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May 5, 2015 11:51 AM

Jul 2014
She nodded, then she ran after Edward. After she reached his area she hid behind a corner, watching him.
May 5, 2015 11:54 AM

Sep 2014
"Yes Captain" he went to a Group of marines that were Veterans of the wars, They come from areas that Generally were Highly loyal to the crown. He takes those marines and orders them to search the other Crews And Men in looking for the Traitors. By the end of the day, he would have rounded up 6 more members from the other ship, and 12 Line infantry that had just arrived to reinforce the island.

The messenger got on the Ship he had gotten on to get here, Quickly telling the captain to leave the island and return to the mainland in fear for there lives that might be at stake.

Edward finished doing the Smoke fires, It looked like if lit on fire, it would have many cons for the people on it, He felt that someone would try and spy on him, So he jumped up into the trees and silently looked for them.
61235May 5, 2015 11:57 AM
May 5, 2015 12:03 PM

Mar 2015

Julia approached the man in the arena, sword drawn. She looked him in the eye, and took in his stance. He was bloody from beating his comrades to death.
"So how does it feel to have killed your friends?"
May 5, 2015 12:16 PM

Sep 2014
Yuma responded,"They are not comrades, The begged for mercy and died at my hand because they Ruin the image of the people they Swore an Oath to. I will tell you about my group later" he had Such strong resolve in him, Even after he had just witnessed the Gorey murder of his Comrades and was forced to murder his comrades with his bear (joke on the word bare) hands.

Jack was still looking for any traitors, It was still about mid day and he has caught a few crewmen so far, the rest seem to be hiding really well with the masses as a shield.
May 5, 2015 12:21 PM

Mar 2015

Julia smiled then flicked her sword, cutting the man deeply on his left arm.
[b]"I didn't get much time with the other traitors, but I will have plenty of time with you. So, anything you have to confess before you die?"
May 5, 2015 12:40 PM

Sep 2014
Yuma "You will be Killed you scum, The People Who ordered you to execute me will die along with you as well!" He Laughed hard and making himseld charge at the sword so that Julia will kill him in defense.

The sun was still in the Sky, It looked like there was a few hours of Sunlight left, But there was really no way to tell when the sun is down except when it is dark everywhere.
May 5, 2015 1:44 PM

Mar 2015

Julia laughed and dodged the man, going behind him and cutting his hamstrings, causing him to fall to the ground.
"That's the best you can do?"
May 5, 2015 1:54 PM

Sep 2014
Yuma screamed in pain and fell on the floor, He yelled out "You witch!" he held his feet with his hands cursing a little but it could not really be heard. He crawled back a little and picked up a rock.

The Marines in the area could be heard loading muskets and aiming at the man in case he threw it at the captain

Yuma put down the rock a bit, since the pain was getting to him. He fell unconscious as he hit the ground again.
May 5, 2015 2:00 PM

Apr 2014
Ace arrived again after leaving fortis in James care
May 5, 2015 2:14 PM

Mar 2015
John Cormac

He patrolled the area for any more potential threats, taking two soldiers with him.

They checked around the battlements and the docks, as well as the area inside the fort.
May 5, 2015 2:19 PM

Mar 2015

Julia smiled and kicked the man back to consciousness.
"Oh no, i'm not done with you yet. Wake up!"
She stabbed her rapier through his arm, still laughing.
May 5, 2015 2:21 PM

Apr 2014
"Need me to do anything else captain or can I help you with this?" Ace asked walking over to her
May 5, 2015 2:28 PM

Mar 2015
Julia smiled at him.
"This one is all mine."
May 5, 2015 2:41 PM

Apr 2014
"I understand Julia; Ace said "just tell me if you need anything" he said
May 5, 2015 8:03 PM

Sep 2014
The man was conscious, But just barely. " The world may revolve around you today here, But soon enough the world will spin without you. Just like my people will get rid of you soon. i will not beg for mercy for i am more honer than that, kill me now" he stared at Julia was a Defiant stare.

The sun was Starting to set for the day and the Shadows grew longer, There was Shouts in the fort, It was jack's voice yelling "Tie em up good!". The Soldiers around julia started unloading weapons since there was no threat anymore.

(going to sleep)
May 5, 2015 8:12 PM

Mar 2015

Julia smiled then obliged the man, ripping his throat out with the tip of her sword, then burying it in his chest and stepping away. She began walking back towards the the beach she had been at earlier. She wanted to think, alone.
"Hmm..... quite the conundrum. A group of mysterious enemies, and a single man who seems to have brought the calamity on us all. It's all rather odd."
As she was walking, a man dressed in black snuck up behind her. Secluded as they were on the beach, the man had no issues sneaking up and wrapping a cord around her throat, choking her. The mysterious man stuck his face near her ear and spoke.

