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Jul 11, 2013 2:19 PM
Aug 2011
I have no words for this sh*tty ending!
I'll just... I want to flip a table or an entire house!
I can't believe the author just did that! I can't believe... I can't!!
Oh my God! I can't believe they actually got together. Zero was actually able to stay with Yuuki knowing she always loved Kaname in a way she can never love him? What was the artist thinking? It'd be better if she just killed Zero or Kaname and Yuuki.
I wanted Zero solo or dead. Not as a replacement for Yuuki... Way to beat down a a great character.
She tried to not take any sides and it sucked *ss. Sorry but I just...this... Ah, forget it. It's done.
I don't know if they said anything to her or if they wanted her to end it fast but... I hope she does a better work next time.
MilaScarletJul 11, 2013 2:24 PM
Jul 12, 2013 11:19 AM

Mar 2012
Why are people so pissed off at the ending? Its the same quality as the rest of the series i.e average at best. Ofc the writer can't please the various shippers, so I think the ending did it prob the only way it could without alienating shippers. Also yuuki lived for a thousand years, and her 'kids' have prob lived at least half that so they are hardly kids, let her die if she wants too.
Ginevra said:

Neither I found the ending logical. It implies that Kaname's dream was to be a human, but that promotes the idea that he could NOT stomach being a vampire, after all. If that's the message of the manga, then why did Zero embrace his vampirism? The message of the manga is highly inconsistent. Which convinced me that there was no message and we readers were supposed to care only about shipping.

umm are you trying to say you thought the message of the manga was Vamprism BAD Human GOOD........ Also whats zero embracing it and Kaname denying it got to do with each other? There both different characters therefore would respond differently your logic makes no sense.
Jul 14, 2013 7:30 PM

Mar 2011
I concur that I was saddened by the ending. The last chapter was very touching between her and Kaname which created a good impact. But it seemed like the last chapter was rushed and things were left unexplained. Yuki was ALWAYS chasing after Kaname (since the damn first chapter/episode xD) and hesitating if you hadn't noticed, and the feelings she had for Zero were her "human" feelings. It's like being 2 people in 1. The "human" you loved Zero, but the previous-vampire-you loved Kaname. Now you're back to being the previous-vampire-you with the memories of the "human" you (I know, confusing! XD). It's very conflicting if you think about it! Those last moments with Kaname was just the last straw that broke the camels back for her. You tend to go for the things you can't have, and Kaname was something Yuki was losing right before her eyes.

The "threesome" ending is really what got me though. I would've been happier with Zero personally, and I would've been okay with Kaname - but especially with Kaname's "I want you two to be together" quote either pairing became solid to me. It was crushing though how Zero wanted to hear those three special words from Yuki though and said he'd wait an eternity to hear them but never once in the chapter did she say it. It really made it seem like Zero was just a replacement. The ending just seems a little awkward no matter how you try to change your perspective. ^^''

The only way the perspective makes sense is if you put it into "Vampire Society", "Fantasy Genre", and "Fanservice".
Jul 18, 2013 5:39 PM

Aug 2010
Ending was not what I expected it to be. Was expecting Zero to be the one who survives. Being Zero is suffering in this manga. It seems as though he was just a replacement for Kaname to Yuki.

I found the ending to be bittersweet. Atleast Kaname gets to live a second life as a human.
Jul 26, 2013 7:55 AM
Jul 2013
Okay so when Yuuki said that Auido ( how ever you spell his name) completed the medicine...was it to make vampires human? Cause Zero was still a vampire when he was with Yuuki after Kaname died, so I'm thinking that the "Medicine" was a cure and Zero must if taken it so he could live a human life, there was no way for Kaname to take it if he where dead so I'm thinking Yuuki gave her life to him so he could live his life as a human and to be the father of the the end though it was still kind of a Yuuki/Kaname thing cause she said " the one I love..." ...the ending was not as satisfying cause Kaname will probably end up remembering but I feel like he will be fine with the kids...he will see them grow up but...are the children human ? I'm thinking they aren't if Yuuki was still a vampire...or maybe just the girl is...if the Medicine turned Zero human than his child might be half vampire ( that's a first) and Kaname and Yuuki's child was maybe full vampire ?
Jul 26, 2013 4:06 PM
Jul 2013
just no
Jul 29, 2013 7:55 PM

Sep 2012
As if I'd accept it ending 'like that!' Like hell! I'm not reading this 5 years worth of sorry BC ending.
[Karin's ending was just as bittersweet. What's up with all the vampire mangas these days..]
Jul 30, 2013 9:18 AM

Jul 2013
First post here. I was reading the reactions from fans of the VK ending...because I by no means at all satisfied.

It's been two months and I still feel it was badly written. Everything leading up to the final chapter had already suggested that it would be a rush ending. The author could have cut a bunch of other things so at least the ending would have appeared more filling for the fans. Cut that stuff about Isaya because in the end he didn't do jack. So it was purely a waste of panels when she could have attributed it other more important aspects about the characters that we knew and added more to the ending.

The co-existence issue was still not fully answered except that what happened in the end was basically what happened in the beginning where the vampires and humans were still separated. Only difference was that the cure was found, which would have been found EITHER WAY had Kaname not die as a sacrifice. In the end, I don't think it really even mattered that there were weapons. Kaname could have continued to live.

With the whole pairing issue. I really hated it what the author did. It didn't make Yuuki seem like a likeable characterr, not even to say that she's supposed to be the heroine. I have to wonder what was going inside Hino's head about the love she was trying to portray in the story. She had Yuuki say all those things to Kaname, and even if you're not a Yume fan, you have to feel her heart-break watching the man she proclaimed such feelings for die like that.

