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Jul 29, 2015 4:47 PM

Mar 2014

-Wolf: 300 attack, 8 defense, 80 HP
diogoraJul 31, 2015 9:53 AM

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Jul 31, 2015 9:00 AM

Dec 2014

She eyed the wolfs ready to attack, she lunged at the first one dealing 20 damage killing it instantly, how ever having taken her eyes off of the other two, they attacked her dealing 10 damage. She lunged at the second dealing 20 damage to it and killing it. The third attacked her and but she dodged slashing it in the process dealing 20 damage. She was out of breath but she did as the voice told her and headed north *Well, this is an interesting start*

(I hope i'm doing this right, hehehe. <3)
Jul 31, 2015 9:05 AM

Jul 2015
Blitish said:

She eyed the wolfs ready to attack, she lunged at the first one dealing 20 damage killing it instantly, how ever having taken her eyes off of the other two, they attacked her dealing 10 damage. She lunged at the second dealing 20 damage to it and killing it. The third attacked her and but she dodged slashing it in the process dealing 20 damage. She was out of breath but she did as the voice told her and headed north *Well, this is an interesting start*

(I hope i'm doing this right, hehehe. <3)
What's your attack?
Jul 31, 2015 9:07 AM

Dec 2014
Leafz said:
Blitish said:

She eyed the wolfs ready to attack, she lunged at the first one dealing 20 damage killing it instantly, how ever having taken her eyes off of the other two, they attacked her dealing 10 damage. She lunged at the second dealing 20 damage to it and killing it. The third attacked her and but she dodged slashing it in the process dealing 20 damage. She was out of breath but she did as the voice told her and headed north *Well, this is an interesting start*

(I hope i'm doing this right, hehehe. <3)
What's your attack?

At this point it was just to slash them? <3
Jul 31, 2015 9:08 AM

Mar 2014
(Blit, you're doing it right)

(leafz, she meant the base attack :P)

Jul 31, 2015 9:10 AM

Jul 2015
Blitish said:
Leafz said:
What's your attack?

At this point it was just to slash them? <3
yes, btw you have 55( atk, -8 is just a little more then 20 hehe)
Jul 31, 2015 9:12 AM

Dec 2014
Leafz said:
Blitish said:

At this point it was just to slash them? <3
yes, btw you have 55( atk, -8 is just a little more then 20 hehe)

I thought I had 30 atk? Hehehe. <3
Jul 31, 2015 9:12 AM

Apr 2014

Ren appeared wearing different clothing he was asleep but he soon woke up he noticed two katana's and a dagger next to.him "the fuck?" He asked himself as he stood up then he looked around "Where the hell am I?" He mumbled as he picked up the weapons then he noticed his clothing
Jul 31, 2015 9:14 AM

Jul 2015
Blitish said:
Leafz said:
yes, btw you have 55( atk, -8 is just a little more then 20 hehe)

I thought I had 30 atk? Hehehe. <3
you get 25 bonus atk do to class
Jul 31, 2015 9:15 AM

Dec 2014
Leafz said:
Blitish said:

I thought I had 30 atk? Hehehe. <3
you get 25 bonus atk do to class

Oh! ok I get you now. <3
Jul 31, 2015 9:29 AM

May 2014

She found herself standing on a grassfield, her two daggers laying in front of her. She picked them up, heard the voice, then looked at the three wolfs standing in front of her, her eyes cool and calm as she waited. She slowly started walking sideways around the wolfs, then saw how the charged at her, immediately dashing forward and attacking them, using her first knife at the first wolf, dealing over 20 damage, and her second towards the second wolf to defeat it in one go, only to get the third wolf bashed against her chest, making her roll backwards for a moment before regaining her footing, staring straight at her opponent after taking 9 damage. She launched herself forward, readying her attack, then used her skill as first practice "Flash Dance!" She called out, bringing a fury of 4 hits against the poor wolf, annihilating it as she put her daggers in their sheaths, her cloak covering them as she started to head north
Jul 31, 2015 9:37 AM

Apr 2014

Ren saw three wolf's and he froze but he suddenly turned invisible and he drew his sword and snuck over to the animals and stabbed one in the neck then he kicked one in the jaw knocked it over before sending a sword through its skull and the last one he tripped and and once again sent his sword through it but this time cutting the wolf in half he then left headed to the village
SleeplessVampireJul 31, 2015 9:45 AM
Jul 31, 2015 10:34 AM
Nov 2014
She looked at the wolves with a blunt look
"How are these strong?"
She shot a lightning sphere at one wolve easily killing it. Another wolf lunged at her so she rolled to the side to then kill it with another sphere.
"Easy prey. I'll leave from here now"
She walked to a nearby village
Jul 31, 2015 10:58 AM

