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Aug 3, 2014 7:00 PM

Feb 2013

Waking up on a factory, every singe character has awakened at a different part of the factory.

As you walk out of the room where you were contained, you take a look outside to see the dark, shadowy and very scary scene of a desolated factory. Of what, you can't say, as the items on this factory seem ancient. So old that they probably go all the way back to the first factories ever made. The size of it is tremendous.

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YzmaelAug 3, 2014 8:02 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 18, 2014 8:38 PM

Feb 2013

Tohya Mizusawa - Room 12
Kujo Takikawa - Room 27
Watson - Room 21
Reiko Shizuka - Room 33
Yoshio Shizuka - Room 22
Yuuki Shizuka - Room 17
Myu Takenawa - Room 32
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 19, 2014 12:10 PM

Jul 2012
Tohya Mizusawa - Room#12 to Hall#10 near Area#13

Waking up to the cold rough surface feeling of a rugged ground Tohya Mizusawa gets up and finds himself in some sort of mine's resting spot, beside him was a lonely flickering lantern.

Ehhh? Where am I? How did I get here? Where's Haru and Kanase?

Picking up the somewhat eerie mining lantern he shouts out in hopes of finding his two little sisters."Haru! Kanase!"He called out as he slowly treaded out to the next connecting room and then another and then finds himself in a steel hallway. His shouts for his sisters echoed and bounced off the metal walls of the empty hall giving a slight chill of air blowing through...

The hall itself was not mine or cave-like in the least but more of a abandoned factory's hopes of finding answers and being careful Tohya continued his carefully placed steps as he walked down towards the dead end side of the hall still calling out for his sisters...
AsreaSep 20, 2014 5:14 AM
Sep 19, 2014 5:03 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Room#21 to Room #20 near Hallway to #19

Opening his eye's to total darkness, Watson is bewildered for a moment. Instinctively reaching over to his right to turn on his lamp, he pats at nothing but air. Reaching for his watch on his left arm, he gives a twist and light beams from it. "The.. hell...." he mutters in absolute disarray as he looks around. In front of him are rows after rows of empty, rusted, and collapsed metal shelves.

Panning the small light left then right he see's the room is full of nothing but the shelves. Looking up at the ceiling he can notice area's which have been damaged by water. Where am I!? He thinks to himself as the last thing he recalls is getting sleepy reading a book. Standing up from where he was sitting he walks around to try and hopefully find where he's at. Wandering the room looking at the faded walls and rust settled on the floor he see's nothing useful.

Must have been a storage... at this thought his light passes by a door across the room and stops. Recognizing what it is by the handle he walks toward it scanning the room a final time before leaving it behind to be greeted by another one. This one different in that it didn't have row after row of dilapidated shelves. Unlike the room behind him this one was completely empty. Walking to the middle to get a better view of the other side his steps echo off the walls.

"Thump..Thump..Thump..Thump.." He then stops. Something sounded weird in his footsteps. Starting a slower stride he continues again "Thump.... Thump.... Thump....Thump...." he hears it again. Turning his ears and not moving he hears a faint noise. Something similar to a muffled shout though he can't make out what. Turning ninety degree's his light falls upon another door. Opening it, it leads down a hallway which he can't see the end of, though the noise was slightly louder. Taking a step forward he tries to make out what it is.
AstrosSep 19, 2014 6:09 PM
Sep 19, 2014 5:29 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Room #33 to Corridors connecting rooms #'s 33, 32, 31 and Area #30

Reiko slowly sat up from where she originally lay unconscious on the freezing ground and stretched as she examined the surroundings, best she could with it being almost pitch-black. "Hm... Awaken on the cold ground in a dark, unknown and possibly abandoned place... How grim." She mused, however hardly seemed scared or even remotely nervous. She even held a small cat-like grin. "...But how did I get here... Is it an abduction, perhaps?" She inquired to herself with an amused chuckle as she slowly made her way around the room, digging in her coat pocket for her phone to use as a light source. "Not much in here... but..." She doted off.

This building looked a bit familiar and out of curiosity, Reiko decided to poke her head outside the door, discovering that it lead to a series of corridors. "Mm... It's like one of my own... but much older." She came to the conclusion that it must've been some sort of factory, back in whatever day it was constructed. "Hello~? Mister abductor~?" She called out to the corridors playfully, pausing for some kind of response or sound from anything before proceeding fully into the hallway.

Yoshio Shizuka - Room #22 to Room #25, near Area #24

As Yoshio's eyes fluttered open and he realized he wasn't in a place he was familiar with, his eyes widened for a moment before narrowing. "Yoshio." He called out. When he didn't get a response, his expression turned into a scowl. Sitting up and looking around for a few moments, he spoke again. "Anego." He called out once more, for his older sister. Not hearing a reply either, he stood to his feet and pulled his phone from his pocket. To his fortunate luck, there seemed to be no reception wherever he was, though he could still use it as a light source at least. Looking around, he seemed to have woken up in some sort of hallway or corridor. There were two doors he could take, one to his left and another to his right. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to take the right door, shining his light into the room before entering. His biggest priority at the moment was checking to see if there was anyone else in this compound, more specifically, his family.

Yuuki Shizuka - Room #17 to Room #16, near Area 15

Slowly opening his eyes, Yuuki squinted in an attempt to make out where he was. Feeling something missing from his face, he fumbled around, feeling the surrounding area of the ground until he luckily managed to find his glasses thanks to the room not being too large. He put them on and once more took a look to his surroundings however it's not like it helped much with the darkness. "What the hell?" He murmured to himself, searching his pocket for his phone and, seeing that there was no reception growled before shining the light from its screen to the surrounding area. There was nothing, no one. "Y-Yoshio!" He shouted out only to get no response. Seeing the only way out of the room, he opened the door and shined his light into the room it lead to. "Nee-sama!" He called once again. When he got no response he growled in anger. "Who the hell is responsible for this?! Do you know who I am?! Who we are?!" He questioned angrily to the nothingness that was in the room. Yuuki quickly took a deep breath and sighed to regain his composure. He needed to approach this rationally, not lose his temper and yell at the darkness.
Sep 19, 2014 9:46 PM

Feb 2013
Tohya Mizusawa:

As soon as the boy went out of the room and started to shout, alone in the darkness with only a flickering font of light, darkness slowly surrounded him and, as he walked, he would see the world around him contort and distort as a small red string floated by his left side and towards the right side of the hallway, nearing a small door to a room( Room 18 ) with a heavy-looking iron door.

The string called to Tohya as if it was daring him to follow it. It was far too shiney to be ignored, as it glowed in the dark. The iron door was wide open before the string flew in, but it closed tight right after it passed through, not allowing anyone else inside.

