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Mar 2014

in this from live 8 Student...4 girl and 4 boy.

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LoveandHate91Jan 6, 2015 7:08 AM
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Dec 17, 2014 6:58 AM

Dec 2014
Yuza realized she was the first here. She went to the kitchen and cooked enough food for eight in case the rest decided to come in.

She used 100 grams of demon flesh for the spicy fried rice and made a huge batch of fried infants leg. She also made Blood wine in case there are any Vampires and a tiny bit of human heart for those werewolves. Any other species just has to improvise.

She laid them all on the table and helped herself to the fried rice hoping no other demon will realize the meat. It taste just like human, so what they don't know surely won't hurt them.
CorruptedPurityDec 17, 2014 8:01 AM
Dec 17, 2014 12:06 PM

Apr 2014
-Shadow eventually finds his way to his living quarters via random students help. The strange smells of the cafeteria were already getting to him and giving him a headache. As he opens the door, he smells the food from inside. He's never smelled this food before and curiosity gets the better of him. "Woah. I have no idea what THAT particular smell is but it smells like some grub." -Shadow's eyes find the girl who is casually eating and he cracks a light smile-"Well hello lady. Guess you are one of the.....uh..." -Shadow quickly checks his papers to make sure he has the right word- "Roommate?"
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 17, 2014 6:13 PM

Dec 2014
Yuza smiled and pointed at the food.
"Grub's over there. I'll assume werewolf, so there is some human heart for you and fried infant's leg with blood wine. If you have special deitry needs, please tell me. I realized that all the food they sold here sucked, so I'll be cooking from now on."

She then started singing to herself loudly...
Every night when I get home
The monkey's on the table,
Take a stick and knock it off,
Pop! goes the weasel
Dec 17, 2014 9:02 PM

Apr 2014
"Uh...fried infants leg and human heart...Cant say I've had that before. I'm a lycanthrope not a werewolf but it's close enough hahaha. Uhm well...let's give this a try." -Shadow makes his way to the table and takes a seat. He sniffs the food for a few seconds to make sure it didnt have any traces of something dangerous. After deciding it was safe, the lycan shrugged and shoved a forkful into his mouth. A small Mmm! sounded from his throat as he realized this was actually rather good! He continued to take forkfuls of the meal and spoke with his mouth half-full- "Heyyyy hahaha this aint half bad lady! I like it quite a bit. Glad to have you as the chef around here. Believe me Ive never liked cafeteria food so Im glad to have someone of your caliber around."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 17, 2014 9:12 PM

Dec 2014
"Oh thank you! If you have anything particular in mind, just ask. You think the rest will be back soon? I want a nice 'Welcome to the dorm' party." she smiled at him and continued singing...

Up and down the city road,
In and out the Eagle.
That's the way the money goes,
Pop! goes the weasel.
Dec 17, 2014 11:33 PM

Apr 2014
"I wouldn't know ma'am. I only just transferred into the school myself. I really dont know what to expect from anyone or anything here. But at least I feel pretty welcome. Thats more than I can say about anywhere I've been."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 18, 2014 1:55 AM

Dec 2014
"Ma'am is way too formal. Name is Yuza, don't ask about my family name. And you are?" she prompted
Dec 19, 2014 1:07 AM

Feb 2010
Zack decided to first place to head was probably his dorm. It was probably was most students did and there was no reason to make himself out to be different. He could set up his room and get to know those who he'd be living with and had easiest access to at all times. Upon arriving he overheard a bit of the conversation, walking in the door and waving to the two present. "I assume you two are my dorm mates? Since we're doing introductions I'm Zack, Zack Inoht."
Dec 19, 2014 1:50 AM

Dec 2014
There's food in the table. I know another demon when I see one. We got fried infant legs, those things are just delicious, try it. If you have specific dietry needs like infant's heart or O+blood, just tell me for future dishes. I'll be cooking cause the food here sucks." Yuza said, she walked up to Zack and extended her arm. "Name's Yuza."
Dec 19, 2014 2:49 AM

Feb 2010
"Fried infant legs, huh? Can't say I've ever had those... That might be because my grandfather always had us eat human food to fit in better." Zack nodded at Yuza's announcement that she would do the cooking for them, something be appreciated as it would make his life that much easier. "Nice to meet you, I hope we get along well." He smiled and took her hand in his, shaking it gently.
Dec 19, 2014 6:38 AM

Dec 2014
"Human food eh? There is fried rice, but the meat ain't chicken. I'll make something more human-ish for you in the future. It's rare though, demons who don't eat humans. I guess we all have our special whims and fancies." Yuza smiled as she walked to the kitchen.

