreshing...
Oct 2, 2014 7:29 AM
Aug 2013
ihateeveryone said:
AiCon said:
My first Precure.... My last Precure....

Oh God did this show suck - and Mana is really annoying too!

Futari wa - A decent series, albeit kind of bland and not really a good starter for Precure imo.

I haven't seen Splash Star so I can't judge it.

Futari wa Pretty Cure+ Max Heart are good seasons to start. Because they are the seasons that start everything and Nagisa and Honoka make one of the best teamwork in the whole franchise, if not the best. Nagisa is a tomboy who has a girly side in her when it comes about love and Honoka being the super pretty and smart girl. Is fun to watch how their friendship progress to the point where they can´t live without each other. They maybe don´t have super long and different attacks,but I think it was better when before Cures didn´t have so many corny attacks and used more their physical powers. Besides, villain Kirya´s plot is very interesting to watch. I love how they made a better story for Mepple and Mipple than some other mascots in other seasons. These two seasons were the ones who made me want to watch all this franchise.

And about DokiDoki! final episode, I just recently finished it and I can´t believe they never explained about the trio Jikochu´s origins and what will happen to them. If Ira became nice then why he went with the others to wait 10,000 years more for King Jikochu to comeback? it doesn´t make sense. Is it explained in the manga or they didn´t say anything?.

About these Cures, I liked Mana, she was awesome, same as Cure Diamond, Cure Sword and Cure Rosetta. Regina´s character was great done too.

The whole thing about everyone knowing who they
Apr 27, 2015 5:59 PM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
This felt so much like a re-imagining of Sailor Moon Stars. And there was a lot of potential. This Precure series had one of the best story pace in the whole franchise; Not much filler and more story. But unfortunately the characters killed it.

Pretty much making Mana such a Mary-Sue to the point of every other Precure being a supporting character. It's not that weird for a kids show heroine to be a Mary Sue but this one ruined it because it had an impact on the characters. For example, when Cure Ace appeared, I thought she was going to be much more important but later she faded away because of Mana. And what's with that attack, everyone giving their power to Cure Heart. I was quite annoyed how everyone worshiped Mana and not only that, Mana herself also knew that she was indeed perfect.

Regina was annoying, her whole friendship with Mana felt so much forced. Obviously Cure Ace was much better than her, I don't get the hate. The whole friendship felt like a plot device merely for the plot to proceed with the Selfish King.

And quite disappointing how Cure Sword was forgotten also. When she first appeared, I thought she was going to be one of the most important Precures in the show, since usually purple Precures have a plot importance. But no, she seemed like it in the beginning and she just became part of Mana's harem later.

Very disappointing, it could have been one of the best seasons. Even Smile, which I found extremely generic, at least it focused on all the characters.
Mar 1, 2016 3:28 PM

Dec 2014
ZettaiRyouiki said:
KaiserNazrin said:
I don't know why people dislike it so much. I enjoyed it more than Suite.

It got some bad points but the same apply the previous series as far I concern. Precure always reuse certain stuff every seasons.

As far Mana Sue goes, not like this. Not like this.

God man, sit the hell down and let people express their opinions and like every seasons as they like. I've taken a look at your list, and just because you watched almost all the seasons it doesn't give you the right to be elitist, nor does it make your opinion more valid than us.

If you think DokiDoki is shit, then fine! But please leave us alone and do not guilt-trip someone for liking a season you don't like. Face it, not everything revolves around your taste. Let us decide whether we like it or not.

On topic. I thought this is a decent ending to be honest. The ending was more than enough to tie the events occuring altogether. The Mana VS Proto Jikochuu fight was great and badass.

DokiDoki certainly has its flaws, such as the haphazard pacing and several plotholes. It is also a miss in handling its characters. All of them except Alice didn't have memorable development.

Still, I give this season credit for having interesting and cool concepts, and for being plot-driven, which is quite unlike the previous seasons. Despite her flatness as a character, Mana has a special place in my heart as she is a leader Cure who breaks the leader archetype, and I didn't hate her one bit. She is special enough to earn a place in my favorite characters list.

6.5/10, a decent series that could have been better.
KOZ8888Apr 27, 2016 3:35 AM
Mar 28, 2018 6:47 AM

Nov 2012
MANA!!!MANNAA!!!MANNNNNAAA!!!!!!!!Isn't Mana literally perfect lol?She can't even get corrupted by selfishness and can even purify herself!