If Tohya had paid attention so far, he would look up and see multiple bodies hanging from the ceiling, all of them dripping with purely red blood, seemingly fresh. The bodies were apprently skinned alive, which caused all organs to appear from the outside as everything was shown. Some of them even had their eyes pulled out.

In case Tohya hadn't noticed so far already, the bodies dripped multiple drops of blood, which slowly coursed throught the dead bodies until they found their way to the feet of the bodies, then dropping by and hitting Tohya's head, slowly dripping down his head and towards his cheek, leaving a red mark accross his face.


Watson's steps grew slightly faster as soon as he walked into the hallway. Or so he thought. As soon as he stepped onto the hallway, he started to hear "more" steps than supposed. Every step Watson took had a response from the void darkness behind him, revealing another step right behind him as if something was clearly following him.

It had no intentions in showing itself and whenever Watson turned around, he would see nothing but another large void of light from his wirst. However, when he turned around, he would see a red, glowing string, floating through the air as if it was magical. It slowly flew around before finally going towards an Iron Door, which was wide open right before the string went inside. After that, the string disappeared inside the darkness of the room and then the iron door closed and shut tight all by itself. It wasn't eletronic so it couldn't be controled by far and it was clearly too heavy to have been pulled so fast. The silence afterward was the most scary part as the eerie sounds of the steps became more active.

Watson was immobile for a few minutes as the steps came towards his ear. He could feel something breathing on his neck as it spoke. "There is a radio on the table on the next room. Take it." The female voice was distorted, different from whatever someone heard their entire life. Whatever it was, it was not human.

Reiko Shizuka:

As soon as the girl went out of her room and walked into a seemingly empty and dark hall without any source of light in it except for her own cellphone. From behind Reiko, a quick sound echoed through the hall. A seemingly metalic sound, as if a rock had hitten a piece of wide metal. After it hit, however, it was pretty obvious that Reiko would react by looking towards it, and it was all that the person who threw the rock needed.

Suddenly right in front of Reiko, someone sweeped her legs and brought her down with ease before aiming a knife on her neck without any hesitation. It was so dark and Reiko's cellphone had dropped on the ground, she probably couldn't see anything ahead of her but she could easily feel the icy steel on her neck. "You're the one who captured me, aren't you? Didn't expect me to escape that room, didn't you?" A clearly female voice.

It didn't take not even a second after the female question and then suddenly lights had been activated at the hallway and on the entire place. However, not on the entire building, just on their section( Area 31, 32, 33, 30 and 29 ). Reiko would then see the girl that was on top of her. A stern expression with her strangely purple eyes aimed at the Reiko. Her eyes were unmoving, completely devoid of any warm on them, cold as they could be. Her black hair was so long and so clean that someone could see a reflection of light on them. Her knife was a strangely-bent one, aimed at Reiko's neck with not even a small hesitation. She awaited for surprised Reiko's response as she stared at the girl with a stern, serious and deadly expression, probably different from anything she had seen so far.

Yoshi Shizuka:

Yoshio's steps were careful and calculated. Even if he had tried to go through the left door, it was locked anyways, being a heavy iron door, completely unnaccessible for him.

Going towards the right was his only choice and he quickly walked towards a clean room. There was nothing there, until he moved his phone around. He would then see multiple bodies, so many that he wouldn't even be able to count. Strangely, they didn't seem dead, just not moving at all, like dolls. Some of them would twitch and move slightly as Yoshio moved. Their eyes were completely devoied of emotion and completely blank, not even a small hint of emotion or mind at it. The corpses didn't seem to feel light when Yoshio aimed it at them, but they could clearly hear him moving around the room, as they would sometimes stare at him and coldly await for another move. All dolls had their legs strangely cut off, but, though they were clearly made out of human flesh, they were not bleeding or bleedy at all. They were completely clean as if this had been a sirurgical operation.

Yuuki Shizuka:
Yuuki's yells were soundless. For some reason, no matter how much he shouted nothing would hear him. In the next room he entered, the door quickly closed behind him and then lights came up. Yellow lights filled the room as the iron door that was supposed to be the exit was closed. No matter how much he tried to exit, the door wouldn't even flinch at his hits. Though he was trying to shout, he just received a wicked female laugh in response, as if the thing was playing with him, just for it's fun.

"Do you want to play with me?" A childish voice asked. It wasn't coming from any speaker, it was just in the same room and loud as it could be. "Do you?" It asked as the room's yellow lights slowly started to fade.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 19, 2014 10:42 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Hallway between #18 and #19

Quickly turning around at the voice Watson was greeted again with the empty hallway. Heart racing and shaking slightly in his breaths the tactics of whoever this woman was were working on him. Taking a few seconds to regain his composure he took a deep breath and ended it with a forced exhale. Expelling his frustrations and fear, clearing his mind. "Where is this noise coming from?" he thought to himself as he looked down the hallway where he had came from.

The steps had started as soon as he had left the room and drew stronger the farther he went down the hallway. Shining his light upon the ceiling he tried looking for a speaker. Seeing nothing of the sort down the hallway he turned around and scanned the intersection between the door and the hallway to his left. Again nothing, about to give up on the notion he looks straight above him. Being greeted with a small dusty square metal box right above his head.

"So that's the trick." He thought with a slight smile. "She probably has camera's somewhere as well." He surmised by how precise she was with the foot steps and voice. Giving another quick look around, he unfortunately couldn't spot anything else so assumed they were too small to see. Shining his light on the door he walked up to it and tried to find if there were any noticeable details that could let him know how it worked.

Finding nothing he sighed and guessed it worked due to a piston system he couldn't see. Adverting his attention now to the hallway he hadn't been down, he thought of the red string. The way it had moved and seemingly disappeared behind the door. A few possibilities jumped around in his head as to what it could have been, as he started to make his way toward the radio. One of which made him stop in his tracks.

Looking up at the ceiling again with his light and looking behind him he thought of a grizzly possibility. One of which made his scenario more grim than he had thought. Stepping to the far right and staying close to the wall he made his way again toward the radio. Making sure to turn around every few steps to check behind him in case his suspicions were true or if he was being cornered.
AstrosSep 19, 2014 11:12 PM
Sep 19, 2014 11:45 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Room #33

Reiko squinted her eyes after the lights powered on, having been more adjusted to the darkness. Once her sight recovered she stared at the girl with more childlike curiosity and surprise than fear. Suddenly she began to giggle. "Wow! That was impressive! Do you have martial arts or military training? If so I might have a steady job for you!" She strangely praised the girl gleefully. "Sadly, however, I am incapable of abducting anyone. My physique is not much to scoff at. I'm sure you'd be able to hold me down quite easily even without that blade pointed at my neck." She apologized, sticking her tongue out playfully. "Oh! By the way. Was there anyone else in this room you were in?" She questioned her, so nonchalant about the knife at her neck that it was almost humorous. "Even if there wasn't, it's fine. Now I have a pretty little companion to explore with, at least!... Oh, right. Would you be a dear and remove the blade from my neck?" Reiko asked of her as if she was asking someone to pass the salt at the dinner table, but she realized that probably wasn't enough to convince the stoic-looking girl that she was not an enemy.

