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Aug 14, 2014 4:35 PM

Nov 2012
"I-I'm reira...yugana..and those two, sister" she looked to her sister for even the slightest okay it's okay from her. It was hard to trust to, but mainly because he's new and whatnot
Aug 14, 2014 4:44 PM

Jul 2013
He returns his focus back over to Yugana now that she spoke to him again. "I basically just came here in order to get something to eat. But now that I'm here, I can see that the people who are here are surprisingly nice and relaxed. I find this whole thing to be a rather new experience from what I'm used to." he says to her. "But once I'm done eating I'll be leaving. I wouldn't want to stay too long and get used to this kind of lifestyle." He grins after speaking and then looks over towards Reira. "Well, I'm honored to meet you Reira. My name is Italus, and as you can probably tell, I'm new here and I'm just visiting for a brief time." He bows to her.

Aug 14, 2014 4:58 PM

Nov 2012
"Nice to meet you italus" a smile slowly appears on her face after that.
She slowly becomes more open. Happy,
Aug 14, 2014 5:08 PM

Nov 2009
She eventually finished eating
Aug 14, 2014 5:14 PM

Jul 2013
Italus had all but forgotten about eating food thanks to all of the talking that he was doing now. With the way that things are now, he will most likely just grab something and take it out with him instead of eating now. "You have a pretty smile Reira. Seeing you smile is what I'll consider a very nice thing." He says and then smiles back out of respect.

Aug 14, 2014 5:18 PM

Nov 2012
She blushes "w-why thanks you, your very kind"
She watched him
"Mind if I ask where are you going next?"
Aug 14, 2014 5:29 PM

Jul 2013
"You're very welcome," he replies to her. "I haven't decided on where I'm going next. I will most likely just wander around and see where my feet take me. They did lead me to here after all, and I was able to meet so many of you nice people." Italus looked towards some of the food and tried to figure out what to take him when he leaves. He then looks over to where the girl who mentioned turning people to stone was sitting, she had been the only one he hadn't spoken to yet. He may or may not change that soon.
Optional_ReasonAug 14, 2014 6:39 PM

Aug 14, 2014 7:20 PM

Jul 2012
"Sorry for being so quiet i got lost in just listening, and i should introduce myself, I'm Rorik, commander of the black company" he says smiling, pointing to his snake he adds "And her name is Zora". He finished eating and took a drink, and before long he sat there listening again. "Oh, i forgot, i think i remember hearing father is going to be out for a few more months" he says, but the father had a vehement tone to it when he said it like he despised the man

Aug 14, 2014 7:40 PM

Jul 2013
Italus listened to the man speak until he was finished, he took note of the fact that Rorik was the commander of the Black Company. Now that would explain why he was one of the few people in there that had the presence of a warrior. And the other thing that stood out was when he mentioned his father, Italus wasn't going to bring that up so that he can't bring up the wrong subject. "And I'm Italus, happy to finally have an actual introduction this time, Rorik. I would speak to Zora but I get the feeling that she won't speak back," He says jokingly to keep things in a normal mood.

Aug 14, 2014 7:48 PM

Jul 2012
Zora looks at Italus with its head cocked to one side. Rorik said "Likewise, but don't underestimate her she can understand you, and react to an extent back" he then reach up and Zora nuzzled his hand. "I wish our mother would be back soon as there are something i think you sisters, and i want to talk to her about" he says "Though they may be about different things"

Aug 14, 2014 8:40 PM

Jul 2013
He follows the movement of Zora with his eyes while still listening to the words of Rorik before paying more attention to Rorik now. It was starting to become quiet apparent that he was surrounded by nothing but nobles. The thing about it is that they all give off from different vibes, one of them only seemed to care about food, there was a shy girl who was very quiet. Another girl that came off very straight forward and not afraid to speak to someone, and then there was Rorik who pretty much came off as someone that was very honor bound and spoke family first. "Underestimating anyone or anything is a move made by fools. I don't believe in taking anything for granted."

