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Oct 5, 2015 1:15 PM

Mar 2015
well, webmanga version is really far ahead, can we also discuss it in here? also since webmanga version is in fubuki sister arc climax ATM.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
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Oct 8, 2015 3:55 PM

Sep 2013
the webcomic has bad art at the start but gets better.
ONE can definitely draw some good stuff now.

I don't like the current tatsumaki x fubuki arc :(
It's nice development for those 2 thou.

I don't like the black sperm staying either, too much like mob psycho, and saitama fighting the robots was also whatever.

Actually ever since garou the story has been average, it's just missing something :(
Oct 10, 2015 11:03 AM

Mar 2015
ichii_1 said:
I don't like the current tatsumaki x fubuki arc :(
It's nice development for those 2 thou.

I don't like the black sperm staying either, too much like mob psycho, and saitama fighting the robots was also whatever.

Actually ever since garou the story has been average, it's just missing something :(
maybe you get used with engaging battle, when fubuki arc battle is just average. but agree, i like how character development on fubuki arc. can't wait saitama VS fubuki THOU.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Nov 9, 2015 12:21 PM

Mar 2015
chapter 104 already release.

saitama RKO out of nowhere
poor metal bat and rondom A class hero. RIP rondom mob and monster.
sonic + rondom dog shit. lOlOlOlOl.
also i don't know that metal bat actualy have cute side.
sister already damaged even without saitama does shit.
also fubuki. why?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Nov 9, 2015 12:24 PM

Jan 2015
sorry for intruding but how far ahead is the webcomic? :o

Nov 9, 2015 1:08 PM

Aug 2015
Tekraz said:
sorry for intruding but how far ahead is the webcomic? :o

The webcomic is the original, drawn and written by the the author himself. Don't quote me on this, because I'm just estimating here, but I'd guess they're at least 2 years apart. Murata likes to take his time and sometimes goes back to redraw scenes if he wasn't pleased with and doesn't release long chapters.
Nov 9, 2015 1:10 PM

Sep 2013
Wow dragon level is complete shit now XD
I wonder what the next big threat is? either metal knight or the god thing gives someone more power than boros :O

Tekraz said:
sorry for intruding but how far ahead is the webcomic? :o

Manga is at the halfway mark, the has webcomic 104 chapters (ongoing)
But the manga has alot of side chapters and extended scenes so it seems longer than it actually is.
Nov 9, 2015 2:40 PM

Sep 2013
Kuma said:
also i don't know that metal bat actualy have cute side.

he's had that character trait since his first appearance, he looks and acts like a delinquent but cares about his family way over hero business. remember when he had to miss his little sister's piano concert? then when she called him and told him she did good, metal bat cried out of joy. I really like that about him, a kind-hearted troublemaker.
Nov 10, 2015 6:59 AM

Mar 2013
The web version should be on the site.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Nov 10, 2015 10:15 AM

Mar 2015
ArtemisFlow said:
Kuma said:
also i don't know that metal bat actualy have cute side.
he's had that character trait since his first appearance, he looks and acts like a delinquent but cares about his family way over hero business. remember when he had to miss his little sister's piano concert? then when she called him and told him she did good, metal bat cried out of joy. I really like that about him, a kind-hearted troublemaker.
oh, that part, what i remember is when the first his apperience in s class meeting, he doesn't not cute site at all. maybe because my poor memories.
EvenJellyOn said:
The web version should be on the site.
not printed and not published. web manga rule still confusing for now.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Nov 10, 2015 10:44 AM
Mar 2014
there's a roughly 1.2 month time skip between Garou wrecking Tanktop Master and fighting Genos, and the manga is currently in the middle of the stuff that happened during the timeskip...though it does appear to be slowly moving forward.

It's most just explaining why the S-class who don't figure into the finale aren't there, as well as building up some of the other antagonists to come.
Nov 13, 2015 6:23 PM

Jan 2009
the current chapter is awesome, Saitama vs Tatsumaki and Fubuki disbanded her group

ZanathKariashi said:
there's a roughly 1.2 month time skip between Garou wrecking Tanktop Master and fighting Genos, and the manga is currently in the middle of the stuff that happened during the timeskip...though it does appear to be slowly moving forward.

