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May 28, 2009 9:12 AM
Mar 2008
For those who didn't like the last episode, it seems to be back on track in this one. I personally didn't mind the surrealism of the last one, but I know it turned a lot of people away.
May 28, 2009 6:43 PM

Nov 2008
One has to wonder how Akira happened to dream of Shiratori with her wings when he was passed out during the "illusion" at the end of the previous episode. And, of course, there appears to be little limit to the god-like powers of the technology here, such as the ability of the Eden S/W to identify people instantly from the rear. Isn't this series set next year?

That aside, this was certainly a leisurely episode. One would think that this was a 26 or 52 episode series at this rate.

Oh yeah, I "forgot", there will be a movie afterwards.
May 29, 2009 5:38 PM
May 2009
Is this even out yet?
May 29, 2009 6:12 PM

Nov 2008
-Stranger- said:
Is this even out yet?

What, the movie? I don't think so.

Episode 8 ? - yes, it was broadcast Wednesday night. (If you mean fansubs, I have no idea because I watch it in the original Japanese.)
May 29, 2009 6:58 PM
May 2009
dbaranyi said:
-Stranger- said:
Is this even out yet?

What, the movie? I don't think so.

Episode 8 ? - yes, it was broadcast Wednesday night. (If you mean fansubs, I have no idea because I watch it in the original Japanese.)

I mean episode 8 with subs, any idea when it would be out anyone?

wish i understood japanese lol
May 29, 2009 7:02 PM

Oct 2008
The one from gg is up for grabs.

Also: Pantsu!
SimsHsiaMay 29, 2009 7:06 PM
May 29, 2009 7:10 PM

Sep 2007
So Pantsu ends up being with one those elite programmer/hackers who know pretty much anything that goes on in the world. Ohsugi is totally hot on Akira's ass now that Akira seems to have holding on to numerous identities not to mention he saw what was at the mall.
May 29, 2009 8:20 PM

Jul 2008
Well, that was fun. Ohsugi seems to be really good at getting in over his head, but now we know just how many different identities Akira has, or it's more than possible someone is using Juiz to just throw names down and put Ohsugi on Akira's tail. At any rate, I don't imagine he'll be making it out of this series clealny. We've also got a new elite hacker type fellow added to the team in the form of Pantsu, whom Akira has revealed he's a Selecao to. And on a similar note to Pantsu and his epicness, he has even forced Mittan's hand.

She only gets cuter by the episode.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
May 29, 2009 8:21 PM
Dec 2008
May 29, 2009 8:42 PM

Apr 2009
Bakayaro said:

The second I saw that, I KNEW somebody would end up taking a screen of it.

May 29, 2009 8:49 PM

Nov 2007
Kind of a slow episode this time around; we met a new character, but there wasn't really any new information. Playing it slow doesn't usually bother me, but there are only so many episodes left (and the movie, of course).

Then again, we do get Hirasawa's interesting little conversation about zombie movies and malls -- are the NEETs the ones holding out in "Eden," or are they the zombies someone else is running from? I guess this (the question of NEETs and then, paradise) is really at the core of the series. "Pantsu" is just another example of a NEET (who happens to think very highly of himself), but he's said some strange stuff that I couldn't quite comprehend ^^; It also makes me wonder if Akira, pre-memory wipe, visited each of those 20,000 NEETs individually (which would mean he has a lot of experience in dealing with them) or if he had some other way of getting them all together.

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
May 29, 2009 9:05 PM

Mar 2009
interesting. the series moves a bit too quickly for me, but that's alright i guess.

whose phone did he have? was that IV's, or did he actually find it in his mall? i don't remember anything about him finding a second phone.
May 29, 2009 9:31 PM

Oct 2007
maybe, if he is a supporter, its akira's "supporter" phone?

if it is... all the messages should tell him whats going on
May 29, 2009 9:35 PM

Apr 2009
Hmm... well I have a feeling that Saki and her friends will find out about Akira soon.