Jun 2015
~~ Tsubasa

Three of them! was the only thought that had time to flash through the girl's head before the battle began.
She lunged to the side, slashing at the leftmost of the wolves, making it howl in pain (27dmg). Rolling sideward to avoid the second wolf's attack, she managed to strike her first target again (27dmg) before the third wolf was on her.
Realizing she wouldn't be fast enough to dodge it, Tsubasa thrust out her left hand in front of her out of reflex, screaming. To both her and the creature's surprise, long icicles shot out of her extended palm, piercing into the wolf's head and throat (I'm making this a crit, 80dmg. Hope that's ok.). Eyes wide as her opponent slumped to the ground, the girl was quickly reminded by an angry growl to wonder about that incident later, as the yet unhurt wolf threw itself at her again.
Taking a jump backwards, she slashed at its head (27dmg), causing it to flinch for a short moment which Tsubasa used to take a few more steps back and turn part of her attention to the wolf she had hurt first. It seemed to be rather seriously hurt by now, but that didn't keep it from moving into an aggressive posture again, baring its teeth.
Without wasting more time, she lunged at it again with all her might in a hope to finish it off (27dmg). The creature did go down, however, this caused the girl to lose her balance slightly as her momentum carried her forward even after striking her target. She did not fall, but it was enough that she couldn't properly evade the last wolf's teeth completely, so that she took a rather painful bite in her right leg (I'm making this half dodged, so -120hp?). Screaming again, Tsubasa slashed at her opponent (27dmg), driving it back far enough that she could regain her balance and put most of her weight on her good leg. Clenching her teeth, she sprung forward, slightly to the side to avoid propelling herself right into the wolf's teeth, raking her artificial claws down the creature's side (27dmg).
Sighing in relief that she had managed to finish off all of her opponents, the girl got back to her feet, groaning as she put weight on her injured leg. But as nothing was broken, she forced herself to ignore the pain - after all, she had injured herself worse before - and started heading towards the village, trying to keep her slight limp to a minimum.
Jul 31, 2015 11:02 AM

Mar 2014
(yay, you understood the battle system very well ^^ <3 love this post xP)

Jul 31, 2015 11:04 AM

Jun 2015
(Thanks! I'm glad I'm getting the hang of it. (: )
Jul 31, 2015 11:05 AM

Mar 2014
(you're very good ^^ I'm amazed! <3)

Jul 31, 2015 11:07 AM

Jun 2015
(I did roleplay on a different forum before, but I haven't done so in over half a year or so, so I'm a bit rusty (it takes me ages to write a post XD)... but thank you! :D)
Jul 31, 2015 11:09 AM

Mar 2014
(your posts are long and detailed xD I used to write like that, but I too had a long break xD size of my posts has become smaller xD)

Jul 31, 2015 11:33 AM

Jul 2015
(I'm a noob I have nice and simple posts)


Looking around she saw three wolves ready to lunge. <theese things are no match for me, I've been fighting them since I was a little kid, but where are the noobs ?> the wolves lunged at her simultaneously. The first one bit her arm *1 dmg* the second one bit her leg *1 dmg* the third one bit her other leg*1 dmg* <God, I forgot how weak these wolves were> she grabs her claymore with her free hand and slashes the wolf on her arm
*72 damage,* swinging again she hit the wolf *72 damage* . The wolf shattered into particles and dissapaered its hp now at 0. The other two seeing how quickly and easily its companion was disposed of ran off.
Jul 31, 2015 12:05 PM

Aug 2013
He materialized into the game, his black boots and long coat materializing as well. He looked around, then looked down at his hands.
Amazing... He thought, then the black bat materialized as well. He looked at it and took a practice swing in the air.
"This'll be handy." He said, then saw wolves coming towards him with speed. He readied himself and hit one of the wolves against the side of its head. It disappeared as Alius swiftly took care of the other two.

As soon as they were defeated, he made his way to the village.
LeCroweJul 31, 2015 12:15 PM
Jul 31, 2015 12:47 PM

Nov 2013

Looking around he noticed that this is not the place where he was before. ~How did I get here?~ Looking down he saw two daggers. ~Weapons I can work with.~

Picking up the daggers he saw three wolves in front of him. Getting ready for a fight the first wolf lunged at him. Jumping aside he managed to dodge the attack. Quickly doing a basic attack he hit the wolf at its leg dealing 37 damage. Jumping back from the first wolf, he noticed the second one attacking him. Jumping to the side the wolf still managed to damage his arm dealing 280 dmg.

~That hurt but its not to bad.~ He looked at his injured arm. ~Guess I will need my power to get this dealt with as soon as possible.~ Activating Acceleration he rushed towards the second wolf. He stabbed him in the head dealing 74 critical damage, only to immediately jump on his back and stabbing him once more dealing 37 damage and killing him. He jumped of the dead wolf facing the other two.

