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Sep 25, 2014 3:16 PM

Feb 2013

The dormitory for the Tech users. The area where most of the Technologial Warriors sleep. They are divived in female and male dormitory.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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Sep 25, 2014 9:46 PM

Sep 2014
Jun somehow found her way into the dormitory, "geez! Where the hell am I?!" She mumbled angrily, slightly adjusting the strap of her weapon that slid a bit down her shoulder. "I just wanted to find the academy grounds..." she let out a sigh before stretching her arms and softly scracthing the back of her head, she was exhausted from walking in circles for a few hours but she didn't seem to notice.
Sep 25, 2014 9:52 PM

May 2012
Enzo paced himself as he toured the campus. He appeared to be in a more tech-savvy location. Enzo gazes at the steel doors and the overall metallic interior.

there seems to be a single lifeform of interest in your vicinity.

Enzo recognized this echo bouncing in his mind. It was Ogin. He took his word and scanned the rooms for any others. No success. It took him seven minutes in order to fin a young lady, who seemed quite agitated over something. He decides to keep his distance. something about her seemed... unsettling.
Sep 25, 2014 10:02 PM

Sep 2014
Jun finally was fed up, she stopped and leaned up against the wall, "This place is way too big." She sighed and set her weapon down on the floor before sitting down, she traced her scar with her finger gently. "I'll never forget, I'll make him pay.." she trailed off in thought, you can tell from her expression that she was completely out of it. She didn't even notice the man not too far from her, Jun was never really self aware.
Sep 25, 2014 10:08 PM

May 2012
It didn't take long before Enzo performed a sitrep on the young miss. He particularly noted the scar protruding from her abdomen. He quit his cautious facade, and approached.

"Are you lost, Oujou-Sama?" Enzo gave a inviting smile, although his question was rather sarcastic. Upon closer inspection, the girl's precious wound was obviously cauterized by some unholy mean, he could nearly sense something off about it... though he couldn't fully understand why.
Sep 25, 2014 10:26 PM

Sep 2014
A bit surprised by the man's voice, she quickly gripped the handle of her weapon before looking up, "Well hi there and I'm not lost.. just exploring.. yup." The poor girl didn't sound very convincing, anyone could tell she was lying. "So, who are you?" She asked curiously, "Is this part of your territory or something? I didn't mean to intrude.." she had a bit of a awkward smile, she was just more nervous than alarmed, the man seemed friendly enough.
Sep 26, 2014 8:54 AM

May 2012
The mistress seemed concerned. He choice of words weren't so soothing either.

"I'm not from around here, I was just touring the area, and stumbled upon this place. It seems much more advanced than many of the regions in Vex."

Enzo's statement of his homeland reminded him of the barracks, where he learned and thrived. He missed that face, and it was evident as his expression changed from joyful to melancholy.
Sep 26, 2014 3:33 PM

Sep 2014
She let go of the weapon's handle before noticing the man looked a bit sad, "Are you alright?" Jun asked softly, comforting people isn't her thing but she tries. "I'm Jun, by the way." She gave one of her real smiles, "It's nice to meet you." She greeted him kindly before sticking out her hand to shake his. Her hand slightly shook, still being nervous from talking to him and all but it was barely noticeable.
Sep 26, 2014 5:25 PM

Feb 2013
"Oh... It's always good tah' see da' rookies. Takin' care o' them's like herding cats, though." Kain's accent went completely out as he watched the rookies bursting into the dorm from above. He had a cigarrette on his mouth as he watched the newbies choosing their rooms and acting as if this was just another big party. He made somewhat of a forced cough as he resumed his normal tone, his strange accent disappearing as soon as he began to speak. "Yet, there are always those who look like they are kiddos looking for their parents." He said as he smiled slightly at the scene of the lost recruits, wandering through the wrong dorm while searching for the right location.

"Welp, they ain' goin' anywhere 'omorrow anyways." He joked as he remembered that tomorrow was the day to train the recruits. His smirk grew slightly as he threw his cigarette away and started to walk towards the other side of the dorm. Right now, he was already in the top floor. He made his way slowly through the halls, looking for anyone he had met before and someone who wasn't these recruits.
YzmaelSep 26, 2014 6:14 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 6:15 PM

Dec 2011
In the halls of the Tech dorms wandered... something or someone that was drawing the attention of those in the area. It was a rather morbidly dressed man with a very grand ebony nodachi hoisted over his shoulder. The people in the area either sent whispers to one another of whether this thing was truly the one they thought it was, or perhaps some sort of impostor, or they left the area immediately.

