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Sep 16, 2013 6:24 PM

Sep 2011
Well, you know what is this all about. Except, I doubt lots of people who played LB VN tried to play the EX routes.

So for those who haven't played the EX routes, it's best not to lurk here.

Anyway, Game. Start. (Saya's line)

For those who might wonder when will they release the Refrain BDs, which means each BD includes 1 EX episode:

EX episode 1: January 29.
EX episode 2: February 26.
EX episode 3: March 26.
EX episode 4: April 23.
EX episode 5: May 28.
EX episode 6: June 25.
EX episode 7: July 30.
EX episode 8: July 30.
TennoujiJan 24, 2014 5:52 PM

Pages (6) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Sep 17, 2013 1:53 PM
Oct 2012
The only EX route I played was Sasami's route. I played it with Translator Agregator, it was really difficult to understand what it meant but I got the gasp of it. I wonder if they will iclude her normal end or the good end. There's no problem (I think) with the good one. Wouldn't she end up joining the Little Busters! ? I've never played Saya's or Kanata's route so I don't know if they end up joining the group. I think Sasami's joining the LB! would be a great way to finish Little Busters!.

Her route also is like an Epilogue for refrain... So Sasami's one of the possible romantic relationships Riki could end up with... But I can see her route with out all the romantic environment...

About her route, there's one thing I didn't get. Why Sasami decided to stay in the Dream world (Kuro's world) with Kuro... The reason I think I understood was because she wanted to make up for what she didn't do in the past. Is that right?
Sep 17, 2013 5:59 PM
Jun 2012
I think the biggest thing I'm excited for is Saya's route. During Refrain everybody will hate Kyousuke, then love him again, more than ever before.

Saya's route is when we get to see him be a huge asshole again and I really hope they do a good job conveying that
Sep 17, 2013 7:12 PM

Oct 2010
I played through Saya's and part of Sasami's route (I skipped through all of Kanata) and I got an idea of what happens in Saya's and Sasami's route through discussions on other sites.

I can't wait for Saya's route. I really hope her VA from the games is in the anime.
Sep 17, 2013 11:05 PM

Sep 2011
Irustua said:
The only EX route I played was Sasami's route. I played it with Translator Agregator, it was really difficult to understand what it meant but I got the gasp of it. I wonder if they will iclude her normal end or the good end.

You mean True End since I guess it is really meant for Sasami to join the Little Busters. Anyway, I can tell they will do the True End. If you check the characters section of LB anime website before they announced Refrain, there were 11 characters and Sasami is included on the 11. Meaning it's hinted that she'll eventually join to the Little Busters but of course, that will only occur at the ending of her route.

Irustua said:
I've never played Saya's or Kanata's route so I don't know if they end up joining the group.

Kanata didn't join to the Little Busters on her route. Saya also but there is a reason.

Irustua said:
I think Sasami's joining the LB! would be a great way to finish Little Busters!.

While that I can agree with you there, it's really best to end it with Saya's route. If you don't mind spoilers about Saya's route, you can check the spoiler tag about why it should end it with Saya's route.

Irustua said:

Her route also is like an Epilogue for refrain... So Sasami's one of the possible romantic relationships Riki could end up with... But I can see her route with out all the romantic environment...

You mean sequel? And yeah, Riki and Sasami relationship may be one of the canon pairing but I agree that the romance on her route is really lackluster. It's nore like filled with RomCom than real romance.

Irustua said:

About her route, there's one thing I didn't get. Why Sasami decided to stay in the Dream world (Kuro's world) with Kuro... The reason I think I understood was because she wanted to make up for what she didn't do in the past. Is that right?

Yeah because one is she abandoned him.

But what I don't get it is, if Sasami's route is after Refrain, why I think Riki seemed forgot about Refrain and the nature of the secret of the world? Since Riki witnessed that Sasami is turning into a cat, he should figure out that there's something wrong in the world.

LightSoul said:
(I skipped through all of Kanata)

Why did you do that? ;_;

Well, as if anyone who can't read Japanese will understand her route since her route is full of details goddammit. And I don't get most of her route either...

LightSoul said:

I can't wait for Saya's route. I really hope her VA from the games is in the anime.

Surely, her VA will still the same.

But I really hope Tamiyasu Tomoe will voice Sasami again once her route is started airing.

Sep 17, 2013 11:06 PM

Sep 2011
By the way guys, do you really think this incoming EX anime adaptation is an another season or just bunch of individual OVAs per EX route?

