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Oct 28, 2013 7:21 PM

Feb 2013

What's left of the, once most technological, Elven city of Eternum. The Harversters are dominant in this area of the realm, having completely destroyed the Elven Lands and turned them into nothing but wastelands. The city of Eternum lies devastated, turned into nothing but a big crater full of ruins and walking dead bodies. The only place that is still intact is the big, hid Royal Palace that was once home to the well-known King Leonidas, who was defeated by Sovereign and turned into her Knight Commander.
YzmaelOct 31, 2013 4:50 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 28, 2013 8:05 PM

Feb 2013
In the deep parts of the Elven Forest, the city of Eternum stands untouched. The rain slowly getting more and more strong, the people in the advanced city start to get scared, having themselves staying still on their homes. However, it is all useless. In less than an hour, the storm gets worse and a big lighting hits directly on the city, destroying both the technological and magical barriers and leaving the city open for any kind of intruder.

Deep inside the city's castle, the Leader and his advisor try their best to solve the problem and end the storm with a powerful magic or a technological item. Unfortunately, not much can be done for now. "My Leader, the people on the city are getting scared. The storm gets worse by the minute. There is not much we can do besides calling the villagers towards the city and into the castle. However... We fear that something might be arriving. Some people are fearing that the myth of the Harvester is not actually a myth..." The advisor said to Leonidas, the Leader of the Elven, who sat on his throne inside the Royal Palace.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 28, 2013 8:15 PM

Jun 2012
Leonidas the king of the Elven lands was standing in front of a table, trying to figure out how to last through the raging storm he turned towards his advisor and spoke. "I see, we cannot fall into despair, we are the elvenkind, we have made this place our home, and as thus we will defend it, I agree this storm is unnatural, but just because it is, we must not give in to despair, evacuate the civilians out of the nation, and prepare the soldiers for a war, I sense something malevolent coming this way, in any case, you should get out of the country with the refugess, I will stay and hold this place with the soldiers, warn everyone what happened here today." He said with determination, he was ready to fight to the last breath, even if the harvester came or not.
Fallen_SaintOct 28, 2013 8:22 PM
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Oct 28, 2013 8:26 PM

Feb 2013
The advisor nodded to his king, obeying him silently and going out of the castle to evacuate the civillians. The Elvenkind, the most advanced race in the actual time, was suffering from heavy damages because of the strong storm. Almost immediatly, many soldiers, an army of over five hundred men stood outside the castle, awaiting for what the King recognized as the 'Malevolent Being'.

Not so far away from Eternum, darkness joined. Something far beyond the comprehension of any being, Sovereign, appeared from the raging storm and started to slowly walk towards the city of Eternum. With the rain falling, the soldiers of the Elvenkind where trying to stay tight and see if anything was coming.

Inside the Royal Palace, the elite soldiers stood ahead their king, awaiting fearfully for their deadly enemy.

Sovereign, the destroyer of armies, appeared from the main gates, holding no fear from the five hundred-men army in front of her. "The death of the Elvenkind has arrived, you have advanced enough. Your peak will end here." She announced, laying her sword beside her. Her red eyes shone under the dark lights of the lightnings and she immediatly rushed into the army, massacring most of them in almost no time. Leaving the soldiers inside the palace in panick. Fearing their iminent death, they were trembling, hearing the sounds of their brethren dying painfully outside the Palace.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 28, 2013 8:34 PM

Jun 2012
The king remained steadfast, he knew he could not win against the sovereign but he was not about to lose without a fight, and his frightened soldiers was trembling and panicking he simply spoke out his voice echoing through the hall of his court. "Dont fright my soldiers, dont fright." He repeated. "We are here, the most advanced of the races in the country, you are the finest soldiers this land has to offer, the sovereign will fall here!, and we will be the heroes of the land, recognised for our might and defiance!, we will famous after the sovereign lies face down in a pool of her own blood!, fight with me my loyal subjects!, no fight with me my friends!, this will be a historic day, the day the sovereign pays for all the lives she has taken!" This speech even reassured the king himself, and he stood up from the throne and took a few steps down the stairway leading to his thrown, drawing his sword, and a yellow holy flame envelloped his sword.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Oct 28, 2013 8:47 PM

Feb 2013
The sounds of the massacre continued for a few minutes before it all went silent. "What a brave words for a dead king. The Elvenkind reached their limit. This is your end. This is the peak of your evolution." Sovereigin's beatiful yet cold voice echoed through the hall. Silencing the soldiers at once. However, every soldier was ready to fight until the last minute. They would not give up so easily. With a loud and dark sound, a ball of darkness appeared in the middle of the room, drawing all soldiers towards it before it exploded into flames. At that attack, many soldiers were immediatly killed. A scream of honor could be heard as the soldiers went foward towards Sovereign, only to be coldly massacred. Warping herself towards everyplace, Sovereign killed many soldiers in seconds. Her attacks were precise and deadly, not even missing one slash.

