Nov 23, 2015 8:44 PM
SABER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SWORD Full Name: St. Maurice of Thebes, The Centurion of the Thebean Legion Appearance: Aliases: St. Moritz, Patron Saint of France and Switzerland, Patron Saint of soldiers, swordsmiths, armies, and infantrymen. Gender: Male Sexuality: Asexual (Unmarried) Age: 35 Height: 7'3'' Weight: 180 lb Hair: Black Eyes: Black Nationality: Sub-Saharan African Attribute: Man Stars: 3 Religion: Christianity Color Scheme: Onyx Black, Pale Green, Pale White Theme Song: "War Machine" -AC/DC Alternate Classes: Lancer, Rider, and Ruler Alignment: Lawful Good (Alter: Lawful Evil) Likes: Battle, Loyalty, and Truth Dislikes: Corruption, Cruelty, and Tyranny Master: ??? Wish: He lived a good life in his eyes, he was warrior who died in service to his Emperor and in the name of his God... he wouldn't have it any other way. He died with honor and pride knowing he was doing the right thing in his heart, despite other Legions feeling what he did was nothing short of Treason. But if he were to have a wish, it would be to do it again... and smile as he did it, because he was stone faced cold. He wants to be able to greet his maker smiling rather than angry. Personality: “No lying knight or lying priest ever prospered in any age, but especially not in the dark ones. Men prospered then only in following an openly declared purpose, and preaching candidly beloved and trusted creeds" -John Ruskin -Trait: Jolly- Generally speaking, St. Maurice was fun guy to be around, he carried a certain charisma and humor wherever he went -Trait: Black Knight- With his visor down and face hidden, all that jollyness disappears as he prepares to level the field and soil it with blood -Trait: Religious- St. Maurice had very clear code of conduct, and that was before he was loyal to his Emperor he answered to God first... unfortunately he had to meet him all too soon because of his beliefs -Trait: Loyal- Not once did he take up arms against his Emperor, and neither did his Legion. They dutifully stood unyielding as their forces were ritualistically and punitively "decimated" before St. Maurice and the Emperor. St. Maurice offered his own sword to the Emperor, as one last act of loyalty before his own death. -Trait: Unyielding- He never bowed before a false God, nor dead he die on his knees... even in death he shall not falter. My Legend: Catalyst: His Shroud, a jealously guarded artifact hidden away by the Holy Church Weaponry: His cursed sword, Turin, which was used to behead him and allows him to command Legions Tactics: Enjoys being in the middle of fray with multiple enemies, as it allows him to cut loose and enjoy the battle at hand. But is equally fully capable in a one on one duel as well. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Regalia Turin- The Grand Guillotine of Decimation Rank: B++ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 16 meters Max Targets: 6 Description: the sword, Turin, is by definition is a cursed sword that could be considered "Holy Demonic" in nature, in fact it may be the only cursed weapon any Saint has ever wielded. The cunning curse behind its design may in fact be related in someway to Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg, a spear whose curse "always pierces the heart". Turin's curse however, is more along the lines of "Always separates the head from the body". Meaning the blade with its electric yet ghostly green glow (unlike the fiery red of Gae Bolg) and crackling green lightning as it rewrites the laws of "Cause and Effect", to ensure a swift and painless decapitation of the target. To give more specifics on the "speed" of this weapon, If it were to be used "at the same time" as Gae Bolg then the effects would be simultaneous, same for the effects regarding it being used against Fragarach. However there is a lot of Luck, skill, and circumstances for this to occur (much like Gae Bolg). As Maurice needs to name his sword aloud "Turin, I invoke thee", be purposely targeting the neck of his target, and the target's luck needs to be B Rank or lower. If target doesn't have enough Luck, some circumstances may apply that may allow the target to block or thwart the curse and survive the encounter with their head still attached such as various skills in combination with their Agility. NOTE: It can only use one of its 2 abilities at a time, they cannot be used simultaneously. Class Skills: 1.) Magic Resistance- B+ (As he was born and died in an era of magic and mystique still, he has some Resistance) 2.) Riding- C+ (Part of Legion training was on horseback, so naturally he retains some proficiency in the skill) Personal Skills: 1.) Saint- A (Honored and recognized as such across almost all forms of Christianity, this skill allows him to have "Charisma" ranked up) 2.) Zealotry- A (Mental Resistance of the highest degree as he died a Saint and a Martyr, to a really impressive degree of devotion despite the lack of "torture") 3.) Charisma- A+ (Such high Charisma works great when working as a team or negotiating with enemies... you cannot bring yourself to dislike the man) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- A ENDURANCE- B++ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- B++ |
Gibz0maticMar 3, 2016 9:52 AM
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Nov 23, 2015 8:45 PM
LANCER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SPEAR Full Name: Commander Hua Mulan, The Blossom of the Battlefield Appearance: Aliases: Hua Mu Lan, Fa Mulan, Zhu Mulan, The Flowering Orchid, The Flowering Magnolia Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual (Unmarried) Age: 30 Height: 5' 3'' Weight: 130 lb Hair: Raven Black, with a streak of Ghostly White Eyes: Caramel Brown Nationality: Asian, Han Chinese Attribute: Man Stars: 3 Religion: Taoist Color Scheme: Blood Red, Ghost White, Raven Black Theme Song: "Chop Suey" -System of a Down Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider, Archer, and Berserker Alignment: Neutral Good (Alter: Neutral Evil) Likes: Honor, Family, and Weaving Dislikes: War, Pain, and Suffering Master: ??? Wish: She wishes, though she'll never ever admit it out loud... that she could change places with her younger brother. She wishes she was the toddler and that he was the adult who went to war, so that she could actually enjoy her youth as woman and fall in love properly. So that she wouldn't have to spend 12 years on front-lines staring death in the eye on a daily basis. She know's its a selfish wish, so she'll never admit it out loud to anyone. Personality: “I've heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese Army, destroyed my palace, and... you have saved us all." -The Emperor, Mulan movie -Trait: Honorable- She takes her's and her family's honor quite seriously, though she is not an uptight and snobby about it. -Trait: Reserved- She is and was quiet soldier and warrior, she will only speak when she feels it is necessary -Trait: Sisterly- She treats any and all that are younger than her as younger siblings, the younger you are the kinder she'll be -Trait: Dutiful- She will follow any and all commands with out question if they do not tarnish her honor, one does not need to waste Command Seals on her. -Trait: Artisan- Little known fact, but she enjoys weaving in her pastime... it calms her. My Legend: Catalyst: A copy of the original Ballad of Mulan, which was 31 couplets long, which was long believed to be burned or lost with the sands of time Weaponry: Equipped with an unnamed Spear (Qiang) for her Noble Phantasm(s), she could've been summoned with a sword or bow instead under the other classes Tactics: Can fight in single combat or in a group, either alone or on team Noble Phantasms: 1.) Fennu Shengxiao- 12 Years of Rage Unleashed Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 10 meters (melee only, no throwing for this skill) Max Targets: 1 Description: Hua Mulan enlisted in the army in her ailing and aging father's place at the age of 18, posing as his son. Though he was a well respected warrior in his prime, Hua Mulan started out as a mere foot-soldier carrying a spear at the front lines. But after a decade of service, and slowly rising through the ranks due to her prowess and skill in the battles against the Mongol horde... she commanded her own unit on the field. But when the war ended, and she was finally offered a position in government for her service... she declined and went home, to liver her life as a woman again. But she never forgot her skills on the field, in fact this particular Phantasm evolved from skill she developed. She was never the strongest on the field, but she quickly became one of the fastest to compensate for that. Through a multi-dimensional refraction phenomenon, she's capable of producing 12 thrusts in a single motion. She developed the skill over the 12 years of service, adding anew thrust each year... 1 thrust equals 12 thrusts fired off in one second with 98.76% accuracy of hitting the exact same point as the previous thrust. This is most useful as it does not require her to name the ability or to charge it up, and can be used as often as needed with low Prana cost as its more of a high level skill that became a miracle rather than magic. Thus though it may be listed as an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm, if used efficiently it can quickly become an Anti-Army one instead. 2.) Huangdi Zhufu- The Blessing of the Crimson Dragon Rank: A Type: Anti-Army Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: When Hua Mulan left the Emperor's service as oppose to taking a government position due to her extraordinary service record and prowess in battle, she was given a swift horse that guaranteed safe passage home and the Emperor's blessing. This Phantasm is re-manifestation of that blessing, as it was a blessing normally awarded to "male" warriors for their esteemed valor in battle. Thus its reaction is somewhat strange in its reaction towards the disguised "female". Traditionally Dragons are symbols of yang, the masculinity, of Emperors; while yin, the femininity, of Empresses was symbolized by a Phoenix. In short, normally the blessing would fuse flawlessly into men and become a passive part of themselves. It would make them stronger and gaining Dragon aspect, but take on a more of a "Skill" status rather than being a "Noble Phantasm". But again, in Mulan's unique case due to her being a woman. The Blessing did not fuse properly and is somewhat fused to her "soul" rather than her "body" as it was originally intended, instead it resulted in creating a yin and yang balanced soul rather than purely yang body. When activated via incantation "May the Dragon's Blessing take hold...", her body takes on a more masculine appearance in gaining more muscle mass and her bone structure becomes more rugged and edged. One could say she becomes more androgynous in appearance. In addition a crimson spectral Dragon encircles her body and her lance, reinforcing it and promoting her "Shiangxiao" Noble Phantasm from being a B+ Noble Phantasm to an A+ one with increased damage. All her parameters and skills all gain one "+" to them as well, improving her prowess in battle as well due to "balancing" her soul with both yin and yang... creating a more "full" human being. There is very little to no limit as far as Prana cost goes as it is very "cheap" to activate, though it does corrode and begin to change her personality the longer it is held active. Class Skills: 1.) Magic Resistance- B (from an era of magic still, thus retains a decent rank in this) 2.) Battle Continuation- A (survived 12 years on the front-lines, she had several close calls during that time) Personal Skills: 1.) Chinese Martial Arts- B+ (A skill she developed over a life time of experience and kung fu that allows her to close distances easier and make the most efficient of attacks, excellent for someone who wields a lance) 2.) Looks of Loveliness- C+ (Was naturally rather hermaphrodite-like in appearance, it's also how she hid her gender/sex for so long) 3.) Military Tactics- A (12 years on the frontlines is a helluva teacher in learning warfare) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- A MAGIC- B+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- B+ |
Gibz0maticMar 22, 2016 8:49 PM
Nov 23, 2015 8:46 PM
ARCHER: THE KNIGHT OF THE BOW Full Name: St. Margaret the Virgin, The Burning Dragonslayer Appearance: Aliases: St. Marina, St. Marina the Virgin, St. Margaret the Great Martyr, St. Marina the Great Martyr; Patron Saint of Pregnancy, Children, and the Innocent Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual (Unmarried) Age: 15 Height: 5'3'' Weight: 130 lb Hair: Chestnut Brown Eyes: Chocolate Brown Nationality: Middle-Eastern Attribute: Man Stars: 3 Religion: Christianity Color Scheme: Midnight Blue, Chestnut Brown, Pale Gold Theme Song: "You Give Love A Bad Name" -Bon Jovi Alternate Classes: Lancer, Rider, and Caster Alignment: Neutral Good (Alter: Neutral Evil) Likes: Sheep, Music, and Praying Dislikes: Blasphemy, Royalty, an Torture Master: ??? Wish: Due to her life ending so swiftly at the young age of 15, she wants to relive her youth and to live her life and die of an old age... her life ended before it ever even truly began for her. Personality: “True love stories never have endings" -Richard Bach -Trait: Maiden- She has never fallen in love, and pledged herself to the Lord. A belief that had gotten her killed as she was desired by a Pagan Roman Governor. -Trait: Merciful- She was a genuinely kind person, she will hesitate even before the darkest and most corrupt of beings... just to give them a chance at redemption. -Trait: Magical- There is an old magic in her blood, if she did not completely defy her heritage she'd have a degree in Skills like High Speed Divine Words and Divinity. But her faith has completely erased such things from her, save the Magic Resistance. -Trait: Quiet- She doesn't talk very loudly, and when she does its nothing but nice things to say. She speaks softly but carries a large stick. -Trait: Firm- Once she makes a decision, she does not waver. Her convictions are as strong as her mind, she will follow through on what she desires. My Legend: Catalyst: The Shroud of St. Margaret, a secret jealously guarded by the Holy Church Weaponry: The the proto-Black Keys she developed and her Iron Cross Tactics: She prefers to keep her opponent within her eyesight, but not to engage them directly. She instinctively is Mage and fights like one, always flanking or misdirecting her opponents. However, she is closer still in nature to an Archer than a Caster as she does not depend upon deceit and carries more combat prowess. Noble Phantasms: 1.) The Iron Cross- The Burning Resolution of the Soul Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Purge; Anti-Evil Range: 800 meters Max Targets: 800 Description: The Iron Cross is a complex combination of Pagan Magic and Sacraments that was used to purge a True Demon and slay a Dragon with its power. Essentially it is a concentrate of pure Prana from her being and focused onto her cross-like staff and wielded like a high intensity energy blast fired in a large beam. To be utilized there is a charge up along with a prayer that is a mix of several magics she inherited from her ancestry and the sacraments taught by her nurse whilst growing up. It is an unnamed and undefined magic of such power that it can surpass some Holy Swords in its power. However, unlike Holy Swords it has a much higher cost and limited to situations where she more likely than not is to be overwhelmed and completely and utterly destroyed, it's a magic that resonates within her soul not her weapon. The Noble Phantasm IS HER not the weapon she wields, the staff is just a focal point to command and direct her soul. A soul that is both holy in the eyes of God and ancient in the eyes of Divine Spirits, a true mix of both. Also note that due to slaying a Dragon with this ability, it has gained an affinity for dealing extra damage and being extra effective againsts Dragons or those who carry a Draconic attribute (aka Dragon-kind or Dragon Blood). Class Skills: 1.) Independent Action- B+ (She defied her birth right and struck out on he own as a shepherdess) 2.) Magic Resistance- A+ (There's a strong and ancient magic in her blood, she turned her back on the Gods... but the power is still there) Personal Skills: 1.) Saint- A (As a venerated Saint, the Skill increases the effectiveness of her Sacraments and using them in Martial form, a progenitor style to style of Executor weaponry would later be called Black Keys) 2.) Protection of the Faith- A+ (Immunity to Mental Interference as a result of her faith) 3.) Baptism Rite- A+ (Ranged combat via Sacraments in the form of Black Keys, one of the earliest practitioners, Baptism was her favorite form) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- A AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- A+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A+ |
Gibz0maticMar 4, 2016 8:35 AM
Nov 23, 2015 8:46 PM
