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Jun 2, 2008 9:13 PM

Jun 2007
everything that I was going to say has already been stated =X

Im in despair! shinkuro getting beat up like that again has left me in despair! =(

&& only 3 episodes left =( *sigh*
Jun 3, 2008 12:37 PM
Jul 2018
Great episode, finally the story is progressing.

I'm guessing Shinkorou didn't use his blade because if he had, then it would mean he accepts the fact that he is powerless without it.
Jun 4, 2008 12:47 AM
Jul 2018
As the series gets into its serious section, I can't help but feel a bit guilty about admitting to liking the slice-of-life part more than the plot. I lost track of the story quite a bit ago before this episode put it back on track, but now I'm just a little frustrated at how the characters are portrayed in this story.

Somehow I wish the Kuhouins, Renjou notwithstanding, didn't have to be portrayed as so unmistakably evil - maniacal laughter, check, attacking innocents, check, incest, oh dear check. I enjoy shows that can paint all characters without having to resort to 'me good you bad' black-white contrasts like what seems to be done here, at least on the evil side.

Rest of the episode wasn't too bad though, enjoyable in that typical Kure-nai style when it's not busy dragging itself down with an elaborate plot. I wonder though, why didn't Shin / Murasaki say goodbye to their flatmates? Waiting until morning? And what about Benika being all romantic with Shin during the 'trust your intuitions' speech?

Jun 4, 2008 4:39 AM

Oct 2007
argh am annoyed at Shinkurou!
Whats he on about saying he'd protect while getting beaten up?
If he really wanted to protect he would of done everything he could to,
which includes using his bone technique.

Anyway it was a good episode :D
Am thinking that the Kouhins are sick!
Jun 4, 2008 7:17 AM

Jan 2008
awwww shinkurou didn't used his blade. but then again if he did, there wouldn't be a rescue.. if there is a rescue D:

awesome episode 5/5
Jun 4, 2008 4:21 PM

Dec 2007
Sad episode. Poor Murasaki. :( I'm a bit interesting about Shinkurou doesn't use that blade.
Jun 4, 2008 10:29 PM

Mar 2007
Great episode?!?! you people on crack? I watched this and i just realized i wasted my time watching this....

I mean come on, "lets go back to the apartment so we can say good bye"

what kind of hogwash twist is that?!?! The risk vs reward for doing that is so disproportionate that it shouldn't even come in to shinkarous mind

He doesn't use his faux-wolverine bone blade, he goes back to an apartment where there are people waiting for them, and to top it off he gets his ass kicked (as usual).

Its like why even bother showing us that he has a bone blade or show us that he could kick some mafias mens butt when he cant even fight proper when he damn well knows that they're gonna be there. Before this episode i was gonna give it a 9 but with such a weak ass twist its almost impossible to give this show a 6.

....this episode makes me wanna punch lolis.

BTW i didn't mind all that stuff about religious sect, that was actually pretty interesting

^ when he says this ^
^ it doesn't even make sense for him to say this even after that whole tragic story was told to him ^
RanivusJun 4, 2008 10:52 PM

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jun 5, 2008 5:59 AM

Oct 2007
*sigh* there is always a person like you who isn't satisfied with anything.

Anyway this WAS a fantastic episode and something tells me that Benika may be more interested in developing her pupil than protecting Murasaki. Maybe that is why she let him go back to the apartment since she knew he would learn something from it.

Staying the entire night at the apartment was questionable as I thought they were just going to go there, say goodbye, and then leave, but emotions get the best of people and him and Murasaki had a lot of good memories with the roomates at the apartment, so I can somewhat understand his decision.

As for him not using the arm blade. I can only guess that he really didn't want to cause that much of a commotion because, if you noticed, everybody was being held hostage and I'm sure he didn't want to put yayoi or his roomates in any danger. Of course, just going back there put them in danger. However, he made the right decision at the time since Benika is obviously a person of power and I'm sure she will come up with a plan to rescue Murasaki/develop her pupil depending on what you believe in.

Either way, it was amazing and him just going back to the apartment shows how human he is. Hell, I would want to go back to say goodbye and get my things and I'm sure you would too.
Jun 6, 2008 2:40 AM

Mar 2007
i dunno i just think if your life is on the line they wouldnt act so care free. You cant tell me "lets go back and chill" was good decision story wise? I mean i've seen alot worse anime pull off a more believable 'snatch and grab' scenario.

