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Jun 24, 2015 9:36 PM

Nov 2008
Takeoff31 said:
Mika is one dimensional he has nothing except muh Yuu

His personality does change drastically though with the time that is something. It makes sense that he's all about Yuu, just under the circumstances....though he does go overboard. XD

Jun 24, 2015 11:31 PM

Sep 2014
Takeoff31 said:
Chiibi said:
Episode 12 reveals she's not one dimensional though? The others in the squad don't exactly have a lot that we know about them either. If you're going to call Shinoa one dimensional, then everyone else is too, save Yuu and Mika.

Mika is one dimensional he has nothing except muh Yuu

Pretty sure you and I just watched completely different shows.

Mika starts off as a cheerful child with a horrible past; he accepts his past and moves on to live with his new family.
Suddenly, all the adult die and he is enslaved/livestock-ed by the vamps. He watches his family as they are stepped on and mistreated. Feeling rage, anger and a flood of other emotions, he decides to create a plan, using his witty-ness. Unfortunately, that plan fails, costing him the life of his family. He constantly blames himself for their death, but then he gets to live an eternal life, hence why he became more emo-like as he grew up.
But once he remembers that Yu is still alive, his light re-ignites. He's overjoyed that at least one of his family members is living, therefore he becomes over protective.
Then, he finds out that the humans are using Yu and were also using him and his family for their experiments. Leading up to this.

He is a well developed character that is caught in between humans and vampires. He hates both of them, but he's also both of them. Although he hates humans, he DOES try to be friendly to the children that are being enslaved by the vampires(see episode 4).

You say he's one dimensional, but that's simply because you haven't paid attention to him. ~.~
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 24, 2015 11:33 PM

Mar 2013
mira-nyan said:
Takeoff31 said:

Mika is one dimensional he has nothing except muh Yuu

Pretty sure you and I just watched completely different shows.

Mika starts off as a cheerful child with a horrible past; he accepts his past and moves on to live with his new family.
Suddenly, all the adult die and he is enslaved/livestock-ed by the vamps. He watches his family as they are stepped on and mistreated. Feeling rage, anger and a flood of other emotions, he decides to create a plan, using his witty-ness. Unfortunately, that plan fails, costing him the life of his family. He constantly blames himself for their death, but then he gets to live an eternal life, hence why he became more emo-like as he grew up.
But once he remembers that Yu is still alive, his light re-ignites. He's overjoyed that at least one of his family members is living, therefore he becomes over protective.
Then, he finds out that the humans are using Yu and were also using him and his family for their experiments. Leading up to this.

He is a well developed character that is caught in between humans and vampires. He hates both of them, but he's also both of them. Although he hates humans, he DOES try to be friendly to the children that are being enslaved by the vampires(see episode 4).

You say he's one dimensional, but that's simply because you haven't paid attention to him. ~.~

All I got from your post is that Mika is a filthy hypocrite
Jun 26, 2015 6:11 AM

Jan 2014
Vamporno said:
The one with purple hair? She seems alright if that the one you talking about.

she's done it with a lot of guys, ehem "sex" the way she talks.... she's clearly implying it from episode 3.... even though she's adorable she's a big "no" for me...
many guys may be into a lot of experienced girls, but "not" all guys...
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Jun 26, 2015 7:50 AM

Sep 2014
fst said:

All I got from your post is that Mika is a filthy hypocrite

Better than being one-dimensional.

DeadZeroSource said:
Vamporno said:
The one with purple hair? She seems alright if that the one you talking about.

she's done it with a lot of guys, ehem "sex" the way she talks.... she's clearly implying it from episode 3.... even though she's adorable she's a big "no" for me...
many guys may be into a lot of experienced girls, but "not" all guys...

She hasn't.
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 26, 2015 9:58 AM

Nov 2008
This is shounen anime.


I bet every single single one hasn't even been kissed on the cheek yet!!

Jun 26, 2015 10:07 AM

Sep 2014
Chiibi said:
This is shounen anime.


I bet every single single one hasn't even been kissed on the cheek yet!!

Yes, the kids are. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 26, 2015 11:15 AM

Nov 2008

I'm sure Guren isn't.....:'D as well as the vampires.

Jun 26, 2015 6:36 PM
Jul 2012
Holy crud this thread escalated.