Alright the Mana wanking didn't bug me for majority of the series tbh up until this ending.

Overall I think this season wasn't that bad,I expected way worse lol.I think the main reason I think this is because I found the cast all likable with the exception of Alice who was more or less just there.

That said this did have it's flaws and honestly ranking all the seasons prior to this,this would still be third from last with only Smile and Max Heart behind it.I want to give this a low 6 but I think that would be undervaluing the other better seasons that I give a 6 to so I'd say 5.5/10 for this.
Jul 30, 2019 4:48 AM

May 2016
DokiDoki Precure got me all hyped up for the next series and love Mana Aida <3

Solid 10/10
Aug 3, 2019 9:25 PM

May 2016
Finished watching Dokidoki Precure! It'a 5 a.m here xd
After all it was a good season and the story was full of things. Until now it's the serie with the richest plot. Another strong point were alle the various sentimental parts with Regina. I liked very much the scene with Mana and Regina above the volcano and I loved the episode where Sword sings for Regina.
But the final part could have been better. Surely the last episodes hasn't reached the epic final part of the previous season (Smile). The main problem were the fights. They were too short and less physic than usual in final episodes. Ira and Marmo didn't have a memorable fight with Diamond and Rosetta :(
On the other hand the final fight between Heart Parthenon Mode and Proto-selfish was awesome but Mana has done everything at the end. The final attack has very disappointed me. It was only a simple "Sweet Heart" from Parthenon Heart.....
It didn't give me chills as every final attack does :(
I liked the characters and Rosetta and Diamond were my favourites (sad that Diamond was the one with less focused episodes).
Now is time to watch the two movies and then I will can say to have watched the first ten years of Precure✌✌✌
Looking forward to Happiness Charge that is the 10th anniversary serie. The graphic looks different and I like it. I hope in an epic season for the 10th anniversary.

Bye bye Dokidoki 👋
danyanime200Aug 4, 2019 2:47 AM
Jan 27, 2020 9:05 PM

Jul 2017
I didn't like this episode as much as the last one, but I did love that Regina, Aguri, and Ai weren't smushed together in order to create Princess Ann again. That would've really undermined their development, especially Regina who deserves to be a precure still.

For anyone wondering if this season of precure is for you- it's more plot-heavy and way goofier than other seasons I've seen. If you're not into the plot, you'll have a hard time, but I was spoiled for some of it and still found it very enjoyable. If you're worried Mana's a dreaded """mary sue"""" ...your milage may vary. In my opinion, she was a good role model for younger girls, and since she's the main character it didn't bug me too much when she had more episodes centered around her. (Usually, if it was a plot-based episode, which most of the first half was, Mana will have a heavy focus, especially in regards to her relationship with Regina. Episodes that are more character-based will still give the other girls some well-deseverd screen time.) She kind of reminded me of Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec, but through a genki-girl filter.

My biggest complaint is that Ira, Mammo, and Bell just kinda... left to take a nap for 10,000 years. Ira even looked sadly at Rikka before he left, like he didn't want to leave. They didn't have to make him or Mammo go, it would've been nice to see them try to adjust to society, like later episodes of precure do for some villains. Either way, I'll miss this season. I know people compare this and Smile a lot, and for that reason I think I'm going to hold off on watching Smile until I finish a different precure season, maybe Happiness Charge or Suite.
Apr 20, 2020 1:53 PM

May 2016
Netflix cut out 19 episodes worth of content. that's 38.77% of the series, more than a third.
May 25, 2021 4:27 PM

May 2007
Man, I liked a good bit of the show but the humongous flaw of Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana, etc. was very bad

Without the Mananess I think this show hovers around a 7 to 8, the other 4 Precures and Regina were pretty good after all

But thanks to the Mana 4/10, worst season of the entire series, even worse than Splash Star
My anime list
Jun 7, 2021 1:54 PM
Feb 2018
My brain is in a mess now after this episode. I'd give this series at least a passable 6 honestly, I can agree its not good but I'll admit I enjoyed watching it so much. Definitely could enjoy it a lot more if it weren't for the problems though. So in the end, their identities are revealed and somehow they can still go back to their normal lives? What? Also keep in mind, there was no point in Mana doing that in the first place. They probably can't keep Precures a secret from the public anymore, but the public still did not need to know who they were.