~One done two more to go.~ The first wolf jumped towards him trying to push him to the ground. He ran towards the wolf sliding underneath him and slashing him at the stomach, leaving the wolf almost dead. Before the injured wolf was able to face him, he threw one of his daggers towards his leg. Th wolf being unable to evade quick enough due to his injuries, Died losing his remaining 6 Hp.

Turning to the third and last Wolf, he waited for him to attack. ~Only one left to go. Lets get this over quickly.~ The remaining wolf rushed towards him trying to slash him with his claw. Jumping back the wolf was still able to leave a scratch on the chest dealing 280 points of damage. He rolled to the right side of the wolf quickly stabbing him before rolling further away from the beast. Before he could realize it the wolf lunged back at him. Only barely evading the attack, he stabbed the wolf in his side dealing another 37 pints of damage. Quickly jumping back he repeated the same thing he did with the previous wolf. throwing him second dagger at the wolf hitting him once again in the side, killing him in the process.

~Well that was a good start.~ After getting his daggers back he went in direction of the village. ~Lets see if there is anyone else around.~

(Hope I did everything right. This ended up longer then I originally planned xD)
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Jul 31, 2015 1:15 PM

Mar 2014
Setsu walk in a place and hear a male's voice she looked up and around and get it was someone stronger and smirked as he complate talking "you inwite me, so you do know how strong i am..." and after than she saw 3 wolf and sign *so 3 at the same time?* she thought and suddanly bit her hand and blod started coming out from her hand as she looked at blood and it slowly started making a wealon and she noticed wolfs sense her blood too qnd started runing where setsu was stending and soon hold both her hand on this weapon and was waiting when they would come closer to her as the same time she throw a bubble full of blood to one wolf as it felt close to a wold and when wold run on it a blood started changing and made some little errows so this wolf die, so now it's 2 of the wolf, one was running faster than other and when it was closer to Setsu she put a stick on ground and push herself up so she jumped a little and hit her lag to a wolf, ir felt away and now another wolf come closer and it jump where Setsu was, she smirked and made qnother little knife by her bloody hand and hit it on wolfs neck so it die too, so the las wolf stand up and loked at setsu, they walk atound and looking to etchothers eyes, as wolf atack her and setsu hold him by its lips, even thought wolf bit her hands setsu shake her head "bad boy.. You should not bie to a pretty girl,,, because you did it.. Than die." she said and broke his jaw and than stand up and looked at her hand. It was bloody and licked it and than looked at sky "i kill all of them.. So can i go now?"
Jul 31, 2015 1:20 PM

Apr 2014

Rito appeared and looked around and sighed seeing wolf's and he drew his swords and the we're instantly set ablaze and he charged at the wolf's and sent a slice straight through the neck of each one then he walked past them
Jul 31, 2015 6:43 PM

Nov 2010
Senya gently opened her eyes, everything was blurry for a moment, then her visioned was cleared to see the clear sky and the grassland all around her. The sky and grass were not the only things in her present apparently, as she noticed the three wolves howling and encircling ready to take her down. "Probably won't even need to use my powers..." She tightened her grip around the katana hanging by her side, and launched forward at the first wolf who came forward to assault her and slashed horizontally to hit him both he and the other wolf who tried to ambush her from behind. Giving them both 27 Damage. As two of them were thrown back by her attack she targeted the third one and gave it 17 Damage. The three wolves distended themselves away from her before all of them jumped at her at once, in defense she slashed them in circle formation while spinning giving each of them 12 Damage. The wolves kept attacking her again and again while she simply dodged them for a while, until she had to attack the first one again to give it 17 Damage. When she finally got them gathered in a certain spots she switched back to assault and slashed twice horizontally, each slash dealt 27 Damage and finished them off for good.

She joined her hands together for a mourning prayer, then set off to her next destination as the voice instructed her beforehand.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Aug 1, 2015 6:17 AM

Jul 2012
Seina woke up and found herself in a plain...and she still had a slight headache and can't exactly recall what she was doing before she had passed out. Taking a whiff of her clothes, the scent of alcohol was strangely and strongly present and she rose her hand to her head and sighed in an exasperate manner as she recalled what had happened. Only for her thoughts to be interrupted by growls and some guys rambling in her head. Turning around she comes face to face with a wolf... Make that three wolves and unconsciously she whacked the wolf that was in her face with whatever she had in hand (-17hp). The knocked wolf passed out due to the shock of the said blow and quickly Seina backed away and ran as quickly as possible from the group. I must be in some sort of fantasy world...I guess?

