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Oct 12, 2007 9:42 AM
Jun 2007
Since there are no posts regarding this anime I thought I would start one.

So I just finished watching the animie and I have to say it was good but the ending really through me off. I mean, they are related, and not related like shes my second cousins uncle twice removed adopted brothers daughter. If I got the info right it was his uncles (brother of mother or father I don't think they said in the anime) daughter. So they are fairly close in relation.

Just when you think Kiri will get a happy ending BAM! your wrong.
Jan 6, 2008 4:53 PM

Nov 2007
Same...though I read somewhere in a Kanon profile that in Japan, intimate relationships are very common in Japan, plus since it's a rec. to Da Capo saying it's similar, it would've been expected to have an incested-ish ending.

Honestly, I wished for it to have a Kiri ending...or even an acting superintendent ending (thought that's just my dream, lol)
Jan 6, 2008 4:55 PM

Jan 2007
they are cousins so that's fine, but my problem was the complete 360. I mean, wth, all of a sudden from what looks like a solid Kiri ending we get an Elis one.
Jan 19, 2008 7:55 AM
Jan 2008
I was never surprise with the ending at all. Though it seemed that it was going to end with Kirii, actually it was beginning to sway towards Elis as the series reaching its ending.

The writers had provided as many little hints as they can about Hiroki's true feeling. Characters like Misaki & Kana had provided us some clue about Hiroki's feeling.

Misaki said that Hiroki is lying to himself & Kana brought up the story about a guy's shaky feeling towards his childhood friend & a sister-like girl (which actually reflect to Hiroki). And there are times when Kiri was being anxious even after she had confessed to Hiroki the second time.

Not only that, Kiri had notice that Hiroki only had Elis in his mind (I'm referring to ep 21 when Kiri & Hiroki discussing about the Christmas trip). When Hiroki mention Elis' name during the conversation, Kiri's face expression change. And there's ep 23 where Kiri notice that Hiorki's eyes are set on Elis when she came to school (Kiri tried to approach him but he didn't turn to her)

Also there's the scene where Hiroki was blushing when he went into the bed with Elis at the hospital in ep 22. The fact that he keep recalling that scene (when Kiri wanted to came along with him to the hospital & during ep 23 when he see Elis sleeping in her bed) had pretty much reflected towards his true feeling towards Elis.

Eventhough in the beginning he just see Elis nothing much but a kid & a baby sister, soon after he realized that Elis had grown much mature than he is. This cause his feeling towards her to change & beginning to see her more of a woman than a sister.

The way the story goes is somehow quite similar to what Hagino Kana had wrote in her novel : At first, I don't know my own feeling. But after a while, I can only think about you. I've always, always love you This is what Canvas 2 all about. Hiroki finally realize his true feeling only in the end. Who does he really love & who is the one he want to be with.

Eventhough Kiri was Hiroki's first crush, their relationship didn't progress very much (even after spending a night together in the hotel). All Hiroki talk about was work, food & tv (& also about Elis). He doesn't seems very serious enough with his relationship with Kiri. I think that Hiroki only wanted to be kind towards Kiri. That's why he was planning to spend his time with her during Christmas. It's quite the same when he was dating Kana.

I can write on & on about this but I think that I should stop here for the time being.
Jan 20, 2008 3:04 PM

Nov 2007

iHate d endiNg..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iLOve kiRi...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's been sUppoRting hiROki aLL the time..untiL d eNd.. even the painting fOr eLIse..and the whOLe seRies sHOwing thaT onicHan (HirOki) loves kiRi and then baaaannnngggg! shooooooTtt! the one he ends up with is hiS cOUSIN..!
wHat d hecK..huhu..

iHate hiROki..! sori .. im just carried awEi..hahaha

Jan 21, 2008 4:46 AM
Jan 2008
innocent_demon said:

iHate d endiNg..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iLOve kiRi...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's been sUppoRting hiROki aLL the time..untiL d eNd.. even the painting fOr eLIse..and the whOLe seRies sHOwing thaT onicHan (HirOki) loves kiRi and then baaaannnngggg! shooooooTtt! the one he ends up with is hiS cOUSIN..!
wHat d hecK..huhu..

iHate hiROki..! sori .. im just carried awEi..hahaha

Kiri was only supporting Hiroki in becoming a teacher. The one who support his art career is Elis (and also the acting superintendent, Saya). Kiri hardly done anything to make Hiroki draw again. She only waited for Hiroki to pick up his brush. OTOH, Elis push him to draw most of the times.