"I'll make some fried eggs and chicken sandwich for you, it'll only take a few minutes, please wait awhile."
Dec 19, 2014 7:24 AM

Feb 2010
"Oh don't bother with anything like that. I'd be happy to try the meals you've prepared already." He smiled to assure her of this and walked pass her into the kitchen. "I'll let you know if I have any special requests, but I really am curious what human meat tastes like." He went straight to the table as if to prove his point and picked up one of the fried legs, chomping everything below the knee off. "This is good! Similar to pork, but better, and it's very soft but not chewy."
Dec 19, 2014 7:34 AM

Dec 2014
"That's cause I bothered to tenderize the meat. You see, most demons just eat human meat raw, I find that revolting, the meat is so chewy and hard to swallow. That's why I make it a point to cook good food. I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm hosting a party in this dorm in 3 days from now, it'll have much more food. You coming?" Yuza smiled.

She took her fried egg and gulped it down, while nibbling on the sandwich.

"You think the others will be back soon?"
Dec 19, 2014 3:48 PM

Feb 2010
(I thought she didn't like human food o.o)

Zack tossed the rest of the infant's leg in his mouth and savored the taste, responding after he swallowed. "Yeah sure, I do wanna meet all my fellow students, and your food is worth attending alone." Since it had been a while since he ate and he was enjoying the experience of eating human flesh he took another leg and began to eat more. "I dunno, I just arrived myself. Kinda hope they get here soon but if not I might go look around the campus."
Dec 19, 2014 8:55 PM

Apr 2014
"Agreed on both fronts Zack. Names Shadow by the way. Hope we can get along. Lycanthrope if you were curious. And Yuza It's not so much the texture of the raw meat as much as the pleasure from tearing it apart and being coated in the warm blood. It's quite exhilarating."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 9:09 PM

Dec 2014
(She doesn't like human food but she is still willing to eat it.)

"I own a fine collection of blood wine. I still will never understand how people can wolf it down. To each its own, right?" she laughed while taking a sip of AB- blood, quite a rare blood to drink this days.

"You can check out the rest of the campus for the students if you like, I prefer staying here. I don't mind simply waiting for them to come back." she said as she sat back on the couch and started singing to herself.

A penny for a spool of thread,
A penny for a needle,
That's the way the money goes,
Pop! goes the weasel
Dec 19, 2014 9:23 PM

Apr 2014
"What are you singing Yuza? Its quite...unnerving."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 9:37 PM

Dec 2014
"Pop! goes the weasel. It's a human song but very catchy. I tend to sing alot, so just bear with me." Yuza smiled while she continued.

All around the Mulberry bush,
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey stopped to pull up his socks,
Pop! goes the weasel...
Dec 19, 2014 9:39 PM

Apr 2014
" say so." -Shadow started to gaze around the dorm with mild boredom in his expression. He, after some time, spoke again- "Is there anything to do 'round here? Dont we have...uh....classes I believe its called?"
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 9:43 PM

Dec 2014
"Classes are to make you stronger. If you're happy with your strength, classes are unnecessary. There is currently no ongoing classes now, so we have too much time on our side."
Dec 19, 2014 9:46 PM

Apr 2014
"That is...disappointing. I came to this place hoping to learn. I already know much but my entire clan was decimated because of lack of formal education and training. Ive been wandering fighting powerful enemies and people to learn further and better myself to become stronger so that I may start my own clan and never have that happen again. My clan was slaughtered because they were weak. I couldnt save anyone or protect anyone for the same reason. Its quite simple. So I must get stronger."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 9:50 PM

Dec 2014
Yuza finally stopped smiling, her face turned grave.

"Trust me, even the strongest clans fall, I know this first hand. No matter how strong you can get, you will still fall. My clan was the strongest of our time, I'm the last surviving member," tears started forming in her eyes.