Looking back she then sees one of the wolf midair, and then having pounced right onto her back (-295hp). That hurts!!! Damn it! Flipping over she then gave it a good kick to throw it off (-17hp) and in a desperate outrage she hissed to herself as she started to think more rationally and clearly, " clearly these things are damn fast and hurt and I barely do any damage to them, and I don't think the one I knocked out earlier will stay down for good... there has to be something I can do..." Her head having cleared up she was then able to hear the voice in her thoughts as he explained once more about what was going and then he softly chided, " Oh chosen hero, there's a reason why you were picked and it won't be good if you die already. "

The voice greatly irritated her and she wanted it out of her heads she thought to herself as she desperately tried to gain distance. Assuming that he meant she was chosen cause she had some sort of ability she stuck her palm out like a shounen hero and exerted force into it hoping for something like fireball. Instead a stringlike substance came out and latched onto one of the wolves, the one she had kicked . The red string string then disappeared after several seconds and quickly she whacked the wolf that was about to take a bite out of her with the book in her other hand, killing it (-67hp). She tried to use the skill one more time, unsuccessfully, she was clawed (-195hp) in retaliation she whacked it in the head (-17hp) despite how it felt as painful as the earlier pounce she felt slightly stronger again as if the earlier skill had healed her. (+150hp...+50 from skill and +100 from health regen)

One down...two more to go... she estimated that maybe she could take one or two more hits before she was done for and then she came up with an idea. Turning to face the chasing wolf she then readied her thick book and then whacked the doggy another good one as it closed in on her (-17hp), the wolf flinched and was open and she gave it another three quick bonks (-51hp), finishing it. The knocked out wolf from earlier woke up and clawed her back right when she finished the other wolf (-295hp)but she gave it a good round house and back kick (-34hp).

Taking a few martial arts class and reading those books helped a bit... I am not gonna chance that skill again though... she thought to herself with a wince. Judging from the second wolf she'll probably need to land two more blows onto it. Luring in the wolf she let the wolf launch itself against her and defended it with her book with another two whacks. Taking a good look around she relaxed as she took a breather at the lack of life and then grimaced at her now bloodstained book. Hopefully she can find the village the voice said to head north...
AsreaAug 1, 2015 6:22 AM
Aug 1, 2015 6:58 AM

Jul 2015
Damn....... I feel like my fight was lackluster haha
Aug 1, 2015 7:09 AM

Jul 2012
(...mine was just too detailed cause I do almost no damage ;w;)
Aug 1, 2015 7:15 AM

Jul 2015
(My guys is a guide, lvl 10 so it was a sad fight... They couldn't even hurt me.....)
Aug 1, 2015 9:37 AM

Jun 2015
Asrea said:
(...mine was just too detailed cause I do almost no damage ;w;)

(Mine was rather long too, because of that reason... Your post was really cool, though! :) )
Aug 1, 2015 11:52 AM

May 2015
'well this is not what i was expecting." he looked at his side and saw two revolver blades and gaped them in a blink of an eye. "oh ho now im happy!" he saw a wolf in front of him growling." well not what I expected. The wolf went to strike him but was pushed away by the wind. "country boy wolf i have shot so many of you when i was young." He charged the wolf and stabbing it with both blades 100 based damge for the double shoot stab and minus 8 from wolfs defense 92 damage to wolf so i just over killed a wolf. "well then i guess you dont get to have another meal." three more wolves show up. "OH COME ON." he yelled and started to run shooting at the wolves behind him as they persued he nailed one in the eye as it passed out to the injury one in the leg so it was limbing after him and missed the third. The third one jumped at him as he turned and and impaled the wolf with one gun blade firing two rounds into it killing it and charged the last standing crippled one and wrestled it to the ground taking 10 damage as he did and shot the last three bullets from his other gun and got up and looked around then headed north do to a voice telling him where to go.
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Aug 1, 2015 1:40 PM

Jul 2015

He awoke from what felt like a one hundred year slumber, finding his rapiers to his side and seeing himself in strange armor he knew he wasn't back home anymore. "So the invintation wasn't a prank..." He said. A voice ring out in his mind "look lively there are three wolfs, if you can't win you don't need to be here." <great, I'm new to this place and I have to fight already...> right as that thought slipped his mind the first wolf, the one who looked to be an alpha jumped at him and attacked. He rolled out of the way, and grabbed his weapons. Fencing training kicking in he struck at the wolf, *17 damage* he saw the numbers float there like he was really in a video game. <well if this is a video game do I have any skills?> he thought jumping out of the way of the second wolf.
As he landed the third wolf pounced on top of him holding him to the ground, bite*300 damage* bite *300 damage* bite *300 damage* bite *300 damage*. as a desperate attempt to escape he stabbed the wolf in the heart and kicked it off *crit 42 damage* *17 damage*. The wolf only had 11 hp left...

