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Feb 23, 2015 7:47 AM

Mar 2014
The Template
Copy and Fill out the Template below, then Post it here to create your character
(Please don't quote the following, as it is already implemented in the template)

[quote][b]Name:[/b] (Every protagonist has a name)
[b]Gender:[/b] (Self-explanatory)
[b]Age: [/b] (No character below the age of 15)
[b]Job/Occupation:[/b] (What is the character doing? Is he/she
working or going to school.)
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Biography:[/b] (The characters background story.)
[b]Looks:[/b] (In spoiler)
[b]Other information:[/b] (Anything that we need to know.)

[b] Please make your own house, when you make your house topic you can Rp, you don’t have to wait for approving. If there is a problem, then the administration will PM you.
Any questions can be asked in the chat.[b]
Ravi_ChanMar 22, 2015 4:58 PM
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Feb 23, 2015 10:15 AM
Nov 2014
Name: Ken Takao
Age: 18
Gender: Male
What are you doing?: High schooler
Likes: Fun people, Partying, Cooking, Music, Gaming
Dislikes: Rude people, Posers, Fun killers
Bio: Ken comes from a rich family but he never really was interested in money. He only had 3 friends but they were as close as they could get and always did everything together. One day when they were at one of the guys birthday party, some burglars came into the house and held them captive. They demanded things from the police and the parents and each hour that past one of them would get killed and so 3 hours passed and Ken saw all of his mates get killed in front of his own eyes which he still has nightmares about. He started ignoring most of his family and didn't talk with anyone. He decided he didn't wanna live in his home town anymore and got money from his parents to move to a new city and buy his own house and now he is ready to find some new friends and maybe love.


Extra: Still has the traumas of that night his friends were killed and a panic attack can be triggered by seeing people in severe pain
Feb 23, 2015 12:28 PM

Mar 2014
[b] Name: [/b] Setsu Bluestar
[b] Age: [/b] 21
[b] Gender: [/b] female
[b] what are u doing? [/b] colage student and looking for work.
[b] Likes: [/b] reading, music, tease her friends.
[b] dislikes: [/b] whan her friends are in pain and she cant help in enything
[b] Bio: [/b] (ame an interesting bio.) Setsu is kind girl who grow up in a big and rich family. because she is rich she is really staborn. well she was really young and started studing. because of her family she run aaway from her house. right now she stated leaving here. she started going to university, and looking for job. She is from rich family. her father is give her free time to relax and after 2 years she has to get married to someone who he choose
[b] Looks: [/b] In Spoiler:

extra she wants to start working and fined her real love
Feb 23, 2015 4:42 PM

May 2013
Name: matthew winters
Age: 19
Gender: male
what are u doing? part time mechanic, part time student
Likes: motorcycles, machines, and smoking
dislikes: cheerful people, rude people, and being pestered
Bio: mattew learned the trade of car repairs from his father. many days mattew would help his father in the garage whether it was getting tools, or tightening a bolt. it wasnt until his father past away that mattew's was sent to this town as a safe place to be until the family has settled their old problems.
Looks: In Spoiler:
Shitsuji-CartyFeb 24, 2015 8:23 PM
Feb 23, 2015 11:36 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Damien Santiago

Age: 19

Gender: Male

what are u doing? Partner of a syndicate / Jujitsu Instructor

Likes: Anime, Smoking, Cooking, Dancing, Partying, Working, Learning new skills, Making money

dislikes: hindrances, people who stop him from making money, reckleness

Bio: Damien Santiago was born in Puerto Rico. Growing up in the poorer side the only way to make money was to either get a job at a young age, get really high grades in school or become a gangster. Damien did all three. With a single mother and a brother and sister to watch out for Damien was the only man in the family. At 11 years old Damien Joined the Syndicate XSNS which stood for "Save No Soul" the "X" Was for anyone who got in their way. Damien made his way up the ranks starting off as a drug smuggler and hitman carrying paraphernalia from point A to B and shutting down any organization that would get in his way, doing a good job there he was raised to An overseer and enforcer watching all the production of the products and making sure everything ran smoothly and taking over any near by syndicate that chose to challenge XSNS. After setting up a strong foundation He moved up to rank of partner of the syndicate by age 19. All in that time Damien went to school and tended to his familial needs. In his spare time now Damien works as a Jujitsu instructor when he's not running his Syndicate

