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Jan 5, 2008 3:45 PM
Nov 2007
Yay it's back and it's back with a new opening sequence and new ending theme :D

It was a pretty generic episode but I still enjoyed it. Even though it was predictable, it was pretty sad to hear that Yuumi's leaving. I wonder what's going to happen with Kouichi. Also, Kazuki's become a stud, lol. I hope Asuka takes the initiative so Futami can get jealous... Jealous Futami <3 Wouldn't that be cute? lol
radiantfireJan 5, 2008 3:49 PM
Jan 11, 2008 12:25 AM

Jan 2007
I like the new op sequence. my only problem with it is during the second kiss kiss koishiteru yo isn't as awesome. the new ed is nice although i still prefer Negai Hoshi. But that one grew on me so maybe this one will too

As for the episode, I really enjoyed it. Loved the face Asuka made after she bumped into Kazuki after the assembly. Also yay for Futami smiling when Kazuki went into the room. But as expected, she has some kind of problems involving the family. I guess all genuis characters are subjected to that type of situation. And finally Yuumi. Wow, she was just <3. Thank god that forced Kouichi to take some initiative.

radiantfire said:
I hope Asuka takes the initiative so Futami can get jealous... Jealous Futami <3 Wouldn't that be cute? lol

oh man, that would be awesome. I really think it will happen, so i'll be looking forward to it.
Jan 11, 2008 12:47 AM

Nov 2004
I actually liked Kai a bit in this episode. I've pretty much hated him the entire series, but he actually was a good guy in this ep. Kouichi on the other hand, "We'll be together no matter what!" Right. Keep telling yourself that.

Going to be interesting to see what happens from here. Drama is gonna start soon. I can feel it!
Jan 11, 2008 1:16 AM
Nov 2007
^ I can also feel it :D

Faust721 said:
oh man, that would be awesome. I really think it will happen, so i'll be looking forward to it.

Yeah, she has the personality to just go for it aye?
Jan 11, 2008 3:21 AM

Oct 2007
I really enjoyed the eps. New opening sequence and new ending!! Well, I liked the old ending :( .

The next eps seems: Kazuki will have to choose between the soccer match (where Asuka will be) and the Futami Eriko. What will He choose? xD

Yeah, I don't hate more Kai. Now just I don't like him hehehe. But he is making an effort for Mao, and it's praiseworthy.

Sooooo saddddddddd T____________________________T, Yuuuuuuumiiiiiiii. I'll Miss You!

See ya o/~
Saks_ByenaraJan 11, 2008 2:54 PM
Jan 11, 2008 3:22 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Lol geez, what are you expecting from an anime like this. O_o


Was a nice episode, lots of emotions. Yuumi crying at the end looked beautiful. I love the new OP sequence and the ED is pretty nice as well. I'm looking forward to more.




[H+] ³  
Jan 11, 2008 10:37 AM

Aug 2007
cool ep, looks like alot of relationships are starting to finally start, looking forward to the next episode with futami :D
Jan 11, 2008 12:21 PM
Aug 2007
Wow.... I am so glad Im watchin this show.... these turn of events are rlly awesome. O and Futami was smiling more wasnt she hehe. Good move Kouichi and awesome "I will always be with you" haha
Jan 11, 2008 6:51 PM

Oct 2007
radiantfire said:

It was a pretty generic episode but I still enjoyed it. Even though it was predictable, it was pretty sad to hear that Yuumi's leaving. I wonder what's going to happen with Kouichi. Also, Kazuki's become a stud, lol. I hope Asuka takes the initiative so Futami can get jealous... Jealous Futami <3 Wouldn't that be cute? lol

Exactly what i was thinking, almost word by word...