"Very well, I'll introduce myself and tell you how I came to be here. Perhaps that will lessen your anxiety? I am Reiko Shizuka, current head of Shizuka Arms Manufacturing. You've probably heard of us, right? We're pretty famous! Anyway, how I came to be here is... by waking up on the cold hard ground in a random room I have no knowledge of. Probably much like your situation, correct? Knowing these pieces of information about myself, do you still jump to the conclusion that I brought you here?" Reiko explained to the girl happily, as if conversing at some sort of dinner event.

Yoshio Shizuka - Room #25 to Area #24

Yoshio froze at the sight. "...Are you... alive?" He questioned the "dolls", but doubted he'd get answered back. He gulped and slowly made his way past the dolls. He took note of their occasional twitching and how some seemed to follow him with their eyes. He thought about who would have done such a thing as he got closer to the next door. This sight made him somewhat hesitant to open the next door. What if whatever was responsible for this was there?... Yoshio needed to find his siblings however and make sure they were safe. Afterwards, he'd do some more investigating and try to find who did this, but he'd need probably Yuuki for that. He worked best with his twin. As he reached the door, he cracked it and shone his light through the door crack to scout ahead a bit before looking back at the dolls and bowing slightly. "...I apologize for the intrusion... I won't let your suffering go unpunished." He stated blankly before raising his head and cautiously exiting through the door into the next room, or area rather as it was much too large to be any sort of room. Readying himself for a possible meeting with said creator of those "dolls", he examined the area.

Yuuki Shizuka - Room #16

At the wicked laugh, Yuuki froze and spun around, searching for a source. "Who's there?" He asked, calming himself down. At the eerie voice asking if he wants to play a game, he was reminded of a horror movie he once saw. Clearing his throat and trying to remain calm, he spoke again, pushing up his glasses as well. "I might be willing to play a game... Why don't we introduce ourselves and then discuss the possible games we could play... Does it not feel weird playing with a stranger?" He offered to the voice. It seemed childish, so he didn't automatically assume that this... whoever, was the one who brought him here, but the thought did cross his mind. "Why don't we... talk first. Introduce ourselves... Converse... Perhaps share our stories of how we got here?" He added. He had half a mind to simply proclaim he was an heir to the Shizuka family and demand said person to reveal themselves... but decided that being arrogant in this situation was probably not the best.
Sep 20, 2014 5:14 AM

Jul 2012
Tohya Mizusawa - Area#10 to Area#14

Tohya reaching the dead end noticed the slanted wall and then continued through to the door nearby. As he walked in the lantern flickered and died off when he got into the room, with no source of light he stopped his hollering and kept quiet as he heard only his own footsteps. Slowly he got to the slightly caved in part of the wall and walked on, but then an awkward floating red string just popped in between him and the wall. As a new decent source of light Tohya curiously followed it and noticed that the next room forced him to go right as the left was just a dead end but noted that the wall on the left was curved in. Still following it the string then flew through an iron door leaving Tohya alone in the dark again as he saw the door close and hears the door lock itself. Continuing again he then tries the next door and that the lock was on his side and unlocked the door but some force didnt allow him to open the door. Panicking a bit now Tohya started to head back the way he came and tried the door the string went in and sighed as it was really locked. Tohya didn't even look up to check the ceiling and assumed that the liquid that has been dripping throughout his time here was just malfunctioning sprinklers. The dripping also was more worse in certain areas, Tohya then decided to look up to check and thats when he was in for a shocking surprise. The tens of bodies skinned and hanged up was not what Tohya had expected and he cried out in a horrified almost girl like voice,"UWAHHHH!!!" And ran as he screamed and forced himself into the dead end devoid of the hanging bodies facing the wall, knees up to his chest and his head facing down Tohya was scared out of his life...

Why are there so many dead bodies here!!! Someone help me!!! Haru...Kanase...i hope they don't have to see this...Somebody help... he cried to himself in desperation...
Sep 20, 2014 11:31 AM

Feb 2013

As soon as he picked up the radio, he would hear a female voice, as if it was echoing through the radio and into reality. "Do not enter the iron doored room... It is another world... Another place where everyone dies... If you dare venture yourself into this, death is the only gift you will be presented." The female voice was the same that had asked him a few minutes, but not as distorted as before. Suddenly, the voice changed completely. A human voice came through the radio after a few minutes of silence. The voice was that of someone clearly desperate, the person didn't know what to do, so she had picked up the radio to talk with someone. "You see, Mr. Detective, I am looking for someone but I can't find this person. Can I ask for your help?" The mother asked in a troubled tone. She was clearly desperate. So desperate that she didn't even expected Watson to agree but she asked nonetheless.

Reiko Shizuka:

The girl was serious and her expressions were slightly blank, which difficulted Reiko's discovery of what this girl was thinking. The girl pressed the knife slightly against Reiko's neck during one of her long statements and shutted her mouth with a good scare. Right after that, the girl got up and left her target alone. After getting up, the girl placed the knife in what seemed to be a concealed sheath.

"Myu." She stated coldly in the air, not explaining anything and just stating her name. It took a few seconds of staring silence for her to speak again. "You can call me Myu." She said as she helped Reiko up. If what the girl said was true, she had no reasons to doubt her. Not to mention that their name was, indeed, a very known one. Since Myu barely watched TV, however, she couldn't say if this girl was really a member of the Shizuka or not. Even so, she didn't really care right now, she had bigger problems to solve.

The black-haired, green-eyed girl spun around as she made her way away from Reiko, not saying anything else. It seemed like Reiko was someone who spoke quite a lot, and Myu sincerely disliked people like that. Across the small hallway, Reiko and Myu found themselves on a large machinery room of the factory, with multiple cutting tools and various furnaces. On the deep end of the hall stood a table radio, similar to the one found on Watson's room. "A radio..." Myu mused mindlessly as she walked towards the thing. So far, the entire place was lighted up by the sudden burst of energy that was now feeding the lightbulbs above the two girl's heads. The illumination was very old, as the lightbulbs were still a very strong yellow that crossed the entire room.

Yoshio Shizuka:

Opening the door revealed a large machinery room. However, most machineries were very small compared to what he immediatly faced when he opened the door.