It's most just explaining why the S-class who don't figure into the finale aren't there, as well as building up some of the other antagonists to come.

thats interesting, did you compute that or there is an official info regarding a 1.2 month time skip?
Nov 13, 2015 6:41 PM
Jan 2013
Excitedly expecting serious fight between Saitama'n'Tatsumaki, though we know Saitama isn't really going to falter, just really want to see Tatsumaki's reaction to not be able to do much going all out when she's at 100%.

Kuma said:
also fubuki. why?
If I were to guess, Tatsumaki's really the reason for this now, maybe something like "Don't come close to me otherwise you'd be in danger". Wonder if Tatsumaki's fight with Saitama triggered that and how her reaction will be when Tatsumaki comes back with no sight of Saitama.
gone bai bai
Nov 15, 2015 11:08 AM

Jul 2014
Mkim said:
Excitedly expecting serious fight between Saitama'n'Tatsumaki, though we know Saitama isn't really going to falter, just really want to see Tatsumaki's reaction to not be able to do much going all out when she's at 100%.

Cant wait. I just cant like Tatsumaki cause of her stupid Cockiness
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Nov 16, 2015 9:33 AM

Dec 2014
Finally caught up with the webcomic. :)

Metal Bat, Sonic, and the music dude. XD

Is 104 the latest one?
Nov 16, 2015 9:37 AM
Jan 2013
testamentKAISER said:
Is 104 the latest one?
Yups, both translated and on ONE's site
gone bai bai
Nov 17, 2015 10:00 AM

Dec 2014
Mkim said:
testamentKAISER said:
Is 104 the latest one?
Yups, both translated and on ONE's site

TY. :)
Nov 17, 2015 12:00 PM

Feb 2012
Im really like this Fubuki/Tatsumaki focused arc, hope it last a while.
Nov 18, 2015 8:44 PM

Nov 2012
I tried reading the original but can't get over the artsyle O.o I'm just going to continue to keep up with the redraw instead.
Nov 23, 2015 11:49 AM

Jan 2010
I love the ONE version the story is so damn good. I can look past the art when your story is this OP!!!
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Nov 26, 2015 3:35 AM
Aug 2015
I just watched One punch man anime n liked it so much so i tried for manga. I found OPM(ONE) first n I read 104 chapters of it! Its artwork aint good but I loved the story!

But I want to read the real version of OPM . And it has 83 chapters. But mangafox has only 55 chapters n all chapters are like 55.1 , 55.2 , 55.3 , 54.1 .so on .. Where can I read the real one? And r the stories same??
Nov 26, 2015 7:53 AM
Jan 2013
kawaiipotato_10 said:
But I want to read the real version of OPM . And it has 83 chapters. But mangafox has only 55 chapters n all chapters are like 55.1 , 55.2 , 55.3 , 54.1 .so on .. Where can I read the real one? And r the stories same??

The stories are the same allright, that OPM is just a remake of the ONE version, it got some differences such as "extra scenes" added in the middle of everything but apart from that it follows the same story.

Yeah, numbering are like that those 55.1 - 55.3 counts as 3 chapters. There were lots of chapter remakes and small chapters that "fused" to be a whole one, just follow the order they gave and you'll most likely will be okay.
gone bai bai
Dec 1, 2015 10:43 AM

Apr 2013
Just binged all of the available One Punch Man material in the past few days. Watched all 9 episodes of the anime, read all the volumes and latest translations of Murata's manga adaptation, and I just powered through all 104 chapters of the web manga as well. I. Need. More...

That cliffhanger between Tatsumaki and Saitama along with Fubuki disbanding the group? I pray to god that the next chapter comes out in the relatively near future.
Dec 3, 2015 6:19 PM

Mar 2015
dankzel said:
Just binged all of the available One Punch Man material in the past few days. Watched all 9 episodes of the anime, read all the volumes and latest translations of Murata's manga adaptation, and I just powered through all 104 chapters of the web manga as well. I. Need. More...

