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Apr 1, 2014 6:22 AM

Jan 2011
dont know, why the peps all bitching around. ending was great! its open, so - what a bad thing - you can use your imagination, what will happen next and you dont get the feeling, that its over. and i am glad, that this is not the usual happy end. and also its kinda a trademark of the now existing toaru hikushii he series, that in the end the lovers are seperated. another point is, a new series or movie, where all strings will be connected, is possible and i kinda like that idea.

overall, the air animations were fantastic and story in the whole was interesting with that twist and and not a boring happy end. i think, 24 or 26 eps would have been better to tell some things in a more detailed way, but for some holes u can use your imagination. i give the show 0,85 for now so that would be still a 9. maybe when time passes i will downrate it a bit to 0,82 or so, dont know yet. i enjoyed the show very much. ^^
Apr 1, 2014 6:43 AM

Jan 2011
AlexGK said:
Like their entire goal made no sense - they went to all this trouble and casualties just to whack the island into the rainbow wall?

do you know, what exploration is?

AlexGK said:
The moment Claire got her powers back, instead of owning them, they just gifted her to the Sky clan. Sense where? This is bullshit, nothing else.

what the? it was an act to gain peace and not to spread the war. thats why the accepted the offer, that Viento should go to the sky clan, like its said in the tales of the sky clan.

AlexGK said:
Also the characters - with those they could have done so much better! Instead they kill off half of them

whats bad about that? at war people die. thats not a „care bears“ show!

AlexGK said:
and then make their sacrifice look like a joke with the already mentioned "plot".

i did not see any jokes. all deaths were plausible to me.

AlexGK said:
Rly, might just be me, ignore me, but the show started great and then went to shit level really fast.

shit? why? because people die at war?

AlexGK said:
Im happy someone liked it though.

it wasnt a masterpiece, but i like adventurous stories and this one salted with a love story (without the usual happy end) was really entertaining. its not the usual school stuff or harem show or 1 vs. 1 martial arts battle show you see every season. it was something different and i appreciate shows which do something different.
Apr 1, 2014 7:01 AM

Dec 2013
Open endings aren't so bad. I do feel bad for Ari though. Seriously, Igna would have made a way better pairing for Ari, and the psudo love-triangle doesn't really help since it really came out of the blue in the last couple of episodes and just petered off. It's like someone saying "oh, we got divorced" after some family dinner, just an afterthought? Wasted potential.

Again, I wish they'd have developed the story a bit more to include more about the history of the world. This is one of my major gripes. If we wanted character development, they should have made it 2 cour, and they shouldn't have killed off everyone from episode 5 onwards. This anime had so much potential to develop into something more, but it all seems a bit wasted now.

In the end, the only things I want to know, is whether this story coincides with the third LN in this trilogy in some way, and will we actually get some sort of closure on what happens afterwards from that Novel instead?

Would anyone who's actually read the LN care to enlighten me on this? Much appreciated thanks in advance.
Apr 1, 2014 7:04 AM

Dec 2012
damn, this is just like Toaru Hikuushi e no Tsuinoku's ending...Pilot's have it hard...

well, won't say i love it, it started great then it kinda lost touch at the middle...but this was still good...

not hoping for a second season, but a movie or OVA would be nice...

don't worry, i know IMG tags are turned off...i'm just lazy to change my sig... xD
Apr 1, 2014 7:24 AM

Jul 2012
Like everyone has said a million times already, wasted potential is what this anime is. Could have been so much better, even near a 9/10 score I can imagine. Main problems: length (too short, tried to cram everything in, not enough character development, didn't put in too much thought in the romance), lack of direction (the fricking entire war and isla really made no sense most of the time), and thirdly, pacing.

The ending was so good though. I don't know what you guys are talking about, but this is probably the strongest episode in the series, next to Mitty's death. The pacing was absolutely fantastic (didn't feel rushed, but wasn't too slow either) and so many ties were tied up. Really considering giving it a 7 but IDK yet.