"Your father sends his regards, lady Julia."

Julia kicked her leg back, catching him in the leg. The man cursed and then pulled a club from his belt. Julia went to yell for help, after gasping in a breath.

"Someone help-"

The yell for help was cut brutally short as the man brought the club crashing down
on her head, silencing her. He looked around, then decided it was time for him to make an exit, and snuck off into the darkness.
May 5, 2015 8:16 PM

Apr 2014
Ace heard the short yell and instantly ran in its direction and saw Julia knocked out then he picked her up and ran to the ship with haste
May 5, 2015 8:16 PM

Mar 2015
(Uh, was the Captain just kidnapped, or murdered? I couldn't really tell.)
May 5, 2015 8:22 PM

Mar 2015
(more like knocked out, though this little bump on the head may have a little bit more in store.)
May 5, 2015 8:56 PM

Jul 2014
She heard the captain's yell, but she already disobey Julia once, so she had to keep her hiding position, watching Edward as he jumped into a tree to hide.
May 6, 2015 6:26 AM

Sep 2014
Edward skipped along the trees, Trying to make him hard to track. He dug a hole and buried a letter near a tree. Looking around and making sure nobody was looking at him bury the letter. Then he sat down and took a swig of ale for the day, then for the rest of the day he looked at the sun set and looked around for a bit taking in the view.
May 6, 2015 7:26 AM

Jul 2014
She managed to follow Edward silently, her small stature making her steps close to silent. She hid, watching all his actions.
May 7, 2015 7:32 PM

Sep 2014
Jack marched the people with the symbol and put them in chains, The marine that was on the boat informs him of Julia's Decision. "That is strange, Well, Must be the injury she sustained."

He takes them to a part of the island and announces to them "You people have betrayed the Kingdom, Have you no shame? The kingdom needs every man to fight for the Royal family of England. When you signed up for the navy, You had hopes in you, Now look at you. Most of you are possibly bribed by money for the Decision and few not, but i ask you. Is this worth betraying the kingdom?"

the men look away as if the remembered the day when they signed up out of spirit, They started having doubts about the group that they were in.

Jack looks them in the Eye, "We need a great Britain, a Country that spans the world and protects it. Those who will follow me and pursue that goal must stand up!"

the men stand up Cheering for jack, They vowed loyalty to Jack. Though they did not Really swear a oath to the Royal family.

Jack put uniforms on the People he had chained up before, Though now they some of his most loyal men. He gathered the army and marched to the fort for it was dinner time at the mess hall in the fort and sleeping time for the Army stationed there, Save for a few people that were assigned as sentries.

Jack personally went to the ship to tell Julia about it, Though he did not really know how she would react to the news.

Edward looked at the tree, He knew there was someone watching him and that someone was quite small if he could not hear them. "If your watching my every move, Forget it I'm just staying here for a amount of time."
May 7, 2015 9:36 PM

Jul 2014
-Captain's orders, scum.
she said, getting out of hiding.
May 8, 2015 9:10 AM

Sep 2014
Edward laughed as the Teenage girl talked, She talked as if she was a pirate and that caught the Attention of edward. "It seems you have an Experience with a few pirates Little lady." He laughed "maybe i will tell you a story of one of my former mates?" he asked Rhetorically, Looking for a response but he will tell the story anyway wether Lisbeth wanted it or not.
May 8, 2015 10:17 AM

Jul 2014
-Hmph, surprise me!
she said, leaning against a wall.
May 8, 2015 10:59 AM

Sep 2014
Edward began the story "This is the story of a mate of a old crewmate of mine that i have long forgotten, I forgot his name but his story was this." he looked at Lisbeth to make sure she was listening to him. "He was a young marine who joined the Navy and the the navy, After he left the Navy he had become Joined pirate crew after pirate crew, well after a few other jobs he mentioned.

