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Jun 20, 2009 5:47 AM

Apr 2008
Fuck yeah! Post or die.
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Jun 20, 2009 8:11 AM

May 2008
We already have one thread about bands (though it's broken);

Anyways, I don't really listen to that much music. The manliest bands I've listened to are Metallica, Dimmu Borgir, Apocalyptica and Disturbed.

Perhaps not exactly fitting the definition, I also listen to Scorpions and Pink Floyd.
A past can last a lifetime.
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Jun 20, 2009 11:31 AM

May 2009
georgi said:

Anyways, I don't really listen to that much music. The manliest bands I've listened to are Metallica, Dimmu Borgir, Apocalyptica and Disturbed.


The Lord Weird Slough Feg. Manliest shit ever.

Alternatively Amon Amarth. Not as manly though unless you're a Norsefag. Nothing wrong with that, of course.

EDIT: I could list (real) metal bands all day but those are two that should hold anyone over

Oh, and there's also Manowar, but... lol

Band info pages for those who are interested:

Slough Feg:
Amon Amarth:
lol Manowar:
King_KenshiroJun 20, 2009 11:34 AM
Jun 20, 2009 4:40 PM

Apr 2008
Amon Amarth is pretty diesel.
Megadeth is above all though, new album set to release soon.
Jun 20, 2009 7:56 PM

May 2008
@ King_Kenshiro

Both these bands seem interesting, I'll check them out. But like I said, I'm not really that much into music to begin with; you'd be amazed by the scarcity of bands that I know...
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Jun 20, 2009 8:03 PM

Sep 2008
Jun 20, 2009 8:39 PM

Nov 2008
MotokoAramaki said:
Jun 20, 2009 9:14 PM

May 2009
CodeZero said:
Amon Amarth is pretty diesel.
Megadeth is above all though, new album set to release soon.

Not a big thrash fan tbqh, sorry bro. <3
Jun 22, 2009 12:24 PM

Apr 2008
thrash is the best my friend, your missing out.
Jun 22, 2009 2:33 PM

May 2009
CodeZero said:
thrash is the best my friend, your missing out.

I've already listened to a bunch of thrash albums, not my thing.

I prefer death, black, power and traditional heavy.
Jun 22, 2009 3:04 PM

Apr 2008
Power metal is gnarly. Black and death are sick too. Can't go wrong with heavy metal. \m/

Like any HellYeah?
Jun 22, 2009 3:24 PM

May 2009
CodeZero said:
Power metal is gnarly. Black and death are sick too. Can't go wrong with heavy metal. m/

Like any HellYeah?

I've never listened to them. Having members of Mudvayne, Pantera, and Nothingface turned me off from checking them out and I've seen nothing but bad reviews of their album.

Then again nothing's for everyone, right? :P
Jun 22, 2009 4:16 PM

Apr 2008
WHAAAAAT?!! Dude, Mudvayne, Pantera and Nothingface are amazing!

Reviews?! Fuck the critics, you be the judge.
Jun 22, 2009 5:45 PM

May 2009
CodeZero said:
WHAAAAAT?!! Dude, Mudvayne, Pantera and Nothingface are amazing!

I used to like Mudvayne years ago. Slowly got turned off them as I explored deeper into metal.

Pantera ended up being an enormous disappointment (IMHO) because they're all anyone ever listens to around here and my best friend really likes them so after hearing about how good they were I finally listened all the way through Cowboys from Hell and ended up going "meh".

And as for Nothingface... I just don't like them, tbqh. But if you do, more power to you.

CodeZero said:

Reviews?! Fuck the critics, you be the judge.

I don't listen to reviews for games. In fact, a bad review for an older game gives me all the more reason to check it out. For the lulz, of course.

For music, it really depends where the review is coming from. Usually Metal Archives ends up with reviews very similar to how I feel about most of the stuff on there, but then again that 11% they gave the HellYeah album could've been bias from the Nu Metal haters. Not saying HellYeah is Nu Metal, but alot of the bands it's members are from are.

Again, no offense to you. Like what you like and fuck everyone else tbqh

I also like Jazz.
Jun 23, 2009 4:27 AM

Apr 2008
Well everyone has their own opinions I suppose, everyone is different.