Looks: In Spoiler:

extra something: He's a smooth criminal and is neither good nor bad

Feb 24, 2015 3:40 AM

Apr 2014
Name: Mio
Age: 18
Gender: female
what are u doing: highschool
Likes: friends,good food, and movies
dislikes: strangers, horror movies, knives
Bio: (ame an interesting bio.) She was almost murdered many times people tend to attack her and day a man found her injured and took her under his wing and acted as if he was a guard for her and eventually attacks towards her stopped so now she lives a normal life away from damger
Looks: In Spoiler:


Name: Ren
Age: 23
Gender : male
what are u doing? (working *were are u wrking?* or are u high schooler?) Highschool.(held back)
Likes: cute girls, coffee, alcohol, good food, protecting others
dislikes: crime
Bio: (ame an interesting bio.) Ren is just a simple man who don't think crime is right so he helps people who.are in trouble and he's earned scars due to this until he met Mio who he now takes care off her and his parents are just like the common rabbl
Looks: In Spoiler
Extra he has scars all over his upper body
Feb 24, 2015 10:52 AM

Feb 2015
Name: Luke Myamoto

Age: 26

Gender: male

what are u doing? works as chef but his dream is to be a famous tattoo Artist

Likes: tattoos, rock music, cold beer and Smoking

dislikes: annoying people, pop music, much talking and everything that is pink

Bio: Luke had a totally normal childhood. he was born into a family with 3 Kids (he is the oldest one). He was a good student but after his 18th birthday he was getting bored from his life. he joined a gang and made a few crimes. The police arrestet him for 1 year and now his parents sended him to this town to make a new start.

Looks: [Spoiler][spoiler]

extra gets annoyed really fast and wants to beat up people he doesn´t like

Knowledge and awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illusions. Everyone lives within their own subjective interpretation.

Itachi Uchiha
Feb 24, 2015 12:56 PM

Dec 2012
Gender: male
what are u doing? he has no job
Likes:food, pepole that help him, daytime,summer
dislikes:being alone,nights, winters
Bio: kia as beten alot as a kid. he ran a ay at the age of 10 and is hiding from his very rich pernts that want him still. this is hy he has not goten a job or anything.
Looks: In Spoiler:add later

extra: his left arem is very weack do to somthing his father did to him as a kid.
..... :'(
Feb 25, 2015 11:03 PM

May 2011
Name: Kuro
Age: 18
Gender: Male
what are u doing? : Student during the day and works at a nightclub at night.
Likes: Fast cars, cats, books, talking on the phone, his friends.
Dislikes: Boring people, loud noises, burnt food, storms.
Bio: Kuro grew up with two very loving parents in a house on the eastern side of town. His family gave him some money when he turned 18, he used that money to go out and buy a small house for him to live in. In order for him to buy more of the things that he wants, he had to get him a job so that he can keep the bills paid. He now spends his time going to school during the day and working at night.
Feb 26, 2015 2:45 PM
Apr 2013
Name: May
Age- 18
Which are you doing?- School
Likes-helping other ,drawing ,snow ,taking fotos ,going out ,
Dislikes-getting hurt ,rude people
Bio-doesn't remember anything of her childhood but was adopted by a man who found her near the river when she was 7 , she still trying to find what happened to her and she has been learning kendo
RyuemiMar 4, 2015 4:29 AM

