I have been more than patient waiting on you, but if you don't care enough to act on your own without Navy around, and we have no idea when he'll show up, I'm taking matters into my own hands, if you don't like that or don't care to touch the RP, then just kick me, if he wants to be pissed at me afterwards then so be it.
If others want to do there own thing, so long as it doesn't majorly affect the world, for now I say, why not? But it would be nice if I knew the Administration botherd to read what we are saying. I understand if you all are busy. Life first and all that, but you have to understand you all take on a responsibility when you put on those hats. If you don't want to carry it, then have backups or assistants.
I don't much care to see the boat rocked, but several RP'ers are invested in this, and others are likely waiting for events to start, or may have given up and left. I say to them as well, so long as your stories aren't a major disruption, then start your events if you don't have any, use the request to find those whom may help you or to brain storm.
I don't much like stepping on toes like this, but untill we hear anything from Navy mostly, I would like to keep this alive in any possible little way.
To divy it up and you can put this all on my head if you wish Wym, Ultea, Navy. But I'm carrying out my plot. Astros I invite you to our event, you can show up while we are knocking over some stuff, maybe picking up your explossives or w/e. I'll be posting that up later today.
Yz if you don't mind your cop seems the most senior, would you like to start a "test" so to speak for the Police, likely taking down some big time gang, that way unknowingly we allow the minor ones to flourish and to test our abilities.
Leafz, I would just get up with the other minors who arn't in gangs scatterd about the city, and attack some place minor, and apart from my crew. That way we do no lasting major damage to the City, get on the police Radar, or come into conflict with each other.
Keep in mind I'm not running this, and I am carrying out my sub plot by my own will. Its up to others if they follow suit. So long as we arn't hitting the Casino, or burning the city down etc. If any of the admins think our plots are going too far, please step in and say something.