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Sep 26, 2014 4:02 AM

Feb 2013

The dorm for the fighters who need their training and daily sleep. It is divided in two areas: Female and Male Barracks for each gender. Outside is the Barracks.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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Sep 27, 2014 8:36 PM

Feb 2013
A sigh escaped Morpheus' lips. He couldn't believe he was late for the greeting of the new recruits. Since most recruits were already at their rooms, Morpheus added another sigh to that, while still a small smile was in his face. Perhaps he messed up, but there was always a tomorrow for him to try it again! Thinking that to himself, his smile slowly turned into a mindless grin.

It was already late, so he wondered if he would even find anyone who was still on their way to the dorm. While thinking this, he stood at the door to the dorm. He was quite confused, but his time was to stay there and give welcome to each and every new recruit before they made their way in. With a smile, he took a glance at his clock before looking back towards the hallway that led into the dorm. "I think I'll stay as guard tonight." He mused to himself as he nodded. "Indeed, perhaps I'll be able to catch some lost recruits." He added before he continued to stand in attention.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 27, 2014 8:42 PM

Mar 2014
Lynda was walking around the dorms, looking for her room
This should be the place...I think...
She looked up at the door number
wrong again...well, time to try again!
she kept looking around when she saw Morpheus.
Hmm...maybe I should ask him..."
she walked towards him and gently poked his arm to get his attention
"E..Eto...I'm Lynda...I was wondering if you could help me room?..."
she was obviously nerveus from talking to a stranger, but she needed to find her room, so she had to ask someone

Sep 27, 2014 8:54 PM

Feb 2013
Morpheus stood still for a brief ammount of time and, slowly, closed his eyes. Laying against the wall, he seemingly started to take a nap while standing as guard. As soon as he closed his eyes, those memories came back. Shots everywhere, people screaming, giant spaceships breaking through the gates and destroying the walls. The noise of death. The evac's arrival. Sighing, he opened his eyes and a slightly sorrowful expression appeared on his face. However, as soon as he did so, he felt someone poking his arm. He looked towards his right side, where the poke came from, with a small smile on his face and a seemingly geniune worried expression.

"Oh, hello, Miss Lynda." Morpheus took a short bow as he spoke. "Welcome to Symhponia's Military Academy." The man was clearly overly formal, but this was the usual procedure for him. "My name is Morpheus and I'm the Warrior's Student Councilor. It is a pleasure to meet you." Again, he took another bow before smiling largely and speaking again, in his own soft tone. "Sure, Miss Lynda. I can lead you to your room. I assume you received a register document, correct? If you did, could you hand it to me for a brief moment so that I can check the number of your room?" He questioned, slightly extending his hand formally and smiling once more. It was geniune smile, clearly heart-warming.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 27, 2014 10:56 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami approached the building, still a bit bloodied from his conflict, however seemingly uncaring. As he neared the entrance, he glanced back to check if he still had his little companion in tow. She had seemed to be quite determined to accompany him... for whatever reason that may be. Not that he cared, but he simply found it a bit odd. Even with those security measures, he'd let her in if she truly wanted to. But it's not like he'd hold up a conversation with her or anything. He wasn't exactly sure what she wanted from him.
Sep 27, 2014 11:09 PM

Sep 2014
Alice followed him to his dorm, keeping her head down out of embarrassment from her encounter with the Black Gunslinger. It bothered her deeply that she attacked with such recklessness and aimlessness, but she set that aside for a moment. "You're still hurt, Bunny.." She told him softly, observing his injuries. She didn't know why she followed him either, it was just one of those things she needed to do plus she was concerned for his wounds.
Sep 27, 2014 11:15 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami stared at her for a few moments as he walked, before turning and placing his hand on the scanner, waiting a few moments before the door opened and allowed him entry. He didn't seem to be limping and had his blade slung over his shoulder like before, so it was obvious that the injuries weren't much trouble for him. He paused for a moment at the doorway, as if waiting for her to either leave or enter with him.
Sep 27, 2014 11:30 PM

Sep 2014
It took her a few moments before she realized he was waiting for her, Alice walked into the building and looked around. She tightly gripped her arm, "I'm so careless, I interfered into a battle and worse of all, I was scared." She thought to herself, without realizing it she looked rather bothered.
Sep 27, 2014 11:38 PM