"They all fell before my eyes and I had to watch it. It was all my fault" her voice went hoarse.
Dec 19, 2014 9:55 PM

Apr 2014
-Lennex gives a small nod of acknowledgment.- "Same thing with me. Im the only survivor. And only because I used the corpses of my family to hide myself and pretend to be dead. It was only by a miracle that I could slow my heart rate down to the point the vampires who slaughtered my clan didnt notice me. But I must disagree. There comes a point in every clans existence that they become comfortable with their power. Of course, stronger clans rise all the time and overthrow these clans. Like yours and mine. But If these strong clans continue to strive for strength, even if they are on top, and continue to grow and become more powerful. I find it difficult to take down an enemy that never stops growing. Do you not agree?"
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 10:01 PM

Dec 2014
"Absolutely. The clan that slaughtered mine did not deserve to win though. You see, I was the representative of my clan for a fight that will decide the fate of the clans. I was only 12. It was supposed to be a 1v1 duel to decide who is the dominant clan. The opposing clan used 4 huge giant demons against me, a 12 year old girl!" Yuza was screaming, still not over her guilt.

"I lost naturally and my whole clan paid for my mistake! I am the reason why my clan died, I am the one who should be dead..." streams of tears were coming out from her eyes
Dec 19, 2014 10:13 PM

Apr 2014
"And your clan did nothing? My clan at least died fighting for their lives! To their last breaths and with smiles on their faces of fighting a worthy opponent! Your clan just.....allowed this? .....I am not one to judge Yuza. I'm sure you demon clan was at the top but to simply be taken down willingly...because a 12 year old demon child lost against 4 giant hellspawn? That is not something I can understand. But you got one thing out of it. The same goal as myself. Become so powerful that it will never happen again. And to continue gaining power, strength and knowledge. I am confident you will revive your fallen clan and never let such an event happen once again. I shall have to create my own on the blood of my previous clan. I hope I will see you in the future at the head of your ultimately powerful demon clan."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 10:21 PM

Dec 2014
"Thank you," Yuza smiled as he wiped her tears away.

"One day you will be a great leader, I know it," she told him
Dec 19, 2014 10:29 PM

Apr 2014
"I strive for this. I would love for our future clans to assist one another. Maybe if we each have children we can marry them off together hahahahaa! Hell of a union Id say."
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 19, 2014 11:06 PM

Dec 2014
"Children? The only children I'll have goes well with curry. I am not bringing anyone into this cruel world. If your future clan ever needs help, I will always be at your service. I can prepare a banquet to feast on before going to battle." Yuza laughed along with Shadow
Dec 19, 2014 11:49 PM

Feb 2010
"You two certainly have roughed through some terrible circumstances. My parents were killed by humans when I made our presence known to hunters in the area, and that's a guilt I'll bear for life. But Yuza, you certainly have no reason to feel any sort of responsibility. Until the age of at least 14 a living being can barely be held responsible for it's own actions... honestly it sounds more like your clan committed mass suicide." Zack stopped speaking to assess the facial expression and reactions to his curt speaking, then once evaluating them continued. "Nonetheless, I can understand your feelings and why you might desire strength and power. I'll try to help you two out if I find any opportunities."
Dec 20, 2014 12:46 AM

Dec 2014
"I still cannot forgive myself..." She said in a morose tone, then quickly smiled as if nothing happened.

"Three of us bond so well. I just hope another girl comes along so that this won't turn awkward." Yuza laughed, really hoping another girl comes soon.
Dec 20, 2014 3:21 AM

Feb 2010
Zack decided to let the topic go as she forced a smile on ger face, glancing at Shadow with a small smile in response to her comment. "I certainly wouldn't try to monoplize you... But more female company could help." He turned back to Yuza and laughed as well. "I'm sure you want at least one girl friend to chat with."
Dec 20, 2014 3:23 AM

Dec 2014
"Trust me when I say neither of you could actually court me. It's not you however, it's me..." she gave a sly smile, keeping her secret.
Dec 20, 2014 4:15 AM

Sep 2013
"so should we just leave it here?" The fatter of the two delivery orcs asked as he scratched his head and re-read the postage instructions. "Well if you want to be around for when they open it then it's your funeral. It doesn't take kindly to strangers," muttered the other as it backed away from the large antique mirror heavily concealed in brown packaging. "Good point," the first replied with a nod as he slowly brought his chubby green finger to the door bell and was almost back in the van before the bell finished ringing.