" He had joined a Crew of pirates that had the need to get rid of a rival crew and and plotted against them, He used a Pretty dirty trick and had the crew kidnap a girl, Though he forgot to tell me the rest since he described it as some kind of great heist and i will continue the story if i have a drink."
May 8, 2015 11:10 AM

Jul 2014
She narrowed her eyes and took a small bottle of ale out of her scribe bag, tossing it to Edward.
[B]-Talk, now.
May 8, 2015 11:44 AM

Sep 2014
Edward took the drink and took a gulp "The captain had decided to Agree for the peace treatment, But he was the one who made the captain decide otherwise. He said to the captain "If you kill them now, they will never be back again to steal your routes and you do not want that to happen!" Anyways, The captain was Persuaded by That guy to Deceive the rival crew by sending them to the navy, but that guy...He was something else."

Edward gave a sigh and took another gulp

" He Tortured the rival crew's members and forced them to tell what Armaments they had and how many men were going to the meeting armed and forced them to persuade the crew not to bring arms. He was Quite the ruthless man."

Edward looked at Lisbeth and noticed that she narrowed her eyess a bit.

"Lass this is a true story, Anyhow, The Man went to the meeting. At the meeting he described the rival crew as being stupid for believing in the Contract as several of the pirates took out weapons and shot the rival crew. He had left, Not before shooting a man -Describes Lisbeth's Father- Straight in the head, Making sure the man was dead with another shot to the heart and the Throat."

Edward straightened up a bit

"Now here is the Strange part, He had left to the market after the shootout and never returned for some reason, He never told me, Though he did say the Crew was the....Well he never really told me the crew name, He had grinned when he told me the story and the end and that the name of the girl and the crew was for another day and time and that he thinks that the girl that was held hostage is alive."

Edward took another drink from the bottle and it was empty.

"Last thing i heard from him a some time ago, Though i doubt he would have quit being a pirate since he seemed to enjoy things the British navy would never allow."

he put the bottle on the ground next to him "That man never told me his real name, Something about being wanted by The Spanish, The Portuguese, And The English Royal crown for attacking Merchant ships and killing a few nobles."

Edward looked at her "You seem to be about the age of the girl if she was alive today, And the power that you attacked that Templar earlier in the morning, The one that attacked you while you were on patrol you seem have have left marks that the man i had told the story of he heard the story of witnesses say."
May 8, 2015 11:55 AM

Jul 2014
She had clenched her fist as she listened to the story, boiling with rage.
-Well I might fit the description because I AM the girl held hostage, said rival crew WAS MY home and the man killed last WAS MY father! she growled.
May 8, 2015 8:51 PM

Sep 2014
Edward sighed, Looking at the girl growl and clench her fist in anger he only had one question for her. "Do you think you will stay Angry your whole life?" The sun was almost down and the birds could be heard less and less as they went to sleep.

He looked at the sunrise and the Deep orange glow it Emitted that seemed to calm anyone down that looked at it for more than a minute.
May 9, 2015 11:01 PM

Jul 2014
-Calls this rage filled side of me a result from the slaughter...
she said, then sat down.
May 10, 2015 12:03 AM

Sep 2014
Edward looked at her, "Maybe you should get back to your ship, i would think a feisty captain of yours would have had Given a nice Speech to the people she Had Her/Your people gathered up for. Something would be Amiss, But the light is down and i'll get to sleep now." Edward tips his hat over his eyes and sleeps, Though it seems that it would not be easy to try anything on him while he slept.

(Errr, i've Already put that the sun was rising in another thread. So you might want to make your character sleep or something since being tired is not a laughing matter :P You can put a time skip like what i'm gonna do.)

-Few hours later-

Edward sneaks away secretly a bit before the sun goes up and sneaks away.
May 10, 2015 2:26 AM

Jul 2014
She let Edward go as she took a short nap, then when she woke up she returned to the ship.
May 11, 2015 3:59 PM

Mar 2015

Julia wandered off the ship and into the forest and dense undercover that surrounded the small port. She walked, walked, walked, only to stumble unwittingly onto the two merchant vessels unloading men onto the shore. She walked towards them, completely unaware of what their true purpose was. She gave a wave and a small shout.

May 11, 2015 5:04 PM

Sep 2014
Jack nodded as he took the letter from the Marine that gave him the letter, And about the captain of the well armed ship.

This is a message from the Order of lord loyal to the crown, There is urgent Danger in the future as there is a Group of lords slowly getting closer to the king. You are to make sure that all ships near your ship is inspected, For we have received word that there may be an attack or covert operation led by enemies of the crown in the area.

There will be a large political battle in the Home country, But we hope that you are able to win your battles. These are the following people that should be protected, Our spies have indicated they have a higher chance of being an assassination target.

The List is Julia Algitson And Fortis Persona, These people, or you if you are reading this Miss Julia, Are in danger of being Targeted and attacked by someone.