Shinoa's...okay for me. For some of the episodes, her sass was the only thing from keeping me from closing the tab.
This series is honestly quite horrible with characterisation. Honestly still watching the show only for Mika's hair and the glowy uniforms.
Jun 26, 2015 11:39 PM

Sep 2014
Kirisaika said:

This series is honestly quite horrible with characterisation. Honestly still watching the show only for Mika's hair and the glowy uniforms.
mira-nyan said:
Takeoff31 said:

Mika is one dimensional he has nothing except muh Yuu

Pretty sure you and I just watched completely different shows.

Mika starts off as a cheerful child with a horrible past; he accepts his past and moves on to live with his new family.
Suddenly, all the adult die and he is enslaved/livestock-ed by the vamps. He watches his family as they are stepped on and mistreated. Feeling rage, anger and a flood of other emotions, he decides to create a plan, using his witty-ness. Unfortunately, that plan fails, costing him the life of his family. He constantly blames himself for their death, but then he gets to live an eternal life, hence why he became more emo-like as he grew up.
But once he remembers that Yu is still alive, his light re-ignites. He's overjoyed that at least one of his family members is living, therefore he becomes over protective.
Then, he finds out that the humans are using Yu and were also using him and his family for their experiments. Leading up to this.

He is a well developed character that is caught in between humans and vampires. He hates both of them, but he's also both of them. Although he hates humans, he DOES try to be friendly to the children that are being enslaved by the vampires(see episode 4).

You say he's one dimensional, but that's simply because you haven't paid attention to him. ~.~

Have you even been watching this?
The sun is a deadly laser
Aug 9, 2015 8:09 AM
Aug 2013
the only thing that I don't want to happen in this anime is her ending up with yuu....
I think yuu is much better with mitsuba sangu :)
other than that she's fine... not good but fine.
mitsuba is cute and strong, also she likes yuu for his braveness
i think shinoa started to fall for him when guren said that she loves yuu and blah blah...
Aug 11, 2015 4:54 AM

Mar 2014
Takeoff31 said:
Chiibi said:
Episode 12 reveals she's not one dimensional though? The others in the squad don't exactly have a lot that we know about them either. If you're going to call Shinoa one dimensional, then everyone else is too, save Yuu and Mika.

Mika is one dimensional he has nothing except muh Yuu

Trentor11 said:

If you're going to use the word "hater" at least use it correctly. And give us reasons as to why she's easily the best when she's arguably there for one thing and is one dimensional than most characters in this show

She is far from one dimensional, do you still don't know who she is except she is main heroine or muh love interest? do you even watch the show anymore after ep 7?

"She's far from being one dimensional" she's literally the least developed character in the series. The anime doesn't even have the gall to try and give us insight to who she is and what she's all about. Stating her name and job doesn't count. It never does. She's literally been there for comic relief except it's over the top to the point of cringing and being a jackass. The moment where I thought she would give some other side of her personality when asked about her a sister she makes a joke out of that as well.

"Do you even watch the episode after 7?" Oh please you act like she was developed from episodes 8-12... She wasn't lol. The bad thing is that she finally starts acting like an actual character towards the END of the anime. That's piss poor writing. Don't read the manga so I don't know how she's potrayed there but she was the worst character in the anime. Being cute and "moe" doesn't make a good character nor does solely being funny. She's a human version of Jar Jar Binks
TheGrandSage23Aug 11, 2015 4:57 AM
Aug 11, 2015 6:10 AM

Jul 2013
So glad I'm not the only one that hates her.
Everyone just seems to adore her. I feel like I'm missing something.
Aug 15, 2015 7:40 PM
Nov 2013
TheGrandSage23 said:
Takeoff31 said:

Mika is one dimensional he has nothing except muh Yuu

She is far from one dimensional, do you still don't know who she is except she is main heroine or muh love interest? do you even watch the show anymore after ep 7?

"She's far from being one dimensional" she's literally the least developed character in the series. The anime doesn't even have the gall to try and give us insight to who she is and what she's all about. Stating her name and job doesn't count. It never does. She's literally been there for comic relief except it's over the top to the point of cringing and being a jackass. The moment where I thought she would give some other side of her personality when asked about her a sister she makes a joke out of that as well.