RIDER: THE MOUNTED KNIGHT Full Name: Lord Ewen Dullahan, The Black Knight of the Unseelie Court Appearance: Aliases: The Dullahan of Ireland, The Counterpart of the Banshee, The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, The Bane of Master Ichabod Crane Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Unmarried) Age: 19 Height: 5'11'' Weight: 150 lb Hair: Red (Assumed unknown) Eyes: Green (Assumed but unknown) Nationality: Red Irish (Assumed but unknown) Attribute: Earth Stars: 3 Religion: Irish Pagantry, Druidic Color Scheme: Darker than Black, Silvery Grey, Pale Green Theme Song: ??? Alternate Classes: Saber, Caster, and Lancer Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Alter: Chaotic Good) Likes: Stars, Fresh Air, and Friendship Dislikes: Loud Noises, Water, and Gold Master: ??? Wish: Personality: "It's just as much fun to scare as it is to be scared" -Vincent Price -Trait: Amnesia- Has no memory of his human life, just knows his name was "Ewen" and his general appearance, remembers that he was beheaded for some reason or another -Trait: Shade- He is not a proper heroic spirit as he is a Shade himself, and was summoned as "best fit spirit" to someone who wanted a Headless Horseman despite it being a type of Fairie (Fairy?) -Trait: Lonely- Despite his seemingly cruel and heartless nature, he is genuinely kind and cordial to his friends and Master... though he has very few friends -Trait: Violent- Enjoys inflicting pain and cruelty upon most people, takes greta pleasure in terrifying and humiliating others. -Trait: Coward- has a myriad of phobias such as Hydrophobia, Claustrophobia, and so many others... possibly why he enjoys instilling fear in others. My Legend: Catalyst: A skull etched with Runes from Irish Druidic practices Weaponry: Though he tends to remain mounted at almost all times either on his Horse or his Carriage, he does carry whip-sword that resembles a human spine Tactics: Enjoys rolling in and absoutely terrorizing and striking Fear into the hearts and souls of his enemies, he views himself as Death Incarnate and it's Harbinger. Though he is not a true Fairy and "Dullahan", he enjoys the role thoroughly. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Gan Ceann- The Hollow Armor of the Unhallowed Knight Rank: B Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: Whereas most Servants use their Prana to create physical bodies when not in an incorporeal "Astral Form", Ewen does not have a physical form and remains in an Astral state at all times. Instead he expends his Prana animating a nearly invulnerable empty suit of black armor, leaving him incapable of sustaining most forms of physical injury. Granted he is still susceptible to most magical or arcane attacks B Rank or higher, it is because of this Phantasm that the legend of him being "headless" springs forth as when he removes his helmet there is no head present. 2.) Crom Dubh- The Monstrous Black Equestrian Faerie Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 200 meters Max Targets: 100 Description: What would the Headless Horseman be without his Horse? To be fair though, this is no mere Horse as it is as integral to his legend as Bucephalus is to Iskander or Babieca to El Cid; in short it is a beast of almost Heroic Spirit quality in itself. But the biggest difference between it and those other "horses", is that Crom is not a true horse but in fact a type of Faeire itself akin to a Kelpie or a Puca in a horse-like form... with the taste for human flesh and blood, a carnivorous and vicious black beast that emerges from the earth as if it were buried alive and craving meat. 3.) Coiste Dodhar- The Silent Black Coach of Howling Souls Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 1600 meters Max Targets: 800 Description: The second "mount" of Ewen is his carriage, Coiste Dodhar, which was a wagon adorned with funeral objects such as candles in skulls to light the way, the spokes of the wheels are made from thigh bones, the wagon's covering made from a worm-chewed pall or dried human skin, and drawn by 6 skeletal horses (actual undead horses, not Fairies). Though the carriage itself is quite imposing and capable of overrunning and trampling enemies... it's the contents of the wagon that truly mark it as a Noble Phantasm. Within the carriage is every soul that Dullahan has ever reaped... every terrified, mortified, and cursed irish pagan whom feared their death can pour outs blackened and formless shades that will engage in combat in hopes of draining the life and Prana of their enemies in hopes of achieving life again. They will not attack or do harm to Ewen, as they feear him and his whip-sword... they are his slaves and his minions. Class Skills: 1.) Riding- A+ 2.) Magic Resistance- B+ Personal Skills: 1.) Protection of the Fairies- A (Though he may be a Heroic Spirit and a Shade, he has strong binds and ties with the Fairy-Kind) 2.) Necromancy- B+ (As a bringer of Death and summoner of the Dead, he is a paramount Necromancer capable of animating or using corpses or parts of corpses as minions or weapons) 3.) Immune to Pain- A+ (He may feel discomfort and exhaustion from the expenditure of Prana, but he cannot feel any sort of injury or damage done onto his person via another Servant or enemy.) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C ENDURANCE- A AGILITY- B MAGIC- A LUCK- A NOBLE PHANTASM- B |
Gibz0maticMar 1, 2016 11:21 AM
Nov 23, 2015 8:47 PM
BERSERKER: THE MAD WARRIOR Full Name: Lady Julie D'Augbiny, Paris's Most Wanted Goddess Appearance: Aliases: La Maupin, Mademoiselle Maupin, Lover of Men and Women, The Dashing Knight, The Princess of Loveliness, Duelist Extraordinaire, The Artist of the Opera Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual (Married) Age: 37 Height: 6 ft Weight: 140 lb Hair: Dark Chocolate Brown Eyes: Mocha Brown Nationality: French (Causcasian) Attribute: 3 Stars: Man Religion: Catholic Christian (Though not very religious) Color Scheme: Midnight Blue/Black, Golden Embroidery, Scarlet Red Theme Song: "Wanderer" -Ensiferum Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider, and Caster Alignment: Neutral Reckless (Alter: None) Likes: Men, Women, and Love Dislikes: Misogyny, Losers, and Boredom Master: ??? Wish: Frankly speaking, she wishes for the identity and location of her one true love to be revealed to her... so that she may seek them out and embrace, and live happily ever after with them. Personality: “We accept the love we think we deserve.” -Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower -Trait: Duelist- Enjoys battle and proving to herself and others her prowess with the blade. -Trait: Performer- Enjoys singing not as a hobby, but a way of life... singing is the best way to see into her soul and into what kind of person she truly is on the inside. -Trait: Lonely- She will never admit it, but she genuinely believes that somewhere out there her Soulmate is waiting for her. She just hasn't met him or her yet, but she will someday. -Trait: Yandere- When she gets a crush, she goes all out to do whatever she can to woo them and make them her's... that is until she finally gets them and is just as easily bored by them. -Trait: Wanderer- She enjoys traveling, adventuring, and exploring. She feels there's more to life than meets the eye, and eagerly seeks it out. My Legend: Catalyst: Her old bloomers… seriously, and they're rather risque looking for the era she is from Weaponry: Her Rapier named "Maupin" after her "legal husband", and her singing voice serve as her primary weapons Tactics: She prefers a flurry of strikes in direct confrontation with her opponents, when in a pinch she may use her voice as a means of throwing off her enemies as well. Noble Phantasms: 1.) L'amour de Feur- The Fiery Love of the Obsessed Rank: C Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: The night that Julie set fire to a nunnery in order to kidnap her own secret lover, was the night that Julie officially solidified to herself and to the world, just what kind of person she truly was inside: a woman who would do absolutely the unthinkable in the name of her love. This Noble Phantasm, can be defined as a subspecies of a Reality Marble (akin to Joan's La Pucelle, as it is reflection of a moment and memory) that serves as pseudo-barrier not unlike Artoria's Invisible Air or Hervor's Barrow Light. When activated it coats her body and sword in flame-like aura, every step she takes after that scorches the earth as she radiates fire and death. Burning anything and everything in her warpath. This Phantasm also has the potential to Rank up and become stronger depending on her state of mind (or rather her heart). The more she is "in love" (romantic, platonic, lust) with someone and depending on who she is in love with (enemy, ally, her Master), it can increase up to an A+ Rank Noble Phantasm. It's one of the few Noble Phantasms in known history, myth, and legend that has the potential of growth and change without chugging its identity. This Phantasm cannot be easily used in tandem with Mana Burst of any kind due to its nature, nor can it be dispelled by traditional means of Anti-Thaumaturgy or Anti-Magic abilities, spells, or Phantasms. Again, it is a reflection of her mind and soul… not something anyone but herself can extinguish. 2.) La Voix de Séraphin: The Angelic Voice of Sorrow and Solace Rank: A Type: Anti-Army Range: 600 meters Max Targets: 300 Description: One of the most renowned abilities of Julie during her lifetime was her talent as an opera a singer, in fact it partially manifests as a skill below. But that skill reflects the beautiful and lovely version of her voices… not the identity of her true disposition. If her L'Amour de Fuer is a reflection of her obsessive love, then her voice in this particular song she composed (but never sang to the public) is a reflection of her genuine loneliness in life. The skill might run an effect similar to Charm, but this Phantasm penetrates their mind and breaks targets from the inside… causing blood to come from their ears, eyes, nose, and mouth as her pain absolutely destroys their brain. This attack is not as much as a mental one, as a magical one. So it can be counteracted via Magical Resistance or a Barrier, and she doesn't enjoy using it very often. As it requires a lot of work to project her voice into the song and wield it against her enemies. It requires concentration and somewhere she considers a proper stage for it, she cannot use it in the heat of battle. It is unclear as to why her voice developed in a way that's so potent, it is perhaps unknown and unnamed mother is a descendent of a Succubus or some other Fairy-Kind being. Most of which were known for their charming and alluring features, such as their voices. Class Skills: 1.) Madness Enhancement- B+ (She lived fast, died young, and left a beautiful corpse… she was a wild child whose bouts of random trysts and romances were the foundations of her mad life. In order to properly control and guide her, it is recommended that she should "fall in love" with her Master. So so long as you don't allow her to become bored with you, so don't sleep with her right away.) Personal Skills: 1.) Riding- C+ (Was a talented equestrian in life, kept the Skill even though she's under the Berserker class. Though it is heavily Ranked down) 2.) Alluring Nightingale- B+ (Denotes her angelic voice that seduced men and women alike, akin to a Charm like effect of Mental Interference) 3.) Eternal Arms Mastership- B+ (Was trained at a young age by her father and her father's best friend in the art of swordsmanship, she was undefeated throughout her entire life time Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B+ ENDURANCE-C+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- A NOBLE PHANTASM- B |
Gibz0maticFeb 23, 2016 10:58 AM
Nov 23, 2015 8:48 PM
CASTER: THE MAGUS Full Name: Viscount Fraser Saint-Germain, The Dark Prince of Alchemy Appearance: Aliases: Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy and Prinz Ragoczy, and Major Fraser Gender: Male Sexuality: Asexual (Unmarried) Age: 28 (Immortal) Height: 6 ft Weight: 140 lb. Hair: Indigo Eyes: Gold Nationality: Eastern European (Caucasian) Attribute: Earth Stars: 3 Religion: Deist (Non specific) Color Scheme: Black, Dark Indigo, and Nectarine Orange Theme Song: "When you're Evil" -Voltaire Alternate Classes: Assassin, Rider, and Berserker Alignment: Neutral Evil (Alter: Neutral Good) Wish: He has already attained his wish of being immortal, he gave up his humanity and material desires long ago… he is more monster than man. If he were to wish for something, it would to become an even more splendid and beautiful Painted Jewel. A very prideful and narcissistic man. Personality: "A man who knows everything and who never dies" -Voltaire of the Comte de Saint-Germain. -Trait: Confused- He does not recall ever dying, and believes his "real body" is still alive out there somewhere… he wishes to find it/him and possible coordinate or ally with it/him -Trait: Narcissistic- He believes himself to be one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet, and will shun or destroy anyone who says they think or feel otherwise -Trait: Charming- Before he is a Monster, he is a Gentleman and Scholar. He enjoys wooing the ladies and dancing at balls, and a good rousing discussing politics and religion in an open forum. -Trait: Artist- Enjoys creating and appreciating art… but only his own art, only disdains and criticizes the art of others. His criticisms usually have merit to them, and he's not wrong. He's just Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey level MEAN -Trait: Mage- He's an atypical mage personality-wise as well, always seeking to improve and learn new magics and rediscover or recreate ancient True Magics. My Legend: Catalyst: A painted jewel that supposedly he crafted and made himself as both an Artist and Alchemist Weaponry: Jewel Magecraft, and his Charm as a predator… he carries a staff with a ruby head that most people would "assume" is a Philosopher's Stone. But in truth his whole body IS a Philosopher's Stone. Tactics: Prefers to pretend he is still somewhat human and engage his enemies as a mage… when he becomes desperate he sheds his human form and fights like the monster that he is. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Philosophi Lapis- The Apostle of the Dead's Inner Workings Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: The Philosopher Stone by its very nature follows a whole family tree of other Stones, as Saint-Germain was not the first nor most certainly not the last to produce a Stone for his own use as an Alchemist. It was in fact the Magnum Opus, his greatest work, of a Painted Jewel is the very source of his Immortality. Saint-Germain's version of the stone, albeit it was beautiful, he implanted within the core of his being. When it was implanted, it created a new form of a human with a new life, a half life, where his body's chemistry was unstable and needed sustenance of human blood and prana to balance it. As such, he turned himself into a Dead Apostle… a high level monstrosity. The entirety of his organs, muscles, and tissues have been replaced by a red crystalline structure that requires to absorb and ingest blood to keep it functional. There is a thin layer of magical flesh that serves as a "paint" over the jewel of his body making it seem as if he is human. The body is also capable of producing various crystals, gems, and jewels as form of excrement and excess mass from his body. These crystals, gems, and jewels can be used in tandem with his magecraft in battle when he doesn't want to get his hands dirty by shedding his skin and becoming the monster he truly is on the inside. Class Skills: 1.) Item Construction- A (He specialized in crafting and creating various jewels, most of which applied to either his magecraft or for beauty's sake alone) 2.) Territory Creation-B (Prefers the term "atelier" over workshop when setting up a location to practice his trade and craft as an Alchemist, Musician, and Mage) Personal Skills: 1.) Blood Sucking- A (Saint-Germain is first and foremost a Dead Apostle, a vampire with vampiric impulses that hungers and thirsts for blood which mate rejuvenate and improve his Strength and Endurance) 2.) Magecraft- A (By definition he would be considered an "Average One" with proficiency with all four elements, but employs his magic via his own form of Jewel Magecraft which is akin to the Tohsaka and the Edelfelt families) 3.) Mystic Eyes of Charm- A (Can Charm even the strongest of will with just his eyes, the perfect predator and a natural skill for a Dead Apostle) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B+ ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- A+ LUCK- C+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A |
Gibz0maticFeb 23, 2016 12:45 PM
Nov 23, 2015 8:48 PM
ASSASSIN: THE SILENT KILLER Full Name: Maiden Arachne, The Goddess of Spiders Appearance: Aliases: Lady Arachne, Queen Arachne, The Spider Goddess, The Spider Queen, The Queen of Spiders, The Spider Mother, The Mother of All Spiders, The Weaver, Athena's Rival and Peer, an Aspect of Athena Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual (Unmarried) Age: 18 Height: 5' 7'' (Spider form is closer to 8') Weight: 130 lb (Spider form is over 300lb) Hair: Pale White, Violet Streak Eyes: Iridescent Violet Nationality: Greco-Roman Attribute: Sky Stars: 3 Religion: Greco-Roman Pagan Color Scheme: Matte Black, Pale White, Royal Purple Theme Song: "Monster" -Imagine Dragons Alternate Classes: Rider, Lancer, Caster Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Alter: Chaotic Neutral) Likes: Art, Contests, Spiders Dislikes: Athena, Losing, Cheating Master: ??? Wish: Though she succeeded in defeating Athena in the contest, and was unjustly "rewarded" god-hood and Divinity in the form of monstrous spider woman and patron to spiders, art, and weaving… she still feels her skills and art have gone unnoticed and unloved for too long, as the only thing people focus on in her legend is her "spider" aspect not her "art". She wishes to be recognized for skills as a true patron of beauty and art just as much as the Muses and the Gorgons were. Personality: “Next time you see a spider's web, please, pause and look a little closer. you'll be seeing on of the most high performance materials on the planet" -Cheryl Hayashi -Trait: Artist- She excels and loves weaving; whether its tapestries, clothing, accessories, spears, ropes, cords, wires, snares, traps, nets, you name it… she can make it out of her "unique" webbing as she can produce a variety of silks of a variety of colors and densities as a Goddess (Divine Spirit). -Trait: Prideful- She is rather defensive of her art and her Master, she enjoys a good contest of skill and will… one on one preferably, and to be kept as FAIR as possible. -Trait: Maternal- She is the mother of all spiders, yet she is (like Athena) a chaste maiden goddess. As such she may not have any "children" of her own but she is fiercely protective of her Master and her spiders -Trait: Wise- Over the centuries she has observed and learned many things, one could say she is pseudo-Athena in terms of wisdom, though that would offend her greatly. The both loathes and respects her, she didn't want to be made into a "Spider Goddess" but she did/does enjoy some of the perks of it. -Trait: Honest- Though spiders in many legends are described as tricksters and spirits of mischief like ravens, foxes, and coyotes. She is the polar opposite and enjoys fairness and honesty whenever possible. My Legend: Catalyst: An ancient and well preserved tapestry… whose threads are organic and silk like in nature, it is believed to be crafted and made by her after she became a Goddess Weaponry: She as able to produce and infinite amount of thread and webbing and can create a variety of weapons and items to be used. Tactics: Allows her "prey" to enter her Territory which is rigged with a variety of deadly web based traps and snares, however if it comes down to a melee she can rely on her Monstrous Strength and create spears produced by the coiling of hard threads creating a rebar like shaft via Item Construction. