Forum Settings
Dec 26, 2013 8:28 AM

Apr 2009
Name:(whats yo namez?)
sex:(male or female)
age:(how old are you?)
race:(Caipora, Kitsune, Lilalu, Tengu, Varcolac, Human)
Town:(Tigru, Fenix, Tartaruga)
Occupation:(student-what grade are you in?)(adventurer-bountyhunter)(worker-what job do you have and which town is it in?)
practices: (magick? martial arts? alchemy? etc.)
weapon: (if you have a weapon of any sort)
Affiliation: N/A
personality: (what is your character like? how do they react?)
biography: (whats your characters backstory? how did they get to where they are?)
Looks: (i realize img is not working right now. so either a url link to the pic or very detailed description of appearance)
unique: (any unique attribute you would like to add about your character that has not been covered already)

Name: Nox Wulfraam
sex: Male
age: 20
race: Human
town: Tartaruga
occupation: town worker - Mechanic
practices: bullet magicks
weapon: dual pistols named "Limit" & "Break"
Affiliation: N/A
personality: optimistic, friendly attitude. Also renowned for being quite competetive always wishing to fix things and show off his talents
biography: father and mother were both adventurers and lost their life in a fight against the guardian of the hell realm when he was 8. Both were ace pilots and from then on he set out to become an ace pilot of his own mech. living by himself he had to fix things all the time inevidebly supporting the career to become a mechanic at the age of 12. From then on build of weird contraptions and technological boosts.
looks: Nox Wulfraam
unique: has a special mech bike he created when he was 14 and cherishes
misasenkaDec 31, 2013 10:42 PM

A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
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Dec 26, 2013 5:41 PM
Jul 2012
Name:raesha glory 
Town: Tigru 
Occupation: 11th grade bar time job as bat singer/dancer 
practices: crimson magicks Basically a slightly altered version of this
weapon: dual machinguns with grenade launcher attachments 
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Auami is a very kind, compassionate person, she will usually try to help those in need. She is nice to everyone she meets unless they give her a reason not to be.  She has a hot temper and a bit of an anger management problem and can be aggressive at times if provoked. Auami is a very bubbly person. She tries to live her life as carefree as possible which isn't exactly easy most of the time because of her past.
She is usually a very optimistic person and tries to look on the brighter side of things  She also tries to see the good in people and does her best to give them the benefit of the doubt, Except if they betray her trust.  Auami  hates hurting people and animals, including, mammals, birds, fish and lizards for no reason though She is not above squashing fly's or other annoying insects, she will eat almost any food available for example she doesn't mind other people killing as long as she does not see them torturing them or causing them pain. So unless she sees something hurting someone else so will try not to hurt anything.
Description in spoiler 
unique: she is a virgin and the more of her power she uses the more she is covered in runes when she uses her full power her whole body is covered in runes she now has 5k gold and got from a quest The grissen sword that can cut through any magic including disciple magic

Name: Haruka izumi 
race: Varcolac
Town: Fenix 
practices: telepathy martial arts telekinesis swordsmanship electrokenesis
weapon: throwing knives dual katanas ceramic knuckles and a couple of  saw blade sized chakrams 
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Up front she appears cold when in reality she can be one of the nicest people you've ever met she just takes warming up to she is very shy and quiet person not very good with words basically opposite of silver tounge and kinda bad at expressing herself she is quiet most of the time. she has really hi iq with the mind of a super computer and is very cunning she loves a challenge and is very  level headed occasionally distant  at times also is  very resourceful and  is also direct and pretty blunt  and a really fast learner most of the the time she thinks rationally and ussally does what ever the best way to acheive her objective like most people from Fenix she believes the ends justifies the means 

Looks: (i realize img is not working right now. so either a url link to the pic or very detailed description of appearance)
unique: photographic memory
MikuIzumiJan 9, 2014 8:11 PM
Dec 26, 2013 5:52 PM

Apr 2013
Name: Rose Petrova
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Race: Tengu
Town: Tigru
Occupation: 14th Grade
Practices: Elementals magic
Weapon: Scythe, Throwing knives
Affiliation: N/A
Personalities: She's competitive in everything she does, a bit of a loner that likes to do things on her own, musical, and she's quick witted being able to get herself out of tight spots.
Bio: Rose ever since she was little never really liked the idea of relying on others for anything. Her parents were always busy with their own work she learned to take care of herself. She worked hard to be one of the top students in her classes and always was really competitive with others. When she wasn't busy studying she was out in town looking for work or anything to do. That's where she picked up her music lessons and defense classes. They kept her busy and out of trouble. After high school she moved out of her parents house to be more independent. She figure she would need a way to pay her rent so she looked around for jobs to do around her college classes.
Unique: Loves animals and owns a familiar
Alice157Dec 27, 2013 6:13 AM

Dec 26, 2013 5:54 PM

Dec 2013
Ahem, okay, I think I have first character down.

Name : (If you don't mind me using my Alias which happens to be a character of my own stories) Zack Exerion.

Sex : Male

Age : 22

Race : Human

Town : Tigru

Occupation : Worker - Blacksmith/Forger (Want to stick to this cause I'll be able to provide more visuals on like weapons and stuff I can forge... bwehehe~ )

Practices : Trained in melee weaponry (swords and spears) and gun usage.

