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Sep 26, 2014 7:00 AM

Feb 2013

Training area for Mages.

This gigantic library has so many books it is difficult to even find the one you're looking for. It is completely run by magic and mages and is meant to be a sacred area for mages to practice their spells and learn new magical spells.

You can train and practice spells here as a Mage!
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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Sep 27, 2014 1:15 AM

May 2014
Takuma arrived in the library. *So this is the library of this place... Just as I heard it is really big...* He makes his way to the first shelve. *I need to find out in which order the books are placed...*

The first shelve was full of books about earth magic, with some books of other schools of magic. *[i]Someone didn't bother to put the books back in the right order...* While moving through the corridor, he found a book about earth magic, which was quite old and looked like it would turn to dust soon. *This looks like the books back at home... Let's take a look...* He pulled out the book and started to read where he stood.

The book was about some advanced earth magic, which uses other kind of magics to become more effective.
Sep 27, 2014 1:27 AM

Mar 2014
This's huge!
those wre Diana's first thoughts when she entered the Library
Now to find fire books...
she tried looking around, but she easily got lost in the earth magic section
I can't find them anywhere...and now I can't even find my way out of here...
she was still looking for a way to get out when she saw Takuma from afar
"Eto...Could I ask you something?..."
when she first talked to someone she was usually a very shy person, so she tried not to make eye contact with him

Sep 27, 2014 1:38 AM

May 2014
He turned around, with his black coat covering the whole of his body, even his face was complete hidden in the shadows. "What is it you want to know?" He closes the book, naturally he makes a note in his mind on which page he was, to resume later.

He saw right before him a girl... and this girl is on fire. "Aren't you hot in those flames?" This question was not meant as a flirt, but as if she was wearing winter clothes in the middle of summer.

"Also aren't you dressed a bit... lightly clad?" He looked over her, and tried to put her into a category... *Maybe some kind of pervert...*
Sep 27, 2014 1:44 AM

Mar 2014
"W-Well, I don't ever feel cold I guess"
she looked at him, it wasn't very hard since she didn't know exactly where his eyes were
"And the clothes...well, I've had these ever since I turned into can't be helped with me"
she smiled slightly as he was one of the few persons to question it
"And what about you? What kind of clothes are those?"
Oh wait, I was going to ask him something
"I was looking for books when I got lost in this..."
she spotted a book in his hand that looked quite interesting
"What's that? Can I have a look please?"
the tone in her voice changed from shy to excited the second she saw the book

Sep 27, 2014 1:53 AM

May 2014
He was a bit confused that she answered the question about her clothes with some breaks between the words. "It seems that not many people asked you that question about your clothes." He looks down on himself. "Well I like this coat, so why are you asking about it?" He tilts his head a bit to the side, with this question. "Getting lost in here is easy so be sure to make yourself a mental note on which path you took." He gave the book to her. "Take a look if you want, it is about fusing different magics together to create a stronger effect."

He looks at the shelf. "There are so many books here... so much knowledge of the past, present and future... I doubt any mortal being is able to read every book here."
Sep 27, 2014 2:04 AM

Mar 2014
"People tend to stay away from me...I guess I scare them off without even wanting to..."
she scratched the back of her head
"I don't see anything wrong with your clothes, I guess they suit you"
she smiled and immediately got her attention back to the book.
She was able to read a page in a matter of seconds, so it wouldn't take too long for her to finish. She smiled brightly as she stopped halfway.
"Eto, what's your specialty? earth?"
she asked as she made it obvious that they were in the earth section
"And also, I'm Diana, nice to meet you"
diogoraSep 27, 2014 2:37 AM

Sep 27, 2014 2:52 AM

May 2014
"People tend to judge others by their appearance..." He looks at her. "My speacialty... would be wind for now..." He starts to laugh. "I can understand how you came to assume I would be specialized in earth magic, since we are in the earth section. But this is just a coincidence... I was looking through the shelfs to get a map of this area and found that book." He stops laughing. "Nice to meet you Diana, my name is Takuma."
Sep 27, 2014 2:56 AM

