Sep 27, 2014 7:14 PM
Yzmael said: Training area for Tech Users. A controled and monitored large forest on the south side of the fort, meant to be used as a hunting ground for Sharpshooters and Thieves. This dense foggy forest is perfect for ambushes and hit-and-run strategies. You can train and test items here as a Tech User! |
YzmaelSep 27, 2014 8:59 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
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Sep 27, 2014 9:05 PM
A slight huffing could be heard. Dangerous, lifeless, it was unknown if these panting breaths even had oxygen or carbon in them. Perhaps it was just for show. A black shadow stood above the trees, staring down with green eyes of hate. Kain's speciality was ambush and destroy his enemies quickly and today he was going to do no different. His prey, a robot, tried to find it's way through this tricky jungle, but was clearly unable to. The difference between Kain and the recruits was simple: Kain knew this jungle like the palm of his hand. The fog made it all more difficult for the robot to spot him. These were captured robots, took from the middle of the battle and tamed to be pitted here against the recruits and other members. There were many difficulty levels, but Kain was already at the last, this was just playtime and anger releasement. His guns slowly moved towards the robot as he pulled on the smoke on his cigarrette. A loud nosie ran through the forest, making the birds fly through the sky and soar high. The bullet penetrated through the plating and broke the circuits, the robot stood no chance as it fell down, Kain following it right after and stepping on it's destroyed chest. He aimed his guns and started to mercilessly shoot at the creature. It would only be after 17 shots that he would stop, after all bullets were entrenched on the mud ground. Rain flew by. Tonight was a rainy night, the kind of night Kain loved so much. A smirk grew on his face, followed by a large puff of smoke. The man turned around and continued on his way, walking towards the dorm once more. Perhaps he needed to piss someone else... |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Sep 28, 2014 10:36 PM
The training bots ran in the cold, dew filled forest as the fog blocked out the sun. Their severe lack of vision made them easy targets. Clicking my heel. My left shoe's sole suddenly shot out a blade from the front and back. My assassin shoes were ready. I targeted the first bot, and using a throwing knife, launched it and caught it in the heel. The bot tripped and stumbled, perfect. I jumped down from the tree and after a summersault, embedded the heel knife into the top of its head. As soon as it disabled the bot I started to dash at the second bot. I grabbed my boomerang and launched it. The bot didn't see or hear it coming and in an instant its head flew off its shoulder as its body went limp and feel down. The last bot looked back and saw its comrades dead and booked it. My mouth grew into a large grin as my fangs shone. The mist enveloped my body so the only think visible was a pair of yellow eyes and a sharp smile. The bot ran and ran and ran until it thought it was safe..... wrong. My feet lowered and the front knife from both shoes sprang, cutting deep into the bot's neck, killing it instantly. I lowered myself from the branch and whistled. The fog turned off and the training was done for now. The instructor came and started talking but its seemed to be the same praise as usual. "Can we go again?" I asked the instructor. He looked at his clipboard and nodded as all of the other recruits were either helping the new students or apart of some committee my smile flashed as he left to restart the program |
Sep 29, 2014 1:06 AM
The training went without an incident... almost. Fighting off against a pack of robotic wolves I broken my gun knives.... my dad's old weapon. My instructor told me that each thief has their signature weapon, my dad's being his gunblades and my great great great grandfather, the king of thieves used a rapier. After training my instructor took me to the campus blacksmith to create my own weapons. The blacksmith was friendly and took me to a room to create my personal weapon. He took my knives and boomerang though I fought him for the boomerang. After resigning and handing it back we went into a back room and came out with a black belt that had two holsters on the back, one for my boomerang and a large back pouch. I opened the pouch and saw..... nothing. The laugh of the man filled the room but left me dumbfounded. "Its simple kid, stick your hand in the pouch" he said. I shrugged and followed and instantly felt something hit