Weapon : Sword staff (I'll provide a visual in a bit) he created when he first opened his shop in Tigru. As well as a modified SVT based rifle.

Personality : Sociable and friendly. Willing to help out anyone in trouble if need be. Honorable as well, showing respect to anyone who comes to him. Dislikes people who take advantage of others, or see themselves as better only cause of social status.

Biography : He was born into a family of blacksmiths in the city of Fenix. He endured a rough childhood, since his father would scold him for any mistake he made. He also saw a lot of distrust amongst the people of Fenix which led him to dream about moving to Tigru. He began working at 10 years of age, and picked up quickly on the skill of forging. He was soon renowned in his area for his quality work and after saving on money, he moved to the city of Tigru, in order to make a formal profession of his skill as a blacksmith. He opened up a shop at 19, and has remained there since, happily working for the adventures or anyone really who seemed his services. Through the years he has become an honorable worker, who despite his rough raising as a child, is quite sociable and friendly to his customers, whom he considers all his good friends. To show his respect for his family, he tattooed his family crest on his right shoulder.

Looks : Can't find an image I like... so I'll try my best in terms of describing. He is 5'9, medium built with long black hair tied back into a pony tail, light olive toned skin, crimson red eyes, He has no facial hair (shaving is good lol) plus has a family crest tattooed on his right shoulder. (I'll give a visual on that too), although he works as a blacksmith his hands aren't completely rough due to special gloves he designed that protect him from the heat and from the friction of the tools he uses. He has a strong body complex in general, causing people to see him as a rigid person. (This is the best I can do... Since I can't find a good image I would like to use... x.x )

Unique : Has a weak side for sweets and Caipora(s)? Like... if you're one, he'll be like extra generous to you and stuff like that? xD (no judge pleaze... lol ) Has a bit of knowledge on the field of mechanics due to him making a lot of parts that mechanics use.
Dec 26, 2013 5:55 PM

Dec 2013
I hope that covers me... Been a while since I described a character like so... ehehe... "<_<
Dec 26, 2013 5:59 PM

Apr 2009
looks fine ill add it to the roster lol

A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
Dec 26, 2013 6:07 PM

Dec 2013
Yay, I've passed the test... lolz
Dec 26, 2013 6:50 PM

Dec 2013
Hey, I said I'd provide a visual for the weapon my character uses, and family insignia?
Well, here it is. ~
Dec 26, 2013 7:19 PM
Jul 2012
It looks good your a pretty good artist
Dec 26, 2013 7:21 PM

Dec 2013
Thank you~ (:
Dec 26, 2013 10:41 PM

Dec 2013
Name: Liliona Senka

sex: Female

age: 25

race: Tengu

Town: Tigru

Occupation: Adventurer

practices: Magick and a summoner

weapon: A Twin set of blue and green daggers, both hilts are engraved with dragons. The blue one is named Cancer and its hilt is encrusted with black sapphires, the green one is named Gemini and its hilt is encrusted with emeralds and protections runes are on both blades with thier names carved into thier respective blades depending on the type of magick determines the dagger thats used. Blue for damage, green for healing

Affiliation: N/A

personality: Quiet, extremely private and sticks to herself unless something benefits her or she if she feels sympathy for another person, very flirtatious to the point she could be called a whore but she isnt, she is in fact very selective about who she shares her bed with.

biography: Abandoned by her mother when she was a babe, she has a ... rather interesting past and one she stays very quiet about it and only reveals it when necessary, she has a affinity for the grey magicks and is very adept at summoning creatures.

Looks: , Her attire will be gothic steampunk tho and she will have a ..not sure what to call it but a chain around the crown of her head, over her forehead that will have a crescent moon on it made out of Jet, and a ring on her right ring finger set in silver with a sapphire and a emerald surrounded by amethyst (this ring is significant in her past)

unique: She can summon any creature but her unique skill is summoning dragons and she has a affinity for both water and fire, Water fuels her restorative powers while fire fuels her destructive powers.

Extra.... Sorry couldn't resist but the quote that would sum her up kinda is "she's a mess of gorgeous chaos and you can see it in her eyes"
misasenkaDec 28, 2013 6:37 PM

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Dec 26, 2013 11:15 PM

Dec 2013
age:15 1/2
Occupation:worker~ florist but sometimes requests work at a brothel if he doesn't have enough money for rent
practices: archery, the ocarina
weapon: a magic bow (like i use magic arrows and can change the element of the arrows and can also create homing, explosive, etc)
Affiliation: N/A
personality: he is very shy and doesn't talk much and has a fear of strangers, he is more outgoing with his friends which he doesn't have
biography: he never met his parents, his older brother told him once before that they were demons so he ran away with him and opened a flower shop, novas brother was an archer and he was the one that taught nova. one day a couple years ago his brother left on an errend and never came back, he continues the flower shop business but because of how shy he is he has trouble welcoming customers
unique: can shapeshift but doesn't use it often

umm this is good right?
Dec 27, 2013 12:05 AM

Dec 2013
Can I just say, Rose... the daggers your character uses, intrigue me so much... I am like trying to picture how they would look like in person... Like.. I'm drawing out so many sketches right now xD
If I had better experience with drawing hilts that are encrusted with valuable minerals like emeralds and such, I would have expertly drawn out something.. alas I'm not.. so I'm just like.. speed sketching concepts here... xD

But that is really an awesome description though for the weapons~ :3
Dec 27, 2013 12:15 AM

Dec 2013
Thank you :) *blushes* I actually kinda surprised myself to be honest, Im not usually so descriptive.

