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Apr 4, 2013 3:02 PM

Apr 2011
jammerg55 said:
Regardless of what they say I'd bet that 90% of people would watch a second season if they made one.

^ exactly
now i would prefer a 2nd season because apart from a few bits in it i did enjoy it. people can bitch and debate about it all they want, frankly i dont care if you hated it or loved it because its your own opinion and thats all, it aint a fact, it aint truth and thats that. people will disagree about damn near anything because we are different. hell, if they make a 2nd season, if you love/like it then great, if you hate it then simply dont f***in watch it.
Apr 11, 2013 9:33 AM

Apr 2013
I need another season of this, Akatsuki is just to awesome. Not a very common mc as far as i've seen.
Season 2 please.
Jun 19, 2013 8:33 PM

Jan 2013
I would really like to see a second season of this anime especially since it looks like it will only get better further on. And seeing that sales went good in japan there is a pretty good chance that there will be one.
The real world is past the virtual world is future.

Jun 21, 2013 10:38 AM

Mar 2013
wukp said:
I would really like to see a second season of this anime especially since it looks like it will only get better further on. And seeing that sales went good in japan there is a pretty good chance that there will be one.

Sales where awful.

Jun 25, 2013 2:33 PM
May 2013
I really enjoyed the show, Im hoping for a second season. I think the whole point of this was to get a fan base and lead them up to the real story which will likely be explained in season 2 and 3.
Jun 25, 2013 2:36 PM
May 2013
That being said I hope they keep miu but they definitely need to develop her character a lot more, plus now you got all the other girls liking. including the student council, who I'm rooting for along with miu because i love tsundre
Jul 17, 2013 2:41 PM

Jul 2013
I just wanted to ask something, Does akatsuki actually like myuu? Because he treats all the girls as same as her
Jul 18, 2013 11:24 AM

Sep 2012
It's implied that he does but there's no confirmation of it yet.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise the Oppai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Jul 25, 2013 3:44 PM

Jul 2013
Shiveron said:
It's implied that he does but there's no confirmation of it yet.

Okay thanks :)
Aug 3, 2013 4:52 AM

Jul 2013
geez.. finally we have a protagonist who's not a wimp and acts like a real man would when surrounded by women hungry for his d*ck and people still complain. WTF do you all want anyway? someone like Yuki Rito who acted like seeing a girl's boobs is poisonous? or other typical harem protagonist who has nothing special yet inexplicably got many girls to like him? sure the story is your typical shonen but for once the main character is someone who deserves his harem. I hope there's season 2 just because I want to watch MC molest his harem more like every harem MC should!
Aug 5, 2013 5:13 AM

May 2012
chaos86 said:
geez.. finally we have a protagonist who's not a wimp and acts like a real man would when surrounded by women hungry for his d*ck and people still complain. WTF do you all want anyway? someone like Yuki Rito who acted like seeing a girl's boobs is poisonous? or other typical harem protagonist who has nothing special yet inexplicably got many girls to like him? sure the story is your typical shonen but for once the main character is someone who deserves his harem. I hope there's season 2 just because I want to watch MC molest his harem more like every harem MC should!

Yeah, it was nice seeing a strong / non-wimpy MC for once. The wimpy MC type is just so over-used... I really hope they do make a second season.

Oct 20, 2013 10:55 AM

Jan 2013
How were sales of BD and DVD, it is possible a second season?

I like this type of show, I need a second season.

To aru majutsu no index and To aru kagaku no railgun Lover
Jan 28, 2014 12:26 AM
Dec 2013
its still price is 49$...but still no new seasons..its disappointing.
Jan 30, 2014 8:16 PM
Nov 2013
Czechbiohazard said:
SD_CV said:
I liked the series but the last episode made me feel as if the whole 12 episodes were nothing more than one big intro...