my hand. It was cold and when I pulled it out it was a throwing knife. I looked back inside of pouch and there was nothing... but i had just pulled out a knife? I put my hand back in and another hilt hit my fingers. Soon I had taken 10 knives out and stared dumbfounded at the man. "Its a special pouch that houses hundreds of knives for ya, your skills lie in knives and daggers, i mean your shoes have two hidden blades in each shoe. Play to ya strengths" I nodded and placed the knives back in the pouch and they instantly disappeared. "weird" I unhooked my old holster and tossed it, placed all of the throwing knives on my body into the pouch and hooked up the new belt and holster. Before I could jet out the blacksmith stopped me and handed me a wrist piece with a metallic device on the underside. I stared up at him and he told me to put it on and flick the wrist. Following his instructions a hidden blade appeared, nearly frightening me and almost cut off my finger. He laughed again and told me about it. An assassin's tool from long ago, one part hidden blade one part hidden gun. I put on the wrist piece and it fit perfectly. The black leather accenting my black pants. The black smith let me go finally with my new accessories. Now the only question was what to do now... |
Sep 29, 2014 6:32 PM
Target practice is tedious and long but with my new weapons, it was necessary. I already had a good aim but I wasn't used to solely relying on them. My hands were cut up and bleeding, mainly from attempting to use my new hidden blade and hidden gun. A trick was the reflex of the wrist, though i had nearly lost my middle finger multiple times. "Jesus, this thing is strong but it almost takes off my fingers" The instructor laughed as he called it a morning for now as the new student meeting was happening |
Sep 29, 2014 7:11 PM
"You sure got rusty, Rikki." A voice came from a nearby tree. Dropping down, Kain smirked slightly as he saw him struggling with such a small gun. "I wonder how you would fare from a gun like this." He said, pointing to Dain, on his left holster. "Anyways, thanks for the help last night... Couldn't have shrugged the guy off without you." Saying that sarcastically, he leaned against the tree and made a slight nod to the instructor. "How's he doing, Instructor?" He asked, his smirking changing slightly to a more serious expression, as if he was geniunely curious in a good way, not meaning to interupt Rikki's target practice. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Sep 29, 2014 7:16 PM
I reloaded the hidden gun and took aim. I fired as I heard Kain's question. "Anyone would try to stop a fight when it is in front of their room, you dont need to thank me" My hidden gun hit its target but the recoil felt like my arm was about to fall off. I switched it back to a hidden blade and began throwing knives at my targets "And i've been better, I'm trying to get used to hidden weapons and throwing knives if you are wondering." My next throw was two knives. The first phased through the marker while the second one stuck in a split second. "And im getting better and better" I smirk as my fangs flash |
Sep 29, 2014 7:34 PM
"Maybe one day you'll surpass whoever you want to." Saying that, he flashed his trademark cynical smirk. "It's not like you couldn't have ignored it or anything. It was my beef. You and Blair had nothing to do with it." He said, this time, in a serious tone. He was making sure that he wasn't always taken as a joke. He didn't like Rikki and he was pretty sure Rikki didn't like him either, but they cooperated and they made a good team along with Blair. For obvious reasons, however, he wouldn't trust Rikki with a knife when he turned his back. "It's good to see you changing your style, though, I'll say that. You've been using that old boomerang for how long?" Kain asked as he sat down on the ground. The smirk was back at his face and it was as if nothing Rikki would say would easily take it out of there. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Sep 29, 2014 7:41 PM
I smirk back and unhook my boomerang from its holster before launching it, I turned and smiled at Kain. Instantly my boomerang came back and I caught it without looking. In the distance 5 straw dummy's heads fall off in the same pattern "Never leave without boomerang, I had it when I was a kid, hell I had it before I was dating Blair." I fold it back with a flick of my wrist and holster it back. "Besides i like this compared to actual guns, too loud for my tastes." I reach my hand out to help Kain, sure he was a pain in my ass sometimes but he was a good teammate, and besides the fact that getting on his wrong side resulted in a bullet to the skull, blair was his friend and I couldnt go against her |