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Dec 27, 2013 12:33 AM

Dec 2013
Well, really, not many people describe a weapon that much. Most just tend to stick with stating what type it is. I for example didn't describe mine, but ended up drawing it out... so... ehe... <w<
But I was really interested in yours since you described the design clearly. Of the dragon engraved hilt, with the encrusted emeralds/sapphires (:
Plus the extra note on what the blades themselves have, is also awesome hehe xD
Dec 27, 2013 8:44 AM

Apr 2009
all have been added to the roster

A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
Dec 27, 2013 10:00 AM

Apr 2009
Name: Azzururie Aaroniero

sex: female

age: 18

race: Lilalu

town: Fenix

occupation: adventurer - Bountyhunter

practices: renowned bowmen, speed magicks

Affiliation: N/A

personality: very solemn person that keeps to herself except when one topic is brought up, Treasure. The rarest riches and greatest loot is what she strives for and will bow down whatever in her way

biography: Azu was about as timid as a girl could get throughout her life. never very talkative or sociable and would stick to her mothers hip like glue if ever out of the house. she dropped out of school very early due to her repeated absences in refusing to leave her mom and was homeschooled most her life. her father died before she was born so it was only her mother, whom was an archaeologist discovering the ancient runes of lost realms, there to teach. in their spare time her mom thought it good to teach Azu how to fight but she wouldnt touch a single one of the weapons, so her mom devoted to teachings magicks which once again, Azu refused to learn. she was impossible and wanted to do nothing but stay in the safety of her mother until one day her mom brought home a rare genuine amethyst gemstone with which enthralled her to no end. after asking a million questions about it, a whole new Azzururie was born, the treasure hunter.

Looks: Little girl in appearance not anymore than 4 feet tall. her misleading childlike appearance is offset by her snarky remarks and quick tongued banter. rosy pink hair descends off her shoulders and a small bang forking at the bridge of her nose, in two large pigtails on the back of her hair, sometimes entangling with her bow and causing irritation. gloves that cover her hand to her elbow save for her fingertips adorn both arms. more times than none she can be seen wearing her adventurer gear with leather straps covering most the attire and a large cloak that glides across the floor.

A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
Dec 27, 2013 11:40 AM

Apr 2013
Name: Ava Draconis
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Race: Varcolac
Town: Fenix
Occupation: Adventurer
Practices: Swordsmanship, Telepathy/telekinesis, Light and Dark magic mix
Weapon: Dual Swords, one of them represents the light side of her while the other represents the darkness. The sword of light is a white with a blue tint to it and has sky blue markings down the side of the blade. The dark sword is black with similar markings in red.
Affiliation: N/A
Personality: Determine, Hardworking, Artistic, Mysterious/Secretive
Bio: Coming in to Fenix recently Ava kept to herself most of the time but was friendly to those who approached her. Ava keeps her personal life away from just about everyone and has never let anyone in to see the real her. She never knew her birth parents, which caused her to be moved to several places to live while she was still little. When she was old enough to leave she did and set out on her way to travel seeing what the world really had to offer her. Every place she went she drew the most memorable places in a journal. As she went along she tried to get control of her telepathy, but never really could. Every time Ava went into a crowded area she picked up every thought and people’s emotions. In result of all this going through her head she often would gain headaches and migraines.
Unique: With the mix of light and dark magic she can sometimes have a split personality.
Alice157Dec 28, 2013 6:25 PM

Dec 27, 2013 12:07 PM

Dec 2013
I love weapons and Ive always loved it when the books im reading or even movies describe the weapons and the meaning behind whats craved on them or what they have on them etc or their names. Liliona's weapons are... her main way of channeling her magick so I felt it was needed to describe the weapons

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Dec 27, 2013 12:12 PM

Dec 2013
Yeah, I'm the same way when I read books. I love it when a characters weapon or tool is described well. So it can have a personal thing that attaches it to the character. On another note ... I was up to like 4 am coming up with a design for the daggers xD
I have a basis set now. So I have to take time today to refine it and all before I'm comfortable in presenting it. x)
But soon comrade it will be done! :)
Dec 27, 2013 12:20 PM

Dec 2013
Awesome!!!!!! <3

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Dec 27, 2013 3:35 PM

Aug 2012
So here is my application:

Name: Philip Oak
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Race: Human
Town: Fenix
Occupation: Adventurer/Worker - Exorcist under a governmental unit
Practices: Dark/Shadow magic
Weapon: Chayeri
Affiliation: N/A
Personality: I'm reserved around people I don't know, but open and friendly when I gets to know them. I'm also a realist and often view things from a logical standpoint. It's a bit embarrassing to say this but... I'm quite lazy, b-but I still get stuff done when needed so don't worry. Oh! And I also loves animals.