I don't consider Yume win because Yuki did spend HER eternity -- her long life -- with least until he died. That's the man she ended with even if she used her life to revive a different man in the end. Though I'm for Yume, it was because of all those moments Hino built up between them, but I still wish that if the author was to go with Zeki that she showed MORE Zeki moments. Eventhough I don't ship Zeki, Zeki is ok in my eyes, but Hino still had Yuki say "whom I love dearly" and stuff like that for another man. If I was rooting for Zeki, there would be no doubts I'd be upset.

So in the end, I feel like both fandoms got trolled majorly anyhow. Yume fans were forced to watch Yuki and Kaname get separated despite them wanting to be together had things turned out better. Zeki fans were forced to watch mostly a Yume chapter, and had Yuuki and Zero get pushed toward each other within 2-3 pages of nothing much at all.

And what is with showing two kids in the end? The author's way of resolving the triangle by saying the heroine had two kids with her two loves?

Yume bed scene should have never happened especially that Kaname was going to die and Yuki was going to end up with Zero.

It's sad, and not even the good kind of vibes you get from tragic/sad endings.
Aug 2, 2013 12:54 PM
Aug 2013
Well, well, what an unexpected ending.

I think that yuki loved zero, but she only stayed with him, because kaname "fell asleep". She would've never choosen zero by her own, especially if she had the chance to be with kaname. And i really disliked that Zero started bagging her to stay with him. WTF ZERO? have some self esteem!
But they were together for 1000 years, thats freaking long. Its like they were ment to be.

And i think that the girl is kanames and yukis. I mean, he bangged yuki an the girl is older than the boy. Also she said "my other father" not "our" But i don't think she sees him as her true father, hell she lived that long with a man she called dad and now theres coming this other one?

The best ending i think, wolud've been when Kaname died and zero found himself a nice girl. And yuki just ended up all alone. But that crapy girl got a happy life with a guy she diddn't deserved.

Sry for my english. Its not my laungauge :x
Aug 2, 2013 2:17 PM

Sep 2008
I don't think she stayed with him, because she couldn't be with Kaname.

First Yuki loved both guys.
She loved Kaname, because he have to love him,
this wasn't pure love, this like people arranges marriage,
and couple have to love each other.
She be with Kaname, because it was her duty.
She go to sleep with him, just to "forget about Zero",

But she love them both,
she could stay faithful to Kaname and leave Zero,
but she picked to be with Zero, get married, have kids and lot of good memories,
and died after Zero
and Kaname have his sad ending what he deserved.

Whole Yume love was just disappear,
because Yuki died, after all years with Zero,
and Kaname don't have memories about her.
Aug 2, 2013 2:39 PM

Apr 2013
LittleStar said:
I don't think she stayed with him, because she couldn't be with Kaname.

First Yuki loved both guys.
She loved Kaname, because he have to love him,
this wasn't pure love, this like people arranges marriage,
and couple have to love each other.
She be with Kaname, because it was her duty.
She go to sleep with him, just to "forget about Zero",

But she love them both,
she could stay faithful to Kaname and leave Zero,
but she picked to be with Zero, get married, have kids and lot of good memories,
and died after Zero
and Kaname have his sad ending what he deserved.

Whole Yume love was just disappear,
because Yuki died, after all years with Zero,
and Kaname don't have memories about her.

You're saying Yuuki went with Kaname solely because it was her duty?did you forget she was in love with him before ever knowing any of that?Yuuki's feeling for Kaname were sincere from the beginning,it's true there was also responsibility and commitment but that's not what started their love/feelings,it came with it later on.

Yuuki being with Zero in the end could also be out of responsibility if someone chose to look at it that way,since he basically told her to go with him or else he'd die of hunger.But of course I think there's more feelings behind it than that,same with Kaname.

Also this part "And died after Zero" makes it sound like Yuuki had no purpose in life after Zero's death so she choose to die,typical way to look at it from a shipper's perspective.but in fact Yuuki was waiting for the day the furnace's fire would be put out so she could sacrifice herself to make Kaname human,and keep in mind we do not know how long that took since Zero's death.

I don't really think Kaname got a sad ending,more like a bittersweet one but that's just imo.He still has some of his friends and Yuuki's two kids (with a big possibility one of them is his).
After everything he went through and everything he did (sacrificing himself and atoning for his mistakes,his research which surely made a great difference) Kaname deserves his human life now.
SalxerAug 2, 2013 2:56 PM
Aug 17, 2013 10:34 PM
May 2013
Aug 27, 2013 2:44 PM
May 2013
I liked it but I wanted more drama and a Kaname who stays dead.
Sep 3, 2013 4:53 AM

Dec 2011
I hate this manga.
Yuuki is fallen amoral woman.
Sep 11, 2013 7:13 PM
Sep 2013
[Sucking in english, sorry, but i have to comment it too ^^]

Well ... I'm following this manga for years and I admit that I stopped for a long time to read it because of the time to wait between every chapters. (shame on me !)

However, it's like the author had too much ideas to place, like she got lost in her own story -.- When i was younger, I was like "WTF IS THIS AWESOME FUCKIN MANGA, WTF LOVE STORY OF MY LIFE HAAAAAA". I even bought some japanese manga of vampire knight, trying to translate / learning japanese, just because of this manga !