Dec 2011
It was a small and quick gesture, but the most comforting one he could do considering who he was. He placed his hand atop her head for a few moments before walking past her and heading for his room. He could read her emotions like the title of a book, even if she wasn't so open, it'd still be easy. They say you can always tell someone's intentions from the look in there eyes, no matter how skilled a poker-face they possess. This was more often than not proved true and the look in her eyes was that of fear. That was another reason he viewed Kain far from a "comrade". This girl walked up to him with a smile, as if excited to see him, yet she grew nervous and frightened when Kain appeared. If this girl was happy to be around him, yet cautious of Kain, some suspicion was due.
Sep 27, 2014 11:49 PM

Sep 2014
Alice was a bit surprised when he placed his hand on her head, she snapped out of her pestering thoughts at that moment. Once he started walking away, she gently held onto his arm while walking with him. She took the time to look around a bit more, the place looked dull to her or just older but she was just used to tons of color. She turned her attention back to his wounds, "Let me help you with your wounds.." she told him calmly but quietly.
Sep 27, 2014 11:58 PM

Dec 2011
He hardly reacted when she grabbed onto his arms, as well as when she asked to help with his wounds. He made no response, of course, and kept walking until he reached his quarters and entering them before stripping off his armor and coat, sitting on the bed and leaving his upper body naked, besides the helmet of course, to better treat the wounds. It could be noted that, besides being very well built, he has several scars among his torso and one large one where his sternum seemed to be. Some burn scars could as well be classified, however only on his left arm. His lower apparel could just be lifted to quite easily get to the injuries, so there was no reason to remove them... Also it's be a bit awkward even if it didn't seem like he'd care about such a thing. Reaching under the bed, he pulled what seemed to be bandages and paused to stare at her, as if waiting for her to act. She is the one who said she wanted to treat his wounds after all.
Sep 28, 2014 12:15 AM

Sep 2014
She walked in his room and observed it real quick, it matched the rest of the building's design but that was to be expected. Alice looked at the shinigami before noticing the bandages, "Where can I find some water? I need to clean your wound." She explained while looking at his scars, she wanted to ask about them but that question was probably best saved for a later date. After her moment of curiosity, she searched her pockets for some cloth to clean his wounds with.
Sep 28, 2014 12:20 AM

Dec 2011
At her question, he glanced to the bathroom with as well was outfitted with a sink. He still didn't seem to concerned with his wounds, almost as if he was doing this more for her sake than his. Perhaps he simply saw that she was worried and was willing to patching himself up simply to ease her worry. On the other hand... he may actually appreciate her offer to help. After all, while The Shinigami could take a more than a hit, no one had ever seen him do so. Though, the people that normally got in his way weren't on the same level as Kain.
Sep 28, 2014 12:35 AM

Sep 2014
Alice pulled a handkerchief out of one of her multiple hidden pockets before walking over to the bathroom, she saw a cup on the sink counter, it appeared to be empty so she filled it with water and walked back over to the shinigami. She slightly dipped the handkerchief in the water before wiping some blood off his arm near his wound.

It wasn't that long before she cleaned off and patched up all his wounds, Alice isn't no doctor but she tried her best. "I hope you're okay..." She told him softly, smiling slightly. "I apologize if that hurt you in any way..and I hope the bandages aren't on too tight."

(Sorry I skipped the whole patching up the wounds part... I can't really remember where he got hurt >~<)
Sep 28, 2014 12:42 AM

Dec 2011
(Just in the shoulder and legs I believe :P)

He simply watched her calmly as she patched him up. If she did hurt him or make him feel uncomfortable even in the slightest he showed no signs of it. Once she was done, he eyed her. He was either studying her or, in his own way at least, questioning her. Of what, of course, would be difficult to figure out. But she had obviously been following him when no one else did. She fired at someone she greatly feared for his sake and even was worried about his mildly injured self. There wasn't much else he could want to question besides 'Why?'.
Sep 28, 2014 12:57 AM