Biography: Government, a thing that is almost flowing through my family’s blood by now. For generations we have worked for them under different divisions so why would I be any different? I don't mind this job, but frankly I wish this whole magic thingy had never happen... My life had been so much easier then. When I was 10 I started to show signs of being able to control magic (An unusual one at that too) and thus I got sent off to hone that trait. I dunno what all the excitement within the family was about as we are already quite know within the government... But I guess they we were happy that we finally got a mage in the family again after so many years. Anyway, after graduation I got recommended to the exorcist unit and soon after my exorcist training started. Now 2 years later, I'm a full fledge exorcist positioned in a small unit in the town of Fenix. (If you ask me this unit is way too small for our mission... But don't tell anyone I said that.)


Unique: Hmm, I guess I can meantion that my magic looks like it's based around roses.


Now, I'm going to try filling out my companions applications as as much as I can... She ran off somewhere so I can only give you my view and knowledge of her:

Name: Chayeri
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown
Race: Caipora Neko (Genetically created)
Town: Fenix
Occupation: Adventurer/Worker - Philip's Weapon
Practices: Hand-to-Hand combat
Weapon: Prototype Exorcist Armor Mk2
Affiliation: N/A
Personality: Frankly she surprised me, at first glance she looks like one of those emotionless types... But man was I wrong. Pushy, possessive, like teasing and in general is a pain to deal with.

Biography: I don't know much about her other than that she was tank born and created as a tool for the government.

Looks: Here is a photo of her


Prototype Exorcist Armor Mk2 - This armor boost the offensive capability of the user, in this case Chayeri hit and kick like a truck.

Genetically created - She was born through science and has been modified to be able to use the new Exorcist Armor, judging on the power output of that armor I would guess a normal person would be destroyed by it.
RabbiacDec 27, 2013 3:50 PM
Dec 27, 2013 3:43 PM

Dec 2013
My good comrade... I personally love what you have here... Really awesome Liph... o:
Dec 27, 2013 3:52 PM

Aug 2012
Hmm, I don't really like the flow in the biography tho... But fuck it! I think you all get the point :P
Dec 27, 2013 4:52 PM

May 2011
Name: Diasyn
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Race: Human
Town: Fenix
Occupation: College student and part time bounty hunter.
Practices: Martial arts and science.
Weapon: Polymetal gauntlets on his hands and polymetal boots that provide him with slightly enhanced speed, strength and leaping ability. Polymetal can be altered and shaped in many various forms (swords, gloves, and boots).
Affiliation: Non
Personality: He is often very calm and teasing. He does have a very defined mean streak that only comes out during times when feels that someone is either looking down on him or testing him in some way.
Biography: Diasyn spent a majority of his life being told how smart he is and all other kinds of compliments. He quickly learned that words like that are just surface, in order to really do anything worthwhile in the world he would need to make himself stronger in some kind of way. It took him almost 3 years to create his polymetal that he is so proud of. He still wants to perfect it before he sells it to others.
Unique: The use of polymetal is slowly altering his body and causes him to sometimes have a short attention span, but those alterations also make his resistance to illness stronger than normal humans.
Dec 27, 2013 5:10 PM

Jul 2013
Gonna have some trouble here cause I'm this on my phone.

Name: Keido Soya
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Race: Human
Town: Fenix
Occupation: Drug dealer
Practices: Drugs / Marksmanship
Weapon: S&W Model 500 Magnum Revolver named "Sweetspot" / Switch blade named "Lily"
Affiliation: n/a

Personality: Cold hearted bastard. He's in it or the money and for something important, something he can't say just to anyone. He doesn't care for anyone but himself and the ones he cares for, which is currently nobody, and has a weakness for cherries. Simple and direct, gets to he point very quickly. Doesn't go for any bulls milk, and easily annoyed. Insane, anger issues, a combination which leads him to torture and murder.

Biography: "Living in Fenix? Pfft. You may call it a wasteland but I call it a Paradise" Born in the abandonment if his father when he was young, his mother being a prostitute so she keep her son living a life that makes him happy. At the age of 7 he was bullied a lot by kids from his school, getting names of "Son of a slut" (Soas). At this time he was very childish and much of a crybaby. He also through tantrums and got into fights, but sadly lost very single one walking away with blood and bruises. At age 14, his mother was raped and killed but his fellow classmates. He then tortured and killed them on videos. When this leaker he became quite notorious around town. After his incident tough many feared him. He also feared himself for losing control again and soon something awful. At age 17, he dropped out of school and became and became a Bartender. He then met a girl who was sweet and nice. He may have fallen love, but with every silver lining there's a dark cloud. They spent some quite some time wig each other, in and out if work. They went out a few times, like dates, but here was this one time where it might've been a mistake. She had a boyfriend, and he was jealous. You should know how it ended. At age 22, he gave it up on it all, and attempted suicide multiple times. After failing all attempts he became a vicious drug dealer. Killing everyone in his deals and taking all the goods. But he knows it. Something he needs to finish. It may be not here. But he'll find it so he can finally die.

Looks: I'll do this later, too tired, and can't find a good picture.
Unique: He wears a key around his neck, but with no memory of it.

Hope his is enough. Thanks for your time!
"My butt hole is so clenched right now I could crack open a walnut."

