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Mar 14, 2014 4:36 PM

Dec 2011
Yoshio ran as quickly as possible, following the path all the way back to the building when he split up and following the noticeable trail of slime. There wasn't any ASC around there, which only caused his anger and fear to rise. "Damn, Damn, Damn!" He growled quietly as he sprinted. As he followed the trail, he switched to rooftop, which was riskier but would grant him better vigilance. He tracked her path of movement all the way to the mall, now devoid of ASC troops. He searched the building from the ground up, eventually finding where she had switched clothes. He wouldn't be able to track where she went after that. There two possibilities, either she was captured or she managed to make it to the sewers. Even if she were captured, there wouldn't be anything he could do about it, at least alone. He growled in annoyance. He hated moments like this that he was completely useless no matter what he did. Yoshio very much hoped that his worries were for naught and made his way back down to the bottom floor before hopping into the sewers. He'd find out if Yuume was home or captured once he arrived back at the base.
Mar 14, 2014 4:43 PM

Feb 2013
(They're already gone, Frog...)
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 14, 2014 4:46 PM

Dec 2012
gergern folowes.

nova go back.
..... :'(
Mar 14, 2014 5:07 PM

Apr 2011
"Well, there we go." Jane grinned. She had rewired the car and switched out some of the wires. She picked up her backpack and toolkit, putting everything away. As she watched the walkers approach, it occurred to her that her turret wasn't firing. She ran over and picked up, exasperated. "Ugh, this one failed too." She tucked it under her arm and began yelling.

"HEY! HEY walkers! Over here! Come get me! Yoohoo!" The walkers had noticed her. Jane grinned and began to run around the corner. She kept running until she entered an abandoned coffee shop.

Breathing heavily, she dropped her stuff onto the floor and collapsed. Carrying all that stuff was not easy. She reached into her pocket and pulled out an old television controller. It was one of those old analog controllers that had modified it into a remote detonator. Jane flipped the cover off it and pressed the Play button, listening.

Two blocks away, the car she had been working on erupted into a ball of flame.

Jane heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. "Well, at least that worked." She closed her eyes, taking a well needed breather..
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 14, 2014 7:02 PM

Jul 2008
The fireworks were quite a spectacle from Kaito's position, all that people living on their own world, surviving. But the story become more interesting as he saw a Crawler coming out of the sewers directly into the abandoned coffee shop where the "explosive-girl" just ran into.
My candies:
Mar 14, 2014 8:43 PM

Dec 2011
Teki slept soundly on a dirty, beat up couch in an partly demolished house. This is normally how she'd catch some shut eye when not blowing things up or murdering others for amusement. She, of course, had precautions in case some corpses, people, or ASC were to wander into the house though. There were sensor activated trip mines guarding all entrances of the building, something she created by modifying normal explosives. The mines were anti-personnel in nature, so it would do good damage to any person or corpse that shambled in as well as alert her, but not do all that much to any of the tech monstrosities the ASC cooked up. Though it would still alert her, which is all she really needed.

Teki yawned and sat up, stretching her arms and rubbing her lone eye. She had woken up to the familiar sound of an explosion, however it was not hers. It came from a distance away. "Who tha' hell is blowin' shit up when I'm tryin' sleep...?" She growled in an annoyed and groggy tone. She stood up and grabbed her rifle before stomping her way up to the roof of the building, making sure to diffuse the mine she had set that guarded the entrance from the roof. Teki pointed her rifle in the area of the noise and scanned the general direction through the scope. "Whoever tha' motherfucker is that woke me up is gonna' get their head turned into red gush." She murmured in annoyance. If it was one of her explosives that went off and woke her up, she'd be ecstatic and ready for a fight, but things that she didn't give a damn about that got in her way of anything tended to really tick her off.
Mar 14, 2014 8:56 PM

Apr 2011
Jane sighed. She'd taken a break to regain her strength, but now she was ready to get moving again. She stood up and went behind the counter, rummaging through abandoned kitchen equipment and seeing if she could find anything useful. Most of everything was gone, but she did find a pack of silverware. "Jackpot!" She exclaimed gleefully. She took the silverware and tossed it into her bag, which at this point was getting pretty full. She hauled up her toolbox, backpack, and turret and got ready to go. For a moment, she thought she had heard something moving around, but she dismissed it. "Probably just the wind."
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 14, 2014 11:03 PM

Jul 2008
The sound of the silverware being packed allert the crawler. It began to approach the subtle jingle of the cutlery. It was alone. So it moved cautiously, not to allert its prey. It was near.