You said that Kiri is supporting Hiroki to paint for Elis? I disagree with that. If what you said is true, why would Kiri told Elis to just wait for Hiroki to paint again? Why didn't she ask Hiroki to paint for Elis in the first place?

The thing is Kiri realized that she was losing her grip on Hiroki. And she finally knew that Hiroki decided to choose Elis. Therefore she had no choice but to give up on him. The painting that Hiroki makes is not only for Elis. It's also for himself. He decided to paint out his true feeling for Elis.

The whole series had show that Hiroki hardly done anything to approach Kiri. It was the other way around. Kiri keep on chasing Hiroki but Hiroki didn't make any move on her. And when is the time when Hiroki thought that much about Kiri? I can recall that in episode 10, Hiroki only cared about Kiri's bentou not Kiri.

I think that most viewers are seeing too much of Elis' thought about Hiroki & Kiri relationship. That's why not many people are able to see Hiroki's true feeling. As one would say, 'There's too much mud on the road to see the breadcrumbs'. The clues are lying here & there but not many people notice them or take them seriously. As a result, viewers are surprise & clueless about what's going on.

Perhaps that some people had too much expectation on how it will end. I can tell from here & there that most people (even some Elis' fans) expect Hiroki to end up with Kiri based on the set-up & progress of the story. When that expectation doesn't meet, they beginning to feel that the ending doesn't makes sense to them & felt that they're being betray by the storywriters. But somehow, viewers must realize that the one who betray them are none other than themselves.

When watching an anime, we must know that our position are as viewers, not the storywriters. Sure that you can try to figure out how the story goes & how it will end but the one who decide the storyline & the ending are the writers not us viewers. So I don't think that the viewers are in any position to say how it SHOULD end because viewers say so. It's like watching people in the real world. Who choose who is not for you to decide.

Alas, it's hard to accept the ending, not while viewers are being control by their fanboy / fangirl ego.
Jan 26, 2008 12:41 PM
Jan 2008
I loved the ending X)

It was like... kiri kiri kiri... and then splash elis... but i liked it as good as i liked the series... and well, a surpicing ending to a anime i just started to watch because aya hirano was in there =x xD
Feb 6, 2008 7:11 PM
Oct 2007
A little unexpected ending, it kind of feels like most of the other characters lind of got pushed aside at the end of series. No complaints but it was definitly a rollercoaster of emotions.
Mar 1, 2008 2:34 PM

Feb 2008
Multi, I could not agree with you more. If anyone would pay attention and go back and watch the show, It's very clear how the story is going to end. It is most definitely building up to a Elis ending from about episode 11. It's a shame that Canvas2 has not been licensed at this time. I liked it enough to buy the R2 disks when they came out. The game it's based on is one of my favorite eroges I've bought. (Shin Ringetsu being my favorite)
Apr 29, 2008 1:35 PM
Oct 2007
Not me, I thought that was a good ending...
Hiroki finally realised his true feelings... Elis and him so happy days...
Jun 25, 2008 3:53 PM

May 2008
Ending was great........ Kiri can burn in hell cause she alrady has the guy who stole Hiro's picture....... Kiri should of accepted the guy who stole the painting from Hiro (Can't spell Japanese Name well) and it would've bin a "Slighty Happy" ending for all four of em.
Jul 10, 2008 11:51 AM

Jun 2008
At first I really, really abhored this ending. I like series' with more realistic endings.

As I read through the replies in this thread, it made more sense as to why Canvas 2 ended this way, contrasting to before when I believed the higher ups fired the writers just to please the incest lovers out there. I think, if hiroki had made any effort of explaining his true feelings to Kiri before completely blowing her off, I would have accepted this more. I probably should have expected that ending from an adaptation such as this, but it really turned me off from what would have been one of my favorites.
Aug 26, 2008 4:29 PM
Jan 2008
was not surprised with the ending at all. the first girl that dates the guy near the beginning well not really the beginning but the one that comes first , they will never end up together. examples:
true tears 2008 newest harem anime i think.
H2O footprints in the sand
kimikiss pure rouge ( this not really a harem but is a love triangle)
but overall it was a good anime.
xhxAug 26, 2008 8:52 PM
Sep 7, 2008 2:15 PM