Would be happy for an OVA. Sequel though? Not so sure.
Apr 1, 2014 8:15 AM

Aug 2010
Show started with a lot of potential. Went downhill for me though. Turned out to be just another typical love story.

overall 6.5/10
Apr 1, 2014 8:22 AM

Dec 2013
As mentioned many times before, the anime had great potential. Oh well, at least the ending was decent! Maybe season 2? Not likely but room for improving is possible in S2.
Apr 1, 2014 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
Ahh.. Needs a better ending but I still enjoyed the series...

Apr 1, 2014 9:51 AM

Jan 2011
summerwars said:
AlexGK said:
Like their entire goal made no sense - they went to all this trouble and casualties just to whack the island into the rainbow wall?

do you know, what exploration is?

AlexGK said:
The moment Claire got her powers back, instead of owning them, they just gifted her to the Sky clan. Sense where? This is bullshit, nothing else.

what the? it was an act to gain peace and not to spread the war. thats why the accepted the offer, that Viento should go to the sky clan, like its said in the tales of the sky clan.

AlexGK said:
Also the characters - with those they could have done so much better! Instead they kill off half of them

whats bad about that? at war people die. thats not a „care bears“ show!

AlexGK said:
and then make their sacrifice look like a joke with the already mentioned "plot".

i did not see any jokes. all deaths were plausible to me.

AlexGK said:
Rly, might just be me, ignore me, but the show started great and then went to shit level really fast.

shit? why? because people die at war?

AlexGK said:
Im happy someone liked it though.

it wasnt a masterpiece, but i like adventurous stories and this one salted with a love story (without the usual happy end) was really entertaining. its not the usual school stuff or harem show or 1 vs. 1 martial arts battle show you see every season. it was something different and i appreciate shows which do something different.

What a load of crap!
I know what exploration is, but I dont think you do. It surely doesnt mean discover new lands and cultures WITH THE GOAL of destroying your vessel, lol. No sane person would find such a cause justified - no less after taking into account how valuable that island was.

Gain peace? What? It would be the same if Hitler had nuckes first, nucked New York and then the US came to him asking him to give them up. Imagine him saying something like "Here take them and be at peace". NOONE does this, get it? And more so after sustainig numerous casualties. What if the Sky clan just said "Wow ty lamerZ, now we will have no trouble blowing your dumb asses out of the sky". Plausable, much? Sense, where?

If I was any of the characters who died TO PROTECT that island, then somehow saw how they whacked it into that wall - id feel fucking dumb for wasting my life, am I making sense now? Thats the joke I talk about, not the deaths themselves. I have no problems with people dieing if there was a good reason. But here they ONLY killed the characters to create drama. And it seems they got you, at least.
You really cant understand how meaningless their sacrifice was made to look in the end?
AlexGKApr 1, 2014 9:58 AM
Apr 1, 2014 10:52 AM

Oct 2013
Not exactly what I wanted to see from the ending but it wasn’t so bad.

6/10 because we haven't been given a proper conclusion to the political side with the Sky Clan nor the romance between Kal-el & Claire(not to mention a MAJOR lack of Claire this ep).

Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it to a degree but it had way more potential…
Apr 1, 2014 11:19 AM

Aug 2011
Okay ending, just okay. This probably would have worked better as a longer series.
Still way better than Wizard Barristers, Chuu 2, and Hamatora endings that's for sure.
Apr 1, 2014 12:20 PM
Mar 2014
summerwars said:

do you know, what exploration is? [...]

1. Sorry, I must be the one to explain few things about history to you.

The main reason of age of exploration was to omit Ottoman Empire that blocked trade routes on silk road. Europe (mainly Italian bankers) would never invest huge money so that Portugal/Spain/England could go and "discover" things. No the reason was one MONEY. Spain with Christopher Columbus decided to go east believing that they will reach China and India... it wasn't trip to sightsee unknown places. Portugal did exactly the same but they decided to go around Africa.

