Oct 28, 2014 12:09 AM
[size=110]Chapter 0: Prologue Year 20xx, in the quiet town of Miyagi. Yet another morning has graced my normal life in this puzzling world. As usual, I had a disturbing dream about the past. Because of my household's strict teachings, my body develop a habitual routine and is forced to wake up before sunrise. I dragged myself out of my comfortable bed and immediately lay flat on the ground on all fours to go about my morning exercise. An hour of pushups and situps consecutively to wake myself up. When that's done, I proceeded to shower early morning and make my breakfast and lunch afterwards. My meals consist of no more than your regular omelettes and rice with a dip of soy sauce. Since with my current skills and budget, it's all I could afford. My name is Reimuz, your somewhat regular boy at the blooming age of 18 who just happens to have a dark and traumatic past. The past which until today has haunted my dreams every single night. I'm not really a person that stands out or rather I don't want to. If I have any redeeming qualities, its that there is none. I am currently at the time where students my age started thinking about their future seriously. As for me, I haven't really thought of anything..... yet. This six tatami apartment that I currently reside in is because of a certain turning point in my life that happened three years ago. I had a childhood friend, and a very beautiful one at that. It was around eight years ago when I first met her while I walk the road I usually take to go home.. I was attracted to her, fascinated by her liveliness and most importantly, I've fallen inlove. She's an open chuunibyou and taught me the weirdest things I could possibly imagine in my life. Each and everyday I was dragged around doing whatever but it was fun... really fun. But it all ended at that time three years ago.... [ I grant thee the name, Reimuz.. ] Apparently, I was forced to discard the name bestowed to me by my parents, but I didn't hate it. What comes afterwards is the thing I never would have expected to happen. We climbed on top of the rooftop of our local middle school and over there... [ Does thou believe in Soul Stream? ] That time, it was a chilly windy day... [ What is it? ] I asked the girl, who is standing at the edge of the roof, with a surprised look. For with a light push, she could fall and die. Of course I would be worried. So I approached her slowly, till I finally reached the place where she stands. [ If thee pushes me here, the gate towards my world, will open... ] [ Huuh? Are you crazy? If I do that, you'll certainly die!! ] Is what I said at that time, but my body did an entirely different thing. I pushed her... I pushed her to her death... Seconds after that, I heard a loud splattering noise. When I looked down, I see her unmoving body, covered in blood. Naturally, one would be crying over the loss of their important person. However in these eyes of mine, no tears... no sadness... nothing. Instead, I was delighted at what I saw. My heart is racing and I had a hard time breathing. Once the cops interrogated me for an answer, I lied... [ It was very... windy... I tried to stop her... but she still played! ] Ever since then, I've been wearing the face of a liar. Its still a big mystery to myself why did I do such a thing back then. Why did I pushed her to die? Three years has passed since that unfortunate incident... I'm now regularly attending high school at this town, while enjoying the privileges of being able to live by myself. Due to my father's reasoning that staying at that place will just remind me of unpleasant memories, he sent me here on the countryside to live by myself. Most of my free time these past three years has been heavily invested by embracing otaku culture. Now, I find amusement by playing Fantasy RPG's where I could indiscriminately kill monster and even other players without resulting to trouble. I was recognized as a hardcore gamer. It was oh so very fascinating. Maybe I had a screw loose.. I don't really know. Enough of the drama, I need to go to school. I buttoned my long sleeve and donned my school regulated blazer while I shoved my feet on my no laced sneakers. [ I'm leaving..! ] I said to nobody in particular as I trod outside my apartment and locked the door behind me. The path to school is a very busy one. A few students pedaled among the bike path and some are rushing and running while I just stroll slowly to enjoy the scenery. There's a big cherry blossom tree near the school grounds and you can't help but admire its beautiful petals all over the ground as you walk pass by. Spring has arrived indeed. When I entered our classroom, most of my classmates are already present. Nobody bothered to say goodmorning or even payed attention to me as I walk towards my chair near the window in the back. Its the perfect treatment a guy like me could ever wish for. These fools never have faces, only voices floating out of their heads. The teacher arrived shortly after I did and started the class.. Another one of my regular mornings has started. Lunch break has quickly arrived so I hurriedly ate my lunch and tried to escaped but my overly familiar group of friends we're already in front of the classroom door waiting for me. How nice of them to give me surveillance I do not need. Sorry friends, but I'm a busy person that would want to enjoy the crisp air that can only be inhaled on the rooftop at this time of the day. An ecstacy only available at lunch time. [ Yooo, Reimuz kun! Come eat lunch with us outside! ] My bulky looking senpai happily slides his arm around me while he jokes of having lunch together. [ Umm, can I refuse? ] I said so in a joking manner while waving my hands left and right to say no. [ Cocky kid! You want me embarrass you here?! Huh?! ] Senpai's voice was still so calm but after hearing my refusal, he suddenly turned angry. The clownish face he had was replaced by a scowl. I wonder what I have that attracts these kinds of nuisances? My looks are as average as it could get. Even my height at 172 cm is considered normal. Though my athletic abilities are far higher than norm, I've disguised myself pretty well not to stand out. So, I really wonder why these types of nuisance kept on pestering me? [ Sigh... Alright, I'll go.. ] I blew out a sigh as I follow my friends outside the classroom to head around the school building where normal students wouldn't even bother going to. A secluded area where nobody will hear you scream. Its that place where problem students gather. [ We're good to go on this side! ] After confirming that nobody is around, one of my friends holds me from behind and the other launches a punch to my face. These guys made it a hobby to gang up on me! [ Oi oi!! At least fight back! This is too easy ] [ How can I fight back when you have this other guy holding me? ] Truth hurts is what they say, as he immediately retaliated in return to my sarcasm. Fighting back would just prolonged this, so I let them do what they want. My face was continuously ravaged till I finally sprawled on the ground, full of bruises. I tightly clenched one of my fist and think to myself that with this, it will be over quickly. [ See you tomorrow.. Reimuz-kun!!! Ahahaha!!! ] Senpai and his friends left after satisfying themselves. Will I just let this behavior slide? Delinquents are like hydras. Cut one head and two more spring forth. Its a never ending struggle for those who are bullied. And besides, it doesn't really hurt. [ Why? Why are you letting them do this? ] A worried voice calls out to me.. When I turned my head to inquire where it came from, I see a girl. A very pretty girl staring at me. Upon closer inspection, she's a lady of fair height, with long black hair and dark brownish eyes accompanied by an oval shape face that marks her features well. Her eyes are perplexed while she stares at my beaten up body. Its like a big question mark stands right on top of her pretty face. [ What do you mean why? Its two against one, of course I have no chance of winning. ] I let out a groan as I answered her question. [ Liar... I know you are clearly capable of defending yourself. ] Liar? What do you even know bitch! She must be one of those nosy types with a very strong sense of responsibility. How disgusting... They stimulate themselves by trying to butt into other peoples problems. Her nosiness makes me want to puke! [ Meh.... ] I raised my beaten up body and ignored her. [ Wait!!! ] The girl's voice fall to deaf ears. She keeps calling out to me even from a distance. How seriously annoying. Its like I'm so used to this occurrence already that my body senselessly walked to the nearest restroom to wash its face. Successfully removing the dirt and blood from my face. Afterwards, I went back to my classroom just in time for my next class. As usual, I was greeted with silence. While some of the students in my class noticed my bruises, none of them had the guts to say anything. Not even our teacher. I should be happy that I'm ignored, but why is this feeling in my chest piercing me so? The school bell chimed once more and everybody hurriedly left their seats and started to go home. I quickly packed my stuff and left in a haste to avoid unnecessary trouble. Just when I was walking towards the school gate, I saw a crowd of students murmuring something to themselves. For them, it was a sight to behold, but for me, it was a sight of nuisance and a threat to my quiet lifestyle. A very beautiful girl that has a really long black hair and pale white skin. She seems to be patiently waiting for someone while not noticing the crowd of students that formed to admire her in a distance. It was the same girl that was nagging at me earlier. Now that I notice it, she doesn't seem like a student of this school. White blouse with a small black necktie and plaid pleated skirt. Hmm, Its so very familiar for some reason... Oh well, none of my business. I hurriedly walked on the other side while slightly covering my face with my bag. Don't notice me. Don't notice me. Don't notice me. [ Hmmm? ] As soon as I heard her voice, I ran.. Fast enough to escaped from her radar and go straight home. It would have been another regular day supposedly but in front of my 6-tatami apartment is the same annoying woman earlier. How did she even get here ahead of me? Some sort of teleportation magic? Yeah right... I casually ignored her and went straight to my front door when she unexpectedly held my hand. [ Rei- ] [ Haiiii! ] Her actions startled me and I quickly retreated my hand like a spring. [ Mou...! What was that for, Reimuz? ] Calling me without using honorifics already even though it's the first time we've met? Her friendly behavior almost made my heart skip a beat. However, I'm not going to flatter myself and think that she's attracted to me. If I was maybe a handsome or cool guy, then perhaps it could be describe as normal. What could this annoying woman possibly want with me? [ What do you want? ] [ Its not you... Its Reina... ] Reina... Where have I heard that name? A sudden hit of nostalgia is filling up my chest. [ So, what does her majesty Reina wants with a lowly peasant like myself? ] I sarcastically raised my voice and talk respectfully. Now, hate me and leave! [ Reimuz is rude! Before asking me any questions, don't you think Reimuz should be inviting me inside first? ] The girl crosses her arms and started pouting.. [ Wh-What? ] What a tough adversary! Oh well, I give up for now... [ Sigh... Follow me then. ] The girl glanced at every nook and nanny of my house like she's someone familiar while she quietly followed me from behind. Suddenly, a bugging sensation brews in my chest and a weird chill run over my spine. Reina... That's the name of my dead childhood friend... That ominous black hair and devilishly dark brownish eyes... Though their way of talking is entirely different... There's just that vague similarity... Its exactly how Reina will turn out after three more years. But Reina is already dead... I killed her... Who am I kidding... [ Reimuz, where are your teacups? ] Without me realizing, this girl is already preparing tea.. She casually made use of my little kitchen inside my home.. I gave up and just sat there as I stare at her butt swag side to side while she humms a song.. [ MhmmmMhmmmmMhmmhMhmmm~ ] The voice of an angel continues to echo... [ Sorry for the wait! Here's some tea! ] Bam! My poor wooden table was slammed and a simple teacup was placed in front of me. The aroma of a freshly brewed tea tickles my nose. However, its not enough to erase my suspicions. [ Th-Thank you.. ] [ Not a problem! ] The girl casually sat beside me afterwards while catching me some sidelong glances. Who is this mysterious girl that is the spitting image of Reina? There was something about her smile and the hard glint in her dark eyes that sends an extreme quiver in my brain. It was the feeling of fear slowly gripping my body. [ So... Where did you learn about Reina? ] I anxiously asked the girl who is mischievously smiling beside me in a serious tone. [ Where indeed... I just happen to fall over a rooftop and die.. ] [ Ah------? ] How..... Why..... The right words aren't coming out of my mouth.. [ Keisuke... I miss you.. ] The mysterious girl lovingly put her arms around me... Her body is warm and she smells fantastic! Though one thing hasn't changed... Reina's still flat-chested. No, no! Don't be swayed myself! Reina is dead! This is a different person! [ Keisuke.... I'm happy you kept our promise... ] She tightly embraced my body while mentioning my forgotten name... I can feel her soft sensation all over my body.. Is she really Reina? [ I... Its the name that Reina gave me after all.. I just couldn't let it go. ] [ Mhmmm... Keisuke.... ] Ohhhh! Is this it?! Is this what they mean when ' spring has arrived? ' [ Keisuke, I love you so much.... ] [ I... I as well. ] I stroke the back of her head and returned her loving embrace. Her body warmth feels really good. [ ------- So much that I would want to kill you! ] Reina's changed in atmosphere was instantaneous I didn't even have the time to react. [ Ehh----? ] Shook! Red droplets of blood quickly filled my mat along with the strong intense stench of iron that filled the entire room. When I traced the place where it came from, I see a dagger stabbed deep into my chest. [ What..... ] My mind went black. [ Its too troublesome to explain.. So, would Keisuke kindly die for me? ] Just when I thought she was joking, Reina twisted the knife in my chest and flashed me a very scary smile. One that is enticingly beautiful but hidden underneath are dark emotions spewing out putrid hatred. [ Arrghhhh! Re...ina..! ] The puncturing sensation quickly reminded my brain of the antagonizing pain I should have felt right away. [ Does it hurt? ] It does! It hurts! The pain was even more intensified when she pulled the knife out so suddenly, making more blood spurt out as my lifeless body collapse on the floor. [ Die! Die! Die! Die! ] I couldn't muster enough air to scream or talk.... I was repeatedly stabbed without mercy. [ I really love Keisuke... The face that Keisuke just made is truly the finest! ] My vision remains frozen while everything is turning into blackness. I want to scream. Scream loud enough to justify the severe pain that I'm feeling, but no words left my mouth. [ I should give Keisuke a parting gift, neh? ] This demon is not Reina..... Who is this stranger? I'm rapidly losing my grip to everything. But before I lost all senses, I felt a warm and wet sensation touched my lips. Her threatening laughter and sinister smile of death were etched in my heart, as my consciousness fade away. Just like falling into an endless pit of darkness. |
lolifreak000fDec 12, 2014 6:16 AM
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Oct 28, 2014 12:09 AM
[size=110]Chapter 1: What is this place?! Its musty, dark, full of cobwebs and certainly gives an eerie vibe. That's the place what Reina calls home. She lives with her oh so very young and gorgeous looking mom, and the two of them runs an antique shop together. They both live a humble and simple life yet they spend each day in satisfaction. One day while I was helping them clean, I stumbled upon a book entitled [ Soul Stream ] . Confused at what to do with it, I showed it to Reina's mom and she replied with: [ Hmm, I have no recollection of such book existing in our shop. ] Her words are to be trusted since she is the owner after all. All of the merchandise they sell in their shop has its own story and yet she remembers every single one of them, except for this one. It was definitely weird I know. The book itself is covered in dust and the contents are written in a different language. I thought to myself back then, [ Oh, maybe its a book from a different country! ] . [ Kukuku.. Well done finding such a treasure my significant other. ] Reina said so as she took the dusty old book from my hands and started examining it herself. [ This is...! The secret knowledge regarding a forbidden rite that will finally awaken my true powers! ] Yeah right, I know you just thought of that ridiculous idea just now. Reina's eyes rolled around as she flip through the pages. [ Hmm, hmm.. A virgin's heart, a dragon's heart and lastly... ] Chop! [ Stop with the nonsense. ] I gave Reina a karate chop on her head. [ It hurts, Keisuke.... ] [ Want one more? ] [ Aiyuuu.... Keisuke is baka baka!! ] Reina started sobbing and went running back to her room while carrying the book on one hand and the other on her head. [ What a troublesome chuunibyou.. ] The following day, Reina started talking in an even more archaic method. [ Mayhap thee would fancy deciphering thine ancient text? ] My jaw dropped out of surprise but I quickly accepted the facts in front of me. Reina was already an active chuunibyou but her syndrome just rose to a higher level. She started babbling about mystical legends regarding a forgotten goddess and a human falling in love. Until before her death, I've never really bothered to think about why her personality changed so much in a course of a single night. There is so much for me to think about... That very same day, the moment I got back home, I immediately turned my computer on, headed straight to google and researched about [ Soul Stream ] . [ A never ending stream of worlds where a dead person's soul can hop on. ] That's the only piece of information I found interesting after searching the net forever. And the very next day, she died... No no, I killed her. Reimuz... I shall carry that name Reina bestowed on me until the day I die for its the only way for me to repent. Because of this name, I was thought as a crazy delusional guy who can't even remember his own name, even when its clearly written on my identification card. But I don't care..... ...................................... The warm glow of light shone upon me, forcing me to open my eyes and wake up. I rubbed my eyelids to adjust to the brightness as I raised my burdensome back from the ground. [ Yet another dream about the past... ] I seem to be lying on a bed of leaves in a seemingly unfamiliar place that resembles a forest. When I looked around, I see trees that closely resemble each other surrounding me on all four sides. Different kinds of shrubs, plants, and greenery that I couldn't recognize. [ That's right... I'm pretty sure I died.... ] A worried voice came out of my mouth as I examined my chest for wounds. However, there are no such things.. No sign of getting stabbed but this uniform soaked in my blood and memory, are proof enough that it happened. What in the world just happened? I thought for sure Reina bath herself with my blood in ecstasy as she mercilessly skewered my chest repeatedly with her knife. Is this a dream? Or is my soul now on its way to heaven? I pinched and slapped my cheeks so many times to wake myself up from this nightmare yet the sensation of reality is there. So I brushed the dirt of my clothes and stand up while I navigate the area around me. Unlimited amount of trees as far as my eyes could see. From where I stand, I see a humongous tree standing tall like a wall, with branches that is thick enough to accommodate several tree houses and leaves that are so big I can use it as a bed sheet. I stared in pure amazement until a weird growl came from my stomach. [ I'm hungry... ] That feeling made me moved my legs to find something that could replenish my energy. The view didn't change much no matter how many times I continue to moved forward. Am I to die a slow death by myself in these woods? Whatever, thinking negative certainly wouldn't help me right now. I set the dark thoughts aside and continued walking endlessly in what seemed like a forest labyrinth. [ Haa...........n.. ] I swallowed my spit several times already, but it still wasn't enough to quench my thirst. Not even a single drop of water has graced my mouth ever since I ventured. For how long have I been walking? Even my sense of time has been lost. My built up fatigue and dehydration is slowly vexing me, but with all that, I still proceeded to drag my legs forward. [ Haaaa.....n... Water.... ] My eyes that is slowly losing hope went upward to the skies and wished for a rain, but with the sun shining ever so brightly, it was a hopeless wish. Instead, my carelessness made me trip over a gigantic root, causing me to roll over the dirt and my back landing against a tree. [ Damn this shit!! ] Several complaints left my mouth while my body groans in pain. Seems like I strained myself big time... Not too long ago, I was just a regular student living a blissful life. Just when I thought I could finally absolve this guilt in my heart, this happened! If this is not heaven, then this must be hell in disguise! As I try to get myself to stand up, my eyes caught the patch of herbs on the ground in this wilderness. They are curious looking and even comes in a wide variety of colors. From what I remember in class, herbs contain a few ounces of water and maybe alcohol, while others contain a deadly poison along with different kinds of nutrients. Its certainly dangerous to just eat them carelessly without having the proper knowledge to ascertain if they are safe or not. Heck, I'm not even positive if these are really herbs or what. But I couldn't care anymore. Rather than dying out of thirst or hunger, I might as well be a little adventurous! I didn't waste a moment and started nibbling on the herbs right away! Red, blue, yellow, green... It doesn't matter what color it is. The only haven these herbs found is inside my mouth. Even dirt was consumed along with the herbs, but I still felt satisfied. That feeling of happiness didn't last as it was immediately replaced by a throbbing pain. [ Arrrrgggghhhh......!!! ] My body curled up on its own to subdue the distressing pain cursing in my nerves. I can feel all of the veins inside my body pulsating like its alive while my head feels like its been cracked open. [ Haaaaaaaaaaa......!!! ] I grit my teeth and bashed my head onto the ground to subdue the unbearable pain, but all it did was inflict more suffering! I clearly wasn't thinking right when I unrooted more herbs from the ground and hurriedly put them inside my mouth. As I crunch these newly picked herbs, the pain gradually subsided but it was immediately replaced by a different kind of agony. My veins continue to pulsate and torment my mind, but I still repeatedly consumed the herbs. I put it around my teeth, squished it, and swallowed.. A moment of peace comes after but seconds later, the suffering returns with an even greater intensity. For countless hours, that horror went on again and again.. [ Haa...Haa...Haa... ] Tears rained down from my eyes and disgusting drool like bubbles left my mouth. After countless hours in misery, the pain finally dwindled by itself. When I looked at the skies and the surrounding area, it has already turned dark.. [ Ha....Its cold..... ] I closed my eyes to catch my breath and rest while enduring the stinging chill that resides by the wind. When I opened my eyes again, it feels like a day has passed. The sun brightly envelop the cold dark forest with its warm light. [ Kuhhh...!! ] Even the slightest bit of movement sends my body screaming in pain. The leftover taste of the herbs is sweet but soon mix with the smell of blood and taste of iron. I gazed at the herbs on my side... [ Damn these herbs... ] The appearance of the herbs that almost killed me was deeply engraved in my mind and I soon began to call it [ wicked herb ]. If I spark any masochistic tendencies later on, it will be this herb's fault! Pain, hunger, hatred... A mixture of those of emotions are stirring up inside me, but I won't be defeated! Pi...! [ You learned the skill All-A ] What...? For a second, I thought I heard something resonating inside my head... Whatever.. To escape this feeling of starvation, I forced my still unsteady body to stand up and continued walking. It hurts like hell... I slowly dragged myself to walk as I bit my lips in silence to help me endure the pain even just a little. Reina... Where you the one who brought me to this hellish place? Do you loathe me so much you want me to experience a fate worse than death? [ Pfft.. ] I chuckle at my ridiculousness... To think that my first love will turn out to be a disaster.. Reina... I want to see you again and apologize.... Saaa... Wait.. What is that noise? I halted my advance and perk my ears up.. Saaaaaa.... From a distance, I can hear the rustling of water... I'm not 100% positive but its worth a try! [ Ah-----! Dammit..! ] That useless excitement caused me to trip on the ground and fall facedown. Bam! The fall resulted with me breaking my left ankle. With my current state, standing up to walk is but a dream, so I crawled and dragged my body using my dominant arm. Hold onto the dirt and pull myself forward. Persevere myself! Until you see Reina once more and asked her face to face if she really is Reina or not, you cannot give up! Slight fear and excitement filled my body as I drew closer and closer to the noise. Will it be a body of water? Or will it be a fruitless journey? After finally making my way pass the bushes, what greeted me is a..... [ A Goddess.... ] Those words unconsciously left my lips as I stare in awe at the glorious sight in front of me. Long flowing blonde hair that shimmers even under the clear blue sky, paired with an ever so enchanting face. A delicate frame that has yet to be tainted and a bosom that hasn't fully matured! Like the snow that glistens under the moonlight, her skin is clear and translucent as if it would melt at any moment. Her wet naked body is truly a sight to behold!! She doesn't have much boobs but no problem! I'm on the flat-chested side! Her glorioussness is standing butt naked while enjoying the lake water to wash herself in this natural forest clearing. At the edge of the lake is a horse and what seemed to be a merchants backpack. Is this Nirvana? I died after all. They did say that before your soul enter the gates of hell, one of your earthly desires will be granted. Is seeing a girl's naked body my dearest wish then? I refuse to believe so but who cares?! This garden of forbidden delight awaits me! [ My Goddess!! I am here----- Ya......Wha? ] Ah... My life is forfeit. After hearing me shout, she turned her gaze towards my direction and angrily wrap a towel around her petite self! That reaction alone is enough for me to realize its a death flag. [ Who goes there?!! ] The girl shouted with an angry expression on her face. She suddenly looks so dangerous... If I don't answer, I feel like I'll be roasted alive. But even if I disguised myself as an animal now, it probably won't work so.... [ I am but a tree!! Please do not mind me and continue!! This tree will now become one with the others. ] Panic clouded my mind and whatever excuse that I was thinking left my mouth at the same time. What is up with that excuse?! Can I not think of a more believable one than that? [ So, a pervert.... ] [ Haiyeee...! ] I tried to get away, but it was in vain! The girl took a wooden staff out of her backpack and mumbled some words at a distance while she pointed the staff at my direction. I feel a weird concentration of energy as she continues her spell-casting-like behavior. Pfft, another chuunibyou? [ He who governs lightning, let your power gather through my fingers... Lightning bolt!! ] Wind accumulated on the girls staff and soon became an electric current that flew towards me! [ What the shit--! Aiyyyaaaaa!! ] It hit me directly, fully paralyzing my tired body along with the pain of being electrified! 100% confirmed... I couldn't move an inch no matter how hard I try! Also, the surrounding shrubbery has been burnt to crisp... If not for them shielding me, I would've probably suffered the same fate... Thank you shrubbery and your sacrfice shall not be in vain! The girl then slowly approached me while carefully observing my reaction. Making sure if her recent attack really did have an effect or not. Our eyes met and I started to plead like a beaten up dog. [ Please! Let me expl---! ] Whack! [ Argghh...! ] My face violently met her wooden staff without even letting me finish. Such brutal actions coming from a girl possessing an angelic appearance! Is this what they call a 'Tsundere'? Blood started dripping from my nose and the intense pain coming from my head is giving me a headache. I've had enough of violent angels... Reina is one and now this girl too... [ I didn't expect to find a pervert in these parts! ] [ I'm not... ] A fearsome aura shrouded the girl while her beautiful green eyes suddenly flash red, staring at me blankly. [ The price for peeping.. is death! ] [ No... Please!! Please stop!! Ai--AIYEEEE!!!! [ And after that, I was mercilessly beaten up. It was already late night when I awoke to the pleasant warmth of the cracking fire in front of me. The ground was made to be my bed and a few ways beside me is a small dark lake reflecting the moon. Seems like I passed out again and my body was then tied up like a worm and a piece of clothing was forcefully stuffed inside my mouth. This tied up position is really making it hard for me too look and move around. tak..tak..tak [ MMMMM!!! MM!! MMM!!! ] My senses suddenly reacted to the creeping noise approaching me. I hear soft footsteps slowly closing in from behind my back. With my position, I couldn't see what it is! A demon? Or is it actually death himself finally? Suddenly, a foot comes hurling towards my face, hitting the tip of my nose right on, banging my eardrums in the process. The damage that was inflicted immediately showed on my nose, as the fresh smell of blood started to drip down again. [ Shut up! ] A girl's voice? Ah, I finally remembered! It was that violent girl earlier. Never judge a book by it's cover indeed! Just when I thought her angelic appearance is there to soothe my pain, she just traumatized me even more! Tears started to accumulate in my eyes again and I feel like my heart would break and fall apart any moment now. If Reina wants me dead, why not just kill me right away? Does watching me suffer brings you entertainment? I only wanted to see you again yet why do you keep making me suffer like this? The girl then entered my line of vision. She sat down on a branch at least a meter away from me while looking at me with eyes of disgust. I can't really see it clearly from my position but she seemed to be preparing a pot of hot soup. Putting in the vegetables, adjusting the fire, and adding what looks like seasonings. After a while, she transferred the contents to a smaller bowl making me smell that delicious aroma. The scent wafting through my nose as it leaves a tingling yet burning sensation. It arouses my stomach so much, to the point where my mouth watered down. Using all of my remaining energy, I spat as hard as I can, forcefully removing the gag out of my mouth. [ Cough! Cough! ] My actions drew her attention and she walks up to me with an irritated expression. [ What do you want? ] [ ] My mouth devoid of water is making it painful for me to speak. If not for the blood, snot and tears that flowed down to my mouth, I felt like I would have already collapse. Even if the mixture of those 3 liquids that came from within me is disgusting, I still savored it. [ You're not having any. ] The soup's aroma continue to fill my lung with flavor, only to put a damper on my taste buds after realizing that I can't taste it. Could this girl be afraid of what I'll do if my hands are free? She continued to ignore me throughout the night no matter how many times I tried pleading. As I close my eyes to rest, the vision of Reina's self bathing in my blood as she laugh maniacally suddenly flashed in my mind. It was such a spine-chilling sight! I couldn't even get a proper rest and whenever I tried to sleep, the same vision continues to menace me. Morning has arrived and my situation has gone from bad to worst! My mouth is still dry and my body is itching all over. The blood from my nose has dried up, blocking the air from entering my lungs comfortably. The girl is already packing up and cleaning her campfire. She looks like she's about ready to leave while I'm still here lying on the ground. All hope has left my body and I can feel my death looming. I should just stop my struggling for it would only be in vain. At least like this, I can finally rest in peace. If this is how my life will end, then I'm sure I've suffered enough for Reina to forgive me. Though I at least wanted to say it in person... .....................................................Tik....... Just when I thought death has claimed me, I felt a drop of water on my cheek. That single drop of water eventually found it's way in my mouth, giving me the necessary energy to plead one last time. [ ] [ Sigh... ] Seems like my final attempt to survive has been ignored and the only replied I heard was her sighing. I closed my eyes again as I wait for my inevitable death to come. .............................. [ Don't try anything weird now. ] All of a sudden, the ropes that are binding my body has been cut off and and my hands are freed. As soon as I felt my limbs attaining freedom, I immediately went to the lake while crawling on all fours like a madman, drinking as much water as I can. Safe or not, it surely rejuvenated my dehydrated body. [ Ahh....... Feels good. ] Being able to move freely is truly a wonderful thing! I don't think I've ever been this thankful before. All of the dark thought occupying my mind has been washed away and I feel like I see the world in a new light. After feeling refreshed, I stand up and turned my gaze back to the girl hoping to ask her some questions. Though the pain cursing my left ankle hasn't subsided at all, it was ignored. [ Disgusting pervert! Is that how you'll repay my kindness? ] She defensively covered her body in response to my gaze and acted as if she made the wrong choice. [ No no... I didn't mean to peek at you yesterday. I apologize if I cause you any insecurities. ] Just like that, I prostate myself and asked for her forgiveness. But seriously though, who takes a bath in the middle of the forest just like that? Is she some sort of a forest dweller that enjoys such things? Yeah right. In this day and age, a girl like her camping by herself in the middle of nowhere is definitely weird. [ You.... did you see? ] She speaks to me, clearly hesitating if she could trust my words or not. Still, did I see what? For a brief moment, her naked self flashed in my mind making me remember her marvelously flat-chest. She's probably worried about her breast size! I heard from the internet that girls her age are very mindful of that. This is a tricky question so I should choose my words carefully. The wrong answer here could be very well mark the end of my life. That unripe fruit that is still not ready for taking! That forbidden fruit is truly the sweetest! Yes, that is my final answer. [ An accident I assure you.. and I was just so mesmerize I couldn't say anything. ] [ ........ ] Cold silence envelop that side of the forest afterwards.. When I tried to peek, I saw her cheeks tinged red all the way through her ears. But wait, something is weird here. I couldn't see much yesterday but now that I'm looking at her up close, her ears are much more longer and pointier compared to mine. Just like those elves in the fantasy games that I play all the time. Could it be cosplay? No, it looks too real and mystic. [ We-well I'm glad to hear your honesty! But if you do that again, I will roast you alive! Got that?! ] [ Yes ma'am!! ] This woman is dangerous after all. Anyways, she's my only lead right now so I have to just put up with her till I figure out what to do. Unknown to myself that that was the start of my never ending elven ear fetish. Yes, this all began when I met her.... |
lolifreak000fDec 12, 2014 6:59 AM
Oct 29, 2014 9:54 PM
[size=110]Chapter 2: My purpose? Being able to move freely, I was able to notice a lot of things. Aside from this girl's long elvish ears, the white part of her eyes(the sclera) looks hollow. Because of that, her gaze can be somewhat cold. She's really young looking and slender with a thin face and smooth golden hair. Her eyes are vivid green and they shine brightly like an emerald. A nose with a pointed tip and light pinkish lips that perfectly matches her features well. She also looks like she's wearing casual clothing, although it's not something I would describe as normal. Her clothes looks like a mix of armor and robe with a small hood coming out of the end, buckled by a leather belt on her waist. There just something that differentiates her from everything else. I find myself staring at her, completely fascinated. If I really did not experience the events from today and yesterday, I would really think she's a delicate angel. But I wouldn't be fooled anymore. No matter how beautiful she appears, she's a very violent person. [ What are you looking at, you pervert?! ] Her eyes catches my studying gaze as it painfully watches my every move. Oh well, might as well introduce myself before it leads to another huge misunderstanding. [ I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Reimuz. I know our first meeting isn't the best but nevertheless, its nice to meet you.] After mentioning my name, I extended my hand to her to offer a handshake.. [ ............. ] [ Umm, handshake? ] The girl just stares at my outstretched hand and after a moment of silence, looks the other way to ignore it. Well now Your highness, isn't this too much? Common courtesy, don't you know what that is? [ I apologize if that was too forward of me... But can you at least tell me your name? ] I pulled my hand back and just scratched my head with it as I show my most winning smile. [ Eririnuesha Lye Sylvant. ] She said so without even looking at my direction while both of her arms are crossed on her chest. Her spoiled stance kind of reminds me of a certain chuunibyou.. [ So... Sylvant-san, right? ] [ Eryn. ] Eryn? She wants me to use her personal nickname already? What is up with this development. Whatever, I'll just go along with it. [ Ahahaha.... Eryn-san? ] [ Mhmm... ] I blew out a sigh of relief.. Looks like she likes that at least. [ Anyways, do you know where we are right now? ] [ Huh? ] Eryn's eyes narrowed as if it was piercing me and her expression has changed. Did I perhaps just mentioned something wrong? [ This forest is part of our territory human! How dare you enter and pretend you don't know! ] [ Ehh---? ] Bam! She grab my collar and suddenly thrashed me on the ground using her strength that is clearly not normal. [ Ow.. My wounds.. Wha--? ] I quickly felt an eerie sharp object grazing my throat afterwards. When I finally understood what it is, it was already too late for me to scream and freak out. I look and see the girl on top of me holding a sharp knife that is pointed at my neck. My body is hurting all over yet I couldn't muster any voice or reaction to show it. [ Depending on your answer, the consequences can be dire. ] Her piercing gaze then directly stared into my eyes as she gave me this icy cold glare. Meaning that if lie, it would mean my death. [ I don't know... I don't even know how I got here... ] [ You expect me to believe your lies?! ] Eryn disregarded my frightened voice and even slightly push the knife forward causing me to feel even more terrified. I can really feel the knife sting. [ I was just going home from school and somehow or the other I met this girl who is the spitting image of my childhood friend... ] [ Go on.. Continue.. ] [ What's more surprising is that they even carry the same name, but I knew it was impossible to be her since she already died three years ago. I attended her funeral and saw her coffin entombed underneath the earth myself... And now after three years, she appeared before me again, only to kill me in cold blood. For sure I thought I died, however for some reason, I woke up stranded by myself in this forest. I wandered and looked around and that's how I ended up meeting you... ] Seeing there is no reason to lie, I honestly told her what has happened to me so far... Whether or not I was able to persuade her is unknown but her violent expression gradually softened. She looked at me with eyes wide open, like she couldn't believe what she just heard. Especially when I told her that I supposedly bled to death and a crazy girl around my age is out to take my life. [ Are you telling me to believe that you just mysteriously ended up here unknowingly?? ] [ That seems to be the case..... Eryn-san, just look at this part of my chest.... I know myself I was stabbed here multiple times, but if you look at it, there's nothing. ] I unbutton my shirt and lead her attention to where I was first stabbed. Her eyes followed suit and looks at it curiously while she uses her small fingers to trace the grave wound that supposedly killed me. [ Impossible... There's so much blood and yet... ] Eryn's soft fingertips gliding through my chest is making me feel aroused. I'm like a pervert in overdrive but I can't show it because it'll lead to my instant death. Thinking to myself that I should just enjoy this ticklish feeling while it last... [ Well..? ] [ There's no trace of anything at all..! ] It didn't take Eryn that long till she came to the same conclusion as I did. Finally, she loosened her dagger and I was able to sigh in relief. Though for some reason, she's still on top of me.... [ Whew.... ] [ Hmmph! Who knows, maybe you're just playing tricks on me.. ] Even though the truth lies clearly to her, she still doesn't want to believe me. Of course, I could be very well just be lying about this and wait till she drops her guard. That's probably what's clouding her judgement. Do I really look that dangerous? [ Sigh... Whatever I say, Eryn-san won't believe me, right? ] I let out another sigh for I do not know how or what else to say to prove my innocence. My gloomy expression didn't escape her attention and she suspiciously stared into my eyes again. It's like she's seeing through my soul when she looks at me like that. When a beauty like that stares me right into the eyes, how could I even begin to respond? How can I even think of lying? [ .................... ] [ .................... ] Grooooooowwwl.....!! [ Wha--? ] [ Aiyeee..! ] That sudden growl of my hungry stomach broke our gazes in an instant and Eryn fell on her butt.. Which quickly reminds me, I haven't had the chance to consume any other kind of nutrient aside from those [ wicked herbs ], or more like I was too afraid to eat any other kind of vegetation because of that incident Still... What is this soft feeling.... [ Eh.... Something is poking me... ] [ No No!! Don't look!! ] [ Huh? Why..? ] [ Please... Let me just calm down... ] Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. [ There, you can stand up now... ] My god! That was dangerous! Eryn brushed the dirt of her robe as she raised herself from the ground. I followed afterwards though it required me a tremendous amount of effort just to stand still. [ Well, I'm leaving. ] [ Wait! Please don't leave me here by myself! ] I unexpectedly grab her hand out of surprise. [ Wh-What?! ] Eryn's showed a flustered face while she tries to hide her embarrassment. Pfft, so that's her weakness...? Quite predictable. [ I'm sorry... I was just wondering if you have any spare food.. Its been two days since I last ate something. ] [ Huuh...? Y-You're really shameless you know that..! ] [ Please... ] I clasped my hands together and slightly lowered my head to appease to her.. [ Tsk.! ] [ Haha... ] Eryn clicked her tounge in annoyance but I still laugh in return. Even if I have to throw my dignity, I'll do anything to survive. And that means prostrating and shaming myself is nothing. Pride and honor? I would just get