The crawler went arround to close the path of its prey from going out into the light. No, it wanted to hunt, but the shades of the building where better for that. It continued moving.

A little drop of something stuck to Jane's boots... and there was plenty of that strange liquid near the entrace of the old store. Something was waiting.


Kaito sighed but decided to move...


If there was something good about being part of the ASC, that might be the toys. Or that was what Selene thought as she explored the ruins of the old city with her new little gadgets: a little squad of five remote mini silent explorers. And what was better, they gave her the opportunity to try another toy when one of those little chrome orbs explode along with one of Teki's bombs.
My candies:
Mar 14, 2014 11:41 PM

Apr 2011
Jane approached the coffee shop exit when she noticed the wet liquid-like tracks she was leaving. It was fresh, and she recognized it immediately. Crawler.. She gulped, frozen. She didn't dare move, but she knew if she didn't run she'd be killed.Run and get mauled down? Or stay and die anyways? Frightened, Jane began to quickly think. She wasn't fast enough to reach into her bag to get something to defend herself, so she had to do something else. As sweat began to form on her forehead, Jane's eyes scanned the coffee shop, but she didn't see the Crawler. She remembered the turret she had tucked under her arm, but it had failed to fire, and was useless. She thought about screaming, but decided that doing so would only pinpoint her location to walkers and crawlers for miles around. Her mind raced, thinking of a solution...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 15, 2014 8:45 AM

Dec 2011
"Maybe whoever the fucker was got blow tha' fuck up... Whatever... Long as they shut the fuck up so I can sleep..." Teki complained again as she lowered the Barrett, only to hear another loud explosion, this one coming from her trip mines. "Well... Hopefully that was a squad or group of somethin' so I can gut someone." She commented with an annoyed sigh as she slung the rifle over to her back, its strap holding it in place, before pulling out one of her Cutlasses and her knife. Once she did, she headed back down to the bottom level of the building and went to search the area of the explosion.
Mar 15, 2014 9:37 AM

Jul 2008
Kaito hold Jane from behind, covering her mouth to stop her of screaming. He got his hand inside her bag looking for anything that could be helpful, bumping into the cutlery. He took it out and threw it directly against the half broken window. The jingle of the metal and the sound of the broken crystal got the crawler out of his cache. He pulled Jane to the wall, out from the door hole and with a rope made some old gnawed casseroles fell. The Crawler passed in front of them at full speed toward what seems a to it as a basical attempt to scape.

The sound that indicate that the Crawler was at what once was a kitchen was the sign to ran. Kaito took Jane by the hand and ran. They were still in danger, but at least they got some seconds of advantage.

A second explosion came from Teki's place.

"Was that one of your bombs?" Kaito asked Jane, dragging her to that place even if it wasn't her explosion.

Selene got excited with the second explosion as the other three explores approached to the mentioned location.
My candies:
Mar 15, 2014 12:17 PM

Dec 2011
Teki approached the entrance that was the cause of the explosion. She crouched down and picked up the ruined remains of a small chrome-colored sphere. "Tha' fuck?" She questioned herself, examining the thing before shrugging and tossing it over her shoulder without giving a damn. "Great, so I don't get ta' gut someone." She murmured in disappointment. She holstered her cutlass and glanced around, almost turning to leave before spotting a few more small, familiar looking spheres approaching. "Huh? Tha' hell are these supposed to be?"
Mar 15, 2014 2:43 PM

Apr 2011
Everything had happened so fast Jane was still trying to regain her composure. "Uh, no not really," she laughed nervously. "I only made one today." They continued running, with Jane clumsily trying to hold on to all her stuff.

"So uhm..thanks for saving me," Jane yelled over the sound of her tired breaths. "But you do realize that heading towards an explosion is a death trap right? That sounds is going to attract a lot of unwanted attention, human and walker alike."

As they continued running, a thought crossed Jane's mind.

