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Apr 19, 2014 1:38 PM

May 2011
This is your typical farm with various plants and animals running around. What you'll notice the most are the chickens and roosters that are here. Towards the back of the farm you will find a small garden where people gather most of their vegetables.
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Apr 23, 2014 3:40 PM

Nov 2009
Yuki thought this whole thing was just stupid and childish after they said seeing both sides and they were merely fighting for land. "isn't sharing the first lesson they teach you when you get older" she sighs and looks down. she then talked to her mother managing to get her to calm down. her mother left simply saying "i don't need this or any of you people, I will get what I want and i wont get defeated" yuki watched her mother leave as she knew things were not gonna change for the better as when her mother wanted something she would do anything to get it. this frightened her a bit.

she went over to her new friend and kiss him in the check "lets meet again soon and talk" she whispered this into his ear as he heard Alteria's mother say "you filthy brat, stay away from my son!" she was a bit hurt by the women's words but she just looked down and left to her house, occasionally looking back at him as she walked there.
Apr 23, 2014 5:31 PM

May 2011
Alteria found himself at a loss for words from what his mother had just said to Yuki. His mom had never been the kind of person to insult someone like that that she didn't even really know. But that goes to show how pissed off she was about the prospect of losing the land to someone that just showed up out of nowhere and tried to make a claim to something that her and his father have owned for decades. He had seen a whole new side of his mom and that side was something that he wasn't so sure that he liked. He didn't know what his dad thought about this situation since his dad was not there at this time.

His eyes now went upwards towards the sky as several dark clouds started to form above his head. Those clouds were almost a microcosm of the things that were happening around him. Would he even dare to stand up to his parents assuming that his dad was going to take the side of his mom? Or would he take the first big step in being an adult by standing on his own?

Luckily no rain fell at this point and after that he just walked away from his mom so that he can find a quiet place to clear his head. He looked over his shoulder at Yuki before she had the time to leave from his sight completely. He waved at Yuki and went over to some of the animals.
Apr 23, 2014 7:31 PM

Nov 2009
once she had arrived to her home the first thing her mom said was to not get near those people and that just pained her heart a bit. as all she thought was of her new friend. she already knew how her mom was, she always wants to get what she wants no matter what and she will do and manipulate anything. but obcourse she wasnt gonna give up on her new friend. let fate choose our destiny as i hope it will choose the one i want she thought this as she looked out the window and saw how cloudy it was.
she decided to cook something for her and her new friend, but she needed to find a way to contact him but without there parents seeing them. she decided to make him a note which says "meet me in the forest where we where in an hour for lunch" now she needed a way to get it to him
Apr 23, 2014 8:28 PM

May 2011
As soon as he reached his destination it felt like a big load had been taken off of his shoulders for the time being. This of course is something that was only going to be temporary, the only way for things to get fixed for good is for his mom to let go of this new anger that she has for those new people. It was almost like a cruel twist of fate that as soon as he had made a new friend that something like this would take place on the very same day. He did have other friends but none of them were like Yuki. Yuki thought like him, wanted the same things that he wanted and she didn't just go along with the norm and be content with living on the farm. His mom didn't really tell him what to do or not to do. Would it be a better idea to just let it go for the night, or would it be better to go and check on something before it gets too late? Despite his better judgment, he would take the chance to go and see her if he could.

Alteria gathers his courage and walks back towards his house, but instead of going in his house he decided to sneak around and see if he could find Yuki somewhere. He walked around her house very quietly and hoped that if anyone saw him it would be Yuki and not anyone else.
Apr 23, 2014 8:54 PM

Nov 2009
since she was by the window she saw alteria as he was passing bye, she threw the note at him and gave him a warm smile
Apr 23, 2014 9:01 PM

May 2011
Alteria reached up and grabbed the note that she handed him. He knew by now that it was a better idea for him to leave away from there as fast as he could considering the fact that she did not speak to him. His mind told him that she most likely couldn't speak to him or she would be in trouble or something. He nods his head and just walks away from the house as fast as he could.

Now that he was far enough away from the house house, he opened the letter that Yuki had handed to him. And the letter pretty much gave him all of the info that he needed. She wanted him to meet her back at the forest where they first met. I'll be there. He says to himself as he places the note in his pocket.
Apr 24, 2014 7:56 AM

Nov 2009
She smiled as he noded it showed that he agreed and it made her really happy. Once he saw him quickly leave, she hurried to go cook meal for him. She had even up to a point forgotten everything that happened with there parents, she was just really happy to be able to cook for him.

She started making rice, beans and fried chicken with a side potato and green salad. After she was done cooking everything. She packed it nicely into two lunch boxes and packed spoons and forks for them. She than waited to her mom was distracted and headed out into the forest
Apr 24, 2014 9:46 AM

May 2011
Alteria walked inside of his house and saw that his mom was sitting at the kitchen table, she hadn't started to cook anything yet and that led him to believe that she was still in deep thought about the stuff that happened today. But he knew his mom pretty well and he knew that she wasn't going to stay down in the dumps about something like this for too much longer. Alteria kissed the back of her head and after that he walked inside of his room and sat down in the bed. His eyes glanced around his room as he was looking for anything else that he might need, there wasn't something in there now that he wanted so he just got up and left out of the room.