A gigantic, massive furnace with it's fiery maw wide open revealing the light of flames aimed at the door Yoshio was. Above the mouth of the furnace was a small piece of paper, with words written in what seemed to be red ink, dripping to the floor. Feed me. Those were the words written on the furnace.

If Yoshio walked around, all he would see was just a giant metal door leading to Area 23, obviously locked. On Area 28, he would see nothing as the door to the next area was concealed, but he would still be able to listen faint machinery sounds of blades penetrating through flesh and then skinning it alive. No matter how much he tried, the only thing that had any hint on what to do was the "Feed me" written above the maw of the inferno.

Yuuki Shizuka:
Again, the child laughed happily as soon as he responded. "My name is--" As soon as the child was to say her name, some sort of sound didn't allow her voice to completely say it. She said it, but something on Yuuki's mind didn't allow him to hear it. "And I'm looking for my mom." The child said. "Will you help me find my mom, please?" She asked. The voice seemed to be coming from the darkness in the room, now that a few lights had already turned off. Darkness slowly enveloped the room. A message would now appear on Yuuki's cellhphone.

It said:

Don't look into her eyes

With that, silence issued once more, as the child awaited for Yuuki's response. "Will you play with me until I find my mom?" The kid asked mindlessly.

Tohya Mizusawa:
[quote]Silence issued for the following minutes as the boy hid there, there was no one to respond to him, no one to look for him. Only darkness and a soundless hallway.

The sound of nothingness was quite unnverving, only the bodies hanging from the ceiling banged against each other, making sounds of flesh hitting one another. It was scary and eerie, to say the least.
YzmaelSep 20, 2014 2:01 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 20, 2014 12:26 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Room #19

Hesitant to move it, Watson reluctantly picked up the radio. As soon as he had possession of it the voice from earlier returned. Though this time it was less distorted and giving a warning. Looking around in the room with his light he tried looking for new speakers, as that would explain the change in the voice. Sadly he spotted nothing of the sort and assumed they weren't visible to him.

Thinking on the warning he was a bit confused. Who was this distorted woman's voice and what did she want? Directing him to a radio only to warn him to stay trapped or else face death. Was she protecting him or trying to prevent him from meddling? If that was the case, she could have just killed me. Watson thought right before his pondering was interrupted by the radio.

It was the voice of a mature woman who seemed clearly desperate by her anxious tone of voice. "You see, Mr. Detective " How does she know I'm a detective? Watson thought, as this statement grabbed his attention. Is this another trick to mess with me? He theorized. A few seconds of silence followed the plead for help before Watson replied. "No guarantees but..... who are you looking for and where are you? He asked the radio as he began thoroughly searching the room around him. Putting the radio in his left hand he began walking around inspecting the walls, looking for ventilation, or any signs of an exit besides the iron door supposedly leading to death.
AstrosSep 20, 2014 12:30 PM
Sep 20, 2014 12:45 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Area #30(?)

Taking the girl's hand which helped her up, her happy smile quickly turned into a curious expression. Holding her arms behind her back, she quickly kept up to pace with the girl called Myu. "My, how cold. Not even an apology for pointing a blade at me?" She questioned with a fake hurt tone before giggling. "Very quiet, aren't you? You'd get along well with my little brother! He should be spending more time with cute girls anyway." She commented in a cheerful tone that said nothing at all was amiss. "Seriously speaking though, why so reserved? Were you raised to behave in such a way? Or perhaps... some event is the cause of your stoic attitude...?" Reiko inquired with a mischievous, catlike grin. The girl was interesting to say the least. She found the look in her eyes especially intriguing. She had no doubt that if she goaded the girl, Myu wouldn't have hesitated with that knife. As she saw it, Myu's appearance just added another thing to investigate.

As they entered the area with the radio, she quickly huddled against Myu, obviously only pretending to be scared. "This facility is much too eerie for my liking... You'll protect me, won't you?" Reiko played off the damsel in distress. To others, she undoubtedly wasn't taking the situation too serious and she bet she was going to get on Myu's nerves. However Reiko knew that you could learn a lot about a person solely through such simple interactions and teasings.

Yoshio Shizuka - Area #24

Yoshio stared at the furnace, equally grateful and distressed that he found no one in the room. He didn't like that there was seemingly no way out of this room though, all he could think of was "Feed Me." Digging into his other pocket he took out his wallet, removing the confines of it before tossing it into the fire. There was also the "dolls" in the previous room, but he wasn't going to toss them in there. He didn't even know what they were, if they were alive or... anything. "...That is all that I have the right to feed you unfortunately..." He spoke to the furnace as if it were an actual person before deciding to look around again.

Yuuki Shizuka - Room #16

"Your mother? In a place like this?" Yuuki inquired, taking note of the message on his phone. There's no reception... How...? He inquired mentally before returning his attention to the girl, however keeping his eyesight focused on his phone. "I will do what I am able to, but to find your mother, we'll need to get out of this room won't we? I'm sure she's looking for you as well... I wouldn't necessarily mind playing a game with you... but would it not be better to search for your mother? Best not make her worry." He responded calmly to her pleas. "First, can you tell me anything you remember about this place and how you as well as your mother got here? Anything you can remember would greatly help both of us."
EmperorsChosen01Sep 21, 2014 10:46 AM
Sep 21, 2014 10:30 AM

Jul 2012
Tohya Mizusawa - Area#14 to Room#12

Still hunched in the corner of the extended area of the room Tohya was by himself desperate and terrified, the empty lantern left next to him gave him no comfort. The hanging bodies banging against each other was no help either and he tried tried to close out the noxious sound by covering and plugging his ears but no matter what he did he still heard the flesh like sound... with only his thoughts to himself Tohya was starting to lose it...Either he stayed as a crybaby or try to tough it out...he then remembered the mine area he was in and found that place a lot more comforting then here. In a rush he got up and picked up the lantern and hugged the wall avoiding as much blood as he could as he made his way back to the resting spot.
AsreaSep 21, 2014 11:44 AM
Sep 21, 2014 1:13 PM

Feb 2013

The woman's voice released a small sigh of relief when Watson said he would try to help. However, as soon as she was starting to speak, her voice seemed like it started to cut. The radio would cut most of her words and she wasn't able to talk with Watson the way she wanted. "Mr. Detective, she's just a li--" She was trying to explain it to Watson but, as if her voice cutting wasn't enough, she suddenly screamed. "No... No... It's coming... It's coming to get me... Sorry, Mr. Detective... I need to run..." Stating that, the woman's radio cut and, in her place, stayed another female voice, this time much less old and stoic, cold as it could be.

"Testing, testing. Is there anyone on this frequency?" The stoic, cold and emotionless voice asked as it awaited a small time for a response.