Sep 29, 2014 8:08 PM
Kain's smirk changed slightly to a more friendly one. It was still playful and violent as it usually was, but more friendly. "So it's just like Dain and Artoris." Saying that, he accepted Rikki's aid and got up before batting the back of his cloak to clean it. "Loud but effective. One shot of these babies on the head and someone's down, knocked out forever." Kain said about his guns. Kain was clearly a gun nuthead, he loved them and loved messing with them. Dain and Artoris where his mother's guns and she gave it to him before he left to the army. His mother didn't recognize him at first but after a talk, she became more lovely than ever. "You know, Rikki. I hold no grudges against you. You might think I do because I'm a very hateful person, but you're cool on my list." Kain knew how to be cynical and knew when to talk serious. Right now, it was difficult to tell if he was being cynical and joking or if he was being serious... Perhaps a mix of the two. Saying that, he picked up the cigarrettes pack on his pocket and shook it slightly before picking up a cigarrette with his lips and lighting it up. Puffs of smoke came out of his mouth as he spoke with the cigarrette held on it. "So, today's the Battle Royale's first round. You gonna go serious on it and teach the rookies respect?" Kain asked, once more with the playful smirk there. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Sep 29, 2014 8:41 PM
"Please, where is the fun in beating fresh meat... but that shinigami... he seems like a fighter..." My own curled into a smile as I thought about the freshman and their potential abilities |
Oct 7, 2014 5:41 PM
Standing in the middle of the hunting grounds, in a wide open area, was a man with black clothes and a Sniper Rifle on his back. Beside the man was another one with black clothing and, instead, multiple knives strapped across his entire clothing. Apparently, they awaited for the Tech Students while they had a friendly chat. "And then these can-head assholes come from right behind me and step on the trap I had placed there." One of them spoke but both of them laughed at the same time. "I'm more worried about those Batte Cruisers. They've been decimating our armies lately and have given no chance for counter-attacking. According to the Void Rangers, things have easily ran out of control on the west once Akarathos appeared." One of the rogues commented before the other seemingly looked more serious. He stared at the man a few seconds before placing his hand on his chin and responding. "Akarathos the Flagship?" He asked to the man, who nodded in response. "The thing has already destroyed multiple fortresses around the south area, now it's going for the west. I wonder if we'll have to fight it eventually." The nodding man responded after turning around. "We always have, Jeremy." The other one responded. After their conversation, they looked towards the entrance of the Hunting Grounds, to see many students coming. Between them, the Councilor of the Tech Users. One of them, the Black Raven known as Jeremy, looked towards the Councilor and spoke. "Are they all here?" He asked. Jeremy was the teacher of the thieves and Loki was the teacher of the Gunslingers, it was always like this. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 7, 2014 6:36 PM
*Lone Wolf leans aganst a tree waiting for instructions thinking about earlier hes not to happy about being embarassed by the so called lesser species but maybe he needs to change hes one of the new guys here after all he just stands there silent not saying a single word* |
Oct 7, 2014 7:35 PM
Blair wiggled her ears in anticipation as she caught the tail end of the instructors' conversation. They were only just now drawing close enough but it seemed the talk had come to a close as she approached with many of the first year recruits only a few paces behind her. They had caught the attention of the two now and Blair waved her arm as they came closer. "Yeah, this is all of them. What have you got in store for us today?" |
Oct 7, 2014 7:55 PM