And that hostage thing is hogwash, thats when you use the blade to protect them in the next few episodes theres more than likely going to be another fight with the same situation. So its like we already know whats gonna happen all the surprise is gone. Personally i think it would've been a little more interesting if there was a final showdown in the airport right before they're supposed to leave or something. But the next two episodes are going to show how cruel that family really is and then the final episode will finish with a 5 minute fight and then 10 minutes of Epilogue.

And if being human is being stupid enough to eat in an already staked out apartment when they could have easily eaten at a restaurant (then have the guys follow them would have been cool) and done the same thing there.

...Oh wait he didnt even say good bye he was gonna spend the night there wtf? the whole show contradicted its self in just this one episode. And Benika's watchdog didn't even kill one guy *_* what was up with that. I'm sure she'll kill some people in the final episode even though they will be the exact same type of henchmen that kicked her ass in this ep, but she'll have a higher purpose to fight or something to that effect.

I'm sure the ending will be good but its already been done 3000 times so thats why im a bit sour at it? i unno. If u manage to read any of my reviews i try my best to be open-minded about the stuff i watch. But i just found that one part just damaging to the show for me. I mean we watch 9 episodes of them trying to hide from the bad guys and then on the "last day," of hiding you're going back? thats like saying why even watch those episodes when they were hiding and dodging those henchmen, if they're only gonna get caught in the EXACT same spot. It was like a slap in the face to me when they finally looked like they were in the clear complete with plane tickets in hand then they pull a seriously unrealistic stunt like that ...nvm it makes sense to me now, it would have been too easy to end it with them flying out of the country.
RanivusJun 6, 2008 3:34 AM

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jun 8, 2008 1:26 PM

Dec 2007
Quite a depressing episode .. Shinkurou, wake up !!

And .. omg, ryuuji is SUCH an asshole ! He's so disgusting !
Ok .. gonna watch the next episode D:
Jun 20, 2008 9:25 PM

Apr 2007

"I will protect you" MY ASS!!!

I am so pissed off at you right now, so disappointing... Your losing points fast buddy.
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Jul 6, 2008 2:17 PM

Mar 2008
Damn so thats what the Kuhouin family is about, just to keep it "pure blooded", you know in the old days royalty did do that sometimes so this is somewhat believable.
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Aug 24, 2008 9:50 PM
Oct 2007
Sad to see Murasaki turn her back and walk away like that..
Looking forward to the next one..
Jun 18, 2009 7:07 AM

May 2008
messed up family is messed up. The conversations Shinkurou had with Benika and then Murasaki were really good. Very sweet.
Aug 9, 2009 5:26 PM

Aug 2008
the kuhouin's stupid laws are really insane man! how can they do that, and none of thier child have genetic problem?

it's soo sad at the end of the episode! >< poor murasaki! :/
Sep 16, 2009 7:29 AM

Apr 2009
Somebody care to explain to me Shinkuru's patheticaly feeble resistance... isn't he supposed to be a monster sworn to protect Murasaki or sth? I just couldn't feel sad with that episode, because it was basically trying to force me to be sad with lame storytelling... and that rarely is a good idea.
Sep 16, 2009 7:43 AM

Jul 2008
Heavily emotional episode. Both as far as happiness and sadness goes.
Mar 5, 2010 4:14 AM

Jun 2009
I'm not going to hold Shinkurou's stupidity against him just yet(By going back to the apartment), after all, he never realize who and what he's messing with.

But the fact that he didn't draw his blade does annoy me... If you really want to protect Murasaki at all cost, draw them.

Poor Murasaki.
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Jun 13, 2010 8:51 AM

Nov 2009
Fucker decides to go back to the house? Wtf man?
Earth gets angry after a kick in the face.
Dec 1, 2010 4:34 AM

Dec 2008
Shinkurou you jerk - such a low power performance

SunyiNyufi said:
Firefox265 said:
I wonder with all the incest how can they produce children without major genetic disorders...

Yeah it looks they the production Company gave no thought about that fact.
So the story setting feels some kind of invalid :(
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Jan 10, 2011 4:09 PM

Jul 2010
Too late to complain. i re-watched episodes again after a long time and still it make no sense at all. why the hell they returned to that apartment. it was like COME AND GET ME IF YOU CAN. if he really wanted a farewell with others. just invite them to airport and apologize.

also when those two kyouhin memebers came to shinkrou in-front of his apartment and asked about murasaki, a seven year old little girl. That also make no sense at all. its like we already know your place, so please get out of here before murasaki brother come and get her .

if i was writer then i had write something like this, Yayoi noticed about two Kyohin members are following them, so she reported to benika and benika arranged their passport and other things, but information leaked to Kyuohin somehow, about going to other country and they counter them in the way to airport. then they took murasaki from there. that makes alot more sense than two kyouhin members asking shinkrou about murasaki and shinkrou coming back to apartment and get beat so badly without using blade.
----------------------------------- [MDL stats]
Jan 23, 2011 6:47 AM

Oct 2009
Fuck you.