"That him...? ...It?" One questioned. "Can't be... I thought he was a myth... Any of what's said true?" The man responded with an inquiry. "You expect me to know? They say the only people who know jack shit 'bout him are the people who got in his way... and you know what happened to them... But... if he's here that means he's technically on our side, right? At the very least, when he ain't scarin' tha' shit outta' people, he can be a good morale booster." The first who spoke replied to his friend's inquiry. "True... Unless the fucker's all talk. He looks badass but... I've seen some people all armored and scowling get offed on the first clash, ya' know?" The other man stated before the first shook his head. "It's The fucking Shinigami. Talk don't hold a meaning in its vocabulary. But... Why tha' hell is he in the Tech wing? Guy's a fuckin' melee berserker..."
Sep 26, 2014 6:24 PM

Sep 2014
Alice wandered around the dorms, exploring her new home, it would be for now at least. After a few minutes she stumbled across a group of people that looked rather uncomfortable.. or even scared. She observed each one closely, wondering what was causing their reaction. Only a few moments later her eyes lit up and she smiled, she quickly ran up to the man that looked rather intimidating, "bunny." She said to him rather calmly before struggling to softly pet his head, it was rather difficult because of their noticeable height difference.

(I realized how uncomfortable that would make someone feel ._. )
TheOneLostSoulSep 26, 2014 6:27 PM
Sep 26, 2014 6:30 PM
Jul 2018
Aneminia walked to the Tech Dorm after pranking Kasai and Kazuha. She was bored out her mind. Might as well make the dorms think you can go to other dorms. Hehe. As she got up to the Tech Wing Dorm area. Seeing a crowd of people whispering to each other. It must be him again... Someone I can bother! As she walks up the stairs to the next level.
Sep 26, 2014 6:37 PM

Feb 2013
Suddenly, Kain, who watched from above the movement of the recruits, smirked widely before he jumped from the top floor and fell right behind the man that seemed to wear black and walk with a sword so large it could probably tear him apart. Of course, Kain's fall caused a fair ammount of noise as it called the attention of those who were looking towards the Shinigami. Now their eyes were moved towards the two of them.

What the hell... Isn't that the guy who killed half a city with one gun? A person amongst the crowd questioned, only to be hit by another with his shoulder. You really want to stare at two muderers and even comment about it? Shut it, James. Kain's head slight turned towards the couple of friends. His smirk was devious. They shook in fear before they turned around and made their way away from that area.

Kain then looked towards the man with the giant Nodachi. "Yo', friendo." He started on his own strange accent before making a light cough and continuing without it. He slowly walked towards the man as he spoke. "I heard a few stuff 'bout ya'. That you're called somethin' like God o' Death... Bleh, I don't quite remember. I reckon' you somehow got lost, kiddo, 'cause this ain' tah' goddamn barracks." When he got close enough, his noticeable smirk appeared once more. Large enough that it went from one side of his face to another. "I'm just goin' ahead and sayin' that a human axe-man ain' gonna break the way through the Mad God's army... You betta' leave that kinda work for 'da big guys..." Kain said, referring to the Titans in his own way. However, once he got close enough, his sight was drawn towards a small girl that was patting the giant's head. Their height difference was drastic and, if that was not enough, the woman was gently patting the Death God's head. Kain's smirk changed into what seemed to be a confused twist. "At any rate, lil' God, we might want to lead you back to your barracks... If yah won't mind." His accent once more returned. He was confused and confident at the same time. Perhaps the man would become violent. Because of his own security about this, Kain had his hand readied on his hips, close to Dain in case the bezerk went crazy.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 6:44 PM

Dec 2011
The man... or thing, stopped as the woman approached him, staring at her as she referred to him as a bunny and patted his head, causing the onlookers to stiffen at her boldness. If The Shinigami was one who was more open with his emotions... he probably would've facepalmed at this. For a while, it simply stood there, staring blankly down at her, though it appeared more threatening with the natural look an appearance of his mask. Before he could react, if he was going to react at all, that is, Kain appeared, causing his attention to turn to him. Looking up to him just as blankly as he had the girl. This stare was slightly different however. It was difficult to tell if he was trying to intimidate him, still confused, or perhaps simply studying the gunslinger.
Sep 26, 2014 6:46 PM
Jul 2018
Looks like Kain, the Black Gunslinger have the guts, but I wonder how long will Kain and the Shinigami will last in a battle. Probably Shinigami. As Aneminia smirked from the next level as the crowd gotten a bit wilder.
Sep 26, 2014 6:55 PM

Sep 2014
Still petting Shinigami for a few more moments, she looked over at the man that approached them not too long ago, she studied him for a few seconds before finally taking a few steps back from the shinigami. Alice looked up at him next, observing his blank expression but still didn't find him intimidating in the slightest. She still kept her distance from the two, not wanting to get caught I'm any fight from the slight tension the two gave off.
TheOneLostSoulSep 26, 2014 7:08 PM
Sep 26, 2014 7:12 PM

Feb 2013
Kain's eyes didn't seem to shook by the man's intimidating or analytical stare. In fact, all the Black Gunslinger did was stare back, with the same kind of expression he had before. It was not a confused one but, instead, a rather emotionless one with a simple small smirk across the Gunslinger's face.

