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May 15, 2015 8:53 PM

Mar 2015

Julia nodded, she would cooperate, but the man had a lot to answer for. Every time he showed up there was trouble. Julia would follow the man, and do exactly as he did, so as to avoid detection.
May 15, 2015 9:24 PM

Sep 2014
Edward Whispers to Julia "I will take a route and Distract a few Green groups, You make sure to not got spotted." He jumped over the Seawall then climbed up a tree, Opening up a path that was the least Populated of the Three paths that was possible.

There were a few Trees along the way but one would have to do a dash to the cover that was at the end of the path. The second path there seemed to be a heavy firefight but it seemed to be at a stalemate, This path had a Few more spots to hide but the distance was longer. The third path was the Shortest path, But it led A big battalion of green soldiers, Even if this route had many hiding places it is not easy to take on so many men.
May 16, 2015 4:58 AM

Mar 2015

Julia chose the third path, sneaking from cover to cover, she ended up getting past the battlion with lith little to no issues. She found her way to the beach the commandos and green troops had secured, and observed the situation.
May 16, 2015 4:48 PM

Sep 2014
The battalion decides to go back to the beach and get ready to depart from the island, they seemed to have missed seeing Julia though. The beach was being attacked by groups of men led by jack and the people who took fortis was waiting for a rowboat on a piece of beach where there were only a few soldiers. Grey seemed to not mind the wait as he took potshots at the British army Infantry that were using trees as cover.

(lol apparently the doctor is still healing you if you read the post of the phoenix, i know it is a mess up and im making a dumb deal with it but it would be hilarious if you dragged the doctor off the ship and did everything with the doctor attached to julia XD, yeah everything in this post with parenthesis should be ignored lol)
61235May 16, 2015 6:17 PM
May 16, 2015 5:07 PM

Mar 2015

Julia grabbed and slit the throat of the last man, preventing him from calling out to his companions, and putting on his clothes. Shoving the sword of his into her belt and the pistol as well, she casually walked into the camp. No one would even suspect her, as there were quite a few women among the green soldiers. She strode into the camp, observing grey mainly. She at one point even took part in firing at the british troops, not killing anyone of course. She was slowly but surely making her way towards grey.
May 16, 2015 6:22 PM

Sep 2014
Grey looked at the rest of the beach, there was nothing strange but a few soldiers that were heading to the edge of the beach waiting for rowboats. He orders the men that was the most trusted to him to check the soldiers around the area fortis is in. you could almost see edward crawling off a beach, He had jumped into the ocean and swam around it crawling onto enemy captured beach, He was a bit closer to fortis then Julia was but there were more obstacles in his way.
May 16, 2015 6:52 PM

Mar 2015

One of the green soldier walked over to her, and asked to see her identification. She smiled then in one smooth motion, drew her sword, cutting his throat, and then drawing her other sword. She cut a path strait to where Grey was standing.

"Give it up Grey, it's over!"

Sheathing one of her swords she drew her pistol and took aim at the man.
May 17, 2015 8:12 AM

Sep 2014
He had his weapon already in his hand, For a reminder it is a flintlock with a knife attached to it. Grey looked at Julia "Seems like you want to dance, It would be my pleasure." He says as he gave himself some distance from her enough that he was able to see where she was aiming and for him to see any weak open spots that Julia may have. He Eventually started sidestepping in a circle and raised his Flintlock and shot at Julia while preparing for any counter-moves she might do.

There was a commotion in the Back-round as Julia killed the Green soldier, It was Odd that none of them came rushing to kill Julia until you look in the distance. Edward was jumping on the temporary structures that the Green soldiers had set up and was Confusing them by Throwing his Smoke pouches and setting a few tents on fire.

Jack leading the English marines and Infantry saw the chance and orders a more serious assault on the beach, They marched and shot at the enemy as the became Demoralized, But the About half of the defenders were more focused and skilled than the other half and did not fall for Edward's Ruse, They were formidable,

Because the firepower was cut in half the skilled half of the green army became more determined to defend the beach though the men led by jack was also Fiercely determined and the battle was going on with a slight Disadvantage to the green soldiers.
May 17, 2015 8:20 AM

Mar 2015

Julia raised the sword and deflected the pistol ball, sending it to flying the direction of the green soldier, impacting in his head and killing him. Julia then fired her own pistol, then threw it at grey, drew her other sword again and charged.
May 18, 2015 2:05 PM