Jeremy happily clapped his hands. After doing that, his cat ears revealed themselves and the anima's appearence was clear even though his tail was still hidden. He grinned. "Great!" He exclaimed as grinned. He walked away a bit and then turned towards the group of thieves. "Well, guys, since today is the day of the Battle Royale. We are going to test your capabilities in a very normal way. Today, we'll play tag!" He exclaimed in a funny expression as his ears twitched slightly. "It's all thieves against me. If you catch me, you'll get the rest of the day free and if you don't catch me, you get homework." Playfully sticking his tounge out, he simply slowly faded in the very light. Slowly, his image disappeared. "So come and catch me... Hehe~." He laughed playfully as he awaited for the students to make their first move. Looking towards the Thieves getting up and making their way to go after the teacher, Jonas smirked. He looked towards the ones that remained. "Well, you guys will do a simple aim test today. Let's go for the shooting range." Jonas stated as he walked towards the west area of the Hunting Grounds. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 7, 2014 8:08 PM
"Really tag thats what were doing why"*Lone Wolf takes off after his teacher wanting to get this stupid lesson done with thinking I'm not here to chase after some stupid teacher that just wants to have fun* |
Oct 7, 2014 8:23 PM
Blair couldn't contain her smile as the anima gave them all their task. Only he would ask an impossible task like that of them. And on the first day for the new recruits, too. They'd all be going home with work of some kind, but maybe she'd find a bit of fun in the chase all the same. The instructor was steadily disappearing from view now, but a quick look at the students behind her told her that not many had actually realized just how difficult this would actually be. Least of all the little prick from before. He took off in the instructor's general direction without so much as a second thought. Hell, Blair could even see the impatience in his face. He wouldn't be getting anywhere like that. Still grinning Blair turned to address the remaining students. "You heard him! It's only tag, but I better not see any one of you giving it less than their all!" She pumped her fist in the air once before turning on her heel and taking off after the instructor. |
Oct 7, 2014 8:33 PM
As soon as he ran his way towards the forest, Lone Wolf would see now that he was alone. He had been separated from the large group. Towards his left side stood a man in black clothing, with his back turned to Lone Wolf, the man worked on something carefully. He was a bit far away, but he could be easily catched with a quick rush towards him. All the while, towards the other side of the forest, where many students where, stood a small contraptor trap. As soon as everyone entered the forest, multiple smoke bombs exploded. With that, the students made their way around the forest not knowing where they were going. Jeremy's objective here was to separate the students. Together they could pose quite a bit of a problem, but alone, they had absolutely no chance. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 7, 2014 8:38 PM
*Lone Wolf notices the man in black with his back to him Lone Wolf silently sneaks up on him and grabs him with a sleeper hold wrapping his legs around him as well and squeezing with his arms and legs* |
Oct 7, 2014 8:50 PM
The familiar hiss of the smoke bombs reached Blair's ears within moments of her stepping into the forest. Her knees folded under her and she fell into a roll to the side. She came up behind a tree and sat herself back against it as the smoke washed over the area. She hadn't hit anything yet so it had probably been one of the new recruits. Scratch that, it had definitely been one of them. Regardless this would pose a problem. Her sight had just taken a harsh blow and she wouldn't be able to smell anything through the smoke either. While this was likely nothing more than a simple diversion and a way to get the recruits to disperse Blair didn't want to risk running blind and possibly tripping another one of these traps. On her own Blair was acutely aware of just how slim her chances were. But securing a few more of the recruits would be difficult now with only her hearing to really rely on. |
Oct 7, 2014 9:01 PM
A clown's laugh came out of the black wearing doll. A mechanical one as the decoy exploded into knives, cutting the Lone Wolf superficially, but implementing on him a quick-acting poison. Slowly, he would feel his body become heavier. The red-tail venom would easily disable most bodily functions. The body would feel heavy, as if the weight had been multiplied ten-fold. Sight would slowly fade and, in a few minutes, the affected wouldn't be able to see anything. It wasn't deadly, just a very quick-acting disabling venom. All around the west side, smoke bombs continuously exploded and the contraptor trap was also activated, trapping many students in the air all the while others were still rushing around and trying to find the teacher. While Blair was there, sitting carefully, a knife flew towards her. Unintentionally, she had cut a thin line of tissue. The thing with Jeremy was that he had prepared this in a few minutes. In the few minutes of advantage he had, he had set many traps around. The venom-filled knife flew towards Blair quickly, but Jeremy knew she would evade. He expected more of her than from all other students, after all. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 7, 2014 9:08 PM