Also.. anyone else think Panties may be a Selecao? Idk.

[EDIT] Oh and I forgot to say. Gah poor Ohsugi! >_< Haha about the Eden thing. I guess we'll find out what's gonna happen next week...
May 29, 2009 10:04 PM

Feb 2009
That was a pretty good episode I just dont see how we can fit everything in 11 episodes and a movie :(!! Buttt I hope it works out because so far I love this series!

lol there was a star trek commercial in between, I thought that was pretty funny
May 29, 2009 10:18 PM

Nov 2008
Good episode, but I'm really worried about how it's going to end with so few episodes left. A cliff hanger would suck.
May 29, 2009 10:29 PM
Mar 2008
Cool Jack Black or something. Glad Micchon hates pantsu.
May 29, 2009 10:35 PM

Oct 2008
I didn't find this episode that engaging, with 3 episodes left, i am really hoping they dont merely rush the ending and provide us with at least a decent explanation of all of this. I did like all of Hirasawa's alternate names pop up on Eden though..all in all im just hoping for some explanations and maybe a plot relevation would be nice. Ohsugi annoys me to no end and i hope they kill him off somehow.. but ill just doubt that
May 29, 2009 11:04 PM

Feb 2009
well for the different identities, we kind of knew that should happen....
episode one he has like a million passports which I'm sure he used thus the multiple identities.

the new character seems pretty cool, hope him and IX get more alone time
I maybe the only one who hates Ohsugi, sticking his nose everywhere because of jealousy, not very becoming

I hope this isn't the end of XI she needs more screen time

This series is so interesting because in almost every episode so much happens but because there is only 11 turns, its hard not to feel like not enough is happening
but I have faith in the series that it will all come to light as the series concludes
~May you continue being the Messiah....
May 29, 2009 11:40 PM

Nov 2007
This new character seems to be interesting xD wonder how he and Takizawa will co-operate, but even if the series is concluded in a movie, will enough details really be given across in a few hours for a proper ending =/?
May 29, 2009 11:40 PM

Jun 2007
dbaranyi said:
And, of course, there appears to be little limit to the god-like powers of the technology here, such as the ability of the Eden S/W to identify people instantly from the rear. Isn't this series set next year?

That aside, this was certainly a leisurely episode. One would think that this was a 26 or 52 episode series at this rate.

Oh yeah, I "forgot", there will be a movie afterwards.

It's very possible to do, the technology is already out in fact an Israel based company just came out with a facebook app and site that uses face recognition to find images of your friends. abide it's nowhere near as accurate as how they portray it in the anime lol.

PS. looks like eden is a giant social tagging database. It's no wonder Ohsugi points out that there's so much info about university kids :P. They probably all tag each other or themselves like on facebook and other popular web2.0 sites.

As for the episode numbers...isn't it kind of ironic that theres 12 Selecao members and there's 11 episodes plus a movie (12 in total)? Kind of makes you wonder if they planned it out that way but then figured there was no way to finish this show in 11 episodes so why not make a movie XD.
May 30, 2009 12:21 AM

Oct 2008
Good episode, but with three episodes left I think they screwed themselves over. How the hell is this going to reach a plausible and satisfactory ending? The 11 episodes plus a movie is rather lame. Hope they don't do it that way. I'd rather them release another season or extend the # of episodes.

Lol, as always looking forward to the next episode. I wonder whether or not they will turn on Takizawa.
ManifestMay 30, 2009 12:40 AM
May 30, 2009 12:38 AM

Jul 2008
so further investigation about takizawa. it certainly will clash between him and ohsugi one day.

May 30, 2009 12:57 AM
Mar 2009
What about him saying there are 12 selecao?! Didn't that seem kind of strange?
May 30, 2009 1:29 AM

Oct 2007
A slow episode this time. Ohsugi's starting to annoy me, as well.
May 30, 2009 1:54 AM

Apr 2009
Nice episode, well paced, we had a few tips or misteries about various things (Saki knows that the phone is the key, Ohsugi has seen something -who knows what?-, in the dream Takizawa finds that "white doll" and calls him Johnny...)...