-Wiseman of The South / Me
Dec 27, 2013 7:20 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Yami Aisu (Darkness Ice in English)
sex: Female
age: 210 (but thought processes is 14)
race: Lilalu
Town: Tartaruga
Occupation: Bounty-hunter
Practices: Magic Craft
Weapon: A bag paper clips
Affiliation: N/A
Personality: Unless in battle she is child like, and loves sweets even in battle she'll have a lolly pop in her mouth
biography: All that is known about her work is that if you are her target you burn a slow death and she loves to draw with blood of those are only rumors~
Unique: Never takes anything serious unless its her mission.
Dec 27, 2013 7:56 PM

Dec 2013
Nice character Dove.. x]
Dec 27, 2013 8:19 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Zece Samel
sex: Male
age: 21
race: Tengu
Town: Tigru
Occupation: Body Guard, and part time Sub for the P.E. Teacher
Practices: White Magic and Martial Arts
Weapon: Bone Scythe
Affiliation: N/A
personality: silent most of the time and reads people.
biography: Zece lived mostly in orphanages protecting his brothers and his sister. Over the years his brothers died in a battle and his sister was captured. To this day he continues to look for his sister even though part of him knows she's died as well. She's the reason he became a Protector and does his best. Zece isnt the type to make friends but cares and keeps Yami in "check" in battles and targets.
unique: His Bone Scythe comes out of his spine which is a painful process that takes a few minutes for him to take it out and put it back. Hence why his learned Martial Arts.
Dec 27, 2013 8:59 PM

Dec 2013
A bag of paper clips? This should be interesting

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Dec 27, 2013 9:13 PM

Dec 2012
I told ya she's insane xD
Dec 28, 2013 12:54 AM

Dec 2013
Alright people!!!
Due to the fact that I kind of wrote about this in the club comment area... bwehehe... I've decided to make a character that is one of those shadowy types... where little is known about them. So, here I go!!!
(I always love to have one of them mystery characters around... bwehehehe... please don't judge meh.. Dx )


Name : Unknown at current time - Referred to as Grey Wolf.

Gender : Unclear (?) Due to them being constantly covered in a cloak and under a dark visored helmet. (Zack suggests they may just be another guy, but even he isn't sure about it.)

Age : Suggested early 20s. 20-23(?)

Race : Human. (Confirmed by Zack after Zack encountered Grey Wolf)

Town : No respective town is known. Hangs around Tigru most as well as Tartaruga.

Occupation : Assassin/Mercenary for hire/Bounty Hunter

Practices : Dark magic, sword/staff fighting and sniper.

Weapon : custom made sword and sword staff made by Zack, as well as a custom built sniper's rifle

Affiliation : N/A

Personality : Silent and cold against people. Observes surroundings constantly as well as the people around. Can be seen smoking at times, when standing or sitting alone away from people.

Biography : Not much is known of Grey Wolf's history. Grey Wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere, after gaining notice from their work as an assassin and bounty hunter for hire. Soon, Grey Wolf was seen being hired as a free lance mercenary, who would work for the highest bidder. The custom weapons Grey Wolf carries, like the sword and sword staff, were made by Zack. (Zack apparently is the only one whom Grey Wolf has really talked too, even so not even Zack knows much about who Grey Wolf really is, aside from confirming that Grey Wolf is human.)

Looks :

Unique : A particular note made by Zack, while in the presence of Grey Wolf is that they carry an arm patch with an unknown insignia on it. Maybe a hidden network group of people, though could be suggested Grey Wolf may work as a covert unit for the government at times. They also use a voice changer, giving them a neutral tone that is almost robotic, thus making it impossible to distinguish their gender by voice alone.


So like yeah... Furi... I hope you don't mind this type of character... but it can make an interesting one.. ehehe...
Dec 28, 2013 7:56 AM

Jul 2013
Name: Iris
Sex: Female
Age: 19 years old
Race: half - Tengu and half - human
Town: Fenix
Occupation: adventurer - bounty hunter
Practices: Magic
Weapon: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
Personality: Iris seems cheerful and fun at first but all her 'cuteness' hides a dark side of her that she rarely shows to anyone. Iris a short temper and is easily angered. She also is very playful and enjoys playing jokes on on others.
Biography: Before Iris was 8 years old, she has no memory of who she is or there she comes from. The first thing that she remembers is a boy - her childhood friend Diasyn who found her collapsed in a hoods and brought her to the doctor.
Iris spend her entire childhood being with Diasyn and there for eventually she felt in love with him, though she never did confessed her feelings to him, since she thinks that it would ruin their friendship.
Human form:

Tengu form:

unique: Because Iris is half human and half tengu, she has two forms. One there she looks like a normal human and the second one there she looks like a tengu.
"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." - William Shakespeare
Dec 29, 2013 3:16 PM

Jun 2013
Name- Rin Nakamura
Sex- female
Age- 16
Race- caipora
Town- tartaruga
Occupation- adventurer
Practices- fire magic and martial arts
Weapon- a katana that she summons out. Her magic.
Personality-Rin is a hardworking girl. She likes to mess around with people sometimes, but she still respects those who are older than her. Despite the things she's been through, she a positive girl.
Bio- Rin comes from a rich family. She's been kidnapped when she was younger, and because of that, she was not allowed to go outside. She had been kept home for most of her life. She was taught martial arts and magic while she was young. Since she has an older sister, she won't be the successor to her parents, so she decided to become an adventurer. She had always wanted to travel around. She hasn't been cut off from her family or anything, so she is still a rich girl, but she takes on jobs for the fun of it. She doesn't hate her sister, in fact she's thankful that she doesnt have to be the successor to her parents. She likes a free lifestyle better than the trapped/caged in lifestyle.
Unique- she has incredible speed. she has a secret skill that no one in her family has or knows about, which is using lightning magic.
chibibunnyloverDec 29, 2013 8:31 PM
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Dec 30, 2013 2:58 AM