Feb 26, 2015 7:09 PM
Aug 2014
Name: Makoto Sai
Age: 22
Gender: Male
what are u doing? College works at a anime and manga shop
Likes: Anime Manga games easy work pretty girls sex
Dislikes: School homework ugly girls guys that act like they are better then him
Bio:Makoto dosnt care about anyone but himself he owns his own house do to a rich family but decided to get a job doing something he loved so he sees all the new anime and manga that comes out and dosnt care if he misses or skips a day at work since the place is short handed and wont fire him he can also hold a grudge and isnt above paying thugs to hurt someone that wronged him and just because he uses thugs dosnt mean hes weak he was a champion in highschool boxing and in the current boxing club at college being the best fighter there.
Mar 11, 2015 1:44 AM

Feb 2010
Name: Kuzen Hei
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Likes: Success, himself, awards, being better than others, smoking
Dislikes: His mother, his boss, when people ruin his plans
Biography: Kuzen was the second son of a chaotic and lower class family living in China. It's hard to say why he was born at all, with a mother who barely took care of her children and a father who didn't seem to want them around at all. Nonetheless he existed, and faced his whole life ahead of him stuck with the family he was born into.
His father was a hard worker but could barely support his family when it grew, though he did seem to care for his sons. He wasn't very good at showing it however, and took an authoritarian approach to parenting, always telling his boys to succeed more than he had and imposing strict rules onto them. While Kuzen's brother, eight years his senior, resisted these restrictions, Kuzen let them guide him. It might have been the age difference and a behavior that Kuzen would have fallen into as well, but he wouldn't have the chance to do so. When Kuzen was only six his father was convicted of embezzlement and assault, the victim being his boss in both cases.
With the iron fist of his father gone his brother began to commit petty crimes and act out further, and with his father's income gone Kuzen ate less with each meal and wore mostly hand me downs. His neglectful mother enabled Kuzen's brother and left him with a dirty house, little food, and no affection.
Although Kuzen never committed any crimes himself he was ostracized by his peers due to his family's reputation. He never tried to make friends himself and kept his head down, doing well in his classes and always remembering his father's instructions to succeed. Kuzen was not meek however, and when directly confronted by a bully he stabbed her arm with a pair of scissors. With expulsion threatened, he began to understand the consequences of his actions and formed friendships in middle and high school.
His mother never showed enthusiasm for his success in school and spiraled into depression, always complaining about what her husband did and how little money they had but never holding a job. As soon as he was sixteen however, Kuzen got one of his own. With superior drive and intelligence, Kuzen earned a scholarship and worked two jobs so he could earn an Associate's Degree in college. He is currently working his way up in real estate and was able to buy a small house with his connections.
Other information:
Mar 12, 2015 4:38 PM

Aug 2013
[quote]Name: Juniper
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Job/Occupation: Student, Senior/Third Year. Trying to get a part time job.

Likes: Friends and friendship, nature, almost every type of weather (especially sunshine), food (sweets in particular), animals, swimming, reading, and social activities

Dislikes: Snobs, punks, and other equally ill-mannered people, windy weather, having ice-cream or chocolate melt before she can eat it, foul stench, seeing people suffer.

Biography: Juniper is the sister of May, and the biological daughter of their father. She has, unlike her sister, not taken up on any martial arts training. Being an only child was lonely before the family adopted May, when Juniper herself was eight years old. She loves her sister dearly. The two are currently living in the same house.


Other information: Nothing at the moment.
Mar 18, 2015 6:06 PM

May 2014
Name: Mellow Myers
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Job/Occupation: Taking a year out prior to starting university. Currently working, and living, at her pizzeria.
Likes: Pizza, weed, video games, sleep, abnormal psychology, mellow vibes, comfortable clothes.
Dislikes: Stress, effort, initiative, having to think about things.
Biography: Cursed from birth by the cardinal sin of her father, Mellow is the embodiment of sloth. Her lazy, comfortable lifestyle is kept afloat by her incredibly successful pizzeria "Mellow's vibe". A grade A psychology student turned drop out, her blatant intelligence is more than happily being slept away. Speaking of sleep, she sleeps for roughly sixteen hours a day, only holding enough motivation to cook a few pizzas, half for her and half for the customers, before returning to her nirvana beneath her blankets. Half of the time she hardly even gets fully dressed, and will usually be found working the til or cooking in nothing but a bra, panties and occasionally a stocking. Which might well explain the joint's popularity. Speaking of joints, it's safe to assume she's never low. Like ever. She's the wake and bake kind.
Ravi_ChanMar 19, 2015 4:16 AM
Mar 22, 2015 4:29 PM