"Listen, you can either just stay here, staring at me with those cold emotionless eyes or you could just give up your lil' act and follow me to the barracks." Saying that, the Gunslinger resumed his silence and stared back calmly. His hands slowly went more towards the gun on his waist.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 7:22 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami continued to stare at Kain. His eyes drifted only a moment downward, towards his hands before returning to staring at his face. At first, it appeared almost challenging, as he wanted Kain to equip his weapons, to give it a reason to cut him down. But, before he would have the chance, The Shinigami would simply turn his back to the gunslinger and begin to nonchalantly walk the way he was before being interacted with. It didn't take orders nor did it care if it "disturbed the peace", that was its problem. He would do neither of what Kain said, not fight with him or leave without his so-called "act", at least, not unless he himself chose to do so.
Sep 26, 2014 7:26 PM
Jul 2018
"Boooo. This was getting fun don't you think guys?" Aneminia laughs as she sits on the railings, "Oh by the way Kain, embrace the fact that Magic is important to life will you?" Kain. KAIN. KAIN. I hate him for the fact that he disses magic. "And Shinigami, why is it you won't speak. Are you mute or something? Do you know, that I just met this mute Hybrid earlier. He is quite a temperamental guy."
Sep 26, 2014 7:34 PM

Sep 2014
Alice kept a close look at the shinigami, he intrigued her so much, especially his somewhat "resemblance" to a bunny. She kept her hand on the handle of her revolver but that was just in case the two men started to fight and she needed to protect herself. Although, the Black Gunslinger intimidated her a bit, she didn't want to make eye contact with him or either of them in general. "please don't go." She said calmly to the shinigami, she was a bit shocked she didn't mean to say it out loud, she didn't even think it.
Sep 26, 2014 7:36 PM

Feb 2013
As soon as the man turned around, completely ignoring Kain, he smirked once more. "Boo, as I expected, all people like you do is run." Saying that, he turned around but kept his attention at the man.

As soon as he heard Aneminia's voice, he drawed out his gun and gave a quick, sharp shot right beside her. The bullet hit the wall and left a giant hole in it. "Shut it, White Mage. This is not your area, go back to your frickin' libraries." He stated in a loud yell that scared everyone away. The tension was high enough to make everyone shake of expectation from this battle, but Kain's shot was more than enough to scare everyone away.

A small smoke trail flew from Dain's barrel. "Foolish kids." Murmuring that, he left one word for the apparently leaving Shinigami. "See you later, Shinigami. I hope you don't get yourself killed on the first day." He joked as he started to walk away. His attention was still high and he was clearly on guard. Unlike any other Gunslinger, Kain had not only affinity, but also extreme practice. He had been on the Military Academy for 60 years, which made his gap of skill between him and the other recruits enormous. This was his last year on this place, however.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 7:46 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami ignored Aneminia's question. Did she really expect him to answer? Even if she did, it was a much too hopeful wish. At Alice's plead, he paused for a moment, not looking back, but pausing nonetheless. He seemed to ignore all else, even Kain's taunts, but when he drew his gun and fired at the girl, whether he had killing intent or not, The Shinigami suddenly hefted his blade off his shoulders and stabbed it into the ground with speed that was surprising for how heavy the blade looked and stared back at him Even though Kain obviously didn't hold any murderous intent with that shot, it was certainly radiating off of The Shinigami now. Most of its actions were difficult to understand, but this one was clear. It was a warning.
Sep 26, 2014 7:55 PM
Jul 2018
"Aw Kain. You uncivilized country bumpkin. Do not you think that you can bother me at all? Remember I'm authority here. So better shut your mouth up." Aneminia booed she got off the railing and went to the wall. She picks up the bullet and toss it around. Bleh, this bullet... Technology. Bleh.

"Hello Shinigami? Do you know by any chance you went to the wrong dorm, sir? You landed in the techie stuff can't you see that." As Aneminia continues dandling from the railings the 2nd level. Shinigami is a person. He should have a weakness somewhere. I wonder where...

"Shinigami, sir, I will lead you to the Barracks if you don't mind. Your much better then the temperamental boys around here. Perhaps we can have tea. After I give Kain back this!" Aneminia throws back the bullet that Kain shot at her earlier. And jumps back down to the gracefully. "Come with me, Shinigami. I think we have better stuff to talk about together. As she walks by Shinigami.
Sep 26, 2014 8:00 PM

Sep 2014
Alice tilted her head slightly, looking at the shinigami a bit curiously when he moved his blade at that speed. But then she turned her attention to the Black Gunslinger, hoping he wouldn't do anything too drastic but if he did, she was debating whether or not she'd intervene. This bit of drama actually amused her greatly, she was dying to be able to pull a gun trigger once again but she knew she'd have to ignore the urge, it was her first day after all.
Sep 26, 2014 8:13 PM

Feb 2013
"Authority?" Kain sneered and laughed off. "You think you're high off the ground just 'cause you're the old Headmaster's daughter? Did you forget that the oldman's dead already?" Again, the Black Gunslinger made his own laugh off Aneminia's statements. However, as soon as he said so, his attention was turned elsewhere.

