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Aug 13, 2014 6:34 AM

Sep 2012
Hey I'm Capricious_Smile!

I like psychological, action adventure and slice of life anime. I would say horror but the only thing I've seen that's been remotely scary would be Another which I didnt find all that good to be honest.

Anyways as for me I'm a 20yr old uni student doing a BA and soon to be librarian.

Introduce yourself down below.:)
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Aug 13, 2014 4:26 PM

Feb 2013
Revive your beloved Queenslanders Smile!

Hey, I'm Objective or Mark.

Favourite Genres are sport and shoujo, but I also enjoy shounens, SOL and fantasy.

I'm 19 and study accounting at griffith gold coast.

Hobbies include gym, anime and any kind of sport.

Nice to meet you all.
Aug 14, 2014 6:36 AM

Sep 2013
Hey I'm Ricebunny,

My favourite anime genres are psychological thrillers, fantasy/supernatural, romantic dramas and shounens.

I'm 18 years old and am a full time Uni student :)

I like listening to music, watching anime and other shows, playing sports etc.

Nice to meet everyone :)
Sep 2, 2014 7:27 AM

Nov 2012
Umu, I'll join in. Hello, I'm CreamyKagarin
I don't know what my favorite genres are, I'll pretty much watch/read anything that catches my interest. I like series with a huge cast of characters in it but not like Darker than Black where most of the characters only appear for one episode but ones where each character receive equal screen-time and character development. My favorite series so far is a tie between Baccano! and Rewrite(Visual Novel).
I'm 16 and am entering the Tertiary Preparation Pathway at USC mid-next year.
I enjoy anything that doesn't involve me getting out of this chair.
Pleased to meetya!
Sep 2, 2014 8:45 PM

Sep 2012
Welcome members! Thank you for your time introducing yourselves here. Lots of uni / to be uni students I see.

@ CreamKagarin, I go to usc too, it’s a nice small little uni, I hope you enjoy your time there. If you need any help send me a message or pm. ^^

If anyone one has any suggestions to increase activity I'd be happy for suggestions.

A member’s card is in the works so expect to see one shortly!
mc093Sep 2, 2014 8:48 PM
Sep 5, 2014 1:02 AM

Nov 2012
Hey, I'm xEmptiness.

My favourite anime genres are psychological, mystery and drama, with heavy philosophical blends.

I'm a 20 year old medical student at UQ, sadly nowhere near graduation yet :(

I really hate studying, I never do it. So I guess you'll catch me playing video games, watching anime, procrastinating, eating, sleeping or hanging out with friends most (by that I mean all) of the time.
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Sep 7, 2014 4:52 AM

Oct 2012
I'm Lemon.
I'm cool with all genres as long as the series is interesting and somewhat entertaining.
I haven't been watching anything at all rip anime phase, so if anyone has any recommendations do share.
Forever a 12 year old loli no matter what anyone says. >tfw not 12
I play video games but I suck at them which is why I never want to ever co-op but my Steam ID is lemonthetic if anyone wants to add me.

Sep 10, 2014 2:46 AM
Dec 2010
*arrives at the club one month late with Starbucks*
Please don't kill me for bringing a Tumblr meme in here.

Hi! I'm Honeythief. I'm just another loser nerd from Brisbane. Currently doing a course in Information Services (i.e. library work).

I watch a bit of everything, but I especially like psychological/thriller anime, as well as supernatural stuff.

Hobbies include anime (duh), reading, photography, procrastinating, playing video games & visual novels and figure collecting.

Nice to meet you all!
Sep 13, 2014 11:38 AM

Sep 2012
Welcome Honeythief, Lemon and xEmptiness! I'm glad to see a few gamers. I hope you guys enjoy your stay.
Sep 14, 2014 3:08 AM
Dec 2008
Iorin here.
I am studying Pharmacy at UQ so you might see me behind the dispensary one day. Or maybe not.
I love reading funny manga a lot though I barely watch anime these days. Nice to meet y'all.
Sep 14, 2014 3:46 AM

Feb 2013
Welcome to the club!
How deep into your degree are ya?
Sep 14, 2014 4:14 AM
Dec 2008
2nd year and it gets a bit more intense.
Not as bad as first year though.
Sep 19, 2014 3:12 AM

Oct 2007
Hi everyone! I'm Mickey :)

Just turned 22 in August, and in my second year of full time work after doing a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting at QUT :) Money is awesome, but barely any time for anime/manga anymore D;

Just started cosplaying this year, I am a big fan of shoujo manga (most of my collection is Shojo Beat haha) and I watch a range of genres in anime. I also enjoy reading, gaming, movies, hanging with friends and sleeping lolol

Nice to meet you all :D So good seeing a QLDers Group on here! x3
Sep 19, 2014 8:26 AM

Apr 2009
hey, hey, hey!

i'm 20 years old, i'm from brisbane, i'm studying IT at South Bank and hope to go to QUT after

i enjoy kpop, video games, anime (duh) and cosplaying sometimes i suppose c:

i also play league of legends! so if any of you have a league account i'm always up to play

nice to meet you all! i love meeting new people :D

Sep 20, 2014 9:05 PM

Mar 2014
Hi there, I'm MagicalGirl92!

I'm into any genre, as long as I find the series interesting :) My personal favourite would have to be Hell Girl.

I'm 22, recent university graduate (Anthropology & Literature) & from Cairns :)
Sep 21, 2014 3:25 AM

Apr 2009
MagicalGirl92 said:
Hi there, I'm MagicalGirl92!

I'm into any genre, as long as I find the series interesting :) My personal favourite would have to be Hell Girl.

I'm 22, recent university graduate (Anthropology & Literature) & from Cairns :)

Never seen Hell Girl! But the premise is so interesting I want to give it a watch soon

Nice to meet you!
Sep 24, 2014 4:11 AM

Jul 2013
Welp, I just joined so here comes my intro.

I'm WagginSwaggin, you can call me Wag or anything you feel like really. I'm 17, male and currently in my final year of high school. I have no immediate plans for uni and currently debating whether to go to TAFE of straight into full time employment. Oh, and I'm based on the Gold Coast.

My hobbies include listening to music, playing rugby and watching anime and reading manga. My favourite anime is Baccano and my favourite genres are either sport, romance or action. My favourite manga is Hajime no Ippo.

I look forward to getting to know you guys & girls :)
WagginSwagginSep 24, 2014 4:59 AM
Oct 1, 2014 6:59 PM
Jul 2018
Hi, I'm Kitti :3
I like psychological thrillers, but i really like romance if they're not mainstreme.
I haven't been much on lately since I've been very busy, but from now on I'll be much more online and active :)

I hope you're all enjoying the Holidays I am :)
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