How about Testament?
Jun 23, 2009 6:50 AM

Apr 2008
Jun 23, 2009 10:26 AM

Apr 2008
They're good.

Everyone go listen to John 5 or Satan will pour hot acid down your throat, turn your guts into snakes and dissolve your testicles!
Jun 23, 2009 12:37 PM

Feb 2008
All hail the kings of Metal! m/


Don't care for John 5, nor MM for that matter, he is a "meh" player for me.

This CD is just epic, every time I listen to it I just feel like I can take on the world:

Not their best album, but still good, and this is a good drinkin' song:

I downloaded this one for the giggles and I ended up lovin' it:

And for the more old school death fans, Obituary released their lastest CD a few days ago, I'm liking it so far. This should be the first track, but, for some odd reason, it isn't:

And there's the new Spinal Tap CD (Back from the dead) that has a FUCKIN' DIORAMA!!! Now that's manly...

And I guess those are the Highlights of this year so far, we still have "Endgame" from Megadeth, the new U.D.O, Manowar and Meliah Rage cd's and "Blood painted world" from Slayer to be released this year, so this promises to be a great year, music wise.
CraniJun 23, 2009 12:41 PM
Every time you make a typo, somebody in Zeta gets slapped.
Jun 24, 2009 5:49 AM

Apr 2008
Just "meh?!" Dude he is amazing.

Slayer is "meh," but what I'm really looking towards is End Game from Megadeth.
Jun 24, 2009 12:52 PM
Jun 2009
CodeZero said:

Slayer is "meh,"

Now this I'll agree with you about.

I'm Kenshiro by the way.
Jun 24, 2009 1:46 PM

Apr 2008
Welcome new dude!
Aug 24, 2009 7:37 AM

Dec 2008
Manly bands: Metallica (First three albums, and definitely Master of Puppets for it's lyrics), MEGADETH (Cant go wrong), Pantera, Disturbed and Slayer.
Aug 24, 2009 9:08 AM

Apr 2008
Tendragroden said:
Manly bands: Metallica (First three albums, and definitely Master of Puppets for it's lyrics)
Those were the albums that MUSTAINE helped to create.
Aug 24, 2009 10:34 AM

Dec 2008
CodeZero said:
Tendragroden said:
Manly bands: Metallica (First three albums, and definitely Master of Puppets for it's lyrics)
Those were the albums that MUSTAINE helped to create.
No. He only helped on some of the songs in Kill'em All. Before Kill'em All album was finished, he got kicked out.
Aug 26, 2009 7:58 AM

Apr 2008
Nah, more than that. They also used the stuff they didn't use, that he wrote, in Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning and rumours have said, may be false, that he was behind one or two songs on MoP.
Aug 26, 2009 8:07 AM

Dec 2008
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.
Aug 26, 2009 8:09 AM
Jun 2009
Tendragroden said:
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.

lol, I'd rather believe people over the internet than one of the most overrated musicians ever.

I'm not even kidding, I love metal but I hate every single song I've EVER heard by Metallica.
Aug 26, 2009 8:29 AM

Dec 2008
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.

lol, I'd rather believe people over the internet than one of the most overrated musicians ever.

I'm not even kidding, I love metal but I hate every single song I've EVER heard by Metallica.
That doesn't make much sense. Eventhough you hate the songs Metallica make, that doesn't mean that they lie about who made what in their music. And where's the logic in that people on the internet are saying the truth when they couldn't possibly know what goes on in the studio. Especially around the Kill'em All and Ride the Lightning time, when they weren't even famous.

The way I understood your logic, was:

Because they are overrated that means they lie about who made what in their songs, And because of that, we should trust what people on the internet say, eventhough they have no clue as to what is going in the studio.

I really dont see the logic here.

Anyway, about what Metallica said. They did say Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets, but they did say they used a couple of things he made in The call of the Ktulu and the song Ride the Lightning, but those were very small parts that it isn't even worth mentioning, but they still gave him credit for it.

