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Nov 2, 2013 3:55 PM

Jun 2012
He smiled as he came inside the shop sango owned, and as he saw the fish swimming on thin air this made him curious, yet amused, he closed the door behind him and flipped the sign unto saying, Closed, then he used his vampiric speed, and in a moments notice they were in someplace very dark black and red colors could be seen and an exquisite looking room they were both standing in, everything was dark and yet elegant his smile was no longer present, he grabbed her arms and moved them both into a handcuffed position he stood behind her, holding her in place with his godlike strength, or atleast somewhere between that and someone insanely strong, but he didnt let her go, he smiled and whispered. "I know who that man was, you hang out with a dangerous crowd, now tell me, were you in on that event in the market place?" His tone had no clear signs of any kindness anymore, it was cold and demanding, he kept holding her so she couldnt get away.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 2, 2013 5:04 PM

Nov 2010
Everything happened so fast, Sango didn't even get to put up a fight. She's surprisingly strong physically, but apparently not enough to resist the ancient vampire questioning her right now. "Zane did that on his own record, I would never have something to do with the slaughter of the innocent." She replied to him straightforwardly without any effort to play dumb. However she made a vital mistake here; Sango accidentally let Zane's name escape from her mouth. "and I don't know what you mean by hanging out with a dangerous crowd, I am but a simple citizen with a humble standing. Nothing more and nothing less" Sango continued talking further, as to not to give him the chance to notice the 'mistake' she's trying to cover. "Now please, I request that you let me go at once."
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Nov 2, 2013 5:11 PM

Jun 2012
He smiled at her cover, he had noticed the name. "Apperently you are not a simple citizen, when you are in cahoots with the rebels, you are a spy for them arent you?, Zane, what is his rank among the rebels, tell me right now." He tone was still harsh he never liked treating a woman roughly like this, but the man that she knew whose name was, slaughtered citizens of this kingdom, so in his view she was equally to blame, because if she knew him then why didnt she stop him. "If you know Zane and wouldnt slaughter innocents, then why didnt you stop him the moment you saw him?" His tone still harsh, he still held her in that position.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 7:57 PM

Sep 2013
"On guard men, hear vampires roam these woods." One of the guards announced as he held the lantern high, its beam warming the path they took. The girl in the red hood, who had been staring at the ground silent the entire trip veered her head up, her eyes locking on the knight that spoke. A twitching smile grew across her pale face. "A vampire? I've never met a vampire before can we visit the vam-" The girl was cut off by a fist connecting with her jaw and knocking her to the ground, her chains jingling as she fell.

"That's enough out of you siren, one more word and I'll gag that little mouth of yours with my cock." Following a brief laugh the knight roughly gripped the girl's cold bony shoulder and hauled her to her feet. Her hood was now off and her dark grey hair flew wild with the wind. Blood ran down the side of her cheek as she leaned closer to the knight and bit the air. Smiling she leaned back straight and continued walking, her constraints rustling with each step.
Nov 2, 2013 8:11 PM

Jun 2012
Soon the lantern went out, and an eerie laughter of a woman could be heard, then followed by a man's scream, one of the knights had disapeared, and was at the moment getting his throat ripped to pieces by a hungry vampire. "Look at this!, the meal comes to us!, did somebody order take-out?" there were several laughs seemingly emerging from every way around them, as the laughter died out, another man screamed only leaving four knights remaining, and as the second taken knight died a woman appeared in the middle of the road they were standing on, her chin was bloody, and was dripping with fresh blood, she wore revealing scantily dressed clothes, made to lure men in, then she disapeared, along with another knight, these were the private vampire elite guard that defended Kain's home from interlopers, the Queen's men knew to steer clear of these woods, then two knights disapeared at once only leaving two left.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 8:20 PM

Sep 2013
"Oh dear, that looks rather painful. Fear not noble knights, I'll relieve you of your impending misery." The girl sounded bored, her voice lacking both enthusiasm and emotion. With a click of her fingers the other two knights' heads exploded in a bloody mess. Blood fountained from the severed veins and arteries as their corpses flopped lifelessly to the ground.