I have to add though that i personally got annoyed/angry/pissed off when Kouchi remembered Mao-chan when he looked at Yuumi's lips... NASEDA!!! WHY!!!
Jan 11, 2008 9:14 PM

Jun 2007
Friendlysoul said:
radiantfire said:

It was a pretty generic episode but I still enjoyed it. Even though it was predictable, it was pretty sad to hear that Yuumi's leaving. I wonder what's going to happen with Kouichi. Also, Kazuki's become a stud, lol. I hope Asuka takes the initiative so Futami can get jealous... Jealous Futami <3 Wouldn't that be cute? lol

Exactly what i was thinking, almost word by word...

I have to add though that i personally got annoyed/angry/pissed off when Kouchi remembered Mao-chan when he looked at Yuumi's lips... NASEDA!!! WHY!!!

The Same could be pointed at Mao for thinking and comparing Kai to Kouchi lol. As you can see they both secretly like each other but their to confused about their own current status to admit it to each other.

So far the show is heading in the direction that I predicted in the last thread (I think allot of people saw this coming anyway). The next path is probably Mao finding out about Yuumi moving. Mao will probably notice Kouchi depressed or "in deep thought" often. This will cause her to notice his good points more and probably cause her to question her feelings for him even more like she has been. Kai will probably notice shes acting even more weird and find out that Kouchi's g/f is moving away. This will cause Kai to try a little harder to win Mao over....etc Typical love story. However.....Futami is pure win! There was not enough of her in this ep! I demand more of her!

PS. no real changes in the relationships so I wont change my relationship chart.
Jan 11, 2008 9:52 PM

Aug 2007
My tracker for this ep. has been offline since I reached 50%...

EDIT: Finally finished, I liked this episode, definitely made me like Yuumi more then I should have.
KaruraJan 12, 2008 12:35 AM
Jan 12, 2008 4:41 AM

Dec 2007
wow... coo episode.. i really liked it. now i wonder how verthing will turn out.. cause there are so many love triagles :DD well il just hve to waut for a few eps to know that :) but the saddest thing was really, that yumi is leaving.. i think she will change her mind and stay with sanada kun ^^
Jan 12, 2008 6:29 AM

Jul 2006
i could pretty much deduct that yuumi would be moving as it had been building up for the last 2-3 episodes.

and yeah.. a jealous futami would be worth watching
Friendship is like peeing youre pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
Jan 12, 2008 8:22 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Nothing really surprising, but I enjoyed the return of this series :)
Jan 13, 2008 4:27 AM
Jun 2007
Romantic episode ^.^
Jan 14, 2008 4:23 AM
Oct 2007

Family problems then...
Jan 14, 2008 4:36 PM

Jul 2007
i miss the old ed song :(

this is what i want, more time with Kai-Mao & Kouchi-Yuumi relationship, but mm it will never go with my way i knew, i was a little dissapointed when both Kouchi & Mao were actually thinking of each other while 'dating' with their partner..guess i have to accept Kouchi-Mao feelings..sob sob sob

but the love triangle between Asuka-Kazuki-Futami never failed to suprised me, i love to see their relationship growing and who will it be, Futami? Asuka? mmm, both of them i like..hehe, so i just have to watch over Kazuki..
Jan 21, 2008 7:02 AM
Sep 2007
great episode, and generic yet romantic end.
i just somehow doubt that it will work out between kouichi and yuumi as he said it x.x i mean, i surely hope it will, but i cant believe it xD
and kai definitely got points for being a nice guy once in a while ^^
and i saw it coming that asuka will fall for aihara quite from the start. what i didnt see coming is that futami would actually become somewhat attached to him ^^"
makes me wonder how their story will turn out
Feb 6, 2008 5:59 PM

Jul 2007
i had to screencap

May 10, 2008 11:20 AM

Jan 2008
arghhh... but then there is atill 11 more eps for it to develp on... i cant wait
Jun 13, 2009 1:50 PM

Jul 2008
so the reveal it, i hope it wont become a big problem, the distance. i really dont mind to see kouchi x hoshino have a happy end.

Jul 7, 2009 7:47 PM

Jun 2009
~It's only a matter of jealous times until Mao reveals her true feelings but It's better if it doesn't

~Com'on Kouichii make a move!!