May 2008
multi said:
innocent_demon said:

iHate d endiNg..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iLOve kiRi...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's been sUppoRting hiROki aLL the time..untiL d eNd.. even the painting fOr eLIse..and the whOLe seRies sHOwing thaT onicHan (HirOki) loves kiRi and then baaaannnngggg! shooooooTtt! the one he ends up with is hiS cOUSIN..!
wHat d hecK..huhu..

iHate hiROki..! sori .. im just carried awEi..hahaha

Kiri was only supporting Hiroki in becoming a teacher. The one who support his art career is Elis (and also the acting superintendent, Saya). Kiri hardly done anything to make Hiroki draw again. She only waited for Hiroki to pick up his brush. OTOH, Elis push him to draw most of the times.

You said that Kiri is supporting Hiroki to paint for Elis? I disagree with that. If what you said is true, why would Kiri told Elis to just wait for Hiroki to paint again? Why didn't she ask Hiroki to paint for Elis in the first place?

The thing is Kiri realized that she was losing her grip on Hiroki. And she finally knew that Hiroki decided to choose Elis. Therefore she had no choice but to give up on him. The painting that Hiroki makes is not only for Elis. It's also for himself. He decided to paint out his true feeling for Elis.

The whole series had show that Hiroki hardly done anything to approach Kiri. It was the other way around. Kiri keep on chasing Hiroki but Hiroki didn't make any move on her. And when is the time when Hiroki thought that much about Kiri? I can recall that in episode 10, Hiroki only cared about Kiri's bentou not Kiri.

I think that most viewers are seeing too much of Elis' thought about Hiroki & Kiri relationship. That's why not many people are able to see Hiroki's true feeling. As one would say, 'There's too much mud on the road to see the breadcrumbs'. The clues are lying here & there but not many people notice them or take them seriously. As a result, viewers are surprise & clueless about what's going on.

Perhaps that some people had too much expectation on how it will end. I can tell from here & there that most people (even some Elis' fans) expect Hiroki to end up with Kiri based on the set-up & progress of the story. When that expectation doesn't meet, they beginning to feel that the ending doesn't makes sense to them & felt that they're being betray by the storywriters. But somehow, viewers must realize that the one who betray them are none other than themselves.

When watching an anime, we must know that our position are as viewers, not the storywriters. Sure that you can try to figure out how the story goes & how it will end but the one who decide the storyline & the ending are the writers not us viewers. So I don't think that the viewers are in any position to say how it SHOULD end because viewers say so. It's like watching people in the real world. Who choose who is not for you to decide.

Alas, it's hard to accept the ending, not while viewers are being control by their fanboy / fangirl ego.

I agree with you 100% , Elis wins.
Sep 15, 2008 11:05 PM

Sep 2008
Yeah I like it...
When Elis win I happy too much...
This because I like unpredict ending and twist ending...
Oct 7, 2008 7:53 PM

Apr 2008
I thought the ending was good but I HATE THE FACT it took till the last minute of the episode for them to hook up and Kiri just ANNOYED me so much I didn't like her character at all. Elis has a MUCH better personality then that dumb Kiri and Elis is much better looking but that's my opinion I just HATE short hair on girls. I'm glad he ended up with Elis I just wished it could of happened sooner.
Jul 17, 2009 1:17 AM

Jul 2009
i think this anime is a good one
actually i feel surprised too with that twist ending
I never thought that after the very smooth way of kiri, then it suddenly become the winning of elis

about which is better between kiri and elis
i think both of them is cool, and mature character
I feel that elis is grown up unexpectedly and become a cool mature girl
since in the earlier chapter she was so childish and onichan-mania
i like elis in the last chapters

about the ending, i feel pity of kiri's fate
she has always loved hiroki and what does she get at the ending is very sick
and the fact that elis and hiroki are a sibling also make me said that kiri is the best for hiroki

but if only hiroki and elis weren't a sibling afterall, i'll vote for Elis ^^
i loved and appriciate her pure love, and her mature decision to let away her love and go to paris
Jan 3, 2010 10:52 PM