Yeah, I second that. The last fight was dragged out way to much also.

i third that
Feb 20, 2014 9:19 PM

Dec 2013
Well, I originally checked this thread because I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on if we're ever going to get a second season. Instead, I get 6 pages of the old "mine is bigger than yours" mentality of school children, and even the females are playing! Go on, hate me for that. Call me names, try to make yourself feel better by "proving" that I'm just idiot and you're better than me. Don't expect me to care, I doubt I'll ever check this thread again. But, I just had to say that what I've seen here, the so called "debates" and "arguments" that you people are having... It's pathetic.

Let me see if I've got this straight... The main character is a "Gary Stu/Mary Sue", check. The main character is a "womanizer", check. There wasn't any character development at all for any of the characters, check. Am I getting this so far? The main character is detestable because he's not an emo pussy, check. The women are detestable because they need a man to protect them, check. I'm still on track, right? The story wasn't likable because its... oh wait, no one has given valid reasons why the story isn't likable, it's all based on character hate.

So, this Gary Stu thing? Do you think this makes you some informed anime guru because you throw around terms like this? Here's the scoop for you about this particular "Gary Stu", he was meant to be that way. The anime, and this is clearly stated in the premise/summary, picks up AFTER he's completed his journey and defeated the big bad. He's a womanizer? Well, yeah, that he is... BUT, that's no different from just about any real man you'll see on the street, or in a bar, and we all know that the only reason women go to bars is to pick up a "real" man.

No character development at all for any of the characters? Are you sure you actually watched this series, maybe you hated it so quickly that you stopped paying attention after the first episode started? The main character, as perfect as he is, actually grew a little himself. But, the real development was in Myuu, Class Rep, and the lesbian womanizer chick(Izumi or some shit like that?) They all developed throughout the series, as did VP who probably developed more than lesbian chick. The development was all centered on these girls coming together, learning their places in the lives they lead, building confidence in themselves, learning to trust others, and accepting someone despite their flaws or the skeletons in their closet.

The main character is detestable because he's not your typical emo pussy, he's too perfect. I think I covered this one already, he was supposed to be that way. Get over it already.

The women are detestable because they need a man to protect them? Ok, this one actually makes me laugh. I'm not exactly sexist, but despite all of the strong women out there who fight for the equal treatment of women and succeed in a "man's world", I've still not met a woman who is willing to actually stand on her two feet without the help of anyone at all when faced with the worst crisis in their entire existence. EVERYONE needs help sometimes, and the strong women out there are a minority to their own gender. The majority of women are weak. Go on now, tell me how sexist that remark seems. But hiding behind scapegoats like sexism just show that I'm right.

Now lets cover the story. I've seen a lot of people talk about poor writing, lack of plot, so on and so forth. I'm yet, however, to see any proof of these claims. The best response I've seen so far is that this story is weak when compared to many other anime series that have come out over the years. This is true, because not every anime that comes out will be some blockbuster that destroys everything that came before it. The story was lacking in some places, it was far from perfect, and it even lacked some substance. The story was more character and action driven than it was plot-driven, the true plot didn't even show up until after the halfway mark. But this doesn't mean it's horrible, or poorly written. It just means that it didn't focus on the plot as much as some of you would have liked. Look at Cowboy Bebop, that was a great series, one of the classics, but it was completely episodic, it had little to no plot at all.

As for the comparison to Kaze no Stigma a few posts back, that was actually fairly accurate. I can totally see that in the "perfection" of the main characters, and their aloof personalities.

Wow, this is much longer than it seemed in my head as I read over this horrible excuse for proper discussion. Oh well, I covered everything I think.

For those who are gonna hate on me because I don't support their opinions and bash people like a child... you seem to think age, gender, and the amount of time spent watching anime is what determines character or how right or wrong someone is, so here: I'm 34, a male, and I've been watching anime since my early childhood, going back to such anime as Akira, Robotech, and GoLion. Also that's a good example that I know how to tell the difference between a good anime and horrible one.

