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Mar 16, 2014 9:50 PM

Dec 2011
Teki examined the thing through her rifle's scope best she could from the roof, but it seemed well armored, too well armored for her bullets, and even her most powerful explosives would need to be very well placed and plentiful. "Fucking tech fuckers..." She muttered more profanities due to her annoyance. She headed back down to see another person there. "Well, I don't have enough explosives to punch a hole through that thing." She stated with a sigh before looking to what Rei was doing. "Tha' hell are you two doing?"
Mar 16, 2014 9:55 PM

Apr 2011
"No, Judging by it's actions, I'm positive it's unmanned. It's controlled by one of the most powerful supercomputers to date. It virtually never makes mistakes, which is what makes it such a threat." Jane looked at the liquor bottle, then set it down. She wasn't much of a drinker, even in a time like this. "I need you to just keep distracting it, and hold onto that bullet. Don't fire it until I tell you."

"God! I wish that guy would hurry up with my materials!" Jane groaned impatiently. She wasn't sure how much time they had until they ended up dead.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 9:57 PM

Jul 2008
No heat, no sound, no weight, a shadow. He technique to disappear his presence was perfect, reson behind his alias: Kage. It took quite a time, but somehow he got everything from the list. But there was no other way, but taking a detour to return in the middle of all those fireworks. He hoped they find a way to tell them where there were now seeing the bulding coming down because ot the robot attack.

He disappeared again with what he was asked for.
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 10:11 PM

Jan 2013
Looking up Rei see's the thrid one is alive...and still on the roof..lucky. "Meh suit yourself, and sure..and not manned huh..shame.." Picking up the bottle she places it back in her cloak and looks around. Holding the modified round in her hand she loads it into the PRTS and slings it. "...super computers and abominiations is all they are good for huh.."

Triggering her head set she calls up ralph.

"I'm not sure what the plan is but I'm scaling this building again..the I assume scientist has a plan and wants me to fire on her mark. Just keep it distracted" Speaking in hushed tones she goes on. "Should we capture them afterwards?" Back at normal volume she looks at the situation and the fact she was asked to protect Jane...the woman seemed important also. "I'll await your commands, out."

"You, science lady, whats your name? Whatever it is I need you to stay behind me at all times..we'll be below your friend up top..I'm hoping its system won't be able to decide what to engage and will reset..but just keep with a thick wall between you and it, okay?"

With that she lurches down and crawls among the ruble setting up a sniper pose as she waits, not moving or even breathing a bit it seems.
Mar 16, 2014 10:16 PM

Feb 2013
The radio frequences slowly started to fade away as the robot quickly intercepted it. After a few minutes standing still, the robot was able to pinpoint the exact location of the Underground Base that the Deathwatch was keeping. Slowly, it got up and reactivated the legs, covering the Graviton Gun below him. The robot then resumed walking towards the area above the Underground Base, not even bothering to keep away from buildings, as he simply trespassed them, shooting and destroying anything in its way.

It would reach the underground base in 10 minutes.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 16, 2014 10:24 PM

Apr 2011
"My name's Jane! But you can call me Chopper! Everyone else does!" Jane was beginning to panic. Her supplies hadn't arrived yet, and the giant robotic machine seemed to have a precise location it was heading to; wherever that was.

She continued working on the little handheld gadget she had in her hand. It was a makeshift explosive that was simple yet weak in nature. She knew she wouldn't be able to blow a hole into the machine, so she had formed a different plan.

Now if only her chemicals would arrive...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 10:39 PM

Jul 2008
Kaito hated to admit but it was imposible for him to not know that place, as he remembered the scar on his chest, and the best way to buy time. The trap was set.

He left running as fast he could toward the girl to deliver her chemicals.


The ground bellow one of the legs of the gigant robot collapsed, buring it (the leg) deep enough to get the robot out of balance.

