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Feb 18, 2014 1:14 AM

Nov 2012
Follow this template-

Name (full)-
what are you?-
Own/inheritance to?-
What do you do in it/does it do?-
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-

Note: all masters can be different creatures, can have bonds with their butlers.
C-Vi-BritanniaFeb 19, 2014 3:08 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Feb 19, 2014 3:06 AM

Sep 2012
Name (full)- Charles Xavier
what are you?- Human
Own/inheritance to?- Xavier Banks
What do you do in it/does it do?-Owns the Entire Xavier Banking Firm
Likes-Relaxing,not doing work,Girls,writing,drawing,Piano
Dislikes- Doing work,Being annoyed,injured
Interests- Playing Guitar,Relaxing at home,Drinking Earl Gray tea while reading the paper
Family- None
extra info- Has Power over peoples minds,Can read peoples thoughts
Manor looks-
Feb 20, 2014 2:31 AM

Nov 2012
Follow this template-

Name (full)- skyler zu takeru
Age- 21
Gender- female
what are you?- Goddess of beauty
Own/inheritance to?- fortune
What do you do in it/does it do?- -
Likes- the moon, beautiful things, having fun
Dislikes- bugs, mean people
Interests- jewellery, gold, beautiful things
Family- deceased
Butlers/servants?- currently hiring
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-*photobucket*com%257Calbums%257Cf207%257Ccrazyamygamer%257CAnime%257CArtwork%257Cbth_castle*jpg%2F&ei=JdkFU8P8GcSLkQXt8IHwBQ&psig=AFQjCNHQh1TR7jD3fkLAjvQ1QQpj0unlwQ&ust=1392978597472133

Name (full)- Anna Heartfang
Age- 18
Gender- female
what are you?- Demon
Own/inheritance to?- fathers fortune, resorts, hotels, buildings and business
What do you do in it/does it do?- runs and controls operations
Likes- music, art, nature
Dislikes- bugs, fighting, violence,
Interests- art, music
Family- Mother, Father, older brother and older sister
Butlers/servants?- currently hiring
extra info- she was in a major car accident and broke both of her legs when she got thrown from the car and got hit by another over the legs. She almost died but a miracle happened and she survived and got out of hospital, but she lost her legs. Her father has paid for a special team to re construct her legs so she can walk again, but her surgery is a long time away.
Her father had gotten her a butler to look after her.
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Feb 20, 2014 3:00 AM

Nov 2012
Name (full)- Yuki Okinawa
Age- 17
Gender- female
what are you?- elemental princess
Own/inheritance to?- fathers shrine and fortune, and country
What do you do in it/does it do?- run it
Likes- the shrine, freedom
Dislikes- bugs
Interests- outdoors, her shrine,
Family- deceased
Butlers/servants?- currently hiring
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Feb 20, 2014 3:11 PM

May 2013
Name (full)- Flint Marco
what are you?- Demigod
Own/inheritance to?- Marco construction co.
What do you do in it/does it do?- owns it
Likes-Apples, writing, reading, staying indoors
Dislikes- people, sweets, spicy food, going outdoors
Interests- he likes to write and read a variety of genres
Family- Grandfather who rarely visits none other
Butlers/servants?- hiring
extra info- he has a lot of bad habits that he picked up over the years to help him deal with the stress of life.
Looks (in spoiler)-

Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Shitsuji-CartyMar 9, 2014 10:09 PM
Feb 20, 2014 3:15 PM

Sep 2012
Shitsuji-Carty said:
Name (full)- Flint Marco
what are you?- Demigod
Own/inheritance to?- Marco construction co.
What do you do in it/does it do?- owns it
Likes-Apples, writing, reading, staying indoors
Dislikes- people, sweets, spicy food, going outdoors
Interests- he likes to write and read a variety of genres
Family- Grandfather who rarely visits none other
Butlers/servants?- hiring
extra info- he has a lot of bad habits that he picked up over the years to help him deal with the stress of life.
Looks (in spoiler)-

Manor looks (in spoiler)-

Feb 21, 2014 2:30 PM

Sep 2012
Name (full)- Jacen Ario
what are you?-Phoenix
Own/inheritance to?- His own Fortune
What do you do in it/does it do?-Famous Singer/Guitarist
Likes- Singing,Playing Guitar,Relaxing
Dislikes-The Cold,Annoying things, annoying people,liars
Interests-Singing,Playing Guitar,Relaxing,Drawing when he can
Family- None
Butlers/servants?- Hiring
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Feb 21, 2014 2:45 PM