"Do you even watch the episode after 7?" Oh please you act like she was developed from episodes 8-12... She wasn't lol. The bad thing is that she finally starts acting like an actual character towards the END of the anime. That's piss poor writing. Don't read the manga so I don't know how she's potrayed there but she was the worst character in the anime. Being cute and "moe" doesn't make a good character nor does solely being funny. She's a human version of Jar Jar Binks

Lets just forget in early episodes when she literally helped Yuu to make friends and her other contributions, let just remember her character as being cute only, okay anon. I don't know what to say since no matter what she does, she will only cute character in your eyes and no more than comic relief. I still stand that she is best character. She can be funny, she can be serious, she can be sad, nerveous, she can be action girl, and that all are shown in all episodes, ep 8-12 is when they show she can fight, remember because you complained that she doesn't fight before right? Now your problem of some insight she and Guren said serious things about her sister and her family in early part of episode 12, do you skip that part? no she is not a character it is poor writing for you because she is only cute character in your eyes and all her serious moments she shows from ep 2-12 mean nothing for you.
Takeoff31Aug 15, 2015 7:49 PM
Nov 17, 2015 4:41 AM
May 2015
Takeoff31 said:
TheGrandSage23 said:

"She's far from being one dimensional" she's literally the least developed character in the series. The anime doesn't even have the gall to try and give us insight to who she is and what she's all about. Stating her name and job doesn't count. It never does. She's literally been there for comic relief except it's over the top to the point of cringing and being a jackass. The moment where I thought she would give some other side of her personality when asked about her a sister she makes a joke out of that as well.

"Do you even watch the episode after 7?" Oh please you act like she was developed from episodes 8-12... She wasn't lol. The bad thing is that she finally starts acting like an actual character towards the END of the anime. That's piss poor writing. Don't read the manga so I don't know how she's potrayed there but she was the worst character in the anime. Being cute and "moe" doesn't make a good character nor does solely being funny. She's a human version of Jar Jar Binks

Lets just forget in early episodes when she literally helped Yuu to make friends and her other contributions, let just remember her character as being cute only, okay anon. I don't know what to say since no matter what she does, she will only cute character in your eyes and no more than comic relief. I still stand that she is best character. She can be funny, she can be serious, she can be sad, nerveous, she can be action girl, and that all are shown in all episodes, ep 8-12 is when they show she can fight, remember because you complained that she doesn't fight before right? Now your problem of some insight she and Guren said serious things about her sister and her family in early part of episode 12, do you skip that part? no she is not a character it is poor writing for you because she is only cute character in your eyes and all her serious moments she shows from ep 2-12 mean nothing for you.

Lol you're not even giving out examples you're regurgitating the same arguments..

"She can be funny" no she's not funny her comedy is cringeworthy.

"she can be an action girl which is shown in all episodes" lol bullshit.. One of her main criticisms is that she barely fights which is true. Before episode 9 she practically wasted that badass scythe either standing on the sidelines or simply not doing shit to help out especially on their patrol in the city where Yuu and Mitsuba and the rest were fighting and trying to save a kid she was doing nothing.

"She can be serious" yes past episode 9 which was towards the end of the season where she started taking her job seriously and when did she actually help Yuu and the others? She didn't help Yuu make friends that was all on Yuu and the rest.. So when did she actually help? Her training with Yuu provided nothing. The demon training was more useful and that had nothing to do with her.

Guren talking about her family for a few seconds at the end of the season doesn't help her poor characterization

"All her serious moments from ep 2-12 are nothing to you" by God kid she was practically Jar Jar Binks until episode 9 where she started taking her life more seriously and even then it wasn't enough. She still is the least developed character on the show. The fact that most like because of her cringeworthy humor and nothing else proves my point
Nov 17, 2015 4:46 AM

Apr 2014
I could do without her, she is pretty boring. Would suck is she became the main love interest tbh.
Nov 17, 2015 8:56 AM
Nov 2015
I think am in love and hate relationship with her. Sometimes, I liked her characteristic and she was so cool with her scythe. But I hate the author who seems forcing her to have any sort of romantic interest towards the Male MC. :(
Dec 25, 2015 1:58 PM
May 2013
Immature theme title. Possible to talk about quality of characters, not about sucks/fucks/OWNAGE.
Dec 27, 2015 2:29 PM

Jul 2013
Shes awesome character and very likeable in many ways
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Jan 2, 2016 2:25 PM

Sep 2013
Not really of a fan of her contrast to the story. I didn't really enjoy the comedic aspects of OnS which was much of what she contributed to the show.
Jan 2, 2016 8:53 PM
Dec 2015
bastek66 said:
Shitaste. Only fujos hate her because she ruins their yaoi dreams

You are implying that her main role is to be a love interest...