"Seems it worked." Kaito said appearing behind Jane. "Sorry, but there is only one thing I couldn't find there, but... how much of Tranite do you need?"
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 10:47 PM

Jan 2013
Rei looks at the pair behind her out the corner of one red eye waiting the order to fire, shes pretty sure she knows what that monster is heading for...least all the salvage from it would prove useful to all concerned parties.."So whats this plan of yours Chopper?"
Mar 16, 2014 10:51 PM

Apr 2011
Jane looked shocked. "You're kidding right? Tranite is such a rare material, I never thought there'd be any out here! Which of the chemicals were you able to find?"

Jane looked at Rei. "It's simple really. I was planning on using the Acetylene and the liquid nitrogen with the crawler fluid to create a chain reaction. We combine the fluids, then find a way to attach it onto the machine in the form of a sticky bomb. Once activated, the fluids will freeze a small area of the machine, then it will begin to heat up to over 800 degrees Celsius. The crawler fluid acts as a booster to these chemicals. Doing this will greatly weaken the armor and create a small hole. You will the shoot the bullet with the nanobots into the hole. I'll take care of the rest."
QuakeUPSBMar 16, 2014 10:55 PM
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 10:57 PM

Jul 2008
"I found everything, but I'm sorry to tell you many of them are barely half what you asked." Kaito sighed. "about the tranite if a shrapnel is not enough... Maybe I'll can get some from there." He pointed toward the delayed robot, placing the little piece of metal on Jane's hands.
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 11:06 PM

Apr 2011
Jane smiled. "No, no. This is fine. It just means that Rei is going to have a much harder shot, since the hole will be a lot smaller."

Jane got to work. She poured the liquid nitrogen in the capsule of crawler fluid. From there she took the bottle of Acetylene gas and strapped it to the capsule, cutting a small hole into the side. The gas was beginning to leak out. After removing her sock, she stuck it into the sock and dipped it in a vat of tar she had made earlier.

She looked over at Kaito. "This is a rendition of a sticky bomb they used in World War II. All you have to do is run up and smack the bomb onto the side of the machine, It will stick automatically because of the tar. Once that's done, take this piece of tranite and run it against the ground. This will cause it to spark and ignite. Throw it against the sticky bomb. Doing so will begin the chemical process. Now go, quick! I've set it so the Acetylene gas is already leaking!"

Jane turned to Rei. "Once the hole is made, fire that bullet into the machine."
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 11:11 PM

Jan 2013
"That would be damn suicidal...thats a no mans land." Listening to the plan she nods. "I see..freeze then smash.." Getting on her mic she relays the plan to her fellow officers, finishing she turns back to face chopper. "Hmm...what did you use to do to know all this I wonder...ah well no matter. If this works I very well might have to offer you a drink again.."

She seen no problem with the plan minus how to get the bomb on it...what was more on her mind is what orders would come back to her.

Listening to the rest of the plan she looks up at the man with a quizical look to her face. "Good luck you bastard...and don't worry Doc...actually I like that more than Chopper, think I'll call you that, I can place a one inch pattern out from more than this distance."

(And with that I'm out, should have been some time ago actually)
Mar 16, 2014 11:23 PM

Apr 2011
"I'll see what I can do," Raphael responded to Rei's radio transmission. "As for capturing them, focus on capturing the scientist, the others are not needed. However, if we can't do it quietly, then we shouldn't try to do it at all. No need to bring unnecessary attention to ourselves."

Unfortunately, there really wasn't much he could do against that thing especially if it was just sitting there like that. Wait... Why is it just sitting there? Could it be searching for something? Almost as if to answer his question the colossal machine started moving once more, ripping its way indiscriminately through anything in its path. Based off it direction... No...

"Rei! That thing is headed towards the base!" Raphael shouted over the radio. "Whatever that plan of yours is, we need to do it now!"

However, soon afterward, Rei relayed the plan to him and he began to look all over for them. Partially because of luck and partially because of the infrared feature of his mask, Raphael was able to quickly find where they were at.

He approached them without weapons drawn and said "I'm this girl's superior officer and she's told me about your plan. We need to take that thing out fast and I can get that bomb in place faster than anyone here. Tell me where to place it and it'll be done."
Mar 16, 2014 11:31 PM

Apr 2011
"Place it on the right side! Judging by the shape and make, the wiring there should lead directly into the mainframe of the computer system!" Jane yelled. "Don't forget to light a piece of Tranite to begin the chemical process! "
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 11:43 PM

Jul 2008
"Then I'll cover you man." Kaito told Raphael.

