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Aug 6, 2015 4:31 AM
Aug 2015
Whats up everyone, I just noticed that we havent got a tip and tricks thread.

So i decided to make one to share my tip and tricks ;].

Hopefully you'll share yours too .
Iam lookingforward hearing from you ^^
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Aug 6, 2015 4:35 AM
Aug 2015
Here is actually my first one.

When you E with Leona ( Zenit Blade) , you can charge your ult while you dash.

If you have 35 Gold avaliable always buy a health potion .
Imagine you are in a fight ,use your health potion to get a free ruby crystal .
A pot restores 150 health over 15 secs , usually a fight last longer so you can save like 350 gold ;]
Aug 6, 2015 4:57 AM
Aug 2015
This trick only works on Red side blue buff and when you are a ranged champ.

Go the market position , you may have to change the postion manually.
Here is actually the trick when you stay at the marked position and attack the blue buff , the buff will aggro you . It will take the shortest way to get to you.
You will notice that he will walk straight towards you , what happens is that the buff will stuck between a wall and the little monster, it will try to walk around but midway it will go back to the wall . Actually you will take no Damage from the big monster itself and it wont reset
AltayrEvergardenAug 6, 2015 5:00 AM
Aug 6, 2015 5:10 AM
Aug 2015

Raptors camp
Stay on top of the raptors camp , so you can tax lane exp when minions are fighting at the tower.

Hecarim can E over walls when the enmies are in range and vision.
I mostly use in in the jungle to jump over walls , e.g. Blue side bluebuff.
AltayrEvergardenAug 6, 2015 5:13 AM
Aug 6, 2015 5:26 AM

Aug 2014
ey nice idea Zekken

When you stand right next to the wall at the red circle, you can ward the bush next to redbuff (even without the increased range mastery)

It's good for jungle to be aware of invades, or in general because you won't be in the enemy sight when warding

it works on both blue and purple side

Aug 6, 2015 10:03 AM

Apr 2015
When a jungler ganks you, always use your health pot. I swear it will safe your ass! :)

And as a jungler, if someone isnt a lane and you have the opportunity farm do it. Great experience and gold! :)
Aug 6, 2015 11:54 AM

Jun 2015
Buy a ward, save a life.

Hehe now seriously,

You can flash in mid dash for a lot of abilities.
gragas e
fizz e
vi q
sejuani dash, cant remember if it was e or whatever

And it will still hit target at the location you flashed to.

Another good one is this one:

you can see a shuriken on top of someones head if zed ult will deal enough damage to kill him when it pops
Aug 6, 2015 12:06 PM

Feb 2015
With Jayce in melee form, if you hit a jungle monster to the other side correctly you can quickly jump over the wall.

With Riven, flashing and/or Eing and throwing her ult can increase the range slightly.
Eing and 3rd Qing can help get over walls with less risk of failing

With Quinn, you can cancel enemy jumps and still leave them on cooldown by timing your E correctly. <- This includes Lee Sin's Q

With Gnar, you can ult midair when jumping and transforming into Mega form.

With Lux, make use of your passive to the fullest when poking: Q and W. Leave the W there without popping it yet and autoattack the enemy. Pop the W and autoattack again.
:::|| ---A N I M E L I S T--- || ---M A N G A L I S T--- || ---S I G N A T U R E S--- || ---C A R D S--- ||:::
Aug 6, 2015 1:48 PM
Aug 2015
If you backport with Ekko you can use your ult to get to the lane or to the position you backed ^^ , same goes with teleport.

When you play Jarvan and do your E-Q combo , you can flash ,before you hit the flag ,directly to/under a target and it will knock him/her up ;].
Aug 10, 2015 2:39 AM

Apr 2013
Some cool things you can do with Riven mechanically.

You can stun/q when you are casting wind slash. Also about using e+3rd q for jumps, don't do it unless you really need too. If you are very low hp and trying to jump away and jump into a camp, it's going to kill you, just shield afterwards.

You can cast e, hydra active, w, and q simultaneously.

You can stun while dashing, if you do it fast enough the stun will happen wherever you started the dash allowing you to stun dash when people are chasing you.

You can place a ward mid 3rd q to change the hitbox orientation of it without changing the way you are facing. So if you are running, and 3rd q and ward behind you. The animation will go off as if you had turned around, but you'll keep going the way you were headed before. Allows you to cancel Lee sin q, or knock people up when they are dashing to you.

You can cast e hydra active R q simultaneously.

The aoe radius for her q and w are very similar (w is slightly smaller I think? Maybe the other way around I don't remember). And you can use the tip of her sword as reference for the radii.

You can also apparently use qss to cancel lee's kick. I haven't actually seen footage of this but I heard it somewhere, so I'm not sure how to do it.
Aug 12, 2015 8:01 PM

Mar 2015
Riven Quaaadra Kill today, I'm so Happy =D

I use the normal Combo, Q+Q+Q(stun) + Basic attack + W (more stun) + Hidra +basic attack! If you want learn how to play with her, it's easy, only pratice play more fast xD
Aug 16, 2015 3:49 PM

Apr 2013
Good job! I've had such bad luck getting pentas with her. T_T
Aug 18, 2015 7:11 PM

Aug 2014
something called auto cancels

You can do this with many champs, who has a skill that has no charge time.
eg. riven, rengar's q etc.