Aug 14, 2014 8:50 PM

Jul 2012
"That's a very wise way of putting things" he says grinning, looking up to Zora it looks lie they are speaking. after a few minutes he returns his attention to Italus, and says "The only thing I'm bound to holding honor to, is my company, respect in my books is above honor,". going back in thought he adds "How can slaughtering hordes of men, that were supposed to be on my side, and also those who oppose me supposed to be honor filled", he then adds lightly, "I'm a demon who slaughters those in his way and enjoys it, if i was not royal i would have been commend to death or imprisonment by now, and Zora here can read and deduce things from expressions, why do you think she's watching you, though she has an interest in you"

Aug 14, 2014 9:00 PM

Nov 2009
After finishing eating she gets up and walks towards the two guys "what are you two talking about" her pet jumps on (CCs char)
Aug 14, 2014 9:04 PM

Jul 2013
"And here I thought that Zora was more of a combat type. I may have to eat my own words about underestimating people and things since I have never encountered mind reading before." He lightly taps the side of his head and gathers his thoughts quietly. "Now it does appear that I was right about the whole noble stuff that was thinking about." He rolls his neck and sits upright in the chair. "I see nothing wrong with getting a blood on your hands every now and then. A nice little skirmish can make the blood flow when needed." His eyes dart towards the pet that jumped onto him, he had somehow become a pet magnet without knowing it. The voice of the other girl went through his ears since she actually spoke in his direction this time. "We are just talking about violence and food," He says to Jasmine.

Aug 14, 2014 9:08 PM

Jul 2012
he grins "So you have combat experience?" saying this looking interested, "Oh, She's more than capable of combat, its not mind reading just good intuition, and facial reading". turning to his sister "Just about me not being honorable". then shifting to a more relaxed position he says "So I'm always looking fro good men, would you be interested?"

Aug 14, 2014 9:12 PM

Nov 2009
She looks at him "well maybe you should act more noble so you can be more honorable but that be so boring" :p she was a bit stubborn and a bit of a rebel herself at times
She turns to the guy with her pet on him "so ur gonna be oni chans right hand man, good"
Aug 14, 2014 9:25 PM

Jul 2013
Italus's first reaction to all of this was nothing but a smile and a subtle shake of his head. "I do have a lot of experience with combat. I'm now more interested in doing things that will require less fighting from me. Even the best things that life has to offer can get too repetitive if you do nothing but the same thing over and over. I do appreciate the offer that you made me, I'm going to have to decline at this moment though."
He looks down at the pet and then up to the girl that it belonged to. "I'm on what they call a vacation right now, so I can't be anyone's right hand man as of now." He says to her.

Aug 14, 2014 9:35 PM

Jul 2012
"You any good at strategy?" he replies "I'm in search of a strategist"

Aug 14, 2014 9:43 PM

Nov 2009
"I would take one of his many offers, for you see my oni chan isn't one to be offering roles like that, well atleast from what I can remember"
Aug 14, 2014 9:49 PM

Jul 2013
"Unfortunately, I can't help you with that. I was only good at coming up with strategies for my solo fights. I mostly just listened when it came to full scale assaults on a herd of enemies. If I was going to join in on combat again it would have to be as a foot soldier unless it was a very small operation."
Listening and turning the girl speaking to him. "But a dull blade should never be in charge of a group of soldiers, it would lead to a massacre."

Aug 14, 2014 10:37 PM

Jul 2012
"Alright, though i may find another offer for you" he replies "If a dull blade can cause a massacre, then can a honed blade cause genocide?". zora laid her head down and went to sleep, though no one could tell.

Aug 14, 2014 10:37 PM

Nov 2009
"Noo, well your no fun" she takes out her wand "well I'm going to go to my room soon but I'll leave you both a suprise" she waves her wand and switches both of the guys clothes (underpants and everything) she giggles and walks away to her room
Aug 14, 2014 10:49 PM

Jul 2013
He blinks his eyes when he feels the sudden change in the clothing that he was wearing. He grabs the fabric of the shirt that he was now wearing and rubbed it in between his fingers to check the material. This feels so much different than what I normally wear. "Magic can be a very scary thing when it is in the wrong hands." He gazes in the direction of the girl that just walked away and then back at Rorik. "I can see your point. Genocides are much grander spectacles to behold."

Aug 14, 2014 10:55 PM

Jul 2012
he grins, not caring bout the clothes change "You can keep the clothes"

Aug 15, 2014 9:52 AM

Jul 2013
Italus stands up so that he can get a full look at the clothing that he is now wearing. "All I can say is that I'm happy that my pockets were empty were empty today." He sits back down into the chair and watches some of the people come and go from out of the dining room.