Then, the bullet suddenly flew towards him. His smirk became a heavy scowl towards the small mage right in front of him. "Girl... You're starting to piss me off." Saying that, his scowl disappeared before he sent his hands towards his pockets and then he brought the pack of cigarrettes towards his mouth. He shook it a bit and a small glimpse of the cigarrette before he used his mouth to pick it up. It was a slow process, but something he always did before going for a battle. He then brought up a lighter and lighted it up after a few tries and then used it to light up the cigarrette. On the lighter stood a simple but threatening design. Two guns with a skull in the middle. His mother's lighter.

He pulled the cigarrette's smoke before finally turning towards the Shinigami. "Ok, let's see what you're capable of." He said as he smirked slightly. "I challenge you. If you have the courage to fight, then we'll meet outside and we'll fight. If not, you're just a stupid coward without the power to kill anyone." He added with a cold tone. It was a clearly challenging tone. He wanted to see what the Shinigami was capable of. "If either of you two want to back him up, go ahead, that just means more trouble for you." He added as he pulled the cigarrette from his mouth and then released puffs of smoke.

Turning around, he made his way towards the exit, where he would await to see the Shinigami's reaction.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 8:24 PM

Dec 2011
The Shinigami seemed to ignore the two, waiting for Kain's response. At Kain's reaction and challenge to his warning, he hefted the bladed once more, however ended up slinging it over his shoulder like before and turning to walk the opposite way. Was The Shinigami a coward? Hardly. Did he see a point in fighting? None at all. He gave Kain that warning after he shot a bullet towards Aneminia. If Kain wasn't going to harm him or others, he saw no reason to fight. Perhaps he also knew that Kain wished to test him and was doing this simply to tick him off some more? As he started walking away, glancing at Aneminia and Alice before continuing on his wandering path, studying his surroundings. Upon further inspection, it looked as if The Shinigami was not actually lost, but simply exploring.
Sep 26, 2014 8:59 PM

Sep 2014
Without thinking Alice ran towards Shinigami and stopped at his side, "Bunny.." She tugged on his sleeve gently, she was still cautious about Black Gunslinger plus her horrible urge to go trigger crazy. Letting out a soft sigh, she hid her gun in her back pocket hopefully having a "out of sight, out of mind" effect.
Sep 26, 2014 9:05 PM
Jul 2018
Aneminia lightly jabs the Shinigami's side. "Hey I know you can speak but don't won't to. But I'm getting sick of Kain. Do you want to get out of here?" Aneminia whispers the Shinigami. Kain is drive me nuts today. Boys these day can't control their feelings anymore they get into the boiling hot outburst. Just be because of war. Which side is right in a endless war of tag of war? Why did Okarith decided to break the rules. What happen to the God of Void? What reason can't Gaia even fight Okarith when he was after the Creator? How did Okarith made the Creator into a great sleep. Does the Creator has enough power to uses enough power? It all lies in my parents works.
Sep 26, 2014 9:06 PM

Jan 2014
I open the door to the tech wing dorm but come face to face with a group of people standing in my way
"The fuck?"
My eyebrows curl into a look of questioning and my tail even looks like a question mark sign.
"Seriously... the fuck is going on right now?"
Sep 26, 2014 9:09 PM

Feb 2013
Kain awaited. Taking a glance at his clock, he wondered why the man was taking this long. As a Shinigami, he had to at least hold onto his glory or honor. Cowardice wasn't one thing that Shinigami would usually show off about. His clock marked off a late time. He was actually starting to wonder if the man was even going to show up.

"Lying son of a bitch." He spoke to himself in a cold tone, as he awaited out for the man.

His stare came away from the clock that was on his wirst and towards the door. He walked away from the door and stopped right in front of it. He then stared at the door, awaiting. To his surprise, who came out was actually Rikki, who he simply ignored by looking away. "Great... Now this idiot also joins into it." Saying this, Kain spitted on the ground to his left and then looked back towards the exit of the Tech Wing, awaiting patiently.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 9:21 PM

Dec 2011
As he felt his sleeve being grasped, he looked down to see Alice again. Staring at her for a few moments, he gave a very subtle tilt of his head before he continued walking, which was the best way he could tell her that she could follow if she wished. Once he was done with his little exploration quest, he turned and began heading towards the exit. As Aneminia spoke, he continued looking forward, almost seemingly ignoring her, but he was listening. That was his intent; to leave. He knew that Kain probably awaited for him, but he didn't care. He'd just walk past him. That is, unless he was so persistent in fighting him that he did something worth drawing The Shinigami's aggro. Though, what Aneminia said wasn't wrong. It wasn't that The Shinigami was incapable of speech, merely that he chose not to speak. For what reasons, however, are still unknown.