"This is nice. Well, for me meeting you, and vice versa I hope. Not for them of course, they probably all had families, except the one that threatened to stick his phallus in my mouth, instead of a family he probably had a brothel tab." The girl raised her arm towards the nearest vampire, offering it to shake. As her hands were bound she was forced to raise her two arms towards them, her chains rattling as they moved. "'Ello 'ello. Snow Belle, like the flower, siren, entrepreneur, peruser of mythical beasts and practitioner of magic. And you are... oh... you're a tree."

Turing her attention from the tree she had been talking to, she rubbed her eyes and preformed the same greeting to a vampire this time.
Nov 2, 2013 8:31 PM

Jun 2012
The six vampires all appeared and stood in a circle around her, they looked at her and recognised her greeting before looking at eachother. "What are we supposed to do with her?, kill her?, she did come into the forest without Kain's permission." The woman she saw earlier spoke. "Now, now, she didnt come into this forest of her own volition, she was dragged in here in chains as you can see." and older vampire with an eyepatch spoke, there were 5 men and 1 woman, the men varied in ages from a teen to an old man. "I for one think we should bring the girl to Kain, she did just explode 2 of the knights heads, I dont know, Kain might have a use for her." The one teen vampire simply nodded to this statement, and the vampire that didnt speak walked towards her and said. "How about you, do you want to meet our master?, I am sure he would love to meet you." This vampire had blond hair and blue eyes, he seemed quite elegant.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 8:40 PM

Sep 2013
"Master? How formal, I like it. Will there be tea and crumpets? Or violence and rape? Either would be quite amusing. Oh or maybe both!" Snow brought the chains to her mouth and she blew lightly on them. They turned to ice on contact. She needed only twist her wrists ever so slightly and the chains shattered into pieces." Pinching the ends of her skirt, Snow preformed an elegant curtsy. "Lead the way sire. Oh this is so exciting!" Although she said it, her voice still seemed as bored as when she was speaking to the knights.
PlasticPurgeryNov 2, 2013 8:54 PM
Nov 2, 2013 8:49 PM

Jun 2012
(God this girl is fun! xD)

The blond vampire chuckled at her directness, and then he said. "That will depend on what Kain wants to do with you, and what you will say to him." He said in a teasing tone with a sarcastic smile, then the 6 vampires began leading her through the unnatural fog, that would confuse people the closer they got to the mansion leading them away from the mansion, only the people working for Kain and Kain himself knew the exact way to the mansion, Kain was a strange man to say the least, thats why he lived here most of the time, while having a home in the city aswell, but he used about the same time to get here with vampire speed that he did while walking to the city, an instant.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 9:03 PM

Sep 2013
(I agree, she's fun to write. Oh and apologies for all the grammatical errors. It's late.)

"Delicacy in my speech isn't a strong suit of mine, so this will probably end with me killing you all or you all killing me. Oh or maybe you'll turn me into a vampire. Oh there are so many possibilities! So much uncertainty, I love it, I love it." Snow skipped alongside them, her hands linked behind her back.
Nov 2, 2013 9:12 PM

Jun 2012
(Likewise, I also apologize if I make gramma errors, for the same reason)

The old vampire laughed at her comment, the female vampire scoffed disgustedly, the blond man tried to keep his composure wether it was laughter or anger was unknown the teen didnt react at all, and the others simply followed along, the old vampire spoke. "The master will definitly like this one!, dont you worry Snow!" Soon they walked into a cave in the fog, going under a mountain, the corridors themselves were a labyrinth and hard to keep track off, because there were whispers in the caves to turn interlopers insane while inside, but she wasnt affected because she was with the other vampires, like the cave was alive, it made the corridors have the shortest rute to the mansion and soon they exited on the other side, revealing a grand dark mansion this was Kain's home, they had only seen 2 out of the 13 traps that Kain had prepared for interlopers, they walked up the stairs of the mansion and walked inside the mansion, inside were alot more vampires, and they were having a feast, or banquet, but the food was blood.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 9:25 PM