tired of those things. [ Ughh.. gather some branches for firewood and I'll make some food. ] [ Yes ma'am...! ] I slowly dragged my feet outside of the clearing to gather some firewood. * Pi...! * [ Acquired a new title, Horny-Slave ] Again, I feel a voice resonating inside my head... Don't tell me... [ Status screen! ] A small blue window appeared in front of me. I almost slap myself in surprise after seeing the words written on this small screen. ========Status-Screen======== Reimuz=LvL[01] Class=Manipulator Title=Horny-Slave Alignment=Neutral-Evil ===Skill-List=== Kill-Switch[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] All-A[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] ========================== [ Is this a game? But this feeling is too real and besides, we haven't advance that far in technology yet... Then.... another world? ] Just moments ago, it said I acquired a new title.. I hesitantly pushed the button for my [title] and surprisingly, a separate window with a small list of words appeared afterwards. [ {Broken Hearted Childhoodfriend} , {Horny Slave} ] What is up with these ridiculous titles? Okay, I can understand Broken Hearted Childhoodfriend, but not Horny Slave! Oh well, disregard that for now... I tried pushing the skill [All-A] and a small information window popped up. [ All-A[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Info: Reformed the users brain to comprehend and speak any language. ] If I remember correctly, I learned this skill after surviving the horror from carelessly eating those [wicked herbs]. Shit..! So, that's what it did.. It forcefully reformed my mind.. If I think about it, its not so bad if I could really understand and speak any language. And passive means its active all the time.. Fantastic! Those must have been deadly herbs and I should consider myself lucky for surviving. There's an [X] button for the windows that popped up just like in my computer browser to close them. Next is [Kill Switch] . [ Kill-Switch[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Info: %#%#? ] What the hell? Is it broken already? No.. [Innate] means I was born with this skill.. Kill switch.... a skill that changes my demeanor to that of a killer? Then, was it because of this skill that I pushed Reina to fall off the roof? Its too early to be making deductions right now. Anyways, lets wrap them all up together.. It shows my level but it doesn't show any other numerical stats. My class [Manipulator] just doesn't make any sense. Alignment is Neutral Evil? Maybe this one will change regarding my actions. [Innate] means either this skill is natural or I was born with it. [Absorption] means a skill I've learned by consuming something? Still needs confirmation. So far, both of my skills are [Passive] which means they are active all the time. Anyhow, I should swiftly gather these firewood before Eryn changes her mind. Ow..! This sprained leg really hurts. Few hours have passed to where we left off. We started eating and I even had the luxury to use the lake as my personal bathtub. Eryn also handed me a pair of clothes, though a little small compare to my size, it still fits, leading me to a question. Why would a girl carry a mans clothing? I also carved two small pieces of wood and turned them into chopsticks using Eryn's knife. She has this sour look on her face when I tried borrowing her knife but after a while, she still gave in. Eryn is surprisingly helpful and probably just have a hard time of expressing herself to other people, especially to suspicious strangers like myself. It in turn worries me that she's too trusting. Doesn't that make her quite naive? [ What are you going to use those for? ] Eryn asked me a question with a baffled expression. I simply smiled and said [ It's my chopsticks ], though she still looked at me with perplexed eyes like saying that my previous explanation didn't make any sense. [ It somewhat functions like a fork and a knife. Let me demonstrate. ] Using my chopsticks, I cut my meat and vegetables, as well as carry the food to my mouth, all without touching the fork that she gave me. [ I haven't seen someone eat so nimbly before. ] [ Yeah? It's not that hard once you get used to it. ] Her eyes cannot hide her curiosity as it glimmered for a moment and I couldn't help but smile wryly after witnessing her childish reaction. The food tasted so good though I do not know if its because of her cooking alone or its been a long time since I've had company while I eat my food like this. All I know is that it's a very pleasant feeling and for some reason, warms my heart. [ I'm sure Eryn-san would still prefer using what she currently uses right now. I grew up with these that's why I use them, though to be honest, I find them troublesome sometimes. ] [ Hmmp! Not so big of a deal... I can do that too! ] Eryn started to puff her cheeks while she grumpily chews on her food. I remember Reina is also like that. Its funny and nostalgic.. Eryn didn't ask me any further about my situation but I could feel that she's still skeptical if she could trust my words or not. In her eyes, I'm still suspicious. Well, to gather information is my first objective and this person in front of me is the perfect library. Whenever I didn't have any food in my mouth, I was casually talking with Eryn to squeezed out any valuable information she might have about this place. [ So.. what are you doing out here Eryn-san? ] [ I have some personal business in Saphir ] [ Saphir? What is that? ] [ Huh? You don't even know Saphir? Its the merchant town not too far from here. ] [ Weird... Do you have a map of this place Eryn-san? ] [ What do you need it for? ] [ I just wanted to confirm something. ] I'm not the best in our history class but I could say that I have good grades. That's why I find it weird that I haven't heard or read about a town called Saphir. More importantly, I haven't heard of a forest as beautiful as this. Because of my skill [All-A], I have no trouble understanding Eryn but I feel like she speaks an entirely different language compare to mine. I've already deduced that this might be a different world with some RPG elements, nonetheless I still wanted to confirm. [ Here you go! I'm the one who made that, so it's the probably the best that you could find around here. Hm-hmm!! ] Eryn handed me an antique like piece of paper rolled over thinly. She said she made it, so that explains the proud look on her face right now. Its so cute and childish... Anyways, I opened the map curiously. [ As expected... ] The map has doodles of mountain, trees and what seemed to be houses... This is what she calls a map? I was about to burst in laughter when I suddenly notice the words written on her map Its not similar to my language at all, yet..... I can read it.. So, it is true that I can understand any language according to my skill [All-A]. Also, I feel like I've seen these characters before though I can't put my finger as to where... [ Eryn-san, what is the name of this world again? ] [ Huh? You don't even know? It's Aestrea. A-E-S-T-R-E-A. Idiot, you don't even know the simplest of things? ] Though I said it as a joke, I didn't expect her to answer so seriously. Aestrea..... That's a place I haven't heard of before.. I stole a glance back at Eryn and her face really doesn't show a hint of lying. She's just honestly saying what she's been taught. [ Do you know about Japan Eryn-san? ] [ Ja-pan? What is that? Are you playing mind tricks on me? ] [ No, not all.... Then what is the language we speak of right now? ] [ Hmmph! Why should I tell you? You're just making fun of me right? ] [ Please tell me!!! ] I didn't realize how or when but I got closer to her and was already gripping her arm tightly. It wasn't intentional of course. [ Let go of me pervert! ] Slap!! She flung her arms forward, whipping it across my face. [ Ah..... ] The noise and sensation that I felt from her hands was enough to wake me up in my delusion. I let go of her hand soon after and step back to where I originally sat. [ Ahhh.. I apologize.... I didn't mean to... I was just... ] [ That's fine.. what happened? ] [ Nothing.... Once again, I'm sorry... ] My hands started shaking and my insides felt like its been turned upside down. A bad habit of mine resurfaced and I started nibbling on my fingernails. Both my heart and mind we're immediately thrown into chaos. It all makes sense now... It really is a parallel world... All because of that book [Soul Stream]. I'm positive now that Reina's soul was somewhat transferred to this world after her death. Although her method of coming back is still unknown, I'm pretty convinced she's the one who dragged me in here. And with this conclusion, I know she's somewhere out there. In this world. Reina, what is my purpose for being here? I don't even know where to go from here... [ If thee pushes me here, the gate towards my world, will open... Does thou believe in Soul Stream? I grant thee the name, Reimuz.. ] Shit...! Why am I remembering these horrible memories now? Pi...! Pi...! [ Alignment shifted towards Chaotic Evil ] [ Prerequisite alignment fulfilled. You learned the skill Shade Shift ] Gradually, my mind is getting unstable. My thoughts are getting darker and darker. The darkness that is swallowing my heart and soul is slowly corrupting me.... [ Reimuz!!! ] Slap!! [ Uaahh...? ] [ Seriously, are you really okay? ] While I was down and stupefied, an angelic being wraps my spirit in its warm and comfortable light. Eryn's whipping slap was able to shed light in that endless pit of darkness. Pi...! [ Alignment shifted towards Neutral Evil ] My still teary eyes looks at the beautiful Goddess in front of me. She could be violent and her bluntness is stunning, but it's because of that, that I can trust her. I wipe my tears like a child and smiled at Eryn. [ Eryn-san, can I come with you to Saphir? ] [ I don't really mind, but only as far as the town okay? ] [ Thank you.. That's all I need. ] We both cleaned up our mess and started to prepare ourselves so we can head out. Magic, an elf?, and a world completely different to mine. Whether I find a way back home or not, the only important thing is that I'm alive and with it, are infinite possibilities. Reina, I'll find you no matter how long it might take. |
lolifreak000fDec 6, 2014 11:12 PM
Nov 2, 2014 10:39 PM
[size=110]Chapter 3: Night Encounter A few days has passed since we left the lake that we have used to camp. Was it three or four? I can't clearly remember. As soon as evening rolls, we stopped to form a camp while we rest and wait for a new day. According to My Goddess, she casts a magical ward that thwarts monsters away while we travel, thus resulting in us not encountering any monster at all. Truly a Godlike skill... Why did I just called Eryn My Goddess? If not for her whipping slap, I would've still be drowning myself in sorrow even at this very moment. Hence, I felt like I was saved... [ What is that? ] Eryn leaned over to my side as she curiously points to the items that I have brought with me. Because of my previous state of panic, I forgot to notice but when I woke up stranded in this forest, both my wallet and smartphone were still in my pocket. Inside my wallet is my school Identification card and what little bit of allowance I have left for this month supposedly. In this world, these are considered [otherworldly]. Its funny how my Identification card alone can spark this much of a reaction from someone. [ Neh.. What is that? ] [ This one is called Id while this one is my smartphone.. ] [ I-d? Smarto-phone? What are those? ] Eryn's strong desire to learn is hindering the guard that she has set up for herself. This time, I felt two soft but flat things pressing against my arm. It was almost nonexistent but I know its there, so I hurriedly pulled my arm away from her, even though it did felt great. [ I'm really sorry... ] [ What are you apologizing for? ] When I look back at Eryn, her expression remains unchanged. It seems like she doesn't realize the destructive force of her flat chest and just kept on looking at the items that she hasn't seen or heard of in her life. I can only sigh as I look at how innocent she becomes. [ This one is a communication device. Everybody has one from where I came from. If you want, you can have it. It's dead right now so it won't do us any good but we might be able to find a way to charge it back on later. ] I carefully explained what a smartphone is to my innocent Goddess even though a part of me is saying its futile. [ Dead What do you mean dead? You can trap somebody in this small box?! Is it a cursed item after all?! Eeeek....!!! Get that way from me! ] As expected, Eryn retreated in a distance. [ Its not like that... What I meant is, its unusable right now.. ] [ Really? ] [ Yes, really. ] After a few moments of calming down, she came back and inquired me about my Id, returning that curious look on her face. [ What about this blunt knife? These engravings are quite puzzling... Its the first time I've seen such complex writing... ] But of course, there's thousand of characters one have to memorize and each and every single one of them holds a convoluted meaning. [ Its my language... ] [ You got your head cut off at one point? ] [ It hurts to be honest... ] It was such a lively night for us and in the end, Eryn decided to keep both. Bedtime quickly arrived and as usual, Eryn is pondering on how we'll proceed to sleep. For the past three days, I've been constantly tied up at night since my Goddess doesn't fully trust her servant, which is me. So I quietly turned myself in to avoid any resentful suspicion. Not because I enjoy getting tied up.... [ Remember! If you try anything funny, your neck is forfeit...! ] [ Yes... I know... ] Eryn quietly disperse into her own sleeping bag afterwards. Even though a guy she considers a pervert lurks around her, she's still able to sleep peacefully. Oh well... [ Shade shift.. ] I quietly recited those words while I close my eyes and pictured a small knife on my hand. Swoosh! I proceeded to cut the ropes binding my body using that knife made of shadows. [ Talk about convenient... ] Once I freed my limbs. I stepped out of Eryn's boundary to investigate the surrounding area. [ Status screen.. ] The same game-window like screen from before appeared afterwards. ========Status-Screen======== Reimuz=LvL[02] Class=Manipulator Title=Horny Slave Alignment=Neutral-Evil ===Skill-List=== Kill-Switch[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Shade-Shift[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] All-A[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] ========================== I curiously push the panel for [Shade Shift]. [ [Shade-Shift[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] Info 1: At the expense of extinguishing the mana inside ones own body, the user can manipulate darkness at will. Info 2: The user gains immense power but %#%%%#? when one calls upon this evil power. Info 3: Number of uses remaining: 1 ] Definitely a cheat skill.... Regarding the first info means I won't be able to use magic it seems. But if this skill is not magic, then what is it? Magic is that type of skill where you create huge explosions or revive fallen party members and etc. A typical skill in most RPG. To be able to use magic, you need to either draw mana inside you're body or use an object that contains mana. In example are magic stones. Magic stones are said to be very expensive, thus only those with money, or ones that are able to acquire them through a different method, use them. And your mana capacity is determined at birth. There isn't really a known way to increase your mana but it is said that it is close to impossible not to have any. So I got excited and asked Eryn earlier if she could teach me the very basic one. [ Imagine your blood flow... Close your eyes and concentrate.. Feel that circuit in your body and slowly move it in your hands while chanting the words in accordance to that element. ] A weird feeling started to accumulate in her hands and a few seconds after that, I felt a warm and comfortable sensation cloaking my entire body. Most of the internal pain from eating those [wicked herbs] and the injury she inflicted on me gradually subsided, and the sprain that was tormenting me from before reverted back to normal. Or the right word was that it was [Healed]. [ Wait... You didn't chant anything... How is that possible? ] [ Hmm-Hmm! As if I'd actually tell you, idiot!! ] Is what Eryn said as she made a proud face and left the area, leaving me no choice but to ran after her. When I stare at her back like this... She really reminds me of Reina... Although as much as I try to deny it, this fast heartbeat in my chest still truly beats for her. The second information has bothered me as well, but so far, this skill has only given me some light headaches. Though I can't verily confirm if the drawback behind this skill is as miniature as that since I've only made small knives. I would imagine the greater strength I pulled from this skill, the stronger the recoil. The number of uses resets daily while my current level determines the amount of uses I can pull out in a single day. It seems my level has increased by one through that tremendous amount of trek these legs of mine traveled. It follows yet it does not follow the guidelines of an RPG world at the same time. And now, I'm out here in the woods late at night by myself to confirm all these doubts about my skills. I trod softly but the only sound I heard was the whispering of the wind through the leaves. Its unexpectedly bright thanks to the full moon illuminating the forest. I've walked quite a long way already but no type of monster impede my track.. For sure I thought a forest is a good hideout for these vermins but perhaps that was just my gamer sense thinking. Oh well.. Time to go back.. Sniff.. Sniff.. What is that smell? A stagnant and sweet smell entices my nose. The tempting fragrance lured my legs to an area with many beautiful flowers... I wonder why.. Shuru... Shururu.... Ah... what is this arousing smell? [ What--- ] Suddenly, a plant looking tentacle seized me and soon made its way around myself. My clothes were rapidly soaked in mucus.. sticky mucus that smells wonderful. [ Arara...! A human boy? Now that's rare! ] A seductive voice of a woman vibrated inside my eardrums. In front of me appeared a voluptuous beauty, covered in flower petals. I blink a few times to confirm it, but she really isn't human. Her skin and hair is pale green while her lower body is that of a flower. That sweet sticky mucus seems to be originating from her body. [ This is a special occasion... ] [ You....mean..? ] [ I will suck everything out of you.. of course... ] The beauty lick her lips enticingly as her tentacles drew me closer. Upon seeing her naughty smile, it finally dawned on me... That she is a monster!! [ Ha-----!! ] I panic and move around violently, but these vine-like tentacles binding me is firm and solid, contrast to its soft and mushy appearance. [ Its useless boy.. Your mine now! ] [ Wa------! ] Calm down myself..... Imagine... Two swords cloaked in shadows, 100 cm in length with a sharp and piercing blade. [ Shade shift! ] [ Eeeee!! ] Two blade cloaked in shadows came raining down, cutting the tentacles off me. As soon as I'm freed, I grab a hold of those swords, not even bothering to the intensive headache that is tormenting my mind, and proceeded to slash her tentacles! SLAAASH! [ Hraaa...!!! ] On pure instincts, I cut and cut the incoming tentacles that the monster girl threw at me. Red gore splattered on my face and clothes but I didn't stop. Wacha! A tentacle approached me like a sharp whip, only to hit the air and miss its target. My body instinctively rolled on the side and swiftly swipe that tentacle off her body! [ Iyaaaa-----! ] Suddenly, a woman's voice filled with horror rang out. [ Ehhh..... What.. the... ] I was so immersed on cutting her tentacles that I didn't realize.. In the middle of this bloodbath is a woman cowering in fear. I see her grimacing in pain, her face distorted in shock... The shadowy blades disappeared from my hands quickly after I grasp the results of my actions. Those tentacles are part of her body... Imagine the pain of getting cut multiple times in succession, I'll be mortified myself. [ Sorry.... I was so surprised, I did it on impulse... ] I approached her in a gentle manner trying to be as compassionate as I can with my voice. Although with her blood splattered on my clothing, its probably not the best choice. [ Hidoi! Its weird enough that you can understand me and now... Fuuu-eeee!! ] She started crying in a childish manner... What the hell? I'm the victim here! [ There... There... you can stop crying now.. ] I gently patted her head as I wear a compassionate smile while I gave her the verbal assurance she probably had wanted. Smooth under pressure, that's me... [ Fuu.... ] [ Are you fine now? Will those tentacles regrow? ] [ Mhmm... But I need nutrients.. ] Ah...... What now....? I blew out a sigh... A very long sigh. Not like I'm expressing my discontent. [ Alright, but just once okay? ] [ Hmm!! ] The plant girl happily shakes around in excitement, scattering her sticky mucus all over me. What happened afterwards is.... Pi....! Pi....! Pi....! [ Acquired a new title, Alraune Loverboy ] [ Alignment shifted towards Neutral ] [ You learned the skill Endurance ] [ Haa... Haa... Haa... ] I slowly dragged myself back to the camp while catching my breath.... |
lolifreak000fDec 16, 2014 3:59 PM
Nov 3, 2014 8:33 PM
[size=110]Chapter 4: Malevolent [ Haa... Haa.... ] I'm running... Desperately running for my life. Not just one, but I can hear multiple footsteps giving chase. On my way back, I came across four arachnid looking monsters that were much substantially larger than your regular spider at home.. Hisssss...! The friction of their legs makes a hissing noise! These spiders were already such a hideous sight but that hissing sound in particular makes my hair stand on end... After my encounter with that Alraune, I leveled up by one but it didn't fully replenish my [Shade Shift] usage count, reluctantly leaving me with one usage left thanks to that new level up. There were some games who fully restores your Hp/Mp upon leveling but this world is not one of them. If I knew such a thing beforehand, I wouldn't be so careless! Enough complaining, I need to drag them all in one spot and strike. Trees, trees, trees, Now! [ Fools! I'm over here!! ] Swoong! Swoong! Swoong! Swoong! The spiders pursuing me shot their cobwebs as if a volley of arrows were released at the same time. Successfully avoiding one was a piece of cake and the other two hit the tree behind me, however the last one luckily caught my legs... Bam! With my running momentum, the dirt quickly rushed to my faced and made a banging noise when it touched the ground. [ Arrrghhh..! ] I let a whimpering cry as my body groans in pain. That fall just now hurt me more than I expected. I turned to look around and saw the spiders immediately caught up to me... Seeing the spiders drool at the sight of their prey makes me sick on my stomach.. [ I definitely do not want to be bitten by those poisonous fangs... ] One, two, three.... four! Now's my chance! Imagine... A sphere of darkness 5 m in diameter that will swallow them from underneath, like a hungry mouth... [ Shade shift!! ] Glomp! Dark energy emerges from the ground and devoured all of the spiders whole in an instant! [ Hiiiii....! ] I hear them struggling inside the sphere of darkness while blood flowed down like a river on the ground. Even the innocent tree who was caught up on my attack was shattered into pieces. Poor tree... Seconds later, the sphere dissipates into thin air, revealing the horror that it has omitted. Dry corpses of the spiders left a stench of death... [ Weird... This is definitely weird.. ] I just slaughtered a group of monster yet I'm feeling exhilarated.. For sure I know I'm not a battle maniac. Is a human being really possible of such evil? Or is this because of my [Kill Switch] ? Oh well, I need to survive before anything else.. I removed the sticky web of my footing and raised myself from the ground.. Drip... Drip... [ Eh....? ] I stood regularly but I feel something different.. There's something that's hindering my eyesight.. I promptly wipe it off with my hand and see that hand dyed red.. My eyes are bleeding.. It doesn't hurt compare to when I called upon the dark swords earlier, but there's blood. When there's blood, there's a wound.. Perhaps an Internal bleeding of some sort? Scary.... [Shade shift], I should limit my usage of this double edged sword or it my ultimately consume me.. A wise man once said. [ Power is like a desire, and desire is much like fire, a fire that may ultimately devour you if not contained properly.. ] I was so thrilled by this new power I disregarded the consequences. [ Status screen! ] ========Status-Screen======== Reimuz=LvL[04] Class=Manipulator Title=Alraune-Loverboy Alignment=Neutral ===Skill-List=== Kill-Switch[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Shade-Shift[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] All-A[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Endurance[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] ========================= It appears like I gained another level by massacring those spiders. Little by little, I'm grasping the idea of what my class is all about. [Manipulator], it would seem that my emotions or actions affect my alignment. Right now I'm neutral.. Should I pursue Lawful or go about my Chaotic side? Being a do gooder just doesn't suit me after all. Doing justice for the sake of others makes me sick. That explains why I started as Neutral evil. Still, chaotic is too much... If Eryn didn't saved me from my corruption, I may have done some extreme actions by now. I guess being undecided is the best route for me at the moment.... Taking all those deductions in mind, I headed back to the camp while not minding the gore splattered all over me. [ Ha.... I'm pooped. ] I let out a sigh as I drew closer to the campfire.. [ Where have you been? ] Standing right beside the pleasant fire is my innocent Goddess with her arms crossed over her flat chest. [ Yo...! I went out for a walk and encountered some monster along the way for some reason... ] I casually said hi with a big smile on my face as I approach the log I considered to be my bed for tonight. Dubious, dubious.. She's no doubt wary of me right now.. I should just quickly sleep before I arouse anymore unwarranted suspicion. [ Let me see your wounds.. ] [ Ehh..? Su-Sure... ] [ Seriously, you're such a baby.. ] Eryn presses both of her arms on my back to heal me. The same warm light from before envelop my body and made me feel comfortable. Additional to that, there's a ticklish feeling in my chest too. [ I'm going back to sleep... You should rest too.. ] [ Thank you.. It feels good.. ] [ Pervert... ] My Goddess's words openly shows her aggravation yet her actions states otherwise.. So tsundere.... I proceeded to lie on the cold dark log and wished myself a goodnight sleep... The sun has earnestly arise but I was already long up before it did.. Even if I'm in the forest, I should never neglect my morning training.. Thanks to my father drilling such nonsense into this body of mine, I'm forced to wake up every morning before sunrise.. An hour of push-ups and sit-ups every single day.. Thanks to this, I was able to survived the most brutal and savage trek I've experienced in my short life.. Building trust with your own body is important.. It may betray you if you do not take care of it properly.. We finally continued our journey with my Goddess mounted on her horse while I walk by foot and slowly follow her from behind. According to Eryn, we should be able to reach the roads leading to town in half a day if we continue to go down this course and no problems occur. Because even though this forest is govern by her race, there are still some uncertainty making the both of us thread carefully. [ We just have to get out of these parts. The closer we are to town, the less danger the forest posed to us. ] [ I see.. For how long have you been doing this, Eryn-san? ] [ That's not for you to know. ] Ouch... That was really blunt.. Is her attitude normal to where she came from? [ ....... Sorry, if I overstepped my bounds. ] I whimper like a dog who was thrown away by his owner. And when I said race, I clearly mean it as a classification. Eryn really is an entity different from humans. She didn't fully explain but there are many different kinds of races in this world. Though she did go into detail regarding her own race with pride. Eryn is a being that is called [ Effu ] though I'd like to just call them elves for easier understanding. They posses traits similar to humans although according to her, they are far superior in terms of beauty and lifespan. They like to live in peace and solitude making the forest their natural habitat and eventually building a community inside. They also pretty much have cut ties with the outside world except for a few merchants they allow in their village. She even said that the secrets of the world lies in their library and no matter how much humans try to imitate them, they will never surpass their ancient knowledge. To make this long explanation short, Effus are a bunch of arrogant fools that dislike to advance with technology. Seems like their hatred for humans is deep rooted however, I don't see Eryn like that. It's part of her personality to be blunt and conceited but she never turned her back on me when I ask for help, except for the events when we first met. Though I can't really put blame on her since that is clearly 100% my fault. All I could say is that Eryn is very proud of her lineage. [ Fuaaa...... ] More than half a day has passed since we ventured but still no sign of the roads she mentioned earlier.. Whether it was because of my slow pace or us stopping here and there to let her horse rest, I do not know.. [ We're not lost right? ] [ O-of course not! I know this forest like its the back of my hand. ] [ Alright then... Sorry if I'm slowing you down. ] There was a hint of doubt in her words but I still disregarded that feeling. Eryn kept on glancing left and right as we continue to move forward. For some odd reason, her horse is acting weird, so she decided to walk alongside me as she guide her horse in the meantime. [ Seeing you unfazed after walking for so long is really surprising. ] Eryn smiled as she expressed her astonishment.. Because of my newly acquired [Endurance] skill, this much of a trek is nothing. [ [Endurance[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Info: Will make the user's stamina last thrice as long... ] An absorption skill.. I acquired this skill after slurping that Alraune's nectar till the last drop.. It was oh so incredibly delicious I may have develop an addiction.. Fortunately, those nectar were develop inside her body making her a sweet gold mine. She did tell me to come back.... [ Well, if I have anything that I'm proud of, its my stamina.. If your getting tired, should we form camp after all? ] I asked Eryn beside me who is showing hints of fatigue written on her face.. [ No, it's better if we get out of the forest first ] [ If you say so... ] We press on maybe because that's the only thing that we could do. The thickening in the air could be visibly seen and white fog soon surround us on all side, limiting our visibility. Every step that we make, the fog is getting thicker and thicker. The absence of noise in this forest makes it more intimidating. Like someone or somebody of unknown origin is staring down at us with the intent to kill. Like the hunter silently waiting for it's prey. [ Hold on... ] Eryn stopped me on my track with a harsh look. [ What's wrong? ] [ Shhh... ] Even I felt the rising tension in the air.. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands in panic and looked around, but there's nothing. However, Eryn's face is still scowling, she must have sensed something. [ Must be my imagination. ] [ Alright then.... I'll follow you? ] We continue to move forward cautiously. The sunset was soon replaced by the dim glow of the moonlight and eyes began to glimmer inside the tree hollows. I didn't mind the darkness myself but my companion is different. She's not fully showing it but I could clearly see her feet shivering. Is Eryn perhaps afraid of the dark? If she is, it fully explains why we hurriedly formed a camp before nighttime the other day. She was probably thinking we'll be out of the forest by now, thus, she insisted on us continuing despite the time. [ Eryn-san are you perhaps..? ] [ NOOO!!! Wh-who would be afraid of something so silly? ] Right, that reaction is basically a yes. [ Ahh, okay... I'm just wondering. ] Eryn fasten her pace and continue to walk ahead of me, leaving me to reluctantly run to catch up to her. Ahaha, perhaps I've teased her too much.. [ Eryn-san.. wait for me--- ] All of a sudden, she stops in front of me. Her eyes move around the area, and then her vision stops in front, while her hand reaches out to the dagger that she has been concealing in her clothes. Eryn silently glares at the space in front of her. Because of the thick fog, I couldn't really see what's in front myself. It's like there's something strange coming at us from deeper within. [ We have to get out of here... ] [ What?? ] [ We have to get out of here, FAST!!! ] I panic at her sudden declaration but my body is quick to respond simultaneously. We started running but with the horse along with her backpack with us, we couldn't run fast enough. All the while a horrifying presence is slowly closing in on us. With our current pace, we wouldn't be able to escape! Shit..! Should I engage combat after all? [ Oh chilling ice, gather forth... Levasti, reveal yourself! Awaken! ] Just what she said, a slightly curved blade of ice connecting to her dagger appeared. Its appearance is a reminiscent of a katana with a length comparable to a long sword while the blade itself produces an icy chill. [ Reimuz! What are you standing there for?! Take the horse and run!!! I'll catch up to you later! ] Eryn's voice is urging me to move but I just can't leave her here by herself! [ But... ] [ Hurry!!! ] Cmon... You're just a regular guy myself... Its none of your business.. I force myself forward and started running desperately while tugging the horse behind me. Swang!!! I heard the sharp metallic echoes of swordplay, which sounded alien in the silent forest. The sound of my heart palpitating is enough to drive me insane. I continued running away from that noise while not minding the dark thoughts occupying my mind. [ I'm worried... I'm worried!! I'm really worried!! ] But after thinking that Eryn might be in danger, my body refuses to take another step forward. How can I possibly help her? I tied the horse's rein in a nearby tree and started scrambling the contents of her backpack. Clothing, bottles of liquid, and many other kinds of merchandise. As I dug deeper, my hands reached to something cold. It piqued my curiosity right away and I took it out of the bag in a scuffle. [ A dagger? ] It's a dagger with a slightly longer blade than usual, with a sheath that is engraved by luxurious emblems and words that I couldn't read or recognize. Surprisingly, with my skill [All-A], that should be impossible. But now is not the right time to ponder. When I unsheathed the dagger, the same engravings could be seen but in the middle of the blade is a red gem that resembles a cat's eye. This dagger itself screams [ rare weapon ].. I've played games long enough to recognize the grade of a weapon such as this. I took that very same dagger with me and started to sprint in the opposite direction where I left Eryn.. If I go back to Eryn right now, I might be betraying her trust. Heck, she might not even need my help. But even so.. Swaang!!! I quickly made my way through the conflict in a distance and immediately found Eryn. Only naive and hot headed fools would dive in without any information, so I hid myself behind the bushes and waited for the right opportunity to help her. Eryn seems to be very focused and is silently glaring at the empty space in front of her, while she tightly grips her weapon.. [ What she doing?? ] I'm confused myself but when I look at the space that she's glaring at, I feel a chill radiating from inside out. It was the same strange feeling from before, making my spine shudder in fear and my hair stand on end. What a terrifying presence!! Suddenly, Eryn's head started searching back and forth. A black mist suddenly closes in on her, becoming a black shadow, submerging the forest with its aura. The monster emerges from within the mist, taking the form of a humanoid beast with the head of a maned goat, boasting enormous horns. Its muscles are thick and has three huge claws on each arm that looks like it would tear apart your skin like butter. What's more, its fingers are covered with some sort of a dark scale like gauntlet that also looks extremely sharp. The monster is covered in fur while its visible skin is painted dark purple. Final boss archetype? Already? The monster rushes towards Eryn almost faster than what my eye could follow! Swang!! But Eryn gracefully dodges its claws by moving closer and retaliating a slash of her own... Amazing, its like she's dancing with the blade on a tempo that the monster couldn't follow. Hmm... I think I understand a little. By moving closer to your enemy, you eliminate most of your weak spots. But its a daring move, for a single mistake here could end her life. This is not a stage for me. A beginner like myself would just be a hindrance here. I tightly clenched my fist as I watch the battle unfold onto my eyes. Eryn is leading in terms of speed and technique but she is slowly getting tired. If this drags on, her life will no doubt be in danger.. No matter how many times she cut, her enemy keeps regenerating. Instant regeneration? Cheat! But If you are cheat, then so do I. However, if I create something too much for me to handle, this power will take my life. [ Status, Shade shift. ] The information window for the skill popped up. It seems like my theory of creating that shortcut is correct. [ [Shade-Shift[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] Info 1: At the expense of extinguishing the mana inside ones own body, the user can manipulate darkness at will. Info 2: The user gains immense power but %#%%%#? when one calls upon this evil power. Info 3: Number of uses remaining: 4 ] First of all, what does it even mean by manipulate darkness at will? There is so much mystery behind this skill but there is no time to ponder. I have four tries. Lets do this... Chuunibyou mode: On! I close my eyes while picturing a humongous sword in my hand.. Imagine... A phantasmal sword cloaked in shadows.. One that is weightless.. One that slashes through the light.. One that pierces the darkness of dawn.. Its overall length, 300 cm.. Phantasm sword... in my hand... [ Shade shift... Kaaaaghhhh!!! ] The shadowy blade successfully formed in my hand accompanied with a sharp pain, piercing my brain.. This recoil reminds me of that wicked herb incident.. But I'm not done yet.. I need something that will amplify my speed and power. Once more, I close my eyes and pictured a ring on my finger. Imagine... A ring cloaked in shadows.. One that will allow me to shatter the impeding light... One that will grant me rapid movements... This ring on my left index finger... [ Shade shift....!! ] A ring cloaked in shadows appeared to where I instructed it to be.. [ Ngnnh...Guaaaaghhh!!! ] Intensive coughing fit that drew blood followed after the ring was inserted in my fingers... Insanity... This unbearable pain is driving me insane! I don't know how long I could last with both of these in hand. The time to attack is now! [ Eryn! Back away! Hraaaaaa.....! ] [ Ehhh?? ] My body move instantaneously and I stabbed the monster from behind... Swooong!! As soon as my blade pierced it, I spun my body in a circular motion, drawing a half crescent moon. Half of its body fell on the ground, splattering its gore everywhere.. Not even a scream was heard as the attack was to swift for it to follow. [ Eryn! ] I threw the dagger at her direction and she catches it in surprise. [ Volius?! Wait...! Wh-What are you doing here? How can you even---- ] [ Don't worry about me! Can we beat it or do we have to run? ] [ I... I could perform a magic to erase it entirely.. ] [ Then do so! ] [ Idiot. Kuhhhh! I'll forgive you for now! ] Eryn leap backwards on top of a tree and started mumbling an incantation. A unique aura starts to spread out around her.. At the same time, the monsters finishes regenerating in a flash and shifted its attention towards me. It grinded its teeth and stared me down with a death glare. [ You hate me, I hate you too.. ] At times like these is where one takes the initiative and strike! SLAAASH!! Focus rapid light slashes! Don't give the monster a time to react! I followed my instinct and strike where it guides me to. [ Hraaaa.....!! ] With both of my arms gripping the blade, I slash my blade upward, then downward, and cleave upward again, breaking the monster's guard, knocking the monster up in the air. I followed suit by jumping and swung my blade downward using all my strength. The resistance of flesh being cut is felt from my sword and arm. Just before its body landed, I performed a 360 degree upward swing, dicing its body into a total of four pieces. [ Haaa......! ] I retreated a few ways behind and close my eyes as I concentrate on my next imagination.. Imagine.... A demonic spear cloaked in darkness lighted by the azure flames of hell and strike my enemy on the ground... Slam it using titanic force... Area of destruction, 2 m in diameter... [ Shade shift. ] Boom! An infernal spear slammed the monster on the ground creating a tiny explosion! Its remaining pieces were obliterated... Drip... Drip... Blood started to drip from my ears and eyes... [ Did that do it? ] That should have hurt it but the suffocating aura around the monster hasn't subsided at all! In a single flash, its body that was just burned to crisp was completely regenerated. What's more, it feels a lot more terrifying than before. [ Dammit!! ] I dashed towards the monster and performed a wide swing. SWOOONG! But the monster catches my beginner slash with its claws quite easily. Each time I swipe, it catches my attack even with rapid movement. How can I beat this monstrosity? The pain and blood is slowly hindering my movements. Both of my arms are turning limp. [ Grooooaaaaa......!!! ] The monster let out a loud screeching noise that echoed throughout the forest, freezing me momentarily. It brandishes its claws in an unsightly manner while I stagger. Just before it hit me, I instinctively push my body down the ground and rolled to the side desperately while its claws followed suite. Kraaash! I retaliated with a sweep but the monster easily avoids it by jumping. Ting! I guarded both of its claws that were driven upward and down to the ground with my sword. [ Shit!!! ] There's a clear difference in our strength for the monster is slowly driving me down on the ground. Bam! It kicks me away, bouncing my body against a tree. [ Kaghhh.... ] The sound of my ribs breaking tormented my body as I sprawled on the ground. Both of my gear dissipated from my hands afterwards. Shade shift remaining usage: 1 What do I imagine to kill this monster? Shit... I could no longer feel my limbs. Reina............... [ Oh thine goddess which were forever sealed away in anguish, let thy conflicting energy combine into one, and shed light in this place surrounded by darkness..... ] I hear the voice of an angel.... A dazzling light flashed, enveloping the surrounding area... It was so dazzling even the monster and myself were blinded for an instant. When the light faded, I see Eryn... With a fiery blade in one hand and a blade made of ice on the other. Tremendous amount of energy were concentrated in each of her sword. [ Haaaa....! Cross Tempest!! ] Boom! Eryn dives onto the unsuspecting monster and uses both of her blades to knock it down.. The cross slice remained on the monster's body and soon produces a light that eats it away.. It was a majestic sight. Cough... Cough... [ I hope that did it.... ] I continue to cough blood when my Goddess suddenly appeared by my side.. She held my head up and gave me a lap pillow, while she presses both of her arms in my chest, transferring her warmth to my body. [ Haa... Haa... Was that a regular monster in this woods? ] [ Shh... Don't speak.. ] The intense suffering in my body subsided, and gradually, the lost feeling in my limbs slowly returned. Is this healing magic? I'm still feeling feverish, but most of the pain has been removed. As I try to stand up, Eryn then fainted on my arms. [ Haha... She worries about me when she's already exhausted herself... I want to sleep--- ] I regretted saying those words right away.. [ Grooooaaaaaa!!! ] The monster reappeared in the midst of that attack.. Griiinnnd.......!!! The beast immediately run towards us at a terrifying speed while razing it's claws on the ground, accumulating a momentum to strike us with a sweeping motion. [ Oh my lord ! Eryn...! Oi.! ] Every cell in my body is telling me to run, however I can't! I'm not fast enough and with Eryn in my arms I can't! Its coming...! I just tightly held her unconscious body to guard her and grit my teeth to brace myself for the upcoming punishment. Kraaaassh! The sound of its razor sharp claws ripping apart my flesh! [ Kaaaaggnnnhhh!! ] Bam! It carved it's claws onto my back, forcefully hurling my body against another tree. That pain that had no name. It was otherworldly. [ Shii... Guaaagh!!! ] The impact causes my body to writhe and squirm, while dripping crimson on my mouth followed by a cough blew extreme amounts of blood! Inexpiable pain curses throughout my body but I still tightly held Eryn within my arms to cushion her body from the fall. [ Haaannn.....n ] My vision sways side to side as I try to keep a firm look on the monster. It's slowly approaching us with a horrific expression. It's eyes doesn't think of anything else besides killing it's prey. I was just healed and now, I'm wrecked once more.. The torrent of blood gushing from my behind is eating my consciousness away. My vision is blurring and I could no longer feel my limbs again, while I hear the heavy footsteps of the monster slowly creeping in. No more pain..... [ Just this once... ] A male's voice is resonating inside my head. Who is it? [ Just this once, I'll let you borrow the power within me. It'll be troublesome if my master dies here, so I'll use you. My name is Volius, the spirit who governs fire. Recite my name and my power shall be yours!!! ] So, if the master is a tsundere, then so is the servant? [ Sh-Shut up fool! Do you want to survive or what? ] It doesn't matter who it is. Even if this is the devil, I would gladly offer my soul just to protect My Goddess. Whoever you are, come forth! [ Volius!!! ] Just when I thought everything is over, a power I've never felt before begins to surge up within my body, a power that is squeezing me dry. The dagger that I handed to Eryn earlier found its way in my hand like a magnet! Afterwards, blinding light started to spread all over the area.. The blinding light took my sight away for a few seconds as it soothed the pain that I was feeling. When the flashed of light ended, I saw the dagger creating a blade of light, making its total length to at least 2 meters. The blade produces a fiery heat that resounds to my burning soul. My desire to protect Eryn has given this sword it's shape. A few steps away, the monster is watching me with a look of surprise and bewilderment. It's eyes is full of caution, like it couldn't understand how this mysterious power came to be. [ Hurry up and finish it. You can't feel pain right now but that doesn't mean I healed you. ] Finish it? But isn't it immortal? [ Not anymore. If you look at it closely, its missing a horn. Strike now before it fully regenerates! ] Just what Volius said, there was no pain when I stand but blood is still dripping from my back. With no time to waste, I dash towards the monster while holding the blade sideways. Imagine.... Chains cloaked in shadows that will hold this monster in front of me... Three different angles... One for each arm.. One for its head. [ Hraaaaa....! Shade shift! ] Three small portals of dark energy appeared as I recite! The monster greeted me with an upward stroke but the chains of darkness coming from the portal has shackled both its arms and hold it firmly in place. SLAAASH!!! I proceeded to swipe the arm that the monster used to attack me, with a wide upward slash, cutting his remaining horn and right arm in the process! The blade cut the monster skin so smooth, I didn't feel any resistance at all! [ Groooooaaaaaa...................! ] The monster shriek in pain but my relentless assault didn't stop there. [ Graaaahh.......!!!!! ] STAB!! [ Kiiiaaaaa.........!!!! ] [ Volius, ignite it! ] [ Ohhhh!!! ] I quickly stabbed its body using the sword, igniting the flames from within. As it screams its death throes, the monster's body was burned into ashes. Our deathmatch was over in an instant... [ Is it dead? ] My senses quickly returned to normal and the adrenaline that was keeping me standing reaches its breaking point. I can only see the dirt rushing towards me as I collapse on the ground. Finally, this hellish night has ended... Pi....!! Pi....!! |