Jack finished reading the letter, There seems to be a lot of political strife ehh. . He ordered the men to line up in front of the fort. "Men you are to make sure that every ship that is near this island has approval, Search the island for any ships that might be Suspicious and make sure that they were authorized to land on the island."

One of the "Merchants" waved back after she waved and said hi to them, It seemed that the "Merchant" was suprised at first and had put his hand on something that resembled a sword. The "Merchant" Walked up to julia "Hello there, We are from the West business Traders Coalition doing a quick stop on this island for a break, and you are?" the man asked with an eyebrow raised.
May 11, 2015 5:33 PM

Mar 2015

Julia sighed.

[b]"I've been told i'm some captain named Julia Mr.Merchant."
May 12, 2015 6:07 AM

Sep 2014
The men that had landed looked at each other in a bit of a surprise, The "Merchant" Introduced himself "My name is George Fedrick." he looked at the others and said to julia "Don't tell anyone we are here, I heard pirates roam the seas around here,

If you mind we don't like pirates too much." More men were getting off the boats with boxes of equipment, Three more rowboats came to the shore with 12 men in each boat. "We have a lot of people that are traveling with us." George pointed out as the rowboats approached the island.

Groups of men who had landed covertly moved into he island while julia was distracted by talking with the Merchant George Fedrick, At the same time there were Groups of Marines and infantryman Combing the island for any Suspicious people and Ships.
May 12, 2015 6:50 AM

Mar 2015

Julia nodded. She understood the need for secrecy if there were pirates nearby.
May 12, 2015 7:25 AM

Sep 2014
small tents were being pitched up along the beach, There were men that went into the tents with shovels and bricks. George hurried along directing his men to do various things on the beach. There were groups of men in the forest secretly taking out sentry posts that were Distributed Evenly throughout the island.

Sentry: "It seems li-" -taken out by a masked man-
The group is attacked and knocked out, Masked men tie them up
And send them to a rowboat docked on a stretch of hidden beach on the island.

George had dropped something on the ground, it seemed like an important letter.
May 12, 2015 11:09 AM

Mar 2015

Julia picked up the letter and examined it. It was rather unremarkable, and Julia resolved to return it to George as soon as she saw him, like any good samaritan would. She sat down on the ground to wait on his return.
May 12, 2015 11:44 AM

Sep 2014
The letter opened up

This is an order from lord Bastion, You are to take out The Girl that goes by the name of Fortis, Also you are to Support any effort made by My Colleagues to Get Rid of The Captain of the phoenix. Though it is unfortunate my Colleague did not provide the name of the captain of the ship, You are to Execute the captain if you find Him. You are to set up camp and wait for The professionals to deal with both The lord's Daughter and the Captain of the phoenix.

George returns Conveniently a few minutes later, giving anyone that saw the letter able to read the letter fully. "So, What is the name of the fine Vessel you Commandeer?"
May 12, 2015 12:01 PM

Mar 2015

Julia read the message, and suddenly, bits and pieces of her memories started coming back. She remembered who she was, and why she was there. In fact the only thing that she didn't remember was what had happened after her stroll in the woods. She had a vague memory of it, but still could not remember the event leading up to her bout of amnesia. She quickly hid the letter, and looked up at the man, smiling.

"Oh my ship? It's called the Pheonix."

As soon as the word Pheonix came out of her mouth, she jumped up, grabbed the man's sword, yanked it out of the sheath, then stabbed him in the throat with it. She looked at the nearby camp, which had a number of men shouting and pointing, the camp coming alive. Fortunately, these men didn't seem to have muskets, yet.

"Oh dear, it appears I have kicked the hornets nest."

She settled into a fighting stance to wait for her soon to be attackers.
May 12, 2015 12:21 PM

Sep 2014
Men rushed to the crates and Grabbed Swords, They Rushed to surround her to make sure she does not get escape due to the fact that she had just killed one of the Captains that were on the mission. She was surrounded by a Group of men that seemed to have had a bit of experience with the blade. On the other side of the beach there were musketeers and cannons being rolled up More quickly than before and less covertly since there was shouting of an attacker in the camp.

in Multiple parts of the island Groups of Attackers had met up with the patrols that Jack the Marine commander had sent out and started Multiple firefights Across the island. The men on the beaches revealed the tents to be Dirt wall positions built for the defense of the beach until the Special forces arrive.