Sep 2012
Name (full)- Akito Hyuuga
Age- 21
Gender- Male
what are you?- Human but Can Summon Creatures
Own/inheritance to?- Inherited The Hyuuga Protection Corporation
What do you do in it/does it do?- CEO of the Company, Fight Creatures that Create Harm in the World
Likes- Peaceful and Calm days, The night sky, Being away from the Office, Pervy sometimes
Dislikes- Being at work, Annoying things, Rain
Interests- Summoning, Creating New Creatures, Learning New Magic
Family- All Deceased from Monster Attacks
Butlers/servants?- Hiring
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-

Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Feb 22, 2014 11:22 PM

Dec 2013
Name : Salem Valdez
Age - 22
Gender - Male
What are you - Human
own/inheritance to? - Family weapons manufacture business (Victorialis Corporation)
what do you do in it? - Current family head and CEO of the Victorialis Corporation/Weapons tester and mercenary employer
Likes - Testing out new weaponry, being lazy when bored, traveling about, goofing around at work
Dislikes - Annoying problems (people or situations), disobedience, boredom
Interests - Attending global shows for new advancement in weapon tech or tech in general, self testing his company's new weaponry, lounging about with his employees at his manor.
Family - 2 cousins, younger sister, uncle. (other relatives that aren't well known though)
Butlers/servants : Hiring
extra info - Valdez Family Crest (Yes, created by me.. )
looks -

manor -

Ze-LemFeb 22, 2014 11:27 PM
Feb 23, 2014 12:36 AM

Nov 2012
Feb 24, 2014 2:35 AM

Nov 2012
Name (full)- Aya gaijin
Age- 18
Gender- Female
what are you?- Fallen angel/Vampire
Own/inheritance to?- famous tv and radio stations. Most Hair salons, studios and academies of dance and figure skating and music
What do you do in it/does it do?- own them
Likes- her business's, sweets, music, cake, black cats, wolves and huskies
Dislikes- people telling her what to do. Fighting with people, violence.
Interests- music, dance, figure skating
Family- deceased
Butlers/servants?- currently hiring
extra info- she is a world champion of females figure skating.
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Feb 24, 2014 2:03 PM

Nov 2013
Name (full)- Masato Shinra
Age- 24
Gender- Male
what are you?- Human that has been genetically modified and enhanced.
Own/inheritance to?- Shinra Inc
What do you do in it/does it do?- It is primarily a power company, supplying Mako energy to the world and making electricity efficient and easily available. Because this energy is so readily available, Eco-friendly, has no side effects to the world whatsoever, they monopolize the energy industry. Shinra also operates in genetic engineering, space exploration, and has a strong military power including the elite group SOLDIER. SOLDIER is a group of people that have been genetically modified and enhanced.
Likes- Classical, practicing/training, classical music, his company, his saying of "There are three hints that I cannot tolerate. One, people who order me. Two, people who oppose me. And three, (spur of the moment that he doesn't find interesting)
Dislikes- People who order him around, people who oppose him, what's bad for business, evil stuff.
Interests- Guns and swords
Family- Sister
Butlers/servants?- Sure yeah someone
extra info- He is kind hearted, but doesn't show it, rather has a serious, business like attitude. Extremely skilled in several forms of martial arts spanning from CQC hand to hand, sword play, and sharp shooting. Also uses lightnig magic
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
(Biggest house in America is in my state :D)

Company symbol (
Note: all masters can be different creatures, can have bonds with their butlers.
Honorable-StigmaMar 3, 2014 6:08 PM
-Let not the fear of death stay your hand nor defeat your courage. The warrior who will prevail is the one who conquers death, who becomes one with death as we have.
-To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods?
Feb 24, 2014 5:32 PM

Jun 2013
Name: Luka Kitamura
Age: 18
Gender: female
What are you: a witch
Own/inheritance: a big house in the woods
What do you do: makes potions, spells, charms, medicines, etc
Likes: reading, quiet places, cats, sweets, practicing magic, rain
Dislikes: being around people, clutter, noisy places, losing things
Interests: different types of magic, plants
Family: she is an orphan
Butlers/servants: she has none, and is looking for one. she sometimes poofs up some little servants to help her out though.
Extra Info: She wears that mask on her face all the time and doesn't like to take it off.
Manor Looks: Its a big house deep in the woods. It's a good distance away from any towns or cities.
chibibunnyloverFeb 26, 2014 5:59 PM
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Feb 26, 2014 1:33 PM