Mar 2014
"I guess that's also a smart thing to do"
she smiled at him
"Takuma, that's a nice name"
she started looking inside of the book again.
she showed him something she had found about wind and fire magic
The text said the following:
"Air and fire together make for a very powerful, logical personality. With a complete lack of heavy elements, this person can easily detach from mundane living and apply himself to what needs to be done with the full force of fire's energy. Additionally, air mediates fire's somewhat scattered tendencies by channeling them through logic, so that while an air/fire person may be working on any of a number of things, all with full energy and force of will, it is in a reasonable progression, and nothing important will get left behind. While this person is not necessarily deeply involved with the physical world, more often applying his force of will to the mental, he is generally practical, because leaving things be that have to be dealt with will only cause problems later."
"Wanna try combining my magic with yours?"
she was obviously excited

Sep 27, 2014 3:08 AM

May 2014
"First of all calm down, you are getting to excited which can lead to accidents..." He looked at the text she has shown him. "What kind of combination do you mean? There are several ways to use both wind and fire magic." He looked up with the last words. Takuma still appeared to be completely calm.
Sep 27, 2014 3:14 AM

Mar 2014
she took a deep breath and tried to calm down like he told her too
"Hmm...maybe a tornado made from fire? A fire tornado!...actually, that wouldn't work because I chose to be a Red about this, I shroud my fist in fire and you try to make the flames grow bigger?"
she looked at him
he's always so's kinda cool...
"Eto, why do you hide your face?"
diogoraSep 27, 2014 3:32 AM

Sep 27, 2014 3:40 AM

May 2014
"That should work, but be aware that the flames will not only grow, but also get hotter." He looks around. "Maybe we shouldn't test it here..." He looks at her. "I choose to hide my face since most people cant judge something they can't see. You know you can't tell if I bluff or not, you can't tell as easily if I lie or not. It helps alot to get through alot of things without much trouble... Enough about that let's go to a more open space, if I recall there should be a space for training somewhere nearby..."
Sep 27, 2014 3:45 AM

Mar 2014
"So that's why you hide it, I guess you make a valid point"
he really is smart...
"I think there is...but I'm not exactly sure where...I couldn't even find the section I was looking for..."
she starts looking around
"Maybe there's a map somewhere around here?..."

Sep 27, 2014 3:52 AM

May 2014
"I think there was a plan over there." He starts moving down the corridor. After a few minutes they would arrive in front of a map. "So according to the map we need to move further for about 15 minutes to reach the testing area... That is further than I thought... Well anyway I wanted to take a look at it, so if you have the time?" He looks at her.
Sep 27, 2014 4:01 AM

Mar 2014
she followed after him, checking out the books on their way when he suddenly mentioned a map.
15 minutes...that's quite far, but I guess I don't have anything else to do...I'd also like to know more about this guy, so I'm sticking to him for now
"Sure, that's no problem at all, lead the way please"

Sep 27, 2014 1:07 PM

May 2014
He leads her to the training area. "Did you come alone to this... facility?" He asked that question on the way to the training area to break the silence. "Or did you come here with friends?" He turns to her while moving. Soon they would arrive at the training area. "It surely is a big place..." He quietly says. *We should be near it... let's see take one turn right there... and move straight up...*
Sep 27, 2014 1:13 PM

Mar 2014
"I don't really have...any friends..."
she tried to smile as she scratched the back of her head
"What about you? Any friends in here? Maybe someone even more special than just a friend?
I'm so bad at small talk...