Reiko Shizuka/Myu:

Myu's eyes suddenly stared a the girl when she asked if something on her life caused her to be stoic like this, reserved and quiet. Her stare was enough to say "take care of your own business" but she opened her mouth to clear the thing before the girl had any chance to say something. "It's my own problem. Keep it to yourself. I don't need anyone else trying to get into my mind." She stated as she turned around and once more returned on making her way across the hallway to the end.

As she did so, many machines inside the room creaked and the silence was broken by the sound of the furnaces that apparently 'woke up', making burning sounds as if they were feeding. Above the furnaces stood a chain, with many bodies, all of them skinned, hanging at it. The chain carried the bodies and periodically dropped them into what seemed to be a tube leading to the multiple furnaces. Apparently, the tube would find an empty furnace and would then dump the body there for it to burn and feed the furnace.

"What kind of sickening place is this..." Myu mused as, suddenly, Reiko faked what seemed to be a scaredy cat reaction. She suddenly huddled against Myu and faked a damnsel in distress. Myu wasted no time in pushing the girl away, almost making Reiko fall. "You can fend for yourself!" She almost yelled as she did so. Sighing, Myu walked towards the table and grabbed the radio. It seemed to be still working, so Myu quickly pressed the button a spoke a few things on the radio to try and test if the frequency had anyone on it. "Testing, testing. Is there anyone on this frequency?" She spoke to the radio and then awaited to see if she would have any response. By now, she was already ignoring most of Reiko's statements and words, seeing how the girl didn't seem to take anything seriously.

Yoshio Shizuka:

It took Shizuka a few minutes for him to walk around and, once more, he couldn't find anyone. When he returned to the furnace, however, it was still mostly the same. However, the message above it's mouth was quite different. "Feed me flesh" were the words that were written now. Flesh being written in what seemed to be dripping, as if it had been written a few seconds ago.

Yuuki Shizuka:

"Okay, then! I can take us outside." The childish voice seemed to completely ignore Yuuki's previous questions. "Let's play hide and seek, big brother! If you find me, you win, if I find you, you lose." The child said as the door behind Yuuki opened and he was allowed to go outside for the first time.

If Yuuki looked up now, he would see the multiple bodies hanging and the seemingly infinite blood dripping down their bodies before droping on his head and running down his skin. It fared like a rain of blood, while the bodies hit each other like a bunch of sandbags.

On Yuuki's cellphone, again, a message appeared.
It said:

Mom used to work in this place. It was so long ago I don't even remember what she did in here. There was this one time where she brought me along with her and then she had to leave me alone in a room so that she could work. She never came back, though. Hours passed... Days passed... Months passed and I never saw mom again... I wondered why I wasn't able to see her...

Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 21, 2014 3:48 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Area #30

At her rather rough actions, Reiko seemed more amused than surprised. Strangely, she remained silent for a few moments before speaking up again. "Just for the record. I can't fend for myself. Growing up I was treated much like a princess. I can probably convince anyone to buy anything at any price, however if someone were to attack me and I were unable to convince them otherwise... I would die. My mind and tongue is the sole weapon I possess. If the perpetrator were to come you could even leave me for dead with ease." Reiko stated whimsically, spinning childishly around the room.

"Also, I wouldn't be able to get inside your head so easily if it weren't such an open book. Do you think I'm doing this for fun? Each little response you give me allows me to interpret you better and better, even if only slightly." Reiko continued to speak. "A bit harsh of a reaction for a simple tease... Perhaps said event had to do with the protection of someone...? Or you could just despise me with a passion." She mused, looking back up to the tubes of bodies.

Yoshio Shizuka - Area #24

Yoshio read the note, then paused for a moment. Could he really do that? Was it even worth it? He had no other way out and he was sure the note didn't read flesh before, but it still didn't feel right. "...What will I be rewarded with for feeding you?" He decided to question, then leaving the area of the note for a bit, only to come back shortly after another going around the room. He did not want to feed it one of the dolls. It didn't seem right. But if it was either do it or not find his kin, he wouldn't have much of a choice.

Yuuki Shizuka - Room #16 to Area #15

Yuuki allowed a victorious smirk to grace his lips. "I thank you and swear upon my name to do what I can to assist you." He swore in gratitude. "Are there any special conditions and rules to this game? Or is it just normal hide and seek?" He inquired as he ventured into a new area. The girl originally made him uneasy, but she seemed quite nice. Well, she was still strange, but she was also useful, at least for the moment. Looking down at his phone once more to read yet another message, his eyes widened slightly before narrowing once more. So either the mother abandoned her... or something happened to- Yuuki's thoughts stopped on his way out when he felt a warm liquid fall on his head and some squishing sounds from about. Looking up and shining his light, he saw the bodies. His eyes immediately widened and he released a small shriek, falling back and out into the next area. Yuuki stared at the room for a few moments before gaining a frustrated scowl and shaking his head, retrieving his phone which he had dropped and fully continuing into the next room.
EmperorsChosen01Sep 21, 2014 6:26 PM
Sep 21, 2014 4:05 PM

Aug 2010
Khaos Asura - Room ???

A nauseous, putrid odor filled one of the halls that extended to the main sector of the factory. The fragrance of metal coming from the factory was no more. Nearby, vacuously red liquids leaked from each of the rooms ahead. Something about the structure of the corridor didn't feel right. Liquids oozed and dripped onto the walls and began a vertical climb. Rooms themselves appeared to be rather distorted and strangely peculiar given that their shapes changed by the second.

Was this even real? Were the rooms even tangible in the first place?

The red ooze seemed to have assimilated together, creating flesh and organs that stuck onto the walls and ground of the entire corridor. Light shined from two of the rooms.

It seemed as though somebody or something was waiting. This area was clearly its domain.
BeyondSep 21, 2014 4:21 PM
Sep 21, 2014 4:20 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Room #19

Thoroughly feeling and scanning the walls, ceiling and floor to the left of the room, Watson unfortunately didn't find anything that lead to an exit. Listening to the woman's voice begin to cut out in the process, he assumed she was going out of range or something was interfering with the signal. From "she's just a li" he theorized it was a small child who had gotten lost or kidnapped like himself. Though unlike him wasn't trapped and had wandered off from her mother or caretaker. The final part of the audio made a slight chill go up his spine.

Apparently there was something in this place trying to harm people. The way she used "it" was what made it most strange and frightening. If it was a person she would have used he/she, but instead chose "it". Thinking over all of this, Watson turned around and made his way to the right of the room to search more. Before he could begin though, a colder female voice came over the radio.