Oct 2009
setsuna91 said:
i think this anime is a good one
actually i feel surprised too with that twist ending
I never thought that after the very smooth way of kiri, then it suddenly become the winning of elis

about which is better between kiri and elis
i think both of them is cool, and mature character
I feel that elis is grown up unexpectedly and become a cool mature girl
since in the earlier chapter she was so childish and onichan-mania
i like elis in the last chapters

about the ending, i feel pity of kiri's fate
she has always loved hiroki and what does she get at the ending is very sick
and the fact that elis and hiroki are a sibling also make me said that kiri is the best for hiroki

but if only hiroki and elis weren't a sibling afterall, i'll vote for Elis ^^
i loved and appriciate her pure love, and her mature decision to let away her love and go to paris

Um, I'm not sure you got the ending right. They BOTH went to Paris together.
Jan 3, 2010 10:53 PM

Oct 2009
Goodtimes420 said:
I thought the ending was good but I HATE THE FACT it took till the last minute of the episode for them to hook up and Kiri just ANNOYED me so much I didn't like her character at all. Elis has a MUCH better personality then that dumb Kiri and Elis is much better looking but that's my opinion I just HATE short hair on girls. I'm glad he ended up with Elis I just wished it could of happened sooner.

I couldn't agree with you more. Elis FTW.
Mar 14, 2010 9:32 PM

Jun 2009
i was shocked it was Ellis I tought it was gonna be Kiri but when Tomoko died on the plan i was really shocked and upset
Mar 23, 2010 7:51 PM

Jun 2009
I kinda like the way it ended, he sees kiri as the sister and elis became the lover. I just think they could make this happen earlier not at the last 15 seconds of the anime.

And if i'm not mistaken that goth girl didn't died, there is a scene on the credits where she open her eyes at the hospital.
Jul 3, 2010 3:07 AM

Apr 2010
On episode 10 and im glad i spoiled it for myself :D
Hooray he's going to end up with elis! <3333333
Aug 22, 2010 4:32 PM
Mar 2010
I have one question about the ending, but it doesn't concern Elis, Kiri or Hiroki. Instead it is about Tomoko.

What did she mean with "sayonara"?

Did she knew Hiroki would come at the airport and that Elis and Hiroki would go to Paris together - meaning sayonara I won't see either of you for a very long time.

Or did she say goodbye, because she knew she would die on the airplane? Or did she even die? Like someone said there is a scene in the credits where she wakes up.

I don't quite get that Tomoko epilogue. Can somebody spell it out to me? Why and to what purpose does Tomoko get the last words?
Aug 25, 2010 1:52 AM

Mar 2007
Its nothing special. When Tomoko said Sayonara, it just men't she was going in Elis' place to study in France. Nothing more. That was implying that Elis was staying 'home.' And home is where the penis is apparently. When Tomoko wakes up she's smiling b/c she's in France biiiiitch!!! Thats why theres a picture of the Arc d' Triumph after her smiling.

Faust721 said:
they are cousins so that's fine, but my problem was the complete 360. I mean, wth, all of a sudden from what looks like a solid Kiri ending we get an Elis one.

I'm just full of rage on this ending. Not only do they flip a middle finger to fan favorite, but they made the worst and crappiest ending ever! I mean who really likes Elis anyway? She's stupid, selfish and naive. Sure sometimes those traits can make a real good character but I never once rooted for her at all. She's was always the antagonist. Noone likes an antagonist. Never once, did Kiri step in the middle of Elis and Hiro's 'adventures.' God i was THIS close to giving it an 8 then it lost 1 point for the shitty build up from the last 2 episodes... then it lost another point for screwing over my favorite out of the love triangle.... then it lost even more points for the TERRIBLE ending.

FML, I really liked the VA's and the music production for this too... if it wasnt for the story and crappy art production, this would have been a quality show.

wow, i wrote alot... gotta put it in the comments section for this anime in my anime list.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Sep 3, 2010 8:26 PM
Apr 2010
i hate that ending, during whole 24 eps Elis was pissing me off like hell acting like a spoiled kid, i cant count how many times i was thinking "fuckin die !" :F
Sep 3, 2010 9:53 PM

Dec 2007
I've rewritten the ending in my head where Ellis gets hit by a truck and Kiri ends up with the main character as it should have been.
Jan 30, 2011 6:15 PM

Aug 2010
Finally a show where I was wrong about the ending. 8/10. They need more shows like this, but they shouldn't of done it in the last 5 minutes at least a few eps before.
Mar 8, 2011 9:11 AM
Jan 2008
Ragna92 said:
Finally a show where I was wrong about the ending. 8/10. They need more shows like this, but they shouldn't of done it in the last 5 minutes at least a few eps before.
In my view, the path leading to Elis' ending is shown in episode 21. Most viewers are easily manipulated by Hiroki-Kiri relationship & Elis' thought about Hiroki & Kiri getting closer.