That cliffhanger between Tatsumaki and Saitama along with Fubuki disbanding the group? I pray to god that the next chapter comes out in the relatively near future.
too bad, one is really incosistent with OPM update. also with upcoming mob psycho 100 anime, he will even more busy. just when OPM anime anoucement, we only get 2 chapter for 6 mounth. i hope we get lucky enough to get new chapter before new years. for 2016, i don't even have hope to get 4 chapter that year.
KumaDec 3, 2015 6:26 PM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Dec 4, 2015 1:44 AM

Apr 2013
Kuma said:
dankzel said:
Just binged all of the available One Punch Man material in the past few days. Watched all 9 episodes of the anime, read all the volumes and latest translations of Murata's manga adaptation, and I just powered through all 104 chapters of the web manga as well. I. Need. More...

That cliffhanger between Tatsumaki and Saitama along with Fubuki disbanding the group? I pray to god that the next chapter comes out in the relatively near future.
too bad, one is really incosistent with OPM update. also with upcoming mob psycho 100 anime, he will even more busy. just when OPM anime anoucement, we only get 2 chapter for 6 mounth. i hope we get lucky enough to get new chapter before new years. for 2016, i don't even have hope to get 4 chapter that year.

Yah. That's what I gathered... :(

Kind of sucks but this may actually be a blessing in disguise for my productivity in real life. OPM went HAM all over it recently :P
Dec 11, 2015 9:28 PM

Nov 2012
I just caught up with the web comic . Wow that Monster Association and Boros arc was quite long but fun as all hell.

I think Garou may be the one person/being that has been able to take that many hits from saitama and live. But then again I was reading a post somewhere before that was saying once Saitama realize Garou was just a human not anywhere near a real monster he wasn't taking Garou that seriously and not going all out. He did spend a good bit of time trying to talk to him during that fight too.

I'm kinda confused at where Garou got this incredibly overpowered ability to be so strong he outclass everyone except for Saitama.

Had fun with what little was left after that arc. Love the new luxery apartment for high class heroes/city is cool, its hilarious that damn devil hound thing and Black Sperm from the Monster Assiciation arc somehow stay alive . . Epic Saitama vs Tatsumaki . Although in my opinion Tatsumaki has already been totally beaten and humbled by the one leader chick from the moster association and also owned by Fubuki before so I'm kinda over her now.

Since we got to see virtually all of S class get messed up, the only one I'm really looking forward to see how he stacks up now is Blast , if he ever manages to freaking show up.
Jan 9, 2016 4:29 AM

Mar 2015
soo, they finnaly update them fully, lOl. 7 page must be insane.

> Friendship power to the max!
> dat saitama rise, lOl, my new sig

i expect there will be some update again in upcoming days.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jan 9, 2016 8:09 AM

Sep 2013
Doujinshi when?!

I wonder if genos's revenge will be the next arc.
I could also see the return of cyborg boros XD
Jan 9, 2016 9:00 AM
Dec 2014
Ive read the webcomic as well.

Pretty sure Sonic and Lightspeed Flash are brothers.
Anyone else hope Sonic gets some new upgrades power wise? He lacks power output alot :/
Jan 9, 2016 9:05 AM
Jan 2013
gone bai bai
Jan 13, 2016 6:17 PM

Mar 2015
final relese, ehh, soo this arc is not done yet? the fubuki group save for now.

and saitama dissaper? where he go? isn't the monster already wiped by saitama?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jan 20, 2016 8:19 AM
Jan 2013
I don't really know how to say this but... It feels like ONE's art is improving a lot
gone bai bai
Jan 20, 2016 8:47 AM

Jul 2015
How long do you think the next major arc is going to be. I'm guessing around 100 chapters since it's probably going to involve everything Metal Knight has built
Jan 20, 2016 12:28 PM

Jun 2014
I WANT TO SEE BLAST he is hero number one
Jan 20, 2016 10:49 PM
Jul 2012
Can someone link me to where I can read the webcomic version of this? Pm please, thanks :D
Jan 21, 2016 1:33 AM