Ok that was one example… let’s take another one. Great Chinese voyages led by Zhang He. About 250 large ships set on the journey only to enlarge their political influence. Their ships called “treasure ships” were filled with precious gifts for unknown kingdoms. Again the aim was not to “discover” things but to create tributary countries.

2. But once again their country set on the journey to fight with Sky Clan… so what for was that peace? Only to cancel it after 6 years? That was just stupid mistake of author of this Light Novel. Just like he didn’t predicted that Kal could go with Claire as one of her guardsman.

It had great potential... but it was destroyed by:
A. Loopholes/Errors in LN
B. Cutting LN to only 13 episodes.

EDIT: And by the way... I loved ending of to aru hikuushi e no tsuioku.... it was sad one... but diffrences in their status were too big + fate of the world depended on who she will marry.
ArchacusApr 1, 2014 12:25 PM
Apr 1, 2014 3:43 PM

Oct 2012
I see a lot of people getting angry with the ending, and i completely thought it was going to be really bad but I didn't mind it.

The 2 or 3 episodes before that were not that good imo but the ending was a lot better then I thought it was going to be. It even opened the possibility of a second season (though I don't think it would do very well)

Apr 1, 2014 5:23 PM

Aug 2008
Must be some kind of Japanese fetish. Breaking Best Girl's heart that is.

I don't get it. Why did Ari need to have romantic feelings for Karl to begin with? That was absolutely plot irrelevant. Loved the show until they had to pull that shit again.
Apr 1, 2014 6:05 PM

Dec 2013
kuuderes_shadow said:
am I the only one who liked the ending?
I enjoyed it :S
"It's our job as normal humans to make sure the potential on those misunderstood one is realized" - No Game No Life, Sora
Apr 1, 2014 6:15 PM

Jul 2012
Did anyone notice the fail height difference with the students? Karl was like two heads taller than Ari and then a frame later, he's like half a head taller. lol

goulartknight said:
kuuderes_shadow said:
am I the only one who liked the ending?
I enjoyed it :S

I loved it. It topped all the endings from the winter anime (that I've seen so far - I have not seen Space Dandy and Mikakunin's finale yet).
Apr 1, 2014 6:39 PM

Apr 2012
Even though I don't like that ending I think this anime wasn't bad ^^
Apr 1, 2014 7:01 PM
Jul 2013
claire went to the sky clan of her own free will as their messaih or whatever in exchange for safe passage of isla, which was granted. now carl is going to war because he wants her back. once again claire is the cause of a war instead of helping make peace with the sky clan. that's just bad writing

if this show was a fantasy/ sci-fi series like last exile then it would ok even if this happened.
but this is character driven series which puts most of the fantasy elements on the back burner by not revealing much about the world and still the characters are left open ended. that is just fucked up.
Apr 1, 2014 8:50 PM

Apr 2013
What was the point of making his sister like him? It felt unnecessary and made me feel kinda bad for her. 5/10
Apr 1, 2014 9:41 PM

Aug 2013
8/10 for me. Yup, and I'm not going to write a wall of text to justify my rating. It was simply an enjoyable show from start to end.
Apr 1, 2014 10:42 PM

Jul 2013
TBH I got a little confuse on the ending. Is it a timeskip, or it transits from the previous episode? Well, to my view, the ending was not that appealing imo.

7/10, the first half was better, while the second half was just a waste.

Apr 1, 2014 11:11 PM

Sep 2007
omega_d94 said:
TBH I got a little confuse on the ending. Is it a timeskip, or it transits from the previous episode? Well, to my view, the ending was not that appealing imo.

7/10, the first half was better, while the second half was just a waste.

Pretty sure it was a timeskip. Everybody looked older at the end.