As they grew closer to the exit, The Shinigami spotted Kain standing by the door, however held not killer intent nor aggressive stance. It was clear his intention was simply to nonchalantly ignore him.
Sep 26, 2014 9:32 PM

Feb 2013
It shouldn't be too much longer now. Blair has sent the message a while ago and had since been waiting patiently on the bed in the boy's room. Her normal attire had been abandoned after she'd gotten to the room and all she had left was a thin, low-cut shirt and a pair of shorts. She was growing impatient now. The noise outside the room was making it worse. It had been going on for some time and it was getting louder by the minute.

The familiar sound of gunfire rang through the halls outside and grated on her ears. She pressed them back against her head to try and block out the sound to no avail and, after another minute of it her patience was wearing thin. Getting up from the bed she made her way to the door and pulled it open. The room, obviously not hers as made clear by its location in the male's wing, belonged to none other than one of the faces she found when she poked her head out along with one other familiar face.

"There you are." Blair said as she leaned up against the door frame and leveled her eyes on Rikki. They moved soon to Kain and she posed him a question. "So... what stunt is our gun friend pulling now? I'm dying to know."
Sep 26, 2014 9:37 PM

Sep 2014
Alice followed closely behind him, cautiously looking at the Black Gunslinger as they approached him. With her trigger urge dying down, she was able to relax a bit more and not be so much on the defensive. Although the shinigami didn't have any intentions of fighting, she was pretty sure how it would end sadly, it was just a hunch though. She didn't plan on acting on just a hunch, neither men looked like they'd attack each other. She let out a soft sigh again, "I need to stop worrying so much..." she softly mumbled to herself.
Sep 26, 2014 9:45 PM

Feb 2013
As soon as the man known as Shinigami came out of the Tech Wing, however, Kain aimed his gun towards the man and prepared to shoot. He aimed his gun towards the man and shot him directly, without even wasting time. It was a direct shot, aimed with full killing intent by his gun Artoris.

After the shot, he quickly aimed Dain and prepared to shoot, but someone stood on his way. A small girl that was apparently protecting the man. She stood right beside the man and seemed ready to protect him in any way possible. Of course, something reminded him of his mother... The girl's attitude... Kain's scowl grew stronger before he finally made a decision and turned around, not looking towards the man.

He turned around and made his way away from the man. "I will stay test you, Shinigami. Next time, don't you dare use a girl to protect yourself." Saying that, he turned around. He knew very well that the man wouldn't fall for such a simple trick. As soon as he turned around, however, he was surprised by someone's pointy ears and apparently sexualized clothing, very clear and very easily distinguishable.

"So... what stunt is our gun friend pulling now? I'm dying to know." The question came out of her lips. "Blair..." He mused to himself as he smirked once more. "Picking up on the recruits again. You know I can't hold back." He joked as he looked away slightly and spitted once more, taking a quick glance at the man known as Shinigami before turning back to his companions. "Listen up, we need to start up a policy to make these mages go out of our area..." He stated. They both knew very well of his hate towards mages and knew very well that he was rather skeptical about the use of magic.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 10:01 PM

Dec 2011
The moment Kain lifted his gun he, somewhat roughly, forced Alice to the as he moved to the side in an attempt to evade it, however still gaining a small gash on his side that he hardly seemed to mind. Lifting his blade of his shoulder he began to stomp forward towards him, even when he supposedly called off the fight, he continued to advance. The moment he fully exited the doorway, it turned into a sprint. The Shinigami couldn't give a crap about any of the things most people did. Pride, honor, religion and all the other things that many can say that they fight for, he will spit at them all. He cared about a very select few things, and when any of those things were threatened he didn't hesitate. One reason he did not fight for any reason other than a select few is because of the simple fact that he can't "spar". When he fights, he fights with an intent to kill and thus, normally only fights when he feels that the target deserves what's coming to them.