I think XI is not gone for good: after all, she tries to call Takizawa at the very beginning of the episode.

I just found disappointing the total lack of Juiz in this ep... Couldn't Takizawa pull off something just to impress Pantsu? (pantsu ftw!)

edit: Oh, and Ohsugi has been safe the wole time. And surprise? He's a prick. Praise to the "different tie" people, and "lol" at the ones who felt poor for him. :D
DesirioMay 30, 2009 2:01 AM
May 30, 2009 2:44 AM
Jul 2018
We're supposed to be surprised Ohsugi is a prick? I've always gotten that vibe from him.

He's surprisingly like the mass majority of teenage boys in how he's entirely egotistical, has basically closed his mind, and is oblivious of the actual feelings of the person they like because they're too obsessed with themselves. He loves himself and his own vision of Saki, not who Saki really is. Ohsugi really embodies a lot of things that are wrong with the younger generation and I think the show is trying to make a point by establishing him as Akira's "adversary." It's really no coincidence he was the one to leave Eden for an actual job.

But yea... this episode felt like a real waste. I kind of understand the need for a "cool-down" episode after an action-packed episode but I don't agree with how this show is paced or how the episodes are planned.

I'm getting a really bad CG:R2 vibe from this episode... where it just stinks of poor planning.
removed-userMay 30, 2009 2:49 AM
May 30, 2009 2:58 AM

Apr 2008
its really funny when u call someone panties xD lols

May 30, 2009 3:32 AM

May 2008
sigh not really what i was hoping for but i guess the climax was over already?Kinda boring other then the part where Ousugi found out about Takizawa's secret

Awesome Sig by Lailide
May 30, 2009 4:31 AM

Feb 2008
Bakayaro said:

I lol'd so hard.

BTW: That guy in the secretary desk makes me sick. Why is he in there? ~_~
May 30, 2009 4:41 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Compared to last week's episode, this one was almost a bit boring. Looking forward to how it all plays out.




[H+] ³  
May 30, 2009 5:36 AM

Jun 2008
Three episodes left, and it seems like so far from overing in just a mere amount of episodes.
May 30, 2009 6:13 AM

May 2008
So Pantsu ends up being with one those elite programmer/hackers who know pretty much anything that goes on in the world. Ohsugi is totally hot on Akira's ass now that Akira seems to have holding on to numerous identities not to mention he saw what was at the mall.
May 30, 2009 6:21 AM

Apr 2009
De-JaY said:
BTW: That guy in the secretary desk makes me sick. Why is he in there? ~_~

I think the desk is his default place when all the seats are taken in the room (he's been there in this ep and when Takizawa was in the room only). Maybe he is less important than the others in hierarchy, so that's his place... :P
May 30, 2009 6:28 AM

May 2008
i wish they'd hurry it up cause there're only a few more eps left [even though they'd do a movie, i still want more >_<]

i liked Akira's look in the last few seconds of the episode. It kinda gave me the creeps
May 30, 2009 7:08 AM

Aug 2007
Oh well, at least they visited Kyoto. Didn't really like the episode. ''All after Akira'' stuff. Man, predictable. It was kind of weird that Pantsu said that there were only supposed to be 11 Selecao.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
May 30, 2009 7:29 AM

Jan 2009
SilentFate said:
I didn't find this episode that engaging, with 3 episodes left, i am really hoping they dont merely rush the ending and provide us with at least a decent explanation of all of this. I did like all of Hirasawa's alternate names pop up on Eden though..all in all im just hoping for some explanations and maybe a plot relevation would be nice. Ohsugi annoys me to no end and i hope they kill him off somehow.. but ill just doubt that

Agreed. :P
May 30, 2009 7:41 AM
May 2008
This episode was nice and slow to give a decent build up to answers that will hopefully be revealed in the next episode. I'm still worried if the series will have complete closure by the end... because 3 episodes and a movie doesn't seem like enough.At least half of the Selecao haven't been revealed and we have no "real" idea as to who Takizawa is... not to mention the supporter... so many questions left unanswered.