So he actually only contributed in Call of the ktulu and Ride the Lightning, but nothing worth mentioning in any of them. He probably did a bit of the riffs or something, because Kirk said that he made all the solos himself.
PineappledishesAug 26, 2009 8:35 AM
Aug 26, 2009 11:28 AM

Apr 2008
So Megadeth is wayyyyy fucking better than Metallica.
Aug 26, 2009 12:26 PM

Dec 2008
It is. Otherwise I would have made a Metallica FanClub. :[
Aug 26, 2009 1:29 PM

Apr 2008
And I wouldn't have joined. :)
Aug 27, 2009 3:45 PM

Apr 2008
Kill 'Em All was alright, but that was their only album where they had raw vocals and good guitar work....Kirk is garbage and James became too...refined
Aug 27, 2009 6:12 PM

Apr 2008
That's why there is Megadeth.
Aug 27, 2009 8:11 PM
Jun 2009
Tendragroden said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.

lol, I'd rather believe people over the internet than one of the most overrated musicians ever.

I'm not even kidding, I love metal but I hate every single song I've EVER heard by Metallica.
That doesn't make much sense. Eventhough you hate the songs Metallica make, that doesn't mean that they lie about who made what in their music. And where's the logic in that people on the internet are saying the truth when they couldn't possibly know what goes on in the studio. Especially around the Kill'em All and Ride the Lightning time, when they weren't even famous.

The way I understood your logic, was:

Because they are overrated that means they lie about who made what in their songs, And because of that, we should trust what people on the internet say, eventhough they have no clue as to what is going in the studio.

I really dont see the logic here.

Anyway, about what Metallica said. They did say Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets, but they did say they used a couple of things he made in The call of the Ktulu and the song Ride the Lightning, but those were very small parts that it isn't even worth mentioning, but they still gave him credit for it.

So he actually only contributed in Call of the ktulu and Ride the Lightning, but nothing worth mentioning in any of them. He probably did a bit of the riffs or something, because Kirk said that he made all the solos himself.

Oh, I never claimed to have any logic behind what I posted. I just really really hate Metallica.
Aug 28, 2009 10:41 AM

Dec 2008
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.

lol, I'd rather believe people over the internet than one of the most overrated musicians ever.

I'm not even kidding, I love metal but I hate every single song I've EVER heard by Metallica.
That doesn't make much sense. Eventhough you hate the songs Metallica make, that doesn't mean that they lie about who made what in their music. And where's the logic in that people on the internet are saying the truth when they couldn't possibly know what goes on in the studio. Especially around the Kill'em All and Ride the Lightning time, when they weren't even famous.

The way I understood your logic, was:

Because they are overrated that means they lie about who made what in their songs, And because of that, we should trust what people on the internet say, eventhough they have no clue as to what is going in the studio.

I really dont see the logic here.

Anyway, about what Metallica said. They did say Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets, but they did say they used a couple of things he made in The call of the Ktulu and the song Ride the Lightning, but those were very small parts that it isn't even worth mentioning, but they still gave him credit for it.

So he actually only contributed in Call of the ktulu and Ride the Lightning, but nothing worth mentioning in any of them. He probably did a bit of the riffs or something, because Kirk said that he made all the solos himself.

Oh, I never claimed to have any logic behind what I posted. I just really really hate Metallica.

Oh, then it was a very unnecessary comment to me, because I couldn't give a shit. :)

And, hate is a very strong word. I find it hard to believe people can hate bands or other things for that matter that exist to please certain people. And especially if you dont have anything against them personally.

It's like me saying I hate Tokio Hotel. I dont hate it, I just dont like their music. Unless you actually get pissed off by the songs Metallica make, but then you should seek help, or go to an anger managment class or something, because that's not healthy.

Naw, just kidding with you man, lol :P (about the seeking of help and management part, the rest I mean.)
PineappledishesAug 28, 2009 10:44 AM
Aug 28, 2009 5:42 PM
Jun 2009
Tendragroden said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.

lol, I'd rather believe people over the internet than one of the most overrated musicians ever.

I'm not even kidding, I love metal but I hate every single song I've EVER heard by Metallica.
That doesn't make much sense. Eventhough you hate the songs Metallica make, that doesn't mean that they lie about who made what in their music. And where's the logic in that people on the internet are saying the truth when they couldn't possibly know what goes on in the studio. Especially around the Kill'em All and Ride the Lightning time, when they weren't even famous.

The way I understood your logic, was:

Because they are overrated that means they lie about who made what in their songs, And because of that, we should trust what people on the internet say, eventhough they have no clue as to what is going in the studio.

I really dont see the logic here.