Sep 2013
Snow knew the blood was there before she entered. In her sixteen years of living with the wolves there was three smells she knew: Blood, sweat and snow. She could pin point any one of these scents a mile away, particularly blood. She loved blood. She used to draw pictures in the snow with blood when she was young, and when she started teaching herself magic, blood became power. Snow smiled as she spun around in a circle, inhaling the potency. "So much blood, so much power! I'm ever so glad I chose to accompany you and not turn you all into puppets, I can already tell this will be a delightful sitting. Hur hur, better watch my neck from here on in."
Nov 2, 2013 9:34 PM

Jun 2012
(god she is strange, Kain will have his hands full on whatever he chooses to do with her xD)

The vampires all stared at her spinning around in a circle and talking about making them all puppets, the other vampires in the group was getting annoyed with her, except the teen and the old man, the old man was still certain this girl was so strange that Kain was bound to like her, and the teen?, he simply didnt care less, as she spun the vampires all scattered amongst the crowd of other vampires, except the old man, he led her up the elegant stairway and towards a big large double door.

Kain turned her head to stare him in the eyes, and mesmerized the sea spirit so she fell asleep, and once she awoke again she would awaken in the dungeons of the mansion, till he had the time to talk to her, because now he didnt he sensed a new smell approaching his chambers so he he walked out of the room he was currently in and walked out into the main part of his room, the other part was a secret room in his room, he sat down on the armchair and crossed his legs and as the door flew open he simply stared at Snow, as she was led inside then left alone with Kain as the old man followed two men out of the room carrying the water spirit to the dungeon. "So, you are the captive of those dead knights?" He spoke with a smile, his hair was snow white, he was pale and had crimson eyes, and yet he was strangely handsome at the same time.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 9:45 PM

Sep 2013
"Wow, you can just manipulate people like that? That is so cool! Do it to me." Snow froze the air in front of her creating an ice block in the shape of an armchair. Seating herself cross-legged she leaned in closer to Kain. His question was boring, so she ignored it. She wanted to see how this mesmorization worked, it was an area she devoted a lot of time into it, but so far the only way she was able to influence people was by first turning them into living puppets.
Nov 2, 2013 9:49 PM

Jun 2012
Kain leaned back as she leaned closer to him in order for him to mesmerize her. "Really, you want me to do it to you?" Already the thoughts inside his mind was spinning, and then he came to a conclussion. "What exactly do you want from me, there is a reason you came here to meet me. Why?" He asked her straight out. "Answer me this truthfully and I will do it." He said while looking at her, he leaned towards her and stared her in the eyes but didnt mesermize her yet.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 9:56 PM

Sep 2013
"I'd not encountered a vampire prior to this occasion, I was curious." Kain didn't need to specify that she answer truthfully, for Snow has never told a lie in her entire life, nor did she ever plan on telling one. Noting Kain leaning in further, Snow did the same, to the point where their noses were only an inch apart. Even the dead were warmer than her, she noted as she felt the warmth emitting from his body.
Nov 2, 2013 10:01 PM

Jun 2012
He smiled for the first time in their encounter and he had a good idea why he warmed up to this girl so quickly, because she was in fact strange, and then, he mesmerized her, complete and utter hypnosis, thats what he tought her, but he then smiled as he told her, taking note of how cold her body was, he simply said. "Come let me show you something else, sit on my lap." She still could see and hear what her body was doing, but she would not be able to fight it, though he wanted to show her the kiss of a vampire, and this was something even other vampires sought from Kain because there was supposed to be nothing quite like Kain feeding from your body.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 10:09 PM

Sep 2013
Snow's smile dropped as she rose from her seat, mechanically walking over to him before doing as commanded and seating herself on his lap. Her bottom was cold, but it warmed quickly once they made contact. Conscious of her actions, Snow studied everything that was happening, trying to figure out the 'trick'. Unable to fight the urge to obey, Snow waited patiently for her next command.
Nov 2, 2013 10:14 PM