One of the Officers of the "Merchants" or the Greens as we call them for convenience sake joined in on the group of men who had drawn cutlasses and surrounded julia. "It's a good thing We found you early, You make this easy." Though he had joined the men in surrounding her, He had a group of men protecting him in case Julia had attacked him.

Six ships appeared on the Horizon, One of the ships headed to the beach unloading men while the other Five started Approaching the Phoenix And the two other ships that were capable of fighting back. The Man-o-War and the Messenger ship that had arrived to warn them of the possible attack. The ships that went in the direction of the phoenix stayed far enough away so that the cannons on the fort won't be able to put effective fire on the ships.

A Group of marines are heard in the distance a bit near the beach, They seem to have spotted julia and took out cutlasses to attack the Greens that were blocking julia's Escape route. The Green captain spots them but smirks as rowboats fulls of Muskets and Weaponry were landing and men were getting armed. the Marines Had already shot a few of the Greens from a distance before charging with Cutlasses.

"Captain, Get out of here, We can distract them!." the Officer of the group yelled as the Green soldiers on the beach gathered muskets and were Distributing them out quickly with Ammo. The sun and sky were calm but this island was about to become a bloodbath.
May 12, 2015 12:29 PM

Mar 2015

Julia smirked at the marine's tenacity. She looked at the men surrounding her, and began laughing. She was outnumbered and outgunned, just the way she loved it. She pointed the sword at the man who was clearly a captain.

"You dare to come to my island? Threaten my people, and prepare to attack my ships? Oh it will be fun eviscerating you!"

She charged forward at the line of men. Her facial expression and laughing could unnerve even the most hardened soldier.
May 12, 2015 12:36 PM

Sep 2014
A Group of greens attacked the group of marines that had rushed to help Julia, They were doing okay but it did not seem that they would last long. Knowing that the Leader of the group of marines that rushed to her aid yelled out "There is not time for Sword-fighting now captain, If you don't go back to the ship bad things could happen!" the marine blocked a strike from a Green soldier that had lunged at him.

The captain of the greens Laughed "This island, and you will die. As it were meant for the world that you are wiped off the earth of the planet." he smirked as he took a musket that a marine had rushed to give to him and shot one of the marines in the leg that was trying to get Julia out of the Encirclement.

The groups of people that had gone ahead seems to be distracting the Army and the marines stationed at the fort by firing at it and hiding away, Turning up somewhere unexpected and shooting again. Jack was personally leading A large group of men to attack these guerillas.
May 12, 2015 5:00 PM

Mar 2015

Julia shook her head at the man's comment then stabbed one of the green troopers. She then cut another man down then backed up, now face to face with the captain. In a surprise move, she chucked her sword at him, catching him in the throat, then began to book it for the ship, finally arriving and running on board.
conman2163May 12, 2015 5:53 PM
May 13, 2015 4:53 AM

Sep 2014
Edward was surprised by the attacking forces as a group of green troopers found him, After seeing him they immediately identified him as being part of the Assassin order and attacked him.

He jumped onto the trees and took them out slowly, One by one they went down. He would have liked to have gone to his own ship but he had already sent a message that the ship was to leave and not do plan b.

He rushed to the phoenix in an attempt to tell them how to route the enemy.

Jack led the men on the island in a counter offensive, Taking spare cannons and shooting at enemy beach positions, of course the enemy were firing back with almost the same amount of firepower.

-------------------------------Some time later-------------------------------------------------
Fortis is being carried away by the masked cammandos to the part of the island they have captured, Edward gives chase but he loses them in the wild jungle in the parts of the island and has to look for the Group. There are still ongoing firefights between the island's Defense and the Green attackers who have landed and the fights are just getting fiercer.
61235May 14, 2015 2:02 PM
May 15, 2015 2:46 PM

Mar 2015

Julia stumbled onto the shore, weapon ready. She spotted a few of the green soldiers, and dove into cover, hoping they didn't see her. At this point, she needed to conserve her energy for fighting the commando, and fighting the three enemies would only wear down on her stamina.
May 15, 2015 8:32 PM

Sep 2014
Edward swam and crawled onto shore, He went behind cover near Julia "Well it seems they have captured a little Lass, If we want to get her back it seems we will have to work together." Edward leapt to the next piece of cover in the form of a small sea-wall and motioned for Julia to follow.

The group of Green soldiers ahead seemed to have left the area for now and went to another part of the island, There would be a few groups of green soldiers Along Julia's path since they are doing Strategic movements. Being covert is Something that would Help immensely right now if one was to want to conserve energy.
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