Alteria left out of the house and closed the door behind him, the dark clouds that were in the sky earlier had dissipated for the time being. He now headed out towards the forest so that he can meet up with Yuki.
Apr 24, 2014 1:50 PM

Nov 2009
she was already waiting for him in there spot. she had the bag of food in her hand and a table cloth in the other hand. "you are here, im so glad you can make it" she smiled and put the table cloth over a soft spot in the grass and took out there lunch boxes
Apr 24, 2014 3:12 PM

May 2011
"Well, you did tell me to meet out here around this time. It would have been rude of me to not show up here and meet you now." Alteria walked all the way over to where Yuki was sitting. He looked down and saw the way that she had positioned everything, this looked liked what they call a picnic. It was going to be very interesting to see how things turned out from this point forward today. It can't get any worse than it was before. Alteria sits down in the grass in front of her. "This is going to be a first for me, I haven't been out here and eaten something before." He says and then smiles at her.
Apr 25, 2014 1:50 PM

Nov 2009
"Hehe but with everything that happened, it did make me slightly worried" she put a flower centerpiece in the middle which she have had for a long time. The flowers were very beautiful but hard to maintain. "Haha well it's my first time eating in a forest" she smiles and says "don't be shy with me, eat as much as you like" she gives him a a fork, spoon and knife and took hers as well as she sits down an moves to make sure they are really close to each other.
Apr 25, 2014 3:10 PM

May 2011
"Well, I hope that I can help you relieve some of those worries that you have. I will say this though, no matter what happens with all of that crazy stuff concerning the land, I will let that come between us and the things that we talked about earlier." Alteria makes himself comfortable before he starts to eat any of the food, he now reaches out one of his hands and grabs the fork that she had offered to him. "It looks like you have put a lot of work into making this food, it would be wrong of me to let any of it go to waste without eating it." He says as he smiles over at Yuki.
Apr 25, 2014 7:25 PM

Nov 2009
"hehe yayy" she was really happy to hear his words and it made her get this fuzzy felling all over her body "well if you promise, than i will two n ill stay by your side. i like it when i cook for people to eat, so you better eat all your share" she smiles and starts to eat "yummy
Apr 25, 2014 7:56 PM

May 2011
Alteria dips the spoon into the beans and scooped up some of those beans, he now raised that same hand up to his mouth and he ate all of the beans that were on the spoon. He chewed them slowly before swallowing them. "These beans are very good. I already like your cooking a lot." After eating the beans he looked at what else she had made and he grabbed one of the pieces of chicken and took his first bite of the chicken.
Apr 26, 2014 1:14 PM

Nov 2009
"hehe, im glad you like it" she smiled and started eating. she didnt say anything so he could eat in piece
Apr 26, 2014 2:00 PM

May 2011
"I usually only eat the food that my mom makes, so this in itself is a big thing for me to be eating anything that someone else makes. Hell, I don't even eat the food that my dad cooks and he is a pretty cook according to my mom." He quickly finishes off the chicken and after that he went right back to eating the beans and some of the rest of the food that she gave him. This was starting to feel more and more like a date, but he wasn't bold enough to possibly mention anything like that to her. He was afraid that saying it would make her feel weird and want to leave.
Apr 26, 2014 3:15 PM

Nov 2009
"ehhh.. thats being a picky eater" she playfully pokes his check "you need to just eat, hehe" she noticed that he seemed to like the beans alot "hehe look like you are fond of the beans the most" she smiles and keeps eating
Apr 26, 2014 3:22 PM

May 2011
"My mom likes to make sure that I eat healthy. She always loads every plate that she can with beans and other vegetables. I almost eat more vegetables than meat to be honest with you." After eating some of the food, he sits the lunch box down in front of him and just looks at her for a couple of seconds. "Did your mom teach you how to cook?"
Apr 26, 2014 7:35 PM

Nov 2009
"ahh okk, that sounds nice" she smiles as what he said gave her ideas for what to make for him next time "yes she did, hehe and i was a bit stubborn on learning, im glad i did so i could make this meal for you" she finished and layed back
Apr 27, 2014 7:56 AM

May 2011
Alteria finished his food right after she did and after that he rubbed his stomach with a smile on his face. "I think that I am totally stuffed after all of that food." He looked at her and scratched the side of his head. "I'm happy that we were still able to come out here and spend this time together today."
Apr 27, 2014 8:55 AM

Nov 2009
"Hehe, so am I" she turned her head looking at him "we should make this our secret spot and schedule to escape from everything together, everyday. We can even explore everything around here, who knows what we may find"
Apr 27, 2014 9:08 AM

May 2011
Alteria nods his head and laughs. "That sounds like a deal to me. I think that we should make sure to spend most of that time out here together at night. You're new here but this area looks even better the darker that it gets around here."
Apr 27, 2014 9:13 AM

Nov 2009
"Ahh ok than we shall explore together at night, do you want to do some exploring together" she smiles and looks at him
Apr 27, 2014 9:36 AM

May 2011
Alteria felt that going out and exploring with her was a great idea and something that might turn out fun, it was going to be obvious what his answer was going to be. "Yeah," he says with a smile. "We can go and look around right now. And besides, we need to walk some of this food off since e ate so much today."
Apr 27, 2014 9:06 PM

Nov 2009
"haha yayy, i believe so two" she smiles and gets up than extends her hand out to him so he can get up
(lets say they come across the waterfall :))
Apr 27, 2014 11:09 PM

May 2011
He grabs her hand and stands right next to her. Although, he the terrain of this whole area much better than she did it could add to the fun if he just went along with the flow and didn't go off too far ahead of her they walked around. The sounds of splashing water could be clearly heard by the both them letting them know that they were getting close to the waterfall.
Apr 28, 2014 11:15 AM

Nov 2009
as they where holding hands and walking, she blushed. she didn't know why she was always so happy when he held her hand. she smiles as she hears water "d-do you hear that?" she rushed to wear the sound was comiing, making him rush to since they where holding hand . (next post there)
Apr 28, 2014 8:02 PM

May 2011
(Okay.:) )
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