"As she said so herself. She is a woman fated to give birth to my children, as I am her brother."

Like isn't it obvious?

Yeah fuck you Ryuji guy.

Man, this episode is so sad :'(.
YanofliesJan 23, 2011 6:51 AM
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Mar 30, 2011 8:28 PM
Feb 2011
Wow. I have real cognitive dissonance from this episode.

"Zomg! They're, like, ubar powerful and dangerous! Will I be okay against them?"
"I'll trust you."
"Okay, cool. In that case, I'm gonna go over, drop my pants and moon the hell out of 'em. I got a good feeling about that."
"Suit yourself, I believe in you."

I mean, what on earth is bonehead thinking? Got to go say her proper farewells? Screw that. Get the hell away. And those two chucklehead neighbors don't help matters either.

"Stay inside girly, girl!"
"Okay, I will. Unless, of course, your neighbor comes by and tempts me with a trip to campus. Or the fair."

These characters don't freakin' LEARN from their mistakes. Drives me insane.

Sure, big Bro is all creepy, but the whole lot of the "good guys" deserve to be thrashed by him just because they're so irredeemably dumb. Gah.
Apr 2, 2011 2:57 AM

Feb 2009
Oh,i was right about the incest.Nice!
bonkabonka said:
Sure, big Bro is all creepy, but the whole lot of the "good guys" deserve to be thrashed by him just because they're so irredeemably dumb. Gah.


"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Apr 10, 2011 8:32 PM

Aug 2009
Okay, I love Shinkurou and all, but he needs to suck it up and use the damn blade.

"I don't want to use the one thing that can actually protect Murasaki. Instead, I'm going to get the shit beat out of me and have her taken away to live a horrible, confined life with a bunch of incestuous pricks. But at least I'll be stronger!"

I was literally yelling at him when he was getting the shit beat out of him to just pull out the blade and go psycho crazy on their asses. But do 2D fictional characters ever listen to me? NO THEY DO NOT.
Aug 18, 2011 5:22 AM

Sep 2008
mdauben said:
Kayro said:
Can't wait for the next episode :)

Me too, but judging by the preview I'm guessing we will have to put up with at least one episodes worth of Shinkurou being all emo about not being good enough to protect Murasaki, before he gets off his tail and actually goes and rescues her from her pervy family.

That's definitely what it looked like. That, and it almost looks as though he tries to forget her or something.

He seemed so confident that he could protect her, so it's kind of strange how she got taken so easily. I was also disappointed that he never pulled out that arm blade... Did he not think the situation was dire enough to warrant him using it?! Seemed like a great opportunity to use it... ._.''

Anyway, it was still a great episode.
harahetta said:
Syanaide said:
pedo kiss

dont think it was that kinda kiss, it was more of a sweet or friendly or family like kiss, for Shinkurou at least. thats what i think.

I took it that way, too. It just seemed like a familial sort of kiss - even more so with Murasaki's explanation afterwards about her mom giving her lots of kisses.
Mar 2, 2012 12:20 AM

Jun 2010
Since we only saw Yayoi be awesome for about two seconds in the very first episode, having her lose to that smirking woman more makes Yayoi look useless than the smirking woman especially fearsome.

This is actually pretty stock stuff going on, but I find it's working as intended; I want to see Shinkurou beat that woman, possibly smash Murasaki's brother one in the face for good measure and rescue her from her family who have quite effectively been made out to very vile indeed.
Apr 14, 2012 9:11 AM

Sep 2008
Annoying episode. Shinkurou went back for almost no reason at all and put Murasaki in danger. What an idiot.

Nothing but plot induced stupidity here.
Jul 14, 2012 6:54 PM

Apr 2012
I don't understand. Why can't the Kohouins actually have children with the women they marry?!?!? Why the HELL is there forced incest? fucking disgusting. someone kill that Ryuuji creep. and WHAT THE HECK KURENAI, sitting there and getting your ass kicked, when you could easily kick all kinds of ass, as we've seen. I agree: plot stupidity.
Jul 21, 2012 9:01 PM

Sep 2011
This would had never happen if he had just left when she told him too, I mean call those bitches on the phone and say goodbye if it means that much!!!
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Aug 8, 2012 2:25 PM

Sep 2011
Man, he got fucked up. Bad.