When she was almost finished, all the soldiers stood in front of her. The soliders all layed theirs swords foward and rushed towards Sovereign, prepared to kill her. However, this was a foolish move. "Die..." Adragonia said before she raised her hand and created a massive Black Hole that sucked almost all soldiers at once, leaving behind only the King.

"Tell me, King of the Elvenkind." Adragonia said, starting to walk foward slowly. Her steps were as graceful as her voice. Her cold, shining eyes settled into the King. "Was it really worth resisting?" She questioned stopping on her tracks and awaiting for an answer.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 28, 2013 8:58 PM

Jun 2012
The king watched as all his soldiers was slaughtered, he wanted to help them, but even he could not stop the sovereign's powers against all of them without getting injured, and he would need to be in peak condition if he was gonna beat her.

He scoffed not flinching once as she was walking towards him, and he walked towards her, his steps strong and determined, his eyes staring straight back into the maw of chaos looking at him, without flinching. "It was, we will rather die than submit to you, Sovereign, and die you shall, be it of my hands, or someone elses, though..." He readied himself for her attack, and assumed a fighting position. "You can still surrender, or you can die, the choice is yours." He spoke with confidence as befit a true hero king.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Oct 28, 2013 9:05 PM

Feb 2013
Adragonia's red eyes stared into his, as if she was looking into his dead soul. The cold, penetrating blank stare she gave him was something absolutely shocking. Any other man would be immediatly petrified. However, she knew that this was not any man. "Surrender? Your army is done, King. Your city rests dead. I will go after the rest of your race and I will finish all of you. If I am to die, it will be because I have reached the peak of my evolution. However, until then, I will continue to be the ender." Sovereign said, her red eyes moving graciously towards the king's sword.

Without further a do, Sovereign took her sword out of her belt, having a blank expression that fitted her beatiful movements. A graceful, yet firm movement of her hand was enough for her to stand in attention. "The mission the gods assigned me to, I will accomplish it." She said, warping into the darkness and awaiting the king's reponse before attacking.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 28, 2013 9:17 PM

Jun 2012
He smiles. "You will not, my race is out of your hands, my race scatters across the whole land, and to destroy them all, you will have to destroy all other species, in short, you will never reach them all, and on another note, you will have to get through me to get anywhere else." He then swung his two handed sword towards her, causing a great stream of flames as bright as the sun rushing like water towards the Harvester, like a great big tidal wave, crashing against her, the waves was too big to dodge in this hall so she would have to take it face on, and even then the flames would go straight through the wall of his palace.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Oct 28, 2013 9:24 PM

Feb 2013
With one swing of her hand, the tidal wave was completely engulfed by a big, almost gargantuan Black Hole, that soon after disappeared. "If I need to destroy this entire island to extinguish you, so be it." Sovereign said, having her red eyes settled back on the king. In a swipe of her sword, she disappeared. Warping behind the King, she gave a quick, almost untraceable slash on his leg and warped once more, this time on his left side, slashing his arm before warping once more and stopping not so far ahead of him. "This is your end, foolish king." Sovereign said, once more swinging her hand towards him. This time, the Black Hole appeared above him.
YzmaelOct 28, 2013 9:27 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 31, 2013 2:52 PM

Jun 2012
The king waisted no time at all, as soon as she swung her hand towards him, he knew what she was gonna do, he had seen it countless times, every time she made a blackhole she swung her hand, and this was her finishing move, as soon as she swung her hand, he made a high speed charge towards her, in mere seconds he was already at her face, trying to catch her off guard, he swung his sword leaving a gash across her chest to her right shoulder, but the wound was shallow, he didnt put enough strength into the strike, and thus it was not fatal, but he injured her, and with this he used the momentum he had gained and grapped unto her shoulder and jumped 5 meters behind her.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Oct 31, 2013 3:05 PM

Feb 2013
Adragonia felt the shallow, stinging wound on her chest. She chuckled, seemingly unphazed by it. "You should be honored. You're the first one to wound me in a long, long time." She said in a blank, yet beatiful tone of voice. Her grace was impecable as she turned around him with a smirk on her face. "I am getting out of practice, ain't I?" She mocked, slightly irritated by the fact that he had attacked her and succeeded. With a huff out of her throat, she quickly ran towards the King, raising her sword to slash him. In a few seconds, she was already very close to him. Close enough for him to attempt an attack. However, as he was about to swing his blade at her, Sovereign warped. Appearing behind him as she used her momentum to pull him into her sword's tip.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 31, 2013 4:22 PM