Nov 2012
Both approved
Mar 10, 2014 12:24 AM

Nov 2013
Name (full)- Azrael "Deathstroke" Gould
what are you?- Angel
Own/inheritance to?- A private military company that trains soldiers, and creates warships and war technology of sorts.
What do you do in it/does it do?- It creates war technology and trains their own troops.
Likes- War, strife, conflict, strategy, engineering
Dislikes- Small things trying to act big
Interests- weapons
Family- none
extra info- a cold, cruel, person
Looks (in spoiler)- Jin Kisaragi google search :3
Manor looks (in spoiler)- Just a incredibly large house like my other masters house XD
-Let not the fear of death stay your hand nor defeat your courage. The warrior who will prevail is the one who conquers death, who becomes one with death as we have.
-To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods?
Mar 10, 2014 2:00 AM

Nov 2012
Mar 12, 2014 2:36 AM

Sep 2012
Name (full)- Alistar Markus
Age- 17
Gender- Male
what are you?- Human
Own/inheritance to?- Son of a very rich businessman
What do you do in it/does it do?- Nothing
Likes- Reading,writing,drawing,sitting in the garden
Dislikes- Pain,Suffering,Crying
Interests- He likes to draw, read and write
Family- Father, Older Sister Ahri
Butlers/servants?- Hiring
extra info- He was diagnosed with a illness that is slowing killing him,he pleads in hope that a cure can be found before it gets too bad,which leaves Alistar at home most of the time unable to go to school, so his older sister Ahri looks after him when he needs it.
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Mar 13, 2014 12:29 AM

Mar 2014
Name (full)- Vladimir Nightroad
what are you?-vampire/krusnik
Own/inheritance to?-Son of a marquis
What do you do in it/does it do?-nothing
Likes-read, write poetry, reflecting, being alone, tranquility, dancing, music
Dislikes- excessive noise, disobedience, incompetence
Interests- reading, writing poetry, reflecting, putting on a strong face, tranquility, dancing, music
Family- father(Deceased) younger sister Irelia (deceased)
extra info- his father was abusive and neglectful and everyone he held dear has died, he has always distanced himself from society and for the most part puts on a false bravado to maintain a social image due to pride, he prefers being alone most of the time because everyone he ever let in has hurt him and or left him alone.
Looks (in spoiler)-,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNGEQ8qhI9-Pst3ul6ur5VtUH_tOSA&ust=1394781929863227
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
rockeyhill01Mar 19, 2014 6:52 AM
Mar 13, 2014 3:02 AM

Nov 2012
Mar 13, 2014 9:32 AM

Nov 2009
Name (full)- kagome Rose
Age- 20
Gender- female
what are you?- human/harpie
Own/inheritance to?- 3 mansions, 5 star resturants and a 4 billlion dollars in a bank account
What do you do in it/does it do?- have people manage it
Likes-sweets, guys, teasing, being the center of attention, having people abey her
Dislikes- being ignored
Interests- beachball, anime, heighs, going out to different places and meeting new people
Family- none
Butlers/servants?- i want 3
extra info- she is the daugher of one of the riches man known to man
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
SakuraSweetHeartMar 13, 2014 3:49 PM
Mar 13, 2014 4:03 PM

Sep 2012
Mar 14, 2014 5:00 AM

Nov 2012
Name (full)- Katey nuest
Age- 20
Gender- female
what are you?- Demon
Own/inheritance to?- fathers fortune, resorts, hotels, buildings and business
What do you do in it/does it do?- runs and controls operations
Likes- music, art, nature
Dislikes- bugs, fighting, violence,
Interests- art, music
Family- Mother, Father, older brother and older sister
Butlers/servants?- currently hiring
extra info- she was in a major car accident and broke both of her legs when she got thrown from the car and got hit by another over the legs. She almost died but a miracle happened and she survived and got out of hospital, but she lost her legs. Her father has paid for a special team to re construct her legs so she can walk again, but her surgery is a long time away.
Her father had gotten her a butler to look after her.
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-