But if you try to see things from another perspective, you'll see that Hiroki had more of Elis than Kiri in his mind. Even Kiri realized that when they were talking about Christmas during episode 21.

Just like Kiri can't stop talking about Hiroki when she was with Yanagi in episode 20, Hiroki suddenly brought up Elis' name during their conversation about Christmas. You can see Kiri facial expression change when Hiroki mention Elis. It seems that she's aware of something that Hiroki himself is yet to realize & that is his feeling towards Elis.

Actually there are more things but the problem is that viewers always brush off Hiroki' thought about Elis as his concern for her as her 'brother'.

edit: Crap! I forgot that I already mentioned that point back in the 1st page. Now I keep repeating the same point.
multiMar 11, 2011 3:47 AM
Mar 10, 2011 1:39 PM

Jun 2007
Meddigo said:
I've rewritten the ending in my head where Ellis gets hit by a truck and Kiri ends up with the main character as it should have been.

Ditto. That ending was kind of an ass pull, if not directly in the last episode, then in the last 4. The first 20 episodes of the series did a good job of portraying Hiroki-Elis as a parent-child type relationship, and that made way more sense the way the series actually went.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 10, 2011 3:30 PM

Jun 2009
Frankly I remember it being as obvious a conclusion as Shuffles ending. The signs were there.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Mar 11, 2011 3:31 AM
Jan 2008
Torisunanohokori said:

Ditto. That ending was kind of an ass pull, if not directly in the last episode, then in the last 4. The first 20 episodes of the series did a good job of portraying Hiroki-Elis as a parent-child type relationship, and that made way more sense the way the series actually went.
Life is unpredictable & things are not always what they seems to be. If you see a handsome guy dressing smartly, you may think that he's a nice guy. But what if he's actually a criminal? Good-looking guy + dressed nicely = criminal??? Make sense? Even in a war, an army of 1000 men may beat their enemies which are double in number. Does that make sense if you only compare them by number?

So 80% of the anime shows that Hiroki-Elis as a parent-child type relationship. But what about the rest 20%? Are you just going to discard it & say that it make sense that Hiroki & Elis stays as 'parent & child / brother & sister' just because of the 80%, which is the beginning of the story?

If we are talking about sense here, let's review a scene in episode 21:

When Hiroki got back to his home after hanging out with Kiri (after Kiri's confession at the end of episode 20), he start to fantasizing about living together with Kiri, thinking about how nice it would be being treated the same way he treated Elis (being taken care of)

Then suddenly, he thought about Elis & think that what would happened to Elis if he & Kiri ended up together. Somehow, I feel something's wrong there. What does Hiroki ending up with Kiri had anything to do with Elis anyway? It's just doesn't make sense to me.

I mean, it's not like it'll ruin their relationship as brother-sister nor as parent-child. And it's not like Elis has to leave the place when Hiroki & Kiri got married. They can live together, right? Even if Elis has to leave, other family member can always take care of her. Elis has been living with their grandmother for years so there's nothing to worry about. Moving out somewhere else after getting married? I highly doubt it because since Hiroki failed his public official exam (episode 17), the only place he can work as a teacher is at Nadesico Academy, where he is being offered.

So why is Hiroki so concerned about Elis when it comes to his relationship with Kiri? The only explaination for this is that it's Hiroki's sub-concious feeling for Elis. He wasn't fully aware of it yet but his feeling for her is there. This is just 1 of the flagpoints for Elis' ending.

Somehow, I have a feeling that even if they make Hiroki's feeling for Elis is crystal clear while hooking him up with Kiri, 'certain' viewers would never accepted or satisfied with it. Just look at 'Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka' & 'True Tears'. 'Certain' viewers still think that the male lead SHOULD end up with their 'favourite character' or prefer him not to end up with the 'character they hate'. Meh, favouritism is everywhere.

Btw, if we're talking about parent-child type relationship problem, then try watching both seasons of 'Honey & Clover'.

big spoiler!!! click at your own risk
multiMar 11, 2011 3:35 AM
Mar 12, 2011 12:31 PM

Jun 2007
I took the scene where he was fantasizing about living together with Kiri, and the worries about Elis to be a result of the very visible tension between her and Kiri. I guess it's possible to read those scenes differently, but your interpretation feels like a stretch.