Sep 2014
Grey was hit a bit as it scratched his shoulder leaving a cut like trail across his arm, He took his weapon then went in to Deflect julia's charge. He Lunged forward and slashed at the sword to try to throw Julia off balance and using one of his legs Attempts to kick her leg.
May 18, 2015 2:29 PM

Mar 2015

Julia parried his slash with her left sword, and jumped back a bit to avoid being hit by his kick. She then swung both her right and left swords towards grey in an expert series of slashes and stabs.
May 19, 2015 1:33 PM

Sep 2014
Grey started meeting Julia's slashes and stabs with his own, He was keeping up for now but he knew he would not keep up forever. He jumped back while a couple soldiers jumped in to attack her. A Flare could be seen from a distance, "Well it seems my time to party with you is over for now!"

Frey says as he swims to a nearby rowboat while every green soldier on the island is speedily getting onto the rowboats and the English defenders could not give chase because a fire had been set near the munitions area. Fortis was left on the beach, Though she was still unconscious. There were still soldiers on the beach though, and they seem to only serve the purpose of slowing down and pursuers such as the soldiers who had jumped in to attack julia.
May 19, 2015 1:43 PM

Mar 2015

Julia grimly fought her way through the soldiers that grey had attack her. They were easily defeated, as they themselves were only of an average skill with a sword. Hardening her resolve further, and spotting Fortis, Julia fought her way to the girl. The Green Soldiers left as a rear guard were no match for her either, and were also confused by the fact that she was wearing one of their uniforms. Picking the girl up in her arms, with on sword sheathed and the other at the ready, Julia set of towards the British lines.
May 21, 2015 9:51 AM

Sep 2014
A couple of English troops were rushing the beach and saw a green soldier carrying A Little girl, They were a part of the Force that had arrived from the mainland to help man the fort but have never really seen the Captain of the phoenix before. Though before they aim weapons, Jack , from afar Yelled out "Hold fire"!

the troops that had raised weapons on julia put them down and jack rushed to meet Julia. Jack motioned for the troops to continue the Retaking of the beach and sent them forward while facing Julia and put up a short salute "Well it seems that You had a bit of an adventure."

Edward Threw a rock with a message tied to it near julia and ran away from the English troops that Julia might try to use to detain him, He was able to get ot of sight of the English soldiers before they were Reclaiming the beach in force. The message that Edward threw had this.

Meet me at this location
-Shows map-
If there are any soldiers
You will have many questions unanswered.
And i certainly enjoyed the show you had out there lass


It seems that the ships that had attacked were all retreating into the Horizon, Grey seems to have already boarded a ship and got away. In the distance it seems a large English navy was giving chase to the ships that had attacked and the Green ships were running away from the Superior navy that was chasing them.

There were a few groups of green soldiers left behind but Jack's men were closing in and wiping them out slowly before they can slip out and attack again, The groups of green soldiers on the beach had low moral and were quickly getting wiped out by the more motivated men that were being led by jack.

Fortis moaned a little as she started talking in her sleep silently, Though loud enough that Julia could hear her because she was carrying Fortis. There were a few broken sentences of nonsense, One of the sentences was "Julia, You need to eat more vegetables".

and a more funny one was "Lisbeth your hair has worms in it." Though the only significant Sentence she said out loud before going Dead asleep was "Julia, Why do you always use violence for everything..." she stopped before finishing it as she stopped sleep talking.
May 21, 2015 11:10 AM

Mar 2015

Julia smiled at his familiar face.

"I certainly did! Thanks for not shooting me. I'm going to head back to the ship now."

Julia leaned down and scooped up the rock, shifting Fortis in her arms so that she didn't fall. She quickly read the message as she began walking back towards the ship. She sighed, crumpled up the message then tossed it into a nearby bush, where it was picked up by a small bird, and carried away to be used in it's nest. She looked down at the small girl. A sudden urge of protectiveness came over her, urging her to find Grey and finish what she had started. Fortis spoke a few nonsense sentences, which caused Julia to shift her once again so she could hear what the girl was saying. The last few words cut her deep, bringing a few tears to her eyes. She whispered to the girl, not really expecting the girl to hear her, as she was asleep.

[b]"Because it's the way I've been taught to deal with my problems."
May 22, 2015 12:21 PM

Sep 2014
Jack looked at Julia as she carried Fortis to the ship, He was a bit heart-warmed by it. He went on to finish the Enemy off with the soldiers and walked away in a fast pace. There initially was a lot of gunfire but you could clearly tell that the Fighting was Gonna end In fashionable order.