And then, I came back to see what was going on with the story, I saw that the end was ready for me (finally ! near to 7 or 8 years ? XD) and ... Waouh ! I read all in a row and WAOUH ! WHY THAT ????!!!!! I'M WAITING FOR YEARS FOR THAT CREEPY ENDING ?!! WHY YUUKI ISNT MAKING BABIES WITH KANAME AS HER FUCKIN VAMPIRE QUEEN ?!!

After that "lonely surprise", I had to find out some explanations, some reactions, SOMETHING at least. I discovered this website with so much comments of Vampire Knight (Thank You A Lot) After reading a big part of them, I started to be myself again, using brain mostly normally etc :p

So i will just try to make a last comment, keeping in minds what you said before : If the author hadn't put the fight between humans and vampires so close from yuuki's story, maybe it would have permit kaname/yuuki OR yuuki/zero to have a perfect love story ... I think the fight was something like "lets give to hunters an evolution, more power, more hp, a fuckin level up" (it"s not digimon or pokemon wtf ...) The perfect end would have been that Kaname and Yuuki stayed together (my opinion sorry :p) and Zero ending up with a random girl, maybe yuuki's best friend ? w/e, we shouldnt care of Zero, he is too much broken, let someone else help him ! U_u

This manga is over but, even if 99% of people are disapointed, it was a pleasure to read it with so much stars in the eyes ;) We had hopes, the author broke all of them but w/e ! at least we had some because of this manga =D Maybe she just waited too much to finish the story, maybe she should just stop after yuuki became a vampire, but we kept to hope and hope for the perfect ending ... The author did that in others mangas, let's read all the stories she really finished correctly XD
Sep 20, 2013 3:44 AM

Sep 2013
What the hell did I just read? T__T
Sep 24, 2013 11:59 AM
Sep 2013
Hello, readers, I have a few things I must ask that I didn't quite understand from the final chapter:

1.How come zero only lived less than 1000 years, even tho he drank the blood of multiple purebloods + he was supplied with the blood of Yuki.I mean he was basically one of the strongest characters at the time...

2.What is the canonical translation of the final scene?I mean does the girls say "MY other father" or "OUR other father"?If she is Kaname's daughter and the boy is Zero's child, why does she look older than him?I mean she's a pureblood, she should age a LOT slower than the boy.Unless the boy was born hundreds of years later, which means Zero couldn't impregnate her for centuries?IDK, it feels like he's getting less "credit" than he deserves.I mean he was the right guy for her and ends up being used as a replacement and also:

3.If the girl is Kaname's child and the boy is Zero's child, does that mean the boy is inferrior to the girl?I mean it would mean that the girl is 100% pureblood and stronger and will live forever, while the boy is probably Noble class level or something like that, so he is weaker and he will die of age and this leads me to the final point:

4.If Zero's son dies of age, Kaname's daughter will live alone forever and they probably both realize that.Doesn't that mean there's a high chance that she decide to give Kaname her blood and regain his memories and his pureblood status, so she won't have to fear being alone forever?
vkfan993Sep 24, 2013 12:16 PM
Sep 24, 2013 12:20 PM

Sep 2011
vkfan993 said:
Hello, readers, I have a few things I must ask that I didn't quite understand from the final chapter:

1.How come zero only lived less than 1000 years, even tho he drank the blood of multiple purebloods + he was supplied with the blood of Yuki.I mean he was basically one of the strongest characters at the time...

2.What is the canonical translation of the final scene?I mean does the girls say "MY other father" or "OUR other father"?If she is Kaname's daughter and the boy is Zero's child, why does she look older than him?I mean she's a pureblood, she should age a LOT slower than the boy.Unless the boy was born hundreds of years later, which means Zero couldn't impregnate her for centuries?IDK, it feels like he's getting less "credit" than he deserves.I mean he was the right guy for her and ends up being used as a replacement and also:

3.If the girl is Kaname's child and the boy is Zero's child, does that mean the boy is inferrior to the girl?I mean it would mean that the girl is 100% pureblood and stronger and will live forever, while the boy is probably Noble class level or something like that, so he is weaker and he will die of age and this leads me to the final point:

4.If Zero's son dies of age, Kaname's daughter will live alone forever and they probably both realize that.Doesn't that mean there's a high chance that she decide to give Kaname her blood and regain his memories and his pureblood status, so she won't have to fear being alone forever?

Thing is, none of these questons were answered so we are all just left to speculate and there is no definitive answer from the mangaka, at least that I know of.
Sep 28, 2013 9:42 PM
Apr 2011
vkfan993 said:
Hello, readers, I have a few things I must ask that I didn't quite understand from the final chapter:

1.How come zero only lived less than 1000 years, even tho he drank the blood of multiple purebloods + he was supplied with the blood of Yuki.I mean he was basically one of the strongest characters at the time...

2.What is the canonical translation of the final scene?I mean does the girls say "MY other father" or "OUR other father"?If she is Kaname's daughter and the boy is Zero's child, why does she look older than him?I mean she's a pureblood, she should age a LOT slower than the boy.Unless the boy was born hundreds of years later, which means Zero couldn't impregnate her for centuries?IDK, it feels like he's getting less "credit" than he deserves.I mean he was the right guy for her and ends up being used as a replacement and also:

3.If the girl is Kaname's child and the boy is Zero's child, does that mean the boy is inferrior to the girl?I mean it would mean that the girl is 100% pureblood and stronger and will live forever, while the boy is probably Noble class level or something like that, so he is weaker and he will die of age and this leads me to the final point:

4.If Zero's son dies of age, Kaname's daughter will live alone forever and they probably both realize that.Doesn't that mean there's a high chance that she decide to give Kaname her blood and regain his memories and his pureblood status, so she won't have to fear being alone forever?