lolifreak000fDec 16, 2014 4:17 PM
Nov 5, 2014 7:55 PM
[size=110]Chapter 5: Cheat I opened my eyes to respond to the sunlight bathing my skin. Fuaaa... When I came to my senses, it was already morning. [ Ow.. Ow.. My back hurts.. ] My body tinged in pain as I try to lift my back from the ground. I'm topless, with only bandages covering my chest and there's a weird sensation coming from my backside. I reached to my back, only to be reminded of that otherworldly pain. It hurts when I touched it and blood is still oozing from the wound. Trees everywhere leads as far as my eyes could see. On my side is a piece of clothing with a huge claw-like tear and blood smeared all over it. [ Is that my blood? ] My head is fuzzy. I held my unsteady head with one hand trying to recall what happened. Hmm...... Oh.! Since I was losing so much blood, I blacked out. What's more surprising is that I'm still alive, is what I should say. [ That's right..! Eryn! Where's Eryn?! ] Fear obscure my thoughts as my eyes look around the vicinity to look for her. She's nowhere to be found! Just when I was about to scream her name once more, a wooden staff came flying at my face at a speed that I could not dodge. Toink! [ Kuuhhhh!! ] The wooden stick hit me right on the spot! [ Don't yell my name out here idiot! Its embarrassing! ] That dainty voice implying a hint of roughness. Yes, that can only mean one thing. I glance at the direction where the wooden stick came from. [ Ah...... ] All that unease left my heart after seeing Eryn's face dyed red, making me sigh in relief. It's distorted as usual but even with all that, it still cannot hide her pretty face. [ Eryn-san, its another beautiful morning isn't it? ] [ If you have that much energy, then wake up sooner idioooot! ] Eryn blushes and just smiled bitterly at herself. For a moment, I think I saw tears develop on her eyes but I couldn't really tell. She was that good at hiding it. [ How are you feeling? ] Eryn casually sat next to me and started to replace the bandages covering my chest. It was a gentle touch... [ Aside from the weird sensation on my backside, everything else is good. ] I said so in a lively manner while trying to hide the embarrassment on my face. Usually, Eryn would be the one to be embarrassed but well, I guess I have those moments too. [ That's good to hear... ] [ If not for Eryn-san, I'm sure I would've gone straight to heaven.. Ahaha.... ] Seeing Eryn's gloomy expression makes me mad at myself. Never would I want to see this person make this kind of face ever again. !!!! [ Ouch...! ] She's putting too much pressure on the bandages its starting to hurt. [ Ehh... I didn't mean to.. ] Eryn stops in shock after hearing me complain. Is her mind on cloud nine today or what? [ Is something the matter? ] [ Nm-mh, its nothing. ] Eryn just lightly shook her head in response. If you act like that, I'll be more worried rather than feel relieved. [ Its done... ] [ Thank you.. ] I examined the old bandages that were covering me earlier.. The blood in particular appeared to be much more gooey. I refuse to believe this sticky red liquid in these bandages came from within me. Anyways, the beast in my stomach is dying to devour some nutrients. [ Umm, can Eryn-san make some food too? I feel like I would die any moment now if I don't put something in my mouth. ] I ended up asking Eryn shamelessly while scratching my tummy. Fuaa, sleeping on the ground can really make me feel itchy all over. How I would want to take a bath soon... [ Hehe, You're really shameless.. ] [ I was told I was too honest, but if Eryn-san wants to put it like that, its fine too. ] [ Yeah, uhuh... ] My shamelessness that knows no bounds was able to lighten the mood. Eryn was finally able to smile happily and the anxiety surrounding her face has disappeared. We haven't known each other for so long yet the care that she has provided for me is something I could not ignore. [ Please.... ] [ Hmmp! If you really insist, then it can't be helped... ] That line is so tsundere and her actions proves it as well. I noticed that whenever she gets excited, her long elven ears started to twitch as she escapes my gaze. And that's exactly what I'm witnessing right now.. How would I want to caress those beautiful ears of her, if only my Goddess would allow me to. This longing in my chest to caress those divine ears is what they call a [fetish], right? [ Haha, is there anything Eryn-san needed me to help with? I'm good at cutting vegetables. ] There was already wood on the surrounding area, but I still asked. Perhaps she already gathered some while I was asleep. I just didn't want to rely on Eryn too much but sometimes, it can't be helped. [ Hah! You'll just get in the way! From the looks of it, I bet you don't even know how to cook! ] Eryn snorts at me in pride while insulting my cooking skills. Hidoi! For the past three years, I've been surviving a humble life composed of omelettes and rice, and a little bit of instant ramen on the side. [ Just to let you know, I was brought up on a strict household! Once we reach the town, I'll let Eryn-san taste the best omelettes she could possibly imagine in her life! ] I crossed my arms over on my chest and started talking proudly. Unknown to her, I have already perfected the art of frying eggs.. Kukukuku! I'll return those insults back to you! [ Oh yeah? Then I can't wait till we reach the town then.. ] [ But of course. ] Ah, my heart is bouncing with happiness. Nobody really has paid that much attention to me and most of the time, I'm ignored. But now, I can't help but smile with this tingly feeling in my chest. While Eryn is preparing food, I look around to inspect our surroundings. For some reason, my body feels really light, though I can't put a finger to explain this new found sensation. It also seems like we haven't left the area where we confronted the monster. There's traces of it's claws on the ground and a stench of death lingers around the vicinity. [ Wait.... That's.... ] The arm that I severed from its body immediately caught my attention and though it's not moving, I could still feel it's frightening aura that almost killed us. Volius was it? If not for him, that lump of flesh could be easily replaced by myself or Eryn as well. Its a really scary thought. I approached the hand, clasped my hands together and offered a silent prayer. Even though its a monster, its still a living being. This isn't a game where you could just indiscriminately hunt monsters and loot them. But since its already here, I took the arm hoping that I could sell it when we reach the town. No matter the time and place, money is always a deciding factor. If this world is what I think it is, then these claws might sell for a decent price. Free time, free time.. I should use this time wisely and learn more about my [Shade shift] ability while Eryn is busy cooking. It goes without saying that I haven't told her about it yet. [ Status screen! ] I recited the regular words as usual.. The same window appeared though with a very remarkable difference. [ Oh my.... ] I pinch my cheeks a few times but the sensation is there. Its not a dream. ========Status-Screen======== Reimuz=LvL[15] Class=Manipulator Title=The-Cursed-One Alignment=Neutral ===Skill-List=== Kill-Switch[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Shade-Shift[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] All-A[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Endurance[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Eclipse-Syndrome[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] ========================= The cursed one? What the... I wish titles would give me some info at least. At some other games, titles either provide additional stats or useful passive abilities. However in this world, its just useless decoration it seems. Since figuring things out with the title alone is useless, I push the panel for [Eclipse-Syndrome] excitedly. [ Eclipse-Syndrome[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Info: Unknown. ] What the fuck.... How is this any different from those unreadable characters? What did I eat to absorb such a skill? My level rose to 15 after defeating that monster from before. That just explains how tough of an adversary it is. Hold on.. There is no numerical values but perhaps it just doesn't show? Maybe my stats increase on their own as I level up? It explains this weird sensation that I'm feeling. When I leveled up from before, I didn't really notice much difference but now that my level rose significantly, I felt that huge boost... This is yet another amazing discovery. If my level rose that much, then that means I have spare usage for shade shifts.. Let me practice my imagination... I walk further away from Eryn and started to close my eyes as I concentrate.. Chuunibyou mode: On! Imagine..... A sword cloaked in shadows, 100 cm in length, with a sharp and piercing blade. [ Shade shift.. ] Swoosh! A blade of darkness that has no form came raining down.. Doubt number 1 confirmed: If I don't imagine the location, the item will fall down next to me. Extremely dangerous. Doubt number 2 confirmed: It works on mornings. Then what type of darkness do I manipulate? Ugh, its so complicated... I took a hold of that sword and started cutting a nearby tree.. Haaaaa!!! Seeing the blade has no form, it never dawned on me why it doesn't cut my hands when I touch it. Its similar to a long stick with a sharp end, so of course, I always grab it on the thick side. Should I stab myself and confirm? There's Eryn nearby so she could heal me anytime if there's any complications. [ One... two... three... ] I lightly stabbed my arm with the sword but it completely bypass me without inflicting any injuries.. Marvelous! So, my own powers can't hurt me it seems. Anyways, the poor innocent tree was left with gashes but the sword wasn't strong enough to completely cut it down.. I threw the blade like a spear towards that tree and surprisingly, its piercing power is amazing. It completely went through and made a small hole but immediately disappeared after it left my hand. Maybe if I know the minerals used or how to forge a sword, I could create a much better weapon. Well, on to the next stuff.. About an hour later... I proceeded to experiment using shade shift and uncovered a few more additional information. Doubt number 3 confirmed: The items I'm trying to summon must be cloaked in darkness or it wouldn't be able to materialize. Doubt number 4 confirmed: Only one type of item could be materialize at the same time. Doubt number 5 confirmed: My level determines the quality of items I could manipulate with darkness. Lastly, the most dangerous experiment that I've been meaning to do... Inhale. Exhale. Free yourself of doubts and concentrate. [ Banishment this world! ] To create a familiar. I close my eyes and picture its form... Imagine... Biri... Biri...! [ Arrrrghhh! ] A sudden burst of dark energy forces me on my knees... [ What the hell just happened...? ] I broke out in cold sweat as I raised my body from the ground. I cracked my knuckles and rolled my head around. Everything is back to normal again. This skill is not omnipotent and I've already deduced it would be a wasted effort since what I'm trying to create is a lifeform after all. Its not right for me to pretend I'm some sort of God--- Pi.....! [ Current level to learn the skill is insufficient. Prerequisite alignment not fulfilled. ] Somebody give me a slap right now or I'll bash my head onto the ground this instant. Its possible for me to create a familiar?! I don't know if I should be happy or disgusted at myself. I stare at my hands as I question my morality, yet I can't stop the laughter and smile that came from within me. This skill is very dangerous.. Its devils whisper.. If a familiar is possible then perhaps I could even make a dokodemo door? Infinite in mystery, that's the perfect way to describe this skill. While carrying the arm on my shoulder, I made a new set of chopsticks, gathered more firewood and walk back to Eryn afterwards. The beautiful aroma of spices entices my nose as I drew closer.. Seems like she's already done cooking. Just in time for me to relish this hunger. [ Yo... I brought some more firewood if Eryn-san needs them.. ] [ You----- Waaaahh!!! Get that way from me!!! ] As soon as her eyes laid on the arm that I was carrying, Eryn retreated behind a tree. She's shivering and her voice was so loud it bothered the entire forest. [ Haha... I was thinking of selling it when we get into town. I don't have any money after all. ] I smiled wryly as I scratch my cheek with my finger. [ No! Throw that or you won't have any food! Burn it! Burn it right now!! ] Much to Eryn's dismay, I still kept the arm with me. It's my only pot of gold right now. The arm has some really thick muscles and along with it's sharp claw's, the arm's total length was at least 180 cm. Imagine myself getting cut by these claws. What kind of magic was able to heal such wound? [ I'll cover it and hide it from your sight, will that be okay? ] [ Grrrr....! Fine! ] After getting my Goddess approval, I proceeded to wrap the arm with my blood smeared clothing. I positioned myself near the pot afterwards.. Surprisingly, Eryn sat beside me while stealing some glances at the wound on my back. Our normal sitting pattern has always been in front of each other. Its kinda eerie having her sit beside me like this while catching me some sidelong glances. Its giving me a feeling of deja vu... I feel like I'll get stabbed for some reason... [ How bad is the scar? ] I asked the girl besides me who couldn't sit tight. With her behavior, she's probably waiting for me to asked that. [ From what I saw earlier, there's 3 deep gashes on your back starting from your waist to shoulders and the skin regarding the wound has already turned dark. ] Eryn said so while her eyes are drooping down on the ground, not even bothering to return my gaze. How can I relieve her face of doubts? [ It's not so bad then since its on my back anyways. ] [ Mhmm... ] I reassured her with my joking words but I know myself it wouldn't really do much. Eryn takes pride on her skills and seeing such a strong monster bypass her net like that, she's probably blaming herself of what happened. [ I would assume a monster as dangerous as that isn't a native in this forest? ] [ Yeah.... what has happened is definitely abnormal.. ] What Eryn just said makes sense. Were going onto the direction of the town yet we encountered a monster so dangerous it endangered our lives. Not to mention, the both of us are already cheat characters. I know for a fact that Eryn is already overpowered just by witnessing her display of strength and skill from last night. If a game starts off with your beginner forest and spawns a monster lord, it would be broken. If I'm not thinking too much about this, then maybe... Did Reina orchestrad this occurrence? I can't help but think that she had a hand on everything that has happened so far. Dancing at the palm of her hand to amuse her. Hopefully, I'm just over thinking this nonsense. [ Well, are you okay yourself? You passed out on my arms you know.. ] Snap! I heard a nerve pop instantly as I finished my sentence. There was no need for me to check where it came from... [ What did you say....? ] [ No-Nothing! A verbal slip of a tired delusional guy! ] A dreadful aura is emitting from Eryn but quickly disappears. Looks like she was able to hold her anger inside... Phew.... I'm saved... for now. [ Haha... Can we start eating then? ] [ Idiot.... ] After seeing the stupid pleading of a hungry guy, she handed me a bowl of soup. Its the same old soup that we have been eating for a few days now. The soup is full of vegetables native to this forest though some are quite familiar looking. On the first day that I ate her soup, there was some meat involved and it tasted wonderful.. Now that it crossed my mind, what kind of meat is that? I shudder just thinking about the possibilities! Anyways... Sluuuurp.... [ Ah....... ] I started slurping the hot soup and showed a satisfied face once my tongue touches its flavor. My taste buds should be getting tired of it yet for some odd reason, I am unable to stop myself from slurping it. Even though its flaming hot, my taste buds don't care. [ Would you mind your surroundings when you eat? ] [ Sorry, this soup is just so addictingly good, I can eat it for the rest of my life. ] [ Wh-what? W-well I'm glad you like it! B-but its not like I made i-it for you o-or anything like that!! ] That denial of hers accompanied by her flushed cheeks could only mean one thing. Wait, if I interpret those words that left my lips, It could be: [ Sorry, this soup is just so addictingly good, will you marry me so I can eat this for the rest of my life? ] That's not how she heard that right? Knowing Eryn's personality, that's not probably the case. [ By the way.. ] Eryn's tone suddenly turned serious. [ What is that mysterious power that you used last night? ] Cough..! Her question almost made me spill my essential energy source. But I'm prepared, since I know she'll question me about this. [ It was ah... some sort of a skill I acquired while traversing this forest. ] I'm trying not to notice but I could feel Eryn's questioning gaze on my side. [ ..............Well, if you meant harm, there's many chances for you to do so... I'll trust you for now. ] That's a very surprising reaction from My Goddess. For sure I thought I'll be questioned to death till I spill the beans. [ Anyways, this soup is really fantastic ahaha..... ] It was starting to get awkward so my eyes quickly searched the area to find a new topic for us to talked about. Luckily, I noticed her luggage but her horse is nowhere to be found. [ So, I see your luggage over there but what happened to the horse? ] [ It ran away. ] [ Ah... ] Ran away? I'm perfectly sure that I tied it around a tree before leaving. Its not possible to run away by itself unless some other being with hands like myself freed it. [ I have so many things to apologize for... Now, we lost your horse too. ] [ We can't do anything about it now. ] I'm relieved Eryn is back to being blunt and curt but her atmosphere is starting to scare me. Must be because I rummage through her backpack and made it a complete mess. I even took her fancy dagger and use it without her consent. If that was a prized possession, then I am in a really big trouble right now. [ Haha.... What happened to the dagger that I was using? ] Boom! That question seems to have activated a landmine. Eryn's expression is about to bare fangs at me. Please tell me that the blade is fine. [ The blade is chipped.. and it's core sustained heavy damage. ] Eryn showed me the dagger quickly after I asked. It was quite weird for her to carry one, now she's carrying both. [ I think I could see what you mean by the core... ] There's noticeable damage on the blade and the gem lost its shine. It's vibrant red color has now turned gray. Like the life previously sustaining it before has died out. Exactly what I'm scared about. [ Mhmm...... ] Contrast to what I was thinking, Eryn just sighed while showing a sad expression. Seeing her make a face like that, I just couldn't sit around quietly. Suddenly, a ridiculous idea sparked in my mind. [ How about I repair it? ] [ You know how to fix Volius??! ] It's not a question of ' Do I know how? ' but rather ' Can I fix it? '. Maybe I was a little too hasty but her eyes already sparkled after hearing that her dagger could be repaired. I can't possibly let her down now. [ Well, I'll see what I can do when we reach the town but don't get your hopes up. ] [ Mhmm.. As long as I know there's chance of Volius getting repaired. ] Eryn tightly held the dagger against her chest and smiles. It was such a beautiful and radiant smile that fixated my eyes on her. That very moment, I promise something to myself. That no matter what happens, I will protect this person's smile. We finally left that dreadful area and started walking towards the direction that Eryn's map pointed the town to be. I don't even know how she could properly identify our current direction but she seems to have method for that. [ I listen to the trees. ] Is what she said as she closes her eyes and her lovely elven ears started twitching. I try to do the same but all I could hear is the usual sound of the leaves rustling. Smack! Eryn ended up smacking my head after seeing that I'm trying to mimic her. [ Are you making fun of me? ] [ No.. I just wanted to try... ] It's like she has some sort of sense that we humans don't. Since we've been traveling together, I ended up carrying her stuff along with the monster's arm that I brought earlier. Eryn even gave me another piece of clothing before we headed out. Just a plain short-sleeve garment with a dark bluish color made of fabric. It doesn't provide any defensive capabilities but it's the only clothes that I can move in freely. Also, that weird throbbing sensation on my backside still remains, making me think that I should go visit a doctor soon. But damn... The total weight of her backpack alone is at least 50 kg. It was then that I realized how thankful I am for doing all those daily exercises. Thank you father, for drilling those morning exercises in my brain. [ Wait for me world! ] I tightly clench my fist and raise it upward to the skies. Preparing myself for the biggest and grandest adventure to come. |
lolifreak000fDec 8, 2014 10:18 PM
Nov 7, 2014 9:10 AM
[size=110]Chapter 6: The Merchant Town Trampling through the fresh foliage, we finally reached the man made roads leading to town. A different kind of breeze rustled in the winds. I deeply breathe in the fresh air and enjoyed the view ahead of me. Finally, a place that is not surrounded by trees. [ Weirdo.... ] [ Let me indulge myself in this air for a while.. ] Eryn just smiled wryly at me as I couldn't help but enjoy the clear grassy view ahead of us. Being around trees for more than a week, of course anybody would be glad to see grasslands. Not to mention, I almost died a few times. Sea of trees. The place where I landed I suppose. Much further inside is the Tree of the Beginning, which supposedly has existed ever since the birth of this world. The name 'Sea of Trees' was derived from the countless trees that resemble each other making this forest impossible to navigate. It was also describe as a forest labyrinth that has many different kinds of dangers man has yet to discover. One of the most dangerous places in this world, according to Eryn.. And I, Reimuz, a guy with no redeeming qualities has passed through and survived this treacherous region? Doesn't that make me a legend myself? As we continue to walk, we came upon a field of crops and a few elderly people tending to them. [ Hey kid, you passed through that forest yourselves? ] One of the elderly men walked up to me with a surprised look. Seems like my legend is about to start now. [ No, we're just a pair of merchants passing by the roads to Saphir. ] Eryn shoved me off to the side and answered the old man with a smile on her face. Aw, I'm hurt.. My feelings that is. [ Ah, this place is indeed a good place to start for young merchants like yourselves. Well, you two have fun now..! ] [ Thank you very much. ] We both bowed our heads and continued walking up the slope. But before I turned, the old man pat me on my shoulders and gave me a sheepish smile. I wonder why? They also seem to be raising livestock since I could see several sheep scattered all over the area and there's a stream of water not too far from where we are. Some young kids are running around with wooden sticks in hand trying to keep their animals in check. It was a heartwarming sight. [ It's a beautiful scenery, don't you think? ] I happily asked Eryn who is a few steps in front of me. Eryn stopped on her track and turned her head to look at the horizon, her face remained motionless.... In the depths of her vivid eyes lies a hint of woe. [ I don't know... It's my first time in a human settlement.. ] Eryn muttered in a low tone while staring at a distance.. The straight bangs covering her eyebrows are quietly blowing in the light breeze that's flowing through the air. [ I see... ] [ What is Reimuz's purpose here? ] Ah---- The way she just called my name catch me off guard. [ I have no idea... I guess I'll find out once we entered the town.. ] [ That's a vague answer.. ] I walked up next to Eryn and stared at the horizon myself. Somewhere out there, is Reina... [ I want to find her.... The one who brought me here in Aestrea... ] [ Is she the one who you previously mentioned before? ] [ Yes.... I want to see her again... There's so many things I wanted to tell her.. But first of all, I wanted to apologize.. ] This emotional feeling swelling up in my chest had always led me to tears. Even now... I find myself crying in silence once my mind starts to wander, thinking about Reina. [ She must be really important... ] Important? Reina is more than important. Reina.... is everything to me. [ Well, no use brooding about the past. If you believe she's out here somewhere, then I'm sure you'll meet her one day. ] Eryn resumed her walk while leaving me with such comforting words. This tsundere Goddess of mine, thank you.. It wasn't that long till we finally saw the giant stone walls enclosing the town in a distance. All that fatigue left my body as I imagine myself sleeping on a warm comfortable bed. Add a nice relaxing bath to that and I'm set. However, selling this loot first would be ideal since I do not want to drag this arm all over the place. Excited as we speak, we hurriedly approached the town entrance. [ Halt! This is the first time we've seen you around here. What is your purpose in Saphir? ] Standing near the entrance are two middle-aged men wearing leather clothing. Hanging on their waist are swords that are quite similar to European style swords back in the medieval age. I presume that their the guards but they look more like adventurers at most. [ We're merchants if you cannot see. We're here to do business in Saphir. ] It was Eryn who answered them with a loud and clear voice. There was no hesitation in her eyes and she stands admirable in front of the guards. I don't really know as to why but she's back to her prideful self. [ Ohhhh, this is the first time I've seen an Effu. Just like the rumors says. ] [ They are prideful indeed... ] The guards certainly weren't discreet about their words. It also agitates me how they look at Eryn like she's some part of a circus show. But I just simply hold that agitation inside me, for I am an outsider in this world. Still, I can't blame them. Eryn really is a very beautiful girl and though she might be blunt, the mysterious and alluring vibe that she gives out alone is enough to attract attention. It was an occurrence that I expected beforehand. Sniff... Sniff... [ Do you smell that? Its coming from this kid. ] [ What are you hiding over there? ] One of the guards ruggedly approached me with a suspicious look after sniffing the weird stench of death coming from the arm that I was carrying. [ Not really hiding. I'm thinking of selling this later when we get inside the town. The monster's arm that I covered with my bloodstained-clothes didn't escape the guards attention. [ Blurgh! ] [ Oi! What are you trying to pull here?! ] When I exposed the contents, the guard who was checking it up close almost puke to where he stand while the other reaches to the sword on his waist out of wary. [ Ahaha... I apologize.. ] Their faces hurled in disgust even more so after noticing my undisturbed expression. [ Hey, that's rude....! ] Eryn scowled at the guards and a nerve is about to pop on her head. She raised her hand upward, unleashing her whipping slap on the guard who stands right next to me. Wa-cha..! But before she whooped the guard's wrinkled face, I grabbed her arm in time. Phew.... [ Eryn-san, lets not make a ruckus here... ] I let go of her slender arm while I explain my reason. [ Hmph! Do you as you like. ] [ Ahaha..... ] As usual, Eryn turned her head sideways and crossed her arms over her chest when she doesn't want to listen. I just smiled sardonically while I look at her annoyed expression. [ Ahem... ] [ I am very sorry...] After the guards cleared their throats, they started to question me again. [ That's not a human's limb isn't it? ] [ Not at all, do these claws look humane to you? ] [ You have a point... ] [ Wait.. Isn't there a subjugation request for that monster?? ] Subjugation request? Interesting. I knew if a monster was this close to a town or city, there's always a considerable amount of damage that it has done. Such things could be easily predicted especially if the monster is as strong as this one. Seems like my gamble has paid off. [ Subjugation request? Would you please tell me more about this? ] [ You're better off asking the adventurer's guild kid.. They're the ones who handles those sorts of things. ] [ Alright, where can we find the guild? ] [ Just go straight over here and once you reach the circular fountain on the central plaza, head right using the bridge. It's the building with a distinguished sign outside. You won't be able to miss it. ] The guard pointed across the gates inside the town. Once he finishes his explanation, the guards proceeded to inspect the backpack that I was carrying. [ Alright, you're good to go. The both of you may enter. ] After confirming that the contents are safe, they nod to themselves and told us to move on. I bowed my head to the guards and thank them before entering the gate. I thought you would need some kind of pass or identification, but I guess not. Their security seemed kind of lax for a merchant town. As we made our way through the stone paved streets, my quiet and solemn Goddess finally graced me with her words. [ Do you enjoy being a laughingstock? ] Eryn glance at my pupils with perplexed eyes. Her eyes intently waiting for my answer. [ Who would?? But pride and rage? I would just get tired of those things. ] I said to her as I look away and continued walking. [ I don't understand how you think... ] [ Its better to simply think that I'm a coward. ] Naturally, our mind sets runs on two entirely different lanes. Eryn is prideful while I'm a simple guy who just doesn't give a damn. But I'm happy that Eryn protested for me, when I can't even do the same thing for her. What awaited us inside is a place something I'm so familiar with, not in reality but rather, in my so called fantasy games. The houses are mostly made in brick with tiles roofs while others are completely made of wood. There's a stream of water that cuts the town in two and is connected by a bridge made of stone that is at least 5 m wide. Just before you cross that bridge is the circular fountain that the guardsman previously mentioned before. And the most impressive thing is its bustling populace full of merchants. A wide variety of stalls lined up next to each other and the loud shouting of merchants trying to attract attention of people passing by while others are having a debate on haggling prices. Its a place brimming with life. [ It really is a different world.... ] My mouth dropped in astonishment after witnessing such an impressive sight... Seeing such a thing unfold onto my eyes, it made me realize that it really is a different world. One fundamentally different from where I came from. As we walk this busy street, every person that we passed by turns their head towards our direction. Their gazes are immediately glued to My Goddess and they started to whisper amongst themselves. At the same time, Eryn tugged on to my shirt timidly while she covers her face with her hood as we walk. She follows after me quietly trying hard not to attract any more attention. She must not be used to big crowds such as this. Not like I'm one to talk myself either. [ Ummm.. Eryn-san, is something bothering you? ] [ Keep walking... ] I awkwardly scratched my head while I stare at this strong willed girl reduced to a pitiful sight. Though I know very well what's troubling her. It's those judging gazes from the majority who is different from themselves. Not too long ago, I suffered from the same treatment. Is it because of her race or is it because of her irresistible beauty? Whatever the answer maybe, they both lead to something troublesome. [ Eryn-san.. do you want to hold my hand instead? From where I came from, holding another person's hand is also a form of spell that makes you feel calm. ] A lie. A blatant lie. Ah, why did that came out of my mouth? Somebody turn back time. [ ..... Okay. ] Albeit reluctantly, she still agreed to my suggestion. So I gently took her hand and continued walking. She's surprisingly meek and her face is scorched with embarrassment. But I'm not so ignorant not to notice. Holding a girl's hand like this, how can I keep a straight face myself? [ Well, let's head to this so called guild first because I would want to get rid of this arm as fast as possible. ] [ Mhmm... ] Eryn has a small and lovely tender hands. As we walked along hand in hand, I can feel a faint warmth passing from her hand to mine. It was a really pleasant feeling. A delicate flower on my left, a severed limb on my right and a heavy backpack on my rear. What's next? We wound our way through the bustling streets and immediately found the circular fountain according to the guardsman. Such a fine display of intricate design. After that, we cross the stone bridge pass the central plaza. [ Eryn-san, look... ] I shook her hand and led her eyes to a gigantic mansion way ahead of us. Its eye catching design and the fancy white wall surrounding it screams noble. Must be the house of the person governing this town. [ Mhmm..... Its beautiful.. ] [ Right? ] It wasn't that hard to find the right building after that since it's the only building with a 'fancy' or what the guard said, 'distinguished' sign on the outside. Its a rectangular banner painted white and red with a portrait of a gryphon. The building itself is pretty big, but tiny compared to that mansion from before. [ This must be it.. ] My heart is pumping with excitement as I open the wooden door. This is just like the start of most RPG out there and for a guy who is a fan of said games, seeing the real establishment in person like this really sparks my adventurous soul. No matter how much I hide it, I'm still an enthusiast for these kinds of activity. The interior of the building is as big as how you see it outside. Many people are gathered in groups and most of them are young, maybe a little bit around my age or older. There's a few veterans that I immediately spotted because of the stern look on their faces and the unfriendly aura that surrounds them. Further in the back looks like an office desk with a receptionist, greeting everybody who came through the front door. [ Hai hai! Welcome to the adventurers guild in Saphir! How can we help you today? ] It is a cheerful oneesan who is probably on her mid twenties, greeted us. Because of her clear voice that echoed throughout the building, everybody's attention were suddenly directed to myself. [ Hou-hoh.. ] [ Nice, nice.. ] Their gazes are filled with envy and resentment making me wonder to myself if I did something wrong. I let out a sigh and disregarded their loathsome glances as we continue to walk towards the receptionist looking lady. [ Once again, welcome to the adventurers guild in Saphir! How can we help you today? ] She said those words while leaning to her rightside causing me to notice her large brown eyes that is similar to a chocolate chip cookie, while her short fluffy brown hair bounces up and down. And then, I realized that something about her is different. That furry ears of her that twitches as she smiles definitely resembles a cat! [ Neko...nekomimi?! ] Different kinds of emotions are starting to swell up within me. My passionate desire to caress her ears is filling up my thoughts! But... where's the 'nyaa' ? Giku...! [ Ow.... ] My quiet companion suddenly pinches my ears as I was fantasizing. Her expression shows her irritation while she tightly grips my hand. [ What did you even come here for?? ] [ Sorry, sorry. ] Inhale. Exhale. Suppress your desires myself. After my stupid display, I glance back to the cat eared oneesan. [ I apologize for my stupidity. ] [ Its understandable. What is your business in our guild? ] Her tail happily moves around while she cheerfully asked us a question. I find myself staring at this lady whom I thought to be pure fantasy just now. [ Grrrrrr........ ] I can feel Eryn's glare full of malice, her eyes shooting out some green daggers. Oh my god.. I should state my business before My Goddess explodes. [ I heard from the guards that there's a subjugation request for a certain monster. Unfortunately, I was only able to bring back one of it's arms. ] [ Show it to me please. ] With her signal, I began to remove the dirty clothes wrapping the arm and slowly presented it to her, hoping it won't scare her like how it did with the guards. [ This is... ] She nervously examined it while glancing at my direction. Her reaction basically says she has difficulty believing we defeated this monster ourselves. [ Does it look familiar? ] [ Y..Yes.. ] A surprise, speculative murmur instantly rippled inside the building when I uncovered the arm of the monster and a crowd of adventurers started to circle around us. Some are praising me, some are doubting me, but they are all curious to see. Even the receptionist lady couldn't hide her bewilderment. [ For some unknown reason, it started to appear around the vicinity not too long ago and has already injured and killed several adventurers by itself. Numerous knights working for the city went after this monster a few days ago but most came back gravely injured while some of the unfortunate ones died in pursuit. ] It all makes sense now. It explains why those adventurer looking men are guarding the town gate. They have a shortage of knights because of this monster appearing too strong for them to handle. [ So.. will I complete the request even though its just the arm? ] I directly asked the receptionist even after hearing such a sad story. While that story is highly depressing, its none of my business. [ Certainly, but we will have to conduct an investigation first if the monster is really gone or not. It might take up to a week, so I suggest you come back by then. You can also leave the arm here for the client. ] [ Alright, I'll follow your suggestion... Also, how I do I sign up to become an adventu-- ] Bam! Another set of adventurers approached the desk and forced me away from the counter. [ My bad! We didn't notice you over there! Hahaha!! ] All of his friends laugh along with him as he lets out a hearty laugh. Its a trio of useless hoodlums that is probably named as Thug no.1-3 in RPG's. On his left is a fatass, on his right is a thin tall man, while he himself looks like a typical grumpy old man. They're all equipped with some cheap looking swords on their waist. [ You got lucky kid. It was probably near death when you encountered it right? ] The man notices the arm that I set on the desk and then, looks down at me with contempt. [ That's to be expected boss. Look at him, he doesn't even have weapon.. ] [ Or maybe he just stumbled on that arm on his way back home after running away! ] [ Now, now.. Lets not be rude... Hahaha!!!! ] The trio of arrogant bastards laugh out loud as they satisfy themselves with their delusions. The crowd of adventurers surrounding me dispersed by themselves, with an annoyed look etched on their faces. Seems like these fools are popular for being big-headed and cocky. Oh well, ignore it.. [ Hey! ] The man walks up to me, still arrogantly looking down. [ Now kid, at least tell us about your bravery. How did you vanquished this monster? ] His haughty attitude was really starting to piss me off but I still quietly stood my ground, passing his words off as if it was thin air. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away when I heard a loud voice filled with anger rang inside the building. [ What do you idiots even know? Reimuz risked his life just so he could saved me from this monster! What gives you the right to blab out your unwanted prejudices?!! ] When I turned my head to inquire, I see Eryn... Furiously confronting the old man face to face. She was so quiet I nearly forgot she exist. [ Hou... Is that kid your lover? How about you hang out with us instead of that lame kid? ] [ Oh yeah? ] Eryn finally snaps and flung her hands to the old man, unleashing the whip of death. With her inhuman strength, the man stumbled backwards a few times till his back scrambled on the wall. It was a one hit-kill... Ouch..! The grown man was knocked unconscious. Eryn's actions basically prevented everybody else from verbalizing any words. The spectator's mouths gaped open in shock. I grab her hand once more and tugged her along with me towards the exit. [ W-Wait...! ] [ Nope, were going out... ] Sorry Eryn, I'm a coward who follows the conduct ' peace and quiet ', that's why avoiding trouble is my utmost priority. [ You think we'll just let you go like that? You bitch! You'll pay for what you did!! ] [ Come back here you fucking whore! ] The old man's friends shouted some insults at our backs... Ah------ As soon as my ears catches the insultive remark they gave about Eryn, something inside me snaps. My vision is gradually getting darker and the throbbing sensation on my backside started to pulsate even harder. I let go of Eryn's hand who is furiously fighting back from my grip and silently walked back to the two. [ Shade shift... ] Swoosh! Two blade of darkness materializes in my hands as I gave them a silent glare full of murderous intent. [ You guys must have a death wish.. ] I don't know what kind of problems they had with me but if they badmouth Eryn one more time, I'll slice their heads off. A frustrating hot sensation swells up in my chest. Dokun...! Dokun...! [ C-Cocky kid. ] [ We'll kill you! ] The two of them drew their swords and pointed it at me while cold sweat develop on their faces. They hold their swords firmly but their legs are trembling in fear, still confused at my display of power from before. Pffft, A moment is all I need to behead the two of you. [ Stop, Stop! ] As I silently fumed, the receptionist oneesan steps in between the four of us. [ Hai hai!! That's enough all of you. ] She bowed her head as though apologizing for the men's rudeness and addressed me in their stead. [ Reimuz-kun, was it? I'll take care of the things here so you can go on ahead. ] [ Thank you... ] I quashed the wicked thoughts rising in my mind and answered her with utmost politeness. The cat eared oneesan bowed at me again while catching a side long glance at the displeased men. [ Alright everybody.... ] She loudly clasped her hands together while she gave me a naughty sign to go. After seeing her wink, I took that chance to leave the crowded area with Eryn. Finally, a breath of fresh air. [ Ummm..... ] [ Its not your fault.. ] Eryn cuts me off before I could even say what I wanted to say.. But she's right on the mark.. [ Because of me, you had to deal with those sorts of things... I'm really sorry.. ] [ I just said its not your fault... ] Waaa...! Eryn suddenly grabs my hand and started walking away from that place. [ Revenge... ] [ Ahaha... Eryn.. Thank you. ] [ Pervert... ] How we switched places too fast.. The anxiety surrounding my heart has been mended by Eryn once again. Still, that uncanny bloodlust developing from within me... I'm afraid something is changing inside my body. |
