Jun 25, 2009 12:33 AM
Name: May Christopher Nickname: Neko (Cat from Japanese) Age: 17 years old Looks: (Of course, without the horns, wings or staff) ![]() Chapter 1 “Eyes! Eyes, wait for me!” A girl of the same age as the world-famous pianist yelled after him, while she ran to catch him up, wearing a beautiful dress that fit her body perfectly; it could be easily seen that the dress was made especially for her. Eyes Rutherford stopped his calm and synchronic pace and said, while looking back: “Then don’t suddenly stop like that.” “How mean! The plane leaves after 4 hours, we have plenty time to spare. It takes only 20 minutes to get to the hotel. There was I shop I want to go in.” “Then go.” Eyes calmly said, but the girl grabbed his arm and pulled him along. “It won’t take more than half an hour. Your ass won’t fall of, if you’ll accompany me… Don’t forget, you’re the one who’ll be in danger, not me.” The pianist sighed, while freeing his arm and said. “Fine, lead the way.” The girl smiled and took Eyes few shops back and pushed him inside. “I won’t take long.” After those words, the girl skipped to the changing cabins, taking more than one thing with her. Indeed, she didn’t take long, after 5 minutes she got out of the changing cabins dressed in her own clothes and went to the cash-desk to pay for the clothes, but as she searched for her credit card, a hand brushed past her ear and a very familiar voice say “Here.” The girl looked back with confused eyes and said: “Eyes, I can pay for myself.” “Don’t worry about it.” Was all that the pianist replied, as he took back his card and took the bag with the new clothes for the girl, who acted as his bodyguard. The girl pouted her cheeks and said, as they continued their original way: “I’ll think of a way to pay you back.” “Don’t; I still owe you a lot of favours.” “No you don’t. You’re the one who constantly pays for the plane tickets for me, so that I wouldn’t spend my money on it.” To those words Eyes sighed and replied: “A plane ticket is worth less than one’s life.” Now it was the girl who sighed. “Stop being so pitiable. It’s sad to watch.” When the electronically doors of the hotel opened, the girl touched the ends of the pianist’s hair and said: “Your hair needs a cut. Shall I cut it, while I dance, for you?” “Alright…” Was all that Eyes replied, after which the girl wrapped her arms around his arm on her side and said: “Thank you, for allowing me to dance, while you’ll play.” “What are you doing?” Eyes whispered to her and she whispered back: “Currently saving you from a mob of fan girls that would hug you, kiss you and use almost any means to become your girlfriend, if I wouldn’t be here… Since they are fan girls, they have seen me dancing on the stage to your music, so they are scared to approach closer for such means… So, you see, your life isn’t the only thing I protect…” After that the girl chuckled, while Eyes Rutherford sighed both in relief and annoyance. They had met when they were only 7 years old, and for some reason the girl had constantly followed him. At first it had irritated him, but a month later he accepted her so close to him, since she also was one of the Blade children, but unlike him, she smiled, laughed and cried, but became ruthless when it came to hunters, unlike him, who constantly seemed cold-hearted… Somehow she started acting as his bodyguard, when they were only 10; saving him even before hunters could harm him physically. He had already became too used to her presence to care about it, which had caused the girl know all of his secrets and him trusting her on anything, except leaving him unprotected longer than for 2 hours. Thought this careless behaviour also had made them catch each other naked more than once, so they had learned to talk without eyes accidentally travelling south, when one of them was naked. Of course, now that they both had grown up and more developed, they tried to avoid such situation, a lot more than before. But even thou it was like that, Eyes was still soon-to-be man and couldn’t help but notice how well had his bodyguard’s body developed and notice how beautiful she had became, but he didn’t let that effect their daily life. Usually the pianist spoke to her without addressing her in any way, which quite often irritated her and made her ask whether he remembered her name, at all. Of course, he knew that it was May Christopher, often called as Neko, since she often subconsciously acted as a cat; she even had cat ears, tail and the bell which she could tie around her neck, also she loved dried sardines, which also was the reason why he kept few packs of them in his coats pockets… Also her body was so flexible, that she could win a gold medal, if she would go to a competition, plus somehow she could always land on her arms and legs, just like a cat. Eyes Rutherford and May Christopher were on the plane to Tokyo airport, when suddenly May asked: “Eyes, could you lend me your computer for a while?” Eyes looked at her and said: “You have your own.” May pouted and asked with a teasing smile on her lips: “You want me to take it out in a place like this? I never knew you were a pervert, Eyes-san…” The pianist’s eye slightly twitched, as he understood that his bodyguard was hiding her things on her, just like most of the time. Then he sighed and closed the programs he was using and then gave his computer to her, the moment the computer was in her lap, she automatically started typing in a very quick pace on internet. “What are you looking for?” Eyes asked after a while and the girl replied: “Oh, nothing particular… I’m just doing my job… by the way, I found quite a nice place to stay… have a look.