Jun 2012
he smiled as she sat down on his lap, he was sure this would intrigue her because this was a trick he invented, and this trick took him long time to actually learn, but he had more than enough time. "Just remain still there and then feel what I will do now." He wasnt bothered by the coldness of her body and he leaned down and kissed her neck, with a soft shallow peck, then he stuck out his tongue and licked her neck, drawing small patterns into it using his tongue, this was gonna be a cold, yet amusing thing he was going to do, he then aligned his fangs with her neck and sunk them into her neck, the blood of her body pouring out of the puncture wounds, though they didnt hurt, they filled her with a massive surge of pleasure running through her body, the only word for it was indescribeable, and nothing else could describe it, he gulped down her blood, while wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 2, 2013 10:33 PM

Sep 2013
When his teeth sunk into her cold pale flesh, Snow stopped thinking about how he was able to mesmerise her, in fact, she stopped thinking about everything, everything but the bite. As her blood began to drain, she grew weaker and weaker, contributing to the blankness that polluted her mind. She knew he was killing her, yet for some reason, that didn't bother her, she would let him kill her, she would let him drain her dry, she would let him turn her into nothing more than another victim, unable to resist the pleasurable sensation.

(buuut not really!)
Nov 2, 2013 10:38 PM

Jun 2012
He then smiled and pulled away from her neck, puncturing a whole into his tongue and licked the fang marks on her neck, making the bite marks disapear but scars would remain for the rest of her life, unless she had some form of healing herself, then the scars would be gone completely, then he snapped his fingers and let the hypnosis fade, stopping well before the blood loss would affect her body as a whole, ofcourse he was thirsting for blood, but he wasnt greedy. "Thanks for the meal." He said with a teasing smile, and said. "So did you learn something?" he asked with that very same teasing smile and let her move off him if thats what she wanted, and let her pretty much do anything she wanted.

(Ofcourse not dont worry!)
Fallen_SaintNov 2, 2013 11:43 PM
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 3:50 AM

Nov 2010
Sango fell silent on his question. She couldn't admit the fact of her being neither strong or fast enough to stop Zane. She also didn't dare to tell who exactly he was, because she may not be a rebel but she still won't ever sell any of them for mere threats. Sango didn't have the chance to explain herself as he put her to sleep and let his men take her away.

When she finally regained her conscious and woke up, Sango slightly groaned at the feeling of the ice cold ground touching her skin. "I am more careless than ever today..." she thought and sighed. Sango stood up and walked toward the dungeon's door and peeked through steel bars. She wanted to check if there was any guards standing by the door.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Nov 3, 2013 7:59 AM

Jun 2012
By the door was standing a vampire guard but he was standing on the opposite side of the bars themselves so there was no chance she would reach him, he just kept standing at attention, she was the only prisoner and he made sure she would not escape, until Kain was done with her.

(Also Kain really doesnt like harming women, so after he is done asking her questions he himself will escort her back to her shop, dont worry :P)
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 8:07 AM

Sep 2013
"So want to hear something funny?" Snow wiggled her rear to get into a more comfortable position on his lap. Leaning her head back until her mouth was next to his ear she smiled and and spoke in a sadistic tone. " So here's the deal. You teach me how to do that, and I'll remove my blood from your body. Good thing I'm a blood mage you see, or else you'd be in quite a spot of bother hur hur, see I'm a siren. Can you feel it? My blood slowly turning your body into an ice carving as it works its way through your veins. Hur hur, I'd give you about an hour."
Nov 3, 2013 8:27 AM

Jun 2012
Kain grins with an amused smile, "Ohh really?, then you need to remove the blood before hand, I was planning on already teaching you how to do that, even without the threat to me, so let me rephrase the answer I gave you, either you remove the blood in my body, or, I wont teach you a damn thing, and then die with these powers." He said like he was still far superior and still had the upper hand, Kain had no fear of death, because he had lived far too long as it was, so if this was his time, he wouldnt even fight against it, though he was still wearing that amused smile like nothing was wrong at all.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 8:35 AM