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Acolyte of the Moirai- The Cursed Thread of Fate Rank: A++ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 6400 meters Max Targets: 1 Description: Arachne had bested Athena, a true Divine Spirit, and ascended into Godhood... she was a greater Goddess of Weaving than her. What challenges remain to such a Weaver whom bested what many consider the best? The answer is to go higher on the chain... to become better and more powerful than the Gods with her Weaving, thus she began to study the theories and practices of the Moirai, the 3 Fates. She never saw them or met them, she sometimes doubted their existence; but the concept behind a Thread being capable of ending a life by simply cutting it excited and tempted her former mortal mind despite having a Divine body. Thus... she crafted and refined an ultra thin and almost invisible silken thread with exceptionally high tensile strength. This optimal thread combine with a technique she developed via the aid of her "children" she could implant the thread into the nervous system of a mortal via tiny pin prick bite. Once in the nervous system the silken thread uncoils and recoils around the whole system, in casing it. The rest of the thread can stretch over 4 miles to her hands or to the body of one of her children, if this thread is "cut" as oppose to being removed properly... the threads electrify and utterly destroy the entire system in the body it and resulting in very painful and traumatic death. Arachne never complete the technique and feels she could make it better... but it serves its purpose as a "Thread of Fate". Class Skills: 1.) Presence Concealment- B+ (She is a by her very nature a Spider, an adept huntress that traps and ensnares her prey... her ability to hide presence is astonishing to say the least) Personal Skills: 1.) Divinity- B (Result of being promoted into God-hood by Athena, however she is a very minor Goddess and her Monstrous Strength weighs it down a bit) 2.) Monstrous Strength- B+ (The longer she uses this ability, the more she sheds her humanoid form and becomes the "monster" many of us are aware of and familiar with) 3.) Familiars (Spiders)- A++ (Any and all spiders in the world are her progeny, as such they serve as her eyes and ears… and sometimes her instruments of death and violence as well) 4.) Silk Spinner- A++ (Can produce a seemingly endless supply of silk to weave into various traps and weapons, akin to Item Construction but limited to only silk based items) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- B AGILITY- B MAGIC- A++ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A++ |
Gibz0maticFeb 17, 2016 9:45 AM
Dec 11, 2015 8:53 PM
SABER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SWORD Full Name: Emperor Charlemagne, the King of Paladins Appearance: Aliases: Charles the Great, Son of Pepin the Short, King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, First Holy Roman Emperor, Paladin Zero, King of Paladins, King of Joy, and the Genderbender “Charlotte the Great” Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual (Married & Widower) Age: 22 Height: 155 cm Weight: 44 kg Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green Nationality: Caucasian (French Mix) Attribute: Earth Stars: 5 Religion: Christian (Latin Catholic) Color Scheme: Sterling Silver, Cerulean Blue, and Solid Gold Theme Song: “Kings and Queens” -30 Seconds to Mars Alternate Classes: Rider, Lancer, Berserker, Ruler, Saver Alignment: Neutral Good (Alter: Neutral Evil) Likes: Children, Learning, and Respect Dislikes: Treason, Liars, and Fratricide Master: ??? Wish: She wishes to have a mortal body and to retire as a King and to live as a civilian and die a simple death. Before she died of pleurisy, she made sure she had an heir and may have some unrealized hopes and dreams of uniting all of Europe under her banner... but now looking back at her mark on history, she is content with the good she did and she is remembered fondly by most of the world. So for her part, she wishes to live her life as a woman and civilian in this modern world. Her “heirs” weren’t even her real children, but bastards her “wives” had and as she served as their “father” (after her death the Holy Church tried to erase her from history and made every portrait or sculpture of her as a manly man with a beard and such). She won't admit or say she regrets her choices as a King and Emperor... but she made a few bad ones, and does not desire to rule again. Personality: “For courage mixed with prudence is not foolish, and moderation betters recklessness.” -Stanza CXXXI, line 1724, Song of Roland -Trait: Leader- First one into battle, and the last to leave. A King that serves and commands her armies from the front lines with her peers flanking her as they charge into battle -Trait: Charismatic- Her mere presence both in court and on the battlefield, invokes smiles and feelings of optimism; one could say she is an incarnation of “Joy” itself -Trait: Merciful- she was one to pity first, and ask questions later. But she is the once bitten twice-shy type; there are no second chances with her. -Trait: Venerable- A Holy Knight, but not preachy… just a set moral compass. She is a devout, but not a zealot per se as she only does what she believes to be “right” in the eyes of God. -Trait: Paladin- She is one with the ideals of a knight’s honor and chivalry, that is tempered by the humanity of one who is a conqueror of both lands and hearts, with the novelty of one who carries the spirit of a hero who is unafraid of the consequences of their world changing decisions; such are the qualities that make one a Paladin such as Charlemagne herself and her Court of Peers. My Legend: Catalyst: Ancient tattered remains of a once crimson, but now sun-bleached and aged French "Oriflamme" banner. Recovered from an undiscovered treasury beneath a crumbling castle from the Hundred Years War in England. It was found without the gilded lance that bore it. Weaponry: Her holy sword, Joyeuse Tactics: Her well-crafted and ornate holy sword, Joyeuse is her primary weapon and suited for direct combat with its own special features and abilities. Her other Phantasm is her Oriflamme, a Reality Marble that creates a World in her favor that increases her Parameters and Skills while weakening her enemies's. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Joyeuse- The Sword of Immeasurable Joy Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Fortress Range: 800 meter arc Max Targets: 400 Description: Charlemagne and her blade as described in the Song of Roland was: "He was wearing his fine white coat of mail and his helmet with gold-studded stones; by his side hung Joyeuse, and never was there a sword to match it; its color changed thirty times a day." As the sword is based upon and similar in legend to other “Holy Swords of Light” as it followed the swords Gram (Sigurd/Sigmund), Balmung (Siegfried), Calibrand (Uther), Caliburn (Artoria), and Clarent (Mordred). Therefore it is considered a “Holy Sword of Light” and capable of accomplishing similar feats of power in nature. The blade can be used as a practical weapon and a “sharp tool” that periodically changes its colors when its special effect isn’t invoked, making it difficult to conceal its true name and her identity. To circumvent this, she keeps it in her scabbard until it is absolutely necessary to draw it. Once drawn, its silvery blade refracts light projecting a rainbow in the air as would light passing through water vapor would or a prism... both beautiful and deadly in nature. But when she declares the name of her weapon (“Oh Joyeuse, sing your praise!”) the light changes from a simple refraction, and begins to peal out an iridescent technicolor-esque flurry of stars that surges her enemies in a dazzling rainbow of death and holy light. Its unique in its “rainbow colored” half circle arcs appear as opposed to the traditional “holy white light” normally associated with other similar Holy Swords. Thus having a curious side-effect of a “rainbow-like” aura when using a Skill such as Mana Burst. Note also that, as an additional side effect it also seems to somehow to even cause her enemies to smile as they fight her. Thus being true to its nature that it is a “Sword of Immeasurable Joy”. This may in fact also have some attributes associated with Artoria’s later Holy Sword “Excalibur” and its radiance that seems to have an uplifting effect on others, however Fairy hands crafted Excalibur. Whereas Joyeuse may have been forged by the seemingly immortal Wayland the Smith (who is credited for several other Holy Swords as well). 2.) Oriflamme Montjoie- The King's Heart is a Matter of France Rank: A++ Type: Anti-Army Range: 1600 meter radius Max Targets: 600 Description: The Oriflamme Montjoie (Translates to “My Joy” aka Charlemagne’s War Cry) is a scarlet and golden Oriflamme, battle flag standard, on a gilded Lance (Possibly a Holy Lance?). It was the ultimate symbol of War in medieval and early France but was later replaced by the more “friendly” blue standard with the “Fleur-de-Lis” after the Hundred Years War. Meaning the “Oriflamme” was used in practice for approximately 653 years, and has seen hundreds of battles. When the Oriflamme made its appearance on the battlefield, it meant the opposing army was toe be shown no quarter or mercy whatsoever. It was no longer a negotiation or small-scale battle, but an all out extermination campaign. Charlemagne’s campaigns were the first to use it, thus it has the strongest ties to her. The Oriflamme’s “memories” are also “her” memories. Thus this allows her to produce a Reality Marble (aka an “Innate Bounded Field”) crafted from the conglomerate of over 600 years worth of memories of death on the battlefield. The Reality Marble’s landscape is a field of brilliant scarlet grass growing out of a heavily mixed soil saturated with long since decomposed skeletons and aged weapons/armor strewn about. Most of which are also poking out of the Earth not unlike gravestones or markers for their equally ancient owners that fell in battle. The sky above is a tumultuous grey/black nimbus-stratus clouds with patches of a pea-green sky peeking between. Within this Reality Marble, Charlemagne reigns supreme with all her Parameters and Skills increasing by one Full Rank. Meanwhile, her enemies Rankings (Parameters and Skills) are decreased by one Full Rank while trapped in her Marble with her. They cannot escape her so long as the Marble persists, meaning she has to die or cancel the Marble herself. But due to the high Prana costs to maintain this Marble, in combination with her "Weak Constitution", she uses it sparingly on smaller groups of enemies. She also highly selective on what enemies are considered "worthy" of using such a Phantasm on, meaning only those she absolutely feels must die no matter what. Ergo those who deserve no mercy or quarter. This Innate Bounded Field is not a manifestation of the "Joy" she was known for... but the seething hatred and disgust hidden beneath it.,1000x1000,075,f.jpg Class Skills: Magic Resistance- B+ (She’s a Saber class by her very nature, and from an era of Magic) Riding- B+ (She’s a Saber and it's a suitable Knight’s/Paladin’s Skill) Personal Skills: 1.) Instinct- B+ (Obviously inherent and natural as she is the basis for Artoria, a primitive yet favorable disposition for a warrior befitting herself) 2.) Weak Constitution- E+ (At the end of her life, Charlemagne died of pleurisy which greatly weakened her body’s constitution. Despite her astonishing and seemingly absurd wish, this effect remains upon her Soul as a “regret” for not completing her desire of uniting all of Europe under her banner within her lifetime. It’s similar in nature to Okita Suji’s version and Nero’s Migraine Skill. She consumes slightly heavier amounts of Prana in battles as a fight progresses in order to keep at her peak longer, otherwise she “runs out of breath” and “gets tired” more quickly, but she does not struggle to maintain her physcial form) 3.) Imperial Privilege- B+ (Brings about effectively B+ Rank Military Tactics, Charisma, Eternal Arms Mastery, Bravery, and Mana Burst (Rainbow) Skills only; as she is and was an Emperor not unlike Nero Claudius. However, she defines herself as a “Holy Knight of God” rather than a “Wondrous Artist of Rome” thus limiting or changing potential Skills to the aforementioned list. Note she can only hold one of these Skills at a time, and must exchange them as she needs them) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B+ ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- B+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A+ |
Gibz0maticMar 8, 2016 4:39 PM
Dec 11, 2015 8:54 PM
LANCER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SPEAR True Name: St. Longinus, The Centurion of Golgotha Appearance: Aliases: Longinus, The Centurion according to Luke and Matthew, The Unnamed Saint, The First Saint, The First Warrior Saint, The First Military Saint, The Saint of the Spear, The Saint of the Lance, The Patron Saint of Mantua, The Patron Saint of Military Attire Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Unmarried) Age: 25 Height: 170 cm Weight: 68 kg Hair: Glossy Black Eyes: Dark Blue Nationality: Caucasian (Roman/Greek) Attribute: Man Stars: 4 Religion: Christian (Unknown Variant) Color Scheme: Bright White, Azure Blue, Silvery Grey Theme Song: “I Will Not Bow” –Breaking Benjamin Alternate Classes: Rider, Berserker, Assassin, Ruler, Saver Alignment: Chaotic Good (Alter: Chaotic Evil) Likes: Adventures, Travelling, and Kindess Dislikes: Liars, Tyrants, and Pagans Master: ??? Wish: He wishes to live again, but no longer as a soldier. He wishes to live his life as a monk would... like he did centuries ago. He tires of carrying the duties of a fighter, and would rather retire as a preacher and teacher instead. He thinks he can do alot of good for the people of the world if he could share the word of God... as he personally witnessed his Miracles. Personality: “Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God" -Matthew 27:54 -Trait: Chivalrous- By the book and code of a true Knight before the term "Knight" was coined, he is and was a gentleman to the ladies and a nightmare to his enemies. He is a man of honor and respect, stain either of his or your own and he will rain Hell down upon you. -Trait: Religious- More devoted than most, but not truly as feverous as others. He is a man of God, but he is also a reasonable man. His faith guides him, but it does not truly rule him as many Crusaders and Knights before and after his time. -Trait: Kind- Chivalry is the definition of 'politeness', but Longinus is genuine in his kindness and offers true courtesy as opposed to the pantomime that other less than stellar Knights may perform. He is particularly so to those he can sympathize or empathize with, even to repentant enemies. -Trait: Perceptive- He may be Kind and Chivalrous, but he isn't a fool. Spending a lifetime dealing with men both good and evil, amongst both Kings and Common folk have left an impression of what 'truth' really is... having the Blood of Christ in you eye helps too. -Trait: Forward- Exceptionally honest, and willing to share almost anything personal about himself. The man is like an open book that reads itself out loud. Legend: Catalyst: His Shroud, jealously protected by the Holy Church Weaponry: His Holy Lance(s); "The Spears of Destiny" Tactics: Uses the “Holy Lances” typically, but switches between them on the fly as when needed. Enjoys using multiple Lances and confusing then overpowering his enemies with the aid of his "Pure Eyes". Noble Phantasms: 1.) Falsum Lancea Longini- The False Holy Lances of the Centurion Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Unit; Anti-Divine Range: 1-5 meters (thrown 400 meters) Max Targets: 15 Description: The Spear of Destiny, a seemingly once simple lance wielded by a "blind' Centurion watching Christ being crucified on Golgotha. This spear was blessed and baptized in the Blood of Christ as this Centurion pierced his side... but "these" spears is not "that" spear. "That" spear has long since disappeared amongst the rifts and sands of time, a lost Noble Phantasm of unknown quality or ability. "This" Noble Phantasm is a "cheap" recreation of that spear, as many spearheads and spears have appeared across Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the Middle East. As such there are FIVE most well renowned spears that were claimed to be "The Holy Lance", "The True Longinus", or "The Spear of Destiny". Which has resulted in these FIVE "false" ones. They all look slightly different in their appearances, but they are all variants of the Roman "Hasta" style spear, as Longinus before being promoted to Centurion was in the Hastati unit in the Legion. As such they are designed for being thrusted at a target, but due to Longinus's training and strength they can be used as thrown weapons as well. They all retain the same abilities to a certain degree. In fact one could say they are all copies of each other, just as much as they are copies of the "true" one. They all are spears capable of doing greater damage towards beings considered "Divine" in nature, and are capable of the same abilities most "Holy Spears" are in producing "beams of light" either by throwing or as an energy blast... the atypical stuff of a Holy Lance. Individually, each spear is about C+ Rank in power level, but when FIVE spears he summons all at once if desired and used versatility in a myriad of ways. He can wield a single spear, dual wield, rapid fire several, cage an enemy in them, the possibilities are limited to his imagination and situation at hand. The FIVE spears are named: ROME, VIENNA, ECHMIADZIN, ANTIOCH, and KRAKOW. He summons each on by name and they either spawn in his hands or up to five meters away from himself to protect himself or others, or for a ranged attack. They may not the greatest of Holy Lances... but they earn the right to be called ones, yet they are still quite pale imitations next to the TRUE Spear of Destiny. Class Skills: 1.) Magic Resistance- A (From an era of Magic still, he was trained to fight Mages though he never directly confronted them in battle... perhaps its a holdover from the "purifying" effects from the Blood of Christ?) 2.) Battle Continuation- A (This is a Skill only “sometimes” applies as a Class Skill for Lancers, he carries it due to surviving being tortured by a Pagan Governor in a Cappadocia. It only took being beheaded to finally kill him.) Personal Skills: 1.) Saint- A (He is recognized as such, thus gains “automatic HP recovery” in relation to supposedly the Blood of Christ touching him and "purifying" his eyes, curing his "blindness". Plus being able to speak after being tortured by having his teeth removed and his tongue cut out.) 2.) Eyes of Purity- A (Due to the Blood of Christ touching his eyes and curing his "blindness", he could see more than he ever thought possible... his eyes allow him to see now the true nature of things, and can be considered a combination of "Discernment of the Poor", "Clairvoyance", and "Revelation" skills. Thus it is impossible to lie or deceive him on and off the battlefield. They are also known as "Pure Eyes") 3.) Soul of a Martyr- A (As a recognized saint and martyr for Christianity, his faith is evident in high level mental resistance) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B ENDURANCE- B AGILITY- A MAGIC- B+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A |