As he got up the first wolf attacked him again, all he could do was let the wolf get impaled on his swords, both of them peircing his heart *94 damage*. <thank god, one of them are dead, two left.> the uninjured wolf lunged foward as a pulled my blades from the alpha. He grabbed my leg and yanked me down *300 damage* (that is 1500, he has 4500 left). The injured wolf joined the uninjured wolf in the assualt *300,300,300,300* anouther 1200 gone just like that. His shoulder and leg injured, he had little chance unless he killed atleast one of them. *300,300,300* anouther 900 in just that short span. Using his free hand he struck the injured wolf, *17 damage* thankfully it was enough to kill the wolf. Hoping he had a skill, he thought <skill, or ability or whatever activate!> a small glow surrounded his hand, he stabbed foward with his uninjured arm, *52 damage!* he struck again but the wolf backed off daidhmging the blow. I have how much hp left?, he checked his indicator 2400 hp. That should be enough...

The wolf noticing his momentary distraction jumped forward and bit his wrist making his hand unusable till it healed.* 300 damage* <2100 hp left> it swiped it's paw striking him in the knee *300 damage* <1800 hp> his knee buckled under the blow knocking him back down. It bit him in the kneck going for an easy kill *critical 600 damage*<1200 left> it bit again *600 damage* <600 hp left>. It bit at I'm but he moved jut enough it hit his shoulder * 300 damage* <1 hit and I'm dead* as a last attempt he used his left arm, though his shoulder was wounded it wasn't majorly useless, and punched the wolf *52 dmage*. The wolf died and dissapaered in a flash of light. He couldn't move but he was safe for now.
Aug 1, 2015 2:00 PM

Jul 2012
Heading to the houses she looked at the first one finding it to be the noisiest and noted the name plate on the house. Looking at the houses one by one she somehow found one with her name on it. Strange...? Peering into the house sadly it was empty possibly at the party back in house one. She then left some books on a bed claiming the bed for herself and decided to browse through the books she had taken from the hall. After having somehow cleaned up her uniform she grabbed a book and decided to head out back into the arrival area hoping to see some stars and relax under a tree after all that place seemed fairly safe and empty.

Reaching a decently secluded area she then came across a boy injured but seemingly paralyzed to a degree. Getting close enough to him she noted his wounds and asked ,"Are you alright?" as she tried out her skill's other ability. Extending her hand out a red string latched onto the boy Seina instantly lost 1500 hp. The boy on the other only gained 600 hp...[/i] doing the math the loss of hp was actually not worth it as she checked her skill and tried to heal him again only for it to not work and so she then wrapped one of his arms around her to support him up and walk the boy back to town.
AsreaAug 2, 2015 9:12 AM
Aug 1, 2015 2:18 PM

Jul 2015
Asrea said:
Heading to the houses she looked at the first one finding it to be the noisiest and noted the name plate on the house. Looking at the houses one by one she somehow found one with her name on it. Strange...? Peering into the house sadly it was empty possibly at the party back in house one. She then left some books on a bed claiming the bed for herself and decided to browse through the books she had taken from the hall. After having somehow cleaned up her uniform she grabbed a book and decided to head out back into the arrival area hoping to see some stars and relax under a tree after all that place seemed fairly safe and empty.

Reaching a decently secluded area she then came across a boy injured but seemingly paralyzed to a degree. Getting close enough to him she noted his wounds and asked ,"Are you alright?" as she tried out her skill's other ability. Extending her hand out a red string latched onto the boy Seina instantly lost 150 hp. The boy on the other only gained 60 hp...[/i] doing the math the loss of hp was actually not worth it as she checked her skill and tried to heal him again only for it to not work and so she then wrapped one of his arms around her to support him up and walk the boy back to town.
(He can't speak he got bit in throat... Voice box is broke haha)
Aug 1, 2015 2:34 PM

Oct 2014

When she awoke she sat up and looked around “Where am I…” she put her hand on her slightly throbbing head. “Oh yea that letter, is thist what it meant by “game”? She got up and looked around and noticed the three wolfs in the distance heading towards her. Three wolves right off the bat? This some kinda test, huh well lets go

One of the three wolves started running at Sophia and lunged at her, She side stepped at the last second, still got a claw across the cheek, (-10hp = 4990 ) and brought her elbow down onto the wolf’s back (-42 = 38 ). As the first wolf hit the ground the second one had already dashed at Sophia’s legs and lunged at her thigh. Sophia quickly jumped back and “projected” sword into her hand then dashed forward at the wolf and ran it through the wolf’s mouth out the back of it’s head (-84 = -6 ) killing it. The first and third wolf simultaneously jumped at Sophia, one at her arm and one at her neck. She slashed at the one going for her neck (-42 = 0 ) knocking it to the ground dead. The other wolf latched onto her left arm(-275 = 4715) “AH! F*ck” Sophia yelled in pain, she brought her other arm around and stabbed the wolf in the back 3 times. (-142 = 0). The wolf’s jaw left go and it fell to the ground.