Sep 27, 2014 1:36 PM

May 2014
"Hm... Is it because of your appearance?" He never stoped once while leading the way through the corridors. "Well in my case... special circumstances were created, continued and are in a need to be overcome..." He stops for a moment as he talks about the 'circumstances'. Only for a short moment before he started to walk again. They arrived at the trainings area.
Sep 27, 2014 1:45 PM

Mar 2014
"People tend to stay away from I never really had the chance to even make friends"
she then heard the following words and got a bit interested in these "circumstances"
"Circumstances? what kind of circumstances?"
He's so mysterious...
she followed him into the training area and looked around
"So, shall we?~"

Sep 27, 2014 2:12 PM

May 2014
"Well I know how it feels to be left alone..." He looks at her. "Circumstances as in everyone close to me dies... So well..." He walks into the area. "Well let's get started, I will back you up once you start to move..." He looks around. *A really big place...*
Sep 27, 2014 2:43 PM

Mar 2014
"My family also died...when I was younger..."
Let's see how this goes...I hope it works...
she walks a bit ahead of him and takes some deep breaths as she shrouds both her fists and feet in flames.
"I'm ready!"

Sep 27, 2014 2:50 PM

May 2014
"It wasn't only my parents... even the person who looked after me died... Well can't change it..." He looks at her fists and feets, and uses his wind magic to boost her flames both in strength and heat. At first they were unstable, but soon they stablelized and burned strongly. "Seems like it works."
Sep 27, 2014 2:56 PM

Mar 2014
"So you had someone else take care of you?...What kind of person was it?..."
she felt a sudden boost in strenght as the flames grew stronger and looked herself
"This is..."
she smiles brightly
"SO COOOOL!!!!!"
she looks at Takuma as she smiles brightly,but still controlling her flames just enough to keep them stable
"We should team up!"
she realized what she just said and bowed
"Eto...sorry for rushing things...we don't have to team upif you don't want to..."

Sep 27, 2014 2:58 PM

Sep 2012
As Violet is lost in her own little world, she wakes up and looks around the training area. "Okay, page... Hmm, ah.. This would work for my new spell, I need to focus and close my eyes... Yes.. That's how it would work." Violet begins her training as she creates a defense skill but struggles while doing so.
Sep 27, 2014 3:01 PM

May 2014
"He was like a father to me... He teached me magic... He was a great magician..." He looked at her bowing down. "Well we could team up... but don't expect any wonders. Also I have things to do so I won't be running around much for now." He looks towards the roof. "If that is alright I don't see any problem about grouping with you for now."
Sep 27, 2014 3:08 PM

Mar 2014
"I'm sad to hear he died...I would have liked to meet him..."
she smiled at his next words
"We can? Yata~! I don't mind at all! Does that mean we're friends now?"
she then lifted her fist as she pointed out at it
"Should we test it out?"

Sep 27, 2014 3:18 PM

May 2014
"Well he was very ill..." He looked at her as she smiled. "Well I would say you can call us friends..." He moved to the edge of the area. "I will support you from here so test is all you want. Hopefully the damage is not too much... it would be annoying to get into trouble on the first day..."
Sep 27, 2014 3:21 PM

Sep 2012
*Violet tries to create a blast shield and fails miserably as she notices blood coming out of her nose* "Tsk.. Damn it! I can't get this right! I'll try this again in a few minutes..." *She walks around, looking at the large place* "How can people make these things so big.. *Violet bumps onto Takuma and Diana* "..." *She looks at them and wonders*
Sep 27, 2014 3:30 PM

Mar 2014
"Was it an incurable diesease?...I doubt one could die from a normal one these days..."
she smiled even brighter, you could tell she was happier than ever by just looking at her
I finally..I made a friend!
She moved to one of the training dolls close by, it wasn't a normal training doll, the ones in here were made out of concrete stone.
Let's test this out
She clenched her fists as she concentrated the fire solely into it. With only a swing of her fist she punched a hole through the doll, making enough noise to get everyone around to look at her
Violet then bumped into the two of them and asked her something
"How they made something this big?...I'm not sure...I'm not good with this kind of stuff..."
diogoraSep 27, 2014 3:33 PM