"Son of a bitch I should have shot it but I didnt want to hurt him well I guess that will teach me to go easy"*Lone Wolf starts moving again even as his body begins to get heavy and thinks I wish I had a damn anivenom then puts his back to a tree and slides down as he isnt able to see or move just now listening* |
LoveandHate91Oct 7, 2014 9:12 PM
Oct 7, 2014 9:35 PM
From the trees I sat around and watched the instructor talk about the training regime and then he immediately disappeared. From my tree I saw him clearly but..... i was too bored and lazy. I saw the smoke screen envelop blair and the recruits and I let out a chuckle at the rookie mistake. Taking out my boomerang I shifted to my side and tossed it. The boomerang flew and whirled the smoke into a single area, clearing the recruits and Blair. I pulled up the dark hooded cloak I was wearing and fell out of the tree. Landing on my feet, I hit the ground running towards the insrtuctor |
Oct 8, 2014 5:13 PM
As the training dragged on, Sadie had been looking for a suitable tree to climb and get her bearings. Upon reaching a high enough branch, she looked around and found that the chase was still very much going on. The lay of the land was, as she would say, typical foresty bullshit. Fools....the whole lot of them. Sadie thought as she sat back and relaxed for the time being, either not caring for the whole exercise or biding her time and waiting. A thief's greatest assets were stealth and surprise, after all... That and traps. Oh the traps...Sadie was all too familiar with those. However, she was more accustomed to the kinds of traps a wealthy human would use to protect his money. |
Oct 9, 2014 9:47 PM
After Alice sat threw the councilor introductions, she left to the hunting grounds. Of course, she got lost on the way there, taking wrong turns and walking in circles. Shortly arriving a few minutes after getting assistance from someone from her class, she sat on the floor with her back up against the tree, slightly hidden by the fallen branches around her. She titled her head down and crossed her arms, keeping her eyes closed as she listened to the fight not too far from her. She wasn't looking for a fight, didn't want trouble either. Now what? I don't feel like fighting anyone just yet... I guess I'll just stay here.. |
Oct 11, 2014 7:32 PM
Blair kept her back pressed to the tree and listened carefully for any sign of movement, be it Jeremy or one of the recruits. She could hear something, but it was distant. And more than likely it was nothing more than a hapless recruit bumbling around through the smoke and trees. She kept still and listened in hopes of picking up something else. She did, but only after she felt her one foot slip just slightly forward. There was a light snap against her ankle and the appropriate sound to match. Her eyes shot down, spying the thin wire caught in the light. At the same moment she was already in motion. Her back never parted from the bark but in the span of no more than a couple of seconds she'd slid halfway around the tree. Thunk. The sound the blade made as it buried its tip into the wood was unmistakeable. The height was about where her shoulders would have been when sitting, and her knee if she'd been standing. Either way, it would have hurt. Though the pain would've been the least of her worries if the envenomed blade was any indication. She was about to move to retrieve the blade (might as well take it, right?) when she felt a rush of air. The wind whistled around the area and the smoke began to thin. With her sight mostly returned in thanks to Rikki's boomerang, Blair grinned and with a grunt of effort pulled the knife from the tree. The ground was a no-go until she could fully see again. The trees maybe? No... they might not have been much safer. Sitting here and idling uselessly was not an option, however, so with the new blade in hand Blair turned and pressed her stomach up against the wood. She stretched her arms up and found a low branch to pull herself up. She stopped after she'd climbed a little over ten feet up. Good. Now with her feet off the ground she could get back to work on collecting a few of the recruits. But seeing as Rikki had decided to drop in and join in on the fun, she supposed it couldn't hurt to find him as well. She did need to apologize for missing lunch after all. |