Gibz0maticMar 8, 2016 6:07 PM
Dec 11, 2015 8:55 PM
ARCHER: THE KNIGHT OF THE BOW Full Name: Bushi Tomoe Gozen, The Samurai Juggernaut Appearance: Aliases: Commander of Minamoto Yoshinaka’s Forces, Concubine of Minamoto Yoshinaka, Trophy Wife of Wada Yoshimori, Buddhist Nun of Echizen, She of the Strong Armor and Oversized Sword and Mighty Bow, an a One Woman Army Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married & Widowed) Age: 19 Height: 150 cm Weight: 45 kg Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown Nationality: Japanese (Asian) Attribute: Man Stars: 4 Religion: Buddhist (served as a Nun) Color Scheme: Crimson Red, Black, and Pearl White Theme Song: “Devotion” -Hurts Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider, Berserker, Lancer, Caster Alignment: Neutral Good (Alter: Neutral Evil) Likes: Combat, Theater, and Festivals Dislikes: Loneliness, Fear, Imprisonment Master: ??? Wish: To go back and try again, she laments the deaths of her liege lord and lover Minamoto Yoshinaka and her later husband Wada Yoshimori. She loved them both in their own way, and she regrets hiding and retreating to a life in a nunnery after their deaths… she wants to go back and try again. She wants to change the way history played out. Ever the loyal soldier and wife. Personality: “Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors”. -The Tale of the Heike -Trait: Honest- Not afraid to say what’s on her mind, regardless of consequences. It’s better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission, a pretty straightforward lifestyle -Trait: Feminist- Women are equal to men, and gender roles are a joke to her. A woman can be warrior, just as a man can be one who stays with the family. -Trait: Proud: She has pride... but she is not arrogant or cocky, she’s confident in almost every aspect of her being as a Wife and a Warrior. -Trait: Compassionate- She is not a woman without her sensitive side, she knows when its time to take up arms or to hold someone in hers. -Trait: Bushido- Follows a similar code to Chivalry, and an equivalent of a Knight. She is worthy of being treated as such, anything less is an insult. My Legend: Catalyst: An ancient Tsuba, a Katana'a crossguard, it carries markings making it part of the Yoshinaka clan. It’s not heavily adorned or gaudy, its compact and practical... yet it seems somewhat effeminate. Weaponry: Bow(s), Sword(s), and Helmet Tactics: Her primary weapon is her Japanese-style Bow (Yumi) which fires traditional arrows, which transforms into one of her Phantasms (The Mighty Bow) when needed. Both versions of which are very practical for long range and sniping combat well suited for an Archer. She also carries however a Zanbato (Horseslaying Sword) and a Tachi (Proto-Katana) in to battle on her left hip for personal close range combat as well. When necessary she may put on her Kabuto (helmet) in order to preserve herself or to use her other Phantasm. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Kabuto no Oni- The Onna-Bugeisha Fortress Rank: A+ Type: Barrier Range: Self Max Targets: Self Description: Tomoe was described as being remarkably strong (supposedly tore men’s heads off with her bare-hands) and worth over thousand men in battle. As such, her famous strength has been reborn as her “Kabuto”. The “Fortress” is a tank-like A++ Ranked Barrier that can be unequipped and reequipped when needed by putting her HELMET (Kabuto). While in her “Kabuto”, Tomoe is enveloped in a Bounded Area and a Barrier. This makes her Strength and Endurance Stats increase to A++ Rank, but her Agility is reduced to C Rank leaving her much slower than normal, but not completely immobile. Meaning she can still fight in a practical combat, but dodging or running away is much harder to do (not that she needs to). Other bonus effects of the Armor also include that as she is wearing essentially her own Bounded Area and is incapable of being removed from the spot from an outside force. The Armor itself is essentially impenetrable via a Barrier that absorbs all kinetic energy or magic to her feet and into the earth. However, this may be circumvented by Anti-Barrier or Anti-Noble Phantasm attacks that are a higher Rank than itself. Traditional Prana usage is incapable of fueling this Phantasm for a long period of time, so instead whilst being worn it draws upon Mana from nature from beneath Tomoe's feet. Thus it cannot be sustained midair whilst free falling for too long or while jumping/leaping. It also serves as a practical way of hiding her identity, you'd never know it was a woman, as her armor does not reveal her body shape (ergo it functions like real armor, not as fan service).,375x360.u16.png 2.) Ballistae no Yumi- The Mighty Bow of Yoshinaka's Finest Rank: A Type: Anti-Army Range: 3200 meters Max Targets: 800 Description: Traditionally the art of using the bow in Japanese philosophy followed these three phases: Tōteki, the arrow hits the target, Kanteki, the arrow pierces the target, Zaiteki, the arrow exits the target. This Phantasm can only be used while wearing her “Kabuto”. When she charges up this attack via reciting these three phrases and while wearing said Armor, her traditional Yumi trans-mutates into a miniature Ballistae and fires bolts of pure energy as large as her. Aforementioned Phantasm (Oni no Kabuto) allows her to convert the Mana it absorbed into raw magic to be fired and to help her to not feel the recoil of the blast as this phantasm fires the “bolt” at mach speed into the air, which divides into several hundred smaller bolts that rain hell down upon her enemies... this results in catastrophic damage, thus bringing forth the claims of wielding a ‘mighty bow’. Class Skills: 1.) Independent Action- B+ (Archer skill, high due to solo work as a warrior as she defied her husband's order several times... to the benefit of herself and their army) 2.) Magic Resistance- C+ (From an era of Magic still, but dealt with more warriors than mages) Personal Skills: 1.) Eye of the Mind (False)- B+ (A talented disciplined warrior, she is one who learns and adapts to the battle at hand, thus making her practical fighter and combatant in combination with her own well trained prowess on the field. Prior knowledge combined with instincts of sorts result in this skill) 2.) Bravery- A+ (She was a Captain that always lead her armies from the front, while her husband served as a tactician from the back. She was always the tip of the spear in any battle, even when order to retreat she still pushed forward. Serves additionally as a rank up in up melee damage when in a pinch and high Mental Resistance) 3.) Riding- B+ (Though traditionally a Class Skill for Sabers and Riders, Tomoe Gozen retains this skill as a personal one due to her outrageous talent for horsemanship and cavalry) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- C+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A |
Gibz0maticJan 29, 2016 9:28 PM
Dec 11, 2015 8:55 PM
RIDER: THE MOUNTED KNIGHT Full Name: Lord Koschei Kosti the Deathless, The Tsar of Bones Appearance: Aliases: Kaschie, Kaschey, Koshchiy, Kosciej and Kostej; he of a Yellow Heart and Black Blood, the Lich Prototype, the Final Boss Template, the Dead Apostle Archetype, and the Master of Death itself Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual (Engaged/Betrothed) Age: 28 (Age when he created the Seals) Height: 170 cm Weight: 60 kg Hair: Silver Eyes: Black Nationality: Russian & Germanic (Mix) Attribute: Sky Stars: 4 Religion: Agnostic Color Scheme: Silver Grey, Black, and Burgundy Theme Song: “Falling Inside the Black”- Skillet Alternate Classes: Saber, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Avenger Alignment: Lawful Evil (Alter: Chaotic Evil) Likes: Magic, Immortality, and Lady Marya Morevena Dislikes: Baba Yaga, Death, and Prince Ivan the Fool Master: ??? Wish: His wish is to take Marya as his bride once more and for the two of them to never die. There literally is no end to his desire for her… but deep down he truly does love Marya in a very strange way. After all it wasn’t his fault he was sealed: her many generation German Mage (Morevena) Family of Alchemists (studying the Mind) were unwilling to allow her to marry his lesser Russian third generation Mage family (studying Souls), despite him achieving a form of immortality magic due a combination of a Geis and a Bounded Area on his own Soul. Thus when they tried to run away together the first time, they sealed him away within their dungeon for many months/years and erased her almost her entire memory of him (as the Alchemists in the family were skilled with memory partition and manipulation) with Ivan from a family of foolish Mages became her new suitor. Fortunately, Ivan revived him with Water (his natural affinity) and restored his Prana. The legend we all know picks up from there. Personality: "Death is a very dull, dreary affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing whatsoever to do with it"- W. Somerset Maugham -Trait: Pride- Strong willed and will take shit from no one, especially if someone makes a remark regarding his Marya and his love for her -Trait: Love- A strong belief and respect for love and all that it entails whether its romantic, familial, or platonic… he especially enjoys using it to his advantage when dealing with others -Trait: Obsessive- He doesn’t have many personal vices, save his obsession with Marya -Trait: Coward- He feared death, so he cheated it and bound his soul to the earth -Trait: Crafty- A manipulative and clever mage, who enjoys exploiting all available resources My Legend: Catalyst: An ancient Russian sword (Kladenets?) with a black bloodstain along the blade. Weaponry: His sword (referred to as Kladenets), his Morevena chains, his ice/water formalcraft, and his White Stallion (Unicorn) Tactics: He uses his sword or formalcraft in tandem with his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception while holding down his enemies with his Morevena chains or he enjoys using a combination of his chains and his Stallion (Unicorn) to overrun and overpower his enemies Noble Phantasms: 1.) The Concealed Needle- The Secret Seal of the Deathless Rank: E Type: Anti-Self Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: According to Legend, Koschei sealed away his Soul in order to remain immortal. The Seven Seals are called: The Mystic Oak, The Golden Chest, The Crippled Hare, The Flightless Duck, The Hidden Egg, The Concealed Needle. The Seals allow him to have [EX] Ranked ENDURANCE and have make almost completely immortal so to speak. However, the foolish “Hero” Ivan destroyed them all and killed him, thus as a Noble Phantasm a much “weaker” version has been recreated of this Seal. The Seals take the form of a decorative Golden jewelry box with oak leaves, rabbits, and ducks all around it. Inside the box is an ornamental Russian “Faberge” Egg, and within this lovely Egg is the Needle that houses his Soul. If this Needle is destroyed, he will be rendered Mortal and his ENDURANCE becomes C Ranked. This Phantasm is usually either carefully hidden away by Koschei, or is kept on his person, or is in the possession of his Master. 2.) The Morevena- The Chains of Love That Bind Us Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Unit; Anti-Thaumaturgy Range: 100 meters Max Targets: 10 Description: A brilliant but torturous invention not crafted by Koschei, but rather a weapon created by the Morevena family that has fused with him and has become an extension of his being. They are the very same chains that imprisoned him ages ago beneath Marya’s home, until Ivan freed him by giving him water to help restore his Prana. They have been repurposed by him and named after Marya as they are a “gift” from her and the Morevena family. Koschei can use these in an almost tentacle like manner to trap and drain Prana from targets such as civilians, Masters, and Servants. The more Prana, Mana, or Magic Power the target has; the more they are bound and hindered by the chains and the more damage they deal. Thus why they were the perfect trap to seal Koschei away in Marya’s dungeon. Targets with A Rank Magic or higher have all their other Stats (excluding Luck) reduced to E, targets with a degree B Rank Magic are reduced to E+ Rank Stats, a degree of C Rank Magic has E++ Rank Stats, and anything lower than that is unaffected stat wise... but it is still a sturdy chain. If the chains are damaged or destroyed, they can be regenerated and recreated almost instantaneously. That is, assuming so long as there is one link surviving the onslaught.These chains can be summoned from under his cloak/sleeves or may spawn from beneath the ground or from walls, but not in “open spaces” or “out of the air”. They can be summoned and commanded via the incantation “Morevena”. Different effects and movements can be controlled with his mind and hand motions. 3.) Noble Svetovid- The Relentless White Stallion Rank: A Type: Anti-Army Range: 1600 meters Max Targets: 50 Description: Named after the Russian Chief God who often took the form of a White Stallion quite often, and earned from his dealings with his rival/sister Baba Yaga. Svetovid by his very nature was a “magic horse”, he was both intelligent and loyal to his master Koschei. He was even capable of nonverbally communicating to Koschei in full sentient and comprehensive thoughts. Unlike also most horses, he indeed carried a Unicorn horn, whether or not he was a "true" Unicorn can be a subject of debate. Svetovid, like all the horses that Baba Yaga bred, was incredible fast. In fact they were fast enough to give steeds such as Pegasi a run for their money (pun intended). The speed however was not achieved in the traditional manner, Baba Yaga specially bred the Horses with their own unique and almost human-like Magic Circuits that allow themselves apply Reinforcement Alchemy to their own body to achieve heightened levels of physical perfection and prowess. Koschei theorizes and believes that Baba Yaga may have somehow fused her original Horses with Humans somehow… he wouldn’t put it past her to do so, and perhaps the Unicorn horn may be either a side-effect or intentional. Svetotoid was already the greatest Stallion that Baba Yaga ever bred, and as Noble Phantasm this is underlined by increasing Koschei’s AGILITY to [EX] while he is Riding him, and when charging/overrunning his enemies it is not unlike being mowed down by a bullet train or some sort of freight train or locomotive: Non responsive brakes, nearly invincible body, and a wide turn radius. 4.) False Kladenets- The Self Swinging Sword of the Kosti Clan Rank: C+ Type: Anti-Unit; Barrier Range: 1 to 5 meters Max Targets: 5 Description: Kladenets is a name of for swords that seems to be tossed around a lot, its a recurring Russian sword that appears almost as often as a "Holy Sword of Light" does in western Europe. In truth there are several Kladenets in Russian folklore wielded by Bogatyrs, Princes, and Villains like Koschei. This particular version was crafted a generation or two before by his esteemed ancestors in their pursuit of immortality, he received as Inheritance due to his sister getting the Crest. In fact the existence of this "living sword" was the premise and basis of his Concealed Needle Noble Phantasm. The sword can be swung and wielded much like a traditional blade, but its true ability is to be able swing and wield itself as a flying/orbiting blade that protects him and reacts automatically and instinctively as a means to defend Koschei. Class Skills: 1.) Riding- A+ (Capable of acquiring and taming Baba Yaga’s Wild and Magical Horses, and can skillfully use modern vehicles as well) 2.) Magic Resistance- C+ (Was both an Immortal Warrior and a Skilled Mage in life, but has no formal means of countering magic save being able to "survive" any blow) Personal Skills: 1.) Eye for Art- C+ (Can recognize "true beauty" and “true love”, it also aids when confronted with Phantasms for identification of an Epic Spirit. Ties in with his sometimes dramatic side to him.) 2.) Mystic Eyes of Death Perception- A+ (Allows him to slice his enemies to pieces by cutting along their “Death-Lines” via his Sword, he used this Skill when he killed Prince Ivan the Fool during their third encounter. This mutation in his eyes has aided him and his family in studying Souls and Death itself.) 3.) Formalcraft- C+ (Orthodox Thaumaturgy through those use of Rituals and Circles, as his family was still pretty "young" as far mage families go, he didn't have a complex specialization or Magic Crest as his sister inherited it. Prefers water/ice elements through the use of his Circles, and is capable of creating Seals like his Concealed Needle) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B ENDURANCE- [EX] AGILITY- B MAGIC- C+ LUCK- C+ NOBLE PHANTASM- E |
Gibz0maticFeb 23, 2016 12:47 PM
Dec 11, 2015 8:56 PM