Nov 2010
Name: Yuria Adalicia
Sex: Female
Age: 53 (9-12 in looks)
Race: Lilalu
Town: Fenix
Occupation: A madam (or basically a pimp). Sometimes people also come to her to buy information about her clients.
Practices: Summoning and Martial arts.
Weapon: A huge iron fan (about Yuria's hight) with edges that's as sharp as sword blades. Though she easily holds it and preforms impressive moves with it, it's acuallty very heavy for anyone else to carry.
Despite her innocent features and cute sense of style Yuria is actually a person with pride and dignity, and matters about the darker side of world are nothing new to her at all. She might sound cruel and unsympathetic sometimes, but it's just that she's being either realistic or simply not very good at showing her good and caring feelings.
As woman who worked in the Marlboro brothel for about 30 years, Yuria is known in the city of Fenix to quite an extent. Yuria job includes watching over prostitutes of various kinds, putting them under control, and some other similar concerns. Also responsible with providing clients outside the brothel with prostitutes too. She's not particularly cruel or kind toward the prostitutes, still, they fear her as they know what she could do if she's angered or displeased in any way. Many people also call her an information broker, while she denies the name as she usually states that she's a madam who's merely knowledgeable about her clients and no further, though she admits that she does sells information when the price suits her. Her past before she worked in the brothel is a mystery, and she always claims that her past and reasons to become a madam are nothing special at all.
Unique: Unlike what her looks indicates, Yuria has extraordinary physical strength. She also prefers wearing expensive yet simple styled dresses, which makes her look like a cute little princess sometimes.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Dec 30, 2013 2:08 PM

Jun 2012
Name: Ashely Madison
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Race: Human/neko created genetically
Town: Fenix
Occupation: Escort/Assassin
Practices: Ninjitsu/martial arts
Weapons: Daggers, shurikens, and a short sword

personality: Shes shy and keeps to herself but is looking to find the right person to help her on her mission

Biography: Ashely wasn't always a poor girl she lived the life as quite a noble child until one day her parents were killed in a car crash. rather than starve on the streets she was sent to an orphanage. while there she developed a talent for fighting and was trained by a young man named Layne in the skills of pickpocketing and the art of the shadows (stealth) she quickly became a fast learner but all that said they normally stuck out and stole food supplies from the mess hall. when Ashely turned 18 she was left leave the orphanage after 6 months of being a street thief she was picked up by a young pimp and placed to work in the city brothels for pay.

She was often beaten and starved for days she couldn't leave as she owed the pimp a great deal of money for being caught stealing from his clients homes.

she dreams of being freed and left live her own life and forge her own destiny.

Looks: ash and sorin and other girl

Unique: her ability to move around silently and her knowledge of peoples faces, places, and business
AshleyMadisonDec 30, 2013 2:14 PM
Dec 30, 2013 9:27 PM

Sep 2013
Name: Jack Marlboro

sex: Female

age: Bares the appearance of a thirty two year old.

race: Vampire

Town: Fenix

-Brothel owner
-Information broker
-Pole dancer
-Underground kingpin and self proclaimed ruler of Fenix

weapon: A regular wooden bo staff with no abnormal characteristics.

Practices: Bōjutsu, blood magic, the harp.

Affiliation: None.


Sarcastic, audacious and inscrutably flirtatious at face value, the seeming airhead harbours a cunning and borderline malevolent interior. She is without shame, restraint and most importantly remorse; she will do anything to anyone in order to progress her further along the path of self preservation. Her personality is so effectively dissimulated, almost as much as her appearance even those closest to her find it a challenge to know what she is really thinking, or planning. Jack is very authoritative over her rule on Fenix, ruling the city from behind the scenes with an iron fist. Her organization of PMCs and mercenaries is a force to be reckoned with. Almost nothing that happens in Fenix escapes her notice, causing mercenary groups to think twice before crossing her. No matter who she deals with, she makes sure she has the upper hand in the bargaining. By observing a person, she can easily read a lot about them and immediately knows when they are lying. She always gets in the last word in every conversation, reinforcing her position and authority as Fenix's backstage ruler.


Although it is common knowledge that you are not to fuck with Jack Malboro, little else about this queen of Fenix is known. The kingpin's past is a well guarded, and well hidden secret, however, a few slithers of information have been unravelled about her past, or 'his' past, as the populous is led to believe. It is known that she is a vampire, and a very powerful practitioner of blood magic. Although her occupation prior to rising to her current status is unknown, the most plausible rumour running around Fenix is that she was a surgeon, which would explain both her obsession with blood and the precision of her 'creations', enthralled beings that have their eyes and mouth stitched shut, who stalk the streets at night and kidnap young girls and bring them back to Jack where they are 'turned'. Jack's bite doesn't turn the recipient into vampire, instead her bite makes the victim become completely and utterly infatuated with her, and obeying her every wish become's their life. That is why the night after their kidnapping they are seen eagerly at work in the brothel, although whether they have no interest in their previous life, or whether they have simply no memory of it, is up to debate.