“ The girl said, as she opened few pictures. Eyes looked at them, studied them a bit and said: “Alright.” “Then, I’ll book it.” The girl said, as she opened a new internet window. After a while the girl whispered in the pianist’s ear: “If you’ll want to toilet, don’t use the ones in the airport… they all are full of traps…. Someone aside from me has broken in the airports security computers...wait a moment, and I’ll find whether there are any cameras in that neat room…” Eyes glanced how his bodyguards fingers moved across the keyboard and was surprised to see a speed that his trained fingers could not match, even if he tried to.“Have you tried playing a piano?” He asked after a while and the girl replied: “Playing a piano is your job, my job is to dance with swords; sword-dancers require fast fingers, so that there wouldn’t happen any accidents… Beside, I highly doubt that I could write anything even close to your work.” “I didn’t ask about writing, I asked about playing.” “Not that I would recall playing it… there are no cameras in that neat apartment.”Hearing that, the pianist said: “I’ll teach you…” May looked up at Eyes eye’s being surprised. “Eh? You want to take me as a piano student?” “And how does it look like?” The girl looked back at the computer, as she resumed her work. “Oh, nothing, nothing that you would like to know about…” After those words she continued to work for few minutes and then gave the computer back to Eyes, after completely removing all traces of her work. I'm already working on chapter 2 ^.- |
TairandaSep 5, 2009 10:13 AM
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Jun 28, 2009 5:59 AM
Chapter 2 The two celebrities had gotten off the plane and currently they were surrounded by a group of reporters. “A pianist at the age of 14, not very long ago he was labelled a prodigy in America. He became famous over night, due to appearing in a car commercial last year. He has sold millions of tickets in America for his piano concerts, and is known as being the ‘new age’ in the piano world. He is 17 years old and in quarter English; Eyes Rutherford! And next to him is a female that is the same age as Eyes Rutherford and has always seen next to him; May Christopher. She claims to be the bodyguard of Eyes Rutherford, but she has been labelled as a sword-dancing prodigy, after performing in one of Eyes Rutherford’s concerts and has kept the high expectation in every performance she has made. Currently, Eyes’s Rutherford has arrived for his concert and there is a possibility that May Christopher will perform, as well, since her performances aren’t noticed beforehand…” “Please tell about…” Started one of the reporters, but Eyes grabbed the microphone out of the reporters hand and said in his calm and emotionless voice: “Anybody is fine. Just bring me his little brother; Narumi Kiyotaka’s little brother.” Hearing this made May almost burst out laughing, but she stopped herself in the last moment, by putting fingers in front of her mouth and lowering her head to the side, a bit. She was quite happy that she was standing a step behind Eyes, so he didn’t see it. When Eyes and May had gotten to the Opera house and were alone in the make-up room, Eyes noticed that his body-guards guard was down, so he said: “There is something I’d like to talk to you about.” May opened her closed eyes and went next to Eyes and asked, stretching her simple question: “Yes?” May was indeed caught off guard, when Eyes pinned her to the wall by her arms and looked at her with quite cold eyes “You thought that I didn’t notice you laughing at me, in the airport?” May smiled innocently and the next thing that the pianist knew was that his bodyguard had changed their position; now he was the one who was pinned to the wall by his arms. “You know, you shouldn’t hold a girl like that; if someone were to walk in at such moment, like a reporter, he/she would definitely think that we’re secretly lovers, or something.” After those words, she quickly turned around and threw Eyes over her shoulder, and then sat on his back, holding both of his arms behind him, as well. She laughed an entertained laugh, as the door opened and said, smiling, with her eyes clothed: “I still win, Eyes-san, so I’m remaining as your bodyguard.” After that May stood up and helped the pianist to get up, as well, and then they looked at the door to see the manager of the pianist. Seeing 2 pairs of the quite unwelcome eyes, he