Since I'll probably never look at this again, I really don't care if you take anything away from this and learn from it or not. I truly couldn't care any less whether you hate me or bash me, or not. So enjoy yourselves! :)
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Feb 25, 2014 9:50 PM

Jan 2014
Onlin3Mast3r said:
chaos86 said:
geez.. finally we have a protagonist who's not a wimp and acts like a real man would when surrounded by women hungry for his d*ck and people still complain. WTF do you all want anyway? someone like Yuki Rito who acted like seeing a girl's boobs is poisonous? or other typical harem protagonist who has nothing special yet inexplicably got many girls to like him? sure the story is your typical shonen but for once the main character is someone who deserves his harem. I hope there's season 2 just because I want to watch MC molest his harem more like every harem MC should!

Yeah, it was nice seeing a strong / non-wimpy MC for once. The wimpy MC type is just so over-used... I really hope they do make a second season.

SD_CV said:
I liked the series but the last episode made me feel as if the whole 12 episodes were nothing more than one big intro...

all well said. awaiting second season.
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Feb 25, 2014 9:59 PM

Jan 2014
The_Bif said:
Well, I originally checked this thread because I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on if we're ever going to get a second season. Instead, I get 6 pages of the old "mine is bigger than yours" mentality of school children, and even the females are playing! Go on, hate me for that. Call me names, try to make yourself feel better by "proving" that I'm just idiot and you're better than me. Don't expect me to care, I doubt I'll ever check this thread again. But, I just had to say that what I've seen here, the so called "debates" and "arguments" that you people are having... It's pathetic.

Let me see if I've got this straight... The main character is a "Gary Stu/Mary Sue", check. The main character is a "womanizer", check. There wasn't any character development at all for any of the characters, check. Am I getting this so far? The main character is detestable because he's not an emo pussy, check. The women are detestable because they need a man to protect them, check. I'm still on track, right? The story wasn't likable because its... oh wait, no one has given valid reasons why the story isn't likable, it's all based on character hate.

So, this Gary Stu thing? Do you think this makes you some informed anime guru because you throw around terms like this? Here's the scoop for you about this particular "Gary Stu", he was meant to be that way. The anime, and this is clearly stated in the premise/summary, picks up AFTER he's completed his journey and defeated the big bad. He's a womanizer? Well, yeah, that he is... BUT, that's no different from just about any real man you'll see on the street, or in a bar, and we all know that the only reason women go to bars is to pick up a "real" man.

No character development at all for any of the characters? Are you sure you actually watched this series, maybe you hated it so quickly that you stopped paying attention after the first episode started? The main character, as perfect as he is, actually grew a little himself. But, the real development was in Myuu, Class Rep, and the lesbian womanizer chick(Izumi or some shit like that?) They all developed throughout the series, as did VP who probably developed more than lesbian chick. The development was all centered on these girls coming together, learning their places in the lives they lead, building confidence in themselves, learning to trust others, and accepting someone despite their flaws or the skeletons in their closet.

The main character is detestable because he's not your typical emo pussy, he's too perfect. I think I covered this one already, he was supposed to be that way. Get over it already.

The women are detestable because they need a man to protect them? Ok, this one actually makes me laugh. I'm not exactly sexist, but despite all of the strong women out there who fight for the equal treatment of women and succeed in a "man's world", I've still not met a woman who is willing to actually stand on her two feet without the help of anyone at all when faced with the worst crisis in their entire existence. EVERYONE needs help sometimes, and the strong women out there are a minority to their own gender. The majority of women are weak. Go on now, tell me how sexist that remark seems. But hiding behind scapegoats like sexism just show that I'm right.