"Hey! You threw my silverware!" She complained. "I really liked those!"
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 15, 2014 10:24 PM

Jul 2008
"Sorry about your stuff, but we had to pay for the little extension of time." Kaito explained, "and about the unwanted attention... its to late to complain." He said just a second before the Crawler broke out of the cafeteria and began to hunt its prey.

One single thought was on Kaito's mind at that moment: No matter who and the faction, bombs are always human done. And he kept running pulling Jane with him.

Selene so teki with the little cammera. "I got you."

It might look like and ordinary toy, but the Specter was her newest and coolest toy so far by that time. A small speed optimized remote controled bomb plane. And it was at less than a minute from Teki's position.

Meanwhile the last of the five mini explorer spheres reached Teki's place.

At that point something huge was needed to avoid a dead sentences... Maybe two guy running toward here followed by a Crawler.
My candies:
Mar 15, 2014 10:33 PM

Dec 2011
"What, those lapdogs suck at shooting so much that they're sending fuckin' balls at me... Fuckin' great." Teki growled in annoyance as she walked back into the house. She didn't much care for anything that didn't look like it'd be fun. And when she was groggy, much of her common sense was shot. She still had her knife out though, in the hope that she would indeed get to maim something.
Mar 16, 2014 2:24 AM

Apr 2011
Jane continued to get dragged along. The adrenaline was rushing through her veins, and she gasped heavily. She didn't usually run for extended periods of time, and all this gear was wearing her out.

"W-Wait!" She gasped breathlessly. "I'm so tired! I'm carrying over 200 lbs here! Thanks for saving me, but can't you fight that crawler?I don't know how long I can keep running" Jane yelled, panting.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 9:10 AM

Jul 2008
"I can fight it," Kaito accepted, "but the smell of that... liquid will attract those stupid zombies." He sentenced. "We something to burn that."

They went around the corner and saw her, a girl (Teki) surrounded by the dust and the evidence of explosions.

He pulled Jane and carried her by her waist and speed up just at the second the crawler almost reached them.

It took just a seconds of divine synchronization: Kaito ran followed by the crawler. Teki tuerned around after opening the door. The Specter aimed Teki. Kaito threw Jane against Teki (disarming Her), getting both inside the bulding dirrectly to a wall. He entered, closing the door. The little bomb plane impacted the Crawler and the explosion sent Kaito directly toward the girls. Just to end in and akward position with two subtle, but important details: one hand on Teki's butt and one hand on Jane's breast.

"What was that?" Was the Only thing Selene could ask after seeing what happened. "A... Crawler?"

"AH!" She exclaimed frustrated.
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 10:24 AM

Dec 2011
Teki smirked as she saw two people approaching. She grinned maliciously and readied her knife. "Well, well, well. Looks like I do get to flay someone today." She mused with a chuckle. She was expecting them to run, or even try to run past her and get her to deal with the crawler that was pursuing them. She wasn't, however, expecting for the man to throw the girl at her. "Mother fucker..." Teki muttered profanities in slight anger as she got knocked to the ground with the other girl, losing her knife in the process. Her muttering paused however as she watched the small chrome balls impact the crawler. "Huh, well those things do actually do somethin'." She mused in slight interest before her interested expression, turned into a slightly bored and annoyed scowl at the position they all ended up in. "Oi, you done copping a feel?" She questioned coldly.
Mar 16, 2014 1:57 PM

Apr 2011
Jane screamed. "Get off me! Get OFF!" She cried. "What is your deal?! First you save me, then you throw away my silverware, after that you drag me across town, throw me against some girl I've never met, and now you're grabbing my-my-...stuff!" Jane adjusted her clothes rapidly. She was clearly flustered. "And to make things worse, I don't even know you!"

Jane looked over at Teki. "And who are you?! And what's with the knife? You could have killed me!"

Everything was happening so fast that Jane was having trouble coping. Fear had begun to set in, and a small tear formed in the corner of her eye.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 4:35 PM

Jul 2008
Kaito stood up and offer the girls a hand to help them stoop up too.