bowed and said: “The piano has been placed; you may go and see if it is tuned to your liking.” Then the manager bowed again and left the room, leaving the two youngsters alone to whatever they had been doing, since he knew that the young girl didn’t like him, while the pianist didn’t really care. “Go on; there are few things that I need to do; either way, you don’t notice when I’ll appear close by.” May said, gesturing to the door, with a smile on her lips. “How did you know he was coming?” Eyes asked, being a bit surprised, but May only chuckled and started pushing him out of the door. “I have good intuition.” The girl said, after which she slammed the door in the pianists face and locked the door from the inside. May watched how her friend played from above, when the manager of the pianist went on the stage and whispered something in the ear of the pianist. “What? They found Narumi’s little brother?” A small wicked smile had appeared on the pianists’ lips, which caused his bodyguards heart to melt; with the pianist every smile counted as a smile, in her eyes, but she almost fell, when suddenly there was a loud ‘Kyaa!’ “Eyes-sama! I’m a loyal fan of yours. Please handshake with me, and an autograph.” A girl quickly ranted, clearly showing that she was a fan girl, not a normal fan, which annoyed May. Eyes did shake her hand and write an autograph, but the second he finished it, the girl ripped the paper out of his arms and hugged it ‘kya-ing’, saying: “I will keep it as a family treasure.” May’s eye twitched, as she subconsciously growled, but it seemed that Eyes heard the growl, so he looked up and his expression turned surprised for a second, but then it returned to normal and he said in his usual calm voice: “Don’t” Narumi’s little brother and the 2 girls looked at the pianist with confused, eyes, but when they saw that he was looking up, they followed his gaze and saw his bodyguard wearing a Chinese-style dress. “Fine…” May said with a sigh and made a flip around the metal pole she was sitting on. “You’re May Christopher, aren’t you?” The fan girl exclaimed happily, as her fan girl side kicked in, again. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not…” May replied, but before she could say anything else, the fan girl asked the next question. “Will you perform today?” May knew that she would, since Eyes agreed to it, but she replied with a teasing smirk on her lips: “Ask Eyes; I perform only with his allowance, since it’s his concert…” Eyes understood that the smirk was directed at him, not the fan girl, so he glared at his bodyguard for a second and replied with a nod, which made the fan girl squeal, again, which caused May to growl again and reach for her swords, that were close by. “Don’t.” Eyes said again, and his bodyguard hissed as a cat directed to the fan girl, as she stopped reaching for her swords. “W-well then, I’ll be going. I will come and see your concert later on for sure.” With that the fan girl left the building. Narumi scratched the back of his neck a bit and then asked: “You went through all the trouble to find me. What exactly did you want?” “Play it.” Replied Eyes, gesturing to the piano behind him. “What did you say?” “Play it; I want to hear and see the potential of the so-called fairy tail Narumi family.” Eyes repeated and continued, as he raised his hand to his chin. May glared at the youngest Narumi, as he sighed and said “I’m sorry, I gave up playing the piano.” Eyes glared at him grabbing his arm and scolded “Don’t say that!” Then he continued with a smirk on his face: “Your hands are already tied to the piano, even now, they are still the same.” The Narumi pulled his hand out of the world-class pianist’s grasp and said, turning to leave “I don’t have time for this.” “Are you that afraid, of not being able to be as good as your brother? Actually, you really have talent, but you also know that with everything that you do, you will always be your brothers shadow; it’s like you can’t be original. You have always been a failure… Since you’ve come all this way, why not play something small?” Hearing this, May’s ears perked up and she looked down to see Eyes go to the piano, which caused a smile appear on her lips; she loved to listen how he played, not mater what he played; she especially enjoyed when he played something he had just written. When Eyes had finished playing, he looked up and said: “Let’s go.” After which he stood up and went off the stage and May let herself slip down the metal pole she was sitting on, grabbing her swords in the process. She landed perfectly on her legs and one arm, sustaining no damage, so she stood straight and went after Eyes. |
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Jul 5, 2009 11:01 AM