Sep 18, 2013 8:43 AM
Oct 2012
Tennouji_ said:

But what I don't get it is, if Sasami's route is after Refrain, why I think Riki seemed forgot about Refrain and the nature of the secret of the world? Since Riki witnessed that Sasami is turning into a cat, he should figure out that there's something wrong in the world. ]

He didn't forget about refrain. He remembers all the little details like the main event with each girl (Komari's trauma, Kud selfesteem, Nizhisono's depression, the emotionless Kurugaya and Haruka's family problems) Like at the end of her route when they are burying Kuro's corpse saying that Komari may relate to her. Another reason is when Komari went to Sasami's room, she speaks about what they lived in the dream world but with mere details and Riki says a lot of times that he had lived that before in a world that kyousuke and his friends created.

Tennouji_ said:
By the way guys, do you really think this incoming EX anime adaptation is an another season or just bunch of individual OVAs per EX route?

Little Busters! has been really popular in Japan so a third season is probably the best option. Like Fate/stay night, they are exploiting the series a lot but is popular. A movie is not probable (at least for Sasami and Kanata) and ovas... I wouldn't like it because I would have to wait a lot to see each of their routes...

I was thinkind that if they are doing the EX routes, they are going to adapt them to the lineal story? or they will be just stories about the girls?? I think that's exciting because that means that they could include the romance in the three of them.
Sep 18, 2013 9:24 AM

Sep 2011
Irustua said:

I was thinkind that if they are doing the EX routes, they are going to adapt them to the lineal story? or they will be just stories about the girls?? I think that's exciting because that means that they could include the romance in the three of them.

Well, that might be case-to-case basis since Sasami's and Kanata's routes are very easy to remove the romance. But there will be an issue on Kanata's route. If they remove the romance of Kanata's route(Basically, it's also mean removing Riki-Kanata scenes), then that's not Kanata's route anymore but Haruka's route: Rehash.

About Saya's route, removing romance is not easy because her route is also romance-heavy. Plus, if you didn't check the spoiler tag that I posted, her route is completely another story of Little Busters.

So if they're going to do linear format, it'll be like this(Well, actually, either format should be like this though the order of Kanata's and Sasami's can be interchanged if JC Staff wants to but Saya's should definitely be the very last):

Kanata's -> Sasami's || Saya's.

Irustua said:

Little Busters! has been really popular in Japan so a third season is probably the best option. Like Fate/stay night, they are exploiting the series a lot but is popular. A movie is not probable (at least for Sasami and Kanata) and ovas... I wouldn't like it because I would have to wait a lot to see each of their routes...

I guess that'll depend of Refrain season and if they get enough budget, they can consider LB:EX as a definite 3rd season, maybe making it 2-cour season too. :D
TennoujiSep 18, 2013 9:45 AM

Sep 18, 2013 9:39 AM

Sep 2011
Irustua said:

He didn't forget about refrain. He remembers all the little details like the main event with each girl (Komari's trauma, Kud selfesteem, Nizhisono's depression, the emotionless Kurugaya and Haruka's family problems) Like at the end of her route when they are burying Kuro's corpse saying that Komari may relate to her. Another reason is when Komari went to Sasami's room, she speaks about what they lived in the dream world but with mere details and Riki says a lot of times that he had lived that before in a world that kyousuke and his friends created.

If that's the case, then why Riki wasn't doing something 'productive'(He's just asking anyone if they can hear Sasami in cat form) as if he didn't learn a lesson about the secret of the world or consult to Kyousuke since he's genius when it comes to the secret of the world(At least he should start finding Kyosuke since he disappeared from the start). I also don't get it why Kuro just appeared right after Riki confessed to Sasami when Kuro could appear in front of Sasami in the first place(And, I think, whenever Kuro wants to) without all the trouble, unless there's a reason that I wish you explain that to me base on what you understand. I couldn't help myself but to think her route seemed to be dragged at that point despite her route is my 3rd(Or 2nd) most favorite heroine route.
TennoujiSep 18, 2013 9:50 AM

Sep 18, 2013 10:51 AM

Mar 2013
Kanata's should be the easiest route with romance removed.The final half of her route is almost nothing but flashbacks and scars issue while the first half is about Riki helping her out with her everyday chores(since when did the discipline committee has to pick up trashes,clean the school windows,wash the dorm laundries and fix school's properties? She should be paid for doing her job...) and Riki help out only because Kyosuke asked him to.