"Well, I just thought as fast as I could to avoid casualities." He explain jut like that. "Though this place might get crowded with all that fuss. Maybe we should fine a new location before talking." He said serious, but his hand had been moving remembering that certain feeling of... softness.
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 6:22 PM

Feb 2013
As silence ensued, a small earthquake arised. The sound of large, loud steps could be heard in the distance. The Maximus R13 was still scanning the area with his claws crushing the ground below. The robot, standing nearly 30 meters tall. Counting all the guns it had was nearly impossible. Machine guns, Emps, Sensors, Impact Guns, Lasers and even a Impact Ray were on this "freak" of nature. The robot slowly started to walk towards the area where Jane, Kaito and Teki were. In a few seconds, it would notice them and then eliminate them.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 16, 2014 6:24 PM

Dec 2011
"Actually brat, I was plannin' ta' kill tha' both of you." Teki stated as if it were common sense. "I assumed tha' perv over there threw ya' at me to disarm me." She explained, pointing her thumb at Kaito. "And how exactly did survival lead to yer hand landing on my ass?" She questioned in an annoyed tone. "And you're even makin' tha' brat cry. Aren't you an ass." Teki added, though she didn't exactly have the right to speak.

Teki then paused for a moment and glanced in the direction of several loud thuds. "Shut tha' fuck up and get down. Either of you makes a noise, I'll gut ya'." She growled at them quietly, grabbing Jane by her shoulder and forcing her into a prone position before taking cover under a window herself, assuming that Jane might hesitate to take cover in her current shocked state. She recognized that sound as one of two things, either a large corpse, or one of the ASC's toys.
EmperorsChosen01Mar 16, 2014 6:28 PM
Mar 16, 2014 6:55 PM

Jan 2013
Rei takes point following the group at first, climbing out of hatch she scans the horizon with her PTRS rifle in hand as her other arms brace her body. Sniffing the air she glances back at Raphael. "I smell.." Suddenly she looks up as the robot lumbers search of what, regardless this startles Rei.

"Chikushō!" Motioning the others to keep down she scurries off to concealment and levels her rifle up at the massive War machine. "We can't keep fucking pigs yet they build that?..are you serious...ASC Shits.."

Keeping her voice low she looks over at Raphael again. "Want me to try taking its sensors out?"
Mar 16, 2014 6:59 PM

Dec 2012
grunt #3 look at it..."wtf..i..i..cant fight that thing!" he runds out from cover and is torn to sreads from the guns on the boot.

sara sheee the bot stop..dam...she pick up a stop sine and trowes it at the bot.
..... :'(
Mar 16, 2014 7:06 PM

Feb 2013
The robot's slow steps echoed through the city streets. As it walked around, scanning waves showed where it was looking at and what exactly it was searching. However, as it walked, it scanned something. A grunt tried to run away from it. After it immediatly got out of cover, the 3 .50 machine guns on the left side and head of the robot immediatly shot the man, desintegrating him to pieces. Even after killing it, the robot shot a few more times, to make sure it died. The scannings revealed all kind of information about the grunt. "Deathwatch member. Search origin point." The robot's mechanic voice echoed as it's legs slowly disapeared under his torso. Once the legs disapeared, the robot fixated itself on the ground and started to scan the whole location for heat signatures.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 16, 2014 7:09 PM

Dec 2012
the stop sine sara toss finly it the bot on it top. a car not long after.

sara..crap 3 cars left by her..she cant relly move from this spot but if she have two she well..she drop out of hell lord mode so not to lose her countral.
..... :'(
Mar 16, 2014 7:20 PM

Apr 2011
"I'll see what I can do," Raphael told her as the car impacted the colossal robot causing it to momentarily turn its attention away from them. "Tune into our usual radio frequency, though you'll probably know when it gets hit."

Raphael quickly exited the hole, sprinted towards the nearest building, and shot the grappling hooks from his 3-DAMG into it before leaping into the air and using his momentum to swing into a position where he could shoot another grappling hook and continue his momentum. At this point in his life using his 3-DAMG was simply second nature to him and was easily the fastest and safest way to travel around the city other than helicopter since he was above the ground the entire time. It was for that reason why he was usually the one to scout out areas before the others moved into position. Of course, more important now was getting into a position to take out the thing's sensors.