Then he took Jane's hands and mumbled something to her.

"Well, lets go."
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 11:53 PM

Apr 2011
Raphael nodded and grabbed the bomb before sprinting out the nearest window and maneuvering his way around the machine while it was still stuck in the ground. He got to the roof of a building and jumped off, just to the right of the main gun, and shot his grappling hooks into the machine's front right leg. Using his 3-DAMG to both reel himself in and propel himself downward to gain as much speed as he possibly could he managed to dodge the incoming fire from the machine, swing underneath the machine's leg while scraping the piece of Tranite on the ground to ignite it, and tossed the sticky bomb onto the right side of the machine as he ascended back up into the sky. Just as he reached the top of his ascent, he threw the lit piece of Tranite down into the sticky bomb with all his might, striking the bomb and beginning the chemical process. With his part of the job done he began a hasty retreat to safety attempting to dodge and weave his way around everything being shot at him.
Mar 17, 2014 12:03 AM

Apr 2011
Jane silently tucked the item that Kaito had given her into her pocket. She dug into her bag and pulled out some Light-protective goggles. She then watched as the entire scene unfolded before her.

The minute the Tranite came in contact with the sticky bomb, the chemical process began. First, the liquid nitrogen and the crawler fluid merged, creating an incredibly cold liquid compound that froze a small outer patch of the machine. Then the Acetylene kicked in, heating up the frozen area and melting a hole right through the machine. The hole was tiny, approximately only the size of a penny, but it would have to do.

Jane looked over at Rei. "Quick! Fire the nanobots before it's too late!"
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 17, 2014 7:42 AM

Jan 2013
Rei replies to her com with a bit of a smile on her masked face. "Don't worry sir...I have the situation under control. Though Might want to meet up after this. And keep an eye on that guy, would be bad if complications resulted you know in the attack." With that her lower two arms bend back under the cloak as she aims her sniper rifle from a prone position.

As the bomb goes off not too long thereafter Rei hears the command to fire, exhaling all her breathe she aims,stiffens her left shoulder, and pulls the trigger. The massive AT round leaves the gun and plows dead center, however the round being so large and uranium incased, sprawls spreading the chemical mixiture deeper inside the robot, the uranium round and its nano's are now deep within the machine.

"Heh..if a hole is too small, make it bigger ehh doc?" With the Rei lifts up the PTRS rifle slinging it on her left shoulder. "Come with me, that thing is likely going to open fire on us." with that Rei stays slight behind the doc and motions to another building a few dozen meters from them.

Unknown to Jane Rei's two lower hands are resting on handguns, and she while about to do what she was, it was more her sense of personal vendetta against the ASC than for the Deathwatch. This woman was too valuable to leave on her she had a feeling the sniper on the roof wasn't exactly the friend of either.
Mar 17, 2014 2:03 PM

Apr 2011
"Gimme a sec!" Jane dug through her bag to find her tv remote. She pulled it out and hit Play. "Here we go!"

On the inside of the machine, the nanobot eggs had hatched, releasing thousands of microscopic robots throughout it's interior. They instantly began to go for the wiring and functions in the systems, followed by the main computer itself. They would latch onto a piece of the machine, then exploding, destroying the machines interior. This process would continue until there was nothing left. The ASC machine began to shake due to the countless mini explosions occurring in it's interior.

"Those are some nasty critters," Jane said. "It's a good thing I designed them! That ASC bot's armor is incredibly nasty, but once it's penetrated, the inside is a explosive wonderland!"