The soldiers on the beach tore down anything that the enemy had built and took the enemy corpses to ship em to a part of the ocean known for sharks, Though before they did that they took anything valuable off the enemy soldiers so that they can commemorate the victory.

Jack goes to the Ship some time later After julia goes to the ship after he has finished off the enemy and dealt with Cleanup and everything. The English troops that were killed were to be Honored with a Ceremony in the Sunset and the families of the dead were to receive a Sum that is distributed once the loot from the Enemy's dead soldiers had been distributed fairly.
Jun 4, 2015 6:55 PM

Oct 2014

Itami walked in silence, he was looking to join a navy ship. His red hair ruffled in the breeze, his tattoos stood contrasting against his relatively pale skin.
Jun 5, 2015 1:02 PM

Sep 2014
Fortis got off the ship And decided to walk along the beach for a bit to see if there were and sea shells that were large enough to fit a ear. She saw a man with red hair while everyone else didn't notice this man since they were busy. she walked up to him and put her hands behind her back and leaned forward a bit "hello there, seems like a good day." It was obvious why she stopped the man as she looked at his hair and was interested in it.
Jun 5, 2015 1:05 PM

Oct 2014

Itami just looked at Fortis, not saying anything. He was silent as he always was. The bandages across his mouth seemed to state this fact. He only spoke when necessary.
Jun 5, 2015 1:19 PM

Sep 2014
Fortis was not in the slightest bothered by the silence and picked off a sea shell lying near her feet and put her ear to it, closing here eyes a bit though a few seconds later she opened her eyes and put the shell in a little bag.

She looked at the man again and saw the bandage on his mouth, she stared at it for a bit then walked around a full circle around the man "well it seems that I'll go now, my names fortis." She walked off before going to where the Phoenix was docked and waiting for lisbeth and Julia.

A patrol of english infantry seemed to be getting near Itami from behind "you there! Identify yourself!" They walked fast to get to the man.
Jun 5, 2015 1:22 PM

Oct 2014

Itami turned a little, eyeing the infantry with contempt. He wondered if he should draw his katana, all he wanted was to become a navy soldier and there was no way these puny imps were going to stop him. The breeze was cool on his torso, but he ignored it as he always had.
Jun 5, 2015 3:26 PM

Sep 2014
Fortis went back to where she had talked to the strange man, she had dropped the bag she had put the shell in. She looked around and found the bad right next to Itami's feet. She got the bag and ties it with a bit of rope around her wrist. The soldiers continue to advance to Itami but talk to each other about what to do, Fortis hearing them says "Well I can take him to The captain of the Phoenix." The patrol agrees and leaves to continue patrolling the island.

Fortis turns to Itami "Well, it seems like we will be in acquaintance for a bit." She gave a friendly smile "well if you follow me and wait we can see the captain!" She gestured for him to follow her.
Jun 5, 2015 9:35 PM

Oct 2014

Itami took his hand of the Katana on his back and followed her in silence. His long red hair blowing in the breeze.
Jun 6, 2015 12:40 AM

Jul 2014
She got off the ship and looked around for Fortis.
Jun 6, 2015 1:07 AM

Oct 2014

Itami was looking around silently, always watching, always observing.
Jun 6, 2015 10:30 PM

Jul 2014
As both of them were looking around her and Itami's eyes met for a split second, thing that made her blush and quickly look away.
Jun 6, 2015 10:45 PM

Mar 2015
[center] John Cormac [/center]

He walked around the Island Fort, his arms crossed sternly behind his back as they normally were. He paced around, coming in sight of Lisbeth and Itami.
Jun 6, 2015 10:45 PM

Oct 2014

Itami saw the girl look away, he had seen people do so before. They didn't like Itami's eyes, but this time was different, she seemed embarrassed not intimidated. Itami didn't say anything as usual, the breeze was getting cooler on his bare, tattooed torso as the day got older, Itami didn't mind. He crossed his arms and looked at the new girl.
Jun 6, 2015 11:01 PM

Mar 2015
[center] John Cormac [/center]

"Ah, good morning, Miss Lisbeth." He greeted her, raising a hand briefly in greeting, but quickly resuming his normal pose.

"Out for a stroll?" He asked, making idle small talk.
Jun 6, 2015 11:03 PM

Oct 2014

Itami looked at the man that had just arrived, still not saying anything. The bandages around the bottom half of his face itched but he didn't waste the energy to scratch.
Jun 6, 2015 11:11 PM

Mar 2015

Julia raced to catch up with the two girls. Finally catching up to them she stopped and looked at Fortis and Lisbeth.