He maneuvered his way onto the roof of a tall building and peeked over the side at the robot. It was some new toy the ASC had developed no doubt and that made it all the more difficult to take out since he didn't know its weak points. Well, the big glowing things that look like eyes on its head are a nice place to start.

He notched a super-thermite arrow into his bow, drew it back while taking careful aim, and released. The arrow hitting dead-center into its top "eye" resulting in a fairly nice explosion though Raphael didn't take time to admire his handy-work, he was already on the move before the arrow struck so as to avoid any immediate retaliation from the robot.
Mar 16, 2014 7:23 PM

Jan 2013
"What in the hell...a stop sign? a car...and they say I'm not subtle.." Not waiting to see what happens next Rei jumps up to her feet and rolls to a embankment to partially hide she would have to wait for and opening to take a shot at its sensors, or to get up a tower to deliver a blow from above.

Opening the latch on the PTRS Rei loads in five DPU Rounds and waits, careful not to move or make a sound...with luck her hiding spot will hide her heat signiture.

Hearing the explosion she figures at least one sensor is down..if only she knew where its cooling or drive systems were.
RedArmyShogunMar 16, 2014 7:28 PM
Mar 16, 2014 7:29 PM

Dec 2012
sara..crap..they making this harder..she toss small ruble at it trying to get it to come back two her.

grunt #1 shoot at it with his rifle.
..... :'(
Mar 16, 2014 7:30 PM

Feb 2013
As the car flied towards the robot, it quickly dettached a small laser gun that fired immediatly, cutting the car in two before it impacted. As the car impacted on the robot, a strange blue shield protected it from any kind of damage. It quickly lifted the GAU 8 from it's carapace and aimed carefully at Sara. However, another heat signature called it's attention. As soon as Raphael shot his bow, the robot responded by precisly shooting the arrow with the laser gun, causing it to explode before hitting the eye.

As the battle moved on, the robot slowly started to charge a strange gun undearneath it. The sound of the generator was loud enough to make anyone go deaf, if they were close enough. The blue light underneath it just confirmed the suspections: It was an Impact Gun. It would just blow up the entire area in a few minutes. The moving fortress slowly turned it's guns towards Raphael, who was moving at an amazing speed. The bullets did not hit him but were more than enough to supress him. While that, the other guns were focused on Sara, mostly the laser guns that were deflecting her attacks and the machine guns that were keeping her pinned down.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 16, 2014 7:35 PM

Jan 2013
Hearing the drain of some sort of power device, and the gun fire Rei is sure the machine is occupied, she would only have a split momment to act. Lifting up the rifle and going in to her stance noticing the main cannon her own weapon quickly and loudly booms. Five rounds leaving in rapid order, two for what seems to be coolant wires, one down the barrle of the weapon its self, and two more to what she thinks is the energy source based on the sound and light.

Rolling away she scurries off climbing up the rear of another building to set up a new base of fire. Her shots would be hitting before she even finished her roll however.
Mar 16, 2014 7:40 PM

Dec 2012
sara..crap...she had to do somthing.. and fast she had to try and get it in her trap but it was not moving. she then pick up a old heat seking miss that she took from her old wqas used to or..was pland to use to blow up the lab that made her.
..... :'(
Mar 16, 2014 7:46 PM

Dec 2012
sara turn to her hell god and use all her power to trow it. hoping the speed that it would fly at would be two fast to hit with it guns and hope it desrtys it..or make it come two suck to use it now but..she had one more at her bace.
..... :'(
Mar 16, 2014 8:05 PM

Apr 2011
Jane tried to recover and keep herself together. This place was quickly turning into a war zone. She shut her eyes tightly as battles raged, and in her heart, she felt helpless. If I only had more time, I could create something useful, but here I'm nothing but a nuisance...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 8:10 PM

Dec 2012
the missile hit and blow up.
..... :'(
Mar 16, 2014 8:29 PM

Dec 2011
"So... ASC fuckers it is... huh?" Teki questioned rhetorically when it came into view. "Well, shit. Dunno what tha' fuck it is, but those poor bastards are trying their hardest to waste it, doesn't look too good for'em either, but they seem to be pissin' it off at least. Well, good news for me. They blow it up, I find its weakness. Hopefully if they get slaughtered they at least damage tha' thing or give me some idea as to a weak point, if not I can just settle for blowin' it up myself." She strategized to herself, ignoring the other two in her presence, or at least it seemed like it. "Oi, girly. Tha' hell are you doing? You look like you're having a breakdown. If this is enough to make you lose yer shit, you're not gonna' survive that much longer."
Mar 16, 2014 8:32 PM

Jul 2008
"Seems like Masamune awoke."Kaito said as a little glow began to come out of his blade. "I'm sorry girl, but I'll carry you again." He sentenced carrying Jane by the waist. "And you can come also, crazy girl." He told Teki.