Sep 2014
"I wonder what you sound like.. you haven't said a word.." Alice mumbled quietly, she set her hand on his good shoulder and leaned a bit closer to his face, studying the helmet carefully. "You really are a mystery.. you haven't talked.. or showed your face..." she spoke her thoughts out loud but in a calm tone like usual. "You're really intriguing, Bunny.." She whispered, it was never unusual for her to be quiet especially in the middle of her thoughts.
Sep 28, 2014 1:03 AM

Dec 2011
He wondered, for a moment, if her reasoning was simply due to intrigue. Perhaps she was more perceptive that everyone else and saw that, while he was a monster, he was a monster that hunted other monsters and as such she had nothing to worry about. Even so, it was a bit weird how she referred to him as a bunny... Did he look like a bunny? Was it the horns, perhaps? No matter her reasoning, she was a bit interesting as well, however that did not hold enough reason to get him to speak or reveal anything to her as of yet. As she examined his mask, he simply sat there and allowed her too. It's not like she was trying to take it off, after all.
Sep 28, 2014 4:02 AM

Mar 2014
Yzmael said:
Morpheus stood still for a brief ammount of time and, slowly, closed his eyes. Laying against the wall, he seemingly started to take a nap while standing as guard. As soon as he closed his eyes, those memories came back. Shots everywhere, people screaming, giant spaceships breaking through the gates and destroying the walls. The noise of death. The evac's arrival. Sighing, he opened his eyes and a slightly sorrowful expression appeared on his face. However, as soon as he did so, he felt someone poking his arm. He looked towards his right side, where the poke came from, with a small smile on his face and a seemingly geniune worried expression.

"Oh, hello, Miss Lynda." Morpheus took a short bow as he spoke. "Welcome to Symhponia's Military Academy." The man was clearly overly formal, but this was the usual procedure for him. "My name is Morpheus and I'm the Warrior's Student Councilor. It is a pleasure to meet you." Again, he took another bow before smiling largely and speaking again, in his own soft tone. "Sure, Miss Lynda. I can lead you to your room. I assume you received a register document, correct? If you did, could you hand it to me for a brief moment so that I can check the number of your room?" He questioned, slightly extending his hand formally and smiling once more. It was geniune smile, clearly heart-warming.

"Morpheus? That's quite the interesting name. It's a pleasure to meet you too."
she bowed infront of him
"So you're the student councilor around here? I guess I can count on you than, am I right?"
she gave him a warm smile as she tried her best not to be shy infront of anyone
"Register Document?....I think I should have it somewhere around here..."
She reached into her back-pocket as she thought it would be in there, but she didn't find it. She took a few steps back as she tried to reach deeper, but as she did she tripped over her own foot and fell backwards. Her hand was still in her back-pocket, so she fell on it and hurt herself quite a bit. She imeediately pulled it out and held it against her chest as tears started forming in her eyes
"It hurts...It hurts...It hurts..."

Sep 28, 2014 9:06 AM

Sep 2014
She looked at his helmet a few more moments before petting him again like she did before. "You're quiet just like a bunny too." Alice smiled brightly, like she did during her circus years, before pulling a string from her sleeve that made the rabbit ears on top of her hat move, "I'm a bunny too."

Even though she changed the subject, she was dying to see his face and hear the shinigami's voice. Her curiosity might eventually get the better of her, she might try and take off his mask but it was all about timing, it wasn't her time to strike plus she didn't want him to get angry at her.
TheOneLostSoulSep 28, 2014 9:13 AM
Sep 28, 2014 9:12 AM

Nov 2010
The dorm halls were mostly empty, with only a few standing at the far corners and some others occasionally passing by. A number of those who reside in this dorm seemed to have intriguing and eye-catching appearances. Rois, the swordsman of a tall figure equipped with matching dark armor, cloak, and even sword caught some attention too.