Mar 2015
Tatsu765 said:
How long do you think the next major arc is going to be. I'm guessing around 100 chapters since it's probably going to involve everything Metal Knight has built
well, at least we have to know genos falshback, which is we don't know exactly. i think 2nd or 3rd arc coming.
shonenking said:
I WANT TO SEE BLAST he is hero number one
i though it saitama.
sk4835 said:
Can someone link me to where I can read the webcomic version of this? Pm please, thanks :D
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jan 21, 2016 4:42 AM
Jul 2012
Kuma said:
Tatsu765 said:
How long do you think the next major arc is going to be. I'm guessing around 100 chapters since it's probably going to involve everything Metal Knight has built
well, at least we have to know genos falshback, which is we don't know exactly. i think 2nd or 3rd arc coming.
shonenking said:
I WANT TO SEE BLAST he is hero number one
i though it saitama.
sk4835 said:
Can someone link me to where I can read the webcomic version of this? Pm please, thanks :D
Kuma said:
Tatsu765 said:
How long do you think the next major arc is going to be. I'm guessing around 100 chapters since it's probably going to involve everything Metal Knight has built
well, at least we have to know genos falshback, which is we don't know exactly. i think 2nd or 3rd arc coming.
shonenking said:
I WANT TO SEE BLAST he is hero number one
i though it saitama.
sk4835 said:
Can someone link me to where I can read the webcomic version of this? Pm please, thanks :D

Thank you very much!
Feb 2, 2016 7:43 PM
Feb 2016
Guys can you please PM me the version that has the tournament and all these various monsters popping up?

I am on the manga/webcomic version where Saitama vs Tornado just concluded.
Feb 27, 2016 3:11 AM

Mar 2015
RJ7 said:
Guys can you please PM me the version that has the tournament and all these various monsters popping up?

I am on the manga/webcomic version where Saitama vs Tornado just concluded.
it's expanding version of murata. it's non exist in original webtoon. you can started at chatpter 52 IIRC.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 28, 2016 9:20 PM

Mar 2015
teaser release again. lol. chapter 106 with 6 pages!

saitama x tatsumaki. the shipping is real!

and suddenly, saitama care about tasumaki. and tatsumaki realize that saitama is not serious. saitama got burn thou.

also is that blast that tatsumaki mention?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 28, 2016 9:27 PM

Jan 2009
Kuma said:

also is that blast that tatsumaki mention?

ye maybe Blast is the reason why Tatsumaki become a hero
Feb 28, 2016 9:29 PM

Mar 2015
j0x said:
Kuma said:

also is that blast that tatsumaki mention?

ye maybe Blast is the reason why Tatsumaki become a hero
so, is it confirmed that blast is not saitama?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 28, 2016 9:33 PM

Jan 2009
Kuma said:
j0x said:

ye maybe Blast is the reason why Tatsumaki become a hero
so, is it confirmed that blast is not saitama?

i dont know yet, but there is still a chance that Saitama is Blast, i mean look what happen when King was mistaken as Saitama right? so there is a chance that Tatsumaki may have mistaken the identity of Saitama and Blast too so Saitama might really be Blast
Feb 29, 2016 6:58 AM

Jul 2010
I bet Blast is that kind of guy that doesn't care about anybody. Typical of those super OP characters thinking things are boring.

So I guess Tatsumaki became a hero because Blast doesn't care if innocent people get killed by monsters.

Possible Saitama vs. Blast soon.
Mar 9, 2016 7:59 AM

Jul 2015
ITS HIM ITS HIM ITS HIM ITS HIM. Looks like there's also a hunters organization.
Mar 9, 2016 7:29 PM

Jan 2009
so ye Blast is similar to Saitama that he do hero as a hobby
Blast costume looks like that of Saitama too lol
and like i predicted Blast is the reason why Tatsumaki become a hero
chapter is here btw
Mar 9, 2016 7:53 PM

Jul 2015
j0x said:
so ye Blast is similar to Saitama that he do hero as a hobby
Blast costume looks like that of Saitama too lol
and like i predicted Blast is the reason why Tatsumaki become a hero
chapter is here btw

Do you think we might get a Civil War arc
Mar 9, 2016 7:55 PM

Jan 2009
Tatsu765 said:
j0x said:
so ye Blast is similar to Saitama that he do hero as a hobby
Blast costume looks like that of Saitama too lol
and like i predicted Blast is the reason why Tatsumaki become a hero
chapter is here btw

Do you think we might get a Civil War arc

i got no idea but that would be cool
Mar 10, 2016 1:47 AM

Jun 2009
I'm going to laugh like Hell if Saitama meets Blast face to face and he's like "Hey Dad, what the heck are you doing here?"

And then everyone else who will be around will just do a jaw drop of epic proportions.
Mar 10, 2016 3:48 AM

Aug 2013
I seen the anime and I loved it, but after this the story is always high quality or worse?
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