Jane got up to leave with Rei, but remembered what Kaito had previously murmured into her ear. She stopped for a second, then continued on. Grabbing her toolbox and bag, she followed after Rei, curious to see what was in store.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 17, 2014 2:22 PM

Jan 2013
Rei smiles lightly with the robot gone it was time for her move.. removing the mask with one hand she quickly springs into action, using her four free arms she grabs jane by the waste and under arms while her lower two arms draw a pistol in each, one aimed ahead one in Janes back. "I'm sorry about this doc..if you agree to come peacefully I'll let you go..if not..I'll have to drag you." Moding her face forward enough so its seen she lets her mask drop off as the burns on the lower lefthand side of her face shows, as well as her teeth that are more like a predator animal than a humans.

"You see Doc..our policy is normally to kill others we find..but you helped save our base, in fact I think you can help us..or me to cause the ASC a bit of grief..and everything you see now of me I owe the ASC for...and I intend to repay.." Edging her face back she laughs a bit lightly. "Well what will it be Doc?"
Mar 17, 2014 6:55 PM

Jul 2008
"Didn't I warn you?" Kaito sighed seeing where did Jane end. "So what are you going to do girl?" He asked closing his eyes exhausted, though his hand was still over Masamune's handgrip.
My candies:
Mar 17, 2014 7:01 PM

Dec 2012
sara walks to them..they did good.
..... :'(
Mar 17, 2014 7:55 PM

Apr 2011
Jane gulped. "So just like that huh?" She asked nervously. "Fine." She looked over at Kaito. "Don't worry. I'll be fine." She turned back to Rei. "At least let me have the Maxiumus Intelligence Chip from the Machine. It's the least you could give me after all I did."
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 17, 2014 8:08 PM

Dec 2012
sara wach them. the can have what they want..she just take one of the huge broken guns to use as a club.
..... :'(
Mar 17, 2014 8:25 PM

Jul 2008
"I'll take that as you going with them," He sighed. "Well then, see you... maybe." He said and walked to the edge of the building. "I'll take my part first." He said and jumped, but before anyone could see how he did it, he was already walking toward the destroyed robot. And in no time he let Masamune drain the Tranite that reinforced the armor leaving the common shield behind.

He left, leaving behind him the Intelligence Chip, Laser Prism, guns and weapons exposed just for the rest to take them as they pleased.

<I'll continue somewhere else.>
My candies:
Mar 17, 2014 8:28 PM

Jan 2013
"Easy there I said she's valuable..if you are concerned you are welcome to come to." Hearing the request on the chip she nods. Being surpised with how quick the swordsmen left she seems a little confussed. "Neither of them were with you.." Rleasing her grip and removing the handguns she sighs.

"The chip is yours, I'll take some of the ammo from the machine to make better rounds..I was really wanting some of that armor..maybe I'll find some scrap.."

Turning back to face Jane she offers her normal human hand as means of apology. "Sorry about all this...people normally don't want to talk with might not trust who I work for, but rest assured I want the ASC dead..and As I said we'll protect you, we really need your help, and if the Deathwatch turns on that offer then I'll do it myself."

Watching the swordsman walk off she shrugs. "Funny how quickly he left..I'm guessing that sniper wasn't a friend either was she?" Rei not sure how to treat Jane decides to be friendly as she can be and professional. "Ehh..well how about I show you what tin man was trying to blow up? I'll also work at getting you what supplies you need..we really need the help though they won't admit it in the higher ups...keep that to us."

With that Rei in a sign of good faith retrives the chip and hands it over to Jane. "Consider this part of fullfilling my job Doc."
RedArmyShogunMar 17, 2014 8:36 PM
Mar 17, 2014 8:47 PM

Apr 2011
Jane nodded silently, unsure of what to say. However once the chip was in her hands she forgot all her fears and began to study it. "This is Soooo great!" She giggled. "With this I'll be able to make leaps and bounds in my inventions and research!" She ran after Rei, beaming with excitement.

"So then, I'll follow you!"
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 17, 2014 8:47 PM

Apr 2011
Seeing that the machine had been immobilized once and for all quickly went and scavenged the wreckage for valuable parts before more scavengers arrived to pick this thing apart, it wasn't long before something caught his eye. Well what do we have here? It looked like a prism of some sort, likely belonging to one of the machine's damned laser cannons. He wasn't exactly sure how he'd use it now but he was fairly confident he or someone else would come up with a use for it later. He pocketed both and headed back over to where Rei and the others were.