BERSERKER: THE MAD WARRIOR True Name: Brother Emeth, The Golem of Prague Appearance: Aliases: Brother Josef, Brother Yossele, Meth, Rabbi Loew's "Pet", The Golem that Loves and Thinks, The Golem that grew a Soul Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Unmarried) Age: Unknown Height: 8 ft (starting base) Weight: 4000 lb (starting base) Hair: Gold Eyes: Gold Nationality: Hebrew/Jewish Religion: Unknown Stars: 5 Attribute: Sky Color Scheme: Muddy Black, Ethereal Blue, Darkened Steel Theme Song: "Grenade" -Bruno Mars Alternate Classes: Berserker, Assassin, Caster, Ruler, Avenger Alignment: Lawful Mad (Alter: Chaotic Mad) Likes: Love, Life, and Reading Dislikes: Rabbi Loew, Liars, and Bullies Master: ??? Personality: “And... and I'm... I'm real. I'm a real boy!" -Pinnochio, 1940 -Trait: Philosopher- After only a few days of living and becoming conciously aware of his Soul, did he truly grow one as a person. Thus how he became a Heroic Spirit in essense. His philosophy on life and existance is very akin to an old wise man's words of sorts. -Trait: Martyr- He feels his life's purpose is to help protect the weak and the innocent, but he isn't too big of a fan of Rabbi Loew and how terrible he is to Emeth. But he doesn't do much to protect himself or rebel against the Rabbi. -Trait: Passive- Generally passive and kind to those who directly target and hurt him, but those who target the weak and innocent will he rain hell down upon -Trait: Neutral- He does not see "good" or "evil" only those to "protect" and those to "destroy" -Trait: Androgynous- Though he, Emeth, identifies as a Male and has Male tendencies. He appears very androgynous in appearance, and may confuse others with this. Legend: Catalyst: An old Hebrew terra-cotta bowl made of clay, with Hebrew inscriptions of protection Weaponry: His own fists and towering size empowered by excess Prana Tactics: Protect the innocent, smash all enemies. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Deus Ex Machina- An Instrumental Force of Godlike Power Rank: A Type: Barrier Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: As a Golem, he was created from the five elements (fire, air, water, earth, and ether) and as such not only has he gained an immunity to these things… he can absorb a seemingling infinite amount of them cause his body to physically grow in size and noticeably increase Strength, Endurance, and Agility Parameters in response (Obviously also thus increasing his Magic Parameter from E Rank upwards). Theoretically he can grow powerful enough to destroy a God (True Ancestor Vampire, Divine Spirit or Divine Beast), but continuous use of his “strength” in battle causes him to burn through the Prana and will cause him to shrink again unless refueled by his Master or attack by his enemies's magic or Noble Phantasms. This Phantasm is often used as the reason he was “killed” in his legend, ergo because he kept on absorbing more and more Prana… but was unable to release it in a healthy manner. This is only partially true, as he can convert the Prana and "release" into the air as somewhat harmless ether as a form of exhaust. Thus this is the lie/excuse crafted by Rabbi Loew, as the Rabbi could no longer properly control the Golem as he had began to grow a "Soul" and question their God and orthodox doctrines. Thus they treated him like a pet that bit its Master, and put him down like one. All because he wanted to be "Human". Class Skills: 1.) Madness Enhancement- C (A low Rank of madness due to his temperament of being passive unless genuinely enraged by someone) Personal Skills: 1.) Numerology- C (Due to his nature of being a Golem carted from Kabbalah Rituals and the like, he has experience in the practice and use of it for his own purposes of maintaining his own existence if nothing else. Ranked down from A Rank due to Madness Enhancement) 2.) Monstrous Strength- A (As he becomes more and more enraged in a fight and the more and more Prana he absorbs, the more "monstrous" in sheer size and strength he becomes) 3.) Natural Body- A (As he was made of river clay as a base, shaped by water, heated by fire, cooled by water, and animated by ether... his body was built to perfection since "birth". Hence a Rank up in Strength at all times) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- C+ AGILITY- C+ MAGIC- E LUCK- C NOBLE PHANTASM- A |
Gibz0maticMar 3, 2016 3:25 PM
Dec 11, 2015 8:56 PM
CASTER: THE MAGUS True Name: Queen Lamia, The Cursed Seeress of Libya Aliases: Daughter of Hecate, Daughter of King Belus, Descendent of Poseidon, Mistress of Zeus, Bane of Hera, Foster Mother of the Monsters Scylla and Akheilos, Foster Mother of Syballa Herophile, and Origin of the Many Empusa, Daemon, Mormo, Drakaina, Succubi, and Vampire legends Appearance: Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual (Unmarried) Height: 150 cm (Monster form 10 meters) Weight: 50 kg (Monster form 400 kg) Hair Color: Raven Black Eye Color: Blood Red Nationality: Libyan (African Mix) Attribute: Sky Stars: 3 Religion: Greco-Roman Pagan Color Scheme: Darker then Black, Pale White, Purple/Gold Mix Theme Song: “Demons” –Imagine Dragons Alternate Classes: Berserker, Assassin, Lancer, Rider, Avenger Alignment: Neutral Evil (Alter: Neutral Good) Likes: Children, Sunlight, and Music Dislikes: Hera, Child Molesters/Killers, and Herself Master: ??? Wish: She wants her son back, she has learned to live with her curse and can control her monstrous nature due to Zeus eventually alleviating her curse somewhat by allowing her to remove her eyes. She may hate Hera, but her love for her children exceeds her hate… all she wants to do his hold him in her arms once more and tell them how sorry she is for what she did to him, and to be their loving mother once more. Personality: “So rainbow-sided, touch'd with miseries, She seem'd, at once, some penanced lady elf, Some demon's mistress, or the demon's self.”- John Keats (on the Lamia) -Trait: Maternal- In her humanoid form, she is a kind and gentlewoman to children. She could almost be a physical manifestation of Hera herself, though such a description would only incur Lamia's wrath and vengeful nature. -Trait: Vengeful- If so much as insult her or harm those under her protection, she will flay your hide and consume your flesh. She is monster concealed within smokescreen of human flesh, and you’d best not forget it. -Trait: Blind- When in her humanoid form, she is completely and utterly blind as her eyes have been removed. However due to her magic via Divine Words, she is able to “sense” shape and scent of others via her hearing, taste, and smell. -Trait: Afraid- She may put on airs being a confident and regal woman, but in truth she fears herself. Despite her lack of eyes alleviating her monstrous form and the intensity of the memory, she still harbors a lessened desire to hunt, kill, and gorge herself on small children. She doesn’t want to however, as the absolutely idea of it repulses and pains her humanity. -Trait: Regal- Despite being an infamous child eating monster, many forget that she was a regal Queen of Libya who ruled during time fairly and justly. She still retains the air of leader despite her now more withdrawn and private nature. My Legend: Catalyst: A fossilized human-size snakeskin from an unknown species, believed to be her's from ancient times. Weapons: When in her humanoid form, she traditionally carries her Staff of Hecate and wields magic. As a Monster she relies on her heightened Stats using her claws and fangs. Tactics: She is a hunter by nature, but she prefers to draw her prey to her rather than pursue it. She is more than adept with True Magic as she is demigod from the Age of Gods, but she is fully capable of completely shedding her humanity and becoming a true monster to eliminate her enemies. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Crystalized Eyes- The Enigma of a Sybil; The Stigma of the Curse Rank: C Type: Anti-Self/Anti-Unit Range: Self Max Targets: Self Description: Long before Hera’s Curse, Lamia was the beloved Queen of Libya and the equally beloved demigod daughter of the late King Belus (a son of Poseidon) and Hecate the Goddess of Magic. With such a rich pedigree of both royalty and divinity, it was natural she gifted in some unique magic; ergo she was born with the gift of prophecy and foresight. Thus allowed her to rule her kingdom peacefully and wonderfully, as she could foresee any strife ahead for her people and do whatever she could to prevent any tragedies. But… her sight did not forewarn of Zeus’s attention and what came after. She eventually received attention of Zeus himself. As such, he “blessed” her with a beautiful baby son who was a demigod himself, a son (who as all children of Zeus) who more than likely carried a great destiny. Much like later demigods such as Hercules, Perseus, and Iskander. A destiny unfulfilled by Hera’s jealous and spiteful rage, as she cursed the young Queen and Mother with a monstrous snake-like form and infused an insatiable appetite for young children… of which Hera took great pleasure in unleashing her on Lamia’s own first. As a result, she consumed her own son all the while wanting to stop but unable to. This pushed her over the edge into madness, and as an additional curse in the name of Hera’s spite she was unable to ever close her eyes again… with image of her ingesting her screaming son’s entrails forever burned into them. Then Zeus with his “oh so infinite kindness and boundless wisdom” granted her with a new gift: to remove her eyes. With her gift of prophecy now seemingly "useless" due to the madness that possesses her for the murder and eating of her own children, the removal of her own eyes almost complete erases the “visual” of the memory. But the memory, though dulled, remains; even with her eyes removed she retains the memory of the death of her son. But the madness and her monstrous form are removed, leaving her as a blind yet still powerful mage with a human body. The eyes when removed resemble eccentric red orbs and are kept in a silk bag, when they’re reinserted into her sockets she takes on her monstrous (snake/dragon) form, goes insane from the refreshed memory, and regains her hunger for young flesh. Her High Speed Divine Words and Divinity Skills are reduced to E Rank, with the exception of Evaporation of Sanity which is increased to A Rank. All her Parameters are increased to A Rank, and her second Noble Phantasm activates.$_35.JPG 2.) Draconian Hide- The Monstrous Form of The Libyan Queen Rank: [EX] Type: Anti-Unit Range: Self Max Targets: Self Description: When Lamia has replaced the Eyes within her head, she takes on her monstrous form. Which reduces her Divinity and High-Speed Divine Words to E Rank but increases her Evaporation of Sanity Skill and all her Stats to A rank. In addition to her monstrous form is an additional ability; it is unknown if this is in response to Hera’s curse, her being an offspring of Hecate, or a combination thereof. But her hide whilst in monstrous form allows her [EX] Ranked Magic Resistance thus an almost immunity to all forms of known magic. Her Draconian Hide almost becomes almost impenetrable to almost all weapons save A Rank or higher Noble Phantasms, as she was never slain in legend... she died alone in some damp and loathsome cave far from humanity with a mortal and human body. Thus this makes her a true Monster to be reckoned with; with her only weak point being her eyes. If one were to destroy her eyes, she would return to her mortal humanoid form. Note that also due to her being of a somewhat cursed Draconian, Dragon-kind, nature she is also naturally weak against “Dragon-slaying” weapons. Also note that even though she is Dragon-kind in nature, she lacked any kind of "breath" in her legend. In truth, its because no one ever really confronted her in battle; her breath is a form of super heated scalding water that can boil the flesh off a man's body. This may in fact be a reflection of her paternal ancestor and relation to Poseidon, God of the Sea. Class Skills: 1.) Territory Creation- B (Better referred to as a “Lair” rather than a “Workshop” for her projects and preparations.) 2.) Item Construction- B (Was skilled in creation in some potions and poisons before Hera’s curse, but she specialized in more practical magic rather than artifacts or items.) Personal Skills: 1.) Evaporation of Sanity- E (Even with her eyes removed, she still retains a bit of her madness and cannibalistic tendencies. Though they are subdued, as she finds the idea of eating children repugnant herself. She in truth hates herself... almost as much as she hates Hera. In battle this may serve akin to the "Instinct" skill and gives some Mental Resistance) 2.) Divinity- B (As a demigod with an exceptional pedigree, and despite being a monster, she still retains of a decent divine quality. Though normally it would be closer to a higher B Rank pending A Rank due to a Demigod father and a full God mother.) 3.) High-Speed Divine Words- [EX] (When she isn’t using either of her Noble Phantasms, her unparalleled skill with magic is due to being Hecate’s daughter is unmatched, thus making her a top tiered mage even during the Age of Gods. Though she prefers using fire or fire-related magicks and spells, as the "Torch" is a symbol of Hecate's power. However, it's more of a personal choice rather than a limitation, as she is capable of a variety of magicks and spells of a variety of disciplines) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- D ENDURANCE- D+ AGILITY- C MAGIC- A+++ LUCK- D+ NOBLE PHANTASM- C |
Gibz0maticJan 17, 2016 10:43 PM
Dec 11, 2015 8:57 PM
ASSASSIN: THE SILENT KILLER True Name: Hassan of the Mirror, One of the "Erased" Hassan-I-Sabbah Appearance: Aliases: Bloody Mary, Queen Mary of Scots, Bell Tower Witch, Wicked Stepmother, Queen of Hearts, Mirrorwalker, Mirror Hassan, Mirror Spirit, Mirror Demon, and a True Assassin Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual (Unmarried) Age: 17 Height: 155 cm Weight: 45 kg Hair: Raven Black Eyes: Red Nationality: Arabic/Persian (mix) Attribute: Man Stars: 3 Religion: Islamic Hassan Color Scheme: Midnight Black, Crimson Red, and an Off-White Cream Theme Song: “Iron” -Woodkid Alternate Classes: Berserker, Caster, Archer, Saber, Avenger Alignment: Lawful Evil (Alter: Lawful Good) Likes: Blood, Dancing, and Sleeping Dislikes: Lies, Pain, and The name “Bloody Mary” Master: ??? Wish: She wishes for people to remember her what she truly was, not a monster or demon deformed by the wild imaginations of others… but as beautiful young and talented woman of her Order. Though, her name and deeds were struck from her Order's ledger and records when they learned of her homosexuality... in fact it was they who killed her because of this "sin". Personality: "And so she asked: Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who is the fairest of them all?" -Princess Snow White, Brothers Grimm -Trait: Reserved- She doesn’t speak unless spoken to first normally, unless she has to announce her presence to communicate -Trait: Honest- She doesn’t like to, if not incapable, of lying to others (especially her Master) -Trait: Serene- Despite being a professional Murderer and an Assassin, she retains an air of serenity and kindness -Trait: Loyal- Fiercely loyal to her Master, Assassins don’t break contracts in any form -Trait: Fierce- Despite her silent demeanor, her lethality and bloodlust is immeasurable My Legend: Catalyst: Ancient Persian mirror with an old bloodstain on the front. Weaponry: Nearby Mirrors and her limited number of Dirks Tactics: As long as there is a Mirror or mirrored surface nearby, she will always have an advantage. She is also equipped with Dirks like most True Assassins, but she isn’t as proficient as some of them. Note that she is left handed, so opponents may find it awkward to fight her directly. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Zabaniya- Delusional Mirrorwalker Rank: A Type: Anti-Unit Range: Self Max Targets: Self Description: Bloody Mary despite all the rumors, legends, stories, myths, and folktales… actually extends back to middle east as a Hassan-I-Sabbah. To become a Hassan, one must achieve a “miracle” that others can recognize as a technique. The techniques have not been passed down in history like regular Noble Phantasms, but instead because the Assassins themselves are a famous anecdote. Due to being the abilities that have established them as Assassins by virtue of being placed as the “Old Man of the Mountain”, the superhuman abilities they had in life are sublimated as their Noble Phantasms. In “Bloody Mary’s” case, she achieved the ability to walk through Mirrors and travel/flit between them. This alone not only allowed her to earn the title, but also had lasting effects upon the world. As she was the first and truly only entity to ever truly fuse with the Mirror. This was achieved through the Hassan's skills and training that allow Self-Modification, which allows them to create these "miracles". Her's was the result of applying self-mutilation involving over 1000 cuts and insertions throughout her body. Inserted within the cuts were small slivers of mirrored glass with various unknown enchantments... this allows her to pass through the Mirrors. Consequently, even after her apparent “death” she achieved a Wraith-like status that allowed her essence to be summoned anywhere in the world via a Mirror. For her Zabaniya has given her a pseudo-immortality and has permamently bound her to the "Mirror World" she passes through. Thus she has had many appearances in history, myths, legends, and folklore through out the World as some form of entity summoned in a Mirror. She has earned equally as many names and titles, but Bloody Mary seems to be the most famous in the modern era. Her “Mirrorwalk”, is the ability to silently and freely flit between Mirrors or any semi-reflective surface such as a still pond or a polished surface. This allows “Bloody Mary” to carefully stalk and observe her prey before initiating an attack. Not only can “Bloody Mary” flit between Mirrors, she can leave the mirrors and enter the “real world” as well. Her preferred form of attack is more or less a “hit and run tactic” as she is limited in direct combat due to her nature as a Assassin class and lower default Stats. Class Skills: 1.) Presence Concealment- A+++ (True Assassin, true mastership, bonus due to her affinity for Mirrors. Even when visible and right in front of enemy Servants, they can "see" her but cannot "sense" her like they can other Servants. Perhaps another holdover from being an entity that's one with the Mirror and whose Soul is linhering within it still? ) Personal Skills: 1.) Innocent Monster- A (Result of generations of the deformation of her identity as ”Bloody Mary” and other such Mirror entities/spirits, her appearance may alter slightly in the eyes of those who behold her in both the Mirror and Real Worlds) 2.) Disengage- A (A Skill most befitting a True Assassin, as an Assassin should always know when to run away. While in the Mirror world she is untouchable and her healing rate is increased and her status effects are reset to original conditions.) 3.) Self-Modification- C (Most Hassan had to undertake some sort of Modification to create their own Zabaniya, her's was the morbidly traumatic insertion of hundreds of small fragments of glass beneath her skin that react with mirrors make her able to "transmutate" her body and "pass through" them, thus becoming the being she is today) 4.) Projectile (Dagger)- C (Adept skill in throwing her Dirks at her targets, a skill many Hassan trained in) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C ENDURANCE- C AGILITY- A+ MAGIC- C LUCK- A+++ NOBLE PHANTASM- A |