While on her way to her assigned dorm room she happened to see and overhear the anima girl's fall and groans of pain. She made a small and quick detour toward her direction without any apparent hesitation, lifting her off the ground by the waists. She seemed to have lift the girl who's much shorter in stature with ease as if she's lifting up a child or a kitten. "Okay?" She simply inquired.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 28, 2014 9:59 AM

Mar 2014
as soon as the other girl had gotten her back on her feet she started crying.
She ran straight forward to where Morpheus was standing and tackled him.
"My hurts...*sniffle*...please do something about it..."
she burried her crying face on his shirt
"I'm sorry...*sniffle*...for being so weak...and I'm sorry...for bothering you like this...*sniffle*"

Sep 28, 2014 10:53 AM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami at most tilted his head at her comments, then appeared to tilt his head downward before staring at her straight again, almost as if he was actually sad about something. It only showed for a moment, however. Then he laid back in his bed and crossed his arms, snuggling into the bed for a moment. It wasn't clear if he was going to sleep or just felt like laying down.
Sep 28, 2014 12:05 PM

Sep 2014
Alice's smile quickly faded right after then she returned to her usual composed self. Looking down at the shinigami in his bed, she looked a little puzzled, not being able to decide if she should simply leave or stay just in case he was just laying down. But, on the other hand if he fell asleep she might be able to finally see his face. I'll just wait... but he seemed kind of sad, maybe I should ask? She sat on the floor next to his bed, keeping her knees close to her chest and setting her hat on the floor. "Are you alright?"
Sep 28, 2014 12:36 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami turned his head to stare at her once more at her inquiry. It was a simple answer but not one he could explain without the use of voice or writing. Turning his head back to stare at the ceiling, he remained quite still except for the rising and falling of his chest as he breathed in and out. It honestly did look like he was sleeping, of course, it also made it difficult to tell due to the helmet that completely hid the entirety of his head.
Sep 28, 2014 1:14 PM

Sep 2014
Alice looked over at him, she was convinced he was asleep but to make sure, she waited a few more minutes. I hope he's asleep... I'm sure he wouldn't mind that much if I just took a little peak at his face.. She slowly got up and sat gently on the side of his bed, hesitantly, she touched his arm to see if he would show signs of a response that he was awake. Slowly, she lifted his head and removed his mask.
Sep 28, 2014 1:29 PM

Dec 2011
He didn't move besides the continued rising and falling of his chest with his breathing. He didn't react when she lifted his head, but when she began to remove the helmet, she only got about up to his mouth before he grabbed her wrist, more gentle than would be expected, however. He was obviously still awake and sat up, readjusting his helmet. Turning to stare at her paired with crossing his arms again, it almost looked like he was sarcastically asking 'Really?'.
Sep 28, 2014 1:35 PM

Feb 2013
Morpheus' smile was unchanging but, then, suddenly, the girl tripped on her own foot and fell. The way she fell, Morpheus worried if she hurt her arm badly or not, which caused him to quickly move to get the girl up.

Someone appeared and pulled the girl up before he could, though, and then the girl ran towards him and almost tackled him down, had he not held her shoulders right on time. Her cry brought back strange memories on his head and his smile faltered slightly for a brief second. It took him no time as he grabbed the girl's legs and placed her on a princess carry. He was clearly stronger than he looked. "Miss, I shall take you to the infirmary immediatly." He exclaimed as he started a run towards the gate that led to the Fort's inner area.

It took them a few minutes to reach the infirmary, where a nurse awaited. Morpheus was lucky enough to get there right in time before the nurse left to sleep. He demanded that the nurse overlooked the girl and also demanded that she helped her. "You'll be okay." He told Lynda before he set her on the bed and allowed the nurse to look at her injury. During the entire check-up, Morpheus stood nearby, sitting right beside her and keeping a calm smile, even though his eyes seemed worried.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 28, 2014 1:40 PM

Sep 2014
Not expecting him to still be awake, she immediately jumped a little when he grabbed her wrist, "I'm sorry!" She looked away from him when he sat up and messed with her sleeve. "I didn't think you were still awake..." she told him softly. Alice was even slightly blushing, she was one to get easily embarrassed, depending on the situation.
Sep 28, 2014 1:49 PM

Mar 2014
Lynda was starting to cry louder and louder, but then Morpheus suddenly picked her up princess style. Her crying faded slowly and turned into a few sniffles as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tight
"Thank you...*sniffle*...Morpheus"
She was actually a bit scared of heights, therefor holding on even tighter as he carried her to the infirmary.

They had gotten there just in time and she was slightly happy that Morpheus had stayed there with her the entire time
"You didn't have to stay but...thank you...for keeping me company..."
she looked away from him as she blushed. She then gave him a small, sad smile
"I'm sorry if I bothered you..."