I always feel like the whole Riki likes Kanata really just came out of nowhere so her route is better off without romance.

Even so,without romance her route still isn't exactly the same with Haruka's because
Haruka acted very different in Kanata's route.
We get to see the full story of why Kanata turned bitch mode.
We get to know more insight of Kanata's character and how she act toward other LB members.
We get to see twin's real resolution against the evil family.
Kanata actually have to practice all night just to call Riki without his full name.
Sep 18, 2013 7:05 PM

Sep 2011
Yeah but still, even with those, it's still mostly about the twins again and about Haruka getting beat up, etc. That's why I really think Kanata's route is just a rehash of Haruka's route(Given this route's conflict is about Haruka again and the conflict about Kanata just started at the near-end of the route) but on Kanata's point of view.

So, I think I hope we will get the 'burger scene'.

zakkun89 said:

Kanata actually have to practice all night just to call Riki without his full name.

I just really laughed on this one but she did only call him "Naoe".

Sep 18, 2013 7:13 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

I always feel like the whole Riki likes Kanata really just came out of nowhere so her route is better off without romance.

Well, I kinda agree with you there(But we got tons of Kanata's scenes on the first half) but isn't that applies to Sasami's route or not really? What do you think about the romance in Sasami's route or you haven't played it yet?

Sep 18, 2013 9:45 PM

Sep 2012
Haven't played EX
But tell me, is the Kanata route amazing?
(say yes please)
Sep 18, 2013 10:29 PM

Sep 2011
Exbo said:
Haven't played EX
But tell me, is the Kanata route amazing?
(say yes please)

In my opinion, sorry but it isn't that amazing. Quite decent actually.

Sep 19, 2013 1:58 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:
Yeah but still, even with those, it's still mostly about the twins again and about Haruka getting beat up, etc. That's why I really think Kanata's route is just a rehash of Haruka's route(Given this route's conflict is about Haruka again and the conflict about Kanata just started at the near-end of the route) but on Kanata's point of view.

So, I think I hope we will get the 'burger scene'.

Haruka's hardly had any conflict,she was calm and understanding throughout Kanata's route even when Kanata acted coldly toward her,she only laughed it off.For example,the bench scene didn't happen because Haruka's decided to ask nicely about it.I agree they did rant about the twin subject again but the main different is that it about both of them this time and not just about Haruka's self-esteem issue.

Burger? What burger? All I saw is a whole load of ketchup.

Tennouji_ said:
I just really laughed on this one but she did only call him "Naoe".

I wonder how Kud feel when her roommate start mumbling all night LOL
Talk about Kud,she is the thing I like the most in Kanata's route.....why is everyone suddenly sound so strong and wonderful in Kanata's route !?

Tennouji_ said:

Well, I kinda agree with you there(But we got tons of Kanata's scenes on the first half) but isn't that applies to Sasami's route or not really? What do you think about the romance in Sasami's route or you haven't played it yet?

That "tons of Kanata's scene" could be summed up in this :
Kanata: Go away,Naoe Riki.Don't you have better thing to spend your youth ?
Riki:Nah,I'd rather spend time here doing boring stuffs and drink tea.
--------> LOVE <3

Seriously,their relationship wouldn't go anywhere without A-chan : She's the one who constantly leave them alone,she's the one who made Riki goes shopping with Kanata,she's the one giving movie tickets for them to watch on their date,she's the one who told Kanata to stop calling Riki's full name etc.....


I only played about 1/3(i think)of Sasami's route and stopped because honestly I just couldn't take her route seriously so I can't really give out verdict but from my first impression,Sasami's romance seem forced,she sure got over Kengo quickly.
Sep 19, 2013 2:22 AM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

Haruka's hardly had any conflict,she was calm and understanding throughout Kanata's route even when Kanata acted coldly toward her,she only laughed it off.For example,the bench scene didn't happen because Haruka's decided to ask nicely about it.I agree they did rant about the twin subject again but the main different is that it about both of them this time and not just about Haruka's self-esteem issue.

I was referring when they talk about the past.

zakkun89 said:

Burger? What burger? All I saw is a whole load of ketchup.

C'mon the burger is what matters.

zakkun89 said:
but from my first impression,Sasami's romance seem forced,she sure got over Kengo quickly.

Not really. She did still confess her love to him but I guess you can tell the result.