Aug 16, 2014 12:53 AM

Dec 2011
Yugana mainly sat an ate silently at their talk of fighting. She knew her brother enjoyed fighting, as did many around her, though she herself did not. She fought because she felt it necessary, not for amusement, however had gotten used to such talk and normally just stayed out of said subjects. When Jasmine did her little "prank", she merely giggled lightly at the two of them. She might've warned her not to abuse her abilities, but what she did truly wasn't harmful and she had just gotten back. "You said that you were experienced with combat. Might I inquire as to how so? Were you taught?" She questioned him. She didn't much care for talk of killing but she was interested in combat ability itself.
Aug 16, 2014 10:28 AM

Jul 2013
Italus had almost forgotten that Yugana was still there since she had gotten so quiet all of a sudden. Upon hearing her voice again though, he looked over at her in order to answer the questions that she just asked him. "Initially I wasn't taught, as a kid, I learned how to fight by watching others do it. I would secretly watch the battles between strong warriors and tried my best to emulate the things that I was seeing from them." He pauses and readjust his sitting position. "I eventually ended up meeting a very powerful sword mage who taught me how to focus my blade and not swing so blindly all of the time. And what about you, do you fight as well?"

Aug 16, 2014 7:55 PM

Dec 2011
"I trained since I was young, though at first it started as just a hobby and nothing more. I've never actually experienced real combat though. I plan to accompany my brother's troop at his next battle. I think that's probably the best in order for me to grow." Yugana answered, pausing before speaking again. "A powerful sword mage? Are they renown? Perhaps I've heard of them." She inquired curiously as she finished eating.
Aug 17, 2014 1:35 PM

Jul 2013
"The person who taught me was more interested in being a vagabond than a household name. He never even told me his name, all of the students that have encountered him all had a different name for that guy. I mainly would only call him sensei and he seemed like that was fine with him." He pauses and scratches his left cheek. "It was a very strange thing though, he would teach you all of these advanced techniques but he made sure to never get too attached anyone that he trained." He sighs quietly. "Hopefully, your first battle will end in success."

Aug 17, 2014 8:58 PM

Dec 2011
"I see... That is sad. I'm sorry to hear that." She said sympathetically. "I'm sure he had a good reason however. He sounds like a good man. I don't think it's because he didn't want to or because he felt it wasn't worth it." Yugana mused aloud. "Thank you for your words. Though, I'm confident of my skills. Unless I were to face someone like this man you speak of, brother, or the One-Eyed Dragon, I think I'd be able to take them." She said with a confident smirk.
Aug 17, 2014 9:14 PM

Jul 2013
He was pleased to see her talk with so much confidence, even though you can't say that he knew her well or anything. It was just good to see someone go into an upcoming battle with a lot of confidence. "You have a lot more bravery than I had going into my first battle after being trained. I spoke out loud like I could kill dragons solo, but deep down I was dreading the whole thing. Another odd thing for me was that I fought with less fear when I wasn't trained. Being untrained allowed my mind to be free and all that mattered was winning. But once I got the training, my mind was working too fast and I was trying to do too many things at once. It took some time and near death experiences before I let things slow down." He says with a smile after realizing that he is talking much more than he normally does with new people.

Aug 17, 2014 9:33 PM

Dec 2011
Pausing for a few moments, Yugana listened closely to his words with a curious expression then smiled. "Perhaps you gave me some advice just now without even realizing it... Thank you. I will try to keep my mental state steady. Best I not over think things and try to consider too many things at the same time." She thanked him with a minor bow of her head. Though to be honest... I am a bit nervous of course, but I need to fight in order to follow my goals. Not only fight but get stronger as well. And so I will." She admitted with a sheepish chuckle. She was of course anxious about her first live combat test, but she wouldn't allow the anxiety caused by it consume her.
Aug 17, 2014 10:10 PM

Jul 2013
"You most certainly have the right mindset to me. I wasn't sure that my words were going to be able to help you, but I'm glad that they did. Hearing things from a different perspective can help you out even when you don't know it at first." He smirks as he recalls some of the moments that happened during his own training. "I'm not going to ask you too much about your combat style, I'll just say that make sure that you're careful with where you step on the battlefield, you don't want to get your foot stuck in a hole like I did." He shakes his head and softly laughs. "I took hell for that mistake."