Considering the frequency could cut out like the previous woman or the batteries die he made his reply quick and to the point. "Roger. Name, Location?" he repeated into it as he started working on the right side of the room.
AstrosSep 21, 2014 4:30 PM
Sep 21, 2014 5:27 PM

Feb 2013

Reiko Shizuka/Myu - Area #30

Myu once more stared at the girl with an expression so serious that it seemed as if she was about to kill Reiko. In the end, she sighed and continued to speak. "Myu. Apparently some sort of furnace room." Myu explained to the man on the other side of the radio as she looked around for a bit. She was unable to say exactly what kind of area was this, but she was pretty sure that there no other exits other than the heavy iron door right on her left side.

She suddenly turned towards Reiko and made again the serious expression, just without the killing intent on it right now. "Can't you take this serious? We've just been kidnapped and you're thinking about discovering the mysteries behind who I am? Why don't you try to discover the mysteries behind this place?" She almost had ordered this to Reiko with a very serious voice. She seemed to not be kidding around right now.

She then turned back to the radio and spoke again. "What about you? Name, Location?" She said as she took a look around. Her radio was a hand radio, so she was unsure if she could change the frequency she was on right now.

Yoshio Shizuka:

Strangely, Yoshio's steps started to echo all around the area as he started to walk. Soon, his steps seemed to become multiple, just as it happened to Watson on his room. Something was following him, but every time he turned around to see what it was, it clearly ran away, as it's steps would echo in a mad run.

However, even though it ran, whenever Yoshio would walk again, the steps would come back as if they were never away to begin with.

After his walk around was done with and he returned to the furnace, new words were written on it. Just one word, actually. "Freedom" was the word written on the note, this time it was clearly written in blood. The maw of fire became more active, as it burned in what seemed to be anticipation. Was the furnace alive? It wasn't an unplausible guess.

Yuuki Shizuka:

Yuuki's run from the room was quite useless as nothing could be heard around the room. However, in a few seconds, something wondered off the room. A wicked child's laugh. "I found you, Big Brother." The child commented as it once more disappeared.

Yoshio's steps were being watched now and, if he was senseful person, he would easily be able to notice the strange feeling of being watched and tailed. This feeling was his curse now, something that he would feel forever.

However, right now, he probably would hear something different. A scream came from his left side. A loud scream of a female person, clearly terrified. After the scream, however, silence issued once more. Towards his right there was nothing but a locked iron door.


After Watson received his response from the girl named Myu, he would now notice that towards his left and the round room was a table with a radio over it and a map above the table. The map was quite big and possessed multiple rooms and a brief explanation to each room.

Not only that but, on the table, multiple papers were located and some of them had a few information on them that could turn out being useful for someoen outside the room Watson was on right now. Each paper with apparently a manual to do something.

Room Functions and Names:

Papers on the Table:

The radio could still be turned on and apparently there was also a frequency changer on that allowed him to change the frequency and talk to other people. Apparently, however, it couldn't contact anywhere outside the factory.

Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 21, 2014 5:59 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Room #19

Stopping before he started to search the rest of the room, his attention was caught by the radio, map, and papers. Smiling slightly with his spirits raised at the new information, he began scanning the map. Pressing the switch to activate the receiver of the radio he replied to the woman named Myu. "Watson, locked in a three chamber section." as he said this he searched the map for where he and Myu might possibly be.

Taking a few seconds to process it he spoke once again into the radio. "Furnaces would probably be coal generator or kitchen. There's something after people, be on guard." he said somewhat quickly as he wasn't aware how long the signal would last. After pinpointing his own location from the shapes of previous rooms. He then began focusing intently on the map, to memorize it for later if he escaped alive.

Systematically blinking while imagining an equivalent map in his head. Assigning numbers and locations, repeating their names over and over in his mind.
Sep 21, 2014 6:37 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Area #30

"Serious?" Reiko repeated, ceasing her nonsense around the room. "Believe it or not. We are actually very similar." She stated, spinning around to face her, hands clasped behind her back with a grin and narrowing of her eyes that made her expression resemble a snakes. "Well, I guess it'd be more accurate to say that my personality behind my mask is similar to your mask." She corrected herself as she walked back over to her and holding her finger to her own mouth in a 'shush' motion. "Now, before you glare at me or scold me again, know that I am very rarely not serious. I wear a mask, just like you do. The difference is that mine is quite as easy to predict or figure out." Reiko hardly explained to Myu.

"Now, I take it there's someone on the radio? Mind asking them if they've seen anyone else so far? You didn't answer me but I take it you found yourself alone in your room as well." Reiko asked her with a pleading smile.

Yoshio Shizuka - Area #24 to Room #25 to Area #24

Yoshio looked around at the footsteps. "...If there is anyone there, reveal yourself. If you mean no harm to me or those I wish to protect you have no need to conceal yourself." He stated to the air before looking back at the note, pausing, then nodding slightly. "Very well. I will give you flesh and in return you will allow to leave in order to continue with my objective?" He questioned but began to walk back to the room with the dolls, looking back every once and a while to make sure the creator of those footsteps was not doing anything besides causing a ruckus.

Upon entering the room with the dolls, he looked around and grabbed one he least believed to be "alive", picking it up carefully. Looking to the other dolls for a moment, he began to walk to the door. "...I apologize for this. But I must find my family. I still intend to find the cause for all this, but they must take my first priority." He muttered to the rest of the dolls as he exited, approaching the furnace, murmuring a "Sorry" and feeding it to the furnace's flame.

Yuuki Shizuka - Area #15 to Area #13

Yuuki's eyes widened as he looked around, hearing the child's voice. He felt as if someone or something was following him. "Paranoia... or..." He stopped himself. He shook his head and pushed up his glasses. "It doesn't matter... I must find Nee-sama and Yoshio." He mused to himself. Even if something IS following me... as long as whoever or whatever it is doesn't obstruct me, it doesn't matter. He thought before being interrupted by a terrifying scream. "I don't think that was Nee-sama... even so. It's not like I have a choice. It's the only way." He said to himself, determined to find his family as he began walking once more.
Sep 21, 2014 8:06 PM

Feb 2013
Myu/Reiko Shizuka - Area #30 to #33

"Kitchen, you say? Well, there sure is a lot of carnage and meat here... Not animal, though." The girl said in senseless notion as she turned off the radio again and turned her attention back to Reiko. "Stop with the bullcrap, then. I don't want to know anything about you. You already told me that your physical capabilities are something I shouldn't fear, so you're no threat to me." Myu said as she scowled and then folded her arms. Sighing, she then spoke without the agressiveness clear on her tone now.

"The man said something about... Something hunting us down." Myu repeated to herself as she picked up the radio again. However, she hesitated. She sighed and then looked towards Reiko with a strange stare on her face. "If you're so good at sweet talking people, here's your chance." Saying that, she threw the radio towards Reiko and made a serious expression on her face for a second before she turned around and made her way around the place. She decided that analysing it was her best option and leaving Reiko to do the talking seemed like a good idea, given her abillities to speak.