Sep 19, 2013 7:33 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

I was referring when they talk about the past.

But Kanata'spast is the one big misunderstanding mess that never got explained in Haruka's.
Did they explain why Kanata only has one hair ornament in Haruka's route ? Nope
Did they explain why the twin began to grow apart in Haruka's route ? Nope
Did they explain exactly how Haruka got free from the family when she was a kid in her route ? Nope
Did they mention how Kanata has a very deep complex about her scars in Haruka's route ? Nope

So rather than a rehash,it should be the missing peices of the puzzle.

Well anyway,the anime could made Kanata arc as the continuation to Haruka arc or after refrain no problem,Sasami is also after refrain,as for Saya......uuuuummmm suddenly go back to before refrain world after all that "after refrain" is pretty weird.
Sep 19, 2013 8:50 PM
Oct 2012
Tennouji_ said:
Irustua said:

He didn't forget about refrain. He remembers all the little details like the main event with each girl (Komari's trauma, Kud selfesteem, Nizhisono's depression, the emotionless Kurugaya and Haruka's family problems) Like at the end of her route when they are burying Kuro's corpse saying that Komari may relate to her. Another reason is when Komari went to Sasami's room, she speaks about what they lived in the dream world but with mere details and Riki says a lot of times that he had lived that before in a world that kyousuke and his friends created.

If that's the case, then why Riki wasn't doing something 'productive'(He's just asking anyone if they can hear Sasami in cat form) as if he didn't learn a lesson about the secret of the world or consult to Kyousuke since he'senius when it comes to the secret of the world(At least he should start finding Kyosuke since he disappeared from the start). I also don't get it why Kuro just appeared right after Riki confessed to Sasami when Kuro could appear in front of Sasami in the first place(And, I think, whenever Kuro wants to) without all the trouble, unless there's a reason that I wish you explain that to me base on what you understand. I couldn't help myself but to think her route seemed to be dragged at that point despite her route is my 3rd(Or 2nd) most favorite heroine route.

He did. He said at first that just as in their friends world that world was created to achieve something. He realise that that world wasn't meant for him so he says that Sasami must find the world's reason. So he speaks to everybody to help her to find the reason. Kyousuke wasn't there so he thinks that Kengo has something to do with it. They realize after a while that Kuro wanted to have his lasts times with Sasami.

And I'm sorry I didn't get the romantic part of it. The only thing I know is that Kuro knew (god knows how...) that Riki was in a similar situation so Kuro wanted Riki so he could help Sasami. Or something like that xDDD
Sep 19, 2013 8:51 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:
Tennouji_ said:

I was referring when they talk about the past.

But Kanata'spast is the one big misunderstanding mess that never got explained in Haruka's.
Did they explain why Kanata only has one hair ornament in Haruka's route ? Nope
Did they explain why the twin began to grow apart in Haruka's route ? Nope
Did they explain exactly how Haruka got free from the family when she was a kid in her route ? Nope
Did they mention how Kanata has a very deep complex about her scars in Haruka's route ? Nope

So rather than a rehash,it should be the missing peices of the puzzle.

That's what I really wanted to say instead of rehash! It's just at my tip of my e-tongue.

zakkun89 said:

Well anyway,the anime could made Kanata arc as the continuation to Haruka arc or after refrain no problem,

But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having a season(If it really is) that is dedicated to the EX routes? Well, her route has a "separated timeline" and all.

zakkun89 said:
as for Saya......uuuuummmm suddenly go back to before refrain world after all that "after refrain" is pretty weird.

That's why I was thinking that I think LB:EX should be considered as an alternate story or side story of Little Busters instead of sequel of Refrain. But since Kanata's and Sasami's routes are post-Refrain, I guess majority(2:1) wins.

By the way, speaking of Saya's route, should we consider Kyousuke here as one of the main characters too?

Sep 19, 2013 9:09 PM

Sep 2011
Irustua said:

He did. He said at first that just as in their friends world that world was created to achieve something. He realise that that world wasn't meant for him so he says that Sasami must find the world's reason. So he speaks to everybody to help her to find the reason. Kyousuke wasn't there so he thinks that Kengo has something to do with it. They realize after a while that Kuro wanted to have his lasts times with Sasami.

And I'm sorry I didn't get the romantic part of it. The only thing I know is that Kuro knew (god knows how...) that Riki was in a similar situation so Kuro wanted Riki so he could help Sasami. Or something like that xDDD

And so by that time they realize the world's purpose, they started to find Kuro and Kuro's not the one who just appeared in front of them?