1. It doesn't matter if he drank the blood of multiple purebloods (Kaname and in turn Shizuka, and Yuki) he's still only a human turned vampire. He was the legendary 'twin hunter' and managed to absorb his brother, so he would have lived longer then a regular human if he hadn't been turned, so that adds to his longevity. But only Purebloods are truly immortal (this was established earlier in the manga and was a recurring theme: 'the loniness of the Pureblood'), any other vampires would eventually die. So it makes sense that he lived less than 1000 years.

2. At all the translations I've seen, the yume girl is speaking and says: "This is a message from my mother to my other father"; so while Kaname is biologically her father, she grew up with Zero as her only father figure hence why she says that. The yume girl was conceived the night Kaname and Yuki slept together for the first and only time, so when we see her she's approx 1000 years old. The Zeki boy was obviously conceived later (we don't know how long it took for Yuki to get over Kaname). In the end whether you're a Zeki or Yume fan, Hino totally did a disservice to Zero's character.

3. Yes the boy is inferior to the girl, the Yume girl is a Pureblood and the Zeki boy is a Noble (Pureblood mother and vampire turned human father). If they were to remain vampires the Yume girl would probably end up alone.

4. It's established at the end that they found a cure for vampirism, I would infer that both of Yuki's children would take it and live the rest of their days human along side a human Kaname. It would render Yuki's sacrifice (she offed herself to make Kaname human) useless if the Yume girl would turn him back into a Pureblood. Since Hino decided to jam in a cure for vampirism in the last few chapters, I'm guessing she was inferring that vampirism would become 'instinct' (so everyone becomes human) by the end of the manga, hence why Yuki could finally take Kaname's heart out of the furnace (they didn't need to make anti-vampire weapons anymore).

While a lot of it is speculation, most of it is based on the information that Hino gave us in previous chapters. With that being said there is a lot of redundancy and contradictions in her story telling so there's some things that are wishy-washy explanation wise.
Oct 31, 2013 2:28 PM

Feb 2013
efflorescent said:
What the hell did I just read? T__T

This chapter was shitty, why is everyone bothering to argue what happened and over- analyze everything?
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Nov 4, 2013 4:32 AM

Feb 2013
akatsukireunites said:
efflorescent said:
What the hell did I just read? T__T

This chapter was shitty, why is everyone bothering to argue what happened and over- analyze everything?

I feel the same way.. (!!^^)a
this is really 1 of the "what the damn hell" moment in manga reading time.. XD
Nov 7, 2013 11:42 AM

Dec 2011
Worst manga ever, feel like i ate some crap((.
motryaNov 7, 2013 11:47 AM
Dec 4, 2013 4:33 AM
Dec 2013
I luv Japanese anime n manga so much but this Vampire knight kind of makes me sick.It made me cry literally cuz d ending is so disgusting.D vampire siblings r so selfish throughout the series.D elder one Kaname used Zero as a weapon n her sis Yuki used whnever she wants in Kaname's absence.well it is to be expected since they r sibling with same dirty blood.I feel sad for Zero n Kiryu family.Till d end they end up bad.Zero's parents got murdered because of some conspiracy n d only twin brother he got never get along with him.Zero never got his family not even his brother n mostly d only girl he loved.D author however tried to put some scenes to confuse the readers that Yuki loved Zero too but I know readers aren't so fool n they probably got figured it out that the vampire sibling loved each other a lot n only used Zero for their own fucking reasons.I dnt even understood y some people felt sorry for Yuki n Kaname not ending happily.It doesnt matter who dies since they both luv each other.But Zero I can understand how hard it is to live with someone who doesnt love u 4 real.Zero n Kiryu family is just d goat 4 sacrifice in d whole series.So M sorry 4 Zero nt for d vampire siblings who r selfish.Zero shud have got a good ending thats wad I feel after going thru so much.May be d author luv vampires a lot thats y she gave them d power to destory anyone's life,even d power to play with human emotions n suck their blood,emotion,feeling n love n everything.God I hate ur work Hino.U tried to made it a love triangle story but as a whole its just about d love of vampire sibling.Zero ur existence is a total waste in d manga.till d end u r being used by vampire.oh God help me to calm down my frustration
Jan 1, 2014 4:09 AM
Jul 2018
akatsukireunites said:
efflorescent said:
What the hell did I just read? T__T

This chapter was shitty, why is everyone bothering to argue what happened and over- analyze everything?

Yeah, definitely. Except I thought it was pretty decent up until the final chapters where Matsuri Hino made it seem like she just wanted the manga to finally end.
Jan 5, 2014 1:04 PM

Sep 2011
There is another extra chapter out now that answers a lot more of the questions - it is listed separately like a one shot -- I like it better than this chapter but still not left feelings good but read it. It starts with Yori's point of view.

There is supposedly still one more final chapter or extra that I have not been able to find yet. I don't think it's translated yet. But links to it would be appreciated. :)

edit Never mind I think it is just two different groups that did the same extra chap.
inzarathaJan 5, 2014 2:39 PM
May 14, 2014 6:30 AM

Jan 2013
The daughter is Kaname and Yuukis child check out 93.5, its does not change the fact that she had two children with separate partners and that the ending sucked. But thank god, before this final chapter I had already lost the feeling of shock when it was revealed (LOL). Probably cause of the multiple heartbreaking moments in VK which made me sick of the manga itself.