Sep 2013
"Jackpot." Snow bit her lip as she raised her arm in the air and threw it forward, as if throwing a spear. A ling thin red blade shot out of Kain's mouth and was impaled in the wall opposite them. "Today has been such a fun day. Makes me wish I left the mountains years ago. So how do you do it, is it a type of spell? I'm pretty good with those so if it is then we can part ways before second supper."
Nov 3, 2013 8:55 AM

Jun 2012
He grips his throat as that red line shot out of his throat and into the wall, "Uncomfortable experience, yet it was worth it." He said with a smile. clearly not having learned that he could have died, or atleast didnt react like that. "Dont be a fool, he said with a smile, the only way you could learn that this fast was to become a vampire yourself and then get the vampiric control of your senses in your normal body, you wont feel the same muscles, and thus it will be harder, but it actually works as a normal hypnosis, but, with the vampires powers they uses it for a source of getting food from unsuspecting victims, like I just did with you, thats pretty much how it works.
Fallen_SaintNov 3, 2013 9:37 AM
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 9:12 AM

Sep 2013
"You can bite me as much as you want but I'm quite comfortable the way I am and I'd rather that not change. So then you can't help me? Then I guess I should probably go... in a while, your body is simply to warm for me to leave." Snow turned herself around on him so that her chest was pressed against his. Her chin rested on his shoulder and she closed her eyes and wrapped her thin frail arms around his chest. "Just... just need a minute, it's a long way back to the mountains."
PlasticPurgeryNov 3, 2013 10:43 AM
Nov 3, 2013 9:19 AM

Jun 2012
He smiles. "I can help you, but it will take a while, because you need to train your eyes just enough so you can hypnotise people, but its not as potent as the vampires hypnosis, but you will still able to do it a smaller hypnosis on people." He smiles as she readjusts herself to warm up against his body, she was cold, so he complied and wrapped his arms around her small frail shoulders in order to warm her up more. "So you are leaving?, I got to say, I would like it if you stayed here, I enjoy talking to you, you are quite an interesting girl." He said with a smile, though she had her chest pressed against him, he didnt mind or mention it, because she seemed like she really liked the warmth, he placed a hand on her neck so she could get warm near the head aswell, though he didnt usually do this kind of thing with perfect strangers he didnt mind, he was still smilining, she was cold, and she must have been freezing like hell.

(She is so loveable isnt she? :D)
Fallen_SaintNov 3, 2013 9:47 AM
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 10:05 AM

Nov 2010
(Then what if she was not welling to answer all of his questions? It will get a bit violent then, even though Sango is not really into violence :P)

Sango sat down on the ground in a seiza. She appeared calm, yet she was actually worried and wondered about what move she should do next. "Even if escaping is possible, I would really prefer to avoid unnecessary bloodshed." Sango thought as she stared at the water that materialized in the palm of her hand.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Nov 3, 2013 10:12 AM

Jun 2012
(If she cant answer his questions, then he wants her to answer to all she knows about the rebels, like location, what they are after, and who the leader is, thats the most important questions, as long as she answers those she will be freed, dont worry, Kain doesnt like treating women roughly or even killing them, so you have nothing to fear, and as soon as the stuff above gets finished Kain will come and find your char.)

The guard just kept standing still outside the cell, guarding the cell, he wasnt an impatient man, but he was loyal and he did as commanded, and that right now was to make sure she didnt escape but the cell was unnescessary in actuallity, if she got outside the mansion without permission she would have to go through the labyrinthian maze of caves that whispered to the people that walked through them to turn them insane, and then after that a dense fog in a dark forest that would make her lose all sense of where she was going, and make her lost in the fog.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 11:06 AM

Sep 2013
"Well I can't very well stay here. Being a siren and a blood mage means that I'm at the tipedy top of every witch hunt in the realm." Belle pressed herself away from him and sat up, brushing her hair over her shoulders.