~I don't like Kai making all the decision, shy romantic guy though

~the boat scene was just plain but its great! another more bump then you know what will happen

~Yes! atlast no more of that silly moves, It's great about the hug scene
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Jul 20, 2009 2:01 PM

Apr 2009
no frogs YAY!

seems like the relationships are going to become real serious
Dec 9, 2009 4:17 AM

Oct 2009
AWW. just aww.

Already further on by now, but realised i hadn't commented this, and I LOVED this episode, sa had to come and express my love. Loved Kai, but then i always love Kai, except for that whiny preview for whatever episode it was, but whatever that was it seemed alot better in the actual episode :)
Feb 5, 2010 2:41 AM

Jul 2008
I weep for Sakino's position.
Dec 29, 2010 11:28 PM

Nov 2010
aww Yumi leaving T-T
May 9, 2011 2:53 PM

Mar 2011
Wow, this anime has just reached its turning point. well kinda.

I loved the episode. I wanna see Asuka take the initiative on Kazuki as well,
It would be fairly interesting to see a jealous Eriko ;)
Oh my, well it was really foreshadowed that Yuumi was gonna move away and transfer schools, its still kinda sad though.
I dont' think Kouichi's statement will hold up though...
"I'm going to get a job, save up and come see you every week!" yeah right...
I think Kai is just a supporting character, and he won't say with Mao for very long.
I believe that Mao will end up with Kouichi , since they think about each other when they are with other people. ahh well i'll just have to wait and see.
Looking forward to episode 14! :D

Jul 11, 2011 8:23 PM

Apr 2011
Loved this episode.

I wonder, that was the Arakawa river, right? :]
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Sep 8, 2011 6:10 AM

May 2010
I like Kai, he is shy and he is doing his best (so cute). So far the saddest episode (bacause of Yuumi and Kouichi). A lot of tears! :...(
Apr 30, 2013 11:28 AM

May 2012
Dat ending! I really hope he does what he promises her! Really cute episode actually, the beginning was a bit sad for Sakino but well in the end it was nice in general!

Lets see what's next! Nice ED Song!
Jan 17, 2014 3:38 AM

Jul 2012
I really liked what Kazuki said about chance. it's still there, so i'm trying.

Also, Yuumi. Sanada finally took charge, I wish he had much sooner. Hopefully they work out.

Mar 11, 2014 8:26 PM

Apr 2012

Dec 29, 2014 12:57 AM

May 2011
The ending was beautiful. Kouichi manned up! I really can't wait for the omnibus split for this anime, now that more than half of the show has ended. The development in this episode was excellent, and the pacing is perfect. I am really glad that Yuumi takes the initiative and really makes it heartwarming to just see the 'bakappuru' together lovey-dovey; while it is also getting fired up in Kazuki's side. Now that Asuka's willing to take the chance...I can't wait to see shuraba for Kazuki's love triangle! A jealous Eriko would be fun too eheh...
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

May 4, 2016 9:08 PM

Mar 2014
Heartbreaks are more painful than Injuries . "Probably."
The Joy of being Couples , licking each other's wounds ~ .
Great episode . A nice change of pace in a while ~ .
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Jan 24, 2018 1:31 PM

Dec 2014
well hishino finally tells whats going on... I kinda like where things are going towards
Jan 23, 2020 7:18 AM

Aug 2017
"are you the earnest type?"
"Who knows"

What kind of dunce answers this way? And long distance, gimme a break

Asuka is losing her love battle. There's going to be some broken hearts or School Days coming in the future.
Aug 7, 2023 6:38 AM
Nov 2010
Sakino has an insurmountable task if she wants to steal Kazuki. She's pretty, but I'm not sure how she can win against someone even prettier like Futami.

The Mao & Hoshino front has stabilized in the meantime. Mao has renewed feelings for Kai, and Kouichi is investing in Hoshino for the long haul. I wonder how far her new school is located.

I like that somber-sounding ED song!

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