And woah at the kiss, didn't see that coming. O_O
May 8, 2013 7:48 PM

Jan 2013
That was so hard to watch.
Jan 11, 2014 3:39 PM

May 2012
Damn what an intense but rather sad episode :'( well I wonder how he'll rescue her at least I hope he will!
Apr 15, 2014 7:39 PM
Jan 2013
Very disappointing. As far as his desire to protect her in his own strength, whatever, man... if you want to protect someone, you use the tools at your disposal, unless they are tools that should never, ever be used at all. He's already shown that he's willing to use the monster abilities sometimes, so his not using them when he really needs to is just annoying.
Your mean should be an even bell curve only if you watch every show that comes out. Having a high-slung mean doesn't mean you're rating improperly. It can also mean you're selecting shows well to watch mostly things you enjoy.
Jul 3, 2014 2:18 PM
Oct 2011
That episode was annoying me to no end. The anime is a good one, but I can't stand the main charakter at all. I mean if you have to protect someone and you know that you cannot get shit done than you don't go to the most dangerous place in the city for some kind of goodbye and by doing so endanger all people around me, even those who have nothing to do with this whole mess.

Then this "I will protect you". Wtf, he just got his ass kicked and is just one kick from dying, but he spouts such nonsense. Well I think I speak out of frustration, because weak main charakters who make dumb decisions just tick me off. The anime is still a good one, but with such a main charakter it isn't enough to make a very good impression.
Sep 19, 2014 6:23 PM

Jul 2013
That's a very disgusting and disturbing family tradition you have there Kuhouins.. and the current leader knows that so why are they still following that sick tradition? Do they believe that a curse will befall them or something if they didn't?

Shinkurou is a complete failure.. first he wanted to go back to that shitty apartment to say goodbye to those terrible women knowing that the Kuhoins will come for Murasaki and now that they really did he failed to stop them and protect Murasaki... you have your bone powers, man use it you useless piece of shit.
Jun 9, 2015 12:10 PM

Apr 2012
Well that was a terrible episode. He can go all blady when it really doesn't matter yet can't get it up when the kid is in danger. Piss poor writing to be honest. Or the studio is after a plot holed emotional scene. Either way it's crap. Not sure I want to watch anymore.
Aug 25, 2015 4:31 AM

Jul 2014
This was just stupid. He could easily beat the living hell out of them with his arm blade, but instead he just sat there allowing them to beat the crap out of him. Hard to take the drama seriously when it's his own fault for being a little bitch and not using his blade.
Nov 26, 2015 10:13 PM

Apr 2009
It's your own stupid decision to come back to apartment. And now you're crying like a baby because you can't protect her. LOL here.

Pedo kiss and incest.
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Jan 8, 2016 9:35 AM

Jun 2011
What the heck is going on? So, the show is going downhill from here due to the melodrama, which becomes silly!
Numbuh 3, you've got to get off the couch, you cannot sit in that tree house, girl you like Rainbow Monkeys so grab your little shit and then swing!

Hand tracks be tracking me to different doorways. In a maze, and I don't know what to do. Guaranteed though, Ima find the emeralds.
Feb 10, 2016 10:37 PM

Mar 2015
Yeah... that was a pretty annoying episode.

Prioritizing sentiment over someone's entire future LOL.
Mar 19, 2016 11:40 AM

Mar 2010
Well, it was a nice episode, but it bothered me immensely that Shinkurou decided to spend that one night at the apartment. What a silly way of thinking.
May 23, 2017 3:21 AM

Feb 2013
Someone has to kill all the males from Kuhouin.
Mar 21, 2019 8:18 AM
Jul 2018
Ew God. Kuhouins are really sick bunch.
Jul 16, 2020 1:31 PM

Jan 2019
Shinkurou acting all cocky like "Let's go back to the apartment, I'll protect her no problem" and Benika being ok with it. Yeah, everything was those two fault.

Also, why didn't Shinkurou released the fucking blade from his arm? He was pathetic there.

Btw Yayoi is weak af lol
Jun 17, 2022 2:53 AM
Jan 2020
This show tries so hard on whatever the fuck it's doing it's actually pissing me off

I wanna drop this but I'll torture myself
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