How you do is, after autoattacking, quickly use a skill to cancel the animation which happens after autoattacking. this is probably best to practice on riven and also most efficient cause of her passiv and her skill set.
This can save the 0.1 seconds of the autoattack. may not seem so important, but it could be crutial of life and death

Aug 22, 2015 6:06 AM

Apr 2015
If u are a tank try to soak the damage before you try to flee. It is way better :)
Sep 29, 2015 5:09 PM

May 2014
If you're looking to engage early game, the best way to do it successfully is to try to hit lvl 3 before your opponent and attack once you've hit lvl 3. If you play a manaless/energy champ, you should try to poke to make taking the kill less of a hassle because you don't have to worry about running out of mana.

ALWAYS WARD. As the saying goes "buy a ward, save a life." Check for ganks before initiates on your opponent, you don't want to get caught and killed.
Sep 30, 2015 2:51 PM

Feb 2015
Bak for moar~
• As a Leona, you can get rid of wards before they disappear immediately after auto, Q and auto again. Really useful early game when you're hiding in the bush and their support/adc decides to ward it :>
• As a Janna (+ Cait), if thir adc/support is low and your Cait decides to ult, as a Janna, you can ult with fast reaction the protector away from the bullet to secure a kill ^^
Upgrade your trinkets ASAP. It's so useful and you'll be surprised how much it helps..
unless you're that kind of person that complains about no wards and looks toward the support >.>
:::|| ---A N I M E L I S T--- || ---M A N G A L I S T--- || ---S I G N A T U R E S--- || ---C A R D S--- ||:::
Oct 1, 2015 3:36 AM

Apr 2015
- If u are playing ekko and the enemy has a rengar, stay grouped and use your w when you see the "!" sign. U will burst rengar down and make it 1 for 1 and if u are lucky enough your team won't lose a single person! :)

- As ADC it is an must have to have the scyring orb upgrade, it is nice to check brushes if there are enemies waiting for you. And dont forget it is also really handy for checking if the enemy is doing le Dragon or La Baron Nashor :)
Oct 1, 2015 12:31 PM

Feb 2015
Fast reaction to a Darius ult with a Lulu ult can deny the damage and also put his ult on cooldown
Start learning Lulu top! >A<
:::|| ---A N I M E L I S T--- || ---M A N G A L I S T--- || ---S I G N A T U R E S--- || ---C A R D S--- ||:::
Oct 1, 2015 1:07 PM

Apr 2015
If u are behind in the laning phase it is better to build some armour/magic resist instead of Att Dmg or Ability power. It is better to have more sustain in lane in order to get back into the game :)
Oct 5, 2015 12:32 PM
Jun 2014
-If you're Anivia, you can tp when you're in egg form.

-Enemy has an Evelynn and you don't want her to destroy your pink? Buy a pink and a regular ward. Put the regular ward where you would place the pink ward, then put the pink ward over a wall.
Oct 6, 2015 3:04 AM

Apr 2015
U can peform an invisible ninja gank if u have an Thresh in your team. If u use teleport on Thresh his lantern before it disappears the enemy and even you wont see the teleport animation et voila you have a 3 vs 2 :D
Oct 11, 2015 11:36 PM
Aug 2015
There is an advanced technique called Slow Push .
Make Sure the waves clashing , have an euqal number of minions
e.g. botlane red wave with 3 melee 3 caster 1 canon
and blue wave also
then you kill the 3 melee or casters and the canon, so that 3 minions are left
and then you leave the lane and let them slow push
if everything goes well you should have a big wave with at least 3 canons pushing towards their tier 2 or inhib turret
during that you can set up baron or aspect or something important and enemy are pressured because they will lose some towers, maybe inhib too
and you may get baron
or just dance around baron to buy the minions time.
If you are a support you might buy banner of command and enchant a melee minion to help your slow pushing lane :)
Nov 17, 2015 10:49 AM
Nov 2015
If you play elise a lot then this could be handy. When you use your w in human form, wherever you then q to in spider form the w will leap onto that target. Instead of trying to aim the w in a gank, you can place it behind yourself or to the side etc then leap in afterwards. This also leads to some unexpected burst as the enemy will be like the fuck?
Nov 17, 2015 2:43 PM
Nov 2015
This one isn't really a trick but a tip, when playing solo q or just looking to improve your gameplay in general. Instead of focusing 100% on winning change your mindset to improving yourself so don't care if you lose (still try to win obviously) but see what you did wrong that resulted in the loss. You'll probably say "oh but I went 7-1-13 and my troll team made me lose" okay then look back at what you could of done even better. Why couldn't you carry the game if your that far ahead? Could you of split pushed, got more objectives, positioned better in teamfight or better itemization. This will also help you not be so salty over every loss because you can see more benefits from it than negatives. This is just a mindset and trust me, you'll climb a lot faster and easier thinking this way. Even though I'm platinum 2 doesn't mean I can't improve. Even the best player in the world can improve and get even higher to prevent anyone stealing his throne, e.g. faker, bjergson. They didn't get where they are now by going I'm too good and do not need to learn anymore.
Jul 2, 2016 2:50 AM
Aug 2015
well it is a sneaky trick, when you watch EU lcs you noticed that there where a lot of game with 3 inhibs down

what the pros did was simple but awesome,
they bough a zzrot deployed it and after that they sold it and bough another item. and the zz is still up for defense :)
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