Kaito walked to the wall and cut it as butter. Then he got ready and ran through the space cutting each wall as if nothing. It took nothing to get out of the bulding, though that left Teki completely exposed to the battle.

The dust of the battle was thick enough to hide them from any visual sensor. And because of all the attention was focused on the guys fighting the guy carrying the girl managed to put distance. between them and the fight.

The shadow of the building sheltered them but it was not going to be enough in little time.

He left Jane on the floor and opened a whole to the Sewers with the last power of the awaked Masamune.

"Wanna come?" He asked Jane.
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 8:36 PM

Feb 2013
(Frog, I'm just going to say this once: respect the order of posting.)

As soon as the missile blew up, a lot of smoke and dust was raised. It lasted for about 4 seconds before it revealed the unharmed Maximus 13. Though scratches could be seen, it had barely made any damage to the outside armor. Internal systems were still working and, though Rei's shot did made some damage to them. However, after feeling that impact, the robot got slightly up and revealed the large Graviton Gun underneath it. The shot quickly devastated the ground, causing damage enough to hit the deepest parts of the sewers. The robot's carapace was still intact, but the systems were slightly damaged.

After receiving two shots from a certain location it was able to detect, it turned it's main gun, the Sonic Waver, towards the area and charged for a brief half second before launching a destructive wave of yellow energy to dematerialized everything in the area, leaving a strange crater that followed for nearly 130 meters afar.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 16, 2014 8:40 PM

Apr 2011
Jane thought about what Teki had said. She's right. I have to be strong, for myself, and for others. She sadly smiled at Kaito. "Uhm..thanks for saving me..but that girl we just met...she made me realize that I can't always run from everything. I know I''m not an expert fighter or anything, but I do have my talents. I'm tired of depending on others. I want to find my own way to survive, and that path begins here."

Jane flashed a big grin, even though she was frightened on the inside. She turned back and picked up her gear, and made her way back to the scene. She turned back and smiled at Kaito. "Thanks for everything."
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 8:42 PM

Jan 2013
"SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Rei barely makes it out of the way as the area behind her is left a smoky crater...thinking back she rememberd her first lesson as a sniper move after every engagement. Crawling along she see's a man carrying a woman off then opening a sewer hatch as all hell seems to still be breaking lose..though that cannon seems damaged..could these two have something to do with it..

holding the PTRS one handed her left arm is under the cloak as she starts to creep up on the pair..making sure they are alone..or not...however the sudden change in plans and the girl heading back to a building throws a wrench in that plan...turning among the ruins she decides to follow the girl back. She can't leave the battle after all.
Mar 16, 2014 8:48 PM

Jul 2008
Kaito put his hand over Jane's shoulder. "I got out of my way to help you, so I can't just leave like that." He sighed troubled by himself.

He observed the crater just ten meters far from the building they reached.

"So what do you need to help detroy that thing, girl?" He asked confident. "I'll get you whatever I can from your list."
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 8:57 PM

Dec 2011
"Thanks for destroyin' my cover perv." Teki muttered in annoyance. She quickly ran back and retrieved her knife, sheathing it before checking her ammo and explosives in case she was forced into a fight. She then looked up to see the two running back into the fray from where they attempted to retreat. "Make up yer damn minds..." Teki murmured with a sigh, heading up to the roof for a better view.
Mar 16, 2014 9:02 PM