Oct 12, 2014 6:16 PM
The sound of three knives connecting with the wood of a tree ranged in my ears .... miss Three more knives hit another tree as a shadow disperses ..... miss three more knves ....miss and now it was getting on my nerves "Come on Jeremy , Shadow techniques are a low blow for recruit training, even if I am a sophomore. Now just come out and let me make you into a anima pin cushion so we can end this training." With one hand holding onto 3 knives placed in between my fingers and my other hand, hidden by my black cloak, in my pouch ready to pull out 3 more knives after its cooldown. Hunting my mentor and teacher wasn't fun in the least and at this point I just wanted to sleep... or something besides re-live the humiliation of recruit training.... "I wont let what happened last year happen again Jeremy... so come on out" |
Oct 12, 2014 8:59 PM
A small chuckle could be heard behind the trees. "I haven't even used much of my Shadow Techniques thus far, Rikki-kun. However, I can see the reason of your frustration." Jeremy said as his shadow passed through the left side of Rikki. Obviously, his reaction was to throw the knives at that direction. Thumps of an empty tree could be heard as the knives hit the trees, dispersing the shadow in the process. Jeremy would move around Rikki with calm and care, sending off his shadows around so that Rikki wouldn't be paying attention to his movements. "Rikki-kun, I see that you still haven't worked on your perception." Jeremy said as he, in one of his quick movements, threw a knife towards the currently unmoving Rikki. Behind the knife was a smoke bomb, well-hid and rigged to explode as soon as it touched either the ground or Rikki. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 12, 2014 10:40 PM
The knife cam wizzing through the air towards my head and if I didn't fall in the split second, the knife would have gone right in between the eyes. I sighed out as the knife hit the tree but my sigh ended prematurely as I heard a fuse..... then everything went dark. |
Oct 12, 2014 10:49 PM
It took seconds for everything to end as Rikki felt a sweep behind his legs and then saw the smoke screen clear, a big sword suddenly came down and stopped right besides Rikki's head. Inches between his sword and Rikki's head, Jeremy smirked, once more victorious. "I guess this is all for today, right?" He asked, still smirking slightly as he offered Rikki his hand, prepared to pick up the trainee. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 12, 2014 11:07 PM
I sighed in defeat and my eyebrows twitched as I was embarrassed once again. But what was the percentage of me even winning against an instructor and a black raven? I reach up "Two years in a row..." I grab his hand and instead of getting up..... I shift my weight and pull him towards me as my free hand clenches into a fist heading for his stunned face "Like you said, always have a back up plan!" |
Oct 12, 2014 11:14 PM
As soon as he was pulled, Jeremy clenched Rikki's hand and more than two thousand volts ran through his arm, causing his punch to completely lose focus. However, he was still wide awake, though the pain was quite something. Smirking, Jeremy spoke once more. "Indeed... A back up plan is always important in both victory and defeat." Jeremy stated with a happy and victorious smirk across his lips. He then chuckled lightly before looking towards Rikki with a serious expression. "Regroup the new people and take them out of the traps, will you... It's quite some help for me, now that the class is finished." He asked of Rikki before turning around and making his way towards the inner forest. However, before he disappeared, he threw a small bottle to Rikki and spoke. "Here's some anti-venom too." |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Oct 13, 2014 4:27 AM
the pain of the shock tingling from my fingertips to my tail wasn't painful, but paralyzing. I laid still for a few minutes while Jeremy talked about what to do but at the same time I couldn't help but feel his smirk grin making his win and my lose momentous. I nodded and caught the anti venom and sighed out as Jeremy left. "Two years in a row I am embarrassed by the laziest teacher in the whole school... and with the same trick two years in a row." I try to get up but accomplish only moving my upper body up till i am supported by my elbows. The rest of my body didnt move. My eyebrows twitched and you could see the anger rising as Jeremy lied to me "IT WASN'T TWO THOUSAND VOLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
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