A show that had so much potential. Only to be marred by shitty budget and execution.
Apr 2, 2014 2:38 AM

Mar 2011
I don't see why people are complaining about the ending. I think that open endings are actually far more interesting than close endings if done correctly, and personally I think this is just right. Although the story seems to be rushed. Would have been better if it was around 24 - 26 episodes for more characters development and such.

As most people have said, Kal could have went with Claire as one of her bodyguard. Was expecting to see a scene where Kal and Claire are reunited, but I guess I was expecting too much to happen in one episode.

God Ari looks so good in that dress. Was hoping that Ari will fall in love with Ignacio. I find the fact that Ari have feelings for Kal totally unnecessary in my opinion, although it was actually sort of cute. Feel kind of sorry for Ari.

“Some love songs can’t be sung” in addition to calling Kal her “prince” those two phrases just hit me. It's like in almost every romance anime, there has to be a girl who is in love with the MC and keeps it a secret.

Didn't see Claire for the whole episode despite Kal declaring his love for her. Oh wait sorry, we did see her. For 2 seconds. don't mind the open ending, but it would actually be nice if there's a movie or an OVA to wrap things up a bit, perhaps some explanation or some sort and fill the loopholes and such.
Do you like cakes?
You don't like cakes?
I like cakes.
Apr 2, 2014 6:14 AM
Oct 2011
Seriousti said:
8/10 for me. Yup, and I'm not going to write a wall of text to justify my rating. It was simply an enjoyable show from start to end.

I agree
Apr 2, 2014 7:10 AM

Nov 2010
The last scenes were great including the aerial battles
Too bad it wasn't like this throughout the entire run

And the mole was unexpected to me
Apr 2, 2014 9:52 AM

Mar 2012
Dulzo said:
Seriousti said:
8/10 for me. Yup, and I'm not going to write a wall of text to justify my rating. It was simply an enjoyable show from start to end.

I agree

Me too. It was great *-* I'd really like to watch a 2nd Season... I want to know how does this great love story ends =(
Apr 2, 2014 3:32 PM

Aug 2013

On a more serious note, it was a good ending, but you know, open ending and stuff...

So as everyone knew it, Ari forbidden love had no way to become true. She end in the tragic way, waiting for her prince that will maybe never come back... (Just forget about that plot shield for a moment, okay?)

Karl declaring his love publicaly to the girl who decapitated his parents. Well, no, okay, she just annihilated his heritage with violent wind and tornadoes.

When the father talked about ''The husband being no good'', I thought he was talking about himself and that he married his daughter xD
That was a bit creepy.

When that weird creepy girl disappeared, I thought as a joke that she was a spy and guess what? SHE WAS A FUCKING SPY. Didn't saw this coming.

I hope they do an epilogue OVA around 30-60 min long because I honestly don't want to read the manga to see how it end. Didn't passionated me that much.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Apr 2, 2014 4:01 PM
Feb 2014
was a great anime!
for me, it would have been better if Kal had stayed with Ariel
Apr 2, 2014 4:11 PM
Nov 2011
8/10 I really enjoyed this.
I guess Ari and Claire have too big fanbase to make definite romance ending. Now its a parity. And both groups can wish for another one's idol will die waiting for her prince. :3
Overall its great. And leaves a lot of possibilities to continue the story.
Apr 2, 2014 5:11 PM

Jul 2008
kuuderes_shadow said:
am I the only one who liked the ending?

No you're not.

Those kind of open ending don't really seem popular even though it's those I prefer.
Apr 2, 2014 8:12 PM
Dec 2013
Was it me or they blew their whole budget animating the last episode?

Up until now, the character quality felt poor, maybe given there were little plane fights on this one they gave the characters a better treatment, it looked beautiful! Like movie quality good.

Then ending while open leaves me satisfied, maybe we'll have some OVAs or a movie to wrap things up.
Apr 2, 2014 8:46 PM
Dec 2013
Well the end was emm... good but I REALLY wanted to see Fana and Charles :'D
and for a moment I thought that Ari and Ignacio would end together or something like that so this episode killed some of my ilusions ^^U
Apr 2, 2014 9:25 PM

Jul 2012
Gonxa said:
Was it me or they blew their whole budget animating the last episode?