Vesperlynd said:
So many fucking things that make no sense. Hino fucking fails

- Pregnant first time and only time she has sex with Kaname. Using Yuuki’s womb as a plot device, for shame.

- Kaname may recover his memories in the future and either die in agony or be saved and helplessly remember all the sad shit he went through.

- 89-92 meaningless filler.

- The children lose their parents. And the girl is Kaname’s daughter so she’s a pureblood and will eventually lose her brother too and live through all those painful pb issues. Like having to kill herself eventually because immortality is painful. Does Aidou and co’s ‘medicine’ resolve that issue? NOPE (EDIT: I read the whole set of raws last night andI guess she could take that medicine and become human. A huge disappointment though - when was being a pureblood a bad thing?)

And if we were going to get Zeki endgame anyway, all that bullshit Zero memory loss and Yume sex shouldn’t have been published because it’s just embarrassingly bad writing. Cut out 88-92, purebloods attack at the ball in 87 - skip straight to 93. There, fixed it for you

you forgot the part where he regains his memories and sleeps with his daughter (LOL)

vkfan993 said:
Hello, readers, I have a few things I must ask that I didn't quite understand from the final chapter:

1.How come zero only lived less than 1000 years, even tho he drank the blood of multiple purebloods + he was supplied with the blood of Yuki.I mean he was basically one of the strongest characters at the time...

2.What is the canonical translation of the final scene?I mean does the girls say "MY other father" or "OUR other father"?If she is Kaname's daughter and the boy is Zero's child, why does she look older than him?I mean she's a pureblood, she should age a LOT slower than the boy.Unless the boy was born hundreds of years later, which means Zero couldn't impregnate her for centuries?IDK, it feels like he's getting less "credit" than he deserves.I mean he was the right guy for her and ends up being used as a replacement and also:

3.If the girl is Kaname's child and the boy is Zero's child, does that mean the boy is inferrior to the girl?I mean it would mean that the girl is 100% pureblood and stronger and will live forever, while the boy is probably Noble class level or something like that, so he is weaker and he will die of age and this leads me to the final point:

4.If Zero's son dies of age, Kaname's daughter will live alone forever and they probably both realize that.Doesn't that mean there's a high chance that she decide to give Kaname her blood and regain his memories and his pureblood status, so she won't have to fear being alone forever?

I guess so, but you still forgot the part where he sleeps with her (LOL) XD, sorry I couldn't help myself

Arurie said:
I reeeeeally hope the daughter is from Zero. If not... I will cut someone.
Zero is happy in the end, so I'm happy... I guess. I mean, he's basically Kaname's replacement and is fine with that...
And wait... 1000 years passed? Does that mean that's how long Zero ended up living?
How is that even possible... O_o

Time to break the bad news dude, its kanames and yuukis (LOL) read 93.5

falcone90 said:

afterall Yuuki already accept her punishment, since no matter which her choice, her thirst can't really be fullfilled until she died and lift Kaname curse to live and die as normal human. Since those children looked so much like Yuuki and Zero, it seems like those two are still alive (btw, the girl looked prettier than yuuki and their chilren might be couple,XD)

No just no T_T

obviouslygeeky said:
00kiryu00 said:

The two children who is light haired and dark haired are BOTH Zero and Yuki's children the dark haired is not Kaname's child.

I had been wondering about this myself, because you like said that they could both Zero's kids. I think though that it is more likely that the daughter is Kaname's daughter because I think that Hino wants to give both YUME and ZEKI something. I also think the translation calling Kaname the other father meaning that he is her biological father (with Zero being her other father, the one who raised her) makes more sense. But I guess this is one of those details which will probably become clearer as we get more info and better translations.

I don't understand why people are still attempting to carry on with the ships wars, I mean, both ships are canon but I think there is a final pairing. Regardless of your opinion on whether or not he is the second choice the ship that sailed in the end is clearly Zeki. When Kaname ripped his heart out and gave Zeki is blessing he left the triangle, he gave up on being a romantic option for Yuuki. Even if Yuuki still had romantic feelings for Kaname when she turned him into a human at that point in the story Yume was no longer possible. A couple can't exist when one person is dead (Yuuki) and the other person (Kaname) doesn't remember the other individual. Yume's relationship ended when he decided to leave her in Zero's care. BTW even though Yuuki isn't thought of highly by many fans, she does have free will, even though Kaname wanted Zeki together she didn't have to go along with the idea, she MADE A CHOICE, there is no way anyone forced her. Yes, what Yuuki did for Kaname in the end was beautiful moment and an act of love (romantic or otherwise depending on your bias), but it does not mean that Yume was the endgame ship.

Check 93.5
Rage5110May 14, 2014 6:50 AM

"We are Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not forgive, We do not Forget, Expect Us."

May 15, 2014 6:16 AM

May 2013
i didnt know Zero was into MILF's but hey guess he had a good ending for himself
Kaname was just a manipulator in my opinion kinda like the character Danzo from naruto always pulls strings to fuck someone up but whatever 6/10 for this
"Knowing reality means maturity"
Aug 10, 2014 6:48 PM
Aug 2014
I lost my interest after the war at Cross Academy. It was pathetic. Should've just ended there so I wouldn't be so disgusted. Yes, I regretted knowing such series.
Oct 4, 2014 2:03 PM

Aug 2013
After getting tired of the endless reading forever stuck on chapter 88.. I finally managed to finish this manga..

There is an odd feeling in my heart and in my mind.

The journey is over.. My favorite manga is over..