(Ugh, I'll elaborate on this later)

Dec 31, 2013 8:36 AM

Nov 2010
Name: Mimya Du
Sex: um...Both?
Age: 23
race: Tengu
Town: Fenix (mostly travels around though)
Occupation: Adventurer-bountyhunter
Practices: Magic, Martial arts, and Playing musical instruments.
Whether it's in the male or female form, Mimya is laid-back and likes to tease and flirt. His/Her good looks in both forms attracts the attention of many people of both genders and races to the point where they begin to question their sexual identity, which she finds amusing.
With the exception of a few selected people, nothing much is known about Mimya's past but the fact that he/she was one of the best hosts/hostesses in the Marlboro brothel. Now Mimya is a bountyhunter who travels around seeking to experience thrilling adventures and meet all kinds of people. Though, he/she still drop by the brothel and give some 'services' every now and then.
Female / Male
Unique: Mimya has the ability to shift between being a male or female, a mysterious ability that leaves people wondering about Mimya's true gender. As for Mimiya's powers, he/she could cover all or part of his/her body into diamond that is even stronger and harder than regular diamonds, the power gives him/her the ability to greatly increase offensive and defensive capabilities. Telepathy and other similar mind and memory reading powers doesn't work on Mimya, as those who would try to read Mimya's mind and memories would only see a blurry image of mixed colors and/or hear buzzing noise like the sound of a broken TV.

- Depending on the form taken, I will refer to Mimya as a he or a she.
- I might write down Mimya's past here at some point.
rika713Jan 2, 2014 8:55 AM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Dec 31, 2013 11:19 AM

Jul 2009
Name: Tsume D'Baile
sex: Male
age: 17
race: Human/ potential warlock
Town: Fenix
Occupation: None
practices: Water magic
weapon: Music
Affiliation: D'Baile IV
personality: A very loud and enthusiastic person. He reacts badly to music and gets in a bad and very grumpy/irritable mood

Unique: music makes him angry and able to fight. the genre of music depends on how violent he is.
Dec 31, 2013 4:56 PM

Jul 2012
Name:Kahmu Echovald
Occupation:Worker - repair/contruction pilot in tartargua/ does some bounty hunting or odd-jobs as well
practices: piloting/ magick
weapon: SMG(looks like a p90)
Affiliation: N/A
personality: He's laid back, respectful, but can be quick to anger, he is timely
biography: He inherited his company from his father at a young age, though he couldn't run it a family friend helped. He went to school to learn engineering and piloting skills
unique: His mech which has both weapons and repair tools
KahmuDec 31, 2013 5:13 PM

Dec 31, 2013 8:43 PM
Nov 2013
Name: Yuki Hayashi
race: Tengu
Town: Tigru
Occupation: adventurer (though she wants to try many other jobs as well)
practices: magick, martial arts, psychology
weapon: not at the moment but she wants one in the future
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Yuki is the most adventurous person you will probably ever meet. She will try mostly anything and becomes passionate about most of those things as well. She is, however, a tad reserved with others when it comes to friendships, though she often gives out advice to random strangers when she sees fit, in an extremely blunt fashion(Hey, she may never see them again and sometimes they're to stupid to fix their own problems and need a taste of reality!). She cares for anything and everything she meets, because a little caring can warm the coldest of souls. She is quite an unpredictable one, and may do whatever she wants whenever.
biography: Yuki's parents and she lived as an only child in the richest parts of Tartaruga, since they were intelligent Tengus therefore they were versatile in the job field. Yuki grew up as the top of her class and even graduated early, which was not the picnic it sounded like. She may have learnt much but felt alienated from the other students since she was so much smarter and richer. She always either felt invisible or that she stuck out as a sore thumb due to her social anxiety. Once, a boy dated her for a day just for a free dinner at the fanciest restaurant! Is it pitiful that was her only date? She did, however, learn a lot about people by being a wallflower throughout school. This helped her gain a passion for people and a knack for solving others' problems, though she had trouble solving her own. Her lack of friends also drove her to desire adventure, to hopefully gain some true friends. She desired many jobs, to be a model although she is pretty short for a Tengu, a florist because she loved nature, a psychologist because she loved to analyze people, but she realized her calling was to be an adventurer and she could try all of her jobs on the side (what big dreams).
However, her parents were not so supportive of her job ideas. They wanted her to settle down with a constant job, because they wanted her to have a good life and that seemed like the easiest way. She understood their thinking, but Yuki was meant for chasing her dreams, so she completed odd jobs during high school (easy due to her intelligence and lack of friends to socialize with) and got so much money that she bought a luxury mansion in Tigru (she always desired the high life, not to mention Tigru was a city full of adventure and fantasy) and an apartment in Fenix so she could travel to any city she wanted to whenever she felt like it.
Yuki is a thin, average sized Tengu with big black wings, very long black hair with bangs, and beautiful soft grey eyes that make her seem as though she sees more than she lets on, or as if she is always looking in the distance. She loves wearing dresses, fancy or casual.
unique: Yuki Hayashi's name means "winter forest". Her parents let her change it when she was younger because people used to make fun of her name (which is why you don't get to know what it was!) and she does not feel bad if people try to now because she loves her name and its meaning because her favorite season is winter and she loves forests.
Yuki's birthday is December 1st, and she has only ever celebrated it with family, which always pained her parents that she was so lonely.
Another reason Yuki wants to be an adventurer is because she believes one day she will find her true love.