Sep 19, 2013 9:56 PM
Oct 2012
Tennouji_ said:

And so by that time they realize the world's purpose, they started to find Kuro and Kuro's not the one who just appeared in front of them?

They didn't realize it until the very end when the story was being told as an ancient film. After that you have the option to leave or to stay.

I remembered another thing I didn't understand. The invisible wall near the backyard. The one that had a hole or something like that. I didn't understand any of that. By the way I've been trying to find the Sasasegawa Sasami's manga Black Fantasia but I can't find it anywhere even in Japanese.
Sep 20, 2013 12:29 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having a season(If it really is) that is dedicated to the EX routes? Well, her route has a "separated timeline" and all.

Assuming they're gonna do it without romance,making Kanata's arc as continuation will make Riki's interaction with her less awkward and Haruka's change in attitude will make more sense.
And since Kanata's is that missing pieces in the big picture,making the story goes like that would certainly made me feel like the puzzle is completed from both side.

Tennouji_ said:

That's why I was thinking that I think LB:EX should be considered as an alternate story or side story of Little Busters instead of sequel of Refrain. But since Kanata's and Sasami's routes are post-Refrain, I guess majority(2:1) wins.

That is still depend on what kind of form they're gonna gave for EX.
If it's OVA then it will be more likely to be alt/side arc that might or might not really happen.
If they go for another season..........No no no no no,thinking about it will just make me imagining how they might screw up everything.

Tennouji_ said:

By the way, speaking of Saya's route, should we consider Kyousuke here as one of the main characters too?

Wouldn't that be spoiler ? I know it was dead obvious from the start but still,he wear mask for a reason !
Sep 20, 2013 2:46 AM

Sep 2011
Irustua said:

They didn't realize it until the very end when the story was being told as an ancient film. After that you have the option to leave or to stay.

Oh, about that, is that Sasami's memory or Riki just saw that memory?

Irustua said:

I remembered another thing I didn't understand. The invisible wall near the backyard. The one that had a hole or something like that. I didn't understand any of that.

Actually I didn't know about that there was an invisible wall. But I think that might be Kuro's territory or something since I believe they buried Kuro there in the end.

Irustua said:
By the way I've been trying to find the Sasasegawa Sasami's manga Black Fantasia but I can't find it anywhere even in Japanese.

I was trying to find that too but I guess they never released the 3 EX stories' manga to the net.

Sep 20, 2013 2:51 AM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

If they go for another season..........No no no no no,thinking about it will just make me imagining how they might screw up everything.

How can you say that? By that, there is a high possibility that they might not screw the EX routes especially Saya's and Sasami's.

zakkun89 said:

Wouldn't that be spoiler ? I know it was dead obvious from the start but still,he wear mask for a reason !

But everything that is related to him disguising is always futile since he's so easy to recognize!

Sep 20, 2013 6:59 PM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

How can you say that? By that, there is a high possibility that they might not screw the EX routes especially Saya's and Sasami's.

Base on what they did with the 1st season.My greatest concern is of course : romance but that had already been talked to death so moving on to my second concern : pacing,the routes in the 1st season was a lot more easier to adapt than EX routes but they still butchered them easily.The third concern is : quality,there's gonna be a decent amount of action in Saya's route but they couldn't even managed to make the animation during "Koshiki falling off the roof" part properly !
And it doesn't matter if they have bigger budget or not if they can't fix their incompetence.
Tennouji_ said:

But everything that is related to him disguising is always futile since he's so easy to recognize!

We should respect his secrecy! And to me,his disguising is just about the same with Saya's "perfectly hidden" barrel.
Sep 20, 2013 11:02 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

Base on what they did with the 1st season.My greatest concern is of course : romance but that had already been talked to death so moving on to my second concern : pacing,the routes in the 1st season was a lot more easier to adapt than EX routes but they still butchered them easily.The third concern is : quality,there's gonna be a decent amount of action in Saya's route but they couldn't even managed to make the animation during "Koshiki falling off the roof" part properly !
And it doesn't matter if they have bigger budget or not if they can't fix their incompetence.

Actually, I already figured that one out why they did not make some effort for the first 4 heroine routes and they make it only "passable for the viewers". The reason is simple, because they wanted to spend their remaining budget on Refrain(1/4 goes to season 1 and 3/4 goes to Refrain season), whether the 1st season was a success or not and unexpectedly, it went to success.