I don't know how to feel. I guess I'll be in the psycho ward with a bunch of others that lost their minds after finishing this manga.

Bravo. 5/5 Long live Yuki and Kaname. <3
Oct 5, 2014 3:08 AM

Dec 2012
I love this tragic manga :D I really like it ♥ Awesome XD

- barely alive -
Oct 15, 2014 9:01 PM

May 2013
The ending was alright but made me cry manly tears then afterwards I turned into a girl and cried womanly tears. Gtfo onions.
Dec 16, 2014 6:35 PM
Dec 2014
Just wondering does it eve give a hint to if Yuki and Kaname's child is a pureblood and if so why can't he or she restore him. Like Kaname did for Yuki. Thanks
Mar 2, 2015 4:37 PM
Mar 2015
I am so very disappointed. :(
I kept up with the manga and the storyline awaiting for this?!
AGH!!! WTF this ending!

Why did Hino do this to us?
She just couldn't decide between Kaname or Zero?! (somehow, I feel like she was a kaname shipper anyways...-___-)
And when she also ships everyone together in the end... Gosh, I hate it when things turn out so very "Harry Pottery" in the end. I mean, everyone doesn't have to be together.

And in regards to the children, in my personal opinion, I think both of them were girls and Zero's legitimate kids. They probably just called Kaname their "other father" because when yuki's gone, who else would care for them. (not saying that Zero's not a good single parent but I'm just considering the possibilities. like how headmaster cross was her foster parent)

But despite the ending, I'm a YukixAidou shipper and I'm glad Hino put some of that in the last volume. (Hino ultimately crushed by ZeroxYuki dreams... TAT)
Mar 8, 2015 12:53 AM

Aug 2012
Seriously? That's the ending? I feel like Hino doesn't really care about Zero and leaves him out a lot; not giving him any nice or good scenes.

But seriously. How can you guys not really tell that that the dark haired girl is Kaname's daughter and the other child is Zero's? It's so freaking obvious, oh my god.
At first though, I thought Zero's child was a girl, but I guess it's a boy, since a lot of people are saying s/he is.

Anyways, I didn't really like that Kaname got revived. Like seriously, he's going to suffer even more if he regained his memories. Come on Yuki! Let him go already!
Apr 8, 2015 8:06 PM

Nov 2011
So a Zero ending pretty much for the manga. I can live with this. And the other pairing of ShikixRima and AkatsukixRuka is implied as well.

Decent ending I guess; at least much better imo than VK: Guilty. Overall 6/10. I still don't like Kaname much but his actions are quite a lot of good will.
Jun 26, 2015 2:11 AM
Jun 2015
i hate yuki ...hate her hate her hate......i dnt care how the story goes .. but make sure zero feel nothing for yuki coz she broke his heart n choose her perverted bro..THE SENSATION IN MY BODY TO SLAP THAT BITCH....100%
Jul 10, 2015 10:28 PM
Jul 2015
I thought the ending was beautiful, and disappointing at the same time. It leaves me wondering what happened afterwards. To the kids, to Kaname. Yuki and Zero in the after life.
Jul 16, 2015 4:56 PM
Jul 2015
I just want to know what the kids names are, I am writing fan fiction and making sure I spell everything right, in the ending of the manga, the vampire Knight manga, in the ending, what are the kids names?, that's all I want to know, send me a message if you have a reply, I really would appreciate your answer if you have one
Jul 19, 2015 5:54 PM

Aug 2012
Schwindt2011 said:
I just want to know what the kids names are, I am writing fan fiction and making sure I spell everything right, in the ending of the manga, the vampire Knight manga, in the ending, what are the kids names?, that's all I want to know, send me a message if you have a reply, I really would appreciate your answer if you have one

The daughter's name is Ai Kuran and the son's name is unkown.
Jul 24, 2015 2:26 AM
Jul 2015
Don"t be so quick to say Zero"s biological child as a male, the child have more possibility of being a female. The child sported the same hairstyle when yuuki use Artemis to cut her hair(bob hair) which is quite the trend these days with more and more female cutting that hair like hkt48 Sakura Miyazaki,ske48 matsui jurina,akb48 Haruka shimazaki,girls generation hyoyeon and sooyoung.

Besides, the child looks like a mix of hooded woman and Sara in facial features than zero. While Ai looks more like Juuri and kaname than yuuki. The child gender and name have not been confirmed and it is all spectaculation on our part so don"t be so quick to say the child is a male.

Yuuki sent them both to kaname and if the child is a female, maybe kaname can marry them both then no one will be left out or Ai can marry Isaya and the child can marry kaname since there are a few people who also believe the child is a female. Besides, kaname can love another like what yuuki did too and he move on from the hooded woman too so I believe he will move on from yuuki too. Since the name calling of nee san can be used for both genders calling an older sister and yuuki hug sayori in the same way as both the children did before
Jul 24, 2015 2:31 AM
Jul 2015
M00ner said:
Schwindt2011 said:
I just want to know what the kids names are, I am writing fan fiction and making sure I spell everything right, in the ending of the manga, the vampire Knight manga, in the ending, what are the kids names?, that's all I want to know, send me a message if you have a reply, I really would appreciate your answer if you have one

The daughter's name is Ai Kuran and the son's name is unkown.
. ]

Both of them are female, the younger child gender have not been confirmed but most likely a female so do go round saying the child is a son. Both are daughters.
Jul 24, 2015 2:37 AM

Aug 2012
Redfright said:
M00ner said:

The daughter's name is Ai Kuran and the son's name is unkown.
. ]

Both of them are female, the younger child gender have not been confirmed but most likely a female so do go round saying the child is a son. Both are daughters.