lolifreak000fDec 16, 2014 5:12 PM
Nov 12, 2014 11:08 AM
[size=110]Chapter 7: Reimuz and the Blacksmith Next on our list is to find a blacksmith that will help us repair 'Volius' (Eryn's dagger). We just previously left the guild so were still on the northern side of Saphir. Upon spotting a bystander that doesn't seem busy, I approached him politely and asked for directions on where could a blacksmith shop possibly be. [ Ohh, a blacksmith? Just go straight pass the central plaza, it's right by the south gate. ] [ Is that so? Thank you very much.. ] We followed his direction and walk towards the south gate. Typically in games, a good merchant can also be a good blacksmith. Because blacksmithing means profit and money hoarders such as myself will do anything to gain a profitable income. From the ores that they gather to the expensive set of weapons and armors they forge. I could easily rake in some cash if I could just find the suitable person to work for. [ Neh... Reimuz, do you want to a take a break first? ] Eryn seems to have loosened up a bit. Her face that was covered in fear as we walk pass by a crowd has been replaced by a tender smile. [ Judging from the color of the skies, its already late afternoon. It'll be better to get this out of the way first before it turns dark since you haven't found an inn to stay after all. ] [ I haven't found an inn you say but... what about you? ] What about me? That's a question that I haven't thought of answering so far. No.. more like I was avoiding that possibility of me being homeless in the streets. Nevertheless, my pride as a man wouldn't accept any more babysitting from Eryn. [ I'd hate to impose on you any further so... I'll find a different way. ] While nonchalantly saying such words, I turned away from Eryn's compassionate gaze as if I'm trying to escape. Just when I thought that took a load off her slim shoulders, she protested and grumbled instead. Ah..... did I perhaps mentioned something wrong? [ Do as you like then..*grumble* ] Eryn fasten her pace to gain some distance away from me. She dances around the crowd of people, elegantly avoiding each and every single one of them without even looking. What kind of movement is that? Presence sensor? [ Eryn-san... you might trip if you walk like that you know.. ] [ Mind your own business. *grumble* ] And she avoided another headlong crash without looking again. [ Wow... I want that skill.. ] I couldn't hide the astonishment in my voice as I watch this person display her nimbleness. It made me wonder. Maybe... she really didn't need my help against that monster after all. Did I just perhaps hinder her and make things worse by suddenly intervening? If that's the case, it makes me feel more pathetic. Because of my nosiness, I endangered both of our lives and I even went and broke her important dagger. Everything that has happened so far is because of my uninvited chasm. Even this wound on my back is because of me. I have nobody else to blame. Ah..... It's throbbing like crazy again. Haaaa..... Somehow, I feel thirsty all of a sudden and there's a strange feeling forming within my belly. What do I do to satisfy this hunger? This refined delicacy in front of me... I want her. I want to eat her. This girl who looks unbearably delicious. Despite her being on the petite side, her robe that only goes down as far as her knees fails to hide her lovable thighs from my hungry eyes. I want a taste of her thighs...a mouthful of her well kept thighs that is as pale as snow. I lick my lips in anticipation as my thoughts went adrift to sort out plans on how will I assault her. ............................... I shook my head intensely to keep the evil thoughts at bay. Something must be wrong with me and I must be really starving if I just thought of Eryn as food. Haaaah..... Its getting dark.. I can't see... [ Reimuz? Why did you stop? ] As I lost myself in my wicked thoughts, Eryn turned around to check up on me. Though she tries hard not for me to notice, her eyes clearly tell that she's worried. [ Did I...? It's nothing.. ] [ You look really exhausted. ] [ Naw, I'm good. Thank you. ] I suppressed the feeling of dread emitting from within me to walk alongside Eryn once more. My mind is definitely in a unstable state right now it might lead to me attacking her. I must be really tired... That must be it. Seriously, what is wrong with me? After about 30 minutes of walking, we finally came across a shop with a sword engraved on the signboard. My gamer sense immediately regard it as a blacksmith shop. [ This seems to be the right place... ] [ Mhmm... The place does give that vibe. ] As we made our way inside, a very messy place that reeks of sweat greeted us on the front door. Different kinds of weapon are hanging on the wall and what seemed to be farming tools. [ Ho.... it's exactly how I imagined it be. ] Upon entering the shop, I already previewed in my mind and see Eryn complaining due to the odor but when I glance back to her, there's no sort of emotion stirring. Eryn is just quietly looking around a spot that looks like it needs a feminine touch. The sword section immediately caught my attention as I inspect the shop. [ Hmm... this particular sword will be perfect for me.. ] What fascinated me the most is a plain looking sword that is a little short but has a wide blade. It looks extremely sharp and the form makes it looks like it's very easy to handle. Perfect for beginners like myself. I took that very same sword to examine it closely. As expected, it's quite heavy. [ I don't think that's a good idea now.. ] [ It's alright.. I just wanted to have a quick look. ] [ You don't even have any money right? ] Eryn pulled my sleeve with a nervous expression, reminding me to stop before I break anything, but her words didn't reach me. I was already fascinated by the fine pieces of craftsmanship in front of me. You know how men are easily fascinated by cars. As for an RPG gamer like myself, seeing a real sword like this makes my heart thump in excitement. [ What do you think lad? ] [ I think it's magnificent sir... ] I answered the deep voice that interjected from within without giving it much thought. The words that were on my mind came out unconsciously. [ Hahaha! Been a while since I've seen someone as honest as you. Most of the young ones these days only care about the looks! ] A man with a well forged body and copper like skin greeted us. You can see the wrinkles on his face depicting his old age while he exudes an aura of wisdom. Without a doubt, this old man is the one responsible for crafting these weapons inside this shop. [ The names Gordon, the best(self proclaimed) blacksmith in town. Want to buy a weapon of some sort? ] [ Nothing in particular sir. Anyways, my name is Reimuz and this is my friend Eryn.. ] My fingers lead to Eryn to introduce her. Which reminds me about her rash behavior when we first met. [ It's a pleasure.. to make your acquaintance.. ] I sigh in relief after seeing her introduce herself properly. It wouldn't do us any good if Eryn's displays her usual mood towards the person we would need to ask a favor of. [ Hou... an Effu was it? ] Those words again... I know they don't mean anything but they sound so discriminating especially for an outsider like myself. [ We came here because we wanted you to have a look at a certain dagger of ours. We were wondering if you could repair it for a reasonable price. ] [ Show it to me and I'll decide afterwards. ] After hearing his words, Eryn took 'Volius' out of the backpack and presented it to him. She was quite hesitant to give it to the old man but with our current options, she has no choice. Well, I would also be hesitant to let a stranger handle my equipment since there's a chance of breaking or the credibility of the weapon being reduced. [ What do you think? ] [ Hmm.... this is a spirit weapon.. from where did you get your hands on a relic like this? ] Gordon arched his brows to take a good look at me, then his eyes move towards Eryn. He let out a short sigh as if trying to understand the situation. But a relic huh? That just sparks my curiosity even more. If this was a game, I would only seek services from the best blacksmith to have such a high-tier equipment repaired. I wouldn't take any risk. Even if It'll turn out costly in the end, as long as the weapon remains the same, that's all that matters. [ Well, you're my client... I wouldn't want to ask something if you want to keep it private. ] [ So... is it possible to get that dagger fixed then? ] Before he could say anything else, I cut him off and went straight to the point. That's the only thing that we needed to know. We're not here for babbling old man. [ Hmmm.... ] Gordon rub his chin while he looks like he's silently thinking about something. [ It's possible to repair the blade... ] [ Really? Reimuz, did you hear what he just said?! ] [ That's good then..... ] [ But..... ] [ But what? ] Upon hearing that it could be repaired, Eryn almost jump in joy but her feeling of happiness was immediately shattered by the old man. Ah, I knew this was gonna happen. Real life isn't that easy. [ But... it will be very expensive... ] [ What? How much? ] [ 5 Rupee Gold coins at least... ] I glance back to Eryn afterwards. After seeing my questioning eyes, she looked away sadly and sighed... By her reactions alone, I already know she doesn't have enough. I have no idea how this world works nor their currency, yet because I know how great this weapon is by experiencing it's miracle firsthand, I didn't doubt his words. Because of this dagger, we're still alive. And it goes unexplained that better equipment means higher upkeep. Ah... screw it, Eryn's sad face is like a lance piercing through my heart. [ Then please teach me how to do it. I'll do it myself. ] [ Hou-hou... ] [ Please! ] I immediately kneel and prostrated myself to appeal to the old man. I'm not sure if this is enough but it's all I could offer right now. If it could bring a smile back on Eryn's face, then shaming myself is close to nothing and besides, I'm already shameless. [ I wouldn't mind teaching you, but you have to be serious about it. ] [ Please shishou! Teach me the way of smithing! ] From my gaming intel, the Blacksmith NPC's always had a line like: [ How I wish a vigorous young man would offer a helping hand! ] or something like that. If I just flashed my earnest conviction, Gordon will no doubt take me in. That's how simple they are. [ Alright, you got me! I'll have to drill the basics into you first before I let you work on this dagger. Pick yourself up and we'll start the training right now! ] [ What?? Right now?? ] [ Is there a problem? or is your seriousness just for show? ] There's fatigue written all over our faces for we have been walking nonstop for more than a day now. This can only mean that he's directing a challenge to me to see my endurance and my resolve. You sly old man, I'll show you what I'm made of! [ Iyaa.. not at all. Let's do this. ] [ Follow me inside. ] I quickly raised myself from the ground. Gordon unexpectedly agreed to my selfish request but what lies ahead is the hardest part. As I rose through my feet, Eryn patted my shoulders with gleam on her eyes. [ Do your best! ] [ Shouldn't Eryn-san disagree? This is my first time doing this after all. ] [ Nmmh, I trust Reimuz more than that old man. ] Eryn voiced her praise with confidence, filling my body with the necessary energy to survive this ordeal. Alright, time to show off! [ Ou...! ] Gordon guided us deeper inside leading to his dining room. His dining room only has the basic necessities. Just a small wooden table with matching chairs that accommodates to at least 4 people. Besides that, the room is illuminated by a warm looking lamp that doesn't require oil or electricity. Perhaps magic. There's also his kitchen with buckets of water on the side. Ah... They must not have a direct water supply. Quite a medievalish look. Troublesome and tiny but it has it's own charm. [ Alright, Eryn-san... I'll be back in a moment.. ] [ Mhmm.. I'll wait patiently. ] Once I set the things I was carrying aside, I followed after Gordon to the smithy which is located just a few steps away from his kitchen. Eryn was left behind there for Gordon doesn't want her hindering our jobs. [ What do you think about this place? ] Gordon asked me while showing me around the smithy. [ It's surprisingly clean.. ] The smithy is surprisingly well kept contrast to what we've seen on the front door. You could see different kinds of blueprints and designs on top of a workbench, his smithing tools that are carefully organized on the wall, an opened wooden crate filled with various minerals, and a stone kiln on one edge of the room besides the anvil and the furnace. The smithy further leads to an open space of his house that looks like his backyard. Hmm, its like a man cave. [ Indeed it is! You caught me at a bad time really, I've been so busy with request I have very little time to clean. ] Gordon proudly declared such words while he shyly scratched the back of his head.. Quite a childish reaction coming from an old man. [ Does that mean that we're somewhat bothering you? ] [ If your useless, then yes, but I can see a passionate light in your eyes that is full of determination! You're a man, yes?! ] [ Hai..! ] I want to tell this old man about the games I play, but I doubt he'll understand. Strangely enough, I immediately felt a strong connection forming between the two of us. More like kids talking among themselves with similar hobbies. [ Before we start, wear this... ] Gordon gave me a pair of gloves made of leather, thick enough to resist a little bit of heat. He started the fire on the furnace and immediately set it ablaze using a magic spell. [ Amazing..... ] I couldn't stop the words of praise to unconsciously escape my mouth. There's a certain complexity in his work and details that would probably be revealed to me as we go by. [ Grab this hammer and strike the side of metal after me. ] Gordon then handed me a hammer use for striking. It's head that is made of steel is really big and the wooden handle is at least 130 cm long. One word to describe this thing, is that it's very heavy. This hammer is more on the lines of a weapon instead of a tool but I didn't question Gordon. He's the pro and I'm the apprentice. That's how it works. [ Seems simple enough... For starters, I guess it's not too bad. ] Eager to use the hammer he just gave me, I started to bash the side of metal that Gordon ordered me too. Klang! Clang! Klang! Clang! [ Use your arms properly or it won't mold into shape!! ] [ Yes sir! ] The heat is slowly getting into me and my exhaustion is making me tap out. Persevere! Persevere! [ Put more strength into it, Reimuz!! ] [ Yes sir!! ] Klang! Clang! Klang! Clang! Because of the weight that I wasn't use to carrying, my arms are really starting to gave out. Think of Eryn's smiling face!! Think of Eryn's smiling face!! [ Hit it accurately!!! ] [ Yes sir!!! ] Klang! Clang! Klang! Clang! The blade was repeatedly strike on the anvil and heated in the furnace till we finally achieved the shape that Gordon desired. [ Isn't smithing a manly job? ] [ ] Once the desired shape is acquired, the blade was put inside the kiln to allow it to heat and cool down very, very slowly. [ That's it for today. You passed my test lad. Not many kids your age has the perseverance to survive this battlefield. ] [ Haaaaa.....n ] I use the sldgehammer to keep me on my toes. My clothes are drench in sweat and I stink! My legs are numb and both of my arms are sore. Never once in my life that I've felt so worn out. Gordon gave me a light tap in the back that almost made me fall over and said: " Good job! " After hearing his 'Good job' my legs turned limp and I fell on the floor with my butt on the ground. [ ] [ Hahaha!! You'll get used to it! ] What do you mean ' You'll get used to it ' ... More like I have no choice but to get used to it. Real life and games are really way too different. In games, I just have to click my mouse to issue a command and my character would do whatever I told it to be. Running endlessly, embarking on treacherous grounds, even smithing itself! I've greatly underestimated the feeling of reality. But still, I'm lucky enough to find a job that will help me get stronger and build my skills at the same time. After catching my breath for a few moments, Gordon and I walk back to the dining room. In there, we found Eryn quietly waiting in place. [ Ah..! ] Eryn alarmingly rose from her chair and hurriedly approached me but quickly backed away once her nose picked up the manly stench coming from the steam exuding out our my skin. [ Ugh!! Reimuz... you kind of stink. ] [ I blame the heat... well, once we get to the inn, you won't have to worry about me. ] [ ........ ] Eryn's shoulders droop down as she cast me one last wistful glance before she turned away to pick up her backpack. Now, what did I do? [ Eryn-san... what's wrong? ] [ Nothing... have fun sleeping outside tonight.. *grumble* ] [ Ahahaha... Look I'm just----- ] Dokun...! Dokun...! Just when I was about to grab her hand, I felt a weird sensation, stir inside me. My thoughts are being overloaded with a strong desire to kill... and eat! This throbbing sensation..... Ah.......! Bam! That surging evil power causes me to fall on my knees. [ Hraaa.......ghhh.... ] I heard a voice scream my name as soon as I fall on the ground... [ Reimuz?! You're really tired after all? Idiot.. Why can't you just be honest about it? ] This worried voice that is calling my name... Its Eryn's right? I can't clearly see.... Devour her already! Don't let this chance escape! Who are you? Don't fucking talk like you're me! [ Oi!! Reimuz!! ] I bit my lips in silence as I try to suppress the darkness from taking me... Haaaa....n SLAP! That hot sensation brought to my face like a whip somehow brought me back to my senses. [ Eh..? Ah..? ] As my vision clears, I see Eryn with a face like she's about to cry. Even though I'm still shaken, I flashed a stupid grin on my face to reassure her, but it didn't help. [ Hrrr....Eryn-san?? Sorry.. to have worried you. I'm fine now. ] Well, whatever anxiety she once had is now gone. She cheered up as soon as I responded. [ Idiot... don't make me worry like that... ] Eryn put her arms around me and quickly buried my head on her chest, her voice is trembling. I could hear her loud heartbeat so closeby giving me that comfy feeling... [ I hallucinated because of hunger... I think. ] I pulled myself away from her embrace and gave her another reassuring smile. Eryn is just simply worried about me, I should not take advantage of that kindness. [ Idiot... ] Wait.. Was that a smile or was she mad at me? Still... What was I trying to do? Just now, that can't possibly be me. [ Ohh...! you two are looking for a place to stay right? I happen to have an extra room upstairs. What do you think? ] As I'm pondering my mind on could have happened, Gordon interrupted my thinking with his loud and deep voice. Perfect timing Gordon! I'm already starting to like you more and more. [ It's not really for me to decide... what do you think Eryn-san? ] I glance back to Eryn and asked for her permission. After seeing my gaze, she closes her eyes for a moment to think. [ I don't really see much choice, so I guess we'll gratefully accept your offer. ] [ Great! Follow me upstairs! ] The darkness that was creeping from the depths of my heart seems to have subsided for now... Like a premonition of something unprecedented yet to come. Will I eventually hurt this person in the future? I do not want such things to happen. Eryn snaps back up and help me get up myself. Afterwards, we followed after Gordon upstairs to our supposed rooms. Ah... If I can only do something about this loud heartbeat in my chest.... |
lolifreak000fDec 16, 2014 5:23 PM
Nov 12, 2014 9:48 PM
[size=110]Chapter 8: Kill temptation Eryn and I followed Gordon upstairs after his sudden proposal that we just stay in his house instead. It was an offer that we could not refuse. [ This is your room. ] Gordon said so while opening the room at the very end of his house's tiny corridor. Before reaching here, we passed by two and a half rooms which I would guess the other is for him while the other is for Eryn and the smallest room as the bathroom. [ So, this is my room? Hmm.. not too shabby. A little cramp but just enough for a guy like myself. ] The image of my six tatami apartment suddenly flashed in my mind. Ah... I miss that place. If somebody ever enters that room, they'll probably be horrified by the pool of blood I left. [ Actually, this room is for the both of you. ] [ What?! " , " W-what?! ] Eryn shouted at the same time as me. Seems like she's also shocked. Good gosh Gordon, way to ruin the good image I just thought of you. [ Just come down once you guys are done unpacking, I'll prepare some food in the meantime. ] Gordon quickly dashed downstairs to escape the uncomfortable atmosphere. What am I supposed to say in this situation? [ Well, let's check the room first shall we? ] [ Mhmm~ ] That was surprising... I thought Eryn would be mad but she's surprisingly happy. With Eryn's mushy atmosphere, we proceeded to enter that room. [ Hmm..... What do you think Eryn-san? ] [ It's certainly cramp.. ] [ I know right?... ] Although the room is small, it is fully furnished with everything we needed. Though It only has one bed and a small wooden dresser on the right. On top of the dresser are some unfamiliar looking flowers and a simple looking lamp that is similar to the one in Gordon's dining room. My guess is that it takes the users mana for it to work. Or perhaps you apply some sort of magic? Right across the room is an antique looking wall clock. When I came close to check, it seems that we at least use the same method for checking the time. The writings are different but if you count it accordingly and check the hands, it is basically the same. Gordon hasn't skimped on anything for his guest, this place is more than adequate for a single person. And that's our problem! We're not one but two! [ I think I'll just find a place to sleep downstairs... ] As I was about to walk away, Eryn suddenly pulled my sleeve while she timidly points on the empty space right beside the bed. [ Well.... It'll be da-dark and I do not wa-want to be left alone you know... ] Okay that confirms it, Eryn is afraid of the dark. But it still doesn't make any sense. [ Meaning?? ] [ You can sleep over there. On the ground. ] [ Ahhhhh.... ] I've always slept on a futon, so it doesn't really make much difference. But this means... I'll be sleeping on the same room with a girl?! And not just any normal girl but a Goddess?! When did I became an eroge protagonist? [ Let me just remind you before you get any weird ideas now... ] [ Haiiyeeee?! ] [ The moment you lay your filthy hands on me.... your neck is forfeit! ] [ Haiiiyuuuuu!!! ] A threatening smile appeared on Eryn's face. It was the same smile she showed me when I accidentally peeped on her. Ah... just remembering that event makes my body shiver in fear. I do not want to be mercilessly beaten up like before, so I'll behave! Not like I have any weird plans now. [ Do you want to tie me up then? ] [ .... Disgusting. ] Ooops, that unintentionally slip my tongue. I didn't mean anything by that, mind you. [ Ahahaha.... forget it. That was a joke.. a joke.. ] [ As long as we're clear here. ] [ Yes ma'am! I, Reimuz, will never cross that line! ] Deliberately making myself look like a fool like this really pains me. But if it will make her make feel at ease, then its all the more worth it. [ Reimuz..... are you really feeling okay? ] Eryn suddenly approached me and clasped her hands on my back. [ Do you want me to cast healing magic? ] [ I'm fine.. totally fine! There's no need... ] Ah, looks like Eryn's still worried about what just happened. Really, she worries too much. But her worrying like that only brings a smile on my face. It really is a nice feeling when someone thinks of you all the time. [ Mhmm... I won't ask any further. ] [ Alright then! I'll go clean and you can start unpacking your stuff! ] 15 minutes later. After I cleaned the room a little bit and Eryn finished unpacking her belongings, we went downstairs to have dinner with Gordon. The tangy smell of the soup that lets out a delightful aroma of spices greeted my nose as we walk down the stairs. [ Ohh! Just in time you two! I just finished. Help yourself! ] There, Gordon has just finished setting up the table, so we didn't waste a moment and joined him right away. Our portions were already on the table along with the utensils we will need. Eryn was quite hesitant to eat at first but her taste-buds can't lie. Our seating position is with Gordon in my front and Eryn by my right side. Having company while I eat my food like this really brings a ticklish feeling in my chest. [ Delicious! ] [ Hahaha! Have some more! Don't be shy! ] A rowdy pair of men eating and talking loudly at the same time. Gordon's looks really is deceiving and you wouldn't imagine that he could cook such a good meal. Maybe working with fire all the time has something to do with that? I just hope we're not being a bother to Eryn. When she's being quiet like this, its really hard to tell what she's thinking. Bam! [ Thank you very much for the food. I'll be using the bath if you don't mind. And Reimuz... ] [ Haiyeee?! ] Eryn gave me this glare. Not any normal glare, but a death glare. Warning me that if I as much get the idea of peeking at her, it would cost me my life. I did say it was an accident before but she doesn't believe that. [ Do not be alarmed Eryn-san, I still have many things to discuss with Shishou. I won't be coming upstairs till later. ] [ I sure hope so... ] Eryn went upstairs quickly afterwards while shooting me some dubious glances. The past few days we're so hectic for the both of us she hasn't had time to relax. Her expression basically tells me that she would want to lie on a comfortable bed as soon as she can. I can't blame her. She's been traveling far longer than me now all by herself, it's no doubt a stressful journey. I just wish she would trust me a little bit more. [ So, Shishou... now that Eryn is gone, there's something I would want to confirm. ] Probably bothered by the serious tone I just spoke in, Gordon's carefree atmosphere disappeared and was replaced by a stern look. [ What is it? ] [ Shishou having the knowledge to repair that dagger is a lie, isn't it? ] [ Hou-hou... You're quite a sharp young man to notice that.. ] Gordon started scratching his chin but he didn't avert his gaze from mine. [ There is just no way that a blacksmith from a countryside like this would have the capability to repair that dagger. Shishou did say its a relic and judging from your smithy, you probably don't have the proper tools or facility to work on. The reason why Shishou accepted to repair that dagger for such a high price is because you want us to go away, am I right? ] [ Hmm... If you predicted such a thing, why did you asked me to teach you? ] I'm surprised... Really surprised. Normally, if someone talked dirt about your skills, you'll get mad. However, Gordon is not showing me any resentment at all and is just seriously lending his ears to my plea. [ Haha... Because I told her I'll do something about it... That's why even if you don't know, I'll find a method myself. ] I tried to laugh it off but in reality, I'm scared. If there really is no way to repair it, then I'll honesty tell her. But as long as there's a tiny glimmer of light, I'll hold onto it. [ What drives you from doing this? ] [ I promise to myself that no matter what happens, I'll protect that person's smile. And that dagger is very important to her.. That's why no matter the kind of danger awaits or how hard it might be, I'll do it. ] Shit, I'm awfully talkative today. [ Hahaha.. Is that so? ] [ Yes... It must be quite funny to you huh, shishou? ] [ Not at all... I understand you very well. On that part, we resemble each other. ] Gordon eyes went upward, as if he was reminiscing someone important. From a stranger's perspective, he might seem like he's had too much alcohol already... But from my eyes, it was a sincere longing. [ You have more time to keep an old man company? ] [ Of course shishou! ] Gordon and I continued our conversation but not before he handed me a wooden mug full of liquid that I would describe as beer. The foamy head dissipates quickly as it leaves a lace on top. It also produces a distinct odor that I couldn't properly describe. I guess being underage doesn't mean a thing in this world. My curiosity aside, I'm not even at the right age to purchase beer from where I came from, so I decided to take a sip. It has this minimal bitterness and a slight carbonated flavor, while it leaves a warm sensation in my mouth. [ Ah..... It's my first time drinking this. ] [ Is that right? Blow your worries away! We still have the rest of the night ahead of us! ] [ Ahahaha... I guess I'll follow your suggestion! ] Gordon continues to talk my ear off as he chug another glass of beer. Though it was rather late at night, we managed to have a pleasant chat for a short while. Our main topic was about smithing but Gordon immediately swayed the discussion in regards to his past. Gordon was once a knight for a certain kingdom to the north. He was quite loyal and has achieved many things in his youth. Because of his achievements, the king befriended him and soon introduced him to his family where he met one of the king's concubine. Their ages are so far apart but that still didn't stop Gordon from falling in love. Soon afterwards, that concubine of the king gave birth to a son. Even though it was the 2nd prince in the family, the king was still delighted. Boys are a must in a royal family. The child was donned with expensive clothing and leisure from the king. All of the things that the concubine wished for was granted and she was even admitted as royalty. Gordon, as a close friend of the king was appointed to become the royal escort for the boy. Even if he cannot be together with the woman he love, as long as he's able to protect someone important to her, he's already satisfied. Thus, Gordon immediately agreed to the king's suggestion. However, tragedy quickly came. When the boy turned 5, the king demanded him to perform the ceremony that will gauge his magical power. If it turns out that his potential surpassed his elder brother, he'll become the successor instead. That's just how twisted this world works. The castle was turned upside down while preparations was being made. Everybody in the kingdom prepared for this event and on that fateful day... Nothing..... The boy wielded the kingdom's holy sword but he wasn't able to spark anything. No matter how hard he tried, he wasn't able to bring out an ounce of mana. Maybe he was just a little too young for the ceremony? Apparently, the holy sword was made for the sole purpose of showing your latent power. Just by holding it, one can see how strong they will become in the future. But that Holy sword didn't flash anything when the boy held it up high. The ceremony ended up in a failure. After that, The boy along with his mother was immediately banished from the palace. All of the liberty they once possessed has been stripped and they were discarded. The boy adapted a twisted personality as everybody else treated him worse than a rock. Somebody who couldn't use a spell in a magic driven world. A royal disgrace. Gordon saw this chance, his one and only chance. Though he was only known as a royal guard, the mother still trusted him and they decided to ran away. Because with the current state of things, the boy will held no future in that place, she placed her bets on Gordon. Crossing the borders and eventually reaching Saphir. Since Saphir is a neutral trade city, a pass isn't required to enter or exit. It's the perfect opportunity for the three of them to start a new life. Gordon threw everything away and live a peaceful life along with the boy and his mother. They didn't get married, but Gordon was happy by the fact that they're together. Quickly after that, the boy's mother, left this world. The boy was only seven, but he's already experience the harsh reality of life. Gordon was mortified, but as soon he remembered that she left his son in his care, he can never show his weak side. They've never get along but because of that certain event, they connected with each other. Gordon studied the path of blacksmithing along with the boy. He may not be able to use magic but he's still a young man full of potential. Therefore, Gordon trained the boy in the arts of swordsmanship and the boy strengthened his resolve through blacksmithing. Because he cannot use magic, he has to find a different way to get stronger. The training was harsh and the boy thought of quitting so many times but his mother's death reminded him of how this world only favors the strong. Upon reaching the age of 19, the boy decided to wander the continent to become the strongest swordsman. [ I will take my title as a prince back and once that happens, please forge me a new holy sword... Father. A sword, forged by the greatest blacksmith.. ] That was the first time the boy called him father. For the boy, Gordon is the greatest blacksmith. For Gordon, that was the best moment in his life. Seeing the twisted boy grew up to such a fine young man, that was his greatest joy. Tears rained from this eyes after holding those emotions from within him for more than a decade. After that, the boy left to go on a long journey. It was a very sad tale but in the end, Gordon achieved everything he had wanted. Even though it was just for a fleeting moment, he was together with his beloved. [ That's why Reimuz, never lose sight of your goals... no matter what. ] [ I will and never will... Thank you for sharing a wonderful story shishou... It was very inspiring. ] Gordon's words resounded deep into me. Now I know why he said that we resemble each other. [ Shishou, its getting very late now, so I guess we should call it a night? " [ I'll leave.. ] We were so focused in our conversation we didn't notice the time. If I would have to make a guess, it would be close to midnight. Gordon strongly reeks of beer and he is wobbling to where he sat so I took that opportunity to guide him upstairs in his room and cleaned up our mess afterwards. [ What a troublesome shishou... ] I can't believe such a romantic story is possible. This world only rewards endeavor if you persevere. Other than that, you're better off getting lost in eternity. Because I also have nothing better to do, I went upstairs in our room to sleep. [ Hmmm...? Perfume? ] Just after opening the door, I could already smell the sweet fragrance coming from within. It could be describe as a floral scent that is cool and refreshing. [ Hey... Reimuz.. ] Eryn is still awake and is just quietly staring outside the window while sitting on top of her bed. That sweet flowery scent seems to be originating from her. Her usual robes are gone and was replaced by a simple yet erotic looking nightgown? OH MY GOD..! [ Yo... Eryn-san, can't sleep? ] I casually greeted her as I entered the room, while trying hard not to notice her sexy attire. Just to remind you Eryn, I'm a blooming young man in my adolescent age. Is this a new form of torture you cooked up only for me? [ Nm-mh... There's just something that's bothering me. ] Eryn answered me while her gaze is still directed outside the window. That solemn expression of hers is utterly mesmerizing. Yes, definitely not the negligee part... [ I see. Well, I'll go ahead and sleep first. ] I lie on the sheet that I prepared beforehand. The floor is hard and cold but it wasn't exactly uncomfortable. Shortly after that, Eryn turned the lamp off and retired to bed herself. So many things has happened today. Heck, I didn't even took a bath yet! Tomorrow morning, that will be my first task. Today, I'm just so tired.... [ Neh... Reimuz.. can I... ummm... ] Eryn ended up trailing off midway, probably too embarrassed to finish. What could Eryn possibly want now? [ Ye-yes? ] [ ...................... ] Have I perhaps angered Eryn again? This silence is killing me. [ Can.... I hold your hand? ] After an awkward silence, she once again spoke, but in a much firmer tone. [ Ah.... ] [ Mhmm... Can I? ] No doubt it required an incredible amount of courage to make such a request. Is it because of the darkness or is it something more personal? [ How can I say no? ] Seeing no reason to decline, I extended my hand to her. Eryn gently grab my hand and connected it to hers. Our fingers intertwined and as if electricity has bounded our hands together. [ Ehehe... Its warm and big. ] Cough...! Is this on purpose or what? This stimulation is too much for my wicked mind to handle. [ Eh..? Are you okay? I heard you cough... ] [ Its nothing... ] Yeah right myself, shut up and go to sleep. [ Reimuz... Umm.. ] [ Y-Yes...? ] My heart is pounding, racing so fast that it doesn't sound like a heartbeat. Right now, I want to see her face. Is she happy? Is she blushing? Is she embarrassed? I'm dying to see what kind of expression she's making this very moment. [ Goodnight... ] Ah----- Way to kill my excitement My Goddess... [ Yes, goodnight. ] Eryn just quietly held my hand after that and didn't say anything else. Soon afterwards, she quickly fell asleep. They did say that nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand. Even more so if that certain someone is a person you trust. Does that mean she trust me? I don't know about her circumstances or why she's traveling by herself but I could say that I trust her already. She could have just left me alone in that forest but she didn't. Who knows what could have happened to me if I didn't met her. [ Mhmmmm...... ] Despite having the luxury to sleep properly after a long time, I could not sleep a wink. I can hear the whistle of Eryn's breathing as she slept comfortably like a log. It's the most innocent yet the most erotic feeling in this world. This time for sure... I'll sleep..... I close my eyes to rest.... [ Kei---su--ke--- ] [ Who? ] A playful voice of a little girl vibrated inside my eardrums. The moment I opened my eyes, I was already in a realm of darkness. In the depths of my consciousness, I knew I wasn't dreaming. In that place where there is no light, I could somewhat see. I'm standing on a cross formation along with an overwhelming entity.. On my left and right, there's none but shadows.. But at the other direction is, a gigantic throne.. Sitting on that throne made of shadows is a small figure wrapped in darkness.. The tremendous and commanding pressure that is seeping from this figure is enough to make me tremble on my knees. [ Welcome to my humble abode, my dear kei--su--ke! ] The same playful voice of a little girl played inside my mind... Its coming from that shadow.... I'm positive. [ ] This sense of nostalgia in my chest. Dokun...! Dokun...! [ Am I or am I not? ] The figure move it's hand across it's body, freeing itself from the shadows wrapping it entirely. !!! I ran... with all my strength... as fast as I can... Towards the figure immediately after it unveiled the darkness and revealed herself... |
lolifreak000fDec 8, 2014 11:23 PM
Dec 1, 2014 1:00 AM