Now lets cover the story. I've seen a lot of people talk about poor writing, lack of plot, so on and so forth. I'm yet, however, to see any proof of these claims. The best response I've seen so far is that this story is weak when compared to many other anime series that have come out over the years. This is true, because not every anime that comes out will be some blockbuster that destroys everything that came before it. The story was lacking in some places, it was far from perfect, and it even lacked some substance. The story was more character and action driven than it was plot-driven, the true plot didn't even show up until after the halfway mark. But this doesn't mean it's horrible, or poorly written. It just means that it didn't focus on the plot as much as some of you would have liked. Look at Cowboy Bebop, that was a great series, one of the classics, but it was completely episodic, it had little to no plot at all.

As for the comparison to Kaze no Stigma a few posts back, that was actually fairly accurate. I can totally see that in the "perfection" of the main characters, and their aloof personalities.

Wow, this is much longer than it seemed in my head as I read over this horrible excuse for proper discussion. Oh well, I covered everything I think.

For those who are gonna hate on me because I don't support their opinions and bash people like a child... you seem to think age, gender, and the amount of time spent watching anime is what determines character or how right or wrong someone is, so here: I'm 34, a male, and I've been watching anime since my early childhood, going back to such anime as Akira, Robotech, and GoLion. Also that's a good example that I know how to tell the difference between a good anime and horrible one.

Since I'll probably never look at this again, I really don't care if you take anything away from this and learn from it or not. I truly couldn't care any less whether you hate me or bash me, or not. So enjoy yourselves! :)

Even if it sounds pretty ubeliavable, I read through it all, and guess what?
Aye aye sir, You did great!
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Feb 27, 2014 9:38 PM

Jan 2014
The_Bif got this right. Way too much arguing here over nothing.

Hate or like Akatsuki, it's completely up to you. Personally i loved him off, and being someone who read the light novels, understands where he's coming from. The writers of the show didn't do a good enough job representing Akatsuki outwardly for all to see, I know, but they did many things that helped the attentive watcher piece together who Akatsuki is. In the show they portray Akatsuki to be very human, the fact is there are hints dropped all over the place throughout the season. The episode with the sleipnir bike being one of them. Interestingly enough no one wonders why Akatsuki takes on the challenge after hearing his father mentioned once, but everyone remembers the girl getting stripped during that episode.

Truthfully speaking, if you go into this anime with an open mind and take it for what it is, then you'll find the story to be very engaging and well connected. Remember this the the esthetics of a rogue hero, the title is very important and explains why Akatsuki is how he is, so look at his actions and their consequences rather than all the titties flying out all over the place. Remember, the titties are just an incentive to keep watching, they shouldn't be why you keep watching...kinda.

All in all, a good anime that deserves a second season. Funimation is involved in the production, and they have money to spare, so despite the low sales, I hope they make another season.
Feb 28, 2014 2:38 AM

Jan 2014
knightzelkova said:
The_Bif got this right. Way too much arguing here over nothing.

Hate or like Akatsuki, it's completely up to you. Personally i loved him off, and being someone who read the light novels, understands where he's coming from. The writers of the show didn't do a good enough job representing Akatsuki outwardly for all to see, I know, but they did many things that helped the attentive watcher piece together who Akatsuki is. In the show they portray Akatsuki to be very human, the fact is there are hints dropped all over the place throughout the season. The episode with the sleipnir bike being one of them. Interestingly enough no one wonders why Akatsuki takes on the challenge after hearing his father mentioned once, but everyone remembers the girl getting stripped during that episode.

Truthfully speaking, if you go into this anime with an open mind and take it for what it is, then you'll find the story to be very engaging and well connected. Remember this the the esthetics of a rogue hero, the title is very important and explains why Akatsuki is how he is, so look at his actions and their consequences rather than all the titties flying out all over the place. Remember, the titties are just an incentive to keep watching, they shouldn't be why you keep watching...kinda.

