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Feb 19, 2014 11:56 PM
Jul 2018
I felt sad that this ends. :'( This has become one of my favorites.
And Beel got a little sister! ♥
Feb 20, 2014 12:11 AM

Jun 2010
I don't wanna even complain on how bad this ending is.

Bye Beelzebub, gonna miss you.
Feb 20, 2014 12:29 AM

Sep 2013
Sad to see such a good manga ended. Hopefully, the spin off will be good. Really enjoyed Beelzebub but annoyed that Beel didn't grow.
"As you can see, being in a group brings no advantages to the individual. Thus, I choose to be the bear, a beast that refuses to form groups with others. It’s an animal of isolation that’s not at all worried about its solitary lifestyle. Let’s not forget that bears get to hibernate as well. Oh, what a wonderful existence. If I’m ever reincarnated, I most certainly would like to be reborn as a bear."
Feb 20, 2014 12:37 AM
Jan 2014
1/5 for this chapter. I really liked this manga, and it was so good while it lasted. Even the shtty arcs were fine because there was enough comedy in all of them for it to be redeeming. But this ending...even if it was sht.

1. Fuji is suddenly getting along with everyone? The fk? I get that its been 2 years but still, seems completely out of the blue.
2. why the fk do Fuji and Takamiya look like they're 50 years old now?
3. WTF happened to Paako's hair?
4. Why the hell are Kouta and Futaba grown up while Beel's still the same tiny kid?!? Lamia went through a growth spurt, and Hilda is only like 18 or 19 or so (same age as Oga) after the time skip, so demons age at the same rate as humans...
5. We didn't get to see Beel's dad properly even once...why............
6. 0 the LAST chapter. I was a Kunieda/Oga shipper, but I wouldn't have minded as much if there was some hint of Oga/Hilda, even a tiny bit. But romance.

Filled with complaints. The only thing I'll give it a bonus point for is that Furuichi finally gets some respect from everyone at Ishiyama.
Feb 20, 2014 12:45 AM

Aug 2011
So it ended, huh? It had it's ups and downs but overall I enjoyed it quite a bit, especially humor and badassnes. I wonder how will spin-off turn out, shame that Jump Next will be only bi-monthly magazine (still better than seasonal, which it was until now)
Feb 20, 2014 1:00 AM

Dec 2010
Wow, that was rushed...still one of my favorite series though.

Too bad nothing happened between Oga and Kunieda :(
Feb 20, 2014 1:14 AM
Feb 2014
Guys the author already confirmed that there will be a spinoff on May and the reason that he rushed it was because Shonen Jump dont want to publish Beelzebub anymore because it wasn't selling as good as Naruto or One piece and so they told him to end it already. So dont hate on the author this is just Shonen Jump being assholes, but I think Saikyo Jump will publish the spinoff.
Feb 20, 2014 1:22 AM

Oct 2012
Freaking Shonen Jump,they could at least give him like a few more weeks to finish the manga. Oh well,I'm gonna miss it.
Feb 20, 2014 2:22 AM
Mar 2013
Some mysteries left unsolved though. Who the hell is Saotome's demon?! Where the fuck is Athrun? And who is Athrun's boss?! Dammit! It's like Soul Eater all over again! Too many unsolved stuff!!
Feb 20, 2014 2:31 AM

Oct 2013
Those asking why Beel didnt grow up. He's a f..g Demon
Feb 20, 2014 2:47 AM

Jul 2009
i think it was awhile back but lately, it really became stale. i think i started skipping chapters too. i dont remember as everything feels like a blur. oh well. it was fun while it lasted i guess. aoi still best girl.
Feb 20, 2014 2:47 AM

Jun 2011
Okay, we can say that because Beel is a demon, he may be growing much slower that a normal child. My heart can handle that... BUT what is wrong with this mangaka trying to put every random character that passed through the series in this small chapter???!!!
That cliche graduation thing with everyone gathering and remembering the past?! WTF dudes! As if the mangaka couldn't think of anything better than that. Why always rushing the manga making it into a crappy ending. Not to mention we never saw the Demon Lord's face. :-(

Generally, it was a great manga with some awesome fights, but the ending was.............
Feb 20, 2014 3:34 AM
Feb 2014
I really liked beelzebub, especially for the really badass draw style, but i'll have to complain because many points in the story where left open like:

1. Saotome zenjuro's past; who is he in reality? who was his demon (i always thought it could have been lord En)? how did he learn everything he knew about the demon world?

2.All the possible romance was just cut off, there were so many pairings whose relationship remained EXACTLY the same in all 240 chapters. I didn't expect it to become a slice of life manga, but a little development in this field would have been nice.

3. The character of the demon lord was also left behind, we know pretty much nothing about him, not even his appearence, we could see just his mouth, i was at least expecting a face to face between him and oga at some point.