Chapter 3 As Eyes went to certain phone-box, May listened to his annoyed rant. “This is no fun; he has no guts… Why don’t I give you a special present!” Then the pianist dialled the Opera house security office, since they had gotten to the phone-box. “I have good news. Since there are only 5 minutes left, I’ll make this short. I was bored, so I have placed a bomb in the ceremonial hall. There are 200g of explosive inside; it can blow off even the roof of this building. If I remember correctly, I’ve put in the 1st row under seat nr…” Eyes looked at May and she mouthed 17, so Eyes repeated the number out-loud and hung up the phone, after which May chuckled. “What?” The pianist asked and she replied with an amused, in a good way, smile on her lips “You sounded like some kind of a maniac… So, where to; there is an hour of time before your concert or half and hour till the Opera house blows up…” “I presume you have already memorised Tokyo’s map…?” Eyes said and May nodded her head, so the pianist continued: “Is there a restaurant from which you can see the Opera house, and can book a room?” May thought a bit and extended her and as if she would be asking for something. “What?” The pianist asked, not understanding what his bodyguard wanted. “Computer; I don’t know whether such a restaurant exists in Tokyo.” The pianist sighed, took his computer from the inner pocked of his coat and gave it to May, who took it, turned it on and started looking in the internet the moment it opened. After few minutes, May closed the computer and said: “There isn’t such a restaurant, but there is a hotel not far from here, from which there is a beautiful view towards the Opera house… And since you’re a celebrity, you can order food to the room from the restaurant that is on the 1st floor and book a room which’s windows are in the direction you want… And there is an option to book a room for an hour…” “Good enough…” Eyes replied and May started going to the hotel and the pianist followed her. When May had booked a room on the name Eyes Rutherford for an hour with a view towards the Opera, she gave one of the keys to Eyes and went to the restaurant and gave and order that should be delivered to the booked Nr in the closest 20 minutes, and then went to the room where Eyes already waited for her. It was easy for May to get what she wanted, since being the bodyguard of Eyes Rutherford had its bonuses; she always carried a document signed by Eyes that said that she was his bodyguard. When May entered the room, Eyes was leaning against the window-still with his arm, looking out of the window, while his back was also towards the window. “I arranged that the food would be delivered in the closest 20 minutes, now 15.” May said, as she closed the door behind her and went to the table, taking out her own computer in a moment that Eyes had his eyes closed. She sat on one of the sofa’s and put her computer in her lap, typing in fast speed when everything had loaded. When there was a knock at the door, May looked at Eyes to see him deep in thought, so she quickly closed all the programs she used and removed the traces and went to the door, putting the computer, still open, on the table. When she opened the door, she saw a quite handsome waiter with a cart of food. The waiter was about to role the cart inside the room, but May stuck her leg in front of one of the wheels, stopping the cart from going forward. The waiter looked at May being surprised, but she only smiled and said: “I’ll take it from here; I’ll take the cart back to the restaurant, before we leave.” The waiter hesitated for a moment, looking over May’s shoulder and seeing the world-famous pianist leaning against the window-still. After few moments the waiter nodded his head, letting go of the cart and the next thing he knew was a door slammed in his face; May had pulled the cart in the room too fast for him to notice. “You could have just said my name to get my attention.” Eyes said, glaring at his bodyguard, who only smiled innocently and asked: “Since you seem to have a constant amnesia on my name, why can’t I have a memory loss from time to time, as well?” “Because you aren’t a world-class celebrity.” Eyes replied with a smirk on his lips that was outmatched by his bodyguard’s “If I were to decide to make my own performances, I would also be a world-class celebrity… And stop being your bodyguard, since that job somewhat make me your shadow… And if I were to decide to quit, you would be in danger, not me.” Then May rolled the food-cart to the table and took out her swords. Eyes looked at his bodyguard with a raised eye-brow, but she only smiled and said: “Could you please open the window?” He didn’t question her, since the swords pointed to the cart in a manor that he recognised as killing. The moment he had opened the window and taken a step to the side, he saw a huge blur fly through it to the outside. Eyes eyes widened in surprise and when he looked to his bodyguard, he saw her lick blood of the tip of one of her blades, which revealed her true nature, when it came to hunters – a heartless killer. Eyes sighed, as he closed the window and said: “I would prefer if you wouldn’t clean your swords like that, in my presence.” To this May smiled an innocent smile and stuck her bloody tongue out, which ruined the, normally, cute look. |
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