She was hesitant to leave the warmth but did so anyway. Now on her feet again she readjusted her skirt and delivered a quick curtsy, stumbling right at the end as she tripped herself up. Snow never was a coordinated woman. So close.
Nov 3, 2013 11:34 AM

Jun 2012
He let her go as she wished, and then smiled at her failed curtisy, as she thought, it was close, but then he said. "Sure, but here you would be protected by the queen's authority, because here we all serve the queen, but all that lives in this place are free to live here without interference with the royals or the rebels, and the only flaw from that is eternal servitude to the queen, and that is me alone, I will do anything in my power to serve the queen, when I can, that is the deal to our bargain, but you living here will not interfere with our bargain, or put her at risk, so for that matter, if you chose to live here, all that would be a flaw is living expenses, but I am a wealthy man so I dont really care about money, I could teach you some things you havent learned about blood magic yet, and you would be free to do what you wished... besides killing everyone in a mad fit around you." He said with a smile and a teasing tone.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 12:09 PM

Sep 2013
"Fear not sire, I've never killed a man that wasn't about to die anyway, hur hur hur. I suppose, I could stay for a day or two. If that's alright with my lord? I'll take this corner if you don't mind." Snow skipped over to the corner and curled in a ball, pulling the hood over her eyes.
Nov 3, 2013 12:34 PM

Jun 2012
He smiles at what a strange girl, "He then walks over and picks her up as if he was carrying a princess. "Silly girl, you can stay but I must insist that you sleep on a bed, else how would I be able to sleep at all?" He said with a teasing smile and walked into the room besides this one, there was a big bed in there and he placed her carefully down on the bed, it was very comfortable. "This will be your room, until you decide you want to leave, and if you need anything just let me know." He said with a smile. "Because my room is right next door, so dont worry, and just enjoy the bed, and whatever hospitality this house has to offer, you are in a lord's house, and you will be treated as a welcomed guest." He explained, then he gave her a smile again and said. "Is there anything you need right now My lady?" He smiled and gave a bow like a butler would a princess.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 12:44 PM

Sep 2013
"Oh there's no need to give me such... By Agrim! This is the softest thing I've ever..." Snow squeezed the pillow tightly in her arms as her cheek brushed up and down it. Her eyes closed as she began to nibble on one of the corners. "What is this sorcery?" She asked, confused by this enthralling device. Ceasing her nibbling, she then began to rub the pillow with her cheek again. It was even softer than the wolves. She vowed at that moment never to relinquish her hold of this white artifact.
PlasticPurgeryNov 3, 2013 12:50 PM
Nov 3, 2013 12:59 PM

Jun 2012
(Lmao! god she is cute! :D)

He laughs as he watches how she treats a mere pillow as magic and how humble tidings did she trully come from when she had never felt the comfort of a pillow?, he smiles wider and says. "Its a pillow, you lie your head on it, when you go to sleep, its a great invention isnt it?, he walked over to her and took the cover and moved it over her, and then said. "Then you take your pillow and lie on it, and then sleep, you will find yourself very well relaxed tomorrow." He said with that same smile, he was no longer wearing an amused smile, it was a warm smile, he had never seen a girl as her before, and she was actually getting close to winning him over, which wasnt easy to do.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 1:14 PM

Sep 2013
"I see." Snow pulled on a lace on her dress and it fell to the ground instantaneously. Her snow white back bore scars and burns across her skin and a large brand between her shoulder blades. It depicted a snowflake with an eye at its centre, cut roughly and gruesomely into her skin. Crawling into the sheets head first she shuffled around for a few moments in the blanket before her head surfaced and rested on one of the pillows.
Nov 3, 2013 1:31 PM

Jun 2012
He saw the scar, though he would have looked away if his eyes didnt get fixated on that gruesome looking scar, he sat down on the bed and ran his fingers slowly yet caressingly down her back, trying to touch her scar, he wasnt smiling anymore, oh what cruelty she might use blood magic, but how can people treat a frail looking girl like this?, he then said while touching her back. "Did this hurt alot?" He knew that was a very stupid question, but he wasnt fond of women getting mistreated, though he had Sango in the dungeon, he had never planned on doing something like this to her, he saw all men that did this kind of thing to women as weak, he still sat on the edge of the bed, while slowly caressing her back, trying to give some sort of comfort on her back.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 2:05 PM

Sep 2013
"Yes it hurt... them." Snow was referring to the ones that branded her, after they did it she killed them all. It was the first time she ever saw blood, she was six. "It's the mark of a siren. First they shame us, then they kill us. Thus is the life of a witch."