4. Many secondary characters were just left behind, like of Genma Isurugi, the old principal of the school who at some point helps saotome, the girl on the island who teaches kunieda, and something more about lord en was never explained neither. (but i dont really remember if the principal was just in the anime, so i might be wrong)

I know the final chapters were rushed and all, but the points listed above are pretty important in my opinion. I hope some of them will find answers in the spinoff, because leaving them unexplained is a bit frustrating. Or maybe they were explained but i forgot about them?
Feb 20, 2014 4:06 AM

Feb 2013
T_T Goodbye Beelzebub. Hopefully the spin-off will have some of the answers to a lot of loose ends, like Kunieda's parents anyone? and also the demon lord's face, though maybe the author will never reveal it, like Timmy Turner's parent's first names lol XD
My favourite line in this series : Ai kannto supiika ingariishu ! (ROFL)
Feb 20, 2014 4:15 AM

Nov 2012
I am really going to miss Beelzebub

“ Ai Furuchin”
It cracked me up
Feb 20, 2014 4:23 AM

Mar 2009
Chiaki looked better with short hair

and Aoi looked better with long hair

that is all
Feb 20, 2014 5:34 AM

Apr 2013
So now everyone at Ishiyama knows about demons and such? I guess a lot of stuff happened during those two years if even the freshmen talk about contracts with demons...

Here's hoping the spin-off will make up for the rushed ending/arc and ties some loose ends.
Feb 20, 2014 6:21 AM

Aug 2010
Well it's over :( I actually enjoyed this chapter XD

Loved how everyone looks after 2 years. Even Fuji and Taka came back as friends that trained and fought Bel's dad and got owned. I really wonder how strong he is XDXD

Kouta and Futaba already this big and Bel still the same (So much for the shippers XD) XDXD [He can say Ai, Furuchin though XD] And has an imouto now lol.

That Overlord immediately got Bel's mom into bed after she came back huh? XD

Lamia looks pretty hot now ^^ I guess Furuchin can survive the pedophile stares if he does end up with her. Nene also looks really pretty :3

Lol'd at the start with how they were talking about Furuichi like a BA who can contract 100s of demons and can change depending on the demon. Seems like the Demon knowledge has become normal XD

Chiaki and Paako look nice too :D Toujo with a moustache being a truck driver was lol. And Oga being BA taming that huge dragon O_O.

So yeah, I really loved this series so much. I wanted to give a 10 but unfortunately the rushed feeling at the end ruined it a bit so 9.3/10 >>> 9 on MAL. I really didn't expect this series to get axed a year ago T^T

Hope the Side story will be at least 100 pages >.<
Feb 20, 2014 6:54 AM

Sep 2011
Well it's over, at least it ended on a high note. I think that ending was pretty satisfying. The timeskip was a pretty nice way to end the manga, I like that Oga was still in hell hanging out with Hilda, Beel, and Alandieon maybe the spin-off series will have to do with hell.

Did anybody else think the 2nd baby was actually Hilda/Oga's she was blonde by the looks of it and they did spend 2 years in hell together. Would have been funny since they where pretending to be a married couple from the start of the manga. Either way really funny chapter, Furuichi's speech was hilarious. The reactions of the underclassmen was great.
Feb 20, 2014 7:12 AM

Jul 2012
Rifaz89 said:
The manga is not so popular that this has to be ended now, eh? Reminds me of the painful ends of Mx0.

Well, at least this manga didn't get dragged on and on...

No don't remind me of Mx0 when it was getting good it got axed.
Overall 7/10 It was really interesting but had flaws as well.Now let's wait for spin-off

I painted my teary face with a disguised smile[COLOR=#ff3333] and pretended it was a cry out of joy.[/COLOR]

Feb 20, 2014 7:49 AM

Oct 2012
3 chapter more... right???????
The ending it's too rushed
Tamura Ryuuhei-san make it longer :(

Sequel please!!!
This is really a great manga T_T
"Signature removed"
Feb 20, 2014 8:28 AM

Oct 2013
sucks that it's over :s
lol at the 2nd baby
Feb 20, 2014 9:07 AM

Jun 2013
Oh man, *Tears Up* T.T It Ended, Well i Got that feeling in the End Of the last Chapter, but still, Too Soon in My opinion.

So From Kanzaki, Toujou and Himekawa graduation to last Graduation. Damn Aoi was Beautiful even when she has Grown up from Delinquent Acts, I think She has? And Nene Too!!!

Lol that Chiaki, Just like Aoi, Somewhat, AND FURUICHI KEEP'S THE RULE NOW WHEN OGA IS GONE!!!??!! HAHAHAHHA!!!!! General Furuichi of the Hundred Faces?. What A Nickname.