Sophia held her bleeding arm I gotta find someone or someplace to patch this up. Her sword disintergrated and Sophia headed off to find someone to help her.
GezboAug 1, 2015 2:39 PM
Aug 1, 2015 3:03 PM

Nov 2013

Looking around he noticed that his location changed. He was now in a grassy field. After a strange voice in his head told him what he needed to know, he saw 3 wolves approaching. ~Interesting. I wonder what this is all about. These wolves shouldnt be too tough.~ Quickly realizing he had no weapon, he searched for it in a panic, only to find it in front of his feet. Picking it up he prepared for battle.

The first wolf lunged at him. With a swift step aside he evaded the attacking beast, decapitating it with one swift strike, killing it in an instant. Before he could realize it the second wolf rushed at him Biting him in the leg dealing 270 points of damage. Jumping back he nearly stumbled, due to his injured leg. ~Seems like the voice didnt lie.~ He went into a defensiv stance, waiting for the wolf to attack. Doing as he expected the wolf jumped at him. He swung his scythe in the side of the beast, throwing it against a nearby tree, killing it with only one strike. ~Two down. Although one managed to hit me, they are not much of an enemy.~

Facing the third and last wolf, he was surprised to see it already being close. Before he could react the beast scratched him at the arm. At this point he still had 2460 HP points. The wolf stood in front of him charging another attack. Before it could accomplish that, he took a swift strike in its back, dealing 92 points of damage, and killing it. ~That was sure interesting. Especially those numbers that appeared after every hit. lets see if Im the only one around here and if there is anyone able to treat my wounds.~ Leaving the dead wolves behind he walked in the direction of the village.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 1, 2015 3:49 PM

Jan 2014

She arrived, looking at the people who fought here. Near her was a boy (Weiss) who passed out and a girl who tried to heal him, but it looked like it didn't really work. She wanted to drag the boy somewhere. Rena approached them. "Let me help you." She took one of Weiss' hands and healed his wounds partially, restoring 20% of his HP. (I just skipped some steps, would take to long otherwise :S)
CoelestinAug 1, 2015 3:52 PM
Aug 1, 2015 3:50 PM

Jul 2015
They are in house 1 now XD
Aug 1, 2015 3:51 PM

Jan 2014
(Oh >.< you should have told me sooner >.>)
Aug 1, 2015 3:52 PM

Jul 2015
( I'm sorry >.<)
Aug 1, 2015 3:54 PM

Jul 2012
(Muuu they in training area now ;w; goes in circles)
Aug 1, 2015 3:55 PM

Jan 2014
(Goddamn. I just posted in House 1 xD
I'll move to the Training SImulation then. Stay there >.<)
Aug 1, 2015 4:42 PM

May 2015
After agreeing to play this "game" Blake Sable was immediately transported to an unknown location. As a dark knight used to training in dark cold places Blake was surprised to be in such an open, blight and warm area. This surprise soon turned to alarm when he felt a dangerous killing intent. Blake turned around and found himself face to face with 3 wolves. The one on the right had gray fur, the one on the left had brown fun, while the one in the middle had Snow White fur and they all had their fangs bared, claws ready, and looked ready to attack.

At first Blake want worried but son found these wolves to be more powerful then the ones he has dealt with. They attacked him and while he blocked with his swords he still felt pain because they had planned a group attack so while he could dodge one he couldn't dodge the other and was dealt 150 damage. Blake then decided to go on the attack. He slashed at the first and second one dealing great damage (60) but not enough to kill either.He then went in for the kill and just used multiple quick slashes finally killing the gray fur one by dealing 20 damage. He was then ruthlessly attacked by the Snow White fur and brown fur dealt 400 damage. After receiving a few cuts he got mad and just slashed wildy dealing 20 damage and killing the brown fur wolf. The Snow White wolf is enraged by this and attacks even more angrily dealing 40 damage forcing Blake to use his skill, which luckily hit 5 times and in the 5th and most powerful blow killed the snow white fur wolf dealing a total of 180 damage (it did 12 damage at first then got stronger as it went on by 12 with the last strike dealing 60 damage and in total 150 damage). "If the wolves are this powerful tnen.... Then.... THEN THIS IS PERFECT I CAN TRAIN WHILE HAVING FUN IN THIS "GAME" AND SAVING THIS WORLD" said Blake Sable 'Opps did I say that out loud' thought Blake. This out burst surprised him because he is usually not that excited about anything. He then decided to head south hoping to encounter other people.
KingAce261Aug 1, 2015 5:00 PM
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Aug 1, 2015 4:44 PM

Jul 2015
KingAce261 said:
After agreeing to play this "game" Blake Sable was immediately transported to an unknown location. As a dark knight used to training in dark cold places Blake was surprised to be in such an open, blight and warm area. This surprise soon turned to alarm when he felt a dangerous killing intent. Blake turned around and found himself face to face with 3 wolves. The one on the right had gray fur, the one on the left had brown fun, while the one in the middle had Snow White fur and they all had their fangs bared, claws ready, and looked ready to attack.