Sep 28, 2014 2:03 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami stared at her for a few moments before laying back once again and staring at the ceiling. He remained like that for a few moments before something could be heard.

"Curiosity killed the bunny." A voice spoke, distorted slightly as it came from behind the helmet. Whether it was a warning or simply him throwing her a bone didn't matter. He actually spoke... or at least allowed someone to hear him speak. Perhaps he figured that since she was willing to risk the wrath of someone she was terrified of just to assist him that she was worth trusting enough to at least hear a few, slightly distorted words utter from his mouth.
Sep 28, 2014 2:27 PM

Feb 2013
"Bother?" Morpheus said before a small chuckle. "If you want to bother me, you'll have to work harder than that." He joked. With a small smile on his face, he was more than happy to hear from the nurse that it was nothing serious, and that a bit of rest would be more than enough for her recovery.

After they left, Morpheus offered his arm as support for the girl, helping her walk even though it wasn't that necessary. Perhaps he was just making sure that she was okay. Once again, he even considered carrying her back to the Dorm, just to make sure.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, geniunely worried about her. She had taken a medicine for the pain, but he wondered if that was enough.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 28, 2014 2:37 PM

Mar 2014
she giggled at his remark
"I hope I never have to bother you than~"
Before they left the infirmary, the nurse gave her some medicine for the pain, she didn't want to take it at start, but she had to.

As they walked back Morpheus even offered to carry her, it was a bit sudden, so she decided to cling to his arm for support. She was actually a bit dissapoonted about saying no when he asked to carry her.
I wish he'd carry me to my room...
she shook her head rapidly as a blush appeared on her face
what am I thinking??

he then asked her if she was okay, she was happy to hear him ask
it still hurt a bit, but she didn't want to bother him so she smiled and looked up at him
"I'm okay...thanks to you..."
As they were walking she suddenly started resting her head against his shoulder without even noticing she was doing so

Sep 28, 2014 2:38 PM

Sep 2014
Alice smiled almost immediately, she leaned a bit closer to him to look at his mask. "You spoke." She said sounding a bit excited, basically paying no attention to his possible warning. "So that's what you sound like..." she mumbled, it was unsure if that was for him yo hear or just her speaking her thoughts again. She looked at the shinigami carefully, waiting to see if he'd speak again and trying to picture what the rest of his face looked like.

He actually spoke to me.. besides being a little hard to understand what he's saying, I like his voice.. but next step is his mask, I will see the rest of his face!
Sep 28, 2014 2:49 PM

Feb 2013
"I didn't do anything. The nurse was the one who gave you the medicine." Smiling, Morpheus said that. He was not trying to say that the nurse did most of it. Instead, he was actually saying he didn't do anything at all. "Anyone could've done what I did." He added as he helped her.

In sight now was the door to the dorm, which made him exclaim: "Oh, look, here we are." Before he looked towards Lynda. Noticing her hand was still in pain and he was helping her walk, he stood in silence for a few seconds before saying something. "Let me pick up the paper for you." He said before he used his free hand to pick up the paper on her pocket. He did so quite quickly, but still took some time to find the paper. Opening, he took a look and smiled slightly at seeing her room number. "Oh... It looks like your room is actually just beside mine." As soon as he said that, he chuckled, noticing the irony. "That room has been alone for years... I wonder why they started to use it now..." He mused as he walked towards the door that led to the dorm.

Not letting go of Lynda, he used his free hand to make the DNA scan and the door opened for them. Slowly, he led her towards the top floor, where his room stood, right beside hers.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 28, 2014 3:05 PM

Mar 2014
"Maybe that's true, but no one else were te one carrying me there...I was a bit scared...but...having you carry me made me feel a bit that weird?..."
she was blushing as the shy side of her was kicking in again. She place her free hand against ber chest as she looked away while blushing
I feel...I like being around him...

Morpheus then mentioned the dorms and she looked to see if she found her room, still not being able to find it without the paper. She wanted to take it out of her pocket, but Morpheus noticed her hand still hurt so he did it for her. Having his hand reach into her back-pocket and close to her tail, even if just for a moment made her let out a very snall squeel. she immediately covered her mouth as her face was covered in a red blush.