Anyway, about what Metallica said. They did say Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets, but they did say they used a couple of things he made in The call of the Ktulu and the song Ride the Lightning, but those were very small parts that it isn't even worth mentioning, but they still gave him credit for it.

So he actually only contributed in Call of the ktulu and Ride the Lightning, but nothing worth mentioning in any of them. He probably did a bit of the riffs or something, because Kirk said that he made all the solos himself.

Oh, I never claimed to have any logic behind what I posted. I just really really hate Metallica.

Oh, then it was a very unnecessary comment to me, because I couldn't give a shit. :)

And, hate is a very strong word. I find it hard to believe people can hate bands or other things for that matter that exist to please certain people. And especially if you dont have anything against them personally.

It's like me saying I hate Tokio Hotel. I dont hate it, I just dont like their music. Unless you actually get pissed off by the songs Metallica make, but then you should seek help, or go to an anger managment class or something, because that's not healthy.

Naw, just kidding with you man, lol :P (about the seeking of help and management part, the rest I mean.)

I wouldn't say I get pissed off, lol, but when I see kids walking around their schools with Metallica shirts on and saying how much they love Metallica and how great the metal Metallica plays is and how Metallica is so awesome and has a great drummer (lol) and wonderful meaningful etc. etc. etc.

It just bugs me a little. Not 100% pissed off but I get a little irked, you see.

I'll take any band from my computer at random... In fact I just went into my metal folder, clicked the first sub folder I saw, and am now posting the first band my eyes saw: Hammerfall

I don't even like Hammerfall THAT much, but... Maybe I'm just not a big thrash fan, but I honestly find Metallica's music extremely uninspired and flat-out boring, whereas I can enjoy extremely cheesy power metal with womanly vibrato. My personal opinion, of course. Like whatever you want, I don't really care :P
Aug 28, 2009 11:45 PM

Dec 2008
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Tendragroden said:
They are false. The bandmembers themselves said that Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. So I'll rather believe them then rumours on the internet.

lol, I'd rather believe people over the internet than one of the most overrated musicians ever.

I'm not even kidding, I love metal but I hate every single song I've EVER heard by Metallica.
That doesn't make much sense. Eventhough you hate the songs Metallica make, that doesn't mean that they lie about who made what in their music. And where's the logic in that people on the internet are saying the truth when they couldn't possibly know what goes on in the studio. Especially around the Kill'em All and Ride the Lightning time, when they weren't even famous.

The way I understood your logic, was:

Because they are overrated that means they lie about who made what in their songs, And because of that, we should trust what people on the internet say, eventhough they have no clue as to what is going in the studio.

I really dont see the logic here.

Anyway, about what Metallica said. They did say Mustaine had nothing to do with Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets, but they did say they used a couple of things he made in The call of the Ktulu and the song Ride the Lightning, but those were very small parts that it isn't even worth mentioning, but they still gave him credit for it.

So he actually only contributed in Call of the ktulu and Ride the Lightning, but nothing worth mentioning in any of them. He probably did a bit of the riffs or something, because Kirk said that he made all the solos himself.

Oh, I never claimed to have any logic behind what I posted. I just really really hate Metallica.

Oh, then it was a very unnecessary comment to me, because I couldn't give a shit. :)

And, hate is a very strong word. I find it hard to believe people can hate bands or other things for that matter that exist to please certain people. And especially if you dont have anything against them personally.

It's like me saying I hate Tokio Hotel. I dont hate it, I just dont like their music. Unless you actually get pissed off by the songs Metallica make, but then you should seek help, or go to an anger managment class or something, because that's not healthy.

Naw, just kidding with you man, lol :P (about the seeking of help and management part, the rest I mean.)

I wouldn't say I get pissed off, lol, but when I see kids walking around their schools with Metallica shirts on and saying how much they love Metallica and how great the metal Metallica plays is and how Metallica is so awesome and has a great drummer (lol) and wonderful meaningful etc. etc. etc.

It just bugs me a little. Not 100% pissed off but I get a little irked, you see.