Gibz0maticJan 17, 2016 10:44 PM
Dec 14, 2015 8:07 PM
SABER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SWORD Full Name: Queen Hervor Alvitr, The Gothic Valkyrie Appearance: Aliases: Daughter of Angantyr I, Wife of King Hofund, Mother of Heidrek I and Angantyr II, Daughter of Heidrek I, Sister of Angantyr III, Hervor the Valkyrie, Hervor the Wise, Hervor the Strange, Lover of Wayland the Smith, The Mistress of Tyrfing, and so many other titles Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married, Widowed, Mistress) Age: 23 Height: 6 ft Weight: 155 lb Hair: Midnight Blue Eyes: Crimson Red Nationality: Scandinavian, Goth Attribute: Earth Stars: 4 Religion: Yggdrasil Pagantry Color Scheme: Turqoise, Crimson Red, Tarnished Silver Theme Song: "Amaranth" -Nightwish Alternate Classes: Berserker, Rider, and Caster Alignment: Neutral Evil (Alter: Neutral Good) Likes: Reincarnation, Combat, and Magic Dislikes: Cruelty, Cowards, and Fools Master: ??? Wish: She wishes to live another lifetime and to continue adventuring and exploring the world, she realizes most of the world has been discovered... but she wants to see it for herself like a modern day Viking. Personality: "To belong nowhere is a blessing and a curse, like any kind of freedom.” ― Leah Stewart, The Myth of You and Me -Trait: Adventurer- She enjoys exploring and seeing the world, she is both a trader and occasional thief of goods... morals may need work. -Trait: Honest- Unexpectedly, she is quite an honest woman, and will give an explicit reason and rationale as to how and why she is going to kill you. -Trait: Violent- Enjoys fighting and killing as many of her enemies as possible, sometimes she won't stop until her hair and armor are both dyed red -Trait: Kind- Believe it or not, she is sometimes maternal and sisterly to those she considers allies... and even to her enemies she does not delight in torture and is willing to deliver a swift end. -Trait: Reincarnate- She lived her first lifetime as Hervor I, second lifetime as Hervor the II, third lifetime as Hervor the Valkyrie, also known as Hervor Alvitr... and who knows how many lives after that. My Legend: Catalyst: An ancient and bloodsoaked lock of blue-black hair Weaponry: Her golden and cursed sword, Tyrfing Tactics: She prefers to cast spells via her Runes, and use her Barrow Light coated version of her sword. She only draws out the true power of Tyrfing if necessary. She will engage and fight opponents fiercely head on as she is a capable warrior herself. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Tyrfing- The Sword of the Darkest of Lights Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 200 meter arc Max Targets: 800 Description: When it comes to cursed and demonic swords, Tyrfing is among the biggest and baddest of the front runners. Tyrfing was a sword cursed by the Dwarves whom crafted it to always having to kill someone whenever it was drawn, even if it were kin to the wielder or the wielder her/himself. Though traditionally in Hervor's hands the entirety of the sword, from the base of the hilt to the tip of the blade, is completely enshrouded in turquoise flames (Barrow Light) that seal its identity and abilities. When the "Barrow Light" is removed, the blades true ability is revealed, giving off a visually painful incandescent and golden edged light. But unlike a purifying light that would be associated with holy swords, its nature could not be corrupt. If the light of a holy sword could be compared to the soft warmth of the sun, the light made from Tyrfing would be more like the piercing light of industrial fluorescent lights. Its is not unlike a combination of other related cursed swords such as Gram, Dainsleif, and to a certain extant Clarent. So officially, the Noble Phantasmal timeline and hereditary would look something like this: From Gram to Dainsleif, from Dainsleif to Tyrfing, and from Tyrfing to Clarent. Other cursed or demonic swords may also appear on this timeline. Essentially, like Gram, it may have at one point been "almost" a holy sword of some sort if it were not the for the curses imbued within it by the dwarves crafting it with hatred within their hearts. Thus what would've been a "holy light" has become what could be considered "dark light" making it both holy and cursed in nature. However, Dainsleif (a sword which is cursed to kill whenever it is drawn) is also related as a predecessor to Tyrfing as it carries a similar curse. Unlike Dainsleif however, it is not nearly as destructive and powerful in bringing down and ruining both its wielder and its enemies… one could say that Tyrfing is a more distilled version that is balanced out by the almost "light" properties and beauty that make up its appearance. Thus making it a "safer" blade to wield. Note however, that Hervor will still be locked in mortal combat once the is blade is drawn. Someone has to die, otherwise Hervor will most assuredly will be consumed by the blades aforementioned "dark light" and she herself will perish. 2.) Barrow Light- The Bounded Area of The Ghostly Flames Rank: C Type: Barrier Range: 1 Max Targets: 1 Description: As a sword and all its abilities... its drawbacks seem to out weigh the perks of its abilities to any sane and reasonable warrior or knight. Thus when Tyrfing is drawn this Phantasm is activated automatically and seals ALL of Tyrfing's abilities and its over all appearance. In Hervor's hands, it resembles now a gaudy sword shaped turquoise flame. The turquoise flame used is the same one created by Angantyr I, her father, to seal the sword within his tomb... in nature it is closer to being a form of magecraft than a traditional Noble Phantasm. Though a necessary one to control and conceal Tyrfing... though she can release and dispel the flames if she so desired in either a passive or explosive manner upon her enemies if desired to activate Tyrfing's true abilities (but only in the case of an emergency, due its dark nature). Otherwise, the flames do traditional fire damage and effects upon her enemies; as it is in this case a "fire sword" of sorts. One could even so far as to say... this is some form of her father's (and later grandfather's) love for her, despite her many sins later in life and in her later lives. Class Skills: 1.) Magic Resistance- A (A trained and disciplined warrior in a time of magic and a self trained Mage as well) 2.) Riding- B+ (Necessary skill for any warrior of the age, especially the Goths) Personal Skills: 1.) Rune Magic- B+ (A talented and capable who may use the 18 Runes proficiently, but not masterfully, in battle) 2.) Reincarnation- A (Several lifetimes worth of experience and memories refreshed and renewed with each incarnation, akin to high level combat instincts and a surplus of wisdom tinged with bitterness) 3.) Mana Burst (Flames)- A (A surge or explosion of concentrated Prana/Mana upon her weapon for a heavy concentrated attack, in her case her Barrow Light NP plays a critical role in this. The flames will not dissipate upon this weapon if this Skill is used) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B+ ENDURANCE- B AGILITY- B MAGIC- A LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- C |
Gibz0maticMar 3, 2016 9:53 AM
Dec 14, 2015 8:08 PM
LANCER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SPEAR Full Name: General Honda Tadakatsu, The Greatest of Todokawa's Four Heavenly Generals Appearance: Aliases: Honda Heihachiro, Father of Honda Tadamasa, Lord of Otaki, Lord of Kuwana, Master of Tonbogiri, The Dragonfly Cutter Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married) Age: 33 Height: 6' 3'' Weight: 180 lb Hair: Black Eyes: Black Nationality: Japanese/Asian Attribute: Man Stars: 3 Religion: Shintoism Color Scheme: Mint Green, Coppery Brown, Darkened Steel Theme Song: "Art of War" -Sabaton Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider, and Berserker Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Alter: Chaotic Neutral) Likes: Battle, Honor, his Helmet Dislikes: Cowards, Fools, and anyone who insults his Helmet Master: ??? Wish: He like many of the archetype warrior heroes, wants to just simply meet a foe that is worthy of bringing him an honorable death in battle. He died in his bed of old age rather upon the field of battle on which he thrived, no man ever came even close to killing him… he wishes to rectify that. Personality: "The Shogun's bureaucrats are like wineskins – they should both have ropes around their necks" -Honda Tadakatsu -Trait: Prideful- He is a man of valor and Bushi, he will not cower but is not overly arrogant and foolish -Trait: Courageous- He is the first to head into battle and the last to leave, of the four heavenly generals he is easily the most fearsome of warriors upon the battlefield -Trait: Honest- He is not one to mince words or play mind games with his enemies, he will face you straight on and look you in the eye when he wishes to either insult or praise you -Trait: Duelist- Nothing pleases him more than a good fight, he is always wishing to push his limits to their max against a worthy adversary -Trait: Loyal- Their is very few men you could trust more to keep at your side than Honda Tadakatsu, even if he does not agree with you or your methods. Once he swears and oath he will keep i until death. My Legend: Catalyst: His gaudy and obnoxious antlered helm was the most obvious catalyst to use in order to summon him Weaponry: His obscenely large spear/lance called Tonbogiri, combined his wits and pride in battle Tactics: He prefers to face his enemies head on, but he is at his strongest in situations when most would consider themselves at their weakest. He works miracles when under pressure and the tide of the battle seems to be going against him. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Tonbogiri- Kabuki no Amenonuhoko Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 5 meters (400 meters thrown) Max Targets: 5 (500 thrown) Description: Tonbogiri is traditionally known for being the "Dragonfly Cutter", a blade so sharp that it can cut through anything. Magecraft savvy people may assume that the spear must manipulate the surrounding air, creating a vacuum with a razor like edge to it, in truth the very nature of the spear is by far more complicated and dangerous, as there is more than meets the eye to this Phantasm. Noble Phantasms are all recreations of older Noble Phantasms, weapons and concepts inspired and based upon older and more powerful weapons and concepts. Thus truthfully, Tonbogiri is a synonymous recreation of Amenonuhoko the very spear crafted and wield by the Gods (Divine Spirits) that created the island nation of Japan by dropping a landmass in the middle of the ocean. Essentially, Amenonuhoko was a higher level ability to use the Second Magic "Kaleidoscope" (Multidimensional Refraction Phenomenon) that dredged up the landmass from an alternate dimension and placed it here in ours. Thus Honda's Tonbogiri uses this same principle, albeit weaker as unlike Amenonuhoko's Anti-Country level, it instead can do the same on an Anti-Army level. Rather than cut or erase things within our reality, it simple removes them instead. The spear's head did not cut the dragonfly in half, it sent pieces of it into an alternate reality and left a void in its place. Thus in battle, he can end the lives of hundreds with a sweep of his spear by removing them from our world with just a "touch" of its head. When thrown, where ever it lands, it creates a bubble like void that swallows everything surrounding it... making it the a force to be reckoned with. Class Skills: 1.) Magic Resistance- C+ (He is from an era that was seeing the end of commonplace magic and was progressing towards the age of more modern weaponry instead) 2.) Battle Continuation- A+ (He was never injured or severely harmed during battle, gaining him a reputation of being immortal or invulnerable) Personal Skills: 1.) Dignity of the Rearguards- A (The more he is pressed into a corner, the less of chance one seems to have of hurting him in battle. A cornered animal is more dangerous than one in the open field) 2.) Protection from Arrows- A+ (Missile attacks on the field always seem to miss him despite his obnoxiously obvious helmet. It's not clear if this is derived due to Luck or Agility, as he will never tell) 3.) Bravery- A (Despite facing overwhelming odds against the forces of Owari during his lifetime, he always received the greatest of respect from his enemies and allies alike due to his courage on the battlefield. Thus gains a heightened form of Mental Resistance and a bonus to his Strength Parameter) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B+ ENDURANCE- A AGILITY- A MAGIC- C+ LUCK- A NOBLE PHANTASM- A+ |
Gibz0maticMar 3, 2016 9:54 AM
Dec 14, 2015 8:09 PM
ARCHER: THE KNIGHT OF THE BOW Full Name: Marquis Houyi, The Fallen God of Archery Appearance: Aliases: Hou-i, Slayer of the Sunbirds, Tamer of the Wind, Hunter of Divine Beasts, Guardian of Mankind, and Husband of Change'e Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married) Age: 27 (Age he fell to Earth) Height: 5'11'' Weight: 140 lb Hair: Golden Yellow Eyes: Silvery Grey Nationality: Chinese Attribute: Sky Stars: 4 Religion: Chinese Pagantry Color Scheme: Imperial Red, Matte Black, Pale Gold Theme Song: "Viva la Vida" -Coldplay Alternate Classes: Rider, Caster, and Berserker Alignment: Chaotic Good (Alter: Chaotic Evil) Likes: Hunting, Music, and The Moon Dislikes: The Sun, The Gods, and Silence Master: ??? Wish: To live his life on the Moon with his wife Chang'e... Gods he misses her so. He regrets becoming the tyrannical monster he became towards the end of his life when he lost his wife to the Gods and the Heavens. He wants nothing more than to be with her. Personality: "In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself." -Confucius -Trait: Hunter- He enjoys hunting more than anything else, he sees it as both a pastime and a lifestyle... its what kept him from being bored upon this Earth. -Trait: Teacher- He enjoys sharing his knowledge regarding Archery and life, he has many regrets towards the end of his life in regards to his apprentice. -Trait: Romantic- He's a real softy when it comes to romance and the matters of the heart, especially when someone mentions his wife. -Trait: Guardian- He will do whatever's necessary to protect the Innocent, he will smite without question -Trait: Rebellious- Has contempt to most forms of authority, especially his fellow Gods. My Legend: Catalyst: two empty vials with stains of a mysterious liquid in them Weaponry: His bow, Sheng Xi (aka Sunseeker), given to him by Di Jun to dissuade his 10 Sons from destroying the Earth Tactics: He prefers to hunt and track his prey, then corner it... he does not enjoy getting into a melee, but can fight at mid range Noble Phantasms: 1.) Sheng Xi- The Ethereal Bow That Seeks The Sun Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Fortress; Anti-Divine Range: 3200 meters Max Targets: 900 Description: Sheng Xi, aka Sunseeker, was gift from Di Jun, the God of the Eastern Heaven. To scare and persuade his ten sons, the Sunbirds, from scorching and destroying the Earth. Houyi was originally happy to comply, and only intended to scare the birdies... but seeing the world burning and its people dying while the birds laughed and crowed with joy sent Houyi into a rage. He used the bow to slay, not scare, nine of the ten Sunbirds. He would've killed the last one had the mortal Emperor not interfere. In both sadness and rage, Di Jun and the rest of the Gods banished Houyi from the Heavens and stripped him of his Divinity... though retained his bow and his skills. The bow itself was created to slay Divine Spirits and Divine Beasts alike, when drawn it does not produce traditional arrows nor does it draw upon the Prana within its wielder's body and fire it as raw energy or light. It instead calls upon the Mana surrounding it and creates substantial and absolutely lethal arrow made from the fifth element: Ether. It is an Element also known as the void and a composite it the four other Elements (fire, air, water, and earth) all in harmony and containing enough power to slay a God. The bow can quickly fires arrows as fast as he can pull the string, but the arrows will eventually break down into Ether Clumps after about 5 minutes after hitting the target. These arrows can be considered of a lower quality, and are not too different than arrows of normal quality (save more effective against those with Divinity). The longer the bow is drawn, the larger and more powerful the arrow that is fired. In fact if drawn long enough, it can fire an arrow that could be considered a missile of sizable measure and strength capable of toppling giants and even the greatest of Gods. 2.) Fengxíng Zhe- The Footsteps of the Wind Rank: C+ Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: This Noble Phantasm is combination of his leftover powers as a God, his taming of several wind deities and beasts, and his own magic. Essentially he produces a small scale Bounded Area at the abse of his feet at minimal Prana cost that allows him to walk, run, skip, jump, and tumble through teh air as if he were upon the ground. It allows him to get to vantage points that would otherwise not be accessible to other Servant. It is a highly practical and useful ability for an Archer who actually specializes in ranged combat with his bow. Class Skills: 1.) Independent Action- A (He was banished from Heaven for slaying fellow Gods, thus doomed to walk the Earth alone... he did not mind it at all, as he relished his new found freedom) 2.) Magic Resistance- A (As a former God, he retains a high affinity for Magic as it is in his blood) Personal Skills: 1.) Clairvoyance- A (A true God of Archery never misses unless he wants to, he can see for leagues and can shave the wings off of a fly with one of his arrows) 2.) Divinity- E (A Fallen and scorned God who doesn't even like the other Gods anymore... thus a very low level of Divinity) 3.) Chinese Martial Arts- C+ (He is by no means a Master at close combat, but he has some degree of skill in martial arts in case such an event occurs) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- A LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A+ |