[b]"You two ready to go?"
Jun 7, 2015 2:19 AM

Jul 2014
She blushed when she heard John and quickly took a straight position, looking up at him.
-Y-yes, j-just a stroll! she stuttered, then noticed Julia and calmed down a bit as she nodded shyly.
Jun 7, 2015 2:43 AM

Oct 2014

Itami stared at all the people, before looking at Fortis and clearing his throat. He had a reason for being here after all.
Jun 7, 2015 8:18 AM

Sep 2014
Fortis waved a little at John with a simple greeting then looked at Itami and back at the captain, "Captain, I think this person wants to speak with you." Fortis had seen lisbeth turn quickly away from Itami and when she stuttered a bit while talking, fortis covered her mouth as she gave a silent laugh though returned to normal composure. She walked back to the captain "well back on that, I found him on the beach while exploring and told him to follow me since I think he wants to talk to you." Fortis whistles a bit as if it was all in a good day's work.
Jun 7, 2015 9:34 AM

Mar 2015

Julia eyed the man and raised an eyebrow.

"Well your welcome to talk to my second in command right now, Mr.Cormac, I am currently on shore leave, you get to be my second in command, take care of my ship! Bye!"

With that, she grabbed the arms of Fortis and Lisbeth and dashed into the thick forest with them. After ten minutes of walking, they found themselves at the hotspring that She had described.
Jun 7, 2015 10:45 AM

Jul 2014
She ran after Julia, more like being dragged, then she looked at the hot springs in awe
Jun 7, 2015 10:52 AM

Mar 2015
[center] John Cormac [/center]

"As you wish, Captain, farewell." He said, nodding to them as they left.
Jun 7, 2015 12:25 PM

Oct 2014

Itami looked at his Mr.Cormac. He cleared his throat once again and spoke, I wish to join the Phoenix he had a deep, yet clear voice. It was heavily accented.
Jun 7, 2015 12:49 PM

Mar 2015
[center] John Cormac [/center]

He turned to the man wishing to join the crew of the Phoenix.

"Hm, fair enough. What is your name?" He asked, still maintaining his formal posture.
Jun 7, 2015 12:56 PM

Oct 2014

Itami looked at him for about a minute in silence, Pain, he said simply.

('Itami' means 'pain' and Pain is his alias)
Jun 7, 2015 1:03 PM

Mar 2015
[center] John Cormac [/center]

"Alright then, I'm John Cormac, Master Gunner aboard the Phoenix." He introduced himself

"So, my first question. How do you plan on contributing to the crew?" He asked
Jun 7, 2015 1:12 PM

Oct 2014

I can fill the role of Mate. I can also carry out assassinations. he said quietly, gesturing at the tattoos on his bare torso that signified a trained assassin.
Jun 8, 2015 11:13 AM

Sep 2014
Fortis was surprised from Julia guiding or rather dragging her to the place, when she got there she was wow'd. She went to the nearby stream and took a handful of water to drink it. She decides to just follow what Julia does since it was the first time she had ever seen a hotspring.
Jun 9, 2015 1:53 PM

Mar 2015
John Cormac

"Ah, I see. It would be good to have someone aboard that can handle such tasks... Well, the final question is, do you swear loyalty to the Crown, Crew and Captain?" He asked, his way of speaking was very formal, as was his posture.
Jun 9, 2015 2:00 PM

Oct 2014

Itami fell to one knee and nodded, I swear it he said.
Jun 9, 2015 2:04 PM

Mar 2015
John Cormac

"Then welcome to the navy, serve the crown well." He said, extending his hand for a handshake.
Jun 9, 2015 2:10 PM

Oct 2014

Itami took John's hand and nodded.
Jun 9, 2015 2:13 PM

Mar 2015
John Cormac

"Alright then, I suppose I'll show you around the ship, then." He said, recrossing his arms behind his back after motioning towards the Phoenix, which was anchored off the coast a small ways.
Jun 9, 2015 2:16 PM

Oct 2014

Itami followed the man, his arms swaying by his side.
Jun 9, 2015 2:17 PM

Mar 2015
John Cormac

He went to the docks with Itami, a few soldiers at the dock, waiting on a large rowboat. Once both of them were inside the boat, the soldiers rowed it over to the ship.
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