Damn Every Single one of them have Grown Up....;) Nice Ending Too Fitting the beelzebub and Now They Are going to Adventurous In Past HighSchool and Human World. So They Already beat up Demon King? Okay And Now He Has 2 Babies? HAHAHA this is just Hialrious. Oga is Never going to get peace.

And It is Just Like Furuichi said. These past years and days, Best Days of Life...

JarjaxleFeb 20, 2014 9:16 AM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Feb 20, 2014 9:27 AM

Sep 2013
Aoi looks plain and normal , whyyyyyyyyyyyy????!!!!
Kanzaki looks 50 years old, takamiya is a werewolf and tojo is growing a mustache.
The demon was epic.
The spinoff will start in May, someone please pick it up.
9/10 it was great.
Feb 20, 2014 9:38 AM

Apr 2013
I don't really have the right to be disappointed seeing as I didn't really care enough about the manga to buy it myself. I do, however, get the feeling that Beelzebub isn't finished. It's just not finished yet, okay?

I know the manga was mainly an action-comic one, without much character development or any sort of development at all. I'm fine with that - some of the best mangas I've read are like that.
It's just that I feel so empty right now, and something tells me that the author might feel the same. This isn't a way to end a manga! It just leaves a bitter taste in everyones' mouths.

Well, I guess I'll have to settle with some spin off then, even though I don't really feel like it right now... And in the meantime there's always or something... XD
Feb 20, 2014 11:50 AM

Dec 2011
Ending was bad.
Overall, Beelzebub wasn't bad, it was funny at the times and I enjoyed it most of the time.
Feb 20, 2014 1:14 PM

Oct 2013
Gonna miss this T T one of my favourites aah man..
Feb 20, 2014 1:30 PM

Jun 2010
Would've been truly great but for whatever reason it got axed in Japan, even for it being extremely rushed the ending had a nice feeling. But looking back they left out so much this manga had so much more in the tank.
Feb 20, 2014 2:47 PM
Oct 2010
I liked the ending more than Hitman Reborn's ending, if that means anything. >_>
There didn't need to be any conclusive shipping here (especially if he wants room for a spinoff and definitely the least with Oga), just getting to see a good number of favourites interacting, it was satisfactory given the circumstances but not nearly as fun as Medaka Box which while ridiculous (and forgetting about a few favourites even with dozens of people getting represented both pre and post-time skip).

I wish the series could have gotten a better shake from the anime, merchandise like video games (though Jump Stars Victory Vs looks dope) and how much freedom the manga has, but Shonen Jump is a super competitive field and it wasn't really one of my favourites (and presumably many people given how it hasn't been the most successful work recently) though fun from the magazine.

lowlight said:
Some mysteries left unsolved though. Who the hell is Saotome's demon?! Where the fuck is Athrun? And who is Athrun's boss?! Dammit! It's like Soul Eater all over again! Too many unsolved stuff!!

Both Soul Eater and this aren't finished and Soul Eater even had an ongoing spinoff answering questions and introducing stuff from before the ending chapter came around. Soul Eater NOT is still running I hear too.

I would say this could be salvaged a bit (maybe not as much as Soul Eater) as well, assuming that the Jump Next spinoff or other works look into things.
Feb 20, 2014 4:58 PM

Mar 2008
well good ending, good news (the spin off), and oga still the same Bad Ass.

psd: Since the 2012 i dont see new chapters of soul eater not.
Feb 20, 2014 6:22 PM
Jan 2014
It's over?! But it says the story's not over ( ( is it just talking about the spinoff?
SasukeSatan25Feb 20, 2014 6:33 PM
Feb 21, 2014 1:59 AM

Aug 2011
Mahone7 said:
Those asking why Beel didnt grow up. He's a f..g Demon

Dafuq does that matter?
There was even a chapter where Beel's mom says that Beel is two years old and should be talking more.

So now Beel is 4 and it's still weird that he's the same.
Feb 21, 2014 3:08 AM

Apr 2009
Not a bad ending at all. Handled it way better than Reborn.
Feb 21, 2014 4:59 AM
Feb 2014
This was Naruto Shippuden all over again with the part where Aoi finally confessed her love to Oga then after everything happened Oga pretends like nothing happened just like the Hinata and Naruto situation with Pain arc, that's the only thing that left a bad taste in my mouth seeing as how I was a huge OgaxAoi supporter. These new Shonen Heroes need to learn from old school Shonen heroes like Goku or Yusuke Urameshi who got the girl in the end.
Feb 21, 2014 5:49 AM
Dec 2012
That escalated quickly
Was shocked when I realised it was the last chapter, everything just felt rushed and cliche pretty bad imo
Feb 21, 2014 5:54 AM