As he closed in on him, he made a large, overhead swing of his blade downwards on Kain. It was full of an intent to kill with no hesitation or mercy. He truly was trying to kill Kain.
Sep 26, 2014 10:06 PM

Jan 2014
I saw blair wearing her "booty call" outfit but my eyes turned back as the man tried to kill Kain. I reacted with the speed of lightning and stopped the sword with my boomerang. It took a lot to try to keep the blade at bay but I had to else it'll be kain and I in the infirmary.
"I know you dont like Kain.... Hell I dont like Kain.... But you shouldn't try to pick a fight with an idiot like him!"
I push back and disarm the warrior. Panting I stare into his eyes
"I know he probably did something stupid but don't try to kill your comrades, save that for the monsters out there wrecking the world"
Sep 26, 2014 10:11 PM

Feb 2013
"Foolish." Saying that, the Black Gunslinger's smirk grew wide. This entire time, Kain expected something like this. He expected another attack and he knew and trusted Blair and Rikki to act. Now he was just one step ahead. "You truly are a beserk, huh? When you start it, you don't know when to stop. Dishonorable. I'll show you why you can't defeat me." The bullet chamber rotated and Dain delivered a bullet directly to it's leg. Artoris rotated and the bullet was sent onto his shoulder, the one he used to support the sword. The attack was quickly applied, giving the Shinigami no chance for evasion or protection.

Still aiming both guns at the man, Kain finally stopped shoothing while he stared at the man. "Good... Good... Let's see what you're capable of, newbie." He smirked in self-accomplishment. Perhaps he was truly happy with the current situation. It was satisfactory for him. "You were able to withstand those shots, but the next ones won't miss." Kain had made only two shots and he missed them on purpose, otherwise he would've blown the man's leg and shoulder. The smirk on Kain's face was playful, he wasn't even taking the man seriously. He was expecting this to be just a joke... Just another playful attitude of the Black Gunslinger.

It would be very obvious that Blair would try to stop this. If things grew too big for them, they could even disappear on him. "Shinigami... Can you take three against you? Don't you value your own life?" He exclaimed. "I don't mind going to prison again... But you'll be dead." Kain added in a cold tone.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 26, 2014 10:23 PM

Dec 2011
The moment Rikki stood in his way, The Shinigami held back as much as he could from his swing, it still clashing against his boomerang however not nearly at as much force as intended. Pulling his blade back, he pointed his blade at Rikki, as if telling him to move. He took the bullets, seemingly not caring. Though, he was wearing a mask so it wasn't as if you could tell if he was grimacing or anything of the sort anyway.

Listening to Kain's words, he'd break out laughing if that wasn't out of his character. He spoke of dishonor, however challenged him, then shot and tried to back out before shooting at him as his friends protected him? Of course, he saw that as strategic, not dishonorable, but coming from the man's, or rather warrior's mouth, it sounded completely hypocritical. He'd also laugh at how he seemed to attempt to "reason" with him. Each word that came out of his mouth reminded him of the "trash" that he often cut down, albeit more powerful. It also proved how little he actually understood about The Shinigami... Of course, that's how he preferred it.
Sep 26, 2014 10:27 PM

Sep 2014
Alice pulled out her revolver and quickly aimed it at Black Gunslinger, she took a deep breathe before pulling the trigger, she waited a few moments before shooting again without hesitation. She wasn't trigger crazed like she wanted to be right now, she was nervous, almost even scared. She didn't look at Black Gunslinger after that, she just quickly made her way to the shinigami. "Are you alright? Can you walk?" She asked him, you can tell how nervous she was just from her voice, sadly the Black Gunslinger truly scared her.
Sep 26, 2014 10:37 PM

Feb 2013
Tonight was supposed to have been a quiet one. Well, for everyone else anyway. And yet it was turning into a full-out battle in the middle of the dormitory. More shots rang out through the hall and a new face (presumably the one Kain had chosen for target practise) raised his sword against him. So first it was mages butting into their hall and now there were warriors too?

"Well, well, well... This is a clusterfuck if I've ever seen one." Even as she spoke Blair leaned down to pull the small knife from where it was strapped to her ankle. It would've been coming off soon, but aside from those special situations it never left her. She brought it up and with a quick snapping motion she flung the blade toward Kain. She'd aimed it carefully so it wouldn't harm him. At this range she doubted it would've hurt him even if she'd been trying. He knew her and Rikki well. Her knife connected, but not with him or his guns. It buried its tip in the wall beside the man's head as a warning. "You're all so lively tonight. It's ruining my fun."

She slumped back against the door frame and then turned her eyes to the warrior. She gave him a quick once over to judge his condition. He had taken a few bullets from Kain's gun just now. "Not much bark to ya, but it seems you've got some bite." Rocking back to her feet she paced out of the door and went over to Kain. Her tail laid lazily behind her with only a quick flick of the tip every so often. She set her hand on the man's gun and pushed the barrel toward the floor. Her other hand reached around him to pull the knife from the wall. "Shooting people and making people hate you... are those the only things you're good at?" With another casual flick of her wrist she flung the dagger again. It connected with the girl's bullet, deflecting it and rendering both weapons harmless. "You're a sharpshooter, right? Not very good. Tsk... I'm disappointed." She paused a moment and then shrugged her shoulders. As she did, her bored expression gave way to a smirk. "If you're scared of this much then you're not gonna last long."
Sep 27, 2014 3:04 PM

Feb 2013
Kain had loosened up a bit before he stared at the man. His guns were still up, however, and ready to shoot the man. However, suddenly, the girl behind him raised her gun, giving Kain time enough to react to the first shot. He sidestepped out of her aim quickly and the shot flew by his left side. Normally, he would've shot her back, but he was not going to kill an innocent person right now. His thing was not with the girl, since, after all, he had challenged the Shinigami only. Yet, still, the Shinigami had brought her into the battle. For Kain, this was unforgivable.