Up until now, the character quality felt poor, maybe given there were little plane fights on this one they gave the characters a better treatment, it looked beautiful! Like movie quality good.

Then ending while open leaves me satisfied, maybe we'll have some OVAs or a movie to wrap things up.

Exactly my thoughts! :D
Apr 2, 2014 9:48 PM

Apr 2011
Well this ending was pointless... I liked the "fall in love with your worse enemy" thing but it was so badly executed.
Apr 3, 2014 1:05 AM

Jun 2012
Pff, who cares that it was an open-ended ending... whoever wrote this apparently didn't have a lot of brainpower. Most of the series I tried to ignore the inconsistencies/plotholes, hoping it would at least have somewhat of a payoff, but nope. Even in the very last episode this series was a bunch of pointless characters doing pointless things.

Not only was this series about a couple thousand people voluntarily flying to their deaths for the sake of possibly seeing a flying rock get destroyed, but now they are sending hundreds of thousands, if not millions to kamikaze against these people they don't even know. And all for the sake of saving their figure head only because the one person they all despise most is in love with her. I know she was a revered person.... but after finding out she wasn't actually an all-powerful goddess who could never be defeated and THEN that some scum, in their eyes, is now the love interest of their ex-goddess I would think their reactions after that speech would have been "What the fuck?"

"Hey guys, I know you all want me dead... but I love the person who murdered my parents... do you think you could maybe go die so that I can get her back?"

And also, why did only a few thousand people go to see such an important event that won't ever happen again? Especially if it was supposedly for their religion that they all so fervently believed in. With the kind of military might they showed at the end... I have to assume that every single person in their country is grade-A idiot, because if they had all gone to see this so called precious event in the first place, then they could have walked all over the Sky Clan and kept going.

To top it all off... with a good 40-50 percent of this gigantic military force already flying to their deaths, rather than using any kind of rational decision making... they jeopardize their entire goal by just running in guns blazing. Hey, everyone knows the best way to rescue a hostage is by making sure their captors know they're all about to die.

But despite all my hate, I'm still gonna show mercy and give this series a 5 out of 10... even though probably the only actually good (quality) scene was Mitsuo's death. That was honestly a really moving scene to me. Also to the ones saying there will never be a sequel, the light novels do apparently have a sequel that at least has Claire Cruz. And by the "ominous" scene with Shizuka saying they would intervene, it wouldn't really make sense to end it there.
HalibelTheEspadaApr 3, 2014 1:12 AM
Apr 3, 2014 7:18 AM
Sep 2013
Wasabi said:
omega_d94 said:
TBH I got a little confuse on the ending. Is it a timeskip, or it transits from the previous episode? Well, to my view, the ending was not that appealing imo.

7/10, the first half was better, while the second half was just a waste.

Pretty sure it was a timeskip. Everybody looked older at the end.

A show that had so much potential. Only to be marred by shitty budget and execution.

Yeah, it was a time skip.

Honestly the time in this anime felt all sorts of fucked up, since it didn't feel like they had aged at all from the beginning of the series to when they get to the End of Sky, but when they get home they all are full on adults?

I'm sure that can be explained, but this show is honestly not finished and it kind of pains me to think about the "ending". Actually I feel comfortable calling this show a prologue...But that also assumes there would be more content...Which likely won't happen, sigh.
Apr 3, 2014 7:53 AM

Jul 2008
amazingsil said:

Honestly the time in this anime felt all sorts of fucked up, since it didn't feel like they had aged at all from the beginning of the series to when they get to the End of Sky, but when they get home they all are full on adults?