He then mentioned that both their rooms were actually next to each other which made her smile brightly. He used his hand to perform the DNA scan and entered through the door, leading them to the top floor. The two of them were infront of her room's door. She was unsure of what to say and stood infront of him, trying to avoid eye-contact as she blushed, holding her hands against her chest.
why do I feel like this?...

Sep 28, 2014 3:15 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami almost seemed to shake his head slowly. He saw that that only encouraged the girl, but he welcomed her to try. She'd probably try to see his face now, though that was a long way off, unless she was more clever than he thought and would someone get it off through some trick or other method, but he doubted it. There wasn't much of a reason he could consider that she could use to get his helmet off... besides breaking it, that is. And that wasn't exactly the smartest way, either.
Sep 28, 2014 3:33 PM

Feb 2013
Morpheus followed her and made sure to lead her carefully. The girl had already tripped once, he had to make sure it wouldn't happen twice. After a few minutes, they were already in front of her room. He had noticed how she started to act strangely as soon as they had entered the dorm and wondered why she did so.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lynda. Please do contact me again if you ever need help." Saying that, he delivered her a small piece of paper, containing a collection of numbers. In this time, crystals were used to comunicate with one another. These crystals were not mobile and they required some heavy magical energy to be sustained. The reason why Morpheus had one of these was clear: He was the Warrior Student Councilor. He received multiple requests a day and had to solve them all. Of all three Councilors, most believed him to be the most charismatic and competent, which made him somewhat of a peacekeeper on the council. "That's the frequency you need to reach if you want to talk to me. I'm usually very busy, but since you're right beside my room, I don't think you'll have troubles with meeting me." He added. His smile was unwavering. As if it belonged to his face, it was a geniunely happy smile, different from most. As if it was always there... Even though it wasn't. "Also, if you need any help with your room, you come and talk to me." He told her, his smile growing slightly larger as he did so.

"Anyways... Goodbye and good night, Ms. Lynda." He bowed slightly, in an extreme formality, before awaiting briefly for her response and then going on his way. Tomorrow was going to be an agitated day for them...
YzmaelSep 28, 2014 4:05 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 28, 2014 4:00 PM

Sep 2014
She softly giggled when he shook his head, "I'm sorry, I know I can be a bit much sometimes." Alice kept a soft smile, looking rather innocent even though her mind was flooded with plans to eventually get his mask off. She was sure coming up with a plan would be easy, breaking his mask was a obvious no and waiting till he slept would be difficult, Surprise attacking him would probably end in failure since he's faster then her. She looked away for a moment when she got caught up in her thoughts, "so many ideas..." She mumbled softly.
Sep 28, 2014 4:32 PM

Nov 2010
Seeing the girl being safely taken away in a hurry Rois said no more, she slightly bowed in a polite manner in their direction, despite knowing that thy probably didn't notice anyway, then she turned and walked away.

Her way to her room eventually became an entirely empty and quiet one, the sound of her boots echoing. "...Kuwata tsunowo vralai, tsuriji furalekai, kwondzuvai, undovartu wronduwail, Jortetei jeki liago..." She quietly mumbled to herself what sounded like a prayer in a foreign language, a habit that often kicked in when she's alone. Being from a religious family ever since she was young she was taught several "prayers" that, according to her father's words, are supposedly in an ancient language older than anyone can think. She picked up her pace as her room was finally in sight, bowing at the doorstep before going in to call it a day. Was she paying her respects for someone or something? To the unseen guardians of the place? Or perhaps the previous and deceased residents?
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 28, 2014 5:24 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami merely watched her mumble to herself, no doubt plotting how to see his face. He shook his head softly again as he watched. Now he had two people to be weary of, and for entirely different reasons. The first being Kain, and not just because he disliked him. And then there was Alice who would be trying to unmask him. Though it wouldn't be the end of the world if he didn't hide his face or identity, but it simply helped him to avoid something he viewed that could be problematic...
Sep 28, 2014 5:50 PM