When Raphael arrived, the swordsman had just walked away from them even though just a few seconds ago it looked like he was ready for a fight. Either way, it was better for them that it didn't escalate that far and from the look of it Rei seemed to have made friends with the scientist.

"Let's go," Raphael said. "We don't want to waste any more time here. People will undoubtedly come to investigate the noise and we don't want to be stuck in between everything when they get here."

With that, he began to lead the way back towards the base (on foot).
Newmn84Mar 17, 2014 8:51 PM
Mar 17, 2014 8:58 PM

Jan 2013
"You worry me Doc.." Seeing the girls happy reaction she knew she would have to keep an eye on her..though tis likely she'll end up having to watch the woman or end up getting her supplies anyways.

"Sure I'll be there in a sec.." She calls out to Rapheal. Removing her cloak she used it to pack in some scrap metal and a few 30mm and 7.62 NATO rounds. "Hmm...I think you'll like the weapons shop we have set up." Looking at Jayne she motions forward though in a unthreatening manner as it to say shall we. (My next post or posts will likely be in the base)
Mar 17, 2014 9:17 PM

Apr 2011
Jane followed after Rei and Raphael, hauling her gear and smiling from ear to ear.

"You guys don't have any fruit snacks do you?" She asked. Her bubbly spirit had returned, and she was gleefully following as she thought about all the new inventions she could create. She danced with excitement before realizing she was falling behind.

"Oops!" She quickly ran up to catch Rei.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 22, 2014 9:42 PM

Apr 2011
Jane and Rei exited from a manhole in the ground and got out. From there, Jane followed after Rei, heading towards the merchant shop. She hoped that had gummy snacks, since her stomach was beginning to rumble. All that work had made her hungry again.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 22, 2014 9:49 PM

Jan 2013
(just a note the ~~~~~~~ is my means of splitting chracters for the event I'm running.

Johan exits a helicopter with Enyo in tow, the other member would have to catch up on his own. Looking at the makeshift store/safe house he nods and motions her to come with him. "Remove your helmet, grab a duffle back stash it and random junk in it. Throw on some rags. Today you are a merchant...and I'm your older brother." Removing his helmet his face shifts from the nanobots to take the form of hers albit older and more male. "Its time we do a little recon of a traders post." he then starts to follow his own order, but wraps his rifle up in a dirty smock making it seem like a ancient bolt action rifle.

Rei looks back and motions for her. "Its in a old shop district becareful, some people here are not to be trusted..and you well..just don't take any free food or drink, got it?" With that she heads down a street that seems to have firing posts and lights, its pretty much a gathering save point for scavangers to conduct trade in safety.
Mar 22, 2014 10:01 PM

Apr 2011
Jane nodded, pulling her baseball cap low over her face. "No problem." She strapped her backpack on and followed after Rei, keeping her head low. She walked up to the trade post with Rei and proceeded to look around.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 22, 2014 10:07 PM

Dec 2011
Enyo followed Johan closely. She removed her helmet as instructed and shoved it as well as her weapon and random assortment of supplies to cover it up. She paused before responding, "Understood," and then adopting her normal, soft smile. She really only needed to act how she normally did when by herself as it was already very unlike how anyone would expect one of her class to be.
Mar 22, 2014 10:13 PM

Jul 2008
"Might you want to try this?" An oldman offer something to Jane.
My candies:
Mar 22, 2014 10:18 PM

Jan 2013
With that the pair leave the safe house as he notices the standard security meassures here, but a assualt wasn't in the cards for what he had planned. Grapping Enyo's shoulder he points over to a counter and walks over to it striking up a conversation with a merchant that was selling some sort of grilled animal or another. "Enyo, please be a good little sister and try and trade in some of your scrap for some medical supplies, also watch out fro swiddlers and slavers." He couldn't believe his luck both of them were here as well..he just hoped Enyo would take notice of them and do what they were here for. Information.