All in all, a good anime that deserves a second season. Funimation is involved in the production, and they have money to spare, so despite the low sales, I hope they make another season.

well, i didnt read the light novels, but i dont complain about how they presented him anyway. There are obviously reasons why he has developed that way. I agree to the hints about it being all over the season, there are many. This season in my opinion is like a big intro to actuall full-fledged story
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Mar 23, 2014 12:16 PM

Feb 2014
I just finished watching the anime and I'm actually disappointed with it. Although I would like to see a 2nd season hopefully their will be a good plot and more background about Akatsuki.
Apr 15, 2014 12:16 PM

Apr 2014
The story is based after the hero has done his deed. He is now powerful, and he has a vast amount of experience. The show isn't really about him becoming a hero, he already is one.

Most of the time, the MC in a harem is totally pointless and the female characters like him for NO apparent reason. Usually, the women are far more powerful than the men and end up protecting the shit out of them until the MC realizes his 'true potential.

For me, this was a breath of fresh air. Sure the breast fondling was pointless and the story seemed underdeveloped but I enjoyed the show nonetheless. Besides, I wouldn't call all the females submissive. I may have a bad memory, but I only remember him fondling Miu's tits and stealing the bras off of the other females during that game at the beach. Pretty much every other female in the series wasn't groped up or sexually harassed by him.

Complaining about an Ecchi show having fanservice is like complaining about porn having sex, it just doesn't make sense.
Tonight, Synklare joins the hunt.
Apr 15, 2014 12:20 PM

Jan 2014
Synklare said:
The story is based after the hero has done his deed. He is now powerful, and he has a vast amount of experience. The show isn't really about him becoming a hero, he already is one.

Most of the time, the MC in a harem is totally pointless and the female characters like him for NO apparent reason. Usually, the women are far more powerful than the men and end up protecting the shit out of them until the MC realizes his 'true potential.

For me, this was a breath of fresh air. Sure the breast fondling was pointless and the story seemed underdeveloped but I enjoyed the show nonetheless. Besides, I wouldn't call all the females submissive. I may have a bad memory, but I only remember him fondling Miu's tits and stealing the bras off of the other females during that game at the beach. Pretty much every other female in the series wasn't groped up or sexually harassed by him.

Complaining about an Ecchi show having fanservice is like complaining about porn having sex, it just doesn't make sense.

pretty much agreed.
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Apr 15, 2014 12:34 PM

Apr 2014
kcp_snag said:
Synklare said:
The story is based after the hero has done his deed. He is now powerful, and he has a vast amount of experience. The show isn't really about him becoming a hero, he already is one.

Most of the time, the MC in a harem is totally pointless and the female characters like him for NO apparent reason. Usually, the women are far more powerful than the men and end up protecting the shit out of them until the MC realizes his 'true potential.

For me, this was a breath of fresh air. Sure the breast fondling was pointless and the story seemed underdeveloped but I enjoyed the show nonetheless. Besides, I wouldn't call all the females submissive. I may have a bad memory, but I only remember him fondling Miu's tits and stealing the bras off of the other females during that game at the beach. Pretty much every other female in the series wasn't groped up or sexually harassed by him.

Complaining about an Ecchi show having fanservice is like complaining about porn having sex, it just doesn't make sense.

pretty much agreed.

If there is a season two, I'd like to find out more about his past though. Why he felt the need to challenge his father regarding the bike, how he defeated the Dark Lord, the struggles he went through to become powerful.
Tonight, Synklare joins the hunt.
Apr 16, 2014 2:51 AM

Jan 2014
Synklare said:
kcp_snag said:
Synklare said:
The story is based after the hero has done his deed. He is now powerful, and he has a vast amount of experience. The show isn't really about him becoming a hero, he already is one.

Most of the time, the MC in a harem is totally pointless and the female characters like him for NO apparent reason. Usually, the women are far more powerful than the men and end up protecting the shit out of them until the MC realizes his 'true potential.