On a less serious note the screen with Micchon was too cute... well, I guess she just doesn't like panties.
Dead Account
Please Delete
May 30, 2009 7:53 AM
May 2008
it seems to me that the ending would not be as leisurely as i hoped. i wonder how they will show all the rest of the selecao in so short a time.
May 30, 2009 8:00 AM

Jan 2009
Akai_Hiya said:
i wish they'd hurry it up cause there're only a few more eps left [even though they'd do a movie, i still want more >_<]

i liked Akira's look in the last few seconds of the episode. It kinda gave me the creeps

So did I... I think it's fair to say that there is a lot about Akira to unravel... I definitely think that he hasn't had much remorse about anything that he has possibly done (NEET extermination/banishment, missile attacks, possibly killing off other Seleçaos, etc.) and his attitude about 'winning the game' shows his ruthless personality. Looking back at the expression he was wearing before he got his memory wiped in the first episode, I definitely think he might be up to no good.

Sigh, just love that character, though... :)

So what DOES Akira want to do with the Eden project? I'm trying to remember what exactly Saki said to him before the infamous kiss? Whatever she said is definitely a clue to what exactly Akira is up to... The face/image recognition program is definitely key to what he is planning, and his main focus seems to be the abolition/reform of the NEET population of Japan. And lets not forget about his involvement with the 'test' missile attacks... What if he was to combine two technologies? The Eden program and the missiles would be something devastating and powerful if they were to be combined... 0_0 The NEET population could be wiped out in a very efficient and precise way...

Also, what did Akira need to do in the States? I think you lose your Seleçao powers if you leave Japan, so what did he go there for? In his room in episode 1, he had weapons, a map of Washington DC with picture of landmarks and the White House, pictures of him and the 20,000 NEETS and many passports... What's the connection there? What is the United States role in the reform of Japan? What was Akira going to do at the White House and what was the gun for? And the nakedness? So many questions.... @_@

Also, he was just about to do something before he answered his phone in episode 1. The fact that he only needed to be TOLD something to have his memory wiped, like a safe word, tells me that he memory loss might not be a permanent thing. Maybe he only need to hear the same words in order to regain his memories? Maybe it's all part of his master plan? Or perhaps it's another Seleçao's doing?

Your thoughts?
May 30, 2009 8:07 AM

Jan 2009
Another thing:

Perhaps Pantsu was part of the NEET group Akira banished to Dubai? He did mention that he became an outcast of society after losing his pants... All of the NEETS Akira tended to had been striped down to undies... I would explain his knowledge of the Seleçaos...

Also, anyone who knows about religion and Messiahs should post what they know: I bet there might be some clues in there on what might happen next.
May 30, 2009 8:12 AM

Mar 2009
Zubatuba said:
Perhaps Pantsu was part of the NEET group Akira banished to Dubai? He did mention that he became an outcast of society after losing his pants... All of the NEETS Akira tended to had been striped down to undies... I would explain his knowledge of the Seleçaos...

no, there would have been an obvious and visual reaction from pantsu when he saw akira were that the case

i think that it will proceed along the lines of:

9 - pantsu fixes the phone, works with akira to find mr. outside, the eden team discovers the neet stuff at the mall and goes to confront akira
10 - they find mr. outside, akira has a fight/discussion with the eden team, ohsugi ends up trusting him, episode ends with akira going to confront mr. outside
11 - confrontation with outside/other selecaos/climax

of course, this could change if the movie is an addition to the plot and not a retelling of the series.
May 30, 2009 8:39 AM