(This one is made so I can still use the idea)
Mar 15, 2014 8:11 AM

Nov 2012
Name (full)- Reita Furikawa
Age- 18
Gender- female
what are you?- Neko
Own/inheritance to?- fortune and everything her father owns
What do you do in it/does it do?- -
Likes- punk, music, sweets, Lolita, japan her home
Dislikes- bullies, wannabes, her younger sister
Interests- music, Lolita
Family- father, sister
Butlers/servants?- not
extra info-Reita is the oldest sister, she was born in japan and moved to this area 2 years ago, she is punk Lolita. She has a younger sister who's the "popular" girl in school
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Mar 15, 2014 9:46 AM
Jan 2011
Name (full)- Zero Newman
12345trent8Mar 17, 2014 10:02 AM
Mar 15, 2014 10:29 AM

Nov 2012
Mar 15, 2014 3:09 PM

Sep 2012
Name (full)- Haru Suruzi
Age- 18
Gender- Male
what are you?- Demon
Own/inheritance to?- Parents Funds
What do you do in it/does it do?- Nothing
Likes- Relaxing, Band,Rock Guitar
Dislikes- Being told what to do,being annoyed/insulted
Interests- Being in his hand,Chilling and Drinking
Family- Father,Mother
Butlers/servants?- None
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-

Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Mar 16, 2014 7:29 AM

May 2013
Name (full)- shiroe tachibana
what are you?- human
Own/inheritance to?- inheritance
What do you do in it/does it do?- nothing
Likes-people, fruit, playing games
Dislikes-being alone, loud places
Family- parents who rarely check up on him
Butlers/servants?- open
extra info- he is a happy kid and keeps a positive attitude about everything he can, one of his own personal goals is to become a musician. One thing that has been tough for him is the fact the he was in a bad car accident that killed his only sister and rendered him blind. the accident happened a year ago and after he healed up from everything besides the blindness he was dropped by his parents into a manor as he waited for them to find him a butler/maid
Looks (in spoiler)-

Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Shitsuji-CartyMar 16, 2014 3:54 PM
Mar 16, 2014 10:39 AM

Sep 2012
Mar 25, 2014 10:36 AM

Mar 2012
Well.. let's do this thing

Name (full)- Tatsuya Amano
Age- 18
Gender- Man
what are you?- Human
Own/inheritance to?- A mansion and a labaratory with lots of genius scientists
What do you do in it/does it do?- Invent stuff I ask
Likes- Girls, honesty, cute cats, AND POWER TO DESTROY THE WHOLE WORLD! Just kidding, I like watermelons
Dislikes- Guys acting tough, guys trying to be better than me, guys who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it, guys.
Interests- Cool inventions, electricity, Technology
Family- Dead, ouch, yea long story
Butlers/servants?- Just 1 cute girl and lots of scientists of course
extra info- He has electric powers thanks to a project that went wrong
Looks (in spoiler)- Will add later
Manor looks (in spoiler)- Well.. it's big and it has a garden. Imagine the rest.
Mar 29, 2014 3:32 AM

Nov 2012
First of all, you don't rp it as if it's you.
You can only be approved once you get a picture
And the scientists is npc's
Mar 29, 2014 6:38 AM

Sep 2012
Name (full)- King Damian
Age- 22
what are you?- Vampire
Own/inheritance to?- King
What do you do in it/does it do?- King
Likes- Helping people, Girls, His Family
Dislikes- Pain, too much heat, annoyances
Interests- Horse Riding, sitting on the roof at night, taking long night walks
Family- Mother, Father
extra info-
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Mar 29, 2014 6:44 AM

Nov 2012
Follow this template-
Creator and admin only other characters

Name (full)- Lucia night
Age- 19
Gender- female
what are you?- vampire
Likes- blood, the quiet, darkness, black cats, the moon
Dislikes- annoying people
Interests- unknown
extra info- quiet, mysterious, cute
Looks (in spoiler)-
May 15, 2014 1:51 AM

Nov 2012
Name (full)- Rin Hiroshima
Age- 17
Gender- female
what are you?- neko
Likes- sweets, cute things, her Japanese culture, Japanese tea, cats, the boy next door
Dislikes- spiders. Gross things
Interests- the boy next door
Family- mother, father, little brother and older brother
extra info- she is from Tokyo japan, she is kawaii
Looks-" target="_blank">
May 15, 2014 1:52 AM