At first Blake want worried but son found these wolves to be more powerful then the ones he has dealt with. They attacked him and while he blocked with his swords he still felt pain because they had planned a group attack so while he could dodge one he couldn't dodge the other. Blake then decided to go on the attack. He slashed at the first and second one dealing great damage but not enough to kill either.He then went in for the kill and just used multiple quick slashes finally killing the gray fur one. He was then ruthlessly attacked by the Snow White fur and brown fur. After receiving a few cuts he got mad and just slashed windy killing the brown fur wolf. The Snow White wolf is enraged by this and attacks even more angrily forcing Blake to use his skill, which luckily hit 5 times and in the 5th and most powerful blow killed the snow white fur wolf. "If the wolves are this powerful tnen.... Then.... THEN THIS IS PERFECT I CAN TRAIN WHILE HAVING FUN IN THIS "GAME" AND SAVING THIS WORLD" said Blake Sable 'Opps did I say that out loud' thought Blake. This out burst surprised him because he is usually not that excited about anything.
totaly need to put damage numbers in or we can't tell what's happening
Aug 1, 2015 5:01 PM

May 2015
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Aug 1, 2015 6:18 PM

Jan 2014

Atk: 40
Defence: 30
Speed: 30
Health regen: 75
HP: 5000

When she arrived here, she knew immediately that she was going to like this world. In front of her were three wolves, ready to attack. She checked what she had on her, the only weapon she possessed was a crossbow. It kind of fitted her style.
The first wolf dashed towards her. Minty didn't have enough time to react, resulting in the wolf biting into her right arm. [-260 HP, HP: 4740] She shot the wolf with her crossbow [80HP-32=48] and subconsciously started to heal her wound while she ran away. From afar, the wolves approached her. Making sure to aim perfectly at one wolf, she shot at one three times, until he broke down. [80HP-32-32-32=0HP] However, it gave the other two wolves time to get near her. One of them scratched her on her legs with his claws. [-100 HP, HP: 4640] She got away before any of them could attack her again. She regained HP through her HP regen. [+75HP, HP: 4715] She shot the wolf she already had injured earlier. [48HP-32=6HP] The wolf slowed down while loosing blood. The other, however, was better. She managed to shoot him once before he got near her [80HP-32=48], but he leaped forward and bit her leg. [-260 HP, HP: 4455] She screamed in pain while shooting him down twice. [48HP-32-32=0HP] The wolf finally let go of her leg and died. It was easy to finish of the last wolf, since she already shot him twice. She raised her crossbow and killed him. [6HP-32=0HP] Her healing took effect and she regained 10& of her HP. [+500, HP: 4955] Minty left the area.
Aug 1, 2015 7:00 PM
Aug 2014
Atk: 100
Defense: 25
Vit:50 Vit hp =Vitx 100=5000
Health regen:25

-Wolf: 300 attack, 8 defense, 80 HP

*Riken soon arrives and surveys the surrounding area and noticed three wolfs head his way Riken doesn't wait for the wolves did get and closer he aims his staff in their direction and unleashes a fire bolt(Attack 100-8=92 Damage 80-92 Hp=0) the first wolf setting it on fire and spreading across its body catching the rest of its fire on fire the wolf collapses to the ground still burning the other two wolves have gotten to Riken at this point and the wolf jumps at Riken who swings his staff which the wolf catch's in its mouth while the other wolf bites down on Riken hand that's in armor(300-25=275 attack 5000-275=4775 Hp)
Riken is amazed as he feels the wolfs teeth puncture his armor and feels blood running across his hand and unleashes a fire bolt down the wolfs throat (100-8=92 92 damage-80hp=0) the fire bolt explodes inside the wolfs body and fire starts to burst from parts of the wolfs skin as it falls to the ground with more fire emerging from it the third wolf has released Riken staff and try's to claw him Riken jumps back and keeps his distance allowing his magic to regather so he can take out the third wolf the wolf jumps at him and try's to claw at his chest but misses but gets his leg(300-25=275 damage 4775HP-275 attack=4500Hp) Riken stabs his staff into wolfs head and releases a Dark fire bolt into the wolfs eye(100-8=92 damage 92-80Hp=0) the fire bolt explodes in the wolfs eye burning parts of the skull around the eye socket as the third wolf collapse Riken turns and begins heading in the direction of town*
Aug 1, 2015 11:52 PM

Jul 2015
Moving from her position she awoke in Lilith looked around, <was that letter for real?> Lilith heard a deep and guttural growl from behind her, it sounded as if three dieing dogs were growling. I knew I was in for trouble. That's when I felt a shadow over my mind<rest while I protect you, the voice >. It was my constant and ever present protector. Her name happens to be Lilith too.