It took them far much time to come back from the End of Sky than going to it because they hadn't Isla on the way back.
Karl and his sister were like 14 when they started so even a meager two years can make them look much more adult.
Apr 3, 2014 9:12 AM

Jul 2012
I thought it was a great last episode. I'd rather have a less open-ended ending, but I loved this episode. Didn't like the series too much overall though.

Seems like they used up all their budget on this episode haha.
Damn, did Ari grow up. Loved her long hair :)

Was a 4/10 before this episode. Bumped it up to a 5/10 lol
Apr 3, 2014 9:17 AM

Oct 2009
Despite the shitty open ending I thought this was actually a fairly decent episode. Its really too bad how much of a wasted potential this show was, started as one of the best of the season and then turned into one of the worst.

Who was that woman next to Ignacio though? And how did Ari become so hot all of a sudden o.o?

AlexGK said:
AlexGK said:

Braindead plot with no sense at all

Like their entire goal made no sense - they went to all this trouble and casualties just to whack the island into the rainbow wall? The moment Claire got her powers back, instead of owning them, they just gifted her to the Sky clan. Sense where? This is bullshit, nothing else.

Also the characters - with those they could have done so much better! Instead they kill off half of them and then make their sacrifice look like a joke with the already mentioned "plot". Rly, might just be me, ignore me, but the show started great and then went to shit level really fast.

Should I mention the derp faces we have all over the last 4-5 episodes? And how the art was aweseome in the start? Nah.

Im happy someone liked it though.

^Pretty much this.
...And this;
HalibelTheEspada said:
Pff, who cares that it was an open-ended ending... whoever wrote this apparently didn't have a lot of brainpower. Most of the series I tried to ignore the inconsistencies/plotholes, hoping it would at least have somewhat of a payoff, but nope. Even in the very last episode this series was a bunch of pointless characters doing pointless things.

Not only was this series about a couple thousand people voluntarily flying to their deaths for the sake of possibly seeing a flying rock get destroyed, but now they are sending hundreds of thousands, if not millions to kamikaze against these people they don't even know. And all for the sake of saving their figure head only because the one person they all despise most is in love with her. I know she was a revered person.... but after finding out she wasn't actually an all-powerful goddess who could never be defeated and THEN that some scum, in their eyes, is now the love interest of their ex-goddess I would think their reactions after that speech would have been "What the fuck?"

"Hey guys, I know you all want me dead... but I love the person who murdered my parents... do you think you could maybe go die so that I can get her back?"

And also, why did only a few thousand people go to see such an important event that won't ever happen again? Especially if it was supposedly for their religion that they all so fervently believed in. With the kind of military might they showed at the end... I have to assume that every single person in their country is grade-A idiot, because if they had all gone to see this so called precious event in the first place, then they could have walked all over the Sky Clan and kept going.

To top it all off... with a good 40-50 percent of this gigantic military force already flying to their deaths, rather than using any kind of rational decision making... they jeopardize their entire goal by just running in guns blazing. Hey, everyone knows the best way to rescue a hostage is by making sure their captors know they're all about to die.

But despite all my hate, I'm still gonna show mercy and give this series a 5 out of 10... even though probably the only actually good (quality) scene was Mitsuo's death. That was honestly a really moving scene to me. Also to the ones saying there will never be a sequel, the light novels do apparently have a sequel that at least has Claire Cruz. And by the "ominous" scene with Shizuka saying they would intervene, it wouldn't really make sense to end it there.
AozureApr 3, 2014 9:25 AM
Apr 3, 2014 5:15 PM
May 2009
I feel like this isn't the end. There may not be a second season, but the author seems to use this same world for all his novels. Perhaps later on he'll write another book explaining the fates of Kael and Clare.

Clare (as Nina Viento) is an important figure in this universe. She was the figurehead for the wind revolution and a religious Messiah for the Sky Clan. She'll appear again in a later story and with her Kael will too.