May 2013
Name (full)- Joseph Harudori
what are you?-Human
Own/inheritance to?- Inheritance to Billions of dollars
What do you do in it/does it do?- N/a
Likes- music, skipping class, and spending time with people
Dislikes-people talking behind his back, people ignoring him, being left alone
Interests- Manga and music
Butlers/servants?- one maid
extra info- his blond hair and strange first name made him stand out in crowd when going to school in Japan, he always hated going to school because he thought most of the kids were always talking about him behind his back. soon after he realized this early on in his life did he start to put up a delinquent act to keep people from talking bad about him. He also hides that he is rich to all the kids at school, he secret has a manga hobby
Looks (in spoiler)-
Jun 16, 2014 7:03 PM

Jun 2013
Name (full)- Alice Weston
Age- 16
Gender- female
what are you?- human
Own/inheritance to?- she's the daughter of a rich businessman
What do you do in it/does it do?- she doesn't have any part of it, it's her parents company.
Likes- sweets, playing pranks, high places, naps, causing trouble for the employees, cute things, drawing
Dislikes- being scolded, being alone, learning boring lessons, spicy things
Interests- she likes to draw and she likes fantasy stories (like fairies, angels, demons, etc.)
Family- she has a mother and a father, but they are always busy working, so she's always been alone.
Butlers/servants?- she had, but they always quit because they couldn't put up with her. so now, her father has been looking for more servants to watch over her.
extra info- because her parents are always working, she was always alone. and because of that, she started to believe that they didn't really care about her. that's why she acts out sometimes. she feels like people will leave her anyways, so why start a relationship if they're just going to leave in the end?
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
chibibunnyloverJun 16, 2014 7:19 PM
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Jun 16, 2014 7:16 PM

Sep 2012
Approved! Please Create your Manor!

pstt Master, can i make you a butler like we used to? :3
Jun 16, 2014 7:18 PM

Jun 2013
yes thank you! i'll make my manor now~ :D happy face!
(and oh my god, i was gonna ask you that!!!!! but then i was like... maybe he doesnt want to... XD so yes! please!)
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Jun 16, 2014 8:01 PM

May 2013
Name (full)- Hasabe...? (he doesnt like people to know his last name)
what are you?- Neko
Own/inheritance to?- inheritance to grandfathers fortune
What do you do in it/does it do?- plays
Likes-book, daydreaming, fruit
Dislikes-loud places, stupid questions, being hungry
Interests-books and learning
Family-none that live with him
Butlers/servants?-soon to be filled
extra info- he is a genius as far as the academic world is concerned but he also lacks very basic knowledge that most people have like knowing how to cook and speak properly. to know his true thoughts he has to write down what he wants to say
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Jun 16, 2014 8:05 PM

Sep 2012
Approved please create your manor :D
Jun 22, 2014 12:20 PM

May 2013
Name (full)-Matsuri Shihou
what are you?- human
Own/inheritance to?- late family estate
What do you do in it/does it do?- nothing
Likes-being alone, fruit, messing with people, drugs
Dislikes- nosy people, being bored, peace
Interests- playing bass
Family- they are all dead to her
Butlers/servants?- open
extra info- her family that should have loved her and cared for her needed money so when she was only 10 they sold her off some nasty thugs that had many a coin. for years she lived in the worst conditions possible accumulating scars and other bad habits. one day she was to be an escort for someone only to find out that the person she was going to escort was an envoy from her grandfathers estate which she inherited. now with her new life, and new home she spends her time doing whatever she pleases whenever she wants.
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-
Jun 22, 2014 12:23 PM

Sep 2012
Shitsuji-Carty said:
Name (full)-Matsuri Shihou
what are you?- human
Own/inheritance to?- late family estate
What do you do in it/does it do?- nothing
Likes-being alone, fruit, messing with people, drugs
Dislikes- nosy people, being bored, peace
Interests- playing bass
Family- they are all dead to her
Butlers/servants?- open
extra info- her family that should have loved her and cared for her needed money so when she was only 10 they sold her off some nasty thugs that had many a coin. for years she lived in the worst conditions possible accumulating scars and other bad habits. one day she was to be an escort for someone only to find out that the person she was going to escort was an envoy from her grandfathers estate which she inherited. now with her new life, and new home she spends her time doing whatever she pleases whenever she wants.
Looks (in spoiler)-
Manor looks (in spoiler)-

Approved please create your Manor :D I will make your Butler Soon :)
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