Feb 2009
Ohsugi annoys the crap out of me for no real reason.
The Johnny-hunter should've taken his Johnny. ):
May 30, 2009 8:42 AM

Mar 2009
Ahohime said:
Ohsugi annoys the crap out of me for no real reason.
The Johnny-hunter should've taken his Johnny. ):
probably because he's a whiny nice guy loser who feels like he's entitled to saki

i mean, that's why i dislike him
May 30, 2009 8:46 AM

Jan 2009
audiodoll said:
Zubatuba said:
Perhaps Pantsu was part of the NEET group Akira banished to Dubai? He did mention that he became an outcast of society after losing his pants... All of the NEETS Akira tended to had been striped down to undies... I would explain his knowledge of the Seleçaos...

no, there would have been an obvious and visual reaction from pantsu when he saw akira were that the case

i think that it will proceed along the lines of:

9 - pantsu fixes the phone, works with akira to find mr. outside, the eden team discovers the neet stuff at the mall and goes to confront akira
10 - they find mr. outside, akira has a fight/discussion with the eden team, ohsugi ends up trusting him, episode ends with akira going to confront mr. outside
11 - confrontation with outside/other selecaos/climax

of course, this could change if the movie is an addition to the plot and not a retelling of the series.[/quot
audiodoll said:
Zubatuba said:
Perhaps Pantsu was part of the NEET group Akira banished to Dubai? He did mention that he became an outcast of society after losing his pants... All of the NEETS Akira tended to had been striped down to undies... I would explain his knowledge of the Seleçaos...

no, there would have been an obvious and visual reaction from pantsu when he saw akira were that the case

i think that it will proceed along the lines of:

9 - pantsu fixes the phone, works with akira to find mr. outside, the eden team discovers the neet stuff at the mall and goes to confront akira
10 - they find mr. outside, akira has a fight/discussion with the eden team, ohsugi ends up trusting him, episode ends with akira going to confront mr. outside
11 - confrontation with outside/other selecaos/climax

of course, this could change if the movie is an addition to the plot and not a retelling of the series.

Nothing inclines me to think that all 20,000 NEETs came into contact with Akira... but I do think that Pantsu being in the Dubai NEET group is highly improbable since he was an acting member of society before he lost his pants.
May 30, 2009 9:30 AM

Oct 2007
hm, i wonder why pantsu asked "i thought there were only 11 selecao?".

i'm also incredibly annoyed at ohsugi now. he used to be kind of tolerable, now i just hate whenever he has screentime.
May 30, 2009 9:31 AM

Jan 2009
About the look that Akira has on his face at the end of the episode...

I'm just re-watched the scene, and it goes like this: Pantsu says something about finding a new meaning to his life in the disappearance of the 20,000 NEETs, that he returned to God's side and that he isn't easily fooled. Akira looks like the cat who just caught the mouse and creepily says 'ha'...

Akira seems to have acquired another pawn for the advancement of his master plan... I wonder how the Society program and Pantsu will come into play.
May 30, 2009 9:40 AM

Jun 2008
I didn't think this episode was as exciting as the rest, but it was really interesting. I'm becoming more curious as to how all this will end.
Note: I decided not to accept random friend requests. Most of the ones I accept will be people I know from other sites unless I get to know some people here. (=^_^=)
May 30, 2009 9:44 AM

Apr 2009
nice episode.
May 30, 2009 9:44 AM

Apr 2009
Zubatuba said:
Another thing:

Perhaps Pantsu was part of the NEET group Akira banished to Dubai? He did mention that he became an outcast of society after losing his pants... All of the NEETS Akira tended to had been striped down to undies... I would explain his knowledge of the Seleçaos...

Also, anyone who knows about religion and Messiahs should post what they know: I bet there might be some clues in there on what might happen next.

Well he lost his slacks two years ago or something.

very interesting episode btw. and glad to see that akira wasnt castrated.
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