Sep 27, 2014 3:38 PM

May 2014
"It was a magical disease..." *She looks quite happy...* He observes her just as she was about to punch the training target, he noticed a girl standing at the side. "Hey be care-" *BANG* "..." He looks at the targets which had a hole through them. "Well that escalated quickly... " He turns to Violet. "Are you alright over there?"
Sep 27, 2014 3:45 PM

Mar 2014
she clings to his arm as she points at the broken dool
"Takuma! Look! Aren't I strong? We're the perfect team!"
she blushes madly as she realized her actions,she got too carried away from making a friend and did something embarrasing.
She bows infront of Violet
"Nice to meet you, I'm Diana"

Sep 27, 2014 3:55 PM

Sep 2012
As Diana nailed her targets, Violet finds it surprising and impressing how she did it. "You're really good at this!" Then Violet turns and looks at Diana bowing. "Oh, no.. Don't bow." It's nice to meet you as well. My name's Violet. And I'm fine.. I was just reckless and spaced out while I looked at what you were doing.. Violet then opens her book again as she walks 4 spaces away and reads and tries to practice with her blast shield again. "Alright.. Let's try this again. She takes a deep breath and raises her arm pointing above and she closes her eyes. "Focus, Vi.. You can do this." She then creates her shield again and makes it a lot bigger as it disappears. Vi stops and throws the book on the floor angry. "I need a break."
Sep 27, 2014 4:03 PM

May 2014
Diana was clinging to his arm. "... Well..." He was speechless, this was completely against the image he had of her. After she let go of his arm, he walks over to Violet. "Hm... you wanna create somekind of shield? Can you explain how you tried to do it? Maybe I can tell you what you are doing wrong."
Sep 27, 2014 4:08 PM

Mar 2014
"A shield huh? I wonder how those are made?...After you figure it out, should I help you test out the strenght?"
she smiles at her
"I'll punch it, but don't worry, I'll be careful only to hit the barrier, you won't get hurt, kay?~"

Sep 27, 2014 4:12 PM

Sep 2012
Violet turns and looks at Takuma and questions herself. "Is he trying to help? Or does he want to steal my secret... Alright, Vi. Just play cool. Maybe he's trying to help you.

"Well, I was trying to make a shield. But, it's called a Blast Shield. Not only the shield can cover me but it can also hit near targets and blow them away into thin air.. I keep trying to create it a bit larger because if the enemy is a bit further, the enemy might still get hit. But it's the fact that I'm trying to create it large that's making me fail at creating this damn shield in the first place!" Violet then gets angry again, while her eyes turn slightly red, then she realizes he's looking and goes back to normal. "Phew.. That was close.."

Violet then turns to Diana. "Um.. Well, I could use a bit of help.." "Hmm, maybe she could be useful. I mean it's not like I'm wasting time here. I could stay a bit longer in order to get more things done, yes that's right.
DarthAshSep 27, 2014 4:16 PM
Sep 28, 2014 12:40 AM

May 2014
He looked at diana while speaking to her. "Diana at the moment it would be to much risk to test out a shield which is not stable." Afterwards he turns to Violet.

"So you want to create a shield which explodes... There are many different approches.

For example, you concentrate on the shield, creating it and getting it stable. Afterwards the moment you get attacked you use your magic to create a counter attack. This requires concentration on the shield throughout the whole time, to maintain it. While you need to maintain it you need to cast the explosion magic somewhere on the way. You won't need that much concentration to keep up a stable shield.

There is also the approache where you want to detonate the shield the moment it is complete. This would require you to divide your concentration on both casting the explosion spell and the shield at the same time, which can be a bit much if you are not experienced in casting different types of magic at the same time.