This show still doesn't have the worst ending I've seen by far, and it had a lot of quality points towards the middle, but it was definitely badly handled. Even if they were going to go with Elis in the end, which I find a questionable thesis at best, they could've done without Hiroki standing up Kiri at the hotel.

Shuusuke and Hagu actually made sense in context, because that was actually a show about art as much as it was about relationships. As did the Akane-iro ending, frankly (if anything, what pissed me off more there was that Yuuhi came back in the end credits).

Your metaphors really have nothing to do with what you're saying. If you have a point to make, please just say it rather than waxing prosaic about it.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 12, 2011 6:59 PM
Jan 2008
Torisunanohokori said:
I took the scene where he was fantasizing about living together with Kiri, and the worries about Elis to be a result of the very visible tension between her and Kiri. I guess it's possible to read those scenes differently, but your interpretation feels like a stretch.

This show still doesn't have the worst ending I've seen by far, and it had a lot of quality points towards the middle, but it was definitely badly handled. Even if they were going to go with Elis in the end, which I find a questionable thesis at best, they could've done without Hiroki standing up Kiri at the hotel.

Shuusuke and Hagu actually made sense in context, because that was actually a show about art as much as it was about relationships. As did the Akane-iro ending, frankly (if anything, what pissed me off more there was that Yuuhi came back in the end credits).

Your metaphors really have nothing to do with what you're saying. If you have a point to make, please just say it rather than waxing prosaic about it.

My point is just because it seems the way it is, doesn't mean that it's true nor it's going to end that way. Like I mention before, you are most probably seeing things from Elis' perspective (Onii-chan only think about Kiri-san / Onii-chan only see me as a baby sister not as a woman / Onii-chan only love Kiri-san). The story isn't over until it's over. So don't assume that your thoughts will come true in the end.

As for the tension between Elis & Kiri, surely that Elis doesn't like Kiri that much but it's not like she hated / abhor her a lot. It is shown that they still can get along well despite of that. So that is not really much of a problem.

As for the hotel thing (actually the hotel was Kiri's idea though Hiroki is the one who asked if she would like to spend an overnight Christmas eve with him somewhere else), that only happen when Elis told Hiroki to date Kiri in episode 23.

At that point Hiroki already realized his feeling for Elis. But since Elis is moving out to France & telling him to go with Kiri, his only option is to go with Kiri's route. The truth is, Hiroki is clueless about Elis' feeling towards him & so is Elis.

But after Hiroki saw Elis' crimson angel painting & her re-confession, he began to have a doubt about going out with Kiri. The fact that he cancelled his date with Kiri at the hotel & even forgot to call her already shows that Elis is much more important to him.

Eventhough there's no monologue from Hiroki that he loves Elis more, there are four people in the anime who noticed them: Takeuchi (but she doesn't want to get involve much), Misaki, Hagino & Kiri.

I think that it is important to take note in what other characters think despite the plot seems to go in one direction. Furthermore, it is shown as the series reaching its climax. It's just the same as other shows/stories where one character doesn't seem to be interested in another at first but in the end, he/she realized that he/she falls in love with her/him.

I won't say that Canvas 2 is badly handled. But it's just done on a different level & some viewers are on a different wavelength. I believe that you just prefer that it should be done in a usual typical way that you used to see.

Btw, my metaphors is referring to what you have posted. It's just plain & simple to understand. You're trying to say that it makes more sense that Elis & Hiroki stay as brother-sister / parent-child because that's what the 20 episodes potray them to be. But that was way back then. What happen afterwards is also important.

There is a change of heart in episode 21 onwards & this can just change anything even turning the table upside down. These 4 episodes is enough to change Hiroki-Elis relationship from brother-sister/parent-child to lovers. The only thing is whether you will accept or not that your speculation is wrong. It's up to you.
multiMar 13, 2011 5:35 AM
Mar 19, 2011 2:21 PM
Mar 2011
Wow I really can't believe how many people are satisfied with that completely random ending. Many are like: "Well ya know life is unexpected and it doesn't always work out the way you want it to". But this goes completely beyond unexpected. It just doesn't make sense. Whether or not I or anyone else wanted Kiri and Hiroki to end up together is besides the fact that throughout the entire series there were almost ZERO signs that Hiroki also loved Elis in return. And then he has a complete 180 change of heart which is outrageously sudden and out of the blue. If they had at least shown some signs that Hiroki also felt the same way about Elis then it would've been easier to understand. But for 23 episodes we see Hiroki only looking towards Kiri. So that final make out scene between Elis and Hiroki is shocking, unsystematic and just too much of sudden shift to make sense. He even rejects Elis once because he only wants to be family with her and nothing else. Also why would he become Kiri's girlfriend, according to him, if he was in love with elis the whole time.