[size=110] Chapter 9: Smithing Neet It seemed as though the sun shone with a curious harshness and force my still dreaded eyes to open. The light flowing through the window is bright and the view outside the lively streets is majestic. Bunch of kids running around the streets together and different groups of people passing by. [ Have I overslept? ] I thought someone or something called upon me from the depths of my consciousness last night yet I could not remember. Eryn is no longer in the room and her bed is properly folded back together. Where could she have gone to this early morning? Hmm, she did say she's a merchant so maybe she's already out in the marketplace to set up her own shop? Anyways, I followed her example and properly folded my bed sheet. The morning daze and the alcohol from last night causes my vision to be somewhat groggy. I hid my wrinkled sheet underneath the bed and proceeded to go about my morning routine to further wake up every cell in my body. Once done, I left that room and entered the bathroom which is dim and dark caused by the lack of natural light coming through the window. Inside are two wooden tubs filled with cold water. One is for Gordon while the other is for me and Eryn. There's no shower or direct water supply, so one has to go fetch water from a well or river. But if you're well versed with magic, you can just create a pool of water out of nothing. Same with drinking water. With the help of purification magic, it becomes distilled. Seems like the more I look into it, the more I realized how the residents of this world are highly dependent in magic. I strip fully naked and braced myself as I dip and endured the cold sting this water has brought upon my skin. Once you sink into it, warm or cold, it makes little difference... [ Ah.... I can stay here all day... ] I got out of the bath after who knows how long, only to realized that I don't have a changed of clothes. So I reused the same pants that I was using earlier while I use my shirt to wipe my body dry, reluctantly leaving me topless. I went downstairs afterwards and greeted Gordon who is already busy hacking away in the smithy. [ Good morning shishou! I apologize for my tardiness.. ] [ Oh, Reimuz-kun! Hop in..! ] Its only early morning yet Gordon has already sweated buckets and hot steam exuded out of his skin. His muscular build is astonishing! I'm quite jealous yet I do not want to be as bulky as him at the same time... [ Are you ready? ] Gordon asked me seriously as he stops what's he's doing for a moment. Yesterday, we discussed about me creating my very own blade under his guidance. He agreed under the condition that I do not backed out like a sissy halfway through the game.. Set everything aside and focus all my thoughts and concentration on the task at hand. [ Bring it...! ] My youthful passion is burning. For a gamer like myself, I've always wanted to try what it means to make your very own weapon. [ Hmm... You're body seems to be accustomed to heavy labor already, so I would assume a week is all you need to create a beginner blade. ] I did not seriously thought how harsh those words will mean for my body till later on. As usual, I donned the leather gloves on my hands to resist heat while I did not bother to get changed. Feeling the heat inside the forge, it'll be a lot comfortable to not wear anything on top, so sweat can escape naturally. Just like Gordon, I left my upper body open. All time that day I worked in silence, while I meticulously followed Gordon's guidance. Letting the image rise in my mind and then stopping to wait for inspiration to come. I was so wrapped up in the movements of the fire as if I was watching a dancing dragon wreak havoc using its flame breath. There were times when as if the blade moved through my own flesh, hallucinating as the hot crimson fire of the forge provides my brain with mirages. My hands are moving without any conscious of choice, only hammering away infront of the burning furnace. For seven continuous days, Gordon and I worked non stop, resting a little, eating only a few bites and resuming our work with perseverance in mind. By the sunset of the fourth day, the blade was nearing its completion. The materials that Gordon suggested me to use is [Klirch Iron], a very basic mineral in this world. There's no special trait behind them, just your cold hard trustee metal. Its considered to be durable enough and is generally used by other blacksmiths out there. With the blade's thickness, you increased the durability, but with it is the cost of sharpness. For a beginner, what is the perfect blade? If the blade ended up being too heavy, I'll be sacrificing efficiency. But if I disregard that, there's a chance of this sword being brittle. In the end, I ended up going for a combination of both... But the smithing addiction didn't stop there. Gordon and I hop on to the next step to create a scabbard and handle for the blade. I carefully measured the blade and made a scabbard out of the oak like tree that Gordon shaved beforehand. The materials used for the chape and locket is called [Scopple] . Though inferior in terms of hardness compare to [Klirch Iron], it provided us with the flexibility we needed to match the curved end of the sheath. Continuing on as if we were mad men, we made a regular cross guard with a leather grip that Gordon assembled for me. Gordon's hand movements are so gentle you wouldn't be able to tell that it came from an old man such as himself. Its as if he was a housewife sewing a piece of cloth using magic. Yet another three days has passed in ignorance and all the necessary parts has been completed. Without me realizing, a week has quickly gone by. I excitedly attached the blade to the handle. Once connected, I lifted the completed sword, slid it into the sheath, and weighed it into my hands. [ It is finally done... ] I said so out loud as if finishing a ritual. The sword that I would call my own is finished. Now that the long tension has been broken, I've only gone aware that I'm exhausted, shaken and sick... [ Congratulations on completing your very own sword...! ] Gordon held me on both of my shoulders and shrugged them intensely as he congratulate me. There was barely any strength left in my knees and I feel like exhaustion would claim me any moment now. [ Haaa...... I did what I could... ] [ This calls for a celebration! You have done remarkably well for a short amount of time! I remember I created my first blade after three years of training! Yet it only took you a little more than a week! ] Gordon could not contain his cry of astonishment while he gazed upon my first accomplishment as his blacksmith apprentice. From his words, I would also be surprised. Something that would require years of training was done in by a single week. I'm no genius, that I can be sure of. [ I'll pass on the celebration but thank you for your guidance shishou... Haa.... ] Though I know mine is clearly inferior to the swords displayed in the shop, I still enjoyed his words of praise. [ Go on and rest for today then... ] Gordon gently said such words as he continue to hammer away in the smithy. He has lost a remarkable amount of time for guiding me every step of the way until I completed this sword. Gordon is a very busy old man yet he found the time to train me. His works do speak for his skills because of the many piled up request on his table. Tired as I am, I still dragged myself out in the backyard to swing my newly forged sword. Its as if I was a kid again that has gotten a new toy. I glanced skyward.. There was still no sign of the crescent moon yet orange sky has already invaded our borders. I unsheathed the blade and firmly hold my sword forward. How did they do it in that manga again? Hold the sword high up, and then swing it down.. Lift it up with your left hand, just a little bit above your forehead. Use your wrist to flick the sword out naturally. Make large steps as you swing the sword while keeping your posture as firm as possible. [ Haap..! ] Feel the sharp cut of the wind with every swing of your blade! I swung my sword just like that repeatedly till my arms gave out. Using a real sword in contrast to a bamboo blade might not be the best idea. [ Vigorous in training eh? You really remind me of my younger days.. ] I didn't realize when, but Gordon has already stepped out of the smithy to watch me train. He sat on the ground and enjoyed a breath of fresh air. [ Is there a form a swordsmanship you follow shishou? ] I asked curiously based on his previous story that he was a knight. [ There is... But it follows the use of a buckler on one hand, and a sword on the other. Ever since I threw my life as a knight, I threw that part of me as well. Now, I'm just an old blacksmith.. ] [ I see... It explains why shishou does not forge any set of armors or shields. ] I sat down on the ground to catch my breath. [ Once upon a time, there was a blacksmith who achieved the greatest fame a man could ever wished for. ] Gordon eyes went upward and started reminiscing. Oh, oh... this is going to be long... [ He created many relics and scattered them all over the continent.. Many kings and emperors pursued his wisdom but he ignored all of them. Though how wise and popular he may be, he's still a living being. He could not overcome his own death. It is said that the blacksmith left his mastery inside a magical gem. That very same gem was cast into the ocean, forever losing the knowledge to replicate his artifacts. ] Surprisingly useful information... Wait... If this legendary guy from his story is as great as they told him to be, then he might have the knowledge to repair Volius.. [ So, shishou wants me to find that gem then? ] [ You're still a young man... There's more uses for the gem in your hands compare to mine. ] Bingo! The pieces are all coming together in my mind. The boy in Gordon's story wanted him to create a holy sword.. An artifact. But since Gordon doesn't have the knowledge on how to forge one, he has been investigating this legend. Even though there's little hope like a grain of salt in the sea, he still believed. After seeing my determination, he wanted me to continue that dream.. [ Assuming you told me of this tale means you have a clue on where that gem is right? ] I asked Gordon while flashing a grin on my face. Excitement is starting to fill my exhausted body. [ Gahahaha!! Seems like I couldn't hide anything from you.. ] Gordon burst in laughter immediately as soon as he saw the grin plastered on my face. More like your too easy to read old man. [ So, where can I find this gem? ] [ Let's put it this way... If you think you lost something on another person's property, who would you ask? ] [ The owner of course..? ] What kind of silly question is this now? Stop wasting my time. [ Correct...! Then who do you think governs the seas? ] [ Hmmm..... Mermaids? ] I hesitantly answered his question after pondering my head for a short while. If I think about it in a gamer's perspective, that's the only plausible answer. Unless there's some sort of a God like Poseidon in this world. [ Correct...! ] [ So, where do I find these beautiful sea dwellers? ] [ Gahahaha!! How should I know? ] Okay, drop dead old man... Still, that's enough clue for me to figure out the rest on my own. Gathering information has always been my specialty. [ I see.... Starting tomorrow, I'll investigate. ] [ Show me what you could do. ] Gordon gave me a smile full of expectations. I don't know why but it felt really good. Like a ticklish feeling in my chest. Maybe because I could feel that Gordon truly believes in me. [ I should try my hardest then! ] Afterwards, Gordon was cool enough to provide dinner for us both, so I headed back upstairs on our room to get a changed of clothes for my bath and sprawled on the ground I used as my bed after the meal. Still no sign of Eryn even though its already dark outside. Recently, I noticed that Eryn is avoiding me too, giving me that distant feeling like were back to being strangers. And here I thought she finally opened up to me... Oh well....... I close my eyes hoping I could sleep deeply and long without any further care in the world for now. |
lolifreak000fDec 8, 2014 11:39 PM
Dec 1, 2014 3:16 AM
[size=110] Chapter 10: I am God--dess of what? I thought for sure it would be a night without nightmares but that peaceful sleep was immediately cut off by the sudden summoning of the mistress of darkness. Once again, I find my thoughts drifting away, leading me to this realm of nothingness. I did not see a strike of light but suddenly, there was a tiny glow and a pale light flared around me, revealing a throne. In the midst of this nothingness is a little girl, no taller than a well grown girl of eight or ten. Her eyes that is too large for her small face were as dark as her skin. She wears a loose tunic with its wrapped belt, a knife sheathed on her waist. She looked tiny, a child donned into adult clothes. Her ominously dark bobbed hair falling to her neck is pretty and tempting, like its inviting me so. This feeling of deja vu.... Something inside me tells me that I've been here before. [ Kei--su--ke---! Come over here...! ] [ That voice.... Reina? ] I followed suit to her invitation and hurriedly approached her. After my eyes took a closer inspection on this mysterious figure, a burst of emotions exploded inside me. The image of that girl from eight years ago... Though her skin might be dark, everything else is the same. Its exactly how Reina is when I first met her... I came close to her, crouch down to her eye level and reach up to her face to touch her hair.. It was soft and smooth... [ Reina...Uaa...haha.... ] Emotions that I have been holding from within me escaped my eyes as I tightly embraced this petite figure. [ Arara... what is this? ] [ I....... ] I don't care anymore.. Stabbed me with that knife or whatever, but I won't let go. [ Keisuke killed me yet he grieved for my death? ] [ Yes.... I am sorry... Reina... please... don't go anywhere... ] [ I won't go anywhere... ] I can feel her small hand moving around my back. She pat me and made me feel comfortable yet I can't stop the tears from flowing down like a river. This sensation.... its real... [ Pffft... ] She tried to suppressed her laughter mischievously. I must be such a pitiful sight... [ Fufu...Fufufufu!!! ] [ Ehhh? ] Intrigued by her weird laughter, I pulled her away from myself. I felt shivers raking my spine after witnessing the wicked grin etched on her face. [ Who the hell are you?! ] [ Aiyuuu.... Keisuke is baka baka!! ] [ Disgusting bitch.. show your true form! ] [ I have none... ] [ What do you mean? ] [ I only copied the appearance of this girl who holds the greatest importance in your memory. It was fun watching you tremble and cry, SERVANT! ] A sudden burst of dark energy flail me away from her and forced my body on the ground. The more I fight back, the harder it pushes me down on this solid blackness. I couldn't even turn my head to look at her... Shit! [ Now, listen closely servant.. Why are you and I sharing the same vessel? ] [ I don't know...! How the fuck am I supposed to know what a crazy shadow who mimics the image of my childhood friend thinks?!! ] I shouted as hard as I can. [ Is that so? ] I heard her snap her fingers. What comes afterwards is an intense suffering out of nowhere... [ Hraaaaa........!!!!! ] I feel as if a high voltage of electricity is running through my entire body. [ It is useless to lie, our thoughts are already connected to each other.. You and I are basically one. ] [ Then, if you could read my mind, how come you couldn't see that I'm merely stating the truth? If you are a victim in all this, then so do I...!! ] Her presence disappeared and suddenly reappeared behind me. She slid her slender arms around my neck as she stroke the back of my head. [ Magic power comes from blood and for you to keep using this power of mine without my consent. Are you trying to disposed of me? Is that your plan all along? ] Afterwards, I can feel her sharp fangs slowly sinking into my flesh. This bitch seems to be sucking my blood. [ I am reduced to this pitiful state because of you. ] [ Don't tell me you're the reason why I've thought of eating Eryn? ] [ Mhmm... Because you are too stubborn to eat, I have to give you a slight push. ] Calmly think about the situation. Like me, this girl or whatever she might be is also a victim. What the..? Just when I thought of that, the gravitational energy holding me down has been released. It seems like she could really read my thoughts. [ You are not allowed to stand up or even gaze upward, servant. ] I blew out a sigh as I stare into this endless darkness underneath me. [ Would her majesty properly introduced herself? ] I talked respectfully, quashing the dark emotions that has been swelling up in my chest from before. [ Gufufufu... I am glad you asked. Devourer of worlds, God of destruction, those are just a few of the many nicknames that your kind has bestowed upon myself. ] She proudly snorts. Even if I couldn't see her posture, I already have a clear idea of what she looks like right now. [ Then how does her majesty and I connected? ] [ A detestable follower of mine sealed my consciousness into eternal sleep. When you were gravely injured and close to death, the seal that is keeping me contained has been broken. After sleeping for hundreds of years, I find myself trapped in a human's body. And that human is you. ] [ I see... I've been constantly pulling out your powers then? ] [ Yes, though the powers of a Chaotic God might be too much for a human to handle. If you keep using my power, you'll certainly die. ] [ Even so, there's already plenty of times that I would've ended my life for sure if not because of your power. From the depths of my heart, thank you... I didn't know such consequences befall on the two of us yet I keep using it without your consent. ] There was no hesitation in my voice. I loudly declared my thoughts on this Chaotic God. If I didn't know better, I would've think that she's just another chuunibyou. [ I-I'm perfectly generous towards my servants... If you want to keep using my power, then I would need a proof of contract. ] [ What is it? ] (reimuz) [ The light in your left eye. ] [ Meaning? ] (reimuz) [ You would lose the ability to see on that eye. ] [ That's all? ] (reimuz) [ And I would need to intake your blood regularly. ] [ How are you even going to do that? Call me on my dreams again and again? ] (reimuz) [ You will find out once you wake up. ] [ Why are you being nice? ] (reimuz) [ As I said, we are one. If you die, I would also disappear. ] [ What is your name? ] (reimuz) [ Name?...... I have no need for such trivialities. ] [ How were you formed? ] (reimuz) [ I deny to provide answer, too personal. ] [ Suspicious...... ] (reimuz) [ Anyways, its my turn to solicit for answers. ] [ Go right ahead. ] (reimuz) [ Do you have any idea who brought upon this mischief on ourselves? ] [ I have a guess... a wild guess... I feel like Reina, my childhood friend, had a hand on everything that has happened so far. Even you being trapped in my body. ] (reimuz) [ One last question... What is your preferred age? 10, 15, 18? ] [ 10---Wait, why are you even asking? Don't tell me? OmyGod.... ] (reimuz) [ Gufufufu... I shall see you in the real world! ] After she said that, a dark mist spewed out from my back and shrouded my body entirely. All of that dark energy gushing forth were vacuumed into my left eye. The results. My left eye was cast into eternal darkness..... |
lolifreak000fDec 8, 2014 11:45 PM
Dec 2, 2014 2:17 AM
Chapter 11: Darkness Aligned Yet another beautiful spring day has graced me on this world. One refreshing morning as usual supposedly. However there, asleep on the ground with me is a bishoujo! Dark skin, childlike figure, naked. W-what do I do? Her skin is pressing against me. [ God of Destruction-sama, wake up! ] I put my face close to her ears and shouted. Moments after that, she trembled and opened her eyes in a dazed. [ Fua..... Keisuke? ] She yawned and take a good look at my face. Her innocent eyes fluttered a few times before she rolled on my bed sheet and go back to sleep. [ There is no helping it I guess... I should just let her sleep for now.... ] I ruffled her hair while I yearnfully stare at this girl who took the image of my childhood friend from eight years ago. Is everything in this world in cahoots to make me suffer? Its like wherever I go, I'm reminded of Reina. [ Haaa.... ] I sighed and scratched my head. This situation isn't good for my heart. As I try to get up and leave the room, I suddenly felt a vengeful gaze directed at myself. [ Grrrr...... ] I hesitantly turned my head backwards.. [ Eryn-san...? ] I see Eryn, her nightgown in shambles and so is her smooth golden hair. Seems like she just woke up too, but her expression is already shooting me spears of death. [ Keisuke, huh...? ] Eryn cracked her fist together while a dark, malicious aura formed behind her back. She's smiling but with an entirely different meaning... Did she just saw everything...? [ Ahahaha.... Later! ] I turned my back and went straight for the door, however it was too late! Eryn used instant movement and tightly grip me from my shoulder with her inhuman strength. [ Where do you think your going..? Kei--su--ke? Neh? ] Her smile was followed by anger, like a volcano waiting to erupt any moment now. [ No.... PLease stop..! AI-AIYEEE! ] I was mercilessly beaten up... 10 minutes later... Eryn threw me out of the room with a loud bang. [ You beast, you jerk, I hate you! ] Bam! The door behind me was heavily slammed. From the inside, I can hear the loud ruckus of things being thrown around. [ So lively in the morning, eh? ] Gordon stare at me, who's down on the ground, with a mocking expression. [ I dunno... There's no reasoning to Eryn when she's mad... ] I said those words as I picked myself up and brushed the dirt of my clothing. Early morning and I'm already hurt.. [ Hahaha, meet me in the smithy when you're ready. ] Gordon left after laughing at my pitiful state once more. I hope you fall down the stairs and break your back old man. [ Oh well... ] I quickly went to the bathroom, wash my face, towel it off and slap my cheeks to wake myself up as i look at myself in the mirror. It really is true. It wasn't a dream. My left eye lost its ability to see. How can something that happened inside my thoughts affect me in reality? I hurriedly made my way to the smithy per Gordon's instruction. [ Yo shishou... What are we doing today? ] I greeted Gordon with reluctance in my voice. For him to be waiting for me in front of my room earlier could only mean its something important. [ Don't be like that, come over here. There's something I would want to show you. ] Gordon replied with a dry smile as if understanding what was going on in my mind. On top of his usually messy worktable is a sword with a remarkable design. The tint of the blade is somewhat close to crimson and the sheath is embedded with polished jewels. [ Is this what you wanted to show me? ] I asked Gordon while my gaze is fixated at this fabulous looking weapon. [ What do you think? ] [ It looks amazing or even ominous perhaps but I do not get what is this weird engraving right next to the chappe(rainguard). ] I pointed to the engraving while showing a mystified expression to Gordon. The engraving resembles a magic circle of some sort. [ Lets go outside, I'll show you how it works. ] Following his words, I followed Gordon, who nonchalantly carried the sword, outside the backyard. He immediately took a fighting stance as soon as we reached the wide space behind his house. [ You know how magicians fight, correct? ] [ Umm... They cast magic from a distance? ] [ Somewhat true but that sort of fighting style is only for beginners. There are those who could cast a spell without chanting, though how they do it is unknown to myself. Those mages are considered to be very dangerous. ] So Eryn is indeed powerful for casting healing spells without chanting. Though I still do not know the full extent of her abilities, I know full well she's already a cheat on her own. That's something I've picked up in the short amount of time we traveled together. Eryn has a vast knowledge of survival skills, well adept in swordsmanship, and potent in magic. [ I see... So, how does a swordsman compensate? ] [ Gahahaha! Let me show you how its done. ] Gordon laugh out loudly enough to irritate my ears. Judging from his reaction, he's probably waiting for me to asked that question. [ Watch closely.. ] Gordon's playful atmosphere disappeared in an instant and his eyes narrowed sharply like a knife. [ Haaa....! ] The weird engraving on his sword started to glow and with a swipe of his sword comes along a sword beam-like projectile attack that left gashes on the ground. That attack traveled a few meters away and dissipates into the air afterwards.. [ Cool.... ] My eyes rolled around in surprise and the only word that left my mouth was that of a child admiring his parents ambiguously. [ Amazing right? ] Yeah duh... If my theory is correct, then the purpose of that engraving is to channel magical energy into the weapon. [ How can I perform such a feat? ] [ Here, grab ahold of the sword. ] I excitedly took the sword from his hands like a kid. [ What the...! ] I struggle to stand up straight even while gripping the sword with both hands. That sledgehammer is nothing compare to this sword at all and the appearance doesn't even strike me as heavy. Other than lifting it, I don't think I can swing it like a regular swordsman. [ Too heavy huh? Then how about using your mana to make it lighter? ] Gordon just played with his chin and stand there as he watches me struggle. I kind of get the attitude but at least offer some help old man! How am I supposed to use mana to make it lighter?! [ I apologize shishou but I'm what they call a person who doesn't have mana.. ] [ Really? I see, so you too as well cannot use magic? ] 'Too', Gordon meant the boy in his story. He probably realized it this past week since we closely work together, that I cannot use magic. Gordon must have thought it was in poor taste to directly inquire, so he devised this plan to find out. Since in this world, casting spells is the norm and even those dirty kids around the block can use it. Its more of a natural thing to rely on just like how we rely electricity in my world. [ Yes.. Though I am a special case. ] [ Well, its your choice to keep it hidden but if you want me to listen, just let me know. ] There was a glimmer of curiosity in his voice, but he decided not to inquire any further. Well, its not like I have any intention of sharing all of those information to Gordon anyways. According to Gordon, magic isn't just about casting spells. You can also strengthen your body using mana and you can imbue mana to many different kind of things. Like a kitchen knife to cut things more fluidly, or a pot to enhance the taste of the food and so forth. With proper training, you can even cut through metal like butter using a sword, or crush a boulder with your bare hands. Even swords that were forged with mana are a lot sturdier. That's why people who can't use mana or spells are considered useless in this world. Because of my skill [shade shift], it allows me to manipulate darkness at the expense of not being of able to use magic. I'd never use magic before so it's not like it'll hinder my life knowing I don't have mana inside my body. But a life without magic in a magic driven world. I wonder, what will my future bring? Gordon gave me the rest of the day off to familiarize myself in town. Before anything, I did my usual morning routine and performed 50 practice swings in total with my sword. On my way out, I saw G.O.D-sama in the dining room, relishing her hunger... She's wearing a shirt as big as mine, probably provided by Eryn.. So much for being a God, she looks more like a child at most. [ Yo... G.O.D-sama... Ahahaha... ] I timidly sat beside her.. There was a fork and knife beside her plate but they were left unused. She comfortably picked up her food using her barehands and proceeded to eat in large mouthfuls. [ I do not accept you calling my favored nickname in a sarcastic tone like that, servant. ] She stopped eating all of a sudden and gaze up to me with a serious expression. Seriously, she talked all high and mighty yet she eat like a wild animal. [ Then what should I call you? ] [ ......You decide. If you want to satisfy your longing, I'd even allow you to call me Reina, fufufu. ] Ah---- Why do you have to remind me? I was avoiding that. [ I wanted to see what kind of reaction will show in that face of yours. ] Did she just read my mind? [ The answer is yes. ] I blew out a sigh. Seems like I no longer have a privacy in this world. Even my inner monologue was invaded by this loli-God. Anyways, a name befitting her.... [ How about Tersa? ] The first name that sparked in my mind left my mouth at the same time. [ Umu... ] She nodded her head in satisfaction and resumed to eating her food. Well, as long as she likes it. Afterwards, Eryn came running down the stairs with an exhausted face. [ Good-morning Eryn-san! ] [ .................... ] I greeted her with a smile but I was ignored. Eryn walked passed by me without even bothering to return my greeting and went straight to the kitchen to clean up. Did she prepared this breakfast for G.O.D? [ What a beautiful morning we have today right, Eryn-san? ] [ Don't talk to me. ] Eryn answered me out of aggravation. Even though she's irritated, she's still so very cute. No, that was wrong. It's exactly because of that, that she's so adorable right now. [ Does Eryn-san wants to go around town together? I'm thinking of buying Tersa some clothes. ] [ .................. ] I happily asked Eryn but she ignored me again as if my voice was a gust of wind. At least give me a [Hmph!]. { Don't forget to add [-sama], servant. } Really? You noticed the most useless things. { You're useless... If you desire her, then be a little aggressive! } What the? Are you out of your mind? Wait, is this telepathy? { It cannot be helped. I shall offer my assistance in regards to your love life. } With a snap of her fingers, I immediately lost control of my body and tottered like a zombie to where Eryn stands! Noooo!!! Stop this G.O.D!!! { Gufufufu.... You seemed to be forgetting your place. } I struggle to free myself from her hex but not even my voice could escape my own mouth. G.O.D is in complete control of my body, shit! [ Eeeeek---?! W-What are you up to?! ] Eryn cried with a cute yelp when I affectionately embraced her from behind. Though as much as I try to deny it, I'm loving every second of this. { Okay, its up to you now. } Thank you G.O.D-sama... { I told you, I am quite generous when it comes to my servants. } The lost feeling in my limbs returned but left me with this awkward position. Still, Eryn's body is soft and she's not even resisting... [ I-Idiot!! What are y-you doing?! ] [ I haven't seen much of Eryn for a week, I was so lonely... ] I buried my head onto her hair and smelled it.. Her hair smells fantastic! Because of that, a part of me wants to stay in this position all day. [ I-Its your o-own fault! ] Eryn's face turned red as a tomato and her voice was shaky. Just like a fine melody, passing through my eardrums. My ears are glad at what they heard. [ Eryn... Can I hold you tighter? ] [ N-No...! ] [ Please? ] [ Stop mumbling nonsense! ] Her tender shoulder and slender arms are slowly giving in to my embrace. My heart is pounding, I know she could feel it too, now that we're so close. [ Is Eryn mad at me? ] [ Hmph! Of course I am... ] [ Ah... Why is Eryn avoiding me? ] [ Cause Reimuz is a perverted idiot... ] Did something happened that I didn't know? G.O.D! ( lf notes: refer to chapter 8 and Eryn pov later ) [ I'm sorry... ] [ Who is she? ] [ You mean Tersa? ] [ Yeah... ] [ She's ahhh... a distant relative.. ] [ Liar... ] [ I am... ] [ Is... Is Keisuke your real name? Have you been deceiving me all this time? ] Eryn questioned me meekly, her voice was almost shattering. [ To be honest, I don't even know myself what is real.. Yes, Keisuke was the name given to me by my parents, but I've discarded that name long ago.. ] [ ....... ] [ Is that acceptable? ] [ Mhmm... ] [ So, does Eryn have free time to come shopping with us today? ] [ F-Fine... But I need to finish cleaning up first. ] [ On a second thought, I don't want to let go... ] [ Big idiot... ] For another hour, I tightly held Eryn from behind just like that. Enjoying that soft sensation without getting stabbed. It was terrific... |
lolifreak000fDec 9, 2014 12:02 AM
Dec 3, 2014 1:41 AM
[size=110]Chapter 12: What lies in the darkness Saphir, an independent trade town that was formed by human merchants for the sole purpose of trading. On an independent trade town, one does not need any pass or identification to enter or exit. Thus, I was able to start a simple new life here with Eryn without any complications. It is said that many goods from around the continent flows in this town and that many aspiring merchants start their dreams here for there's no better place to procure a rare goods. It's main attraction is the free marketplace, a big separated space of land for merchants to set up their own shop. Normally, you would need a license to set up a stall and pay the appropriate fees to start trading but this town is different. Smaller peddlers are exempt from that obligation to help them get started. It sounds like a noble idea but I don't buy it. There must be something that they gain from doing such things. The town is as busy as usual and many kinds of merchants and customers are having a debate. Haggling, looking for discount, it's also a battlefield here. We we're supposed to head to the tailor however, I seem to have forgotten that I do not have any money to spend at all. So, we set our sights to the guild to pick up my bounty from the previous quest I submitted for completion more than a week ago. [ Oi servant, I want to eat whatever meat that human is grilling over there. ] [ Tersa-chan.... Please call me Reimuz when we're out in town.... Or better yet, you could even call me [Oniichan].. Neh? ] This innocent girl wannabe riding on my shoulders is God of Destruction or G.O.D for short. She's a self proclaimed benevolent God who thinks of me as her servant or follower. I gave her the name 'Tersa' just a few hours ago cause she doesn't even know what to call herself other than G.O.D, Devourer of worlds, Chaotic god and so forth. Man, she has such bad taste. Apparently, our minds are linked to each other and the two of us are somewhat stuck together till the end of our lives. Because of our contract for me to continuously use her power, I lost the ability to see in my left eye. [ Tersa-chan, its dangerous for you to keep moving around like that, there's a risk of falling... ] [ Eryn, just leave the delusional kid be... ] [ Mhmm, but... ] [ Its okay, she's a lot sturdier than she looks. She could survive a few falls no problem. ] While this beautiful bishoujo on my right who is timidly holding my hand is Eryn, My Goddess. Right now, her long golden hair is tied in two short twintails that is drooping down over her marvelously flat chest. I am quite fascinated by her sharp pointed ears and has a develop a certain love for them. Because of G.O.D's nosiness, our awkward relationship of roommates stepped up into ah... I don't know. Am I allowed to hug her and kiss her from now on? Or was that previous occasion just a once in a lifetime opportunity? And I, Reimuz, 18 years old, average looks, 172 cm tall, black short hair, somewhat regular hobbies, very normal guy. On the day I thought to be regular, I died. Killed by my childhood friend whom I thought to be dead years ago. Somehow or the other, I was transported to this fantasy world. However, my setup was not of a chosen hero saving the world from its impeding doom nor was I reincarnated to live my life to the fullest. In the end, my regularity followed me even here... My goal in this world? To find her, the one who brought me here in Aestrea! [ Tsk, such a long and useless narrative about yourself... ] G.O.D clicked her tongue in annoyance. [ Its none of your business... ] [ Oh, am I allowed to hug her or kiss her from now on? ] G.O.D said so while mimicking my voice and adding a sarcastic tone to it. Upon hearing my inner thoughts, Eryn glanced at my side for a moment with flushed cheeks, though she didn't mention anything... How very surprising... [ Behave when we get inside the guild okay? ] [ Umu... ] [ Mhmm... ] The both of them answered in sequence. [ Umm, not you Eryn.... ] [ Ohh... I thought Reimuz was referring to my previous behavior in the guild... ] Eryn said with a soft voice.. Her eyes are glancing at my pupils as if asking for forgiveness. [ What Eryn did is not wrong... ] I replied with a smile. While she did thrashed someone and made a huge ruckus, Eryn is not at fault. And besides, she just stood up for me. [ Mhmm.. If Reimuz says so... ] { You'll pay for this mockery, servant... } [ Ahahaha.... ] I laugh and walked normally not heeding the devil's whisper, passing through the bustling populace of merchants straight to our destination. Chattering, giggling, gathering in groups of two or three, that's what we saw as soon as we entered the guild. A combination of travelers and swordsmans with a few robed people I would assume as mages. [ Hai Hai! Welcome to the adventurer's guild in Saphir! ] The same receptionist oneesan that greeted us from before was standing right behind the desk further in the back. As usual, she has a bright smile on her face. We didn't waste a moment and approached her right away. [ Reimuz-kun and company? What is your business in the guild today? ] Her cat-like tail and ears started to move energetically as soon as she smiles... Come to think of, I still haven't inquired for her name. Oh well, too embarrassing to ask now. [ Oh.. We're here to check if the confirmation for the quest I previously did before has been completed. ] I answered her while I awkwardly scratched the tip of my nose. My eyes can't help but admire her beautiful features.. [ Hai Hai! Subjugation quest? Its been confirmed! The reward is 25 Rupee silver coins! Open your hands please. ] So I assumed a beggar position just like how she told me. Afterwards, she handed me a small pouch full of coins! [ Thank you... ] [ Much obligued! ] I can hear the [ting ting ting ting] in my brain. The sound of money! [ 25 silver coins is a huge sum... ] [ Yeah, I know... It explains just how they wanted that monster gone I would guess. ] They call their currency here in this town, Rupee and they go in multiples of ten. Just like the metric system in my world. Quite easy to understand and for a guy like myself, its childsplay. You need 100 iron coins to get a copper. Then, you need 100 copper coins to get a silver. A piece of bread can cost you as little as 10 iron coins while a single night at the inn in this town is around 2-10 copper coins depending on the room and quality. So counting 25 silver coins means living a life of leisure for months. [ You better not be cheap when buying my apparel, servant. ] The self proclaimed benevolent God on my shoulders reminded us of her presence. [ Tersa-chan would look cute no matter what she wears I'm sure.. ] [ Hm! I would only accept clothing that were made in fine silk.. ] [ I don't care about fine silk, were buying clothes that are listed on the discount bin. ] [ Keisuke oniichan, please.. ] [ Kuuuh...!! ] I immediately shudder after hearing G.O.D call me oniichan. My heart is giggling with happiness and a euphoric smile appeared on my face. [ I will give it some thought.... ] [ Thanks oniichan! ] [ Haiyeee! ] I couldn't helped but quiver once more like something is running over my entire body, drowning me in ecstasy.. The destructive force of Reina's voice plus her loli figure is just too much. Am I now a pervert who gets turned on by little girls?! I hope not.... [ Reimuz is a pervert afterall.... ] I glance towards Eryn after hearing her gripe and saw her face revolting in disgust... [ Oh, are you two married? ] Oneesan clasped a hand over her chest to get our attention and tilted her head a little while she cheerfully asked us a question. Burning excitement now filled the eyes of this person. [ No, were not. ] [ I don't know. ] [ Yes, they are. ] [ Haha... ] Oneesan giggled after hearing three different responses. But for Eryn to not hesitate to say no. She trampled on my feelings! [ Oh, I almost forgot. Reimuz-kun, the guildmaster would like to have a word with you. ] Guildmaster eh? What did I do to attract such a bigshot? [ I see... For what reason? ] I asked curiously. Eryn and G.O.D seems to have perk their ears up as well. [ I haven't been told of the details but you do know we have a shortage of knights lately, correct? ] [ Yes? ] [ For you to defeat this monster by yourself means your capable, correct? ] Hmm, I think I already have an idea where this conversation will lead. [ So, basically he's asking me for a request right? But I'm not even an adventurer yet. ] [ You don't have to concern yourself regarding that matter, we'll personally take care of it. ] [ Alright, is the Guildmaster here right now? ] [ Yes, actually just right across that door. ] Oneesan said so as she moved towards the side and led our eyes into an arch wooden door a few ways behind her. The door is substantially larger compare to that in the main entrance. [ Alright, give us a second, I'll be right back. ] I steered away from that desk and put G.O.D down as I explain my reason to Eryn. [ Eryn, I'm just going to meet this guy okay? Can you wait for me? ] [ I want to come... But if Reimuz wants me to stay, then fine. I'll wait. ] Eryn and I sat on one of the wooden benches afterwards while G.O.D curiously looks around left and right. [ Gufufufu, I'll watch over her till you get back, servant. Just be sure to repay me with those barbecue sticks later on! ] G.O.D proudly snorts while sticking out her chest, her hands on her thin waist. I guess I could imagine being asleep for hundred of years, I would also crave for food. However, G.O.D's gluttony is on entirely different level. I mean, she stands proudly but there's drool on her face... [ Eryn, excuse me. ] I gently grab Eryn's tender hands and slapped it on my face. [ For goodluck charm... ] [ Yeah... ] With an innocent smile on her face, she laughs. I returned a smile of my own while I pressed her hands on my cheeks once more. The warmth passing through her hands is enough to erase the doubts I have about myself. [ Alright, I'll be back. ] [ We'll be waiting. ] I stand firm, did some light stretches and turned my back to Eryn as I walked towards the desk. My trustee sword is on my back, a little bit above my hips, horizontally, which could be drawn by my dominant right hand. There's no particular reason for this. Only because I thought that drawing your sword like this makes it look cooler. [ Are you tense? ] Oneesan hesitantly asked me after noticing that I can't seem to stand still. Her reaction basically tells me she knows what's going on behind that door. [ Naw... Okay, just over that door right? ] [ Yes.. ] I casually walked in front of the gigantic door afterwards. I feel a weird chill in the air as if someone is waiting for me right across this hall. And that certain someone is not friendly.... [ Status screen.. ] Now then, its been a while since I've done this. ========Status-Screen======== Reimuz=LvL[18] Class=Manipulator Title=Darkness-Aligned Alignment=Neutral ===Skill-List=== Kill-Switch[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Shade-Shift[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] Unseeing-Eye[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Shadow-Realm[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] All-A[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Endurance[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Eclipse-Syndrome[ Absorption Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Smithing-Beginner[ Life Skill ]=Type=[Passive] ========================= [ Unseeing-Eye[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Info 1: By sacrificing one's eye to the consuming darkness, the user's natural senses will dramatically increase. Info 2: Provides night vision to the remaining eye. Info 3: ??? ] [ Shadow-Realm[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Active] Info 1: Directly call upon the evil power of the Chaotic God. Info 2: Halves the user's remaining life force upon usage. Info 3: A direct contract with the Chaotic God is needed to perform the skill. ] Though I digress about the lost of my left eye, it might not be so bad after all. I'm still getting accustomed to living life regularly, let alone fight.. But well, my skills will compensate for that weakness. While Chaotic power is indeed powerful, there's plenty of negative effects that would kill you in return. How am I supposed to use my Ougi if it'll halve my remaining life force? Whatever, lets do this. [ Shade shift... ] Swoosh! A ring cloaked in shadows appeared on my left index finger, skyrocketing my basic parameters. I can feel the sudden surge of energy however there's no sharp pain piercing my brain, no blood, nothing. Last time I used a shadow of this level resulted in coughing fits that drew blood. Maybe G.O.D can shed light in what [shade shift] is all about. { Be careful... I only sensed two earlier but now, I'm sensing at least four beings behind that door. } { I know... Thank you, G.O.D... } { The barbecue later.. Don't forget.. } { Go away. } Calmly think about the situation. If they wanted to hire me, that means they're here to find out about my skills. The moment I open this door, I'll no doubt get attacked. Although no matter what happens, I should limit the usage of my darkness unless I've fully confirmed their intent. One does not carelessly reveal their trump cards, especially when entering a lions den. This ring is all I need for support and use my trustee sword to attack. Inhale. Exhale. After confirming my resolve, I slowly opened the wooden door. Creak..... It made a creaking noise as I made my way inside the unnaturally large darkened room. Bam! The door behind me was shut tight. I immediately felt sharp gazes all over me. One on each side, one further in the back and the other is hiding somewhere. To think these clueless fools would attack me in this darkness. With the chilling bargain I've exchanged for this unseeing eye, the darkness is my friend. Tap.. Tap.. I tap the scabbard of my trustee sword. With that, they should know I've sensed them already. Carelessly attacking me now would only lead to you people getting hurt. So cmon, don't be shy... Twang! The guy in front released his bowstring, firing me a shot aiming for my legs! I simply followed the trajectory, placing my sheathed sword to guard it and with a clang, his arrow was easily repelled. [ What the.... In this darkness? ] A surprised voice of a woman echoes inside the dark room. I should be the one surprise! Even though being healed by magic is quite convenient, it still hurts! They better offer me a huge payment after this! Tap.. Tap.. I tap my trustee sword one more time while I cautiously move forward. Aiming for the person who just fired an arrow... |