The last approach I heard of is to first create the explosion and then create the shield. This one depends on your skill in raising a shield. If you are to slow... well... you won't have to worry about the enemy anymore. Still since you can completely focus on the explosion spell and afterwards on the shield spell it has less strain on your mind for creating the spells.

I think your problem is that you can't put enough concentration in each part of your spell. You need to blury out all other stuff. Don't worry about the distance to the target, just concentrate on creating it. Don't think about what will happen once it get's unstable, don't think about what happens when you hit someone, don't think about what happens if you miss. All those little things divert your attention to other parts, which are not needed for the magic."
Sep 28, 2014 3:52 AM

Mar 2014
"E..Eto...Sorry about that..." she looked away with a small pout.
Takuma then started explaining how to make a shiel which explodes. At start, she didn't know if it was even possible, but after listening to him she was proven wrong.
He's so smart...
she placed her left hand against her chest as she used her right one to hold on to her left wrist
I want to know more about him...

Sep 28, 2014 7:20 AM

Sep 2012
Violet listens to Takuma and understands each little detail he's explaining as he finishes speaking, Violet then turns to her book and then to Diana. "Is she nervous somehow..?" Violet thought while being distracted by Diana, she turns to Takuma. "Well you're very smart I have to say. Hence, I should have been less clumsy on my thoughts. Maybe adapting to something new was always difficult for me, which I struggle and try not to make as much mistakes." Violet said proudly as she then began to create her large shield and soon then made a terrifying explosion that accidentally destroyed the walls near her. As Violet looked behind her, she noticed she destroyed the wall and widens her eyes as she got extremely surprised by what she's done. "Vi! I knew you had it in you. Now all you need is to fix this stupid wall." She thought as she got annoyed by how easily the wall crumbled. Violet then re-builds the wall as she moves her arm and sways her hand to re-build the wall as if nothing happened. Violet turns to Takuma. "Um, you're really good at explaining. Um.. Uh, thanks." Violet then walks away a little bit rushed as she holds her book tightly. "What was I thinking.. Trying to have conversations with other people. Get it together, focus on your training!" Violet thought as she walked away from them both.
Sep 28, 2014 7:54 AM

May 2014
He watched as she created her shield and crushed the wall. He starts laughing as he sees how she looked at the wall. "Careful you don't want to bury us under tons of stone." She thanks him, and starts to walk away. "This is Diana, and my name is Takuma. If you need another helping hand feel free to ask us." He turns around to Diana. "So now both, you and that girl have gotten why you came to this area. Do you want to try something else?"
Sep 28, 2014 8:00 AM

Mar 2014
Diana saw what happened and she could somewhat compare her power to Violets, Diana would concentrate her power into one place and hit only one thing with a great amount of power, Violet would join all the power and release it at once.
She then bows as Violet walks away
"It was nice meating you!"
She then looks over at Takuma
"W..Well. since we're partners I guess the least you could do would be show me your face, right?"
she then adds in a silent and shy voice
"M..Maybe dinner too..."

Sep 28, 2014 9:09 AM

Sep 2012
As Takuma tells me their names and offer to help, Violet keeps walking and raises her hand as she waves while still looking forward. Violet begins to wonder about as she walks a mile away from them and stops as she sees a chair and a table and begins to read more from the book. "....Takuma and Diana were interesting. Diana was a little bit nervous, though.. I get the feeling she likes Takuma." Violet thought and laughs a little bit. "I mean.. He sure is interesting and mysterious." Diana thought as she spaced out remembering her past. But then she comes back into reality and shakes her head. "What am I doing? Just keep reading. I only have so little to absorb this amazing book and I'll become top best Mage not only on here but around the world!" Diana thought as she continues her journey into reading without stopping.
Sep 28, 2014 9:20 AM

Mar 2014
Expelliarmus said:
Diana thought as she spaced out remembering her past. But then she comes back into reality and shakes her head. "What am I doing? Just keep reading. I only have so little to absorb this amazing book and I'll become top best Mage not only on here but around the world!" Diana thought as she continues her journey into reading without stopping.