TheGrandSage23 said:
Manga wise both Yuu and Mika and few characters are better characters than her. Her tongue and cheek humor doesn't fit the atmosphere and she barely contributes to the plot. Plus her having a scythe means jack in regards to character. Her relationship with Yuuichiro is "meh" to me wanting him to slap her. The chemistry isn't there and I know she's supposed to be a love interest but it's not working and the dialogue in the manga is heavy on shonen ai with Yuu and Mika

As someone stated she's just there and that's a fail for a MC. Her know it all personality is similar to Holo except Holo was actually a well written and interesting character

Just because she isn't a love interest she fails as Main Female Protagonist?
Is there some rule that the main female protagonist NEEDS to be romantically involved with the male protagonist?

She's a good character imo, and I understand that there is people who don't like her personality and that's ok.
But from both sides, who likes her and hates her I see BOTH sides being jerks about reducing her as just a love interest. And the reason? "Because she's the main female character".
Most of discussions here are using her potential as lover to MC by making comparisons with Mika potential, just so to define her value.
Sounds like people only like or hate her because she fits the role of "the MC female love interest".
All this discussion just reinforce for me why I don't want her as love interest. Feels like she being a love interest is gonna glue to her as her tag to make her a shadow instead of make her shine by the reasons I like her.

I want her to shine without being a love interest, not only for who enjoys her character, but to prove for who hate her for being a love interest that she can shine even without being a love interest but because of her personality. But that's all on author hands, of course.
O_________oJan 2, 2016 9:56 PM
Jan 3, 2016 8:51 PM

Nov 2008
Making a character a love interest doesn't demean her character.

Making her a damsel in distress would.

Jan 3, 2016 9:43 PM
Dec 2015
Chiibi said:
Making a character a love interest doesn't demean her character.

Making her a damsel in distress would.

Get the point:
using the excuse of "female main character" as something that makes obligatory a female character to be a love interest is just as problematic as denying that a female character the possibility of being a love interest.

A female character can be BOTH
when you say that one or other is obligatory or denied, this is where it lies the problem

Being a female Main character is no reason or excuse to have an obligatory romance. It should be OPTIONAL (and unrelated with being the main female character).
When you treat the trope of Main female character involved romantically with Main Male character as OBLIGATORY. That's problematic.
O_________oJan 3, 2016 10:12 PM
Jan 3, 2016 10:24 PM

Nov 2008
Well, I like romance so it's not "problematic" for me in the least bit.

In fact, I don't wanna watch shows that don't have romance in them. That's boring for me. XD

I don't think anyone called it "obligatory". I think it's "the most likely out of the rest of the cast IF there's a romantic subplot at all". Why? Because Shinoa gets the most screentime with Yuu, compared to Mitsuba.

Jan 3, 2016 10:59 PM
Dec 2015
Chiibi said:
Well, I like romance so it's not "problematic" for me in the least bit.

In fact, I don't wanna watch shows that don't have romance in them. That's boring for me. XD

I don't think anyone called it "obligatory". I think it's "the most likely out of the rest of the cast IF there's a romantic subplot at all". Why? Because Shinoa gets the most screentime with Yuu, compared to Mitsuba.

hmmm... My point is unrelated from people liking romance options in OnS or not.

Well, most of discussions here were using her potential as romantic option to measure her value.
And honestly, that's where I see the problem.

Because her biggest value is who she is by personality and autonomy.

And when people act as her biggest value is being a love potential, this is like implying that the only reason they like her or dislike her is mostly based in her being a love potential.

It's like her personality end just being a "flavor" that you like or dislike for Yuu's love potential.

It's completely opposite of saying that she stands by her personality and you like or dislike she being with this or that character romantically.

If you are gonna discuss if she is great or sucks, it shouldn't be because she is a love option. It should be for who she is. Her personality.

It makes no sense to compare her with other love options to say that she's great or to say she's bad based which is better for Yuu. This should be unrelated to her being great or bad. Doing this is reducing her value as just a love interest, like her personality doesn't matter for herself, but for measurement of who ends with Yuu.
This is limiting her potential to just a love interest. (and in a way this is demean her value when you limit to just that, she's surely more than it)
It's like the trope of Main female character involved romantically with Main Male character is obligatory.
O_________oJan 4, 2016 12:05 AM
Jan 4, 2016 9:46 AM

Nov 2008
O_________o said:

If you are gonna discuss if she is great or sucks, it shouldn't be because she is a love option. It should be for who she is. Her personality.

That's certainly true. And I can say I honestly like everything about Shina. lol

Jul 26, 2020 9:10 AM
Jun 2020
Shinoa started off as being a quirky and extremely likable character who listened to nobody but herself. She was strong, opinionated, and a fierce warrior. However, she soon fell into the "I'm randomly in love with this Shounen's protagonist for no good reason except for the fact that he exists."
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