lolifreak000fDec 9, 2014 12:24 AM
Dec 3, 2014 12:00 PM
[size=110]Chapter 13: One on Three As I was treading carefully, the archer in front of me started to chant an incantation while the other two is nimbly circling around me. [ What now? ] I said dumbfounded while waiting for the shadows to attack me. The archer readies his bow towards me, unleashing an arrow covered in light. [ Stride arrow! ] A magic circle appeared and the arrow passing through that magic circle multiplied, spreading all over the area. Multiple arrows of light came raining down! It was simple to dodge I thought but the attack was cast only to diverse me on the side. As I roll on my right side, a spearhead came lunging at me! [ What the.. ] But the attack was slow, I easily deflected it with my unsheathed sword. The spearman quickly dashes forward me, swinging his spear upward and overhead. Klang! But with such a wide attack, its more than easy to parry for me. [ Oi.! are you trying to kill me?! ] I angrily shouted at the guy. But their relentless assault didn't halt for a moment. I sense a swordsman appeared on my backside and swoop his sword towards my head. What the fuck! Twang! As I try to dodge, I heard an arrow released towards me again. All the while, the spearman launches his spear to pierce my sword arm. Its a three pronged attack bullshit! However, their speed in total wouldn't even amount to that monster and I myself has improved. [ Haaap! ] I stomped on the ground forcing my body to dodge sideways and avoid the spear while I positioned my unsheathed sword at the back of my head. Clang! Our swords clash instantly but I didn't stagger. The spearman that missed his point was used as a human shield for the arrow! [ Iyaaa! ] The spearman grimaced in pain, making him dropped his weapon as the arrow went through his left arm. Wait, that voice... Its a girl? [ Emily!! ] The archer shouted while the swordsman behind me leap further away in a distance. That voice again... Its that of a girl.. Don't tell me I'm fighting with a group of girlies here? I grab the spearman by her waist and pull her towards me. This soft sensation.... Its a girl indeed. While I could somehow see clearly in the dark, I can't clearly see their faces... Is this a spell? [ If you don't want your companion to die, put your weapons down on the ground where I could see them! ] I shouted threatening words as I slid my sword back in place and unsheathed it. I grazed my blade up at the spearman's neck, keeping her in place. Man, she smells good... [ Do it! Don't worry about me! ] As she screamed her cries, the archer readies her bow at me once again. I can see her mouth moving around as if casting a spell. The swordsman is carefully waiting for a moment to strike, staring me down at a distance while his sword is at the ready. [ Stride arrow! ] A flash of light followed by a rain of multiple arrows covered in light. The same useless attack earlier was unleashed. [ Man, you never learn. ] [ Kyaa! ] I carried the girl like a pig on my shoulder while I run away to escape the area of attack. The swordsman didn't even bother to intercept me, weird... Suddenly, the arrows followed suit to my direction as if they were homing missles. [ Are you kidding me! ] [ Hehe.. That's what you get for being careless. ] The archer grinned as she watches me struggle. I ran across the wall with my rapid movement but the arrows curved and followed suit. [ Molester! Pervert! Let go! ] The girl on my shoulder is furiously fighting back to get off me. However with my increased strength, my grip on her waist was tight. [ Shut up if you don't want to become a meat shield! ] [ No! Put me down! ] [ Omygod, you're annoying! ] I pinch and fondled her plump butt while I ran across the area. [ Fuuueee! ] The girl started sobbing and crying after getting her butt violated. Then, she angrily pummeled my back with punches that doesn't even tickle. [ One more! Stride arrow! ] While I was busy, the archer unleashes yet another arrow covered in light. I knocked the intercepting arrows with my sword, one by one. But the newly concentrated arrow entered my blindside and graced me on my left cheek. [ Shit.. ] I can feel the blood dripping down... Enough playing around... If I wasn't lucky enough, that arrow could have went straight through my head. Better yet, it could have went inside this girl's butt. [ Haaaaa! ] The swordsman proceeded to attack me while the archer readies her next move. Clang! Clang! The swordsman relentlessly swung her sword using her slender arms but I easily parried her blows. [ Its yet another girlie... ] [ Don't underestimate me! ] My sudden words causes her calm expression to turn angry. She chattered away in silence as if mumbling a magic incantation but her arms didn't stop attacking. I felt something bad forming in her hands immediately... [ You small fry! Windmill slash! ] She advances with a stab, followed by a kick and spinning her body, slashing me in a large arc! Klaaang! But with my enhance senses and speed, it was repelled. But the last slash in particular almost made my sword arm numb! Its as if her sword was infused by wind. [ Haaaaa....! ] Seeing her pride skill easily deflected turned her to blindly lunge at me. Oh boy... She's like a cat. I gripped my sword calmly. She leap towards me, spinning forward, slashing me in two large arcs yet again. Swang! [ Guaa! ] I calmly parried her blows and swung my sword using all my strength. She clashed my blade but the impact was too much for her slender arms to handle, blowing her away in a distance. Bam! [ I can't believe myself sometimes... ] I shrugged, with a wry smile plastered on my face. The swordsman didn't show any further movements. I glanced back at the archer afterwards and see her mouth hang open in shock. Seems like she wasn't able to attack as both of these girlies are too close. Even if she did, the sound of her bowstring alone is enough to give it away. [ You're not half bad... ] Clearly bluffing, she forced a grin on her face. I'd had enough of this farce. You're next! [ Umm, I'm coming okay? ] She snaps herself back up and fired me arrow by arrow aiming at my face. Though with her distractions gone, it was a piece of cake to avoid her arrows. All the while, I'm moving closer and closer with a wicked smile. [ Its no use... ] [ I'm glad you understand... ] Having lost her confidence, she drooped down on the ground and sat there. What a miserable sight. At least show your remarkable spirit earlier. Oh well, no matter how hard you try, the results are still gonna be the same. Having reached her point, I leveled my sword up in the air. [ Nooo.... ] Looking at this girl cower in fear somewhat made me feel guilty inside. I clearly looked like the villain here... [ Pervert! Let me go! ] The pig on my shoulder is fighting back from my grip again. I thought for sure she gave up a while ago. [ Umm, I don't really want to hurt you... ] [ Liar! You molester! ] [ .... Alright, I'll put you down in a second. ] Seeing no reason to fight any longer, I release my tight grip from my sword and slid it back to its sheathe. I offered a helping hand to the girl in front of me while showing my most adorable smile. [ Ehhh? ] She was hesitant, but she still took my hand embarrassingly, so I gently pulled her up from the ground. [ Are you fine? ] [ Yes... ] She blushes furiously and looks down... Okay, that reaction was disturbing... I set the girl on my shoulder down and tore a piece of cloth from my shirt to wipe the blood off her arm clean. Well, the arrow is still there though... [ Umm, does anybody know healing magic? ] [ ......... ] [ ......... ] I asked while gently wiping her arm dry. However, none of them answered. [ It hurts! ] She screamed in pain after I somewhat touch a sensitive spot. [ Shh... I'll pull it out okay? ] [ Mhmm... ] She timidly nod her head. After she finally stop resisting, I pulled the arrow in a blink. [ Did it hurt? ] [ Not much... ] I breathe a sigh of relief. Light suddenly occupied the surrounding area, blinding me for a few seconds. [ Ahhh... ] I covered my eyes instinctively. When the light faded, the darkness surrounding the area has dissappeared. Arrows all over the place, a huge crevice on the wall and a collapse girl on the ground.... It was a mess. [ Magnificent! I'm impressed! You surpassed my expectations! ] A surprisingly well built man approached me. From his appearance and posture, there is no doubt he's in his mid forties. What's funny, his head doesn't seem to have a strand of hair left though his deep, low voice was somewhat intimidating. [ Pffft. ] I couldn't help but snicker. [ You just thought I'm bald didn't you.. ] [ Of course not... Umm, do you know healing magic? These girls are kind of hurt... ] I glance at the both of them but they quickly averted their gaze from mine... Ah, its to be expected that they hate me. [ Alright, lets take care of my daughters first before we hop into business. ] [ I agree. ] I just nod my head and shrug my shoulders to answer his somewhat carefree attitude. Did I just get myself into something big? I'm here for the money, that's all. Wait... [ Daughters?!!! ] |
lolifreak000fDec 9, 2014 12:33 AM
Dec 4, 2014 12:34 AM
[size=110]Chapter 14: Triplets After such a troublesome entry, everything finally calmed down and I was able to settle down in peace. The room that we're currently in is huge and there's a big dining table that accommodates to at least 14 guest, judging by the chairs. I would assume cutting a tree as big as this and carrying it back inside here is troublesome enough. On the table is the same distinguished sign of the guild's gryphon, though larger and more detailed. I am currently occupying one of the wooden chairs on this roundtable and sitting in front of me is the old man from before and right behind him are three beautiful girls... From the old man's explanation earlier, these violent girls who attacked me are his daughters and they're triplets. Well, I could see that much but what I can't believe is that this baldy old man who looks like a bandit boss is their father. [ Ahahaha... I'd introduce myself again. My name is Reimuz and you are? ] [ ..., ..., ..., ] I anxiously broke the silence however, the three musketeers unanimously ignored me. My feelings are hurt... [ Gahahaha! Go on, introduce yourselves! ] The old man urges his daughters to speak, yet he himself hasn't even told me his name yet. Does this stupidity runs in the family? [ Very well, I'm Elmina, the middle sister. ] The first one to speak is the archer and she politely bowed her head while introducing herself. She looks vaguely intellectual though her smiling expression appeared to be quite mischievous and scary. Her long chestnut brown hair is braided on the side while her green eyes shows a hint of cleverness. Underneath her leather breastplate is her somewhat protruding bosom. She might look weak and feeble but that understatement could get a knife behind your back. She's also giving me an eerie vibe I couldn't properly describe. [ Emeria, youngest... ] After the very polite middle sister comes a sleepy looking swordsman. Her dark brown hair is cut short but her long bangs are somewhat hindering her opal colored eyes. There was no hint of smile on her lips. She looks distracted at most and as if her mind is flying off somewhere. Though it wouldn't be a joke to say she's the strongest out of the three of them. She seems to have a switch for her hot tempered attitude earlier too. Now, she's just an airhead. [ E-Emily... W-What are you looking at? ] Finally, the last one with the grade SS+ butt. The tsundere... No words needed to be said other than she looks snobby. Her brown hair is tied up on a side ponytail that hangs down below her shoulders and her eyes are somewhat similar to that receptionist oneesan. Not just that, her facial features and her sharp fang like tooth strikes a resemblances. Unlike her sisters who are blessed with jiggly bosom, she's flat, though I would assume her butt suck all of those nutrients.. [ What do you think about my daughters? ] Once his daughter's finishes their introductions, the old man spoke loudly. [ Hmm.. Emeria's skill with the sword is great while Elmina's like a natural leader.... As for Emily, she has a nice butt... ] I said so seriously without even twitching. This must be when a guy has too much testosterone, he would want to deposit it somewhere once in a while. [ Mo-Molester!!! ] Emily furiously jumped over the table immediately as soon as I finished my sentence. She slid her arms around my neck and hold me on a chokehold! [ Jerk! Die! Stupid! ] [ Ahahaha..... ] Insult flew out of her lips as she flail me wildly. Ah, her flat chest hitting the back of my head is like a bliss. Alright, I admit I have a thing for tsunderes though My Goddess is a special case. [ Nee-san, father would want to speak if you would. ] Couldn't stand her sister's monkey behavior, Emeria talked out loud using her lackluster voice. If she has the extra energy, I feel like she would face palm right now. [ I'll remember this..! ] Emily sat on one of the wooden chairs beside me while keeping her distance. She's loudly gritting her teeth, expressing her discontent that were somehow breathing the same air. Anyways, time for business. [ Alright, so what was the lively greeting for? I could have died you know. ] I turned my gaze to the old man who's sitting in front of me and give him a sharp look. [ While you have your reasons, its not right to use your daughters for something as trivial as testing me! If you want to know, aren't you strong enough to do it yourself old man? What would you do if I accidentally killed them?! ] I voiced out my complaints filled with anger. If I went all out from the beginning, these girls would no doubt be dead by now. Its not about being cocky but rather, the difference in skill alone. I'm not one of those guys who were properly trained and this power just somehow landed in my arms. Control and restraint? Shit, you're lucky I was feeling good today. [ I apologize for my tactless judgement. ] The old man politely bows his head and his daughters followed suit. What the fuck? You think I would accept that? [ Whatever, were already here. State your business already so I could leave. ] I bluntly said such words while showing an uninterested face. No matter how carefree one can be, there's always a bottom line for everything. After hearing my harsh words, they lifted their heads and sighed in relief. [ A monster similar to the one you subdued in the forest reappeared, though in a different location. ] [ I see. Where did it reappear? ] I lend my ears to his plea with crossed arms while suspiciously watching their reactions. [ The Karu mines. We have a mining setllement that works for the town just right outside the mines. The monster reappared deep inside, wreaking havoc to anything in sight and killing many miners in the process. We have already evacuated everybody else and as soon as we came back to reassess things, orcs and goblins started to infest the area. ] The old man answered with a serious expression while he tightly clench his fist on the table, lamenting for his lack of strength. [ And so? What prevented you from jumping on them? ] [ Ahem.. If I may. ] Elmina cleared her throat and stepped forward to speak. [ Father was the one investigating your report from before. We trusted you defeated it entirely since you presented us with proof however... ] [ However? ] [ As you know about what happened, that's not the case. Father confirmed it with his own eyes and even intercepted the monster by himself just so the miners could escape. Father suffered grave injuries that mysteriously won't heal. You could even say he's lucky enough to come back alive. ] Elmina said such a depressing story with an indifferent face. She's like a professional. Her older sister could learn a little bit about the real world from her. [ Hmm... ] The atmosphere has suddenly turned gloomy. [ So, how much are you willing to pay me? ] [ Wha... ] Bam! Emily, who's sitting beside me, slammed the table. She frowned displeased, probably angered by my attitude. She doesn't even need to open her mouth, I already know the contents. [ We're talking about lives here and yet you still think of money?! ] Oh boy.. Its scary how I predicted she'll say those exact same words. I have to search for mermaids, investigate a legendary gem, bla bla bla.. Of course I'll need funds. [ So, how much is the bounty? ] I ignored the fuming girl beside me and turned my head to asked the old man. [ The mayor offered a bounty of 2 rupee gold coins, to anyone who could subdue it. But you see how money blinds men, they don't see the danger in front. ] The old man seriously replied with his eyes narrowed. I see now why he wanted me to take care of it. He wants to keep the casualties to a minimum. [ I don't care... I need the money. ] [ Alright then, do you have an idea where the mines are? ] [ Naw, but that's easy to figure out on my own. If were done here I'm leaving. ] [ Wait! ] I stood up from my chair and hurriedly left the room while ignoring everybody else's dumbstruck expression. Its not like I don't want to help but doing justice for the sake of others? Such hypocrisy makes me want to vomit. Still, is it another monster entirely or is it the same? This 25 silver coins must be an advance payment. Thinking about it like that, it somehow makes me feel guilty. Especially when a tear trickled on Emily's cheek and she even bit her lips to keep herself from sobbing, while staring at me with those pleading eyes. I tried hard not to notice earlier but its bothering my thoughts. Dammit, how am I supposed to washed my hands from this now? I rushed towards Eryn after escaping that unpleasant atmosphere. Wait, it was just right across that door and yet nobody noticed the commotion that just happened? Good grief, is it some sort of spell? [ Yo Eryn, sorry it took so long. Shall we get going? ] [ Mhmm.. Wait, what happened with your clothes? ] Eryn rose up from her chair worriedly and examined the rip on my clothes. It never really dawned on me that much till she mentions it right now. [ Its nothing really... ] [ Nothing but what's the blood for? ] Eryn looked up to me suspiciously. [ I'm dying here servant... Need... Food.... Hurry... ] Her perturbing gaze was bothered by the loud grumbling of G.O.D. I seem to have forgotten about her too. [ Alright.... ] I picked up the grieving little girl in disguise and gave her a ride on my shoulders. [ Let's ahh, go get something to eat for Tersa-chan. ] [ Hehe, she's quite the spoiled one huh? ] [ Well, she's a little brat. What can we do other than let her indulge in her selfishness? ] Sensing my forced smile, Eryn adopted a smile on her own. Man, she knows what going on yet she doesn't inquire me any further. I'm grateful enough for that alone. At least she's someone who could read the atmosphere. So, we left the guild to search for a place this little girl could relish her hunger. Like last time, our trip to the guild wasn't such a fun experience. [ Ahahaha.... ] [ .................. ] I laugh loudly as we walk with Eryn somewhat in an awful mood. Why? Why indeed? Why are the three musketeers following us? What do they want now? Can I not have my own peace and quiet anymore? [ Umm, may I know why are you ladies following us? ] I stopped and turned around to question the triplets that are obviously stalking us. Eryn noticed it too and somehow ever since, her mood has been bitter. [ Nee-san... ] [ It would seem like we've been spotted... ] [ E-Ehhh?! W-Why are you both looking at me? ] The other two immediately blamed their older sister for their stalkerish behavior. I feel sorry for Emily.... She's the oldest yet she's the dumbest. [ Look I have no time to waste and I have a dying kid here, if you know a good place to eat, then will you please show us? ] [ Then I shall guide you. Follow me. ] The reliable middle sister stepped forward again. Ignoring Emily's troubled expression, we followed suit behind Elmina's back. Shit, their names are confusing enough! Our merry company stopped in front of a country looking house with a big wooden chicken on the roof, similar to a weather vane. [ Sa-phir's Quiet Pub? ] [ Yes, its mainly a diner instead of a pub.. I've never ate here myself but a lot of adventurer's can guarantee the food they serve here is one of the best. Also, its been quite popular lately. ] Saphir's quiet pub... Whoever thought of that name is a genius! Though for some reason, Eryn is fidgeting and hesitating to go inside... [ Eryn? ] [ N-Nothing.. ] Nothing she say but she's holding onto my arm tightly as if forcing herself to calm down. [ Alright then? ] We made our way inside the furnished wooden door and inside is a small and cozy looking pub. The walls are colored brown and the lights give a pleasant feeling. On the other side of the bar is a middle-aged woman catering to the guest that were sitting over there. [ Welcome to Saphir's Quiet---Eryn-chan? Ohhhh..... ] A pretty girl wearing a frilly outfit with a short skirt, greeted us with a friendly smile. Although the weird part is.... she knows Eryn?! [ Get us a table quick! ] Eryn immediately replied with a commanding tone. She's displeased in a slightly embarrassed way. [ Ohh I see... Pff-Pfft... ] [ Shhh! Do your job! ] [ Okay, a table for six? ] I can't help but think that she snickered as soon as her eyes laid on me. What was that all about? And Eryn's attitude feels like she'll kill someone. The waitress quickly showed us to our table and handed us the menu before Eryn shooed her away. Also, I can't shake the feeling in my chest that even that lady behind the counter is glancing at our direction. [ Well, make your seat guys.. ] I urge the triplets to comfortably find the place where they would want to sit while Eryn sat on my left side and G.O.D for some reason, on my lap. [ Sorry nee-san, your huge butt won't fit in here. ] [ W-What!! ] [ Emeria's right, nee-san's butt is indeed huge. ] [ N-No its not! ] Thrown away and discarded by her sisters, Emily was left with no choice and ended up sitting beside me, the one who gave her that title. Not that I mind you know, only if Eryn would stop shooting me spears of death. And how am I supposed to eat properly with G.O.D on my lap like this? [ Now then everybody, my servant shall take care of the fees, so do not hesitate to order whatever you may desire. ] G.O.D proudly declared a statement infront of the girls without even asking for my permission. I guess as my master, she thinks of these three as my guest? [ Who's she? ] [ Yeah, Reimuz never properly explained before. ] Emily asked me curiously and Eryn followed with a question of her own. Although as much as I want to explain, I don't really know what to say. [ She's Tersa, my distant relative-- ] [ Gufufufu... I am glad you asked. Devourer of worlds, God of destruction, those are just a few of the many nicknames that your kind has bestowed upon myself! ] G.O.D proudly snorts and introduce herself with her arms crossed. Everybody else replied with an [ Ahh... ] and their mouth's hang open after she finishes her weird introduction. With this, Eryn will think G.O.D is just another delusional kid. [ Haaa... I'm tired. ] I absentmindedly sighed after witnessing their reactions. [ I'm fine with whatever.. Just wake me up when the food is here. ] [ Mhmm.. ] I lay my head on Eryn's thin shoulders as I close my eyes. |
lolifreak000fDec 4, 2014 10:26 PM
Dec 4, 2014 10:04 PM
Chapter 15: Long day [ Ommf! ] The loud clattering of fork and knives somewhat brought me back to my senses. As I opened my eyes, what filled my view was flowers... Beautiful lilies indulging themselves to their inner desires. [ W,what? ] [ Reimuz slept so deeply. ] My Goddess grab a piece of cloth and wipe the drool hanging on my mouth. Her soft, gentle touch made me feel warm and itchy inside... [ Ommmf! More! ] [ Om Nomnom... ] As my vision clears, I finally see the true horror of what is currently happening. G.O.D and Emeria are relishing their hearts out, not giving a care as to what others would say in regards to their eating habits while Elmina is nitpicking her food. As for the eldest sister Emily, well, she's been quiet for some reason... [ There's no helping this brat. ] [ Shut.. Omf.. up servant! I need to store large amounts of energy for the upcoming battles. If I ran out of mana at a crucial time, the consequences could be fatal. ] Haaa... That's something that Reina would say though in G.O.D's case, she's intently serious about it. [ In times of war, it is vital to secure adequate sustenance. ] [ In times of war, it is vital to secure adequate sustenance. ] The both of us said so at the same time. See? ( ^^lf notes: chuunibyou reference ) [ As expected of my chosen servant, you know me very well.. ] [ Its something that would come out of Reina's mouth after all. ] [ Do not be so sullen. I am here. If my servant kindly request, I could even change my body to satisfy your desires. ] [ Lets not go on that.... ] While G.O.D and I are engrossed reminiscing, these two lilies beside me are glaring at us intensely. Their expression tells me their lost at what were talking about. [ Ahahaha.... Lets eat, yeah? ] [ Mhmm... ] [ Y-Yeah... ] The uneasiness and anxiety surrounding this table is strong. But watching this scene somehow makes me feel that I'm a father together with a group of immature kids. [ Hmm.... ] I proceeded to eat the smoking piece of meat in front of me... The way they presented it alone kind of gives you the feeling that you can't wait to dig in just to see what it taste like. The meat is good and savory, something close to tender beef that is slowly roasted in low temperature to fully cook it inside. Its far better than my omelettes at least. I realize that the food in this world is really delicious, though there's one problem. Ever since I got here, I haven't seen a grain of rice. I don't mind eating bread, soup or meat by itself, but my asian heritage screams of wanting to taste rice every now and then. Do they even have rice in this world? I have to find out... Another goal I have set up for myself. After what seemed like an eternity, G.O.D was finally able to satisfy her appetite. Emeria was utterly defeated and the damage to my wallet was four silver coins in total. I knew it, G.O.D's gluttony is certainly godlike. [ Its adequate... ] [ That's all your gonna say? ] Apologize! Apologize to the cook now! [ Umm, when do you plan on leaving? ] Emily timidly asked me a question. I was concerned as to why she was being quiet but it was because of that after all. Well, I did left abruptly earlier but only because I couldn't stand such tense situations. [ I'll leave in three days. ] [ Three days? Isn't that too late already? I know you need more time to prepare but... ] I thought this girl hated my guts but maybe I was wrong. Now that she's gotten the courage to speak, her crying face from before is popping up in my head again. [ It depends I guess... Anyways, is there something Emily-san forgot to say earlier? ] [ I umm... ] [ Nee-san said she wants to come with you. ] Emeria spoke up for her too embarrassed older sister. She drop her head onto the table back to sleep afterwards. [ Not happening. ] [ Why?! ] Emily stood up at once after hearing my cold reply. I don't even want to look at her face. [ Because you're weak and you'll be a hindrance. ] [ Nn?! ] There's one thing that really irritates me the most. And that's people with an overflowing sense of justice. She realize her strength is insufficient, yet she still wanted to do it. That's just plain stupid and naive in my opinion. [ How can you say that?! ] [ Sigh... As I've said before, you'll only be a hindrance especially with an attitude like that. ] I am aware that these harsh truths are hard to confront. However we clearly see this flaws, we nonetheless believe what we wanted. [ Hmmp! I'm outta here! Jerk! ] [ Nee-san! ] Emily angrily stomped out of the pub and Emeria followed her with a worried expression. Was Emeria really asleep or was she just pretending? [ I thank you for that, Reimuz-san. ] [ Not a problem... ] At least one of them was able to realize my intent. Elmina's intellectual enough to see what is practically impossible and downright stupid. [ Is your sister always like that? ] [ Hahaha... Nee-san might look and act stupid, but she just honestly cares. ] Elmina's dubious smiling face felt real this time. She retained her elusive image while showing her proper concern for her older sister. I guess that's what siblings is all about. Though I still couldn't accept her reasoning. [ Well, thank you again for the fine dinner but unfortunately, I have to console my onee-san. ] [ Thank you for joining us.. ] She gracefully stood up from her chair and bowed her head to me before leaving. In a flash, the only ones left are the three of us again. [ So, what was that about? ] Eryn gave me a perplexed stare as she asked me a question. At least she obediently waited for her turn.. I'm impressed in her maturity lately. [ Well it was----- ] I carefully explained what happened from the time that I met the Guildmaster up to my current plans on going to the mines, excluding the rough treatment I received from entering that room. I do not want to give Eryn needless worry after all. [ I want to come. ] Is the first thing Eryn said after she heard my story. [ Hmm.. ] I silently pondered my head in silence. Eryn would no doubt be a huge asset with her healing spell alone but I do not want to bring her with me. Just thinking about what happened last time, we nearly died. I want to keep her in harms way as much as possible even though she's strong enough to defend herself. Hopefully she'll understand. [ Umm, it would be a dangerous journey so... ] [ I can protect myself no problem. You don't have to worry about me.. ] [ Still... Eryn is very important to me.. ] [ But.. ] I gently patted Eryn's head before she could even finish her selfish request. Her long ears started to twitch and she's blushing while I indulge myself into feeling her soft hair. [ Not fair.. ] [ Ahahaha... ] I tried to laugh it off but this loud heartbeat in my chest and my strong desire to caress her ears is killing me. What does Eryn think of me I wonder? [ So.... introduce us to your friend Eryn-chan. ] Our moment of silence was interrupted by the waitress from before. The lady at the bar approached us too. Its like their gossiping housewives that couldn't let this juicy information slip. [ I don't have to explain anything to you.. And owner too? Why... ] [ Because its interesting... ] This old lady has a grin plastered on her face and so is the waitress oneesan. Now that I looked around, there's nobody here besides us. It explains why they have so much free time and is leisurely bothering us. [ Well, I'm Reimuz... Does that help? ] I awkwardly introduce myself. Although I'm curious as to what their relation is to Eryn, if she's feeling uncomfortable, we'll leave. [ So you heard? Is that enough? ] [ Pfft.. ] [ Pfffft... ] The two of them couldn't contain their nosiness and snickered away after somehow figuring out something by themselves. Oh well, its time to get out of this blasted place. [ Well? Lets go? ] [ Mhmm.. ] I didn't notice when but G.O.D has already slept deeply with her face drooping on the table. Hmm, so too much food can also make a God sleepy? I wish I have a camera to capture this pitiful sight of her and post it into the internet for everyone to laugh at. Pi...! Pi...! [ Alignment shifted towards Chaotic Good ] [ Preriquisite alignment fulfilled. You learned the skill Backstab ] Just when I thought of doing something vile, the same [pi] sound resonated inside my head... It would seem like I learned a very nasty skill.... [ Oh well, I'll carry her back I guess.. ] [ Haven't you been carrying her all day? ] [ I could carry you both if you want? ] I jokingly said while not expecting a proper reply. However... [ How? ] [ Carry Tersa and I'll show you how. ] So Eryn followed my suggestion and carried G.O.D off the table. The clueless G.O.D is loudly snoring in Eryn's hands. [ Umm, here goes.. ] I swoop her off from the ground and carried her like a princess. There's not even an ounce of weight in my hands though the loud heartbeat in my chest is driving me insane. When I looked at Eryn, she doesn't seem to dislike it either... [ Alright, let's go home? ] [ Mhmm... ] After that, I carried Eryn and G.O.D out of the pub while not minding the squeals of the owner and the waitress oneesan... It was already nighttime when we got out, so we postponed visiting the tailor for another day. It was a fun day in a lot of ways, except for when I showed G.O.D to Gordon... His reaction was amazing. His first thought: [ Is she your daughter? ] I seem to have forgotten that they haven't met yet.... Lastly, I was allowed to sleep on the bed... Finally! |
lolifreak000fDec 9, 2014 12:53 AM
Dec 5, 2014 3:04 AM
[size=110]Chapter 16: My Childhood Friend is a Yandere?! It was another refreshing spring day. As soon as we ate breakfast, I dragged my Chaotic Goddess with me towards the meadow. Apparently, she possessed the skill [ Darkness Creation ]. It means fully materializing the darkness in my mind and giving the weapons I create a form. As usual, her highness's minuscule feet are so exceptional to grace the ground, she fancied riding on my shoulders instead. [ So, Tersa-sama's memory is jagged? ] [ Umu, there are things I could not remember and my memory in pieces. ] It would seem like our Goddess here is suffering from memory loss. However last night, a bit of her memory resurfaced and so is one of her lost skills. How or what unlocked such a thing, I do not know. By the way, Saphir has three entrances. One is the south gate near Gordon's shop and the other is to the east where me and Eryn entered from. The last entrance is the north gate which is also called the main entrance. We trod passed by the south gate and walked a little further to rid ourselves of pest and nuisances. Upon entering the unbounded grasslands, we followed the stream of water leading us to a forest entrance. We halted at the edge of the forest water stream and took a sitting position infront of the running water. I sat on the ground and crossed my legs while Tersa sat on my lap, assuming a similar position herself. The gentle breeze slapping through our faces and the calm sound of water running is the perfect tranquil atmosphere that we needed. [ I want to create a gun. What do we have to do? ] The first weapon that I envisioned to create was a handgun. I've tried to make a similar weapon before but it didn't make any sense. After all, I needed to know the structure, elements and all the other complicated stuff. So creating a formless sword of darkness has been far easier for me. Fighting in range would be far ideal and though I love swords, I have to be practical. [ As long as you have a memory of such weapon existing in your mind. ] Tersa replied while she tries to straighten her back on my lap. Confused at what she meant, I curiously asked another question. [ Meaning? ] [ Things that you have witnessed in your lifetime. An image is all I need. ] [ I think I get it... ] It sounds convenient but what is the toll? I already know that our power comes with a great burden. [ Illusion, memory dive provides your brain with mirages. Lust, longing, love, and even your greatest fear. Either one of these will greet us on the other side.. ] Tersa replied after reading the fear bothering my mind. With our link, there is nothing that I could hide from her. [ Both of us? Aren't you the lord of darkness yourself? ] [ Umu, there are certain rules that even I adhere to. ] [ Is that all? ] [ Indeed, but never underestimate the consuming darkness. ] The thought of getting lost in eternal darkness is scary, but I trust Tersa could make it work. Our silly companionship had taken the edge off the fear in my mind. [ If you're resolved, grasp both of my hands and surrender everything to me as you close your eyes. ] [ Alright, lets jump into oblivion together. ] [ Umu, I like the sound of that. ] I held both of her tiny hands and close my eyes as I take a deep breath. Freeing myself of stress and achieving ultimate calmness. Delving into the depths of my memory, where have I seen a gun in my life....? Ah---------------- Three years ago... It was that time when I pushed Reina to her death. I couldn't contain the excitement in my heart, so I rushed down to admire her lifeless body. Her splattered, unmoving corpse bathed in blood was beautiful... Those thoughts were racing in my mind. Shortly after, the policeman came. The policeman trod carefully, following the stench of death that I've created. In the midst of that bloodbath was a boy, a young boy drowned in ecstasy... Confusion filled both his mind and heart, forcing him to move his hands and point his gun at me... He questioned me and I answered with lies. [ I see it... ] [ Hold onto the image in your mind... ] I heeded Tersa's words and accurately pictured the gun in my mind. [ Do not let go... No matter what... ] I can feel my consciousness leaving my body. Slipping in and out of darkness as my heaviest fear tormented my mind. That puncturing sensation that skewered me repeatedly. Her sinister smile of death... [ Graaaaghh.......! ] It replayed over and over.. My death played countless times along with the pain, suffering, and despair. However, its not only me who's suffering. [ Uggghhh!! ] I can feel the warm sensation of Tersa going cold. Little by little, her hand is slipping away. What kind of illusion is tormenting her side? [ Open your eyes... ] I followed the voice that has guided me... However what permeated in that bright light was not the same little girl earlier. [ Tersa-sama? ] I called out to her.. But she didn't respond. [ Ah... Keisuke... ] When she turned her head, a familiar voice called out to me... I see it clearly.. Her ominously long black hair and devilishly dark brownish eyes.. The image of my killer. With only the overseized shirt that Tersa was wearing earlier, she's close to naked. [ I have a request... ] The girl seductively whispered to my ears, her voice was tempting and enticing. Enough to make me bow down and lick her feet. [ Keisuke... Let's end this world together... Neh? ] [ Mnn?! ] She pulled me flat against her body and kissed me. Her lips were soft, her tongue touched mine and I felt heat moved through me. [ Mnnngh... ] [ Annngh.... Mnm...... ] My desires controlled me, I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her body into mine, our kiss deepened. The only thought that circled my mind is; I want more kisses... A whole lot more. [ Reina's flat chest hasn't changed... ] [ Yes... Mnnngh! Keisuke.. Kyaah! ] I quickly slid my left hand around her delicate chest while my other hand slowly slides down in her most private area. I nuzzled through her slender neck with my lips trailing all the way up to her ears. [ Nnm?! ] [ Keisuke.... Put it in.. ] She whispered into my ears once more while her tender hand blindly reaches out to my doder. Wait.... Stop stop stop stop stop... [ I.... Reina... I'm sorry... ] I sincerely apologize as I stop my malicious desires. [ What's bothering Keisuke? Even though we've always done it before.... Is it because of that girl? ] Reina stared into my eyes with an odd expression, reminding me of those times when we were but animals seized by the power of our lust. Our relationship was abnormal... [ Yes... ] I smiled coolly while giving her my honest reply. [ Forced them into depravity, feed them off their lust, there's so many ways for Keisuke to get one. I wouldn't mind if Keisuke keeps one or two... ] I couldn't believe what I just heard since it nonchalantly came out of her mouth as if it was a piece of joke. However, her glinting eyes and dead expression completely belied that thought. [ I'm sorry.... ] [ ......................... ] She answered me with silence... Her face drained of the vitality it had seconds ago. I tried to reach her pretty face but she shoved my hand away. [ Keisuke said he love me, so I gave Keisuke everything... ] [ Reina, I love you.. but- ] I'm scum... I know I am.. Even your purity was taken by the likes of a useless vermin like myself. And now, you turned up like this... All because of me. [ Liar.... Keisuke's a liar... ] Reina's voice was barely whisper but it ringed loudly inside my head... Her expression became more and more heartbroken until it was filled with nothing but putrid hatred. [ Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! Liar!! ] Each and every word that escaped her mouth pierced my heart like a well sharpened blade. I swallowed it all inside me while I tightly held Reina inside my arms. I feel as though a knife would pierce my chest but I fought that anxiety and embraced her even tightly. [ Hraaaaaa......!! ] [ Reina... Stop! ] Biri...! Biri...! My heightened senses perceived an unnaturally ominous energy forming around us. The surrounding dirt, grasses, leaves, fishes in the stream, electricity forming in the air... Everything is slowly being vacuumed towards us... [ This world that Keisuke wants to protect along with that thieving bitch can burn! ] [ Reina......! ] Panic clouded my thoughts after hearing her spout such horrifying words. A shudder is raking my spine and my instincts are telling me to find a place to hide but if I leave Reina now, she'll no doubt burn this world to cinders. Think myself! What can you do to calm her! [ I... I just bought a wedding ring for Reina! Its in my room, yeah! If Reina destroys this world, I won't be able to give it to you.! ] I babbled out whatever excuses that came to mind. [ Really? ] Seems like that lie worked somehow. I sighed as I thought; Did this world just escaped catastrophe? [ Yes, really. I've been meaning to give it to Reina... I'm thinking of a grand proposal to surprise you... But now, its not much of a surprise anymore, right? ] Yet another conventional deceit casually left my mouth, but I have no choice but to lie to this girl who's dangerously smitten with me. [ Keisuke's not lying? ] [ Of course not. ] [ I'm Keisuke's one and only? ] [ But of course.. There's nobody else.. ] [ Keisuke.. ] Reina closes her eyes and gently buries her head onto my chest while she returned my loving embrace. She affectionately rub her head onto my chest to tickle me and after satisfying herself, looked up to me with fluttering eyes and said: [ I want Keisuke to spoil me... ] [ Sure... ] So I gently patted her head like she commanded me to. [ Muehehe, I want Keisuke to kiss me next... ] After enjoying my gentle touch, Reina filed yet another selfish request. Her eyes in a trance, completely lost in her own world... [ I.... I have a lot of questions for Reina, do you mind answering me first? ] [ No! ] Reina's expression suddenly turned dead in an instant. Seeing her change in atmosphere was a bad sign, I hurriedly fulfilled her request. But as soon as my lip touches hers, she aggressively took the lead and forced her tongue inside my mouth! [ Ngnnh!!! ] [ Ch..nm..Keisuke..I love you.. Mmnngh.. ] Our tongues intertwined while her soft hand reaches out to my waist, down to my cherished brother.. [ Annh.. I want more of Keisuke.. ] She seductively whispers into my ear as she pants, her lips sticky with our spit. [ Reina... lets stop neh? ] [ Why? ] [ Ahhh... I just want to hold Reina in my arms right now... Is that okay? ] Damn, I must be a gigolo in my past life. Smooth under pressure that's me. [ Keisuke's mad? ] [ Naw.. But can Reina answer my questions first? ] [ ............ ] Rather than giving me answer, she covered her face with her hands, trying to hide her embarrassment. [ Ehehe... ] Seeing Reina giggle mischievously sends my hair to stand on end!! [ I'm so happy... ] [ I... I as well.. ] Her eyes are swelling up in tears as she put her arms around me once more.. Reina might looked small and fragile right now yet she just attempted to destroy this world! [ I told myself I won't be jealous... But seeing Keisuke happy with that bitch makes me tremble with anger... Can I kill her at least? ] Oh my god! [ Don't do that..... ] [ Okay! If I follow Keisuke, I must be a good wife, right? ] [ Yes... ] [ Keisuke, I want two boys.. ] Reina appealed as she looked up to me with teary eyes, her face moist with her deep feelings... I proceeded to stroke her head in silence as I try to contain my fears away. [ Reina.... I wish to see you again. ] I know.. I already know. This is merely a mirage, something that my desires made up. Nothing more than a convenient escape created by my longing. Crack...! The air trembles and cracks started to appear in my view as soon as I accepted the truth... As everything else shattered, I was finally freed from the illusion imprisoning both my heart and soul. [ W-what? ] [ Ser...vant. ] When I returned to reality, I find myself in an awkward position.. My hands seems to be touching Tersa's private areas, so I quickly retreated my hand away. Did I perhaps did something unforgivable? [ G.O.D-sama? Tersa? ] [ I can understand my servant has his impulses, nonetheless.....! ] A sudden burst of dark energy forced me away from her... Bam! Its as if a weird gravitational energy is forcing me down on the ground. [ Umm, Tersa-sama... how's my gun? ] [ Gufufufu, we succeeded somehow. ] [ So, will you release me from this bind? ] [ Umu, but not until you've repented enough... ] For another hour, I stayed lying on the ground with my face kissing the dirt.. Although, was that really just an illusion? |