Sep 2014
Alice put all her thoughts of her new game aside when she remembered the second day activities, "Hey, are you going to the festival tomorrow?" She asked, not exactly wanting to go herself but it was a academy activity and it would be an excellent chance to study or observe some of the people. "Plus there's the Class Royal Battle too.. not very excited about that." Fighting wasn't as exciting anymore to her, not since her encounter with the Black Gunslinger. She wasn't scared of losing or even fighting, it was more about her being reckless again.
Sep 28, 2014 6:46 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami turned his head to her when she asked if he was going to participate in the festival. At the moment, he had no reason to. Hell, he hadn't even heard of the festival until now. He had a focus, after all... which mostly consisted of fighting and getting stronger. Fun generally wasn't a priority. Then she also spoke of the class battle. Something like that didn't interest him. It was like when Kain challenged him. He doesn't give much of a damn about pride or honor or fighting for fun. He fights to kill and doesn't hold back. As such, he avoids things like this unless necessary.
Sep 28, 2014 7:18 PM

Sep 2014
Letting out a sigh, Alice set her revolver on the floor next to her hat. "I hope its not mandatory to show up.. I don't do well in big crowds anymore and fighting comrades isn't a big thing for me either." she said as she looked back over to him. "Isn't a giant competitive fight bad?" She added before yawning and stretching her arms.
Sep 28, 2014 7:29 PM

Dec 2011
There was that word again. 'Comrade'. As of yet, he hadn't seen any comrades. The closest one he could include was this girl, everyone else, minus Kain, was just... there. They weren't an ally, but didn't exactly have a target on their backs either. Then there was Kain... Who had probably the second largest target on his back in The Shinigami's eyes. Kain had certainly caught his eye... but there was still another that took a much higher priority than the Black Gunslinger.

Thinking on her comments, he agreed with her. If they weren't mandatory, he probably wouldn't participate in either. He as well believed that a free-for-all, or clusterfuck as it should be renamed, could both be bad and good. It could develop a sense of trust and cooperation or respect among the 'recruits'. However, it could also develop some jealousy and competition that could backfire later on.
Sep 28, 2014 7:45 PM

Sep 2014
Alice just realized that she never properly introduced herself, she never even told him her name. "My name is Alice.. I'm a sharpshooter, sort of." She told him quietly, already used to his limited responses, she continued on the topic about tomorrow. "If I have to fight tomorrow, I think I'll just give up, I don't feel like trying to hurt anyone.. Bullets usually hit to kill so it leaves my weapon choice very limited.." she explained before rubbing her eyes and yawning again.
Sep 28, 2014 7:56 PM

Dec 2011
He doubted that it would be completely mandatory. After all, they were using the renovations of the winning class's dorms and training facilities as incentive. There was probably few who could honestly say they didn't care about it. The Shinigami was one who could, though and if possible he would rather keep out of it himself. Like she said, he'd probably just stick to the sidelines. he doubted someone would charge at him, especially if he's hardly participating.
Sep 28, 2014 8:27 PM

Sep 2014
Alice was extremely exhausted, she got back on the floor and laid down, resting her head on her arms. "Bunny.." she sighed, "I hope tomorrow goes well." She adjusted her body a bit before closing her eyes, she wasn't intending to fall asleep though, just rest.
If I have to fight, I won't lose again..
Sep 28, 2014 8:41 PM

Dec 2011
Staring down at her, he wondered if she intended to sleep here for the night, not that he cared if she did, but if she did plan to, he didn't want her to just sleep on the floor. He also came to wonder what her cause for becoming a 'recruit' was. She seemed slightly similar in the sense that she too fought to kill, though he had to guess that through her words since he had yet to actually see her fight.
Sep 28, 2014 9:06 PM

Sep 2014
Alice fell asleep a few moments after she closed her eyes, she didn't mean to but she underestimated her exhaustion. She looked relaxed and rather innocent, some would say even cute.

She wouldn't mind explaining her reason for recruiting or anything really to the shinigami if he just asked once she woke up. Alice was never one to care about answering questions and she never minded people knowing her past. It had nothing to do with who she was now, it wasn't important to her anymore.
Sep 28, 2014 9:15 PM

Dec 2011
Realizing that she fell asleep, and quite quickly too, he shook his head and stood up. Walking over to her, he was careful in picking her up before placing her on the bed, not wanting to wake her, after all. After he placed her on the bed he went over to the wall and sat with crossed-legs against it, his blade laying across his lap. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned his head back against the wall.
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