Gibz0maticMar 3, 2016 11:12 AM
Dec 14, 2015 8:10 PM
RIDER: THE MOUNTED KNIGHT Full Name: Sir Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, The Champion and Lord of the People Appearance: Aliases: Sir Ruy Diaz de Vivar, El Cid, The Lord, El Campeador, The Champion, and the National Hero of Spain Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married) Age: 22 Height: 5'7'' Weight: 140 lb Hair: Platinum Blonde Eyes: Aquamarine Blue Nationality: Castilian Spanish Attribute: Man Stars: 4 Religion: Catholic Christian Color Scheme: Scarlet Red, Creamy White, and Sunshine Yellow Theme Song: ??? Alternate Classes: Saber, Lancer, and Berserker Alignment: Lawful Good (Alter: Lawful Evil) Likes: Justice, Honesty, and Loyalty Dislikes: Liars, Wife-Beaters, and Thieves Master: ??? Wish: Personality: “Knighthood lies above eternity; it doesn’t live off fame, but rather deeds.” -Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun -Trait: Jack of Trades- He's a man who specializes in nothing, and is fully capable of taking several half ass Noble Phantasms and combining them into bad ass maneuvers in battle -Trait: Dragon- He, akin to the Pendragons and Bathorys, has Dragon Blood coursing through his veins... it is evident in both his ferocity and tenacity -Trait: Loyal- Even when put into exile by his King, he was still more than loyal to the man and did more in exile for the King than any of the higher-tiered Knights did combined. -Trait: Champion- He was not a Champion of the King, but a Champion chosen and beloved by his people... both by the Spanish and the Moors alike. -Trait: Family Man- He loved his wife and his daughters, and was more than willing to do anything and everything for them. My Legend: Catalyst: 12th century horseshoes, believed to be Babieca's during their last charge during the siege of Valencia. Weaponry: His swords, Tizona and Colada, his shield and lance which take a less prominent role in his legend, and obviously his noble steed... Babieca Tactics: Very versatile and adaptable, can use his myriad of "weak" Noble Phantasms in avariety of ways in combination with his skills in battle. Noble Phantasms: 1.) La Tizona- The Firebrand of the People's Champion Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 200 meters Max Targets: 15 Description: La Tizona, pictured above with him, is first and foremost a "fire sword" and follows a long line of fire sword Noble Phantasms such as Dyrnwyn (Rhydderach Hael) and other such fiery weapons. As such, it is significantly weaker than the previous fire swords in its family, but is still a competent as weapon capable of significant damage. The flames appear when invoking the sword's name "Tizona", as the flames spiral about the blade forming a line and forward blast of fiery death in a burning tornado of sorts; as oppose to an arc many other sword. As his primary weapon and the sword he is most attached to, it is perhaps a partial manifestation of his Dragon-like nature with "fire" being his "breath" so to speak. 2.) La Colada- The Empowering Light of Kings Rank: C+ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 100 meters Max Targets: 10 Description: As El Cid's secondary weapon and sword, it is almost as famous as the first. However unlike Tizona, it is not a "fire sword" but a bastardization of the "Holy Swords of Kings" that Caliburn and Gram descend from. Though it is not nearly as powerful for two really good reasons, both of which are because it is El Cid wielding it. The first being that it is nearing the end of the age of Kings and more "recent" than other "Holy Swords", every generation of Noble Phantasms are generally weaker than the last. Thus it could never compete against other A Rank Holy Swords. Secondly, in the hands of a King the sword would be at least a B Rank in power levels, but in the hands of El Cid (who won it in battle against the King of Barcelona) or one of his vassals. It can only achieve a C+ Rank in terms of power, but it is still potent and powerful weapon on its own. 3.) La Babieca- The Foolish Warhorse of the Barbarians Rank: A Type: Anti-Army Range: 1600 meters Max Targets: 800 Description: What would be the famous Cavalier and Champion without his Warhorse? Probably a Saber class, but that's beside the point. Babieca was easily the most intelligent and human-like horses in the history of the world, possibly smarter than Iskander's Bucephalus. Thus it fights in a similar manner to Bucephalus by trampling overrunning its enemies whilst wearing its heavy war-armor for protection so that it is not so easily killed. 5.) La Cantar Regalia- The Bounded Area of the Golden Dragon Rank: C Type: Barrier Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: This shield is an ancestral item and another physical manifestation of his Dragon-Blood, more or less a manifestation of a Dragon's hide and resistance to magic/physical attacks. When this shield is equipped, it serves as both a highly practical and magical shield against C Rank Magical and Physical attacks, meaning it resists B Rank and lower attacks from Noble Phantasms and melee attacks based upon a Servant's Strength Parameter. Class Skills: 1.) Riding- A 2.) Magic Resistance- C Personal Skills: 1.) Eternal Arms Mastership- A+ (Was talented in a myriad of weapon types and styles, can adapt and fight in any situation with almost any weapon) 2.) Mana Burst (Flames)- B+ (Due to his Dragon-Blood and use of Tizona, its a practical and efficient ability to have in battle) 3.) Bravery- B+ (Considered one of the bravest or craziest spaniards in history, without a drop of cowardice in his blood) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- B+ |
Gibz0maticMar 6, 2016 12:35 PM
Dec 14, 2015 8:10 PM
BERSERKER: THE MAD WARRIOR Full Name: King Lycaon of Arcadia, The First Werewolf Appearance: Aliases: The Cursed King, The King of Wolves, The Bestial King, The Founder of Lycosura, Father of Nyctimus, Husband of Nonakris, Father of 50 Sons from 50 Concubines Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married) Age: 44 Height: 10 ft Weight: 350 lb Hair: Grey-Black Fur Eyes: Glowing Blue Nationality: Greco-Roman Attribute: Man Stars: 2 Religion: Greco-Roman Pagantry Color Scheme: Silvery Grey, Tarnished Gold, Scarlet Red Theme Song: "Werewolves in London" -Warren Zevon Alternate Classes: Lancer, Caster, and Assassin Alignment: Chaotic Insane (Alter: Lawful Insane) Likes: Moonlight, Feeding, and Hunting Dislikes: Storms, Music, and Kindness Master: ??? Wish: As near as anyone can tell or assume, it wishes to remove the curse and to regain its humanity. But it does not wish to do so in order to live as a human... but to be allowed to die as one finally. Personality: “Hell won't be so bad, you know. After all, I'll be there to keep you company.” ― Tess Oliver, Camille -Trait: Framed- It is highly possibly that Lyacaon was set up by his followers and fellow citizens of Arcadia testing the God's power, we may never know the full truth -Trait: Gluttonous- Endless and voracious hunger for mortal flesh, another feature of the curse that deforms his body and mind -Trait: Resourceful- Strangely despite its bestial nature, it isn't unintelligent as it knows how to use its environment to its advantage and may use simplistic weapons -Trait: Destructive- Doesn't care who or what gets in its way, well destroy an environment or consume bystanders that get in the way -Trait: Loyal- Perhaps its some form of his Dog-like nature taking hold, but it will not turn its wrath against its own Master... it seems to know better than that My Legend: Catalyst: An obscenely large humanoid yet lupine looking skull fossil Weaponry: His own fangs and claws, though he wears primitive and savage looking armor and clothing... perhaps some human intelligence or shame remains? He may or may not use his brutal spear as weapon if he deems it necessary. Tactics: He is a savage hunter and beast, thinks like a wolf and fights like one... circles around and avoids direct fights unless it knows it can win. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Lykos Katara- The Divine Curse of The Wolf Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: King Lycaon was cursed by Zeus for slaying his own son and placing him upon his alter to test the omnipotence and power of the supposed King of Gods and a Divine Spirit, the result of such a sin was to be permanently cursed into a bestial form and his remaining sons slain by Zeus. That curse is this Noble Phantasm, the Phantasm itself is a passive ability that always remain active. While under its effects neither his Parameters/Stats nor Skills can be altered by any outside force, nor can this Phantasm ever be destroyed or removed from him. they can neither be increased or decreased, his curse cannot be modified by anything at all. Also so long as the curse is active, Lycaon cannot enter an astral state unless he is unconscious or asleep. As his curse while awake compels him to hunt and feed on others, with the exception of his Master... as he is a loyal dog. The only force powerful enough to remove the curse, albeit temporarily, is through the use of a Command Seal. The curse removal only last 24 hours, and during those 24 hours all Parameters/Stats and Skills are reduced to E Rank. 2.) Arcadia Klironomia- The Tainted Inheritance of Arcadia Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1-5 meters (400 meters thrown) Max Targets: 15 Description: Long before Lycaon became King of Arcadia, the land was and its Kings were blessed by the Divine Spirit and God, Zeus. He came and went as a guest and there was always plenty of goods and offerings upon his alter... that was until Lycaon ruined it all. This spear, this lance, was once golden and blessed by Zeus as it crackled with yellow-white lightning as it served as symbol of Arcadia's loyalty to Zeus and their might as a nation... as such due to Lycaon's treachery and sins it has been blackened and tainted. Traditionally this historical and long forgotten spear would've been an A+ Ranked, Anti-Army Type Noble Phantasm. Lycaon single handily changed a nation devout to Zeus into one known as the nation of Wolves, thus ruining Arcadia's reputation and weakening its power. In his hands the spear crackles with red-purple lighting and can deliver traditional "electric" damage upon his foes in an equally traditional manner. He does not wield the weapon with technique and finesse, it has become a brutal instrument of pain and death. Class Skills: 1.) Madness Enhancement- A (Already "crazy" enough to kill his own son to challenge/trick the King of the Gods, made even crazier by the curse inflicted upon him for such a deed. Though it was possible he was framed by his own people, and he took the fall and might actually be a martyr) Personal Skills: 1.) Animal Dialogue- C+ (Proficiency in communicating with wolves or animals canine or lupine in nature, they are not familiars so to speak... but they can be persuaded to aid him) 2.) Instinct- A (Much of his conscious mind has been made rather moot, thus his most primal side has taken hold over him. In terms of self preservation, he will stop at nothing survive any engagement) 3.) Call of the Moon- A+ (The presence of the moon has direct influence on his strength and tenacity in battle, the more full it is the more powerful of monster he becomes. Though even during a New Moon, he is no slouch) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- A ENDURANCE- A AGILITY- A MAGIC- D+ LUCK- D+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A+ |
Gibz0maticMar 4, 2016 9:01 AM
Dec 14, 2015 8:11 PM
CASTER: THE MAGUS Full Name: Lord Imhotep, High Priest of Egypt Appearance: Aliases: Chancellor of the King of Egypt, Doctor, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual (Unmarried) Age: 21 Height: 5'5'' Weight: 130 lb Hair: Dove White Eyes: Emerald Green Nationality: Egyptian, North African Attribute: Sky Stars: 4 Religion: Egyptian Pagantry Color Scheme: Red Mud, Parchment Brown, and Emerald Green Theme Song: ??? Alternate Classes: Assassin, Rider, and Archer Alignment: Neutral Good (Alter: Neutral Evil) Likes: Architecture, Healing, and Magic Dislikes: Mindless Destruction, Mindless Torture, Mindless Beasts Master: ??? Wish: He wants to design a city anew, he wants to be Civil Engineer and help recreate the world in an image the people and the Gods would both love and embrace together. He also wants to be a Doctor, and to save the lives of thousands... one person at a time. Basically he just wants to save the World in his own unique way. Personality: "Man, know yourself... and you shalt know the gods" -Egyptian Proverbs -Trait: Inventor- Like an Egyptian form of Da Vinci, Edison, or Tesla... he's always engineering cooking up a new idea he wants to try -Trait: Bubbly- He's always enthusiastic and willing to share what he's thinking about or working on, he enjoys speaking to or being around people -Trait: Lonely- He gets lonely pretty easily, even in the midst of doing the work he loves... if he has no one to share it with, then why bother? -Trait: Flexible- If something doesn't work out right for him, he is quick to adapt and improve his ideas, designs, and plans so that he can compensate and make them better -Trait: Optimist- Believes in the best of everyone in any circumstance, he feels that so long as you try your hardest... you will eventually succeed My Legend: Catalyst: A deathmask supposedly stolen from his secret tomb, a location not known to the public Weaponry: a vast variety of tools and weapons created as he needs them in his Temple, otherwise he is fully capable of casting spells with his Divine Words Tactics: Prefers to stand at the back and observe his target, he enjoys learning about his enemies and choosing the best strategy to defeat them. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Postmortem Ascension- Divinity and Accolades of a Latter Day God Rank: A+++ Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: Self Max Targets: 1 Description: After his death, many ancient Egyptians for the next few centuries canonized him as a God and held him to the same esteem as the rest of the pantheon. As such, this Phantasm only activates... when he is killed. In the event that Imhotep is killed either in battle, by poison, or whatever; he will resurrect into a Divine Spirit. He gains the Skill "Divinity- A+", and all his Parameters/Stats become A+ Rank as well. This resurrection changes his personality from the compassionate inventor, into an austere apathetic God capable of killing without mercy or regret. A very dark yet powerful transformation. However, if he is killed again in this form then this time he will remain dead and will not resurrect again. He will remain in this form for 6 hours, then his mind and body reset back into their normal state... this Phantasm can only be activated once every 24 hours. So if he is killed when in his "mortal" form before that limit is up, he will be killed permanently. Class Skills: 1.) Territory Creation- A++ (Given enough time and materials he can create fully stocked Temple capable of communing with the Gods themselves even though they've long since abandoned the World) 2.) Item Construction- A+ (Brilliant Physician and Engineer, capable of creating anything and everything he could possibly need including various forms of weapons and shabti clay fighters under his Golemancy) Personal Skills: 1.) Golemancy- A+ (Brilliant Mage and Priest to his Gods, though he dedicated himself more towards the Sciences rather than Thaumaturgy. His elemental focus however, is along the lines of "Earth" and using tools to craft Shabti, Egyptian Golems, to serve him) 2.) Librarian of Stored Knowledge- B+ (Enjoys studying and learning new concepts, watches people and reads many books absorbing knowledge, specializes in Engineering and Healing, which he applies through his magic or his own hands) 3.) Divinity- D+ (Considered a descendent of the Gods, thus retains some Divinity to his blood. Though it is very diluted) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- D+ ENDURANCE- C AGILITY- C MAGIC- A++ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- A+++ |
Gibz0maticFeb 4, 2016 11:00 AM
Dec 14, 2015 8:12 PM