lolifreak000fDec 10, 2014 12:11 PM
Dec 8, 2014 4:07 AM
[size=110] Chapter 17: Hurried Departure Tersa named the gun [ Nemesis ]. Its appearance is similar to those p250 pistols just like in that FPS game I once played. The full clip of a single magazine contains 13 jet black bullets. According to Tersa, it fires off highly compressed bullets of darkness that penetrates the target's body before exploding. This wicked gun drains the user's negative thoughts and use them as ammunition. I simply need to accumulate negative emotions like fear and hatred, and the bullets will refill on their own. Its the perfect stress relief. Coincidentally, my newly acquired skill [ Backstab ] makes it a perfect match for this gun. [ Backstab[ Innate Skill ]=Type=[Passive] Info: Triples the damage inflicted if the target was strike from behind. ] Also, Tersa finally revealed the cost for using [ Shade shift ]. Its as bad as I thought, this skill drains my life force although in small amounts. Depending on the intensity and power of darkness pulled, it could wither a few days to a week off my precious lifetime. But since Tersa and I performed the contract to sacrifice my left eye, it seems that I'm saved from succumbing eternally if Tersa regularly intakes my blood. Magic power comes from blood and this power comes from within her. She didn't fully explain why, and even saying: [ Figure it out on your own. ] Does that mean [ Shade shift ] uses mana indeed? Anyways, Tersa and I walked back to town after fulfilling our agenda. Well, I gave her a piggyback ride while she sink her fangs on my neck and suck my blood. The feeling was somewhat close to ticklish and even sends an erotic chill throughout my entire body. [ Chup.... ] [ Tersa-sama... don't you think you've had enough? ] My plea was ignored as this cute little lord of darkness quench her thirst. She was quite exhausted after finishing the memory dive and even had a shaken expression. It wasn't because I violated her or anything like that, but because of the illusion she saw on the other side. I wonder what kind of harsh betrayal she received from her followers to make her grieve like that? She refushed to talked about it even now, but I could feel the sudden reopening of a deep wound inside her heart. Is Tersa really a God of Destruction or did she merely switched sides? Her actions have been quite spoiled yet there's an amount of [ pretend to be ] feel to it. There's more to this mystery than I thought to be a complete nonsense. So much idea and doubts floating inside my head. Nevertheless, only the future could tell. By the time we got back to the shop, it was already nighttime. However there, in front of the door is Elmina and the receptionist oneesan from the guild. Their sullen expressions are already giving me vibe of trouble. [ Hey! How are we doing tonight? ] I cheerfully greeted the two of them, but their expressions didn't change. [ Reimuz-kun, can you please listen to our request? ] The always smiley face oneesan was looking so serious at me. It smells trouble already.. [ Sure, but can we go inside first? I'm not so rude to have a couple of beautiful ladies standing here outside in the cold. ] [ Its fine. Just listen to what we have to say, okay? ] Oneesan ignored my poorly chosen pick-up lines and went straight to the point. When I stare at her and Elmina standing side by side, I can't help but notice the resemblance. [ You met my daughters yesterday, correct? ] [ Yes?? ] [ Apparently, Emily and Emeria has gone missing ever since they left the bar.. ] Even though I'm surprised by the sudden revelation, I didn't show it in my face. Instead, that reaction was replaced by a growing anxiety that is forming in my chest. [ Do you have an idea where they could have gone to? ] [ Umm, Reimuz-san... ] Elmina suddenly butt into our conversation. Its a surprise to see that the usually calm middle sister was fidgeting with an anxious expression. [ What is it? ] [ I think Nee-san might have gone to the mines... Her horse is missing after all and so is Emeria's.... ] [ What?! ] I shouted at once after hearing Elmina's reply. Her judgement in the matter had a conviction that convinced me. [ That fool!! Even when I told her that I'll do it? Shit! ] I angrily displayed my discontent. [ I apologize... ] Elmina instantly bowed her head to me. Her face was pale, probably bothered herself that she's asking me a favor at a time like this. Not to mention, were but complete strangers until yesterday and I have no reason to help them. But she swallowed her pride just for her stupid sister's sake. [ Don't worry... How far is the mines from here? ] [ Not very far.. If you travel by horse, its a trip no more than half a day. ] Oneesan answered the question meant for her daughter. If it is indeed what she says, then Emily would have long reached the mines by now. My guess is that Emeria followed after her, concerned for her sister's safety. What a useless older sister, dragging her younger sisters to her own childish stupidity! [ Alright, I assume one of you wll guide me on the way? Also, I have no experience riding the horse. ] [ Yes, that role falls to me. Everything else is already prepared and we could leave right away. ] Elmina said with fierce eyes. Were they expecting me to agree from the start? On consideration, I followed her suggestion to leave right away. I immediately went back to the shop, upstairs to our room and change my clothes. The only clothes left for me to wear was my school uniform, so I donned the familiar clothing. Its clean with no traces of blood left and the hole was stitched together. Was it Eryn who did this? [ Are you leaving, servant? ] As I'm pondering, Tersa asked me, her lazy back laid on the bed. She looked uninterested enough and it would seem like the previous event is still bothering her mind. [ Yes, can you tell Eryn when she gets back? ] [ Umu, be careful. ] [ I will thank you. ] I silently nodded to her words and grab my sword on the desk before I hurriedly left the room. On my way out, Gordon impede my track.. [ Seems like you've gotten yourself wrapped up into something dangerous.. ] His face was the same but his tone was that of a worried father. Seriously, thanks for the thoughts Gordon. [ Well.... What can I do? ] [ You're a real man! Well, I have a gift before you leave... ] Gordon handed me a pair of armguards made from steel that I'm not familiar with. The integrated grooves in this piece of equipment are set to deflect swords or any other weapon used for cutting. It made a clapping noise and I felt a sense of security as soon as I wear it. The size perfectly fitted my arms and the long metal sleeves doesn't even hinder my movements. [ Thank you shishou... ] [ Just come back safely and don't worry about Eryn and Tersa, I'll take care of them. ] I nodded my head upon hearing his words. Don't even try to lay your filthy mitts on My Goddess old man. But to have Gordon make a gauntlet means that he's opening up his world. If memory serves me right, the reason why he doesn't forge armors or shields is because of his sad past. Once more, I equipped the sword on my back and I slid Nemesis inside my pocket. After finishing all of the necessary preparations, I met up with Elmina in front of the North Gate. I was sprinting on the way for a reason I do not understand. Certainly, I'm quite fascinated by Emily's butt but there's a more complex feeling. Her mother has a pair of lovely ears and tail, however her daughters doesn't sport the same type of alluring body parts. Don't tell me... I have to find out... If she has a tail or not! I'm kidding of course. Something to avert my worries away. Although I'm more worried about that fool rather than my own safety. My goal is to take back them back safely, not engaged and defeat the monster. As if I could even defeat it myself, that's just wishful thinking. Take the spoils and run away! With my running pace, it took me but a moment to reached the north gate. Leaning on the stone wall is a girl who is slightly shorter than me by a few centimeters, wearing a light leather armor clothing that only covers her chest area. Underneath that breastplate is a simple white shirt and her left shoulder is covered by a shoulder guard connecting from her armor. Both of her arms are guarded with leather gauntlets and so is her leggings. Hanging on her back is a bow and arrow and right next to her is a horse geared for traveling. I saw that she seemed to be unaware of my arrival still, which allowed me to study her profile. Its Elmina, with an appearance saying she's ready to go. [ Yo, Elmina. Ready? ] I greeted her with excitement. Though her expression retained the serious atmosphere after she left the shop. [ Alright, hop on the horse first and I'll ride after you. ] Elmina said while she holds the horse's rein, urging me to climbed on top. [ Umm, I don't know how to ride a horse.. ] [ Its okay, you can just cling from behind. ] Oh well, now's not the time to be nitpicky.. I climbed on the horse as she instructed me to, and she quickly hops on after me. It would seem she's quite knowledgeable even when it comes to horse riding. Although bigger ones are not really my fancy, there's a different feeling of happiness hidden underneath this softness. That thought was circling my mind as I tightly cling from her back. [ Ahem, let us depart! ] Elmina cleared her throat and at the same time, the horse started to run with her guiding the reins. We left the town gate and entered the field covered in blackness and the surrounding area is dim and dark. A ball of light suddenly flared around us, revealing the hidden roads in front of her. Our destination, the Karu Mines. The mines is a vital resources for this town and they couldn't afford to lose it. I heard from Gordon that the mines is popular for its Mars light stone. A crimson mineral enchanted with some light magical properties useful for many kinds of things. Even the streetlights surrounding the town is powered by those stones. Quite mystical and magical at the same time. As we continue our abrupt pacing, Elmina heals the horse every now and then. Our journey was filled with silence and anxiety surrounding this girl who's worried about the safety of her sister. We didn't stop and continued abusing the horse who clearly looks weary because of the raggedy trek. It was a flat road so far until we entered a steepy road inside this misty forest. Except for the lazy wallowing of the fog, nothing moved and as far as I could tell, no watcher waited in either the scud or shadows. You would normally think a forest such as this would be infested by monsters, however there is none. Before we could even cover our eyes, the sun shone in, blinding white and a warm breeze wafted over our faces. Elmina suddenly pulled the reins and the horse stopped immediately. [ We have arrived... ] [ Nmn?? ] As my eyes came into focus, I see tents all over the area and the reminiscent of a huge uproar. The poor horse was finally given time to rest as the two of us surveyed the surroundings. From what the Guildmaster told me, this area should be infested by monsters.. However my eyes could only see an abandoned settlement with no trace of soul left... [ Reimuz-san, this is quite unnatural... I'm having a bad feeling about this... ] Elmina who couldn't shake the feeling of dread forming in her mind spoke anxiously. Her voice and words are urging me to continue to move forward. [ Let's not be hasty, okay? ] [ I understand... ] She firmly nodded her head while she reaches out to her bow. We headed down the rutted path towards the cave-like entrance with me leading the way. The smell of death and decay hit me long before I pushed my way inside. Centered in the entrance is a human body covered in stains that I assumed were blood and strewn about on the ground were dozen of knives and other kinds of weaponry. [ Emi!!! ] Elmina shouted instantly as soon as her eyes laid on the corpse laying on the ground. We hurriedly approached the unmoving body and upon closer inspection, its Emeria. Or my mistake, its still alive although very weakened, her body full of bruises and a knife stabbed in both of her legs. [ Emi... ] [ Nee-san....? ] She responded after hearing her sister shout. While Elmina deals with her sister, I inspected the weapons scattered everywhere. The tear on the swords immediately caught my attention, something that is not maintained properly, perhaps just stolen. The thought of it being a monster's weapon sparked my thoughts and the blood stain gives out a fresh smell. Along the cave entrance are gigantic claw-like gashes and blood painted on the wall. The gashes are certainly familiar as if reminding me of that time when I was close to death. Also, the unseemly trail of blood makes me think that the monsters are dragging bodies deep inside the mines. After finishing my inspection, I walked back to the sisters with a serious expression. [ How's Emeria? ] [ She just passed out... ] Elmina's voice was trembling, her almost teary eyes are fixated on her sister's wounds. What's more, Emily is nowhere to be found! Those two things led to her broken expression. [ I'll go deeper, take your sister back to town.. ] [ But Reimuz-san.... Emily... ] [ I'll take care of her I promise. ] I gently patted her head while giving her the verbal assurance she wanted to hear.. Elmina quickly gave in to her emotions as she begins to cry while she wrapped her arms around me. [ Uu...hic..Emily.. ] [ Its alright.. Be strong.. You still have to reach town. But for now, I just want you to get away from this dreaded place. ] [ I...understand...hic.. ] Elmina quickly snaps back up and goes back to how she usually look, though her face is covered in snot and tears. [ Thank you... ] She smiled at me and tottered while supporting her sister's limp body away from that place. Now that I'm alone, the stench of death and danger got my blood pumping. [ Shade shift. ] As usual, I used the ring of darkness to increase my basic parameters. My sword drawn and in my left hand is my new trustee weapon, Nemesis... [ Come out.. don't be shy... ] Moving towards me from within the darkness, I heard a noise issue. Not loud but the low squeaking of metal and footsteps of a lazy man. [ Grrr... ] Its a humanoid like creature with the height of a grade schooler and the color of its skin is green. This must be those goblins that I've always slain in the game that I was playing before I was transported here. Individually, they are pretty weak but are still powerful enough to take down any inexperienced adventurers. [ Graaaaa.....!! ] The monster ran towards me with an axe on its hand and drool flying away from its mouth. It looks dangerous however.... Bang! A fist sized divot blasted out of the monster's chest and with another bang, its head blasted apart, spraying the entrance with fresh gore. The loud noise entranced the surrounding monster and all of them scurried to my direction with a horrific expression. |
lolifreak000fDec 10, 2014 12:15 PM
Dec 8, 2014 3:31 PM
[size=110]Chapter 18: Dance with the demons By now, the area was splattered in blood as the wounded goblins, clambered around trying to take my life. Two goblins went straight to myself and with a loud clang, I deflected their grubby attacks with my sword. They kept driving against me relentlessly, their blades humming around. Bang! Bang! They took a load off my gun at close range and half of their faces were blasted away. Goblins by goblins writhe down on the rockery floor now in a rapidly expanding pool of blood. [ Hraaaaaaaa....! ] A serious look crossed my face as I eradicate the incoming goblins. There were so many I've lost track of how many I've killed. With each advance I take, a goblin's corpse was plunge into darkness. The vengeful cries of goblins echoed inside the mines. [ Emily!!! ] I roared her name in the darkened tunnel as I follow the trail of blood and sizable footsteps on the ground. The regular goblins were easily massacred but what comes after are much more terrifying creatures. With an appearance resembling a female teenager, their skin dyed green while some are red and some are dark. A piece of loincloth covering their chest and lower areas while sharp canine and a variety of weapon in each hand exhibit their monstrous appearance. This must be an evolve species of goblins called hobgoblins. A total of six hobgoblins are positioned in this dark hallway. [ Surround him slowly... Tear his arms and leave his legs. ] What the... At the very end of the tunnel, my eyes caught a glimpse of a figure clad in dark robes, handing out orders to these monsters. As the hobgoblins followed the mysterious figure's advice, I concentrated on my wicked power. I don't have the luxury to confirm how dangerous they are. Imagine, a death spike of darkness that will impale them all from the ground. [ Shade shift! ] Spike!! A formless sword of darkness plunges all of the hobgoblins from underneath. [ Gaahgahh!! ] They all squealed in pain and a couple died instantly but I'm not so nice to give the remaining ones a chance to recover. I swiftly dashed towards the monsters and flashed my blade in the air, slitting the monsters's flank before they could even react. In a matter of seconds, only one of the six hobgoblins was left. Of course, I have no plans to let it live. [ Noo..!! ] The last hobgoblin shrieked in horror as it dragged its wounded body on the ground away from me. I aimed at the hobgoblin who, from behind, really is no different from a human female. Was it because of my skill [ All-A ] that I could understand her? But no matter, I still pulled the trigger and with a loud bang, her brains and gore pigmented the tight leeway. You may go as far as to call me a heartless son of a bitch, but taking risk is not my thing. Is what I wanted to say but something about her cry made me look away and fear found me. I felt a helpless sinking of the heart for reasons that eluded my humanity. I looked at the palm of my hand and see it covered in blood. Although monsters they may be, they are still living beings. My hands are trembling but I set that feeling aside and lifted my gaze towards the tunnel. I continued tracing the trail of blood, left for me to follow in this hollow maze. Silence greeted me when I entered a spacious room filled with crimson stones buried on the wall emitting a faint warm light.. Ore deposits on one side and debris strewn scattered all over the area. A series of pickaxe are left on the ground, must be from the miners who hastily fled from this place. Right across the gap in front of me, my vision see a shadow pulsing with its eyes glaring at me. As the shadow drew closer, I hear a hoofing noise grew louder and louder. Bang! Out of reflexes, I shot Nemesis at the shadow right away. But there was no sound of flesh being torn apart nor cries of agony left its mouth. I immediately slid Nemesis back into my pocket and grip my sword calmly with both hands, while waiting for the weird shadow to come across the light... Without a word of warning, the shadow lunges at me, brandishing its halberd in an unsightly manner! Yet another humanoid like creature appeared standing tall to at least 2.5 m with the head of a ravaging bull. Dark skin, muscular build and two curved horns coming out of its head. Klang! My body flexed backwards just by clashing with its halberd head on! What strength!! I immediately see cracks forming on my trustee sword that soon made a shattering noise! Swoong! I desperately rolled on my right side to avoid the accumulated swing! [ Shade shift! ] I formed a totem of darkness that spews out strong paralytic poison from the ground, confusing the monster momentarily. I slid my broken sword back to its sheath while I imagine two blade of darkness forming in my hands. [ Shade shift!! ] I rushed forward furiously stabbing the staggering monster with both swords. I swing twice, stab twice and finishes with a double slash! [ Groooaaa!! ] The ear deafening shriek halted my movements for a moment and the wounded monster uses that interval to brandish its weapon towards me. Klang Klang!! All of them landed on my guard but each attack contains it's whole body weight! If not for my increased strength, my arms would have been shattered by now. [ Hraaaaa!!! ] I kicked the monster's groins and brought down my swords with a sweep, following with a release of reckless slashes. Cut by cut the monster accepted my attacks while retaliating a series of slashes of its own. Don't be scared myself! Stay closer and prevent the monster from cutting properly! Though fast, none of its attack directly graze me but the throbbing sensation it left on my arm is slowly giving it the upperhand. I halted my series of blows with another kick and use that force to swing me backwards away from the monster. Swoong! While in midair, I threw both swords of darkness, piercing the monster's legs while my hand slowly reaches out to my trustee gun. Even with such a wound, the monster was still able to move perfectly and immediately tackles after me! Just when I landed, I straightened my back and calmly aimed my gun at the charging monster. Bang Bang Bang!!! A series of gunshots left my gun and multiples fist sized-holes appeared on the monster's chest. [ Grrraaaaa.... ] The monster's body pitched forward and cries its deathroes, upending itself on the ground. Bang! I fired another shot from my gun, blasting its head into pieces. Its corpse graced the earth, splattering its gore all over me. [ Haa.... ] I swallowed nervously, finding my throat instantly dry. Chunks of what seemed to be internal organs spattered on my fingers as I wipe my face dry... The involuntary reaction was instant. I nearly vomited on the floor but swallowed, sucking the air between retches. The sour taste of my own vomit filled my dry mouth. I smacked my face with open hand, trying to get my shit together and proceeded to move forward in search for Emily. But before I left the dreaded area, I plundered the monster's weapon and took the halberd for myself. |
lolifreak000fDec 9, 2014 6:59 PM
Dec 10, 2014 12:36 AM
[size=110]Chapter 19: Dance with the demons part 2 Although I repeatedly glanced behind, I caught no glimpse of monster trailing me. I considered the possibility that that minotaur might regenerate, just like that monster inside the forest. But thankfully, it was just my fearsome uncertainty. On each hallway, I pierced through the incoming goblins with my newly acquired halberd. Moving on as if I was reaper, their deaththroes passed through one ear and the other. The thick splashing of blood could be heard with every footstep I take. Upon defeating the minotaur like creature, no other threat of the same level hindered my path. Did they realized it was futile or were the stronger ones waiting to me ambush me in a distance? No matter, this silence is certainly unnatural and eerie, but there's no other option but to continue moving forward. [ Nmn?! ] The trail of blood led to me another spacious room inside the mines. At the heart of this room is a figure clad in dark robes, standing at the ready. Its the robed figure I detected a while ago. From its build and stature, I would assume its a man albeit on the slender side. Is it a mage or is it a fighter? [ Hehehe.... Other ones would be spouting questions by now, but you... You're surprisingly calm and observant... I thought only a hot headed fool would go in a frenzy inside this monster den.. ] From the tone of his voice, its a guy indeed, and underneath his hood is a face concealed by a mask. A mysterious mask. Although I couldn't really discern what type of expression he's showing, just from his words alone, I've already came into a conclusion that this guy's a lunatic. He's without a doubt the perpetrator in all of this... [ Were you perhaps looking for that adventurer girl? Ah... Indeed... By now, she would have been a good wife for my monsters!! ] Bitch. No, calm down myself. This guy is trying to provoke you. Although however of a joker he might be, intense bloodlust is seeping out from this robed figure. And that bloodlust is directed at myself. Was this fucker that mad for me slaughtering his monster friends? How truly wonderful, I'll unmasked that irritated face of yours. [ Still silent eh? There's no negotiations needed to be done, only one of us will leave this room alive. ] [ Likewise, I was thinking how I would want to bashed your arrogant face on the floor. ] [ Is that so? You can have the first try then... ] Cocky bastard.. He really isn't moving. The distance between us is at least 6 meters.. I threw the halberd aside and concentrated on my aim with both hands. I'll show you cavemen what modern weaponry is all about! Bang! My concentration at its peak, I fired my gun towards the robed figure, aiming for his head. But with a simple blade flicked, he deflected a shot from Nemesis using only his knife. How..... [ Hmm.. Fast and deadly... What is that weapon? ] [ ........ ] The knife must have been hidden up the right sleeve in his robe, in a sheath on his arm. How he released it at the speed of light, I do not know... Bang Bang!! Standing there dumbfounded wouldn't do me any good, so I fired a couple more shots to make sure. I saw a wink of light, which I would guess to be his knife and he thrust before I could even finished pulling the trigger. All of my shots were deflected with ease... What kind of monster... [ If you have nothing else to show me, then you can die! ] Fwish! With only a sand of cloud left behind, he disappeared! [ What? Instant--- ] Oppressed by a feeling that a deadly threat loomed behind, I followed my crying instincts to raise my right hand and guard my neck! Klang! The gauntlets deflected his blade and saved my life! [ Not bad... ] Yet another cloud of smoke was left behind as he disappears into thin air. Swoosh! His blade grace my left cheek at the same time I tilted my neck to heed my instincts. Drip... Drip... The stench of my own blood wafted through my nose afterwards. [ I see... I was wondering why you weren't showing a reaction in your left eye. That eye's blinded, isn't it? ] I immediately shudder at his sudden declaration.. But I held my breath and turned that fear into concentration, focusing all of my senses like a stilled water. In times of battle your enemy is too fast you cannot see, its better to give up on sight and rely on your natural battle instincts. So I close my eyes.... [ Lost all hope? Guehehehe!!! ] Instant movement.. By applying mana in your ankles, one can move instantaneously in a blink. However there's one weakness behind this awesome skill... Fwish! The subtle sound was a kind of singing, and a sense of danger welled up inside me. [ You can only move from the opposite direction! ] Klang! I said after perceiving and deflecting his attacks aimed at my left eye once more. Thanks to Eryn beating me up using that skill the other day and my heightened perception, I was somehow able to keep up.. Strike after strike followed, by I parried them all in a hair's breath... [ Shade shift!! ] Multiple swords of darkness skewered from the ground around me as I recite! [ Graaagh!! ] I heard a groan and instinctively fired my gun at that direction. Bingo! That shot entered his defense, blasting his left arm! [ Kaghh...! Bastard... ] [ Not so cocky now aren't we? ] Bang Bang! I hurriedly fired at both of his legs to prevent him from using his annoying skill. I personally aimed my shot at his knees, to inflict him the greatest amount of suffering. [ Grraaaaaggghhhh!! ] With no legs to support him, he fell backwards with a heavy thud on the uneven ground. I steadily walked towards him and crouch to where he fell. Blood is gushing out from his severed limbs and it won't be long till it claims his life. I immediately ripped his annoying mask off and gaze upon his dying expression. Its the face of a man probably on his thirties, judging from his slightly wrinkled face. [ Kill me!! ] [ Oh, I will.. ] I lowered my pistol to his throat, and enjoyed the better view projected on his face and every nuance of expression that will come afterwards. [ Spew! ] My mouth has been flooded with saliva, so I made use of it. I spat on the whimpering man's face and smirk. [ Ugh.. ] As he flinched, his eyes were briefly shut, which annoyed me and forced my hand to whip him across the face with my trustee gun. His eyebrow ripped and his face further twisted in agony. [ Demon!! ] The unsettling anger in his eyes was distilled to bitter hatred. If only he could use that remaining energy to hand me some useful information. [ I just wanted to know... What is the meaning behind all of this? ] [ Guehehe!!! ] He meant it. An ounce of information would not leave his lips. There's no use talking to fanatics like them. I grab his mask and knife, and walk further away, distancing myself from the guy, before I fired my trustee gun, blasting his head to pieces. [ Shit... I think I'll have nightmares when I sleep tonight.. ] I was ruthless I know. But the fate of that foolish girl is at stake, and whatever must be done, I must do it without hesitation. A slight delay of movements caused by naivety could end my life here.. Whatever reasons I might have, there's no justified way of killing, but this twisted world opened my eyes. Monster, humans, there is no difference. I jogged away from that bloody excrement and once again followed the unseemly trail of blood. The acrid stench of death and decay grew fouler with every step. I came to the realization that I am nearing my quarry as the loud heartbeat in my chest echoed inside my eardrums. And at the same time, numerous fears are forming in my head.. Is that monster over there? Can I win by myself? Is Emily still alive? As I brushed the dark thoughts aside, my legs led me to yet another spacious room. In there, what greeted my view was a ghastly sight. [ .... Reimuz? ] I see Emily cowering in horror but her face lighted up as soon as she saw me. In the midst of this atrocity are a few goblins, two monster with pig headed faces and a few other human females. The group of monsters continue to subjugate the innocent maidens to the horrors of their lustful impulses. [ Shade shift! ] I slid my trustee gun back to my left pocket and formed two blade of darkness in my hands. [ Hraaaaa....!!! ] I advance upon the unsuspecting monster's who are busy satisfying their lust. Cleaning up the monster's who were still limp to stand up and fight was eliminated on the spot. The ones who were able to was exposed to a much more severe pain repeatedly. I tear their limbs apart and incinerated their body parts using my infernal spear. In that certain area inside the mines, a noise that is considered alien continues to echo. By the time I came to my senses, I felt a familiar warmth beside me. When I looked around, everybody else was terrified at the sight of myself covered in blood, except for Emily, who for some reason, is clinging on my arm with teary eyes. [ I'm sorry... How's everybody? ] Nobody answered my question but I knew it was to be expected. To dispel the apprehension that I had become, I patted Emily's head and wrapped my bloody uniform around her cold naked self. Well, her clothes were ravaged but thankfully, her chastity seems to be safe. However, the unfortunate ones are still frozen in shock.. They must be traumatized by this ghastly experience. I also noticed the trail of blood leads further inside but now is not the time to check. [ Emily, I need your help. Can you gather everyone, so we can get out of here? ] [ Mhmm.... ] She nodded her head but she never moved on her spot and just clung on my arm like a frightened kitty. I sighed and inspected everybody else with her tagging along... Even the anger that was brewing inside me in regards to her foolishness was set aside. After a few minutes of calming down, the ladies finally understood their situation. There was even one who thought it was just a bad dream and collapse on the ground immediately. The number of ladies who survived this nightmare are four, and that includes Emily. There were corpses lying in the area but I have no time to grieve for them. I offered a quick prayer and left that blasted place along with the girls. We hurriedly left the mines while still being cautious of our surroundings. It would appear that I really did performed a goblin genocide inside this cave. Seeing the entrance bath in blood and limbs terrified the girls even more. When fresh air hit our faces, we all sighed in relief. I had the girl's rest inside the tents while I did the same myself. Inside the tent that I came to, I discovered a few usable clothing for the girl's to wear. After I handed them all to each one of them, I decided to sat on the ground infront of the tent closest to the mine entrance. You never know what could happen, so I sat there to guard the area and give the girl's a sense of security. The girl who hated my guts found comfort in sitting on my lap. Her face retained some of its vigor though her hollowed expression remained the same. [ So... Why did you come here? ] [ ........ ] I want to angrily shout and bashed at her stupidity but well, I'll let her indulge in her selfishness for now. When we get back in town, I just hope I get a proper compensation for my efforts at least. Putting my life in danger because of a simple cry of a woman doesn't really sit well with me. I should be harder next time. Although I'm more horrified now what lies deeper inside this mine. Should I pursue the request and do it or should I find an alternative to make money? [ I want to sleep... ] I let out my inner voice.. Now that everything has calmed down, fatigue and exhaustion has started to trouble me. [ I hope Elmina gets back soon... ] [ Y-Yes... ] Emily responded with a weak voice and her shivering has stopped. It reminds me... I was so caught up in the situation I forgot to check if she a has a tail or not... And she was naked too... Dammit! [ Emily, can I touch your tail? ] [ H-How do you... Wait, no... I don't even have one! ] Yeah yeah, that denial is basically a yes. [ Is that how you'll repay your savior? Good lord, I only want to touch, not violate you.. ] [ Pervert! Molester! Die! Eeekkk!! ] I trapped her around my arms while she was busy complaining. [ If you want to cry, its okay.. I won't laugh.. ] [ ........ ] After that, Emily ended up bawling on my chest till she fell asleep. It was quite hard to be cried on twice in a single day and it made me realize how weak I am to those crying faces... Ah, I want to cuddle Eryn when I get home... |
lolifreak000fDec 11, 2014 3:28 PM
Dec 11, 2014 1:30 AM
Chapter 20: The World is Starting to Move ---At the western outskirts of Saphir--- In this place surrounded by trees lies an individual. Her name is Eririn or Eryn for short and she's part of a community that resides much deeper inside the Sea of Trees. Her race is called 'Effu' and they survive by taking the blessings of the forest as they protect it in return. They've never really interacted with the outside world that much though they allow a few merchants they've trusted in their village. Without an amulet imbued by their ancient spell, one can never enter or find their village no matter how hard they try. Since she was young, she's been taught how to survive in the forest and also learned magic at a very young age. Eryn hasn't stepped out of their vicinity that much at all due to her overprotective Father. However, her little adventure began when she reached the age of 18. Their village tradition involves young ones like her to demonstrate the things that they have learned upon reaching that age. A trial to prove that they've become an adult. The trial varies from person to person and it largely concerns the problems regarding their village. [ I refuse. ] Eryn with her arms crossed and her face distorted in dissatisfaction spitefully said those words. She speaks, even though there's no one around her, yet a voice answers. [ Milady, the chief has requested for your return. ] [ I refuse. ] Those words are the only words that left her mouth ever since the conversation has started. Who is she talking to? Nobody knows except for herself. [ Milady, once more. Please return. The chief has been very worried about your well being. ] [ Hmph! I refuse. ] [ Is it because of that human? ] [ W-What are y-you talking about?! ] Her voice suddenly turned shaky and her face flushed with reddened cheeks. Her thoughts was circling around a certain human boy ever since she entered the town. From her village's teaching, humans are known as vile creatures. They are the type of creature that will not hesitate to stab you in the back, friend or foe, just to satisfy their needs. The types that would do anything to succeed, no matter how dirty they become. Humans are not so strong and they live a shorter lifespan compare to them, but their tenacity for victory and thirst for knowledge has made them one of the most dangerous race out there. But ever since her meeting with Reimuz, that perspective started to wane. Even Eryn herself had a hard time deciphering the meaning behind his actions. She thought Reimuz was weird and a pervert yet he always puts her in front of everything else. That thought alone made her happy. [ Milady, please do not mixed up your feelings regarding the matter that we were sent here. I've turned a blind eye regarding everything that has happened so far but I cannot do so forever. ] [ Mhmm... ] [ A week... I'll let Milady decide in a week and after that, I shall bring you back whether you like it or not. ] [ No, I'll go back on my own. I don't need your concern! ] [ I shall take my leave then... ] The weird shadow of a man hiding underneath the shade became a gust of wind after leaving her with such words. [ A week, huh? ] Eryn said while her eyes went upward to the skies and wished that a day would never passed. Her duty and her uncertain feelings for Reimuz are conflicting each other deep inside her heart. Either way, the future is looking dim for the two of them..... ---At the Royal Palace in the capital city of Regulus--- We have a young man with the appearance of a swordsman. His clothes and robe are tattered yet his face shows an overwhelming amount of dignity. With golden hair and blue eyes, his facial features is a reminiscent of a handsome noble. He was once a kid who enjoyed a leisured upbringing but was quickly discarded after seeing that he has no worth. He was regarded worse than rock for he cannot use magic in this magic driven world. And now, he has returned to his birthplace with a goal in mind. To claim his title as a prince back, he waltz into the royal palace all by himself. Guards and knights are flying on each direction trying to stop the young man, but none was able to impede his advance, leading to the audience chamber. There is no fluke to his overwhelming strength. Overcoming 12 years of harsh training with his foster father and conquering the demon continent for 3 short years, he became invincible. The ultimate hardworker, who built up all his strength and talent from scratch. [ My name is Philippe Agriasen the III and I request an audience with his majesty! ] Although unknown to the young man that his father, who was once the king, has long passed away. What will become of this man? ---At the Serpent's range--- Pile of dead bodies can be seen and screams of agony could be heard in a distance. In the eyes of a wounded mercenary, the monstrous identity who massacred his companions was revealed. Princess Vivienne Valeria, aka, the Princess of Carnage. She is what you call a dragonfolk, coming from a race who is considered the strongest of all the races in the central continent. Her hair is colored pink, tied up in a short ponytail with a body armor covering only her chest area, exposing her belly button. She wears a crimson helmet paired with gauntlets and leggings that is designed to resemble a dragon. Her deep blue eyes and brown skin resembles a caring soul, but her actions states otherwise. Despite her cute appearance, she produces a malevolent aura that sends shivers down your spine. [ Die!! Human pigs can die!! ] Both of her arms burst in flames and after a second, it materializes a huge sword. The sword was covered in flames, incinerating everything nearby except for herself. [ Genocide!!! ] All of the remaining mercenaries was brutally murdered. (lf notes: psychopathic girl spotted lol. As if a yandere childhoodfriend isn't enough... viviene best girl ) ----At the Demon Lord's chambers--- With only a fickle of light illuminating the entire room, a humble servant drops on her knees with her gaze directed on the ground. [ Waaa---! Philippe left me!! Find me a new man!! ] [ Umm... ] The servant was troubled seeing the current demon lord cry like a child just because her favored man ditch her. Not to mention, its been over a month since that young man left. A shadow of overwhelming power was reduced to a pitiful sight, the servant couldn't help but sigh... [ Shut up you baby! ] A sadistic voice echoed from the darkness and another overwhelming entity appeared on the demon lord's side. With an appearance of a 14 year old girl and two oddly shaped horns debuting on her head. She boast her dazzling purple hair and her big, round purple eyes makes her look adorable rather than scary. Although her overwhelming strength cannot be hidden by her tiny appearance. [ You, servant! ] [ Y-Yes, Lady Sasara? ] [ Go to the central continent and find this idiot a man will ya? ] [ Waaa---! Sasara's a bully!! ] Sasara sighed and ignored the crying overlord while she handed the servant a piece of paper. Written on the paper are the qualifications that the demon lord wanted her man to be. 1. He needs to be in his late teens. 