Anyways, in submission to the outrageous Canvas 2 ending we learn that all those times when we see Hiroki daydreaming hes been thinking about doing his cousin (incest) and the entire time hes been a closet lolicon (theres about an 8 year age difference).
Mar 19, 2011 2:25 PM
Mar 2011
insan3soldiern said:
Frankly I remember it being as obvious a conclusion as Shuffles ending. The signs were there.

except there were no signs that elis and hiroki were gonna end up together other then the fact that the anime writes were brianless
Torisunanohokori said:
Meddigo said:
I've rewritten the ending in my head where Ellis gets hit by a truck and Kiri ends up with the main character as it should have been.

Ditto. That ending was kind of an ass pull, if not directly in the last episode, then in the last 4. The first 20 episodes of the series did a good job of portraying Hiroki-Elis as a parent-child type relationship, and that made way more sense the way the series actually went.

I agree with you, the extremely startling ending has no relevance to the rest of the series. Doesn't make any sense.
Aug 20, 2011 7:44 PM
Feb 2011
I would have to say who he ended up with didn't really catch me by surprise. But I would say an ending with Kiri would have been better tho I don't mind him ending with Elis.
korn7809Aug 20, 2011 7:48 PM
Sep 13, 2011 2:21 PM
Sep 2011
I just finished the anime now and I must say. I really Enjoyed This anime 5/5! I was rooting for Elis all this time. I knew and wanted them to get together for a while now for the main reason that Kiri.. kept using the word "Like" all the time. I knew right then, she was not going to end up with him. Adult female saying "like" = friend, not "lover". You could tell from the way Elis was acting, that she loved him. Even though it was incest, it made me feel like they weren't related. He seemed more like a step cousin to me. Great Anime!
Feb 17, 2012 3:06 AM
Dec 2010
I felt like the ending was somewhat obvious towards the last couple episodes. First of all, in most Anime like this, when the main guy starts dating a girl before the last episode he usually doesn't end up with her. And as soon as you heard about all this France stuff? Should've been obvious he would rush to the airport in dramatic fashion to confess his feelings.

Also, I got the sense throughout the series that we were getting a lot stronger of a connection to Elis. I'll be honest, I didn't even really feel all that bad for Kiri in the end. I mean I just didn't feel to much for her whereas with Elis, who I originally hated in the beginning, I felt constantly so bad for her. The writers would not put you through SO many of those moments if they were gonna give her the bad ending, it just doesn't make much sense.

Oh and also, in the end remember; Hiroki rejected Kiri in high school. He says "There was someone better" but we don't really know anything beyond that. Was it for Yanagi? Or maybe because of Elis? We also don't even know what he said in response to her when she said it again on the roof. All we know is that it seemingly was going "well" and nothing more.

My only qualm with it is that they're cousins, like I wish it could've been that she was like a friend of the family whose parents died instead. But its Anime, and incest isn't as uncommon as it should be.
May 1, 2016 6:00 PM
Apr 2015
T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
Wow I really can't believe how many people are satisfied with that completely random ending. Many are like: "Well ya know life is unexpected and it doesn't always work out the way you want it to". But this goes completely beyond unexpected. It just doesn't make sense. Whether or not I or anyone else wanted Kiri and Hiroki to end up together is besides the fact that throughout the entire series there were almost ZERO signs that Hiroki also loved Elis in return. And then he has a complete 180 change of heart which is outrageously sudden and out of the blue. If they had at least shown some signs that Hiroki also felt the same way about Elis then it would've been easier to understand. But for 23 episodes we see Hiroki only looking towards Kiri. So that final make out scene between Elis and Hiroki is shocking, unsystematic and just too much of sudden shift to make sense. He even rejects Elis once because he only wants to be family with her and nothing else. Also why would he become Kiri's girlfriend, according to him, if he was in love with elis the whole time.