The mirror itself was a grotesque construction. Decrepit, rotting wood bordered a grimy, almost black, pane with the words "Spin thrice and you'll pay the price; all be wary when summoning Bloody Mary" etched crudely onto it. Not exactly the housewarming present one would be pleased to see, to say the least.
Dec 20, 2014 5:11 AM

Dec 2014
Yuza heard the doorbell ringing and went to collect the package. She opened it to see a mirror.

"Guys, which one of you ordered Bloody Mary?" she asked in an annoyed voice.
Dec 20, 2014 5:15 AM

Dec 2014
"And what exactly does she eat? Souls of the innocent?" Yuza tried making a joke and laughed at her own joke.

Yuza turned extremely curious. She wanted to summon her into the room but not get killed immediately. She ate some fried rice and turned hyper.
"Blooooooody Mary!! Come out come out wherever you are!" she said in a sing-along tune.
"Blooooooody Mary!! Where art thou bloody Mary?" she said in a Shakespearean voice.

Three times the charm, she was ready for this, she braced herself.

"Ehm, Bloody Mary? There was a phone call from God, he said that you should stop killing people.'" Yuza laughed, now she awaited for the evil spirit to come out of the mirror
CorruptedPurityDec 20, 2014 6:59 AM
Dec 20, 2014 4:43 PM

Feb 2010
Zack couldn't agree with her assumption that neither of the boys could court her. Clearly she had a reason that he wouldn't probe her for, but that didn't mean that neither boy was suited to her. After all she barely knew them just as he barely knew her and Shadow. Still things were progressing at a good rate. He was learning their pasts, desires, self-images, and motivations.

As soon as the doorbell finished ringing Yuza was at the door, calling back to ask who had ordered Bloody Mary. Well he certainly knew her legend already, but getting to know her would prove intresting in it's own right. Hopefully they could get along, and he couldn't see why not. All of a sudden Yuza was talking up a storm of strange jokes and accents as she summoned out the spectre. Something to note down for sure, but the question was why she was acting this way.
Dec 20, 2014 10:59 PM

Apr 2014
-Shadow immediately backs away from the mirror as soon as it enters his sight. He cant put his finger on it but something feels very, VERY wrong about that object. His instincts have never lead him astray and they definitely werent liking whatever was going on with the mirror. As Yuza playfully tries to summon the one called Blood Mary, Shadow narrows his eyes at the accursed object, his body tensing for action. He's never heard of this Bloody Mary tune nor of Bloody Mary and it was setting his hair on end.-
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 20, 2014 11:29 PM

Dec 2014
The spirit still hasn't came out, was she doing it wrong?

"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, who's the greatest demon of them all?" she dramatically questioned the mirror.

She then mimicked a dark scary voice in a funny childish tone," Why of course it is you Yuza! President Setsu ain't got nothing on you."

"Awww... thank you Bloody Mary. Now can you please come out to celebrate and eat cake?" Yuza requested in a cute girl tone.
Dec 21, 2014 12:22 PM

Sep 2013
"I don't really sound like that do I?" Mary asked in a deadpan British accent from behind Yuza. "Have I disappointed you?" She asked, as she took another sip from her antique tea cup before placing it down on the matching plate held in her other hand, which hovered above her waist. "Everyone always expects some dramatic entrance but I've been here for a very, very long time... I simply can no longer derive enjoyment from frightening children. " Her posture, voice and attire all demonstrated the perfected etiquette expected of Victorian royalty. She had no intention of ever adapting to the customary mannerisms of modern life. "... I miss killing people. At least then frightening them was fun," she added, murmuring into her cup as she swirled the tea inside slowly.
Dec 21, 2014 5:07 PM

Feb 2010
Mostly ignoring Shadow's subtle show of caution, Zack too was curious to meet this ghostly legend. Clearly Yuza was still acting hyper, but the sudden appearance of a dignified lady behind the girl was enough to draw all his attention. It was increasingly obvious that this was their new roommate Mary. Her words and behavior prompted Zack to find her sensible, easy to relate to... she claimed to have been around for a long time and had probably gained experience and wisdom. With her last statement however his opinion of her drastically changed. Zack had never killed someone himself but he certainly knew it to be risky and had never thought about it being 'fun'. But hey, don't mock it till you try it? Does that apply here? Well regardless he thought he should break the silence somehow. "Killing people?" Zack walked past Mary so he could turn and speak to her, finally catching sight of her face. "Is it really that fun? And why come here if that's what you enjoy?"
Dec 21, 2014 5:33 PM

Sep 2013
"Quite direct aren't you? While I see it is a question you would like to see no answer to, I regret to inform you that it is not a trail of thought suitable for a newly acquainted individual," She said, drawing the cup towards heroics for another taste. "But yes, it is," She added with a faint hint of a devilish smile as she sipped. When the cup was lowered from her mouth the smile was nowhere tongued on her deadpan expression.