(don't steal my character xD you're Violet, not Diana)

Sep 28, 2014 9:57 AM

May 2014
Takuma looks at her... "Well maybe I should really show you my face... at least once..." He pulls back his hood.

Blue hair, and blue eyes became visible. "Are you happy now?" He looks at her with a sharp gaze, which seems to see right into her mind. "I usually draw to much attention, so..." He puts the hood back on his head and pulls it deep into his face. "Much better..."

It seemed he didn't catch her last sentence.
Sep 28, 2014 10:09 AM

Mar 2014
she took a good look at his face as she blushed slightly without noticing
he looks...good...
"I see now, it'll be a pleasure working with you"
she smiled and was a bit dissapointed that he didn't hear her out.
She wanted to ask him to eat dinner with her, but she suddenly got very shy again
She pulled slightly on his coat

Sep 28, 2014 2:34 PM

Sep 2012
Violet gets quite tired after reading 500 pages of her book. She then layed her head down to rest her eyes. She didn't want to sleep because it would be time wasting if she had rested, so as she closes her eyes.. I just need to finish this book by today and... Violet then falls asleep accidentally.

30 Minutes later, Violet then wakes up shocked by the fact that she fell asleep. What was I... She notices a bit of saliva on her lip as she was sleeping deeply. Then she cleans her mouth and stands up and walks back and tries to find the dorms. It's getting late.. Maybe I should head to bed and rest. Yeah, I could use some sleep and regain my strength back again tomorrow. She notices Takuma and Diana as she stares at them both for at least one minute. "Hello. Um, what are you both wandering about?" She said in the most curious way ever.
Sep 28, 2014 2:44 PM

May 2014
As he felt a slight pull on his coat, Takuma turns to look what happened, only to see Diana pulling on his coat. "What is it Diana?" He just got the words out as he heard a question. The question was asked by the same girl, who had problems with the shield spell earlier. "Hm? You are the girl from before... Sorry I didn't catch your name last time..." He looked at her, his hood covering the his face in shadows.
Sep 28, 2014 2:50 PM

Mar 2014
Violet suddenly got back, so she spoke silent enough for only Takuma to hear
"I..I was wondering...if maybe you'd like to eat dinner with me?..."
she blushed and looked away, then bowed at Violet and spoke in a normal tone again
"Nice to see you again"

Sep 28, 2014 3:22 PM

Sep 2012
Takuma looked at Violet as he asked her name and she answers. "Ah, well, my name's Violet, Violet Izriady. But just call me Vi." Violet walks a bit closer to Takuma as she raises her hand slowly and grabs his hood and tries to pull it up to see his face. "Why are you wearing such a thing like this, I can't see your face..." Violet said recklessly as she had tried to pull his hood up. "I was wondering where you guys were heading to. Because I find myself quite lost into this ridiculously BIG library..." Violet said, tired and with a high tone of voice.
Sep 28, 2014 11:47 PM

May 2014
He turns his head to answer Dianas question. "Well I don't see a reason to say no." As he was about to turn around again Violet suddenly came near and grabbed his hood. "Hey, hey..." He tries to protest and protect his hood. But it was to unexpected, and his blue hair came into the light. "... happy?" He looked a bit annoyed. "Why does everyone want to take a look at the face of someone else?" He quickly pulls his hood up again and covers his face in the shadows once more. "One thing both of you should know... I hate it to show my face to others... It tends to draw to much attention and other people get easily pissed..."
Sep 29, 2014 6:34 AM

Mar 2014
She smiled brightly at his response as she clung to his arm. She didn't care about embarrasment anymore, she was happy and wanted to show it.
dinner with Takuma, lucky
Violet then went and moved his hood away, she didn't really mind seeing his blue hair and eyes, she actually liked them
"I don't know why they would get pissed...but if you don't want to show it you don't have to..."

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