I'll post here what I said on someone about my opinion of the Refrain trailer which is I'm indifferent and its reason why:
Tennouji_ said:
About LB! Refrain's trailer... To be honest, I'm still indifferent. I wanted to get hype after seeing it but I really feel indifferent. Probably because the first 4 arcs didn't give much justice and they're just planning to concentrate more on Refrain. Sure Refrain is the key story of LB so they shouldn't fuck it up in any kind of adaptation no matter what but c'mon... how about the other routes? Are they just there so they can do whatever they want as long as it's "passable for the viewers" and not making also much effort on them, not just only Refrain? I really think it's unfair. 3 episodes for each of the 4 arcs isn't enough to give them some love.

If they're on that, why did they even bother adapting the other routes? They could just adapt Rin and Refrain if they're not even planning on making effort on the other routes too.

And by that, I'm really pissed on JC Staff. Good thing that KyoAni gave the routes some love(Except Tomoyo's and Kyou's routes) but JC Staff...

BUT since LB:EX will be surely aired when Refrain is done, I bet they will use what they earn on LB Refrain and if it really sold so damn well, they will most likely make some huge effort too for the EX routes... I guess(That depends on how many cours they will do for it and if it's 2 cours, we have huge hope).

zakkun89 said:

We should respect his secrecy! And to me,his disguising is just about the same with Saya's "perfectly hidden" barrel.

But then again, Riki's disguise on Saya's route seriously got me(I never knew it was Riki the whole fucking time until Saya appeared)!

Sep 21, 2013 12:01 AM

Sep 2011
Annnd Kyousuke became the main character! Who did that!?

Sep 21, 2013 10:34 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

BUT since LB:EX will be surely aired when Refrain is done, I bet they will use what they earn on LB Refrain and if it really sold so damn well, they will most likely make some huge effort too for the EX routes... I guess(That depends on how many cours they will do for it and if it's 2 cours, we have huge hope).

But they already announced and start making EX before Refrain even air and it will be even longer for the first Refrain DVD/BD to come out and start making some cash.They wouldn't reveal EX so early if they really want to wait for Refrain's success first.
So yeah,I don't really have a high hope for any major quality improvement for both Refrain and EX.

Tennouji_ said:

But then again, Riki's disguise on Saya's route seriously got me(I never knew it was Riki the whole fucking time until Saya appeared)!

But Riki look and sound more feminine than Saya !
I knew it wasn't Saya just from looking at Riki's weak-looking pose
Tennouji_ said:
Annnd Kyousuke became the main character! Who did that!?

I thought you did it LOL
Sep 21, 2013 12:22 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

But they already announced and start making EX before Refrain even air and it will be even longer for the first Refrain DVD/BD to come out and start making some cash. They wouldn't reveal EX so early if they really want to wait for Refrain's success first.
So yeah,I don't really have a high hope for any major quality improvement for both Refrain and EX

True that they already announced EX(In fact, they "re-announced" it since we already got a news that they said "they will do ALL routes") before Refrain season airs but they haven't announced the type because maybe they're still deciding.

And I don't really have some hopes either but only for EX routes anime adaptation. But I haven't lose my hope because the type hasn't revealed yet(And it seems they'll get a definite 3rd season judging by it's entitled "LB:EX" and what really matters is whether it'll be 1 cour or 2 cours).

zakkun89 said:

I thought you did it LOL

No. In fact, I assigned him as supporting.

Also, LB:EX turned into a Side Story of LB:Refrain instead of sequel! What the hell!? Who did that too!?

There is a secret of this forum!

Sep 21, 2013 2:05 PM
Jul 2013
Tennouji_ said:

To be honest, I'm still indifferent. I wanted to get hype after seeing it but I really feel indifferent. Probably because the first 4 arcs didn't give much justice and they're just planning to concentrate more on Refrain. Sure Refrain is the key story of LB so they shouldn't fuck it up in any kind of adaptation no matter what but c'mon... how about the other routes? Are they just there so they can do whatever they want as long as it's "passable for the viewers" and not making also much effort on them, not just only Refrain? I really think it's unfair. 3 episodes for each of the 4 arcs isn't enough to give them some love.