Apr 2011
"Some Tranite would be nice," Jane joked, trying to ignore her fears. "Hmm.. I need some Liquid Nitrogen, as much as you can find. There's an old lab about three blocks from here that might have some, but I'll need a lot of it. Say, 3 gallons or so." She buried her hand into her bag and pulled out a vile of liquid. "This is crawler fluid. I'll also need a can of acetylene. You'll know what it is because it will smell really sweet. Get me those things, and I should be able to immobilize that robot. For how long, I can't say. But we've got to try." She quickly scribbled everything down on a sheet of paper and handed it to him. "Now go! Quick!"
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 9:06 PM

Feb 2013
After a few minutes, the Maximus 13 noticed a high concentration of heat somewhere. It quickly started to shoot with the GAU 8 and broke the cover with the objective of terminating all targets in the area. Jane, Teki and Kaito would then notice the bullets starting to break through the building they were hiding. "Termination Iminent." The robot exclaimed.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Mar 16, 2014 9:07 PM

Jan 2013
Hearing the plan and seeing there goals might not be so far removed from each other Rei uses this to come into view, her now loaded PTR rifle is aime upwards as she looks at the group. "Might I be of assistance?"

At that momment Rei curses under her breath and runs down the stairs as quickly as she can as the first rounds start to hit. "Fuckin ASC!"
RedArmyShogunMar 16, 2014 9:13 PM
Mar 16, 2014 9:08 PM

Apr 2011
Raphael practically flew from building to building quickly being followed by a trail of bullets. He took a breather on the roof of a building which had several buildings between him and that death machine. Facing a colossal robot that could shoot his arrows out of mid-air with laser beams was not something he had signed up with the Deathwatch to do. It was time to take a step back and think.

As far as I can tell, that thing has two main blind-spots, one directly on top of it where the main guns are and one underneath it where the insane cannon is. The problem is how to approach it... It seems as though its shields only activate when it senses something with significant mass heading towards it and since most of its guns are on its legs, each gun should be unable to pivot to shoot directly upward or downward... Therefore, the safest way to approach would be to get a drop on it from above or attack it from below...

"Rei, it seems like it has two main blind spots," Raphael said over the radio. "One directly over its main gun and one on its underbelly. So that means we either need to get a drop on it or move in on it when it prepares to fire its giant cannon. I think I can do one or the other but I'm probably not going to be able to do much work with just what I have on me."
Mar 16, 2014 9:17 PM

Jul 2008
"Just kept this girl (Jane) alive." Kaito told Rei peeking the list from Jane's fingers. "I'll back in a few minutes, just found a way to tell me where you will be." He said as a mountain of rubbish fell between them.

Kaito left as fast as he could.
My candies:
Mar 16, 2014 9:19 PM

Apr 2011
Jane was surprised by Rei's sudden appearance and offer to help. "Um yeah! Sure!" Her mind was racing rapidly. "I need you to give me one of your sniper bullets! Preferably the best armor piercing bullet you can find." She took out a handful of tiny little eggs. "These are nanobots. I need you to find a way to hollow out your bullet so I can place them inside. Then just focus on distracting that huge machine until the chemicals come!"
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Mar 16, 2014 9:22 PM

Jan 2013
Rei hears the message and responds leaning her head down to click the neck come from a old tanker head set. "I got yah, that bastard has a IR sensor I'm pretty sure..I found some people that might can help, bastards got out...well two of em at least." Pulling her liqour bottle out, she takes a huge swig then tosses it to Jane. "I'll be back on com soon. One of em here seems pretty smart..I'll wager she has a plan. Out"

Looking at Jane shes not happy handing over her DPU rounds but they did have a hollow core to allow for expansion on impact."Have a drink Egghead, your worried I'm just pissed..tell me is that thing manned? Cause if it is I want to skin the pilot alive...with my bare hands..." With that she unloads the rifle as she brings out a pair of pliers, a knife and a screw driver, and her five spare arms go to work taking the shell apart.

RedArmyShogunMar 16, 2014 9:29 PM
Mar 16, 2014 9:46 PM

Feb 2013
The Maximus 13 quickly started to scan the underground, searching for Mass Heat Signatures that called attention. It was able to differ undead from humans so it was clearly searching for the Deathwatch Underground Base. If it was able to find it, it would go down and devastate everything on it's way. In order to find the base, it started to send Radio Waves down the hole, seeking for something that intercepted it.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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