As soon as he raised his guns again, however, something immediatly caught his attention. A knife flew by the back of his head and hit against the wall. It stuck deep in and it had a small signature on the left side. Kain knew who this knife belonged to. A dry chuckle could be heard as he kept his guns up and aimed at the man. Then, not surprisingly, Blair interveened. A smirk grew on his face as soon as she questioned, a playful smirk she saw whenever he got in trouble like these. "Well, what can I say? You know me very well." He said as he lowered his guns, but kept his eyes at the Shinigami. He drew another cigarrette from the pack he had removed from his pocket. He shook the pack and used his mouth to take the cigarette out, before lighting it up with the barrell of his gun. He pulled the smoke in, puffed a few times and then casually smoked slowly.

The shots Kain had used were weak shots. He had made sure not to hit the man in vital areas. If the man was feeling pain by now, though, Kain's next shots would be sure to hurt a lot. "Listen, I wasn't even planning for them to show up. I was going to make a fair and square combat between me and you, clean duel but, since they showed up, I'm pretty sure they won't let me keep on this duel with you, considering it is a threat to both our lives and we both don't really care about it." Kain said with a small smirk on his face. "Now, I know you. I know you won't try to kill them. I know your deal is with me, just like my deal is with you. I ain't got anything against ya', but I am pretty sure you got something against me now which is fine, really. I like the way you act, all as if you were better than me but I can see deep below your mask that you're just another killer. You may not kill for the same reasons I do, but that doesn't matter. One's life is one's life and you took many, just like I did. I just want to see why you kill..." He said as he turned around. It was pretty clear that even if the Shinigami tried, he would get nothing out of continuing this battle unless his death. What Kain was doing was not to give the man another chance, but to give him some time to think on his own reasons. The man intrigued him and this was Kain's own way of seeing through people... Especially someone who killed others, like him.

Kain was still smoking as he quickly spoke to both Blair and Rikki. "Don't waste your time. We ain't gonna solve anything right now." He stated as he made his way inside, puffing some smoke periodically.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 27, 2014 5:01 PM

Jan 2014
I holster my boomerang and sigh out loud
"The hell is going on... you guys are gonna give me an aneurism."
I scratch the back of my head as I turn to blair
"this sounds totally selfish but do you still wanna hun?" I point to my room after asking her if she wants to do what we were going to do what we were going to do before this stupid fight broke out
Sep 27, 2014 5:15 PM

Feb 2013
With the mess finally cleared up and the warriors and mages gone, Blair let out a heavy sigh. Kain was taking his leave now as well and soon enough the hall was empty save for her and Rikki. "I think they need to get those security locks checked." Her tail flicked back and forth behind her in mild agitation. Of the three who had intruded upon the dorm only one actually looked like she belonged there. The others, the warrior and the mage, were undoubtedly out of place.

"You and Kain made me come out here dressed like this. And you made me wait too. I think you owe me at least that much."
Sep 27, 2014 5:19 PM

Jan 2014
"Sorry blair, but as you saw... I was kinda caught up in something stupid"
I move behind her and hug her from behind, whispering in her ear
"I wonder how I can make it up to you?" I teasingly ask before blowing into her ear as I walked past her. running my tail across her back I open the door and motion for her to come in
Sep 27, 2014 5:25 PM

Feb 2013
The young fox's eyes followed him as he walked around behind her. And when he slid his arms around her the corners of her mouth tugged upward into a little grin. "I think you've already got a few ideas for that." Her ear twitched and unconsciously flattened against her head when he blew into it. He backed away right after and opened the door to his room again for her to enter. She did so with pleasure and waited for him there.
Sep 27, 2014 10:08 PM

Apr 2010
Isabella made her way inside the Military Academy to the front entrance of the Tech Wing Dormitory. It took her awhile to find this place, constantly getting bad directions here and there. A supposed prank by some of the upper ranks for kicks, thinking that it would be fun to mess with some of the fresh new recruits. Most people that she had passed by to get to the wing found it a bit odd for a maid to be in such a place. Some had just brushed it off, assuming that she was only here for sanitary purposes. She was about to go inside the wing itself, but the entrance door was suddenly starting to close on her by the dormitory's computer A.I.