I'm not sure that's correct. The scriptwriter allocated 26 episodes among 4 arcs and a common route, which is reasonable enough in a VN adaptation. However, the structural choice made it difficult to pace well. Basically, each episode was dedicated to either a common route event or to a particular character arc, whereas an alternative methodology might've been to blend the two together (so there's less time spent on the common route overall by sneaking in some character route development where possible) within certain episodes. The latter requires more changes but also allows extra time for an arc to develop.

As for Refrain and EX, there's still no confirmation on how long they're going to be. Warner might go with 26 + 13 episodes, but other arrangements are possible, such as 13 + 13 (seems a bit of a long shot) or 17 + 9.
Sep 21, 2013 3:45 PM
Apr 2013
A question. A look at the translation site for LB Ecstasy shows that Kud's route has 2000 more lines than the original. Is that true and if it is, what was added? (You know, besides sex scenes)
Sep 21, 2013 8:20 PM

Sep 2011
Yause said:

I'm not sure that's correct. The scriptwriter allocated 26 episodes among 4 arcs and a common route, which is reasonable enough in a VN adaptation. However, the structural choice made it difficult to pace well. Basically, each episode was dedicated to either a common route event or to a particular character arc, whereas an alternative methodology might've been to blend the two together (so there's less time spent on the common route overall by sneaking in some character route development where possible) within certain episodes. The latter requires more changes but also allows extra time for an arc to develop.

As for Refrain and EX, there's still no confirmation on how long they're going to be. Warner might go with 26 + 13 episodes, but other arrangements are possible, such as 13 + 13 (seems a bit of a long shot) or 17 + 9.

It's not necessarily mean about what I said is true. That's my point of view. Look at Clannad, each arc got 4 or more 4 than episodes so the heroines and the characters who got their arcs received love. Plus, the quality is as good as the After Story arc. But the first 4 arcs of LB, only 3 episodes and by that, you can't easily get attached to the heroines and the quality of the arcs are "passable". Look at Haruka's arc, most people can tell it's rushed because supposedly, her arc deserves more than 4 episodes.

I bet zakkun89 too can see about the quality issue of the heroine arcs.

And 13 episodes of EX? I can easily tell the quality of the EX arcs will turn out to be "passable" again because the EX routes are longer than the heroine routes and even Refrain. That's why the number of episodes for EX season is what I worry about the most.

MCAL said:
A question. A look at the translation site for LB Ecstasy shows that Kud's route has 2000 more lines than the original. Is that true and if it is, what was added? (You know, besides sex scenes)

What's new on Kud's route is the Good End. When you're going to aim the Good End, there are new scenes. So yeah, Kud's route has 2 endings.

Sep 22, 2013 12:03 AM
Apr 2013
Tennouji_ said:
MCAL said:

A question. A look at the translation site for LB Ecstasy shows that Kud's route has 2000 more lines than the original. Is that true and if it is, what was added? (You know, besides sex scenes)

What's new on Kud's route is the Good End. When you're going to aim the Good End, there are new scenes. So yeah, Kud's route has 2 endings.

I don't mind being spoiled here. What's the good end like? Is it related to Kud Wafter?
Sep 22, 2013 1:33 AM

Sep 2011
MCAL said:
Tennouji_ said:
MCAL said:

A question. A look at the translation site for LB Ecstasy shows that Kud's route has 2000 more lines than the original. Is that true and if it is, what was added? (You know, besides sex scenes)

What's new on Kud's route is the Good End. When you're going to aim the Good End, there are new scenes. So yeah, Kud's route has 2 endings.

I don't mind being spoiled here. What's the good end like? Is it related to Kud Wafter?

I don't know the details because I ctrl'ed Kud's route that leads to Good End. But what I can remember is there's no "chain scene" yet Kud managed to come back.

Sep 22, 2013 10:39 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

True that they already announced EX(In fact, they "re-announced" it since we already got a news that they said "they will do ALL routes") before Refrain season airs but they haven't announced the type because maybe they're still deciding.

They already finished making refrain but still haven't reveal the format yet because apparently to them the format is gonna be somewhat a surprisingly big deal to the viewers.
I think EX might very well be the same type with refrain.
Tennouji_ said:

And I don't really have some hopes either but only for EX routes anime adaptation. But I haven't lose my hope because the type hasn't revealed yet(And it seems they'll get a definite 3rd season judging by it's entitled "LB:EX" and what really matters is whether it'll be 1 cour or 2 cours).

I'm not letting my hype get to high until they announce having 4-5 episodes length for each heroine.......But seeing Harumi Sakurai being hyped for Saya is making me hyped too so whatever.