Rei notices a chemical and medical stall, shoving some man down that was trying to buy the it were of the pair to the laughter of his friends she goes on. "Doc, if anyone has what we are looking for it might be these pair here. But I don't know if we'll find it, won't hurt to ask however." Rei notices the old man and glares but decides to let Jane decide for herself what to do.
Mar 22, 2014 10:36 PM

Apr 2011
Jane smiled but ignored the man. She walked over to the Chemical Stall. "Excuse me, do you happen to have any potassium iodine?" The stall owner looked up at her.

"I can't say for sure.." He set the bottles on the counter for her to look at. "This is all we've got for now. I'm not sure when a new shipment will come in."

Jane sniffed some of the bottles and began inspecting them. "This will do nicely," she answered, picking up a blue flask. "What do you want in return?"

The man looked at her. "Hmm..that baseball cap you are wearing.. I haven't seen one of those in awhile. I'll take that."

Jane looked a bit flustered since it was her favorite hat, but thought about her job and it's importance. The chemicals were the priority. She heaved a sigh and took it off. "Here." She handed him the hat and took the flask, stuffing it into her bag. She then began to explore the other stalls in case they had anything she needed.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 22, 2014 10:47 PM

Dec 2011
"I'll take care. You worry too much." Enyo responded to Johan with a kind smile before leaving to seemingly explore the stalls. She had noticed the targets at about the same time as Johan and passed right by Jane without even a glance to speak with the merchant who seemed to be selling medicine and chemicals. She spoke with him, exchanging some meager scrap for some equally meager medical supplies before moving on to examine some other stalls.
EmperorsChosen01Mar 22, 2014 10:58 PM
Mar 22, 2014 10:56 PM

Jan 2013
Janus noticing the exchange steps away to inact the first phase of his plan, having noticed both exchanges that confirms his suspicious..chemicals and medical supplies...or maybe just chemicals..but what kind exactly.

Going to a near by Tavern he stands speaks a bit loudly but with his accent changed a bit at the local drink stop.

"Say any Mercs came around today?" A Barkeep shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head no. "Well Damn! I needed some help retriving a supply dump I found..seemed like chemical stuff..I don't know what the shit is though. Was some other Savage but no damn help around when you need it.."


As if to plan Rei picks up on the que and glances back at the man. And hears his rant. "Jane just what all did we need...I mean amount wise, because likely all we'll find here is light trades.." She wasn't right ready to trust a work offer but maybe stealing the supplies...
Mar 22, 2014 11:33 PM

Apr 2011
"We need everything and anything, really. The storage area was low on a lot of chemicals, and the labs didn't have all that much either. At this moment, flammable chemicals are the major priority, but anything else is useful too. If there's chemical's worth a shot. But that guy...I can't say I exactly trust him. By the way, take this."

Jane handed Rei a gray mask. "You're going to want to hold onto this. Just in case. I've got one too." She held a smaller white mask.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 22, 2014 11:34 PM

Jul 2008
A girl bumped into Jane and before she noticed it, she took the flask and something else, and as she appologized for crashing with her she fade between the crowd.

At the same time someone began to follow Enyo from the distance.
My candies:
Mar 23, 2014 1:07 AM

Apr 2011
Jane gave the girl a look of annoyance. She was in no mood, especially not now. Deep in thought, she stared at the man who continued his raving about the "Chemical" mission. If he spoke the truth, and they were able to rob him of the loot, Jane's research would be enhanced tenfold.

She stuffed her hand into her bag to check the flask, but it was nowhere to be found. "What the- Ugh!" She growled in an irritated tone. It must have been that girl that bumped me. She turned around but the girl was gone. Jane fixed the strap on her bag and started eating a cracker she had brought in her bag. She didn't mention anything to Rei and remained silent, observing the man a couple feet away.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 23, 2014 7:27 AM

Jan 2013
(Chaos for the sake of chaos no heart?)

Johan notices the following and thefts going on, but trusts Enyo to watch herself, though he would stay in observation distance of her. Walking past the girl he return pickpockers her seeing what it was she stole. "Interesting.." He had suspected others to take interest in the pair, as well as his owns, and likely the location of his "supply cash". In fact he counted on it. Their bodies would make a great addition to phase two of the plan. This Scavanver scum would learn how old World Wars were fought the hard way. Heading back out he cautiously follows the two groups, changing directions, going down other stalls. They would not be here long. Briefly mouthing over his com he sepaks to Enyo.