ASSASSIN: THE SILENT KILLER Full Name: Judas Iscariot, the 12th Apostle of Jesus Appearance: Aliases: Judas the Traitor, Judas the Betrayer, Judas Sicarri, Judas the Sicarri, Judas the Rebel Assassin Gender: Male Sexuality: Asexual (Unmarried) Age: 30 Height: 5'7'' Weight: 120 lb Hair: Light Blue Eyes: Tarnished Gold Nationality: Hebrew, Middle Eastern Attribute: Star Stars: 5 Religion: Judeo-Christian Color Scheme: Shades of Blue, Tarnished Gold, Grey Theme Song: "Personal Jesus" -Marilyn Manson Alternate Classes: Caster, Berserker, and Lancer Alignment: True Neutral (Alter: None) Likes: Smiling, Friends, and Freedom Dislikes: Silver, Sand, and Treason Master: ??? Wish: His wish is entirely a secret, not even his own Master can pry into his mind to see it... there is only void and darkness in there, either he or some outside force is blocking and inking it out. But in truth, he wants to bring HIM back... he wants to look Jesus in the eye and apologize to him. He knows the only way that can happen is through the second coming of Jesus, thus what he is literally wishing for is to bring about The Apocalypse. Personality: "Judas sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver; Faust sold his for some extra years of youth; Marilyn Monroe deserted Jesus Christ for Arthur Miller." ―Nicholas Samstag, The Uses of Ineptitude or How Not To Want To Do Better -Trait: Quiet- He is man who has the face of one who used to talk and socialize alot with peers... but has fallen into mostly silence. -Trait: Religious- Whenever he thinks no one is watching, he does pray to his God... though it is unclear what he is praying for. -Trait: Lonely- He seems to have forgotten what it's like to have friends, he seems to have withdrawn within himself and hidden his true feelings from the World. -Trait: Virtuous- He has thrown away all forms of sin... save violence and murder, he knows not Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Envy, or Pride -Trait: Lethal- He does not believe in slow and painful deaths... he will strike fast and allow none to suffer My Legend: Catalyst: Red Clay, from the base of a dead tree in Potters Field Weaponry: His 30 Silver Pieces (Coins) which can be redeemed into almost any weapon, armor, or ability he has seen that is a Noble Phantasm Tactics: He prefers to stand away from his targets and observe their movements before striking, and using their own trusted instruments against them. Noble Phantasms: 1.) The Blood Money of Christ- Iscariot's 30 Pieces of Silver Rank: E Type: Anti-Noble Phantasm Range: Self Max Targets: 30 Description: 30 Pieces of Silver paid to Judas in exchange for the identity of Jesus Christ... the average price at the time for a slave, he equated the life of his best friend and God to that of what one would consider a slave. The 30 Pieces that make up this Noble Phantasm have a more redeemed value, each Piece can be "exchanged" for a Noble Phantasm SEEN by him of any kind. Meaning any piece of weapon or armor of Noble Phantasmal quality he sees from another Servant can be perfectly and utterly replicated, this NOT a form of Gradiation Air or Alchemy or some other cheap magecraft. In fact, it'd be more accurate to describe it as a form of the First True Magic related to creating something from nothing... in short it could be considered a "Miracle". But such abilities should be expected from the Blood Money that was considered "equivalent" to the life of Jesus a man capable of creating Miracles as easily as breathing. Note that he can only use this ability 30 times, thus can have up to 30 Noble Phantasms. After a coin is spent, it cannot be reclaimed and thus permanently has a "Perfect" copy of a Noble Phantasm. Also note that the Phantasm he can copy has to be of a physical nature, a piece of equipment if you will... not concepts, techniques, or abilities. So he could "copy" say Artoria's Excalibur or Cu's Gae Bolg, but not Artoria's Invisible Air or Hercules's 12 Labors. Nor can he copy Beasts of any a sort with his coins either, only weapons and armor... so no Phantasms that can be ridden or commanded to fight and kill for him. Class Skills: 1.) Presence Concealment- C (Nobody suspected Judas to do such a thing as sell out Jesus, the man can hide his presence and erase all doubt) Personal Skills: 1.) Revelation- A (Judas was a quick learned and study, almost instinctual in nature, and works well with his Noble Phantasm's ability to "copy" Noble Phantasms and using them himself) 2.) Mental Pollution- A (Many contest whether or not Judas should be considered a Martyr of some sort that both he and Jesus both knew that he would betray him, or a Victim of some Mental Illness from guilt or not... thus gaining this Skill akin to how one would gain Innocent Monster as one) 3.) Hidden Convictions- A (Nobody is entirely sure of Judas's motivations regarding him selling out his friend and God... thus hides the Rankings of his Parameters, Skills, and Noble Phantasms from everyone including his Master) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B ENDURANCE- B AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- C NOBLE PHANTASM- E |
Gibz0maticFeb 17, 2016 9:46 PM
Mar 7, 2016 7:55 PM
[color=]SABER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SWORD[/color] Full Name: Appearance: Aliases: Gender: Sexuality: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Nationality: Attribute: Stars: Religion: Color Scheme: Theme Song: Alternate Classes: Alignment: Likes: Dislikes: Master: ??? Wish: Personality: “quote” -??? -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: My Legend: Catalyst: Tactics: Noble Phantasms: 1.) Rank: Type: Range: Max Targets: Description: Class Skills: 1.) 2.) Personal Skills: 1.) 2.) 3.) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- ENDURANCE- AGILITY- MAGIC- LUCK- NOBLE PHANTASM- |
Mar 7, 2016 7:56 PM
[color=]LANCER: THE KNIGHT OF THE SPEAR[/color] Full Name: Appearance: Aliases: Gender: Sexuality: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Nationality: Attribute: Stars: Religion: Color Scheme: Theme Song: Alternate Classes: Alignment: Likes: Dislikes: Master: ??? Wish: Personality: “quote” -??? -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: My Legend: Catalyst: Tactics: Noble Phantasms: 1.) Rank: Type: Range: Max Targets: Description: Class Skills: 1.) 2.) Personal Skills: 1.) 2.) 3.) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- ENDURANCE- AGILITY- MAGIC- LUCK- NOBLE PHANTASM- |
Mar 7, 2016 7:57 PM
ARCHER: THE KNIGHT OF THE BOW Full Name: Sir Tristan Rivalenson, The Knight of Sorrow Appearance: Aliases: Son of Sir Rivalen and Princess Blancheflor, Vassal and Nephew of King Mark, Lover of Isolde, The Bow Knight, and later a Knight of the Round Table Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Unmarried) Age: 24 Height: 5' 10'' Weight: 140 lb Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Light Blue Nationality: Anglo-Saxon (Caucasian, English) Attribute: Man Stars: 3 Religion: Catholic Christian Color Scheme: Silver, Light Blue, White Theme Song: ??? Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider, and Assassin Alignment: Chaotic Good (Alter: Chaotic Evil) Likes: Isolde, King Arthur, and Hunting Dislikes: Isolde, King Mark, and Poison Master: ??? Wish: Honestly? For him and Isolde to be left alone... to be happily/unhappily married together. They both loved and hated each other, they were honestly the perfect couple that had a lot of things ruining it for them. So all he wants is their happily ever after. Personality: “True love stories never have an end” -Richard Bach -Trait: Loyal- As far as chivalry and friendship, you cannot ask for a greater example than Tristan. So long as you trust in him and his word, he will trust in you. -Trait: Hunter- He enjoys the wilds and forests, he prefers to be alone out on a hunt rather than be surrounded by noisy and smelly people. -Trait: Dueling- He enjoys good thrashing, test of wills, and plain old fashioned skill just as much as any Knight of the era -Trait: Musician- Believe it or not, he is talented minstrel and will play if requested or if unimaginably bored. -Trait: Isolde- His better half, whether he admits it or not, the two of them have always been like oil and water... but they love each other deeper and truer than anyone else could possible imagine. My Legend: Catalyst: The twisted branches of a pair of ancient trees found near Cornwall Tactics: Tristan, before he was a Knight, was a hunter who was adept at tracking and following his prey. Even after his knighthood and training in swordsmanship, those habits and skills remain. Noble Phantasms: 1.) Fail Not: The Unfailing Bow of The Huntsman Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 1600 meters Max Targets: 50 Description: Before Tristan had been recognized as being King Mark's nephew, he had been the Royal Huntsman under his King's command. His job was to hunt deer and other such game for King Mark's meals... he never failed to bring home a prize. That is due to the magical bow he crafted, Fail Not, and its simple yet cunning curse that once an arrow had been let loose onto Tristan's desired target. The arrow will not stop its pursuit until it buries its head into it, can be blocked or destroyed. But unless the target is very Agile and Lucky (B rank or higher for both), it will even make impossible bends and turns midair to reach its target. The best part of it, is that Tristan can let loose several arrows at once as they home in on his desired target... making it all the more challenging for the target to escape or survive its wrath. As far as arrows and ammunition is concerned, his quiver will never seems to run empty... and his sword can be used as an "arrow" as well. 2.) Curtana: The Sword of Merciful Justice Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Fortress Range: 400 meters Max Targets: 200 Description: Yet another Holy Sword crafted by the hands of Wayland the Smith, who is responsible for almost every Holy Sword in myth and legend. Like almost all Holy Swords, Curtana is capable of producing a glowing Holy Light. When its name is invoked, Tristan may swing his blade with the light streaming out in a thin but impressive beam... and either have it pierce through his enemies like a Rapier or cleave them in half like a Claymore. It all comes down to how he wishes to use it at the the time. It is not entirely clear where Tristan acquired this blade, it is believed it was hidden away in King Mark's treasury and was gifted to him when his identity was revealed as his nephew. Why Wayland's sword was there to begin with is anyone's guess, as his Holy Swords tend to wander or be recreated by outside forces or by himself. Also note that this Holy Sword is less strong than the average Holy Sword for two reasons. First as it was crafted from the leftover steel used to create Joyeuse and Durandal, both of which were at least A Rank Noble Phantasms... thus it does slightly less damage. Secondly, it has crack running down the length of its blade with a sliver of its steel missing as it was embedded in the skull of Morholt. Also, also note that this sword also does extra damage against Dragons and Dragon-Kind, as it was used by Tristan to slay a Dragon once. Also, also, also note that if Tristan ever feels he is lacking in firepower from either of his Phantasms, he can use Curtana much like how Counter Guardian EMIYA used his Caladbolg II. That is to say, he can fire Curtana like an arrow and accomplish almost A++ level damage at an Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress level. This effect does not "break" Curtana, though the first time he used this technique was against Morholt... which would explain the crack and missing piece. Using this ability too often may break Curtana, but having it shot handful of times won't do to much harm. Class Skills: 1.) Independent Action- B+ (He was banished/left his uncle's court to join King Arthur's... he has no problem in trading Kings as long as they are good to him) 2.) Magic Resistance- C+ (All the exposure to magical poisons and curses he took in life have taken a toll on his resistance to magic, but he's still a capable fighter against Mages) Personal Skills: 1.) Clairvoyance- B+ (As an archer and hunter, an eagle eye capable of tracking prey is a must) 2.) True Love's Curse- A+ (Immune to Mental Interference, gets enraged/irritated when someone attempts to use Charm against him) 3.) Eternal Arms Mastership- B+ (He was trained from a young age in the art of combat by his tutor, and later even more so by his uncle, King Mark. He is a talented Archer, Swordsman, and Hunter... the makings of a great Knight) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- B ENDURANCE- B+ AGILITY- B+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- C+ NOBLE PHANTASM- B+ |
Gibz0maticMar 22, 2016 9:00 PM
Mar 7, 2016 7:58 PM
[color=]RIDER: THE MOUNTED KNIGHT/color] Full Name: Appearance: Aliases: Gender: Sexuality: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Nationality: Attribute: Stars: Religion: Color Scheme: Theme Song: Alternate Classes: Alignment: Likes: Dislikes: Master: ??? Wish: Personality: “quote” -??? -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: My Legend: Catalyst: Tactics: Noble Phantasms: 1.) Rank: Type: Range: Max Targets: Description: Class Skills: 1.) 2.) Personal Skills: 1.) 2.) 3.) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- ENDURANCE- AGILITY- MAGIC- LUCK- NOBLE PHANTASM- |
Gibz0maticApr 2, 2016 7:42 AM
Mar 7, 2016 7:58 PM
[color=]BERSERKER: THE MAD WARRIOR[/color] Full Name: Appearance: Aliases: Gender: Sexuality: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Nationality: Attribute: Stars: Religion: Color Scheme: Theme Song: Alternate Classes: Alignment: Likes: Dislikes: Master: ??? Wish: Personality: “quote” -??? -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: My Legend: Catalyst: Tactics: Noble Phantasms: 1.) Rank: Type: Range: Max Targets: Description: Class Skills: 1.) 2.) Personal Skills: 1.) 2.) 3.) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- ENDURANCE- AGILITY- MAGIC- LUCK- NOBLE PHANTASM- |
Gibz0maticMar 14, 2016 8:21 PM
Mar 7, 2016 7:59 PM
[color=]CASTER: THE MAGUS[/color] Full Name: Appearance: Aliases: Gender: Sexuality: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Nationality: Attribute: Stars: Religion: Color Scheme: Theme Song: Alternate Classes: Alignment: Likes: Dislikes: Master: ??? Wish: Personality: “quote” -??? -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: -Trait: My Legend: Catalyst: Tactics: Noble Phantasms: 1.) Rank: Type: Range: Max Targets: Description: Class Skills: 1.) 2.) Personal Skills: 1.) 2.) 3.) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- ENDURANCE- AGILITY- MAGIC- LUCK- NOBLE PHANTASM- |
Mar 7, 2016 8:00 PM
ASSASSIN: THE SILENT KILLER Full Name: Hitokiri Kawakami Gensai, The 4th Manslayer of the Bakamatsu Appearance: Aliases: Kouda Genbei, Husband of Misawa Teiko, Father of Kawakami Gentaro, Former Bodyguard of Sanjo Sanetomi, Member of the Kihetei, Enemy of the Shinsengumi, and a Master Assassin Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Married) Age: 30 Height: 5'7'' Weight: 140 lb Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Scarlet Red Nationality: Japanese (Asian) Attribute: Man Stars: 2 Religion: Shinto Color Scheme: Pale White, Light Brown, Tarnished Gold Theme Song: ??? Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider, and Berserker Alignment: Lawful Evil Likes: Swordsmanship, his Family, and his Emperor Dislikes: Guns, The Shinsengumi, and Americans Master: ??? Wish: He dreamt of freedom of Japan and the restoration of the imperial monarchy of Japan, to put an end to the Shogunate and Western influence. He dreamt of ages past long before the Sengoku period, where ones code and Bushi was at its height, an era where Assassins such as himself were not needed nor wanted... he wants to bring that world back to Japan. Personality: “New eras don't come about because of swords, they're created by the people who wield them.” -Nobuhiro Watsuki -Trait: Noble- Carries himself as a nobleman, he does not slouch or rest his shoulders or back... he seemsto always carry himself with an air of pride. -Trait: Quiet- He speaks softly, almost effeminate and passive... like a breeze through the cherry blossoms in spring -Trait: Deadly- He also reeks of death, not the rotten filthy kind, but more so peaceful... like passing away in ones sleep. To take a nap and to never awake from. -Trait: Loyal- Fiercely loyal and not afraid to cross the line in order to ensure victory... he may have more in common with a Ninja rather than a Ronin Samurai. -Trait: Student- He is always studying and learning, whether it be in battle or from a book. He's always seeking to improve himself and his techniques. My Legend: Catalyst: An old japanese scabbard with his family's crest embedded in it, no katana was found with it Tactics: He prefers a classic duel, but enjoys finishing his enemies with a single strike. he is not a prideful nor boasting man, but he knows he's a master swordsman Noble Phantasms: 1.) Shiranui Ryu- A Step Out OF Time Rank: B+ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 5 meters Max Targets: 1 Description: The Shiranui Ryu is a unique and famous kenjutsu, swordsmanship, created and designed by Kawakami Gensai himself. Thus he is the only practitioner of such a skill, and no one has ever been technically capable of recreating it. According to history, and legend admittedly, the techique specialized in high speed movements... moving faster than the eye can follow. The secret of the technique isn't necessarily the mastery of ones own speed, though it may help, but in truth it is none other than the manipulation of ones won timeline! In a similar manner to Kiritsugu Emiya's ability to speed up or slow down his own personal timeline, but as Gensai was not a mage he discovered/created a technique himself through his own training and discipline with the sword not unlike how Sasaki Kojiro discovered the Second True Magic via his Tsubame Gaeshi. To the outside observer of the technique, Gensai appears in front of his target in a Zero Stance and in approximately 2.6 to 2.7 seconds he appears behind the target in the same position and Zero Stance... with the target being sliced in half. But in "Shiranui Ryu" time, Gensai spends almost 10 seconds on his own personal timeline drawing his sword, stepping forward, slashing his opponent, and standing behind his opponent... his opponent usually doesn't even have enough to blink let alone block/dodge the attack. It is a sure kill technique worthy of the Assassin class, and possibly a Saber class as far as swordsmanship is concerned. Class Skills: 1.) Presence Concealment- B+ (A master assassin who can conceal his murderous intent, but its not yet perfect as he can still be seen visibly) Personal Skills: 1.) Looks of Loveliness- C+ (Can be mistaken for a woman or a child at a distance, and can disguise himself as such if necessary) 2.) Eye of the Mind (False)- A+ (Can see and learn an opponent's skill as they fight, can mimic or defeat it if given enough time) 3.) Zero Stance- A+ (A skill that allows him to neither take an offensive or defensive stance when fighting, counters Instinct or similar skills that are the same Rank or lower) Parameters/Stats: STRENGTH- C+ ENDURANCE- C+ AGILITY- A+ MAGIC- C+ LUCK- B+ NOBLE PHANTASM- B+ |
Gibz0maticMar 14, 2016 1:00 PM
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