"As for your latter question, it is because my presence here was no decision of mine. What is a school to you is a prison to me. I can neither kill on nor escape these wretched grounces that confine me, and keep me in this wretched form."
Dec 21, 2014 5:48 PM

Feb 2010
Looking around the dorm as if he was viewing the school in a new light, Zack pondered the description of the campus as a prison. He may have very well been sent there for the same purpose, but if all went well it didn't really matter as long as he enjoyed his stay. He shrugged slightly and put his contemplation to rest, putting a smile on his face again. "Well as much as the lack of vore might stifle your fun, I hope we can find you some entertainment since you're here. It's nice to meet one who has caused so much chaos in the human world, Bloody Mary. I'm Zack Inoht." He kept a cheerful smile on his face through all his words, extending his hand even though he wasn't quite sure on how someone from her age went about greeting another.
Dec 21, 2014 6:06 PM

Sep 2013
"Oh dear, let's refrain from using that hideous name the legends have coined me. None the less, I am charmed to make your acquaintance, mister Inoht. My name is Mary Sanguine and if you would forgive me for being so bold... Might I ask what you are? Besides easy on the eyes of course," She added with a practiced laugh, timed to perfection. Her laughter, like her words were a pleasant melody to the ears. One might even forget who, or rather what, she is; her notoriety buried beneath honeyed words and glistening aesthetics.
Dec 21, 2014 6:32 PM

Feb 2010
His eyebrow raised slightly at her smooth compliment, but he had no way to know if it was flirtatious in nature or if she was simply trying to charm him. Either he could tell she was a charming enough woman who could do a decent job of warranting affection from others, a worthwhile talent to be sure. "The pleasure is surely mine, Mary. As far as most are concerned I'm just one of the many breeds umbrella-ed by term 'demon'. When we were more famous some humans called us Zvon, but only those demon hunting scum bother to remember the term." It was unlikely that this alone was enough to answer her question, but hopefully it would suffice. In such a setting it could be more beneficial for him to keep any specifics about his kind to himself for the time being until he could truly decide who was an ally and who was not.
Dec 21, 2014 7:47 PM

Dec 2014
Yuza stared at her in disbelieve, very disappointed that she acts like a posh old lady.

"Oh c'mon! You're boring, oh yea..." she suddenly remembered.

"What exactly are you? Ghoul? Ghost? And what do you eat?" she asked with curiosity
Dec 23, 2014 1:15 AM

Apr 2014
-A light growl escapes Shadow's throat as he continues to glare at this phantasm. His instincts were sending him all kinds of warning signals that this being was dangerous as she was courteous. Not to mention educated, not only academically but centuries of wisdom as well. This did nothing more than make it worse. But of course, Shadow's reckless Lycan warrior side starts to show itself and the death glare in his eyes starts to shift to that of a challenger. A chuckle takes place of the growl and he straightens himself out, the dangerous glint never leaving his eyes- "Mary Sanguine then. I hope I get to get closer to you while you are here. Much closer." -While It might sound like Shadow was hitting on her, anyone with half a brain could tell by the look on his face it was anything but flirtatious-
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 24, 2014 7:49 PM

Apr 2014
Ren walked up to the door and knocked on it and accidentally left a dent in the wooden Door "shit" he said quietly
Dec 24, 2014 7:50 PM

Dec 2014
Yuza went to collect the door. "I'll just be a minute!"

She opened the door to see some guy, "Hello? Are you a new dorm mate?"
Dec 24, 2014 7:53 PM

Apr 2014
"Ah no I'm not your roommate I decided to come to the party a little" Ren said trying hard not to look at the splintered wood he made in the door "crap what will happen If that gets noticed" Ren asked himself in his head
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