Snow's grip loosened on the pillow and she turned around to stare at him. "Humanity, the demons, they push and they push, and they push. And if we ever try to stand up and shout enough... they brand us, they torture us, they ridicule us and then after all that, they hold a dagger to our throats and before they drag that blade across, they cry monster and their conscience is cleared, because they've gotten so good at pushing the blame, they've started believing that they're doing the right thing. That they're preserving and protecting their kingdom... and nobody bats an eye as innocent men and women die because they die in the name of the fucking lie called justice."
PlasticPurgeryNov 3, 2013 2:11 PM
Nov 3, 2013 2:17 PM

Jun 2012
He smiled at her with a smile of disgust. "Yes, and then they say we are the monsters, after we are punished for merely living, and trying to survive, they turn around and does the exact same thing we did, and they turn around and say it was your fault they did so, because you did it first so you are the cause of their actions, I know exactly what you mean, humans and even most demons are hypocrites they selfishly try to satisfy their own barely functioning minds and try to get as much satisfaction out of a another person's misery, that is how they all are." He said with as his smile faded and he simply stared at her, he knew now why he liked this girl, because she was much like himself, a pariah, cast away for the crime of surviving.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 3, 2013 2:48 PM

Sep 2013
Noticing she was about to cry, Snow turned around and buried her head in one of the pillows. Her body grew colder and colder as her body shivered. "I was bluffing you know. About my blood. You can drink it, all of it if you want, but please, can you make the pain go away, even if it's only for a while." She sat up from the bed and stared at him pleadingly, ice cold tears on the verge of freezing trickled down her cheeks. She didn't bother pulling up the covers to hide her womanhood.
Nov 3, 2013 2:57 PM

Jun 2012
He smiled. "I will not drink all of your blood, you need to stay alive, who else am I to talk to like this?" He said with a smile, as she asked him to make the pain go away, he smiled wider at her with a warm smile, he placed his hands on her chin gently cupping her chin, he raised it, without looking at her naked body, not that he didnt want to, this just wasnt the time, he leaned closer towards her, his lips evidently aimed towards hers, but instead, they just kissed her chin, he wasnt sure if she actually wanted him to kiss her, but this way he wouldnt do anything she didnt want to, but then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her gently, and brought her closer to him, he then moved his hand caressingly down her naked back, and adjusted his head to her neck, he gently began kissing her neck, and started drawing small patterns into her skin using his tongue.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 6, 2013 3:50 PM

Sep 2013
"Wait, no stop." Snow pushed herself off him and pulled the blanket over her chest, covering her indecency. "I have to leave, immediately. They keep coming, they always find me, they never fail to kill anyone near me."Snow fought back the tears as she reached her arm out of the bed and plucked her dress. She felt the rough fabric in her hands and sighed as she began to dress herself under the bedsheets.
Nov 6, 2013 4:02 PM

Jun 2012
He stopped as she wished, he only wanted to make her feel better, so if she was alright, then there was no need for him to go any further, and as she grapped her dress and began dressing, he looked away so she had an easier time to do so. "Why the sudden change of mind?, I thought you could be here a few days, especially since you are safe here, there is no need for you to run away anymore, whoever is after you will never get here, and even if they did, they would die before they set food near the mansion, I dont only have 6 guards you know, I have hundreds, no thousands if you count all the people that are around in the area, one whistle and they would come in a moments notice." He said and looked at her with a smile as she was dressed.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
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