For me, this was a breath of fresh air. Sure the breast fondling was pointless and the story seemed underdeveloped but I enjoyed the show nonetheless. Besides, I wouldn't call all the females submissive. I may have a bad memory, but I only remember him fondling Miu's tits and stealing the bras off of the other females during that game at the beach. Pretty much every other female in the series wasn't groped up or sexually harassed by him.

Complaining about an Ecchi show having fanservice is like complaining about porn having sex, it just doesn't make sense.

pretty much agreed.

If there is a season two, I'd like to find out more about his past though. Why he felt the need to challenge his father regarding the bike, how he defeated the Dark Lord, the struggles he went through to become powerful.

I am strongly convinced that if there will be season 2, and I think why not, then of course they should/will reveal the story behind the hints that they left for us in season 1 that was only just a beginning imo
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Apr 17, 2014 3:07 PM

Oct 2013
This was a pretty good anime, but they should have spent less time with ecchi, and more time focusing on the story IMO. Like, what happened to his father and his sister? When he was sleeping, he said she was dead. Maybe if they had showed his past, people would understand and like him better.

Also, I hate when the main guy saves everyone and the girls are useless. Miu is the goddamn daughter of the demon king!!! She seemed so powerfull in the first episode, but after that all she did was being saved by Akatsuki.

I just hope they make a second season to answer all the questions.
nyanwaveApr 17, 2014 3:15 PM
Apr 17, 2014 7:42 PM

Apr 2014
taiga21 said:
This was a pretty good anime, but they should have spent less time with ecchi, and more time focusing on the story IMO. Like, what happened to his father and his sister? When he was sleeping, he said she was dead. Maybe if they had showed his past, people would understand and like him better.

Also, I hate when the main guy saves everyone and the girls are useless. Miu is the goddamn daughter of the demon king!!! She seemed so powerfull in the first episode, but after that all she did was being saved by Akatsuki.

I just hope they make a second season to answer all the questions.

In a harem, the main guy usually saves nobody. It's usually the female characters kicking ass and protecting the male which actually pisses me off after while. If you don't like it when the MC saves everybody then you've been watching the wrong anime to be honest. The girls aren't useless though, they're just not as powerful as Akatsuki.

An example of somebody being incredibly powerful and not being given the chance to truly shine due to a female character is the MC from Strike the Blood.
Tonight, Synklare joins the hunt.
Apr 21, 2014 11:50 PM

Feb 2009
Synklare said:
taiga21 said:
This was a pretty good anime, but they should have spent less time with ecchi, and more time focusing on the story IMO. Like, what happened to his father and his sister? When he was sleeping, he said she was dead. Maybe if they had showed his past, people would understand and like him better.

Also, I hate when the main guy saves everyone and the girls are useless. Miu is the goddamn daughter of the demon king!!! She seemed so powerfull in the first episode, but after that all she did was being saved by Akatsuki.

I just hope they make a second season to answer all the questions.

In a harem, the main guy usually saves nobody. It's usually the female characters kicking ass and protecting the male which actually pisses me off after while. If you don't like it when the MC saves everybody then you've been watching the wrong anime to be honest. The girls aren't useless though, they're just not as powerful as Akatsuki.

An example of somebody being incredibly powerful and not being given the chance to truly shine due to a female character is the MC from Strike the Blood.



anyways HYnE was a really good show. alot of titties but i can handle some titties. The story was interesting, its nice to see a story that doesn't just cut itself off or back itself into a corner. This show is wide open. They can go into his deep past or well into the future.

unfortunately, i'm not sure i've ever seen a 13 ep series get a much lengthier second or third season without it being OVA's.

With a little less breast fondling, this could be a long running show. Just don't think they're going to put in the effort to make it so. I'm hopeful we'll get at least another 13 eps
Apr 23, 2014 7:55 PM

Nov 2013
I think this could've got a second season cause the author (Uesu, Tetsuto) has his other light novel (Shinmai Maou no Testament) getting a adaption.
But I guess he didn't want a season two of this lol.