Aug 18, 2014 12:34 AM

Nov 2012
Reira listened, interested in what the new guy had to say (sorry I forgot the name)
She looked between her sister and him as they spoke. She then looked at her brother and then down at her plate and pushed it a little forward since she finished eating
Aug 18, 2014 10:32 AM

Dec 2011
"A hole?" Yugana questioned with a small giggle, then realizing it and quickly ceasing her actions knowing it was rude. But he did seem to be more talkative than before, to which she was glad. He was probably cautious of them at first, and with good reason. "Sorry... Just the way I pictured it... I hope you don't take offense." She apologized dutifully. "But I shall be wary of where I step. Need to be quite cautious of traps and the like on the battlefield. Thank you."
Aug 18, 2014 10:56 AM

Jul 2013
"No offense taken. If it was one of those things that could offend me then I wouldn't have mentioned it so soon." He just smiles and tries to assure her that everything was okay. "I was running towards my enemy and I didn't notice my surroundings all that much, just when I was about to attack my enemy I found myself falling forward with one foot stuck in a hole." He pauses and tries not to laugh at the image of himself falling down like that. "It did help me learn to examine the terrain and use it to my advantage for future battles. Trees, water, and even dirt can all be used to help you survive on the battlefield."

Aug 18, 2014 11:16 AM

Dec 2011
"I'm glad..." Yugana commented before giggling again at the mental image. "You weren't injured too much were you? After your foot got wedged in the hole I mean... Did your enemy attack you while you were stuck?" She inquired curiously. "I suppose they can. And equally they can be turned into great enemies as well, can't they?" Musing with an understanding nod, she still couldn't help but giggle slightly at the mental image again.
Aug 18, 2014 11:25 AM

Jul 2013
When he saw her giggle again that let him know that she realized that it wouldn't bother him. "I hurt my knee really bad and it gave me a limp for the next couple of weeks." He reaches one hand down and rubs the knee that his was talking about. "I did get attacked while my foot was wedged in that hole. My trainer saved me from getting hurt really bad or even getting killed. It is safe to say that if that was a solo fight instead of a group fight...Well, let's just say that this conversation would not be happening."

Aug 18, 2014 11:47 AM

Dec 2011
"I'm very sorry to hear that. It must've been painful. But I'm glad you weren't seriously injured." Yugana said with a smile. "Now I have to worry about not suffering from the same mistake... I hope I haven't ended up jinxing myself." She joked with a small chuckle. "Perhaps we could spar some time as well? I'm sure you're more skilled than I, but it still might help me advance my abilities." She inquired of him.
Aug 18, 2014 12:01 PM

Jul 2013
"It was painful and a very good teaching moment. Like I said earlier, I got hell for letting that happen to me. There are so many chances in life to learn from your mistakes, you just have to hope that one of those mistakes won't cost you your life in the process." He once again finds himself getting more and more relaxed just talking like this. "Just from what I've seen of you so far, I can say that you have a good head on your shoulders, I don't think that a jinx has a chance of winning against you." He kinda liked the idea about sparing since it most likely won't get too heated or violent. "We can definitely spar one day. I do hope that I won't end up acting too much like my sensei though."

Aug 18, 2014 6:31 PM

Dec 2011
"Was there any specific reason you fought for? Any goal or ambition?" Yugana inquired of him. She had to admit she was enjoying speaking with him much more than she though she would. Not that she though less or him or anything, she just wasn't sure if she'd be talking this much with him. She originally thought they'd celebrate, she'd speak a bit and then excuse herself. "Acting like your sensei? How so? And how would it be bad? I don't mind some criticism." She questioned with a slightly raised brow.
Aug 18, 2014 9:34 PM

Jul 2013
"In truth, the reason that I initially fought was to get strong enough to test my limits. There were so many times back when I was young that I would just marvel as I watched the stronger people fight. And as I said earlier, I would scrounge around and pick up their discarded weapons so that I could emulate the things that I saw." He smiles briefly. "But after that, I met my sensei and got stronger. Once I got that new found strength I fought more for personal gain, to try and increase my status in life." He pauses and sighs. "Even though I did have all of the things that I could want in life, thanks to my parents. I still had the desire to go out and fight, my parents were strongly against that though. They basically wanted me to live off their name instead of me making one on my own. I probably sound like some rebellious rich kid now." He scratches the top of his head. "Sounding like my sensei wouldn't be as bad as I make it sound, it is just that I never pictured myself passing on any of his knowledge, or lack there of." He grins.