The Cures really went straight back into battle after de-transforming like 10 minutes ago, surprised they weren't worn out at all.

Bel wanting to be number one gets picked up again, glad they didn't forget. Not sure why we even needed the Proto Jikochu fight though. Sure it looked cool, but at the cost of pushing all other characters aside and glorifying Mana. The psyche stealing scene was really great, but the impact of it gets lost because Mana self purified which made no sense, and adds on to the "wow mana great, she can purify herself no help needed". I'm guessing they did Proto Jikochu because they wanted Bel to play a role, which was great but not at the cost of other characters being pushed aside. Also I wished Bel could have controlled the power, so it would feel like Cures Vs Bel instead of Cures Vs King Jikochu for the second time in a smaller body. Bel has been chasing being number one for a long time after all. Speaking of smaller body, it didn't even reduce the collateral damage. I'd say it caused even more because Proto had OP telekinesis that just tossed buildings around like nothing. After the fight, buildings return to normal, but do injuries on humans remain? There would definitely have been some casualties.

I don't hate Mana, I really don't. I blame the writers for making her so important. She isn't perfect, but her flaws doesn't ever come in. Also the way she was talking to Proto about her "flaws", did no one writing the show asked themselves "hey, does this even apply?" Lets have a look. "even i have a selfish heart" This is true, I mentioned in previous episode threads that she is so entitled to people's (Regina) love, and that they just aren't allowed to dislike her if she keeps chasing them, which is selfish. However, she was still rewarded for this selfish act because Regina actually turned good anyway. "i may feel jealous and hate everything to the point of running away." When have us viewers ever seen that? From viewer's POV she always faced everything and never gave up. "even if i lose my love, i have my friends here with me" again that never happened, and if it did, us viewers were never shown it. So what did your friends do for you, nothing for that part. Also, real nice of her to talk about her friends when she is out here soloing the big bad. The speech itself was fine, but Mana should not have been the one saying it when it doesn't apply to her.

Ciara said:
Morals were sloppy, while the ending was so goddamn sugary, cutesy and cheesy it hurt (guys, I don't believe Jonathan is fine with losing his sweetheart just like that). Also cutting corners. It's the last episode, you gotta make that stuff sparkle and fluid! Lol, nope, quality. Mana's knee is more important than girls faces in group shots.

Yes Lmao. So much effort into that knee shot then the final group shot looks so goofy. Also poor Joe, holding onto hope for so long that he can have Ange back and gets the news she is gone forever.

So... why did Cure Heart get god mode even, wouldn't Ace have been more fitting? I also find it pretty bullshit that her psyche purified itself and there was no explanation given. Way to go building up the "even I'm selfish!" speech. Mana is basically as "chosen one" as it gets.
CWCJun 20, 2021 1:25 PM
Aug 16, 2021 2:37 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Touching finale.

Overall, a decent season, but this definitely had more potential.

Bye, girls. <3

SerafosMay 27, 2024 10:33 PM
Feb 24, 2022 10:54 PM

Feb 2013
Enjoyable season. Definetely better than smile (though that isn't very hard). Suite still remains the weakest season in my ranking so far, so I'd play dokidoki somehre in the lower middle field
Nov 20, 2022 1:35 AM
Feb 2022
MitsukiHimeka said:
ihateeveryone said:
Mana was the only one who got the upgrade. She also got all 3 of the power-up items.

It also took 49 episodes to show Alice's school uniform.

The Mana show is over. Let's bury it and never speak of it again.

Here's to a new, hopefully pleasedeargodbebetter Precure season that starts next week. *drinks a whole bottle of vodka to try to erase the memory of Mana*

I was kind of disappointed about Mana only getting the upgrade too. I have to agree on this is the worst finale.

Yeah, it would have been extremely original that they all got an upgrade at the last moment of the season, like the Precure franchise has been doing for the past 9 years. Im amazed to see the sexism among Precure fans
Jan 31, 1:30 PM
Sep 2021
I'm just biased I liked it a lot when I first watched it many many years ago. Maybe just some nostalgia :D
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