Apr 26, 2014 9:38 AM

Apr 2009
more oppai on season 2.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 23, 2014 8:06 PM

Oct 2013
Marthgun said:
Synklare said:
taiga21 said:
This was a pretty good anime, but they should have spent less time with ecchi, and more time focusing on the story IMO. Like, what happened to his father and his sister? When he was sleeping, he said she was dead. Maybe if they had showed his past, people would understand and like him better.

Also, I hate when the main guy saves everyone and the girls are useless. Miu is the goddamn daughter of the demon king!!! She seemed so powerfull in the first episode, but after that all she did was being saved by Akatsuki.

I just hope they make a second season to answer all the questions.

In a harem, the main guy usually saves nobody. It's usually the female characters kicking ass and protecting the male which actually pisses me off after while. If you don't like it when the MC saves everybody then you've been watching the wrong anime to be honest. The girls aren't useless though, they're just not as powerful as Akatsuki.

An example of somebody being incredibly powerful and not being given the chance to truly shine due to a female character is the MC from Strike the Blood.



anyways HYnE was a really good show. alot of titties but i can handle some titties. The story was interesting, its nice to see a story that doesn't just cut itself off or back itself into a corner. This show is wide open. They can go into his deep past or well into the future.

unfortunately, i'm not sure i've ever seen a 13 ep series get a much lengthier second or third season without it being OVA's.

With a little less breast fondling, this could be a long running show. Just don't think they're going to put in the effort to make it so. I'm hopeful we'll get at least another 13 eps

I don't think I've been watching the wrong anime, because I actually enjoyed this one. I'm just saying that I would have liked even more if they had fought together and if they had given us the answers.

Also I don't mind the ecchi, as long as we get a decent plot.
Jun 12, 2014 9:28 AM

Jun 2014
A 2 or 3 episode prequel of the story will also be good.
Jun 14, 2014 4:16 AM
Sep 2012
everyone is missing out not being able to read the source material. Theres so much stuff that happens later on.
Jun 15, 2014 2:27 PM

Oct 2013
I completely disagree with the people who said this is a typical echhi. That's a damn lie here is why.
-MC is not a pussy little boy
-Is not filled with tons of cock blocks like Highschool DXD
-Few to NO annoying characters
-MC already OP at the start

The list keeps on. All this complainers can go back to watching their shitty School Days. This was one of the few ecchis I truly liked I really hope a season 2 gets announced this year if not, Oh well........
Jun 19, 2014 9:59 PM
Jan 2014
Fierce_Deity22 said:
I completely disagree with the people who said this is a typical echhi. That's a damn lie here is why.
-MC is not a pussy little boy
-Is not filled with tons of cock blocks like Highschool DXD
-Few to NO annoying characters
-MC already OP at the start

The list keeps on. All this complainers can go back to watching their shitty School Days. This was one of the few ecchis I truly liked I really hope a season 2 gets announced this year if not, Oh well........
Jul 14, 2014 10:48 PM
Sep 2010
I don't mind this series at all I think its really good and I think it deserves a season 2 and also highschool DxD is awesome.
Jul 18, 2014 10:21 PM

Feb 2009
still believing!!

So many good animes with tons of source material that just get dropped, even if the show sells well.

its hard to know what these japs are thinking most of the time. They need to pander alot more to the western markets for capital.

there's alot of money willing to be spent to get more animu that's left undone.
Aug 12, 2016 4:49 PM
Dec 2011
i think there is going to be one and here is why -

as most of us know the light novels are currently on hiatus, but hopefully it will start up again one day and when it does they do they probably make a second season to advertise it, similar to what they did with Infinite Stratus
Aug 12, 2016 5:27 PM

Aug 2016
I'm fairly certain that, given the ending, the only reason the anime was made was to boost sales of the source material.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Dec 20, 2016 12:30 AM

Sep 2016
Cute and well done, but not excited me too much. A second season would help.
Jul 4, 2017 3:00 PM

Dec 2010
The critics in this thread think there is some kind of mathematical formula to creating a character, as if you need certain ingredients mixed in the proper order to make something enjoyable.