The moral? Hope for LN translations and read them.
Apr 3, 2014 5:20 PM

Jul 2013
Nice mouth.
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Apr 3, 2014 7:05 PM

Jan 2013
a low 7/10
I liked in more then last episode.
There were some very well animated emotional scenes.
Apr 4, 2014 9:32 AM

Apr 2011
Oh...the ending was just fine and dandy. Pretty average for me.

At first I was rooting for Kal x Claire, but the very last episode had me changing to Kal x Airi in an instant! I became annoyed at her at first, but now she's not and a beauty to boot. Kinda wish Kal gave Airi his child before leaving. lol

So there was many things to explore about the different worlds the sky clan, etc. Oh well. I will leave it like that.

6/10 Average.
Apr 4, 2014 8:46 PM

Jan 2011
The forced deaths for Mitsuro etc. were just stupid. Especially given that they should have air superiority with those planes and shooting skills.

Same with Ari falling for Kal. Not only is it unlikely, as they grew up together, it did basically nothing to the story unless they pick that up in a second season, with Ari forcing call to choose either her or Claire, and one or both of them going batshit crazy because he picked "wrong". But no, they just had to cram another incestous relationship and a handful of super awkward situations in. Seems likely lately no anime is complete without.

And the end of the sky..well, knowing how the world actually looks might be of some importance. To prove (or disprove, if possible) a myth, too. But this ill prepared? And how everyone ended up with the story of St. Aldista in the first place..The world itself, especially with three steps, feels totally artifical, too. They even said in the series "like a bigger Isla". So Islaception?

They also skipped most of Nina/Claires background, expect occasionally mentioning that that one admiral brought her on to Isla, and what we saw in Kal's back story.

I loved how the characters where portraited a bit different and older at the end, especially Ari was stunning, when she was not making things awkward.

I also fear that they will not be able to pick up all those loose ends with a second season even if they make one. They just openend another can with Shizuka being a spy despite having left out so much.
Apr 5, 2014 3:28 AM

Jul 2010
Everything was so rushed.
Apr 5, 2014 9:59 AM

Dec 2011
That was a great ending for me. Totally loved the story. 8/10 for me.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 5, 2014 10:42 AM

May 2012
Really lovely ending I must say while there is still a whole lot to be told the way they ended it was pretty lovely! The characters appeared more mature and lovely and well I've got to say I didn't expect much from this series at first but now I'm pretty amazed by the overall quality of both story and character development with some nice art and animation! For once no cheesy CGI and all by all some good drama and action!

I actually really liked this anime and I would love to see a second season although I doubt that there will be any sadly enough... All by all a great anime! 9/10
Apr 6, 2014 5:00 AM

Nov 2011

No, I did not have to make me a finale so juicy and then shut the series.
Except the discourse of Kal, too little addictive and simplistic, the rest of surprised me.
So many revelations at once are hard to digest.
Curious to learn more, I hope there is a second season.
I also hope that in the BD drawings are redone from scratch with a superior quality. * _ *
Very nice plane Kal.
The best character of the story is Ari, Kal vanishes in the presence of light that emanates his sister. Much more features and badass! : D
Final rating of 7/10 for now, despite the technical part has not shined.
Apr 6, 2014 1:11 PM
Mar 2013
Wat does kal mean by claire was the only one he cared for
He didn't care about anyone else
Apr 7, 2014 7:24 PM

Feb 2013
Good idea... go to war when you could have just talked or just moved in with the sky clan...

Well whatever. The end was about what I expected... bland like the rest of the anime.

The only thing this anime did well was the Carl/Claire romance, and there was too little of it. Everything else was below average (4/10).
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Feb 22, 2024 7:55 PM

Poll: » Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Jan 27, 2014

189 by Alkimia »»
Feb 22, 2024 2:03 PM

» Is it one big love triangle?

Gamewolf - Mar 23, 2014

12 by ZGUEGCHOV »»
Feb 25, 2022 1:23 AM

Poll: » Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Feb 24, 2014

133 by Swizze »»
Jun 14, 2019 7:31 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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