Due to an incident that had occurred in this dormitory,
all dormitories have enhanced their security measures
to prevent similar incidents to arise.

When the dormitory computer A.I. suddenly took action, Isabella was a bit surprised and wondered how she would be able to get inside. She wanted to go inside, but she didn't know how she would be able to do so. Obviously going inside wasn't gonna be like a walk in the park. Isabella scanned for something that could help her get inside, but to no avail there wasn't anything. She paused for a moment and decided to talk to the A.I.

"But... What does that have to do with me getting inside?" Isabella politely questioned the A.I. "I presume that I'm not the only one facing this problem." She continued to speak to the A.I. It felt a bit weird to talk to an A.I., but she had to talk to it for her to be able to get inside. "So... How would I be able to get inside this dormitory? Since you're preventing people from going inside." Isabella finished in a mannerly tone.

After Isabella finished talking, the A.I. revealed the DNA scanner that was hidden right next to it. It seems that a new policy has been enforced to all dormitories. Requiring that everyone had to be scanned on the DNA scanner. All one must do was to place their hand onto the scanner and the A.I. would do the rest. If the DNA scanner complies to your scan then you'll be able to get inside. If the DNA scanner doesn't comply to it then you'll be locked out.

To solve that dilemma, one is able to go inside
by being process by the dormitory's DNA scanner
that is right next to me.

All one must do is place their hand onto the DNA scanner
and I will process their DNA to determine if they'll have access.

Now... Place your hand onto the DNA scanner for me to determine
whether or not you have access to this dormitory. Because...
If you don't, you'll obviously be locked out.

After hearing the A.I. explained how to get inside, Isabella complied to the instructions and placed her hand onto the dormitory's DNA scanner. The DNA from her hand was being scanned to determine if she had access to the dormitory. The A.I. finished scanning her DNA and concluded that she has permission to be in the dormitory. The entrance door finally began to open and she was now able to get inside the dormitory. She began to walk inside the dormitory and saw some people in there.
RyumiaSep 27, 2014 11:22 PM
Sep 27, 2014 10:36 PM

Dec 2011
If he could, he would have scoffed at his assumptions. Believing that he was better? That couldn't be farther from the truth. He's a monster and he knows it. But he could tell that Kain was trying to figure him out, but from how he saw it, that wouldn't happen unless he allowed it to, and he didn't plan to. And despite Kain's obvious interest in him , The Shinigami saw nothing but another target when he turned his back. The Anima used a peculiar word. "Comrade". However, he felt that allies and enemies were individual and personal. A comrade was someone he could trust and put his life on the line to defend without hesitation, but that wasn't a category that Kain fell into, not by a long-shot.

The Shinigami stared at the Warrior as he left, before turning and heading towards his own dorms, glancing back slightly to see if the... somewhat strange girl was still following him.
Sep 28, 2014 12:03 AM

May 2012
As Enzo began speaking to Jun, He noticed another woman enter the dorm.

His eyes inadvertently panned to her. Definitely a looker, although the maid outfit was peculiar, even in this strange of a scenario. Sleek black hair, stunning pale skin. If it weren't for her clothing, one would assume her beauty would make royal ladies flustered.

Enzo approached the maiden. His height made him tower over her, forcing Enzo to converse and a lower point than usual. "Hello there, miss. Are you new here?" Enzo's expression was a light smile. He was the type to rarely grin, and his elated face matched his slightly pleased one.
Sep 28, 2014 12:32 AM

Apr 2010
As Isabella entered the dormitory, some people began to stare at her and she started to blush. She wasn't sure what to do or where to even go. Still standing in place until she could come up with something. The place was obviously divided into sections of some sort, but she knew someone could clear it up for her at some point. Or possibly trying a trial and error approach. Thinking about it sort of hurted her brain until a man had approached her.

"Uh... Yes. I'm new to this area." Isabella kindly answered to Enzo's question. "I had a bit of trouble trying to find this place. I was even blocked by the A.I. System for a brief moment before coming inside." She explained to him. "Oh... Right. My name." Isabella continued, almost forgetting to introduce herself due to some of the attention she was getting. "My name is Isabella. It's a pleasure to meet you. You're the first nice person that I met today. How odd..." She politely introduced herself to the seemingly kind Enzo.
RyumiaSep 28, 2014 1:16 PM
Sep 28, 2014 12:56 AM

May 2012
One could tell she was brought up from a family of morals. He tone was as clean and smooth as a freshly waxed marble floor. "I'm on the same boat as you... I just got here myself." His tone was genuine. "Isabella... that was my mother's name..."

Enzo quickly hid his sorrow with his usual smile. "Well i'm glad to know that I'm considered nice by your standards! If I could, may I accompany you while you wonder the dorms? I seem to be quite lost..." Enzo scratched his head, slightly blushing from the embarrassment of cluenessness.
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