Aug 18, 2014 10:35 PM

Dec 2011
"Spoiled? You say to one of the princesses." Yugana remarked with a chuckle. "I can understand that. You must do what feels right for you, not what anyone else wants. Whether they think it wise or foolish." She agreed with him, nodding as well. She could even relate to it with her own ambitions. "Life is full of surprises. Besides, I could use all the help I can get. I suppose we share that in common, we both fight to reach our ambitions."
Aug 18, 2014 11:21 PM

Jul 2013
He just laughs when he first hears what she just said to him. If anyone was going to be spoiled it would most certainly be a prince or princess as he was just reminded of. "Doing what you feel is right should be something that everyone should try. But at the same time, I can easily see why other people will just play the hand that they are dealt instead of tossing the cards in the air and letting them land where they may. I think that my initial cards were to just live a quiet life in a castle and be surrounding by servants. I tossed the cards in the air...and now here I am." He says in a joking manner. "As crazy as it may sound, at least we met each other this way instead of on opposing sides in a possible war scenario."

Aug 18, 2014 11:50 PM

Dec 2011
"I agree... Certainty can be... comforting. And simply not knowing about something can tear you apart mentally. You just have to keep moving." Yugana spoke, nodding at his next statement. "Yes. I'm glad to have met you here. Much more so than on the battlefield. If we had, well, I don't think I would be sitting here." She joked with a small laugh. "Well, I suppose there's still a chance of that... But hopefully there's less of a chance that you'd immediately run me through now that we've met. " She added with another chuckle.
Aug 19, 2014 10:34 AM

Jul 2013
He nods his head. "I actually plan to go back home and show my parents what I became at some point, even if I'm doing things that go against their wishes, there is still a part of me that at least wants them to be proud of me." He pats his pockets and chest with his hands. "Just so you know, I'm totally unarmed right now and I can't exactly run you through with all of these people around me. And on top of that...I no longer think that I could raise a weapon at you in real combat even if I tried." He says with an assuring smile on his face.

Aug 19, 2014 6:03 PM

Dec 2011
"I think you should. I'm sure they'll welcome you back with open arms and be proud of you as well." Yugana said with a smile. She believed that since they were his parents that they couldn't possibly not be proud. She then giggled at his next comment. "Well, I don't me now, I mean if we were to meet as enemies somehow. Though I don't think it will happen." She corrected, then smiled gleefully at his ending statement. "Thank you... That makes me truly happy to hear. I would as well hate the mere idea of seriously attacking you." She stated truthfully. Yugana wasn't exactly fond of the idea of harming strangers, let alone those closer.
Aug 19, 2014 8:45 PM

Jul 2013
"I'll just be honest now with you about two things. The first thing is that I feel that you're right about my parents, there were times back when I was little that it felt like they were okay with some of my rebellious behavior. I even think that my mom once commented about how my dad used to break off from some of those old traditions and stuff." He says with a look of confidence on his face. "And now to the second thing, if the two of us really did have the unfortunate luck of being on the opposing sides on a battlefield, I would make it very convenient for you to avoid me. I mean, in battles it is not a necessity to kill everyone on the opposing side."

Aug 19, 2014 9:22 PM

Dec 2011
Yugana smiled at that. "Of course. They're you're parents, they couldn't not be proud of you. I am quite unlike my mother myself, though I still know she cares and supports me." She agreed with his first comment. "Hopefully that will not happen... But if it should, that does give me some peace of mind, though only somewhat." She began, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I... don't necessarily enjoy fighting. Truthfully, I hate violence, whether I be witnessing it or apart of it. So if we meet on a battlefield, it will most likely be because I need to in order to complete my goals. True, victory and defeat need not be determined solely by total annihilation, however I will not be able to limit myself or hold myself back... and I would as well not expect you to do so either." She said seriously, before lightening up once more. "N-Not to say that I would want to harm or kill you or anything of the sort! Nor would I allow you to be harmed if you were to lose and not escape-" She stopped herself and sighed, shaking her head slightly at herself.

"I'm rambling now, probably even confusing you more. I just mean... That I will probably be trying my hardest to win, as I expect you to do so as well. Despite who wins or loses, let us not make ourselves personal enemies and continue to support each other how we can." Yugana finally stated, closing her eyes shortly after in thought. "I... think that's what I meant to say." She added with a joyful laugh, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head as well.
Aug 19, 2014 9:33 PM

Jul 2013
He reaches over with his right hand and lightly taps one of her hands twice just to let her know that he understands. "I know what you mean, Yugana. And I'm honestly like the kind of guy that seeks out ways to hold back during fights, but I am good at altering the radius of my attacks. By saying that I would make it convenient for you to attack me was basically me saying that if I saw you then I'll go somewhere us immediately." He pauses with a grin on his face and just feels at peace and thinks that everything is cleared up now. "Just so you know,nothing that you have said has confused me in the slightest. I had an earlier thought that you were open and easy to talk to, you have proven that I was right in those thoughts."

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