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A Certain Magical Index (light novel)
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Mar 27, 2009 3:13 PM
Dec 2008
yatsushiro said:

The action scenes were a little bit weak too.

The only thing that keeps me from watching this is the characters. Without them, I would have dropped it.

Im not complaining, I liked the series minus the magician/angel mini-arc or whatever that was, but I was wondering, why exactly havent I got bored of Touma with his almighty hand. Its kinda unfair how he owns everyone with a little punch....whatver, hopefully railgun will be better with less fill in characters
Mar 27, 2009 8:09 PM

Sep 2008
wow it`s over
"see i didnt got hospitalizated this thime" haha
im going to mis index for a while at least i think there are no doubts that there is going to be a second season
now K-ON
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Mar 28, 2009 4:53 AM

Jun 2008
For me this anime was one the best I watched lately. I'm glad there will be a second season.

Mar 29, 2009 8:20 PM

Oct 2007
Weakest finale boss ever. Almost no character development. We got no answers and it's very open ended. Index had essentially no point and the vampire girl too did nothing. They did nothing with this interesting premise and later fights just feel lackluster. Extremely disappointed with this series. 7/10

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
Mar 30, 2009 6:22 AM

Dec 2008
Hmm, its a bit hard to say what i actually liked best about it...
its even hard for me to give it a precise rank.

all i can say is that i pretty much enjoyed every episode of it and i think this season is more of a appetizer(/introduction for the world/chars/plot etc.) for the following seasons!

also, i want to add that iam really fired up for the next seasons and side stories to come!

hurry up J.C. Staff!!!
Mar 30, 2009 11:49 AM

Feb 2008
I am seriously disappointed!

The last few episodes felt totally unsubstantial to me.

mixtapehaven said:

More Touma falcon punches. More cheesiness.
Well, this is definitely open for a second season.
And the ending bits, to be honest, were the best parts of the episode for me. And Laura Stewart animated is brilliant.

Agree! The ending bits saved the last episode for me. It showed the potential this show has!

Although I would rate some of the episodes with 9/10 (Misaka), overall it is just a 6/10!

naikou said:
noteDhero said:

I'm sorry.
Why does everyone like Misaka? What did she do that was so out of the norm for tsunderes? I don't get it.

It's all in the name. "Biri Biri". Rolls right off the tongue.

Plus, imagine how awesome the sex would be. Electro-gasm?

0_0 .... "Electro-gasm" have a point there..... mmh... I think for the sake of Misaka and her sisters I will enhance the rating to 7/10 ^^

"Maybe Im the only one, but actually I think Misakas sisters are even more cute than the original", writes FTGT with a whimsical smile on his face!

If there will be a second season, Im in! :]

PS: Schrödinger!
Apr 1, 2009 9:28 AM

Sep 2008
FTGT said:
"Maybe Im the only one, but actually I think Misakas sisters are even more cute than the original", writes FTGT with a whimsical smile on his face!

I sort of agree with you there. =P
"It's because you exist.. That I'm here right now.."
Apr 1, 2009 9:08 PM

May 2008

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Apr 2, 2009 12:50 PM

Jul 2008
Jarmel said:
Weakest finale boss ever. Almost no character development. We got no answers and it's very open ended. Index had essentially no point and the vampire girl too did nothing. They did nothing with this interesting premise and later fights just feel lackluster. Extremely disappointed with this series. 7/10

There was no final boss and there is no open end. This is just a season end. Nothing more, nothing less.

In fact, the season ending was great if you look at the fact that anime followed novels faihfully. There was no chance for it to get a normal season ending.
Apr 2, 2009 2:22 PM

Sep 2008
It was a decent ending. Everyone is happy at the end after so much conflict.. I was happy with how this series ended up other than the fact that they just keep forgeting about touma losing his memory.. but I guess it was never important than to use for one or two eps..
Apr 3, 2009 9:52 PM

Oct 2007
aero said:
Not enough MisakaHimegami. Overall the show was a disappointment, I thought it'll be epic after I was impressed by the animation quality of the first few episodes. Then it quickly dropped down to a meaningless ramble of long speeches and "wtf are you doing" moments.
Show should of been called "To Aru Speechu no Touma"

Fixed and QFT
Apr 4, 2009 11:03 AM

Oct 2008
Nayrael said:
Jarmel said:
Weakest finale boss ever. Almost no character development. We got no answers and it's very open ended. Index had essentially no point and the vampire girl too did nothing. They did nothing with this interesting premise and later fights just feel lackluster. Extremely disappointed with this series. 7/10

There was no final boss and there is no open end. This is just a season end. Nothing more, nothing less.