Zero and Yuki's child IS a boy. It even says it here.
Jul 24, 2015 3:00 AM
Jul 2015
Vesperlynd said:
So many fucking things that make no sense. Hino fucking fails

- Pregnant first time and only time she has sex with Kaname. Using Yuuki’s womb as a plot device, for shame.

- Kaname may recover his memories in the future and either die in agony or be saved and helplessly remember all the sad shit he went through.

- 89-92 meaningless filler.

- The children lose their parents. And the girl is Kaname’s daughter so she’s a pureblood and will eventually lose her brother too and live through all those painful pb issues. Like having to kill herself eventually because immortality is painful. Does Aidou and co’s ‘medicine’ resolve that issue? NOPE (EDIT: I read the whole set of raws last night andI guess she could take that medicine and become human. A huge disappointment though - when was being a pureblood a bad thing?)

And if we were going to get Zeki endgame anyway, all that bullshit Zero memory loss and Yume sex shouldn’t have been published because it’s just embarrassingly bad writing. Cut out 88-92, purebloods attack at the ball in 87 - skip straight to 93. There, fixed it for you

The younger child who is zero"s biological child gender have not been confirmed yet. How could people just jump to conclusion that child is a male, I believe Ai and the child are both female since yuuki send them to him and the female bob hair that is the trend these days and where yuuki have sported that hairstyle when she cuts her hair using Artemis. Née San can be use for both genders adressing an older woman and their interaction reminds me of yuuki and sayori.
Jul 24, 2015 3:05 AM
Jul 2015
M00ner said:
Redfright said:
. ]

Both of them are female, the younger child gender have not been confirmed but most likely a female so do go round saying the child is a son. Both are daughters.

Zero and Yuki's child IS a boy. It even says it here.

You do know myanimelist and vampire knight wiki can be edit by anyone? So it is not accurate. I mean manga canonwise have not been confirmed. So the child may possibly be a female kiryu.
Jul 24, 2015 3:44 AM
Jul 2015
Orulyon said:
So resuming:
Group hug. Zeki ending together. Kaname asleep. Yuuki has a daughter from Kaname and a son from Zero. Thousands of years pass. Zero dies. Yuuki gives her life to make Kaname human and he awakes to stay with his "children" who call him "our other dad". Who knows, Kurans like incest, so he might marry his own daughter. (Hino should have made Zero's son a female, LOOOL).


Well, all I have to say is...what a shitty end, as expected. Yuuki remained in love with Kaname and chose Zero because Kaname wasn't available. She has children from both, the new "kiryuu". Hino matsuri didnt have courage to leave one of the guys out.

Finally its over. It was a pleasure to debate VK with you during all these years in these threads. Bless you all, goodbye! Hope to join you in a thread of a better manga.

Actually the younger child who is zero biological child gender and name have not been confirmed yet and I mean not the vampire knight wiki or myanimelist one since they can be edit by anyone so the child may be a girl. That is why yuuki sent them to kaname right? And for kaname to find a new love and there is still Isaya.
Jul 24, 2015 3:50 AM
Jul 2015
Lalalandzz said:
Here's come the end of our long journey guys...The last chapter is hereeeee!!!!

Full chapter 93 [RAW]:

Translation [This is NOT a direct Japanese-English translation!]:

Full chapter 93 (English Translation):
(2nd pg cracked me up so hard! LOL)

Main events:
- Kaname will not die after he throws his heart into furnace. He gives his blessings to both Zero and Yuuki before he goes into deep slumber (trio hugs!). [Mostly contains YuMe moments]
- The fight between vampire and hunter is over. The building is crumbled down and all hunter weapons are shattered. (Zero, again saves our heroin's ass because well, being Yuuki with her shattered Artemis *face-palm*)
- Aidou preserves Kaname's body with his ice and discovers researches on a cure that can turn vampires into humans in Kuran family library (written by Kaname). [Mostly contains ZeKi moments]
- Possibly future pairings!?: The scene captured both KaitoxYori and YagarixSeiren in one panel XD. (Oh God, the scene where Maria looks at Zero with unrequited love makes me cry! To hell with Yuuki!)
- Cross Academy is finally back to normal. The scene shows Grandma Yori is telling her grandchildren about vampires and her old days with Yuuki. It also implied ShikixRima and KainxRuka ending.
=========1,000 years have passed=========
- Yuuki ends up with Zero until his last breath.
- Yuuki bears two children; One girl and one boy. (Probably older sister is Kaname's and younger brother is Zero's or both could be Zero's; we've nothing to confirmed but the girl refers Kaname as 'my other father') [So it could be the former or the latter as many have claimed that because Yuuki is still love both Kaname and Zero, she would, no doubt, let her kids acknowledge that they have two fathers, regardless of who their 'real' father is. There's also the theory why Hino-sensei put the YuMe sex scene in the first place just for this. So, please use discretion.] and takes both of them to visit Zero's grave.
- Yuuki also takes them to where Kaname is still in his deep slumber (Despite Aidou finishing the cure, Kaname's heart, taken back from the furnace, can't withstand the effect of the cure, nor can it even wake him up) and dies THANK GOD! giving her life to turn Kaname into human and left messages for him to her children.
- Kaname wakes up and his human life begins! (with no memories?)