Sorry if mine was dumb or it doesn't seem right or I typed too much, I've never done role play before, I did my best hopefully my character sounds interesting lol.
Dec 31, 2013 9:38 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Kraya Santos
sex: Female
age: Technically in her 40's, but physically 16.
race: Human (hybrid, see bio)
Town: Tigru (but not for long)
Occupation: student/adventurer, Grade 10/Drifter
Practices: Wind-based magic, kickboxing, martial weaponry (not proficient)
weapon: SoulSplitter - A scythe exuding extremely potent necromantic energy.
Affiliation: N/A
personality: A bit crabby sometimes but has a really big heart, although she'd never admit it.
biography: Kraya is a somewhat difficult person due to her very heritage. Her semi-demonic appearance is in no small part due to a demonic parent, but also an equally demonic ancestor; the poor girl has been the subject of contempt and terror ever since she can remember.
When she came of age she took to travelling, shielding her features from view as she walked from place to place, never settling down for very long. It was on one such journey that she met the last member of a secretive order tasked with the protection of a powerful, magical weapon, said to be able to cut souls in two. The details are hazy, but after the weapon "spoke" to her, the other traveller tasked her with it.

It didn't take much longer for her to reach Tigru, where her truancy caught up with her and she was forced to attend school.
Unique: Learned boxing to protect herself on her travels and uses it rather than soulsplitter.
Soulsplitter is a very dangerous weapon and its power calls to her, but also terrifies her.
Her demonic nature is typically in conflict with her human nature.
Dec 31, 2013 10:30 PM

Nov 2013
Name: Jin Kisaragi
Race: Human
practices: martial arts, magic, violin
weapon: Katana called Raijin
Affiliation: N/A
personality: Kind, but can be cruel and cold, doesn't talk when he doesn't need to, being a little silent
Biography: he was thrown away as a kid, and "adopted", actually being used for manual labor. He ran away, where he was picked up by a man by the name of Shinra, where he lived until he walked out, reasons unknown
Looks: usually looks like Hakumen BlazBlue when in public, looks like Cloud Strife Advent Children only in private
unique: likes to use lightning magic
Honorable-StigmaJan 2, 2014 7:45 PM
-Let not the fear of death stay your hand nor defeat your courage. The warrior who will prevail is the one who conquers death, who becomes one with death as we have.
-To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods?
Dec 31, 2013 11:30 PM

Dec 2013
Name: Dolly Medusa

sex: Female

age: 17


Town: Fenix

Occupation: Brothel worker - sex slave. City-Fenix

practices: Dolly has the ability to glamour herself but thats the extent of her magick

weapon: she has none as shes a slave

Affiliation: N/A

personality: her personality changes based on her situation shes in.... shes a good actor. If only she wasnt a slave....

Biography: born and raised in the slums of yggdrasil, shes known no other life and was sold into sex slavery at a very young age.

Looks: will post a picture later

Unique: she has no unique other then being quite adept at sex.

There's no such thing as a painless lesson-they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made Fullmetal
Jan 1, 2014 2:52 AM

Nov 2012
Name: Nana Osaki
sex: Female
race: Kitsune
Town: Fenix
Occupation:worker- Bar owner, bar waitress and is also a nurse
practices: magic and martial arts
weapon: n/a
Affiliation: N/A
personality: sweet, nice, tough, flirtatious.
biography: Nana is the older sister of Zera , she and her sister have lived in fenix their whole life, she is a nurse and bar owner. she regularly works there everyday while being a nurse.
unique: -

Name: Zera Osaki
age: 18
race: Kitsune
Town: Fenix
Occupation:bounty hunter
practices:martial arts, magic
weapon: ninja stars, twin swords
Affiliation: N/A
personality: quiet, tough, mysterious
biography: The younger sister of Nana, nana has looked after her all her life since their parents walked out on them. she became a bounty hunter as soon as she could.
unique: -
Jan 1, 2014 7:28 AM

Dec 2013
Name:brian but everyone who knows him knows him as nero
Occupation: adventurer-bountyhunter
practices: archery, dagger proficiency
weapon: magic bow just like nova's (it was his design) dagger's with and ice and lightening enchantment (
Affiliation: N/A
personality: sileint
biography: he opened a flower shop after running away with his little brother nova, some years after he had to leave for reason's unknown
Looks: with out mask:" target="_blank">
unique: can also shapeshift he also wears the same gasmask and goggles as this guy
ToastedYetiJan 1, 2014 9:00 AM
Jan 1, 2014 9:34 PM

Dec 2013
Amazing new characters here.
And as for you Kiran, I really like the way you provided info.
And your character as well.
You wouldn't mind if I based a character for my stories off yours, would you?~
Jan 1, 2014 10:41 PM
Nov 2013
As long as my name is mentioned somewhere and i get to read it! :)
Jan 1, 2014 10:42 PM

Dec 2013
Of course hehe~ x]
You don't mind script writing style though right?
Cause that is my writing style lol.. xD
I'll be adding your character to one of my newer story arches I'm working on hehe~ x]
Jan 1, 2014 10:53 PM
Nov 2013
Oh like a play? Sure do it!
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