In fact, the season ending was great if you look at the fact that anime followed novels faihfully. There was no chance for it to get a normal season ending.

If by season end you mean just another episode with no significant event happening to signify it being the season ending, then yes.

The source material being shallow does not excuse something based on it from being shallow as well, much less make it good for faithfully following it. They should have taken a heavier hand with the series if the novels are really that bad.

-Take the part after touma lost his memory and until the preview of next season and cut it out as there was no developement in story or characters during that section. make
-Touma actually suffer a bit from losing his memory and have to try harder to hide it from those around him, especially index.
-bring index more in to the story other than being "princess touma needs to rescue so he has some small reason to fight X bad guy" (come on, does the book really view all women like that?).
-The plot the first story arc tried to bring in to the light, don't throw it out and stomp on it for the love of god, instead embrace it.
-Somehow make touma's powers evolve as it gets tiring having the main character do the same thing in fights throughout the series (dodge, hand block, dodge, bam punch in the face, 15 minute speak about how the bad guy is really a good guy doing the wrong things for the right reasons and how he should join touma's side).
-If you're going to introduce a character and have touma go through the trouble of rescuing her, make it be for a reason. actually use them in the series to some degree instead of having them increase his virtual harem count by 1 and then leave the series.

Then maybe the series would be worth of a 7, 8 or maybe even 9.
Apr 4, 2009 11:11 AM

Nov 2008
Im pretty sure that the show is planned to have quite a few seasons....... The show seems to have a lot of complex background and never got to explain any of it........ Nessesarius only appeared a couple of time + The English Purist Church was all but irrelevant, yet there was tiny feeling in my gut when the season ended that told me we have only seen the tip of the iceberg for Toaru....... We shall see.

A Hinatard's animelist.
Apr 6, 2009 3:49 AM
Feb 2009
really loved this show. all though the ended was a bit ordinary, it had its good bits. looking forward to Biribiri spin off, and rooting for a 2nd season/
Apr 7, 2009 1:33 AM

Jan 2009
Well, like this anime, for me he had just had a defect... Touma. But outside it was a good anime.
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Apr 7, 2009 1:41 AM

Jan 2009
Interesting mix of science and magic with MOE. Good series and so is my rating of it.
Apr 7, 2009 12:39 PM

Jul 2008
Almost every problem you mentioned is because the anime still didn't progress far enough in the storyline. For a storyline that belongs to "Long Storylines" group, a lot of time is spent on introduction phase. In anime, the introduction episodes last for 20-25 episodes and so does TAMNI.
In novel 7, the first main antagonistic faction* is introduced and a war starts (or is about to start). Almost every antagonist after that either belongs to the antagonistic faction* if they are magicians or one of Esper antagonist factions** (which appear later on).

*spoiler about what faction this is, click on your own risk:

**spoiler about what factions thiese are:

Problems around Touma's memory loss also appear later on and the secret of Imagine Breaker was ALMOST revelaed. While Touma's development still didn't progress a lot, there is still a lot of time for this to happen as the novels don't look like they are ending soon.

While Touma still didn't become more powerful in novels, the other protagonist and the antihero, Accelerator, does lose and gain in powers and develops as a character.

In conclusion, you must keep in mind that TAMNI is a big storyline and that 24 episodes are not enough to start judging the plot itself (the style of the storyline, of course, can be judged), especialy since 20-25 episodes are used for introductions (take Naruto and BLEACH for example... they are both storylines of similiar length (TAMNI still didn't reach that size, but as I said: the end of the storyline is still far, far away) and the plot of thiese shows really started after circa 20 episodes).
Thus, you can't judge the storyline until the story develops further. Style yes, but the plot and its development STILL can't be criticized.
Apr 10, 2009 8:24 AM
Jul 2018
Second season, plz. <3
Apr 11, 2009 9:47 AM

Aug 2008
Nice way to end the series althogh I hopethere will be a second season. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun is just a side story and not an actual continuation right?
May 6, 2009 3:28 PM

Apr 2008
May 9, 2009 12:33 PM

Feb 2009
you can't end the anime like this!
May 13, 2009 12:16 AM

Mar 2009
my take on the show is that it was a light hearted, more enjoyable version of shows like fate stay night/s-cryed/busou renkin, no doubt the show was predictable, with the usual monster of the week theme

it was still fun overall but they definitely coulda shortened it, some episodes were pointless, most of these 24 episode types like fate stay night just become dragged on

the only good ones off this genre i can think of is World Destruction, Ashita no Yoichi!, and Amatsuki cause they can keep it short with a balance of comedy,action and good characters
May 20, 2009 5:44 PM

Aug 2008
I enjoyed this series a fair bit. Some of the technobabble it spits out just blows my mind. In the bad kind. But then after hearing enough of it, it kind of makes some sort of sense ^^.