Zero biological child have not been confirmed to be a male and those in vampire knight wiki or myanimelist can not be trusted since they can be edit by anyone. Mangawise, the gender have not been confirmed and Ai and the child may both be a female. Since the child have yuuki"s bob hair that is quite a trend these day with female idols and actors like hkt48 Miyazaki Sakura,ske48 matsui jurina,akb48 Haruka shimazaki and maeda atsuko trademark hairstyle alongside girls generation hyoyeon and sooyoung.
Jul 24, 2015 3:55 AM
Jul 2015
obviouslygeeky said:
Vesperlynd said:
So many fucking things that make no sense. Hino fucking fails

- Pregnant first time and only time she has sex with Kaname. Using Yuuki’s womb as a plot device, for shame.

- Kaname may recover his memories in the future and either die in agony or be saved and helplessly remember all the sad shit he went through.

- 89-92 meaningless filler.

- The children lose their parents. And the girl is Kaname’s daughter so she’s a pureblood and will eventually lose her brother too and live through all those painful pb issues. Like having to kill herself eventually because immortality is painful. Does Aidou and co’s ‘medicine’ resolve that issue? NOPE

And if we were going to get Zeki endgame anyway, all that bullshit Zero memory loss and Yume sex shouldn’t have been published because it’s just embarrassingly bad writing. Cut out 88-92, purebloods attack at the ball in 87 - skip straight to 93. There, fixed it for you

IA, I think cutting out those chaps would of reduced the hate towards the ending quite a bit.
Re: Kaname and his memories, looking at Yuuki's experience of being turned human you would think that turning Kaname into a human is doomed to be a bad idea eventually. But I bet that according to some magic Hino logic that it all turns ok and Kaname is happy, that was the whole point of Yuuki turning him into a human. It's illogical I know but I am sure that is what Hino intends for fans to take away from that mess.
As for the children losing their parents, well, at this stage you would assume Yuuki and Zero had lived for years and that their children have also enjoyed their parents company for a long time - parents can't live forever after all.
It's bad for Kaname's daughter as you said since she is a pureblood but perhaps she finds another pureblood to share eternity with her which reduces the loneliness. Also, I guess if Kaname does regain his memories and reverts back to being a pureblood she gets her father back lol.

Zero biological child have not been confirmed to be a male canon manga wise. Those in vampire knight wiki and myanimelist can be edit by anyone. The hairstyle the child sported is similar to the hairstyle yuuki sported when she uses Artemis to cut her hair and the child facial features are similar to the hooded woman and Sara. So the child may be a female kiryu
Aug 12, 2015 1:06 AM

Aug 2015
I just picked the series up again and re-read everything and at first I thought the ending was okay. Very bittersweet. But as more I thought about it as worse it appeared. Yuki had Kaname for only one year and most of it he was busy and not much there for her >.> What a bad plotter.
That's actually the worst and saddest for me.
If they at least would have spent some real quality time together before. Yuki just got a grasp who Kaname is - and accepted it - when he let her fall.

Who says that Zero is dead? He's drunk enough of Pureblood blood over the centuries and it's said to lengthen the life. I would believe you can feed one through eternity with that blood ^^
And from Kaname's past memories we know it can also heal. What should he have died of?
Somehow the topic about how vampires die of age (the ones that are not Pureblood) wasn't touched in that detail. The nobles would die too at some time.

If Zero really died then he got the best ending there... at the end he got the girl and even a family, which he surely didn't expect anymore after he let her go. Died with his most beloved ones around. What a win after such a hell.
If he did not die then he's fked and not only his thirst will torment him again.

If he died quite soon then Yuki was fked and sacrificing herself for Kaname was the only reason to keep going. Her children were surely old enough to live without parents by that time.

My preferred ending (after Kaname plotted himself so nicely into a corner - pld) would be Yuki and Kaname ending up as humans, with no memories but as soul mates they'd feel sympathy for each other instantly, rest takes it's natural flow.
I wonder why that Isa-something guy didn't turn him into a human, he was so eager to do it for Yuki before.

Ai could turn Kaname back into a Pureblood at any time xD And then she'd get the spanking of her lifetime - lol.

What I also dislike very much was the missing information what happened with he Hunter Association and the vampire society. After all Kaname sacrificed himself for that.
Are there quarrels still on going? Are the left Purebloods still causing nothing but pain? Who's the successor of Kaname?
Why couldn't his heart revive Kaname from his slumber when it heals eternally? It only needs to be put back. Rido recovered from much worse wounds in 10 years.

Hino def. needs to release much more chapters.
Thea: "Malik Blishtar is actually Marik Ishtar?"
Aug 14, 2015 1:33 PM
Aug 2015
i really really really am soooo unbelievably disappointed with this ending i'm upset that kaname is yet again alone with memory loss, not to mention that zero is dead i mean i would've wanted him to have a nicer ending than ending up with yuki he deserved better than her and i felt sooooooo sorry for maria who actually loved him, i mean yuki just couldn't make up her mind between zero and kaname

also kaname deserved better than her, she was a crappy fiance.

i thought i didnt like yuki in the beginning but now i just cant stand her
Aug 23, 2015 4:03 PM
Aug 2015
I had such high hopes after I finished the first chapter! Then as the whole thing started getting worse chapter by chapter! I wanted to drop the series here by chapter 30. But I gave it the benefit of the doubt and finished it.... Biggest mistake ever! The ending just sucked, I could see that it was going to suck by chapte 50, but I never thought it would suck that much. In the end, Yuuki settles for second best. Zero accepts being second best. Kaname has to live and die a third time. Who's happy here?!?
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