I really don't care for this state of things where everyone thinks they are a professional critic and don't just watch something to enjoy it.

And if you don't that's fine, but it's like going into a seafood restaurant and crying about the lobster to everyone eating there because you don't like it. Get over yourselves.
Aug 30, 2017 9:37 AM
Aug 2017
I waited for season 2 as I waited for season 2 of the anime Hataraku Maou-Sama. Well this is a good anime why not for season 2 > I'm waiting for it to go <
Nov 13, 2017 12:10 PM
Dec 2014
I don't usually comment but I will since the ratings for this anime is unjustified. You say the setting is not original? ha, it couldn't be more original than you think. You say the story is bland? Ha, I say I can see the authors and makers gave this one a lot of detailing. I'll say it again, You say it ain't original while not really actually paying attention to the plot and you say it's story is bland cuz it's not like your favourite show? Give it a break, you are contradicting yourself. I would give it a 10 but it's not perfect. I know that.
Dec 1, 2017 3:36 AM
Dec 2017
I want to watch season 2 of this anime because 1 season was best anime
Dec 1, 2017 4:26 AM
Jul 2015
I have read most of the Light Novels of this, so all I know is that the MC and his motley crew will go on a very interesting adventure in the fantasy world of Aleyzard. You'd love all those new fight scenes in that world, so I do hope they make a season 2, as we can then see the Elf girl Listy joining Akatsuki's Harem. We'd also get to see Motoharu Kaidou's badassery in the new season, as well as seeing more of the green-haired girl's Tsundere behavior.
CoolitzHubertXVIDec 1, 2017 4:32 AM
I am someone that would like to watch a Harem Anime with 2 male leads that each gets their own harem company of girls from the main cast. For example, 1st male lead gets a company of 4 girls and 2nd male lead gets 2-3 girls etc.
Feb 7, 2018 12:36 AM
Dec 2017
I also want to see season 2 of this anime...
I'm going crazyyy when i saw they are not going to make
please someone talk to it's director to make 2nd season..
Aug 14, 2019 5:47 AM

Apr 2014
The ending of episode 12 says that, ""Bitch, now continue from the fucking novel".

Fucking hate it tbh.
May 31, 2020 9:19 AM

Jan 2014
fistyoursoul said:
The ending of episode 12 says that, ""Bitch, now continue from the fucking novel".

Fucking hate it tbh.

Dude dat sukzzzzz man this show was ballsy af with lots of action and fun damnit and the main character was an actual male hero right damn give it another season and get dem wimps to be silent
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
Jun 15, 2020 3:47 PM

Mar 2018
Any news regarding the second season?
Jun 29, 2020 2:52 AM

Mar 2013
I forgot this series was a reverse isekai.
The isekai tag wasn't popular back then
Jul 1, 2020 6:11 AM

Jan 2014
xkazutox said:
I forgot this series was a reverse isekai.
The isekai tag wasn't popular back then

ehh wasnt it a harem?? but not too pushy rather softer like?
im not greatest about the genres, dont matter to me that much
K A T - Legenda Zza Światów - wstęp:
W dawnych czasach, które już niemal całkowicie przeminęły, magia i posługujące się nią istoty,
a także zaklęte stwory i złowrogie, nieokiełznane bestie
zamieszkiwały Zza Światy, pomiędzy którymi można było odbywać podróże.
Wiedza na ten temat była jednak przekazywana wyłącznie nielicznym wybrańcom.
Wielcy bohaterzy musieli stawać do walki ze złem, w obronie dobra,
by przezwyciężyć zagrażające równowadze mroczne widmo ciemności i chaosu
i zaprowadzić niezbędny wszem wobec praworządny ład i porządek.
Oto legenda jednego z nich…
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