Misaka and Index really saved this for me. And Komoe~sensei.

Hyouka at the end though T__T. I kinda guessed that she'd go, I thought maybe at the point on the crane. But no, after the light hearted scene in the hospital with a few laughs, then *bam* BAD END hits you. :(.

I want to see more Accelerator! He looked tasty in the last few eps. Think it was the 2nd ending aswell.
May 26, 2009 12:10 AM

Aug 2008

Jun 15, 2009 12:45 PM

May 2009
i want more :'(
Jun 18, 2009 5:20 AM

Mar 2009
Until Touma lost his memories : 8.4/10
After that : 5.5/10

Avg:7/10 :S
Jun 19, 2009 9:42 AM

Jul 2008
I want to see more Accelerator! He looked tasty in the last few eps.

Then rejoice as he will get an entire arc only for himself in future.
Jul 3, 2009 8:30 PM

Oct 2008
mrbushido said:
my take on the show is that it was a light hearted, more enjoyable version of shows like fate stay night/s-cryed/busou renkin, no doubt the show was predictable, with the usual monster of the week theme

it was still fun overall but they definitely coulda shortened it, some episodes were pointless, most of these 24 episode types like fate stay night just become dragged on

the only good ones off this genre i can think of is World Destruction, Ashita no Yoichi!, and Amatsuki cause they can keep it short with a balance of comedy,action and good characters

Except fate stay night, s-cryed and busou renkin are so much better shows that it is a crime against humanity to even mention them in a thread about To Aru Majutsu No Plot.
Jul 15, 2009 10:38 PM

Aug 2008
Man, I just hope that they'll keep continuing this series. It's too awesome to end it here.
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Jul 23, 2009 10:28 PM

May 2008
Hmmm... this series started out so good, and then blew it in the middle by focusing on filler characters and plotlines that I couldn't care less about. Sounds like a lot of shounen, except Index and Touma weren't in half the episodes! I gave an 8/10 on average. Hopefully the second season (assuming there is one) will be on target.
Aug 27, 2009 1:59 AM

Mar 2009
I liked the series, if for no other reason that one of the characters was Aleister Crowley (with long flowing hair ffs), and that I could name some of the painted symbols and recognized the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
Oct 8, 2009 6:15 PM

Jul 2009
There will be 2nd season, they won't ended it like this..

Good build up for the next season, and Railgun will keep me busy while i'm waiting for the 2nd season
Oct 9, 2009 4:05 PM

Jul 2009
Looks like we will have second season to look forward too, plus the spin-off Railgun that recently aired, it seems to be of a more light hearted charterer though.
Speaking of which I just loved when Kuroko "complained" about her ribbon drifting away and they she "needed" to enter Mikoto's private sanctuary in order to retrieve it, and the second after bursting trough the shower door xD

Some very nice and emotinal scenes between Index and Hyouka.

Overall the series had it ups and downs and was shifting a bit in quality, but is still provided allot of entertainment value and had a unique enough story with interesting characters.
So the final score landed on 7.

Hoping for a season 2 :)
Oct 16, 2009 4:22 AM

Oct 2009
A great series this was. Enjoyed all of it and its elements is all I have to say.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 25, 2009 4:02 PM

May 2009
Not really sure what to rate this - it's around 6-7/10. I did enjoy watching it and it had some nice characters. It was also quite funny at times, but nothing major in that department.
I often found myself confused with the story because there were many terms and long words to keep track of and angels, espers, magicians, vampires and all those..
At times it was pretty heavy on dialogue and cliché/cheesy but it had some nice fights to make up for that.
It also had nice animation and a pretty good soundtrack.

I'm definitely going to watch Railgun.
Nov 26, 2009 5:45 PM

Nov 2009
Good series just finished it yesterday, doubt I'll be starting rail-gun soon that type of side story never seems to fit into my niche of shows to watch. Eagerly anticipating a direct sequel to this.
Nov 27, 2009 6:27 PM

Jul 2008
Definitely open ended. Laura was pretty animated though.

It felt really anti-climactic to me. The fight ended pretty early and it wasn't very epic. I also didn't understand the conversation with Tsuchimikado and the upside down magician.