Jan 2013
[quote]Name: Djuwa Makari
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Job/Occupation: High School
Likes: Eating, video games, sleeping, fighting, cute things
Dislikes: the dark, boredom, lonelyness, thunder
Biography: Djuwa is a simple guy born on the island. He his known by many to be the problem child of the neigberhood. He lives with his sister ever since his dad died. His mother is rarely at home since she works as a reporter.

Other information: Nothing yet

[quote]Name: Hugo & Destro Black
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Job/Occupation:(Hugo) Fighting game coder, (Destro) Serial killer
Likes: (Hugo) Peace, Sweets, Anime, animals, Figting games (Destro) Killing, Blood, Justice, Peace, Sweets
Dislikes: (Hugo) Destro, killing, blood, evil (Destro) Evil.
Biography: Born in the US. Hugo has always been a very kind young boy. Very dicceplined in what he did and would really take a bullet for a stranger. When he was 9 something terrible happened. His parents were killed by his uncle who was jealous of his father because he got to marry the woman he loved. Hugo loved his uncle with all his heart but right that moment this man was going to kill him and that woken something that should never have. In order to defend himself Hugo developed a second personality called Destro. With kitchens knife Destro cut his uncle into pices without remorse. Since then Hugo became a vigilante or atleast Destro. He went out to save people and stop crime by killing with his knife. When Hugo finally got a job as a coder from x fighting game company they transfered him here. Because this branch did not have enough personel. While Hugo is trying his best to not let Destro take over it is difficult with all the crimes around.

Other information: He has two personality and there is nothing supernatural about him. I say this cause after reading his bio myself, it's sounds like Destro some kind of demon but no. It is a normal personality disorder.
ChadNegroMar 22, 2015 7:27 PM

Mar 23, 2015 12:31 PM

Aug 2013
Name: Akimoto Hachiman
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Job/Occupation: High School
Likes: Reading, being alone
Dislikes: 'Nice' Girls, small talk, society
Bio:In middle school, Akimoto barely had any friends. When he did have friends, they usually introduce Akimoto to others as 'a classmate' instead of 'a friend'. At times, people played rude tricks on him. These people didn't hide themselves after doing these deeds, which hurt Akimoto more. The final blow was when on the last day of school, people wrote a rather graphic message to him on the chalkboard after school, saying how he's a waste of space. After that, he tried to get into a high school that none of his middle school classmates were likely to attend so that he can 'restart'. One the first day of school, however, he was in an accident which made him enter school a month later. Seeing how everyone already had their groups, he remained alone.

Mar 24, 2015 9:33 PM

Feb 2015
Ricardo Silva



University Student/Football Player

Weighlifting, Football, Music, Anime

Country Music, Baseball, Mean and dishonest people

Ricardo was born in Brazil. At Age 3, his family moved to the U.S. Being born in Brazil, he was put into a soccer program and excelled. He played for some of the best academies growing up. He even represent the U.S. at a national level on the U16 and U15 teams. However, his family didn't like that he denied his Brazilian citizenship to play for the U.S. They said they won't help fund his college. So Aaron relied on soccer. He also got involved with girls being a typical teenager. However after finishing high school, his girlfriend of 3 years left him. These things affected his play on the field. When he hit 18, the academy dropped him. The U.S. Didn't call him into the national team. His dream was to play professional soccer. So he decided to go to college and play, but he wanted to leave the area and get away from everything. So he came here. A freshman at University with Aspirations to play professional soccer.

IamtheecchikingMar 24, 2015 9:52 PM
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