Jun 2012
He simply stands straight up and says. "Yeah but unfortunately that blow was shallow, so its useless." acknowledging his own failed blow and readies once more as she charged towards him at a very high speed, then as she fades from sight, he quickly takes the initiative to jump forward, knowing that she was planning a strike from an unseen position but not where, so it would be better to just get out of the area entirely, then he spins around mid air and lands on his feet, then right as he lands he quickly charges at her once more straight on, and swings at her, as she parries that blow, he goes after her legs and kicks them away under her, but as she falls he followed through with an execution blow, but as he tried to stab her, she evaded on the ground and stabbed him through the stomach, he felt his lifeblood flow from the handle of her sword and down on her hand. "Damn you.." He spoke with a strained voice and coughed up blood, then he grabbed the blade with his bare hand and placed his other hand against his burning sword, engulfing his hand in fire, it hurt tremendiously, but quickly grabbed her head with his burning hand, while holding her sword in place through his gut, burning her head and face with holy yet cruel fire.
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Oct 31, 2013 4:44 PM

Feb 2013
"Sadly, this is the end." Her cold statement echoed in the King's mind. As he moved his hand towards her, she warped both she and him to the rooftop of the palace, where the rain quickly put his sacred fire off. The slow, dripping rain going down the King's face and gently dropping on the ground, Adragonia moved herself, pulling the balde from the King's stabbed stomach. She turned her back to him and walked foward in a distance she knew she was secure.

"Like every other race I have destroyed. The Elven have reached their peak. This the end of your culture and technology. This is the end of the Elven." She spoke in a cold, yet embraceful tone that sent a cold up the King's spine. Raising both her hands, Adragonia engulfed the entire city of Eternum into a big black hole that sucked the entire city into it. Not even two seconds passed before the black hole exploded, causing a major flame that threw away all the city of Eternum, leaving only ruins and death. The Royal Palace was the only place that was completely intact but that did not lasted long. Adragonia once more turned herself towards the King, smirking softly as she spoke on her own cold tone. "Let the embrace of your dark destiny comfort you." She said as the King saw only blackness surround him. Leonidas screamed as he was turned into something he despised. One of Adragonia's dead knights. "You shall be my Knight Commander." She told to the dead corpse of Leonidas that was bound to obey her. Leonidas was still alive, but he couldn't fight the Sovereign anymore. The entire army of the Elven raised from the crater of the Elven city, all of them dead knights that woud now serve under the Sovereign. Adragonia slowly warped back to the throne hall, where she sat on Leonidas' throne and smirked fearlessly. "Now... To finish off the Demons..." She said smirking as she laughed malevolently.
YzmaelOct 31, 2013 5:41 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 31, 2013 5:56 PM

Sep 2013
"Quicky! Come on! We have to get ou- what was that?" The group of fleeing elves halted as a piecing neigh rung in their eyes. About half a mile away atop the canyon they ran through, they distinguished a white horse, and a purple figure sitting atop it. There was a brief flash of light where the horse was. One of the elves leaned forward to try and make out what it was. The arrow pierced the wind prior to piercing his skull. The arrow entered through his pupil, a perfect shot. The others tried to run... tried.

Once all he stragglers were dealt with, Ennis veered her horse around and headed back towards the city.


Three arrows pierced the door to the throne room before a white horse burst through. A few feet away from her master, Ennis allowed herself to slip off the saddle, landing on her feet the horse disappearing into the wind as soon as she broke contact. "No survivors." Her voice was light, dare say soft. Her breath could be heard from under her mask as she walked towards Adragonia. Dropping to her knee in from of her, Ennis kept her head low. "To where shall I step foot next my master?"
Oct 31, 2013 6:01 PM

Feb 2013
Adragonia smirked. "As expected from my most trusted general." She said, proud as she could be. Ennis was useful... Very useful. One of the few Adragonia had pleasure to say that she left alive. Though that was not enough, not yet. "The Elvens struggled to survive but, like every other race I challenged, they failed. Our next step is to destroy the perfect reign of the Demons. Their race has been on top of others for far too long. However, we need a bigger army. We're going to the south, my general. The Golems await us." Adragonia said, getting up and walking to the door of the Throne hall.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 31, 2013 6:11 PM