The last few minutes were great. Himegami acting "moe", Last Order with Accelerator, Kuroko/biribiri were amazing.
Nov 30, 2009 11:53 AM

Aug 2009
I believe that this anime covers light novels vol.1-6 (excluded vol.2 and 4 though). And now there's 19 volumes of the light novels. I believe there'll be at least 2 more seasons for this anime. To Aru kagaku no Railgun is a spin-off so I won't include in the main series (and they SHOULD make the 2nd series instead of the spin-off).
Anyway, the ending kinda suck. A lot of return characters aren't important anymore which is sad. i personally like Himegami Asai but she doesn't play important role anymore (and she isn't doing well in her own arc either).
My score after finished the last episode: 8/10
Dec 11, 2009 11:24 PM
Apr 2009
Liked the ending. Still hate Index. She's just so damn selfish. Hope to see more of the story though.
Dec 18, 2009 6:12 AM

Oct 2009
So-so for me.. The fight is nothing special. For a 'last' fight, it's seriously too plain. Touma is too ordinary when he fight too. He had only depended on his right hand and only relied on normal street fighting. See some of the fights ended by him with one punch.. what is that >.> I hoped he would gain some new power in the future but I guess not.

During the scene where Index had to defend against Ellis. I thought Mikoto would come help her too but no.. she only came just after the fight ended. Nooooo Mikoto-chan T.T The ending's not much but at least it's not really bad.

Jan 3, 2010 10:09 PM

May 2008
That was SO Cheesy. I felt like barfing omg. The only good thing about this series is misaka mikoto <3
Jan 6, 2010 1:30 AM

Dec 2008
More please
I really enjoyed it ; )
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Jan 13, 2010 1:44 PM

Oct 2009
Need more Index!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 13, 2010 4:25 PM

Jun 2009
This show is alright-ish.

The show's very average feeling.

About the ending...

The part where Chibi Misaka and Accelerator is together bring a huge smile to my face. Loved that part. I can care less about all others.I enjoyed Accelerator's story over the whole series.

....... 6/10, it's barely alright-ish for a show.
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Jan 15, 2010 4:47 PM

Apr 2009
Anime was great till Touma saved Index. But after that it turned into Comedy/Harem/Ecchi. Well it was fun but i expected better plot and more action.

First 6 eposide 10/10 others not even worth watching except Accelerator's part. I like it too.
Jan 15, 2010 9:49 PM

Oct 2009
aero said:
Not enough Misaka. Overall the show was a disappointment, I thought it'll be epic after I was impressed by the animation quality of the first few episodes. Then it quickly dropped down to a meaningless ramble of long speeches and "wtf are you doing" moments.
Show should of been called "To Aru Speechu no Touma"


I Would also like to see more Touma x Misaka time is the 2nd season.
WolfscryJan 15, 2010 9:55 PM
Jan 20, 2010 4:21 PM

Aug 2009
Whaattt?! This season needs a second season or else. What the fuck does this mean? Touma didn't even accomplish their main mission. To guide Index to their church. It's like he's be doing part time jobs instead of his main job, lol.

The little happy times in the ending was really cute like Accelerator and Last Order together, Misaka and that teleport girl in a bath, and Index biting Touma again. ONAKKA HETTA!~

Also in the ending, who was that Archbishop blonde girl? Plus, they didn't even explain the role of that Aleister guy inside the tube. Is he an ally or a foe? Plus, how did Tsukimikado (forgot his name) knew what Aleister was planning? Damn.
Jan 24, 2010 12:01 PM
Dec 2008
well i really enjoyed the series~~it was good
lol at the end railgun was announced, but im already watching it so its all good
im guessing index 2nd season will come in fall of 2010?
maybe they will announce something when railgun is over.
well time to keep watching railgun~~
which is so much better than index btw
Feb 25, 2010 4:05 AM
Jan 2009
Waiting for the next season as well, Railgun is a pretty nice arc but when season 2 comes out all the action happens! Hopefully this fall^^
Feb 27, 2010 5:44 PM
Oct 2009
Kvakond said:
That was a pretty good episode. Touma is still such a wifebeater..

Well, this was supposed to the greatast show evar, a fine-tuned shana, an over 9000/10, but after the first few (zomg perfect) episodes it turned into a love-hate relationship and that has nothing to do with the separate arcs. I blame the most of the time clumsy execution and the whole monologue during fight thing.

In the end, 8/10.

With that said I'm super excited over the BiriBiri-spinoff! Yaaaaay!! Plus this whole episode had second season written all over it (duh!)..

gonna agree the first few episodes where really good and got me hooked expecting a it to be an epic series but it just went downhill after touma saved indexl with all the random segmented arcs. still a good series overall and gonna give it a 8/10 as well.
DJ_HeadshotFeb 27, 2010 5:47 PM
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