Jun 2010
Beelzebub got dull a long time ago I enjoyed it from when it was still fresh but after St. Ishiyama author decided to put in all this demon magic crap. I think jump is just reluctant to axe certain series(cough*bleach*should've ended years ago*cough)
Feb 21, 2014 7:33 AM
Feb 2014
I actually enjoyed it till the end, the Saints vs Fallen angels arc was so intense with Lucifer and the Satan battle was even more intense with everyone getting turned into stone and Oga without baby beel. Although I didn't like the times skip, it should have ended after Oga beat Satan with no time skip.
Feb 21, 2014 12:53 PM

Jan 2010
tomtomr92 said:
......did they ever tell us WHO THE FUCK IS HE and his boss!?!??!

Seriously. This was actually the only thing I didn't like about Beelzebub as a whole. The point of the manga was to be slapstick and lighthearted, with little to no character development. It sucks that the ending was so rushed, but when the ax falls, heads have to roll.
Dear Math,
I'm not a therapist. Solve your own problems.

Oh, and Algebra?
Stop asking us to find your ex, she's NEVER coming back.
Feb 22, 2014 2:39 AM
Jan 2008
Over already!? I really want to know how the "love triangle" between Aoi, Hilda and Oga ends. Also the "love triangle" between Furuichi, Lamia and Alaindelon.
Feb 22, 2014 6:43 AM
Jul 2018
Sad that this is the last chapter. I've been enjoying it for the last couple years. I wasn't expecting Beel to get a little sister. Can't wait to see what this spin-off is about.
Feb 22, 2014 9:50 AM

Oct 2013
parfaited said:
Mahone7 said:
Those asking why Beel didnt grow up. He's a f..g Demon

Dafuq does that matter?
There was even a chapter where Beel's mom says that Beel is two years old and should be talking more.

So now Beel is 4 and it's still weird that he's the same.

U do know demon's age slowly
he could be 50 years old and still be in a form of a baby
Feb 23, 2014 10:25 PM

Jun 2011
Damn it ended here!! ): My days with Beelzebub, I am going to miss them!

Here is where it started to hit me. ;_;

So long, Beelzebub! Gonna be waiting for the spin-off series, I wonder who it'll be based on.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Feb 24, 2014 5:11 PM

Mar 2013
uhhhh I hate when good shounens just end like this ;_;
Graduation day ftw...Oga still being a badass
Gonna definitely miss this...looking forward for more from Tamura-sensei :)
Feb 24, 2014 5:13 PM
Feb 2014
The part that hit me the most is when Oga leaves Beelzebub and Beel is crying while saying Dada, even a demon like bastard like Oga was crying. Hey and aren't get getting 2 more volumes of Beelzebub in April and June or somewhere around there, and a spinoff in May.
Feb 27, 2014 9:45 AM

Nov 2013
Jesus christ i am going to miss this manga.

Well one of the mangas i was following for years, I admit it did start to kinda go downhill but i still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Hope the spinoff is good.
"I'm going to have to work harder to open your eyes, aren't I?" ~Erudito
"You're here because you want to feel like something you're not, a hero."
"Do you feel like a hero yet?" ~Konrad
Feb 27, 2014 7:41 PM
Oct 2013
tomtomr92 said:
......did they ever tell us WHO THE FUCK IS HE and his boss!?!??!
tomtomr92 said:
......did they ever tell us WHO THE FUCK IS HE and his boss!?!??!

Yeah, i was waiting for him to show up but i think the author forgot him already. sighs!!
Feb 28, 2014 3:11 PM
Oct 2013
At least, let the manga in with a little romance on it.

Oga X Hilda <3 or Oga X Kunieda
Mar 18, 2014 1:29 AM

Jun 2011
HaruGasai said:
tomtomr92 said:
......did they ever tell us WHO THE FUCK IS HE and his boss!?!??!
tomtomr92 said:
......did they ever tell us WHO THE FUCK IS HE and his boss!?!??!

Yeah, i was waiting for him to show up but i think the author forgot him already. sighs!!

Totally agree but did you thought the possibility of the mangaka being asked to end the chapter quickly (or it may have been canceled)? There's no other reason for creating such an awful ending. Unless he has Alzheimer and forgot all the main unsolved mysteries of his manga. :P
Mar 20, 2014 12:41 PM

Jul 2010
Beel didn't change. I wish I could see him a little bit matured.

I'll miss those Beel times T^T
Mar 22, 2014 6:02 AM

Aug 2012
keragamming said:
At least put a little romance at the end. Good dammit.

Oga X Hilda

it's over awesome series but it obviously for me that it get axed, still 10/10 =.= btw lamia looks sexy now :3 I wonder what furuichi will do :) though it ended :/
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