"Prepair to leave, watch your six."


Rei sighs a bit noticing the theft shaking her head a bit she moves in behind Jane and whispers. "Lets leave. Too many thieves here." With a bit of a sly smile she shows a baseball cap..the same one under her cloak, when and where she grabbed it was still a mystery, but she did have six arms. "That girl likely worked for whats fair is fair." With that she heads towars the exit. "We'll wait and follow whoever follows that idiot merchant that was yelling..if lucky both groups will kill each other..or we can save his ass and use that as a barging chip for most of the goods. Well unless you want to look around more."
Mar 23, 2014 11:04 AM

Dec 2011
Enyo searched the stalls, seemingly looking for one that would give her something that interested her. It was simply a facade however. She was paying more attention to the targets than the actual stalls and scavengers, even if it didn't look like it. When one of them, probably the scientist as she was called, growled out after being bumped into, her first guess was that something was pickpocketed off her. Enyo assumed that it was quite common in these places. Upon hearing Johan again, she merely mouthed back a quiet "Roger," and examined a stall for a bit longer before stopping her exploration and began heading back to their original rendezvous position.
Mar 23, 2014 11:13 AM

Jul 2008
@RAS: did I did something wrong?)

The guy following Enyo disappered at a nearby alley as sencond hide somewhere in the crowd kept an eye over Enyo as a fourth shadow began to observ Johan.

Two more pair of eyes began to follow Rei and Jane as they began to move.
My candies:
Mar 23, 2014 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
(nah just wondering if you had a plan, just wanting to know what you had in mind or how I can work it in to what I have planned, I don't want a undead legion suddenly popping up on a covert operation.)

Johan notices the man fallowing him and smerks he was doing this work long before the world turned, he considerd killing the man outright, but best to see what he had planned. He heads right for the exit and waits for Enyo to show up, under his tunic his hand rest on his streamjet pistol. He suspected they only wanted to follow him to steal the preplanted stash, but better safe than sorry.


Rei notices the other two watching and flashes open her cloak showing her hand resting on the AK, lifting one eyebrow up she meets them eye to eye as if to say she has no problems starting a gunfight here and now. "We should leave."
Mar 23, 2014 12:25 PM

Jul 2008
(I do have something in mind, but until I see how the invation ends I won't do anything but messing around because of boredom. But if what you are plannig is interesting I'll create a character just to play at it.)

The man didn't move, there was someone already obsering out of the bar.

They didn't move, but kept observing Jane and Rie. However their cold reaction was that of "We don't care if you begin to fire".

At that moment there were already an huge amount of eyes obsering from the shadows both: Deathwatchers and ASCs people all arround as they move.

"Hey girl, want to have a drink with us?" Three guys surrounded Enyo.

"You are so cool lady," Six kids sorrounded Rei as a sort of gypsy cought Jane in the crowd. "I wan't to be like you, nee-san." A little girl told Rei.

"Let me read you future Lady." She said, pulling Jane to an alley as the sound of the crowd distracted Rei, "Oh, seems like you met a boy not long ago and even so you don't know the true about him, the circumstances between you both are working for you to get separated."
My candies:
Mar 23, 2014 12:44 PM

Jan 2013
(Hmm might want to pm ideas back and forth then I'll wait for the other two to post before I do.)
Mar 23, 2014 12:59 PM

Dec 2011
Enyo continued to walk slowly towards the rendezvous point before she was stopped by three men. "Oh, I'm sorry. My brother is waiting for me. Besides, I don't handle alcohol all that well." She politely declined the men and tried to walk passed them. Of course, she fully expected them to not take the declination well. If they posed a problem, Enyo would try to persuade or trick them. She really did not want to cause a ruckus here, but could dispatch them quickly if necessary.
Mar 23, 2014 2:30 PM

Jul 2008
And as expected the guys weren't accepting a "no" as an answer.
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