She turned around, nowing what to do... She bit her wrist causing her to bleed, <<sacrificial stike>> *-1200 hp.* (6000 left). The wolf main wolf let out its horrific growl and screeched as it launched itself at Lilith. Being a skilled martial artist Lilith dived foward and vaulted off her hands into an upward strike, *100 damage* the wolf died, turning to dust. The second and third wolf jumped up at her, grabbing her while she was recovering from the vaulting kick. *300 damage, 300 damage* there insesent barks and growls as they bit Lilith allowed her to escape with only shallow bite wounds, nether the less, she needed to be careful and she knew it.
*+33 hp, hp is 5433*

Lilith used <<sacrificial stike>> *1200 damage* (4233 hp left). She struck the second wolf directly in the face. *100 damage* the wolf died in a poof just like the first one, this left one wolf. On closer inspection Lilith noticed it was missing it's left eye. Not only that but it's fur was marred and torn, this wolf was more skilled then the other two, but that wouldn't change the fact it was going to die. Lilith dashed at the wolf getting ready to punch it. As she brought her fist down, the wolf jumped up and over the strike, smacking Lilith on its way down *300 damage* (hp is now 3933). " you stupid dog." Lilith spit. Staring it down. Glaring at it. Then it went to strike her in a head on attack. When the wolf committed to the attack Lilith spun around and back handed it * 42 damage* (38 hp left). The force of the back hand sent the wolf sliding across the ground. When it rose from the ground again it slowly circled around trying to find a opening. As neither group could find an opening, both of us charged in, the wolf lunges you trying to nock you down, he fails jumping slightly towords the right side. Lilith stikes it is it's an open palm...
Aug 2, 2015 3:20 AM

Oct 2014
Stats: 100
Atk: 75
Defence: 90
Vit: 75
Speed: 5
Health regen: 5


Kenji wakes in the arrival area and looks around, he sees three wolves in front of him and yawns. They looked hostile. He approaches them with sloth-like movements, raising up the large black claw that was Devil's Hand. One of the wolves launch themselves at him and he slashes with the large claw, the weight and strength of the claw making up for the lack of speed. It slams straight into the mutt's throat and cuts through quite easily, instantly dealing 300hp of damage and killing it. Unfortunately, its claws glanced off his chest and dealt 10hp of damage. He staggers back a bit and makes a spear of darkness form in his Devil Hand. He then jabs at the wolf on the right, hitting it in the nape and also killing it instantly. The third wolf jumped onto his and tackled him to the ground, snapping at his face and dealing 50hp of damage before he slammed the shadow spear into its belly, sending it reeling away, before falling dead. He gets up and brushes off his knees, retracting the shadow spear, he begins to walk to the nearest village.
Aug 2, 2015 4:52 AM

Dec 2013
-Wolf: 300 attack, 8 defense, 80 HP ( x3)

Stats: (everyone starts with 100)
Atk: 40 (+75) = 115
Defence: 20
Vit: 50
Speed: 30
Health regen: 10


Alexander came to in a nice little meadow. Sadly, there weren't no girls in the general area, just some wolves, three to be exact. One of them decided to take a nibble at his arm. It had lunged at him and as he tried to defend himself, it bit down hard.

[5,000 - 280 = 4720]

With his free hand, he brought his stylish staff down on the beast's skull.

[80 + 8 - 115 = -27] [Wolf 1 Has Died]

The body fell into a crumpled heap. Its compatriots decided to avenge his death, lunging right at the killer. The one of the left was about to arrive first, but he sadly got an Absolute Judgement beam to the face.

[*Critical Hit*] [80 + 8 - 2(1.5 x 115) = -257] [Wolf 2 Has Died]

However, as Alexander finished his beam, the final wolf made its attack. It sank its teeth into his outstretched arm, causing him damage...

[4720 + 20 - 300 = 4440]

And making him drop his spear. As he reached for it to counter attack, the wolf leap back and came at him from another angle, this time at his leg.

[4440 + 20 - 300 = 4160]

Enduring the pain, he picked up his staff and swung it, making contact with the wolf's flank with a *crack*.

[80 + 8 - 115 = -27] [Wolf 3 Has Died]

With the final wolf gone, Alexander breathed a sigh of relief before trudging off. In the distance sat a small village, the young man's first destination.
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