Anyways, in submission to the outrageous Canvas 2 ending we learn that all those times when we see Hiroki daydreaming hes been thinking about doing his cousin (incest) and the entire time hes been a closet lolicon (theres about an 8 year age difference).

Actually in Episode 7 (during the fear trial) Hiroki and Kiri come across Elis and the boy from her class (his name escapes me) as he confesses he has feelings for Elis. However she turns him down. After they leave Kiri tries to initiate a conversation with Hiroki but he isn't paying attention (like he was more concerned with Elis) and he apologizes once he snaps out of it.

This fact hints at his subconscious feelings for Elis (whether that be my personal observation or not is fine. I thought I'd throw this out there and see what kind of response I get.) You don't have to agree with my opinion either, I just wanted to state what I saw as Hiroki's true feelings coming to light.

Grimwolf said:
I felt like the ending was somewhat obvious towards the last couple episodes. First of all, in most Anime like this, when the main guy starts dating a girl before the last episode he usually doesn't end up with her. And as soon as you heard about all this France stuff? Should've been obvious he would rush to the airport in dramatic fashion to confess his feelings.

Also, I got the sense throughout the series that we were getting a lot stronger of a connection to Elis. I'll be honest, I didn't even really feel all that bad for Kiri in the end. I mean I just didn't feel to much for her whereas with Elis, who I originally hated in the beginning, I felt constantly so bad for her. The writers would not put you through SO many of those moments if they were gonna give her the bad ending, it just doesn't make much sense.

Oh and also, in the end remember; Hiroki rejected Kiri in high school. He says "There was someone better" but we don't really know anything beyond that. Was it for Yanagi? Or maybe because of Elis? We also don't even know what he said in response to her when she said it again on the roof. All we know is that it seemingly was going "well" and nothing more.

My only qualm with it is that they're cousins, like I wish it could've been that she was like a friend of the family whose parents died instead. But its Anime, and incest isn't as uncommon as it should be.

I want to also agree with the start of this (and most of it). Has anyone watched Golden Time?? Yeah not a great comparison but it does have a character who's feelings for another girl win at the end and beating my brains out on my desk as I watched it unfold. But it was still a good story for others; just not my cup of tea.
MaNiPuLaTedFuZeMay 1, 2016 6:10 PM
Aug 29, 2018 5:35 AM

Apr 2016
I see only endings for Hiroki and Elis. What about Kiri and Yanagi? What happened to them?
-> It does not matter if everything else is BAD as long as the PLOT/STORY is GOOD!
-> TRAGEDIES are for MASOCHIST so count me OUT!
-> TRUTH sometimes HURTS!
-> | Reddit | FanFiction |

Jul 14, 2020 5:48 PM

Jul 2019
Im glad we got an Elis ending because fuck Kiri. But I hate how it was rushed. And what the hell was up with the Tomoko scene
Jul 29, 2021 2:17 PM
May 2011
I remember watching this series over a decade ago. It was one of the first series I watched that wasn't just part of Cartoon Network's anime block. I remember really loving Kiri. I enjoyed the relationship she and Hiroki had and was upset when it ended (especially how the last thing he says to her is drowned out). More than that, though, I remember the uneasiness I felt for days over the final scene. Hiroki leaving Kiri so he could have sex with his high schooler cousin really unsettled me. Man, how inexperienced I was back then...
Jan 19, 2022 10:54 AM
Dec 2021
.(๐™Ž๐™ช๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง ๐™ƒ๐™š๐™–๐™ซ๐™ฎ ๐™Ž๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ž๐™ก๐™š๐™ง๐™จ)
.Well from the start I had a felling it will have that cliched incest-ish ending.

But man I hoped that kiri would get her deserving happy ending.. Even at the ending of the final episode I still hoped that he will clear things up with that blondie and he will still be with kiri. But at the closing secene when I saw the guy and blondie half naked.. I understood this was another piece of cliche trash..They could have provided an alternate ending where the guy ends up with kiri. But well no point talking bout that now..

Hope I had never watched this trash... My 2nd most hated series after school days.
_yatOgamiiNov 17, 2023 8:39 AM
Jan 21, 2022 12:13 PM
Jul 2020
I’m so glad I checked this thread so I didn’t waste my time only 6 episodes in and yup ended how I don’t want it to. So dropped.

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