2. I want him to be caring and kind. 3. Delicious. For a demon, the word 'delicious' contains an entirely different meaning. Its something their instincts decide and once they felt it, they must fulfill that hunger accompanied by a sexual desire. The servant blew out a sigh once more after seeing the words written on that piece of paper. ---Across the seas on a certain island--- We have a young lady, with glossy blue hair, wearing clothing similar to a hawaiian swimsuit. Her arms and legs were a little skinny but her somewhat ample bosom complimented her shapely figure. Silky white in coloring, she had a rose colored cheeks and thin lips, and her striking smile completed her sculpted facial features. Her eye color was hard to determine, because her widely diluted pupils made them look entirely black. Unsteady on her feet, she twitched and writhe constantly, looking like someone with a desperate need to pee. [ I see..... His name is Reimuz... ] Whenever this happens, her special ability only available to herself is activating... The ability to see the future. She is a Seiren, the only race that can breath underwater. By manipulating mana, they can change their fins to feet. A very demure yet seductive race. Their race only consist of females and the only way for them to reproduce is through a different race, mostly humans. However, the island they reside in is surrounded by giant whirlpools and no man has graced their land for decades! Just what kind of foresight did she see? ---Inside a certain home--- A young lady was throwing knives at the portrait stitch on her target's face. [ I'll kill you next time... ] The portrait who closely resembles Reimuz's monkey smile was stabbed multiple times. Clearly her interest in our protagonist isn't romantic. She's a girl with pale skin and blood red eyes. Her face is concealed by a mysterious mask but sticking out of her giant hood is her milky blue hair. Shrouded by a mysterious and curious air, what did our protagonist do to anger this lady? ---Inside the Adventurer Guild in Saphir--- The God of Destruction is filled with unrest. She wants to build a stronghold in this world with her as the head and her one and only faithful servant Reimuz, as the pillar. Although no matter how many times she pondered, she has no idea how.. Her conclusion led her to the adventurer's guild and is now bothering the poor receptionist with her words of ethic. [ Gufufufu, I want to build a stronghold in this world. What are the necessary requirements? ] Though those words left her mouth, what she really wanted to say is: [ How can I make a guild of my own? ] But with her overwhelming pride and attitude, she can never say such things. Thus, the receptionist oneesan was filled with wry smiles. Looks like another trouble awaits Reimuz when he gets back. And finally, at the midst of this gigantic turbulence is a young man who came from a different world. ---Reimuz Pov--- Its been a while since it did and I thought I've fully escaped but the past still haunts me so. Exhaustion claimed me and when I opened my eyes, it was already nightfall. Awoken by a lucid dream regarding those times when everything was normal. However those dreams have always reminded me that I've taken a life. The life of my childhood friend. In my arms lies sleeping beauty. Because she whimpered in her sleep, I knew she wasn't dead. The air was cold but the warmth brought by this person voids that chill. Now then, what shall a regular guy in his puberty do if he was presented by a defenseless maiden? Should he touch or should he not? [ Ahn... ] Ooops, my hand accidentally slipped on her butt for unknown reasons. Sleeping beauty replied with a moan. A very erotic moan. Mhmm... Mhmm... How can she have a cat tail but not ears at the same time? Must be the genes of her old man is too strong. [ Mhmm... ] I apologize, but I must do the deed after all. Maybe I'm just trying to justify my perversion. Maybe I'm just taking advantage of the situation. Nonetheless---- [ Where do you think you're touching? ] The poison that was keeping her asleep has faded and the beauty woke up with a monstrous expression. My hands were caught in an awkward position while her beautiful pink cherries were bathed under the moonlight. [ I was thinking I'll erase the bad memories away.... If you want me to.. ] [ Jerk. ] She straightened her back on my stump, and the door opened. I placed my gentle hands on her back and drew her closer. [ Wh-What... ] [ I'll wash it all away.... ] Her face is full of denials but I knew her heart is softening. Its making me want to bare my fangs in this pure and innocent girl. [ ....... ] There was a long pause and the only sound I heard was the loud thud of our heartbeats. [ Will you take responsibility? ] Emily gaze straight to my pupils as she yield herself to my embrace. Damn, I want to lick her. [ Can I say, if it does it does? ] [ Then no thank you, I won't allow it. ] An expected reaction. [ Then what type of responsibility should I uphold to? ] [ Y-You know... When a guy and girl does it... T-They should... ] Emily darted around nervously with a weak voice. Damn, I want to gobble her up. [ Marry right? ] [ Mhmm.... ] Should I give in to the temptations and give up my young life now? Its a tempting offer however, I still have too many things left unchecked. My promise to myself, my promise to Eryn... Those things I cannot let go. [ I can't do it after all... ] [ .....Its fine. ] Wait.... [ Can you repeat that? ] [ I said its fine... But if it comes, you have to take responsibility. ] [ Alright, I promise. ] Its as if I was self possessed and simple, I immediately gave her my answer. [ Its my first time, so.... ] [ I'll be gentle. ] I whispered to her ears.. [ Nmmn... ] Emily shivered and a moan escaped her mouth. I brought her so close that she could feel my breath. She should have felt frightened but instead, her heart turned over with love for me. Her voice told me so. To make her feel comfortable, I brushed a soft kiss across her lips. [ How was it? ] [ ............. ] She didn't respond but her face said it all. As my hands slowly released her clothing, my gaze moved slowly over to her face, down to her body, as if to memorize every detail of her lovely features. Her naked body slick with heat and almost excruciatingly sensitive to touch. [ Emily, I'll take care of you. ] [ Yeah... ] She had confined herself to me, who had seen her vulnerability. Her heart was touched and caused her to put aside her reservations. Putting all of my past experiences into use, I treated Emily with the most tender and sweet approach... It goes without saying it was Vanilla-licious! After experiencing my oh so very gentle touch, she ended up resting on my reliable chest and gave in to her exhaustion. The last words that left her mouth is: [ You better take care of me. ] [ Haaa...... ] I blew out a long sigh... Now, the number of people I would want to protect has increased by one. The very next day, just a little bit after sunrise, our rescuers came. Its just her sister's actually and a few adventurer's from the guild. They came back with a horse carriage, and a few extra horses just in case. Although Emily and I were already tidied up long before they got here. Of course, we don't want such rumors spreading. But ah... Emily's moist face still lingers in my thoughts. I could never forget the helpless face of this girl... Once the triplets were reunited, they cried like it was a soap opera. Even the anger in my chest for getting dragged in here was replaced by happiness. Being nice once in a while isn't so bad after all. Everybody else gave me a sense of gratitude before hopping into the carriage. But just before Emily and I can hop inside, everybody else smirk at us. [ Umm, sorry nee-san... You're huge butt won't fit in here. You and Reimuz are gonna have to ride a horse back to town. ] [ No we're not! ] [ Emeria's right... Nee-san's butt is indeed huge. ] [ How many times will I tell you its not?? ] Just like that, everybody else snickered away and left us dumbstruck with a horse. Those mischievous sister of hers has been setting us up since the beginning! [ Well, nothing we can do... Let's go back to town ourselves.. ] [ Yeah... ] Since I had no experience riding a horse, I ended up clinging on her back as she guides the horse. It was a reliable back of the woman who somehow got tricked into giving her purity to this demon. Von Boyage! [ Even though you're covered in sticky sweat just moments ago, Emily still smells good. ] I said after burying my face on her hair and smelled it. [ .... ] There was no response but I knew she was just embarrassed. How cute. Thus, I was left to my devices till we got back to town... |
lolifreak000fDec 12, 2014 10:14 PM
Dec 13, 2014 11:44 PM
[size=110]Chapter 21: Current Lifestyle Its been three days since the incident with the mines. To be honest, it was a lot more trouble when we returned. Emily's sisters welcomed us back at the front gate. They compelled me to report to the mayor regarding the situation in the mines. Elmina even handed me a fancy apparel that resembles a business attire. A black suit with a glossy sheen and a pair of elegant shoes to go along with it. There were so many questions flying around and I was invited to have dinner with the Mayor which I respectfully declined. I kept the suit but I bailed on meeting the guy. There was no need for me to add more stress in my life. I knew that If I meet him, he'll no doubt asked me a favor. My intuition told me so. Emily and I parted with a simple " Good night. " I wanted to asked for a kiss but I knew it was a waste of breath. Yet unwillingly, I considered the possibility, but it was futile after all. In the end, I decided to distance myself away from all the fighting. After hearing my report regarding the issue, the town's guild has formally requested aid from an another guild. For now, the Karu mines had been sealed until those reinforcements could arrive to town. They plan to do some large scale extermination and hopefully rid that mine of monsters once and for all. I just hope its enough to vanquish whatever is hiding deep inside that maze. I even acquired a nickname from the guild due to my heroic feats and had been quite a celebrity from my fellow adventurer's since then. They refer to me as [ Death Dealer ] due to me singlehandedly massacring countless monsters inside the mines. I've made use of that fame and made to sure to lay it thick to some thugs who were bothering Eryn without me knowing. As for Eryn, she's actually working as a cook in that pub we went to a while ago. It explains her reaction when we came inside although I was kinda expecting her to work as a waitress but she refuses to wear such an embarrassing attire. It works for me too since I don't want other men ogling My Goddess. At days that she's not working there, she sets up her own stall in the marketplace. My lifestyle for the past three days consist of me being Gordon's errand boy for the most part while we forge a new blade for my broken sword. My remaining free time is spent on going around the marketplace looking for information regarding sea dwellers. Anyways, this single person bed is currently occupied by three people. Experiencing the soft sensation a warm and fluffy bed could bring to my back is really pleasing. Compare to the cold hard floor, this bed is like a sea of clouds. Not to mention, the two heavenly beings sleeping with me. It was either I had my arms spread out wide and the two of them snuggle to me or me snuggling to My Goddess and enjoying her soft sensation throughout the night while my long lost relative snuggles back to me. We made used of the space very well. As usual, when I awoke, Eryn and Tersa are still fast asleep. And I can't really get up with my position, so I made use of that time wisely. I've been wanting to caress My Goddess's ears ever since we first met but I hid that fact well. Now that she's lying defenseless in front of me, those hidden desires have cropped up. I don't know why but seeing her long ears twitch is enough to send me on a sexual stimulus. In the end, I was defeated by my desires. I lovingly rub the back of her ears while saying [ kuchi-kuchi-ku! ] . I made sure to be gentle as to not wake her up. Screw the breast and ass, those are for uncouth plebs. For a fine gentlemen like myself, touching her ears is enough. [ Rei...muz? ] After around 15 minutes of me caressing her ears, Eryn usually opens her eyes in a daze. Well, on our first night sleeping together, I was told I could snuggle but everything else is off limits. Of course, I respect that and I'm grateful for such a fine opportunity to just enjoy her warmth. [ Its still early... ] I whispered back to her ears and she goes back to sleep. My arms remained wrapped up around her waist until she rises up from the bed. Our current relationship is hard to explain. I wanted to formally asked Eryn out but at the same time, there was that feeling that I couldn't describe. Something that is preventing me from openly saying my feelings. ----------------------- I rest well, got up along with Eryn and did my usual routine outside, on the backyard. Gordon made it a habit to do my morning routine with me and the two of us gets all sweaty together. He even carved two wooden swords for us to use in training saying that, [ Someone who is a blacksmith must learn how to handle a weapon as well. ] Well, he thought me the basics so far which I quickly absorbed due to my game-like character body cheat and even learned the skill [ Swordsmanship-Beginner-Gordon ]. It was the same when I first studied blacksmithing under his guidance, I learned the [Smithing-Beginner ] skill to accommodate to that. Ever since learning that skill, any actions regarding smithing has felt so natural. Something that I've been doing for years. Man, I really am a broken character. Gordon's swordsmanship centered around counterattacking. To estimate my fighting prowess, Gordon and I had been carrying out some mock battles. When I asked Gordon to fought me seriously for once, my whole body froze, I couldn't do anything. I can't even begin to fathom how powerful he really is. At that time, he just smiled after seeing my frightened expression. [ You have a good head on your shoulders, Reimuz. ] His explanation is that I was able to perceive his [ pressure ]. If I can't even understand the ability of my own enemy, then all the strength I possess is useless. At overwhelming odds, one should know when to run and when to fight. At the same time, it made me wonder how much of a monster Gordon is on his prime. Once done with our manly kinship, Gordon and I ambled back to the kitchen. We graced ourselves with the blessings of My Goddess. I pulled a chair next to Eryn while Gordon sat right next to Tersa. [ I am eternally grateful.. ] I said after clasping my hands together and enjoyed the meal presented in front of me. [ You're overreacting.. ] Eryn said without even glancing at my direction. [ Naw... I can't even begin to say how lucky I am to eat your cooking everyday. ] [ Yeah, I heard that a thousand times already. ] [ But its the truth. ] I solemnly reach to my fork and knives, my hands are trembling as I started eating. I shivered while savoring the piece of meat My goddess cooked for me. [ It certainly is more than adequate to fulfill the palate of this God's tongue. ] [ .... ] Tersa proudly declared those words as she ate her share. I noticed she's been bothered by deep thoughts lately and whenever I tried to inquire, she fidgets around and changed the topic. One thing I know for sure, its trouble. [ So, how do you plan to advance your investigation? ]- Gordon asked. [ I'm thinking on hopping in a carriage to visit the port town to the east in a few days. ] So far, my investigation regarding sea dwellers has yielded zero results. And I thought that its better to visit a place near the sea. I might be able to find more clues just by talking to the sailors. [ I see. You should visit the mayor after all. I've been to his mansion once and caught a glimpse of his extensive library. ] [ Hmm, that might be the appropriate decision. What kind of person is the Mayor, shishou? ] I curiously asked. In my opinion, only a really shrewd person can govern a merchant town. With that in mind, I can only think of him as a very intelligent person, even manipulative. He's around dangerous entities known as [ Merchants ] after all. I learned with my gaming experience to never ever trust a merchant. Show a hint of naivety and those sagacious beast will take advantage of you. I know because I am one of them. [ He's quite an earnest young man. Ever since he governed Saphir, the town has improved in a lot of ways. Even the thought behind smaller peddlers not paying any taxes is his idea. ] I cannot trust him after all. Who would avoid acquiring extra revenue just for the greater good? [ I see. I'll pay a visit to his mansion when I get the chance. ] [ Umm, what's this about visiting another town? ] Eryn's voice floated in the air as me and Gordon are conversing. I turned my head and looked at her, she's confused. [ Its about me peddling. ] I instantly lied. I kept all the details regarding Volius a secret to Eryn because I do not want to see her saddened. [ ...... ] Eryn silently gaze into my eyes. Unable to avert from her gaze, I was drawn into staring in her eyes. I'm acting weird.. Am I possibly nervous? ................ [ Ow! ] Eryn finger flicked my forehead. My head hinged down in disappointment afterwards. [ If you're gonna lie, make it more believable. ] [ I'm sorry.... ] [ If its more trouble, just tell me.. Or do you not trust me? ] Eryn smiled when she saw me smile but all at once it faded. She crossed her arms and I knew immediately that her worries returned. Especially that incident with the mines, she was particularly mad for being left behind without even a word. [ Its not that.... As long as Eryn is safe here with me, I can do anything. ] [ Hmph, keep flattering me. I know there's but an ounce of sincerity behind your words. ] Eryn started to pout, so I drew my chair closer and slid my arm around her. She's actually a very gentle girl in contrast to her usual self. There's just no limits to her cuteness. [ W-What? ] [ Ah... I just want to hug Eryn forever. ] [ Hmph, don't think I'll forgive you for that. ] [ If I could hug for eternity, I could survive without any further care in the world. ] Eryn's eyebrows raised and her shoulders lifted in shrug. Her voice was full of accusations when she spoke. [ Liar.. Reimuz is a big big liar. ] [ I am... ] My grasp had brought her so close to me, feeling mesmerized by her calm and pleasant smell. Eryn turned her head away from me, feeling embarrassed. Shameless as I am, I passionately smelled her hair. [ I wonder how Eryn takes care of her hair. It smells wonderful.. ] [ ..... All of the words that left Reimuz's mouth is a lie. ] Eryn's sweet voice broke into my musings. It was the most delightful music that I'd ever heard in my entire life. [ I am a two faced idiot. But whenever I'm with Eryn, I can only be honest with myself. ] [ ..... I don't even know what to believe. Just be with that adventurer girl for all I care. ] [ ...... ] I fell silent in an instant. Is she jealous? She's jealous right? She must be... So tsundere..... [ So I'm right after all. Even gallantly rushing forth just to save her. Ha, I don't even care, I'm just talking loudly. ] [ They offered me some prized money, so I went. ] [ Lies. ] [ All the time, my thoughts are circling about you.. Going round and round. ] My voice was extremely gentle. Finding Eryn's childish side caused me an even greater sense of satisfaction because I knew I was the only one who could put her mind at rest. This tsundere Goddess of mine... [ Pfft... ] I heard a snicker, so I stole a glance back to Gordon and Tersa. They both have a hand on their mouth, trying to suppress their own impish laughter's while staring down at us with mocking expressions. Kacha! I had a moment of dizziness followed by a nausea. Before I knew it, my perpetual vision is already gazing at the ceiling. [ Gahahaha!!! ] [ Hahahaha!!! ] Somebody explain this dysfunctional nature of events that just unfolded, for I have no idea how or what the hell just transpired. The only thing that's clear is the loud laughter of these two imps. [ Mind your surroundings, idiot. ] Did Eryn slapped me so hard I fell? It was so fast even my kinetic vision couldn't keep up. Thus, our breakfast ended in a lively manner. ----------------------- After helping Gordon with the usual hammering, he sent me out on a task to grab some coals in the marketplace. The marketplace is a big separated space of land for merchants to set up their shop. On one corner is a vendor selling fruits, on the other is a vendor selling different kinds of instruments and so forth. Every spot my eyes laid on, I could see merchants of different kinds trying to make a profit. It is basically the perfect place to lose and make money at the same time. [ Another regular day--- Ow! ] [ Ouch! ] Just as I was making my way through a busy crowd of people, I unexpectedly bump into a little girl that is gawking in front of a certain stall. [ Sorry mister, I didn't mean to be in your way. ] The little girl apologized right away. A little girl that is covered in dirt and her clothes are tattered. To make things worse, she's not wearing any kind of footwear and if you look closely, you can see her feet covered in cuts and callouses. If I have to make a guess, she's probably around 8 to 10 years old. It seems that no matter the world that we live in, there are still children being ignored. [ Its alright... By the way, is there anything you wanted to buy in this stall? ] I crouch to her eye level and smile. Her shoulder length hair is dyed green while her cookie colored eyes sparkle with curiosity. With her baby face, she would look like a little doll if not for her face covered in dirt. But I guess that's part of a little girls charm. [ Its okay... I don't have money... But anyways, thank you for asking mister. ] The stall only carries papers in different colors, so it was kinda obvious, but she was still hesitant to say it. I forgot I might looked like a criminal right now. [ Don't worry, I'll pay for it. ] [ Umm.... ] Her sorrowful expression is too much for me to bear. That's why call it cheap sympathy or whatever, but I wanted to make this girl smile. Even if that smile will only last for a short duration of time. [ Haa... ] I sighed as I turned my gaze to the merchant watching the stall. [ Sir, how much do these paper cost? ] [ Ten iron coins a piece for ya. ] [ Alright, I'll buy all of them. ] Two silver coins sadly parted with my coin pouch, but if it will make this girl happy, its nothing. I handed the bag of papers I just purchased to the gawking girl. [ Here, its what you wanted right? ] [ Thank you Mister... but you really didn't have to.. ] She hesitantly accepted it while wearing a baffled expression. [ That's fine. Kids your age needs to be more selfish. What are you going to do with those paper anyways? ] [ Do you know that if you make a thousand paper cranes and string them all together, a crane will grant you a wish? My mother told me so! ] She sticks her chest out with pride as she continue her ridiculous story. However, that's probably a lie made up by her mother out of desperation. Of course, I'm not cruel enough to break the fantasies of a child. Its just that I find it ludicrous. Her mother probably told her this story to give her false hope or to make her hold onto something. What a joke its not even funny. [ I see. Quite an interesting story. Besides, where is your mother right now? ] [ Mother... She... Hic... She.. ] She started sobbing at the mere mention of her mother. Is that perhaps a landmine just now? [ Umm, you don't have to tell me... ] I gently patted her head to make her feel better. Honestly, she could cry in my shoulders if she wants to, but that's something I'll avoid at all cost. [ I'm not... I'm not crying... Sniff... ] Snot is running on her nose as she held back her tears. [ Good good, oniisan is here. ] I continue to pat her head till she finally stops crying. After a few minutes, she finally regains her composure and started talking cheerfully like she did a while ago. [ Mister, if you want to, I can teach you how to make papercranes. ] [ Alright, let's do that but not today since oniisan here is on an errand. ] [ Okay, Mister. I'll see you in front of the fountain tomorrow! ] [ You keep saying mister when I'm only 18 years old you know. ] [ Later!! ] She waved her hands to me and smiled radiantly before leaving. [ Seriously.. She never listens... Ah, I forgot to ask for her name too... ] As I watch her disappear in the crowd, a soft voice calls out to me. [ Vermin.... W-What did you do to that little girl.. ] I glanced behind me and I saw Emily with a disgusted look on her face. Did she perhaps saw everything? [ Emily? Do you need anything? ] I walked next to her with a smile, but she backed away in disgust. I understand, she's afraid of this demon who nonchalantly took her purity away. [ I want to talk... ] I sensed strength in her voice, yet it also carried an aura of innocence, almost like an air of vulnerability. Is there something else that's bothering her? [ Of course.. But let me finish my errand first, okay? ] [ Yeah... ] Emily nodded her head in agreement and walked right next to me. I quickly spotted a merchant that was vending coals afterwards. [ Sir, I'm here for Gordon's regular. ] [ Oh, you're his new apprentice right? ] After that, I got the coals that Gordon wanted me to get. There was a lot, so I had to go and borrow a handcart. All this time, Emily is following me behind without mentioning a word. I disregarded the anxiety in my chest and proceeded to drag the cart towards the direction of the shop. I'm getting nervous. |
lolifreak000fDec 14, 2014 2:59 AM
Dec 16, 2014 2:13 AM
[size=110]Chapter 22: Hitting it off It was around late afternoon when I got back to the shop. I asked Emily to wait outside while I delivered the coals inside. The heat outside is one thing, but the heat inside the smithy is just on a hellish level. Gordon is as busy as usual, hammering away in the forge, in front of the hot furnace. Because of the heat, moisture is exuding out of his skin. [ Shishou, I left the coals beside the furnace. Do you need me to do anything else? ] I sincerely asked although I have no intention of doing anymore blacksmith work for today. It was just a preface. [ You're free.. ] That's all he said, so I quickly excused myself out of the workshop and met Emily back in front. We casually walked down the street, turned onto a side street, and happened upon a deserted area. We sat on one of the wooden benches and looked around. No kids, nothing. No one paying attention to us. Perfect. [ Whew... ] I leaned my back on the bench with both of my arms spread out wide. I was thinking how lucky I am that Eryn was still out working this time of the day. If she saw me together with Emily, it would spell disaster. Especially the charm that Emily's giving out right now, its a killer. [ Are you ready to talk? ] I faced Emily who sat on my right side. After displaying the appropriate amount of nervousness, she spoke. [ .....I wanted to confirm about what happened the other day. ] Her unsettling gaze is directed on my pupils. So it was about that after all. When complete nonsense left my mouth just so I could lay my hands on her. [ Like? ] [ ......You never meant any of those words you said that night, did you? ] She quivered as she let out the voice that she wanted me to hear. I can see my reflection in her eyes. Her deep and alluring eyes that is reserved for myself only. Thinking about it like that, it makes me happy. [ Haaaa...... ] I breathed a heavy sigh. She completely saw through me. [ Now that I've taken what I wanted, I no longer have interest with you. ] [ ..... ] She turned sullen immediately and the huge emotional swell in her eyes could not be contained anymore. I knew her thoughts would be filled with questions and perhaps I was too harsh with my words, yet I needed to tell her. [ I trusted you..... ] [ You trusted the wrong man. ] That single comment, with wry humor, caused her to clench her fist and held her tears. But her gaze towards me was still warm. How can I say no when presented to a face like that? [ Emily... ] [ Y..Yes? ] I lifted my hand to her cheek, gently brushing the riddle of moisture at the corner of her eye. [ When I said I'll take care of you, I meant every word of it. But we've only met less than a week ago and its not like our relationship was exactly friendly. ] I wanted it to burst through her mind that our relationship had nothing to do with guilt, nothing to do with generosity, nothing to do with any sentimentality, nothing to do with me saving her life at all. That's what I wanted her to come across. [ I know that..... ] [ So, will you still like me even if I'm a piece of jerk that will throw you around like this--- ] She kissed me and at that very instant, our bond was completed. It was just a simple smack of her lips, yet it was heavy, and it felt great. It contained maturity, and fleeting innocence. [ When you kissed me that night, it hit me that a kiss was a form of affection and love.. However, I felt none of those coming from you... That instant, I knew you were just lusting after me... ] [ ..... ] I went quiet immediately after hearing her reply. Like something is hindering my mouth. Yet she saw through me once more. I really am a simple man. No, I underestimated her. Mustering my remaining shame, I traced my voice in the depths of my dry throat. Honesty controlled my mouth when I spoke. [ Now that you know the real me... What do you plan to do? ] [ .....Stop acting cool when you're just a vile, corrupted, deviant who preys on the innocent hearts of clueless maidens. ] She laughs, her eyes are twinkling teasingly. But now I know those tears in her eyes had finally washed away the pain of that traumatic experience. It feels like the start of a new beginning for her. In the short interval of those days that I haven't seen her, I feel like she's matured a lot. [ ........... ] She became so exquisite that I can't help but be mesmerize. I just want to sweep her away this very moment, and have her all to myself. [ Reimuz is so predictable... ] She pushes her hair behind her ear and her head naturally found comfort on my shoulder. Her palm slowly found my hand, pressing her tender warmth and her delicious scent clung to my nose. [ I'm Emily.. Emily Ramburg.. 21 years old.. I'm not the best but please take care of me. ] [ Reimuz, 18 years old, somewhat of a regular guy off the boondocks, hobbies are playing eroge, rpg, making money... And likewise, please take care of me too. ] We reintroduced ourselves as if were pair of innocent lovebirds. Never would it dawned on me though that Emily is older. Not that I mind. But does this mean were an official couple now? [ Reimuz should give me a nickname. ] Nickname huh? I'm so bad at these. I couldn't even begin to think where to start. Since Emi was already taken by Emeria, there's no easy way out for me. Whatever, I'll just think of whatever. [ Lily.... How about Lily? ] [ Mhmm.. I like it.. ] She enticingly replied followed by a giggle. There was a moment of silence that comes after which I thought we were thinking about the same thing. So to hell with it, I tugged her with me and went to the nearest inn to have her satisfy this libido of mine. She can only blame herself for looking so delicious. Well, she didn't complain nor retort and I assumed she knew what was going on in my mind. Fortunately, I was still on my grip to reality that I chose to go to the western side of the town. For to the north is the adventurer's guild, to the east is the pub which Eryn works in, to the south is Gordon's shop and just before is the marketplace. First, I do not want us to be seen by her relatively nosy sisters and being seen together like this by Eryn would just spell my death. Yup, it was a good decision on my part. The inn that we stumbled to was small. I didn't even bother to look at the signboard. However, quality and the likes doesn't really concern me right now. As long as it contains a room and includes a bath, its more than adequate. As we entered the inn through the wooden door, a soft doorbell sound hummed, causing the lady working behind the counter, across the room, to pay attention to us. The inn looks modest and cozy at most, something that invites peaceful tranquility. I hurriedly approached the middle aged woman, and stated our purpose. [ One room please, for a single night. The one that comes with meals and bath. ] [ For you two---- EHHH!! ] She shriek like a damsel in distress after glancing at Emily. Honestly, what is it now? [ Auntie... Can you just give us a room? ] Emily called the lady her auntie? [ But Emily-chan, you just lived a few houses next door and you wanted to rent a room for the night?! ] [ Yes.. ] Her gaze traveled to me afterwards and saw our hands locked together. There were no words needed to be said. She understood it all as I understood our current predicament. [ Well, I keep telling this stupid person but he was too excited to hear my voice. ] [ Still.. ] Emily was dragged by the inn lady back in the interior which I would guess to be their kitchen. An old man with a firm build ambled outside of the kitchen after a loud [ Get out! ]. He was scratching his bald head and was loudly sighing to show his dissatisfaction. Seems like that lady controls this household. [ Here's the key, you're room's on the second floor. ] He trodded outside the inn with a shrug after giving me the key to my room. What in the world just happened? Although, I now see the resemblance... That old man just now was probably the brother of that bandit looking old man who happens to be Emily's dad. Oh well... I continued upstairs by myself and found the room instantly. Inside the room is all the necessary furnishings we needed. Outside the window, the sun has already set. The view was dazzling. I bounced on the mattress with a poof and laid my back on it afterwards. [ Muehehehe.... ] I couldn't stop the evil laughter that came from within me. Once more, I laugh like a different person. My cursed life, my blessed life, my struggles and my grievous loss. All will be set aside just for this moment. Considering Lily's personality, only the dere dere mode would be left. How can I subjugate an innocent lady like her to do my bidding? How I will assault this girl I wonder? Her face from that time is reappearing in my thoughts. When she's covered in snot and tears. When I cradled her in silence and listen to her talk in her sleep. Her defenseless face which surrendered everything to me. Have I not made it in time, I shudder to think what could have happened. Were but strangers back then but now.... Ah, I'm really a horrible person. Before I could come up with a wicked plan, the door opened and Emily entered the room. [ I'm sorry it took forever. ] Her voice amplified the feline thoughts gathering in my mind. I raised myself from the bed, closed the door behind her and in two steps, I took her in my arms. [ .....Reimuz, can we like wait after the bath? ] [ Sure, but I just want to hold you right now.. ] Eventually, she quieted inside my possessive embrace. I felt her heart thumped with my sudden force and she let her head fall back naturally, as her eyes gaze on my own, as if saying she's waiting for the warm pressure of my lips. I'm not handsome but I sure know how to play with words. I guess the job Manipulator really does suit me after all. My mouth moves with lies and deceit, and yet my face doesn't show any hint of change. Its like a natural thing. How she saw underneath that mask is a huge mystery for me. [ ......... ] I grinned inside. When time ticked by and I didn't do anything, she glanced at me perplexed. [ Aren't you going to kiss me? ] Cute.. She's too cute.. [ Naw, I merely wanted to enjoy my Lily's face. ] [ .....Reimuz is always watching me with such depraved eyes. ] I inhaled her breath so closely and was lured into nuzzling her cheek. My hands slowly glided over her body, charting the curves of her waist and hips. [ Ehehe, it tickles... ] Oh my Lord... As she wriggled with my gentle strokes, my hands slid beneath her bottom, gripping my favorite butt in place. My wet tongue found her ear and Emily's body coax in delight.. [ Mnngh... ] When did I get so good at this? Or is it because she's merely a beginner? Nevertheless, I'm proud of my accumulated skills. Mufufufu. [ My Lily's panting is music to my ears.. ] [ No...Reimuz.... ] I can't help but feel aroused if you call my name like that you know. Gently, my lips went down to her neck and I kiss her there for a very long time. [ Not...there... ] [ Where? ] [ Stupid.. ] As I was indulging myself with her sweet spots, I heard a polite rap on the door. Knock Knock!! However, that person didn't wait for an answer and opened the door on their own volition. [ Since you guys came in late---- ] It was the inn lady. She was taken aback after seeing two young people hugging while of course, my trustee hand is busy tickling my Lily. [ Auntie? Can we help you with anything? ] I sarcastically asked not minding her reaction. [ Learn to lock the door kids! ] Bam! She slammed the door shut and I heard her footsteps scurried downstairs. Us locking the door? More like you need to learn how to wait for a response woman. [ Mou... You grab me so suddenly I forgot to tell you they prepared dinner downstairs. ] [ Ah... ] Releasing her, the both of us ambled downstairs, holding hands. I humbly thank the polite couple who provided dinner for us although their still charging us money for some reason. Even though Emily was their relative, work is work and that is that. Because of that, they promised to be professionals and keep everything a secret which made me sighed in relief. Well, most of it was due to Emily explaining to them about our relationship. I just do not want a raging Father coming at me after this. On the left side of the first floor where they accept guest is a small diner. There's a few people besides us having their own meal, minding their own business. So we found a comfortable spot and sat there, while we wait for our food to arrived. When the food came, the lazy looking old man from before sent me a skeptical gaze. He was quick to do his job but as soon as he left, a feeling of dread suddenly crept up behind me. Was that a warning? Not that I care. The food was good. Very good. I enjoyed it and was reminded of Tersa's face as I ate. Maybe I should bring her here next time. Thinking about it, she's probably reading my mind right now. I should pack some food before I return home. After eating, we went to the bath. I booked the bath for ourselves for an hour and once again, the lazy looking old man sent me another skeptical gaze which made my hair stand on end. Why does Emily not realize this hostility made me wonder. Closely, he's resembling Emily's dad too for some reason. Its scary.... [ Whew...... ] I let out a small breath, feeling contempted by the coolness of the night and the blessed warmth of the bath. A warm bath after what seemed to be an eternity. I have no problem regarding the bath in Gordon's house but since I cannot use magic, I was unable to adjust the water's temperature. And since I was too embarrassed to ask either Eryn or Gordon to do it for me, that nightmare continued until now. Emily came inside with only a towel covering herself. She shyly sank into the water next to me. [ Its a good bath.... ] [ Y-Yeah... ] So she's still embarrassed when its like this huh? Nice... [ Come closer... ] I gently said and spread my arms while looking at her directly, showing I had nothing to hide. The slow whistling of water played around as she hesitantly came closer and laid her head over to the soothing sound of my heart. I held her intimately, stroking her lavish brown hair to make her feel comfortable. My heart is pumping furiously, and add the steam of the bath to that, its hard to think clearly. [ I bet Reimuz is probably thinking of doing something perverted again.. ] [ Not in the bath since I love baths. ] Yes, its the truth. I'm an avid bath lover. [ Neh... You never told me what's your relationship with that girl... ] That girl.. Did she mean Eryn? Suddenly my chest feels so tight just because of a single question. What do I think of Eryn? A friend? A benefactor? No, she means much much more to me than that. [ She's someone I treasure dearly... ] The moment those words left my lips, I felt satisfied. When it comes to Eryn, I cannot lie. [ I see... ] [ Do you mind? ] [ Nm-mh.. ] She shook her head to answer my question. [ I noticed how Reimuz treated her differently. Just like a monarch. ] [ Ahahaha... I like Emily too.. ] I steered away our conversation from that topic with an idiotic laugh. Play it coolly. [ I like Reimuz too... Even though you molested me on our first meeting.. Even though you poke fun of my ideals.. Even though you undoubtedly tricked me into giving my virginity to you.. Even spouting lies... But because Reimuz understood my pain that day even though I gave you so much trouble... Curiosity drew me to you... And even after I realized you're just a lying bastard, I still like you.] Mutual silence followed after Emily finishes her confession. Seriously, everything that came out of her mouth was the truth. And I can't clearly deny that I didn't tricked her and made use of the situation. Nevertheless, my feelings after that were solid. [ Just don't lie to me anymore after this, okay? ] [ I won't promise anything, but I'll try.. ] That's hard for someone like me, but maybe I should consider the possibility. Living an honest life might be a good start for me. Little by little, I should try changing. We used the remaining time in the bath to learn about each other. Nothing ecchi happened of course.. However, it was different when we got back to our room. Making sure to lock the door behind us this time. I quickly pressed her back to the mattress and surrendered myself to my libido. Emily was beautifully made, and I took pleasure in it. She was loud, resisting, and panting, mainly because I did not utilize the same gentle approach I did before. Yet carefully, I guided her body into a deliberate rhythm. A cry escaped her, and another, until it was the break of dawn. How did she even found the stamina to keep up with me, I have no idea. Wishful thinking to myself; I just hope these are soundproof walls. |
lolifreak000fDec 16, 2014 10:13 PM
Dec 18, 2014 3:07 AM
[size=110]Chapter 23: The weather was mild, sunny without being too hot for working. What permeated my view when I woke up was Emily's sleeping face. I gazed at her sleeping face with spectral nostalgia. Last night... No, it was earlier this morning. That was probably the longest night I've ever had in my entire life. I had learned a great deal about Emily in a single day. [ Mhmm... ] She opened her eyes accompanied by a moan. Once her senses picked up, she stared long hard at my face. It was a compassionate and warm gaze that made my nerves prickle in happiness, as if I was in euphoria. [ Did you sleep well? ] [ ...Yes. ] Emily murmured. Her face flushed and her hair was loose, forming brown locks. Since it was already high noon, I slipped out of the covers and got up. I search for my pants and undergarment which were thrown away somewhere in this room last night. Found them on the ground beside the chair, so I put them on. I sat on the bed as I kicked my shoes on. Just then, Emily snuggled on my back and kissed me on my cheek. Her slick naked body that was exposed to me last night was still naked. [ What's this big scar on your back? ] [ Just a wound I received from that monster I encountered in the forest before coming to this town. ] [ Mu... ] I lifted my hand and patted her head that's leaning on my shoulder. Did I make her worry just now? [ Ehehe... ] She laughs softly as she hug me even tighter. Her voice said my warmth was all she needed right now. So i didn't do anything and just let her indulge with my heat. [ Reimuz's back is broad... ] [ ...Thanks to my father drilling such nonsense into this body of mine. ] It was just for a moment, but I was hit by a wave of nostalgia. The place where I originally came from. Am I probably buried and rotting in my own grave by now? How did my family react after learning about my death? I've been here in Aestrea for three weeks at most but it feels like I've been here forever. There's not a particular thing I dislike about this world honestly, aside from the fact that killing is casual. Or maybe that's just me. [ I'd like to meet him, and Reimuz's whole family too.. ] [ ...Someday. ] [ Mhm. ] The muffled sound of her voice caused a pleasant heat beneath my clothing. So I have her cool it down first before we wrapped things up and left the room. [ Fua... ] A yawn escaped my mouth as we walk down the stairs, my knees are somewhat wobbling. Damn, I really overdid it this time. I heard familiar voices chatter and gossip downstairs, sparking me a feeling of dread. So I trod slowly, tightly holding Emily's hand on my right as I try to peek on whoever those voices belong to. [ Ah... ] Father, mother, sisters. Their having a tea time. I knew that very instant, that it was futile to hide... [ What is it? ] [ Nothing.. ] Casually, we walked over to their table and I greeted them all with my most winning smile. [ Tou-san, Kaa-san, Elmina, and Emeria, good morning.. ] [ ...... ] They all stiffened in shock while Emily stood behind me. Father paused with his fork held in midair, bewildered on sight. Yes, have a heart attack and leave your daughter to me. I spotted an empty chair beside her Mom, so I pulled that one out and sat on it, and I urge Emily to sit on my lap afterwards, which she did. Their gazes followed suit, however their tongues are still consumed in shock. [ Cough! Cough! ] Father choked, reached for his tea, and swallowed. I gave him a sarcastic smile and an odd look while I reached him a napkin to blot his forehead covered in sweat. [ Tou-san, is something the matter? ] [ Bastard.. ] [ Nyaa~ ] [ Nee-san and Reimuz? ] [ ........... ] Each and all of their reactions fascinated me except for Elmina, who acted indifferent. The old man regained his composure and glared straight at me. He mustered a deep breath before he spoke. |
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