"I'll take a look around. Try and get something out of that guy before I come back." Saying that, she made a rather friendly wink towards Reiko before she walked past the girl and made her way back into the hallway they were on.

She came from a room that stood right in the middle of the hallway, but there were two other rooms. She sighed as she walked towards the only room she knew nothing about. "Room 33" the number stated above the door. With a small serious expression, Myu took her hands towards the concealed sheath on her hip and took the knife.

She walked towards the door and placed her left hand at the handle while her right hand held the blade. She seemed used to doing this, if someone looked closely. Opening the door, she prepared her dagger and took a look inside, only to see what seemed to be a small generator, making a noise loud enough that Myu questioned why she hadn't heard it so far, even if the door was closed. The room apparently had a generator made solely for the kitchen and also had a few tools around, most of them being hooks and cleavers. With a sigh, she walked in and took what seemed to be a useful cleaver.

She turned around and made her way out of the room as she closed the door. This area seemed very strange, to say the least. So far, they hadn't seen anything unatural and Myu was questioning herself why. She looked towards the room where Reiko woke up and pondered about going in. She made her way towards the door and pushed it as she went inside. The room was lit up now and the light illuminated the entire area. A yellow light from the ceiling. Strangely, Myu heard a strange sound inside here. Like water flowing through the walls, ready to burst at any given time. She took some time on the room and placed her left ear on a wall as she payed attention to the sound. "A leak..." Myu mused to herself as she heard it. However, the sound was too strong to not be worried about, Myu pondered a few seconds as she came to a conclusion. Nodding to herself slightly, she made her way out of the room and walked back to meet Reiko. "Water is leaking on the room you woke up. Apparently, the leak is getting worse. I don't know how much time we got until the thing blows up and drowns us inside here. Perhaps only half an hour or so." She told Reiko as she walked towards the girl. "And about me protecting you... Here..." The girl said in a strange tone as she handled Reiko a cleaver. "You need to protect yourself. We don't know what waits us out there, so if I go down, you need to be able to protect yourself." She told Reiko in a serious, protective tone. After Reiko got the cleaver, she once more returned to her stoic and cold demeanour.

"At any rate, did you get something out of the guy?" She asked, once more getting back to business.

Yoshio Shizuka:

Something was quite different. The furnace's maw closed as soon as Yoshio threw the body in and burned the doll to death... If it was alive. The doll silently accepted it's destiny as it could not speak. It's mouth was open but no sounds came out. The fires that burned the doll were so strong that they lighted up the entire room.

After a few seconds, the fire slowly started to become weaker and a loud sound could be heard. The sound of something collapsing and a door opening. Not an iron door, though, as it seemed. It was actually an stone that covered the concealed door leading to the kitchen. Now that it was open, above the door one could read the number 29 and the word kitchen close to each other.

After that, the furnace opened up once more and it released what seemed to be a red key. "Thank you, Human." A distorted, male voice, echoed in the hallway as if it came out of the furnace. The voice was slow, like a sloth speaking, but it was clearly not human.

Yuuki Shizuka:

Yuuki's path was clean for most part, but the feeling of being watched and tailed didn't finish. It actually got worse as time ran by. The wicked laugh could be heard from time to time, periodically and the child's voice eventually would say "I found you, Big Brother." every time Yuuki looked back. By now, Yuuki's spirit was slowly being torn appart by the child's voice, torturing him and slowly damaging his brain.

Slowly, the hallway started to distort itself and it didn't allow Yuuki to keep going on his way. Every time he got close to a long, mining hallway( Area 8 ) he would simply turn around and walk back, even against his will. As if he was being controled, something forced him to walk back into the fray, where something watched him and stared at him with deadly eyes.

"Big Brother, there's someone hiding around here..." The child spoke something different for the first time, when Yuuki got close to what seemed to be a mining dormitory( room 11 ).
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Sep 21, 2014 8:51 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Area #30

"Something about hunting us down? Now who isn't being completely serious? I'd say that being hunted down calls for gathering a bit more information than that." Reiko teased her with a mischievous smirk, catching the radio. "Hai! Myu-chan!" She chirped back gleefully as she turned the radio back on and spoke into it. Whoever was on the other side would immediately hear the difference between her and Myu.

"Hello? Mister radio-man? Can you hear me?" Reiko checked for confirmation before proceeding. "First of all, my name is Reiko. Very nice to meet you! Now, on to the serious stuff. Could you elaborate a bit more on this whole... being hunted thing? Where did you come to think this? Also, have you, by any chance, met anyone thus far? Or did you too simply awaken alone in a room?" She inquired to the man.

When Myu reappeared, Reiko looked over to her. "Find anything?" She asked her, quickly gaining an answer. "Oh dear. That isn't good. Suppose we'll have to make haste." She mused, placing a finger on her chin in thought, or at least appeared to be. It could be fake or she could be truly thinking for all Myu knew. As Myu approached her, Reiko looked at her with a curious gaze before it changed into a gleeful one. "Aw... And here I thought you didn't like me, Myu-chan." She slightly teased her as she took the cleaver. "I really do think you'd get along well with my little brother." She commented with a smile.

Yoshio Shizuka - Area #24 to Kitchen #29

Yoshio looked back to the furnace as it seemingly spoke to him, nodding slightly. "...Thank you as well." He thanked it, or him, back before proceeding to the exit supplied to him. From the sign about, it was a kitchen. "I'm coming... Yuuki, Anego." He murmured as he made a quick round around the kitchen. He wanted to quickly examine the rooms he traveled through before moving on.

Yuuki Shizuka - Area #10 to Room #11

The paranoia he felt was much more than he originally predicted. It was driving him mad. As if the feeling wasn't enough, every time he turned around the girl would repeat herself in the same eerie tone accompanied with a laugh. He cleared his throat and spoke, trying his best to sound calm. And if THAT wasn't enough, he couldn't proceed for whatever reason. Then the girl spoke once again. He wondered if she was the one keeping him from moving forward, but if she did she alerted him to someone's presence. This feeling is unbearable... but if she remains useful like this... Perhaps I can withstand it... He spoke in his head with a sigh.