I'll take any band from my computer at random... In fact I just went into my metal folder, clicked the first sub folder I saw, and am now posting the first band my eyes saw: Hammerfall

I don't even like Hammerfall THAT much, but... Maybe I'm just not a big thrash fan, but I honestly find Metallica's music extremely uninspired and flat-out boring, whereas I can enjoy extremely cheesy power metal with womanly vibrato. My personal opinion, of course. Like whatever you want, I don't really care :P

Now this post looks a bit more mature. :P

WHO THE FUCK SAYS THE DRUMMER IS GOOD!? xD Oh man, Lars Ulrich sucks ass compared to EVERYONE ELSE. Man, Metallica would have a better sound if he wasn't in the band. They should have kicked him out, and not Dave Mustaine, those sons of bitches.

I listen to random myself. Though I just dont have Metal. Eventhough I love metal, my favorite band is Rush. Lmao. :P

And btw, you dont at least like Fade to Black? It's such a nice and beautiful song. ;___;

I wouldn't call Metallica meaningful. What Megadeth was about was much more deep than Metallica. Ride the Lightning was about executions and stuff like that, while Master of Puppets was about being controlled, war etc. But it wasn't really something "big". But it still gave some sort of effect, lol. :P

I on the other hand love the three first albums of Metallica. If it wasn't for them, alot of bands wouldn't exist. And who knows, maybe we would have gotten more glam rock bands like Motley Crue? Because that was Metallica first "mission"

The vocalist, drummer and Dave Mustaine were looking for a bassist and after they found one, they went to a small "underground" place and played. They were one of the first (probably the first in the area) to not dress up like glam rock and play differently. I remember watching a video where they told about how many Motley Crue fans they won over that night, and ever since then they've been trying to win over the glam rock style. So really, had it not been for them, we might have had more glam rock bands. : O

Dave Mustaine did a pretty good job at this with Megadeth. But had MEtallica not existed, Megadeth wouldn't either.

You like Iron Maiden?
Aug 29, 2009 1:56 PM

Apr 2008
1) Way to represent Rush!
2)Mustaine already had a band before Metallica....Panic I Megadeth would have happened even without them :B
Aug 30, 2009 2:05 AM

Dec 2008
Magicks said:

2)Mustaine already had a band before Metallica....Panic I Megadeth would have happened even without them :B

Doubt it. He himself wanted to be the lead guitarist. If he hadn't joined Metallica, he would have joined anohter band and be the lead guitarist there. Therefore, he wouldn't have been the "leader", and Megadeth wouldn't have been. : /

Rush is awesome, bro. : O
Aug 31, 2009 1:15 PM

Oct 2008
two things I feel are worth mentioning in this thread right now.

1) the new megadeth album has been leaked, tracks are springing up on youtube and sound fucking awesome.

2) I currently have no voice as I sang myself hoarse at a karaoke in a metal bar last night, singing both 'Seek and destroy' and 'Master of puppets' by metallica.
Good, good times.

Sep 3, 2009 6:02 PM

Feb 2008
Tendragroden said:
CodeZero said:
Tendragroden said:
Manly bands: Metallica (First three albums, and definitely Master of Puppets for it's lyrics)
Those were the albums that MUSTAINE helped to create.
No. He only helped on some of the songs in Kill'em All. Before Kill'em All album was finished, he got kicked out.

Up to the half of the Black Album metallica mushed off Dave's work.
Magicks said:
1) Way to represent Rush!
2)Mustaine already had a band before Metallica....Panic I Megadeth would have happened even without them :B

Yes, but it may have not been has good since Dave was first moved by the hate he had by metallica when creating megadeth.

And I don't feel like quoting it but somebody was talkin' about Lars getting kicked, rumor has it that that was suppose to happen but then Cliff went and spoiled it all by flying of a bus window, no there is no stopping Lars.

And has for Rush, I think everybody will agree that "Tom Sawyer" is every bad boys anthem.
Every time you make a typo, somebody in Zeta gets slapped.
Sep 6, 2009 12:01 AM

Dec 2008
Crani said:
Tendragroden said:
CodeZero said:
Tendragroden said:
Manly bands: Metallica (First three albums, and definitely Master of Puppets for it's lyrics)
Those were the albums that MUSTAINE helped to create.
No. He only helped on some of the songs in Kill'em All. Before Kill'em All album was finished, he got kicked out.

Up to the half of the Black Album metallica mushed off Dave's work..

I'm sorry, but that is just...that's just wrong. :|
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