Sep 2013
Ennis nodded in recognition. Jumping in the air, her white horse seemed to run from nothingness and appeared under her. She landed perfectly in her saddle as the horse trotted along, a few steps diagonally behind Adragonia.
"The Reaper is next ? Heh, long live the queen." Unsheathing a small needle like blade, Ennis began to etch "Artemis Everheart" into one of her arrows.
Oct 31, 2013 6:22 PM

Feb 2013
Adragonia chuckled out of her general's eagerness. "Yes, after we deal with her, you will be original Reaper." She said, chuckling slightly more before it trailed off into a small smirk. Adragonia stopped on her tracks when she reached the middle of the hall. The small, yet disturbing dark energy revolved around her as the matter trembled slightly. Suddenly, as if darkness engulfed both Ennis and Adragonia, they both warped the matter and teleported to the south, towards the Nevil Mountains.

(Next post there, just created it.)
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 31, 2013 9:10 PM

Feb 2013
Warping her general and Knight-Commander back to the Elven City together with the Golems they had collected, Adragonia was panting slightly. She had been overusing her skills for a long time until now, destroying and reanimating the city of the elves was something that greatly drained her vital force. "I need... To rest a little." She said, stopping to pant as she walked away from both her Knight-Commander and General and went towards the room that once belonged to Leonidas. She sat on the big, empty bed as she layed her back on it.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 1, 2013 8:06 PM

Sep 2013
"I ask that you allow me permission to venture to the capital my lord. I wish to inspect the castle so I can better formulate an attack strategy." Ennis removed her mask as she circled the throne, her red hair flowing free from under her hood. "And I wish to meet with this tactician, see if his reputation perceives him, or if he is just like the other garbage. "
Nov 1, 2013 8:13 PM

Feb 2013
Adragonia's expressions were as blank as ever as she looked away from Ennis, having her eyes settled on the horizon. "You are allowed to do it, Ennis. Just be careful, I don't want to lose you at a time like this." Adragonia said, leaving in the air a sensation of abnormality. Normally, she wouldn't have said something like that but she needed Ennis to understand that she was an invaluable asset for the war she was planning. "I better go with you and have a look at it myself since we'll be both planning this assault." She added, getting up from the now corrupted throne and looking towards her Knight-Commander. "You can do what you wish, my Knight-Commander. Just be careful to not get yourself killed. I would hate to lose my brand new warrior." She said, having her steps foward and teleporting both Ennis and her towards the Castle Marketplace.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 1, 2013 8:24 PM

Jun 2012
The knight nodded in direction of Adragonia, and then stepped towards them both, as a gesture he was coming with them, he didnt utter a word still though, could he even speak?, if so, he didnt show it, he had no reason to speak, all he was is a slave, he had no free will and his only desire, no matter how much he hated them both, was to protect them from any and all harm, he knew this was not his own choice, but he no longer fought it, he had no reason to, his people were dead, and he only had one purpose now, to bring death.
Fallen_SaintNov 1, 2013 8:54 PM
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Nov 5, 2013 9:40 PM

Feb 2013
Returning towards her room, Adragonia herself stood still with her back turned towards the mirror. Seeing the shining mark on her left shoulder, she sighed. A deep, almost regretting sigh. "Why did I revived him? I knew it would be fun to do so but I wasn't expecting it to turn out like this. Now I have to meet them." She thought to herself, her expression paining for a second. Sighing once more, she put her clothes on once more and left towards the Throne Hall.

On the Throne Hall, Adragonia sat and looked away from the hall, towards the horizon. Once more, her blank expressions were there. It wasn't normal for her to feel like that, but this time she was unlike herself. She wanted to smack herself out of it. However, before she was even able to understand it all, they had already called her. Once they did so, a small portal opened ahead of her. "What happened, Sovereign? They are going to judge you... Why?" The echoing voice questioned, making Adragonia herself wonder. "I spared someone." She said, causing the voice to sigh deeply, seemingly disappointed. "You know what will happen, right?" The robotic and echoing voice questioned as Adragonia nodded unhappily.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 5, 2013 9:46 PM

Jun 2012
Karandras had been listening and he stepped out from the shadows, he stood in front of Adragonia, then he took off his helmet and smiled sadly at Adragonia. "I am sorry... It was my fault that you in this position, its my job to get you out of it." Before saying anymore he jumped into the portal, using his magical powers to close it behind him, this caused him to use almost all his magical power and he was kneeling on the other side of the portal panting heavily, he looked around to see were he was.

(And your turn to describe where he is! :P)
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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