Cautiously entering into the smaller room (Room 11). "H-Hell-" He stopped himself and cleared his throat once more as he shined the light from his phone throughout the room. "Hello? I know someone is there! Reveal yourself at once!" He dictated authoritatively. There was another door across from where he came in, he saw, and assumed that whoever was hiding was behind it. Though he predicted that whoever it was could hear him just fine.
Sep 21, 2014 9:21 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Room #19

Having stared and memorized the map roughly, Watson moved on to the papers laying on the table. Starting with the news paper first he fixated his light the best he could manage and began reading. He though it would give the most clews and details about this place. Though halfway through the radio sprang to life with a new voice. Slowing his pace but not completely stopping he read the passages while listening to the new more lively voice ask if he was there. Responding with a quick "Roger.", he listened to her lengthy inquires. Sure is talkative.... He thought to himself as she finally stopped speaking.

Not needing to stop in order to reply since the receiver was in his left hand, he responded but with more pause than before as he continued reading. "Earlier on this same signal...... someone screamed... said "no it's coming to get me, I have to run", in a voice of terror.... lost contact with them after that..... I've been alone except.... for the voice and noises. Someone watching me..... using speakers to frighten me or guide me not sure which..... Apparently death is in the door behind me." Completing this long drawn out response with the question "Do you have power?", before letting off the receiver button.
AstrosSep 21, 2014 9:29 PM
Sep 22, 2014 3:18 PM

Jul 2012
Tohya Mizusawa - Room#12 to Room#11

Reaching back to the room where he started and considered as safe haven Tohya lied against the wall and took huge deep breaths as he tried to calm himself.

Okay whatever just happened Tohya ignore it...blank it out...wipe it out...NOT! There's no way I can do that!!! I must be starting to lose it oh god and what about Haru and Kanase they're only 13 what if they had to see something like that!? I can't stand it I'm sitting right here cowering in fear while my two little sisters could be going through the same ordeal I am...wait a minute maybe they're not here...What if I'm the only one here? What if there's no one else here in the crazy place but me? What if this is all me and I'm going delusional!?

Tohya was slowly starting to lose his sanity as he drowned himself in his thoughts until he heard someone call out to him...

Ehh? Someone say something?Im not the only one here then Im so relieved... out if his depressing state Tohya ran out of the room and tackle hugged whoever it was and said," I'm so glad Im not the only here!!!"letting go he continued," my name is Tohya, Mizusawa, Tohya. What's your name?"
Sep 22, 2014 5:39 PM

Dec 2011
Reiko Shizuka - Area #30

"Oh, dear. That sounds quite dreadful... Oh! I don't mean to rush you but could you speak at a normal pace, please? That is, if you don't have some sort of condition keeping you from doing so... It seems we're in a bit of a bind for time." Reiko asked of him kindly. "Mm... Yes. Shortly after I awoke and met my little companion, the power turned on. What about on your side?" She inquired to him before pausing and turning her attention to the part of the area they had not explored, the sound of someone else approaching coming from it

Yoshio Shizuka - Room/Kitchen #29 to Area #30

Yoshio opened the door and as he did so, heard some voices. He also noted that strangely, the power was on, making the light from his phone unnecessary. The voice sounded familiar and feminine. "...Anego..." He murmured in realization as he began running towards the source upon recognizing it. It was definitely his sister's voice, no doubt about it. He was extremely happy and relieved that he found one of his loved ones, however at the same time frustrated at the very same fact. He'd actually prefer it if neither of them were here. There was also the fact that he didn't hear Yuuki, which probably meant he wasn't there. He knew his twin wasn't exactly "quiet".

Yuuki Shizuka - Room #11

Yuuki heard frantic movement for a moment and readied himself before he was tackled, or rather embraced, by the boy hiding within' the room. "D-Don't simply tackle me out of no where! I almost thought you were an enemy." He scowled at the boy, tidying up his appearance and pushing up his glasses before responding. "I am Yuuki Shizuka." He stated authoritatively, standing up as he did so. "What can you tell me about this place, Tohya?" Yuuki got straight to the point.
Sep 22, 2014 6:28 PM

Jul 2012
Tohya Mizusawa - Room#11

"Ah, sorry about that...I was just really relieved that there was someone else besides me here...ah one moment," Tohya said as he went back to the safe haven room and picked up the lantern and brought it back.

"So I woke up in that room and found this lantern, as you can see it's dead now but it still had a bit of battery left when I got up...So I walked around a bit and then the lantern died on me, but that's when this uhhh... I guess it was a red string...maybe it was a shoe-tie string and it lead me to an iron door but the door closed and locked on me before I could follow the string...what's strange was that I really didn't want to follow it. I was sort of in a trance you could say...I then found another door and it was locked on my side so I unlocked it, but it wouldn't budge... And something disgustingly disturbing were hanging in that area..." Tohya trailed off as he explained what happened to him but then he got a bit cheerful again and asked in expectations, "Since you're here have you met any others? I haven't met anyone and I'm trying to look for my little sisters, they're twins and their names are Haru and Kanase have you seen them?"
Sep 24, 2014 7:51 PM

Dec 2013
[quote]Watson - Room #19

Having finished the newspaper, Watson looked down at the rest of the papers. Spotting one about a water problem in the kitchen he picks it up and begins scanning it. He knew the girls relative location was between the kitchen or the coal generator. So it would be best to know about any problems near them in case they needed help. Talking into the receiver once again he responds to Reiko's earlier requests with less lengthy pauses. " Reading so bear with it...been pitch black here since I awoke, how long have you been awake and do you remember anything?...Also, bind for time? "
Sep 24, 2014 8:59 PM

Dec 2011
(Gonna' act as if Reiko 'n Watson were still talking before they heard Yoshio approaching... Want to wait for Yz to react and possibly threaten to shank him like he did Reiko, lol.)

Reiko Shizuka - Area #30

"I have not been awake for long, and while I do remember some things about what I was doing prior... I do not think it would provide any insight to how any of us came to be here." Reiko answered him as she took another glance around the room. "Yes... It seems that there might be a... specific leak near our location which may or may not propose the issue of drowning, you see!" She responded to him in a cutesy tone that didn't at all match the seriousness of what she was saying.

Yuuki Shizuka - Room #11

"Hanging?" Yuuki inquired, immediately remembering the hanging corpses. "Hanging whats, exactly? Corpses?" He questioned rather bluntly. "Well... I guess you could say I met someone... but they aren't your sisters." He answered peculiarly. He wasn't really sure what he should refer to the little girl ghost he found and was now his companion. He considered asking the girl as well about this "red shoe-string", but thought that at the moment it'd only creep the boy out further.
Sep 25, 2014 7:21 PM

Jul 2012
Tohya Mizusawa - Room#11

"Hiii...why did you have to ask so bluntly? Yeah those the hanging ones..." he said as he slightly cowered and cringed but at the word someone he changed his attitude,"Who else did you meet? The only place I haven't checked were the closed doors and the hallway there..." he said as he pointed out to the hallway on their right.
AsreaSep 26, 2014 9:33 PM
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