Tennouji_ said:

No. In fact, I assigned him as supporting.

Also, LB:EX turned into a Side Story of LB:Refrain instead of sequel! What the hell!? Who did that too!?

There is a secret of this forum!

Interesting,if I said there's gonna be H scenes,will it magically changed the rating to 18+ ?
Sep 22, 2013 12:24 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

I'm not letting my hype get to high until they announce having 4-5 episodes length for each heroine.......But seeing Harumi Sakurai being hyped for Saya is making me hyped too so whatever.


If it got a definite 3rd season and 2-cours, then we can celebrate.

But then again, I still want Tamiyasu voices Sasami again. :(

zakkun89 said:

Interesting,if I said there's gonna be H scenes,will it magically changed the rating to 18+ ?

Someone said that won't happen because they titled it as EX and not Ecstasy(Though I don't even get the difference because all the time, EX = Ecstasy) and obviously it won't happen.

Anyway, should we let this slide? About Kyousuke being the main(Actually I don't mind) and especially LB:EX being a side story of LB:Refrain because it's too wrong in many ways. If I'm going to assign this as Side Story, it should be a Side Story of LB and not LB:Refrain.

Sep 22, 2013 12:44 PM
Jul 2013
Tennouji_ said:
Someone said that won't happen because they titled it as EX and not Ecstasy(Though I don't even get the difference because all the time, EX = Ecstasy) and obviously it won't happen.

Yeah, EX is just the short form for Ecstasy. Obviously, 18+ content was never intended for the anime, just as how Kanon and AIR were non-adult adaptations.

Anyway, should we let this slide? About Kyousuke being the main(Actually I don't mind) and especially LB:EX being a side story of LB:Refrain because it's too wrong in many ways. If I'm going to assign this as Side Story, it should be a Side Story of LB and not LB:Refrain.

Refrain and EX are billed as separate products. They aren't promoting the latter as a spinoff.
Sep 22, 2013 1:30 PM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

Someone said that won't happen because they titled it as EX and not Ecstasy(Though I don't even get the difference because all the time, EX = Ecstasy) and obviously it won't happen.

I know that,I was just joking because it look like someone edited the info base on what we talked here.

Talked about Kyosuke being the main character -> Kyosuke got turned into main character.
Talked about EX being the side story -> EX got turned into side story.
Now if we talked about H scenes -> Rating will change to PG-18.

Oh and when I first look at EX,I thought it was short for EXtra.
Tennouji_ said:

Anyway, should we let this slide? About Kyousuke being the main(Actually I don't mind) and especially LB:EX being a side story of LB:Refrain because it's too wrong in many ways. If I'm going to assign this as Side Story, it should be a Side Story of LB and not LB:Refrain.

I don't really care about main Kyosuke either and I don't think we had enough info to call this as sequel or side story yet,it still depend on how they gonna treat the routes in the anime.
Sep 22, 2013 1:36 PM

Sep 2011
Yause said:

Refrain and EX are billed as separate products. They aren't promoting the latter as a spinoff.

I'm referring story-wise. Kanata's and Sasami's route are post-Refrain while Saya's route is should be the one is the Side Story of LB(Not LB:Refrain), still you should have knowledge about LB:Refrain to fully understand Saya's route.

I don't know if you played the EX routes and understood what's going on but if you did, then you should know that.

zakkun89 said:

I don't really care about main Kyosuke either and I don't think we had enough info to call this as sequel or side story yet,it still depend on how they gonna treat the routes in the anime.

That may be true but still, like what I said to Yause about Kanata's and Sasami's routes.
TennoujiSep 22, 2013 1:39 PM

Sep 22, 2013 1:55 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

Talked about Kyosuke being the main character -> Kyosuke got turned into main character.
Talked about EX being the side story -> EX got turned into side story.
Now if we talked about H scenes -> Rating will change to PG-18.

Actually it's Rx if it's Hentai. But now that you mentioned about we're talking about Kyousuke being a main character and LB:EX seriously turned into a side-story, how in the world of damn he did take that seriously?

Sep 22, 2013 2:23 PM

Mar 2013
If you look at it from anime-only viewers's POV,they still don't know jack about refrain nor Saya and to them Kanata and Sasami are just side character that get some spotlight so side story or sequel doesn't matter to them at this point.
Im still with waiting for more info but if I had to choose anyway then I'd say EX is the sequel(because I still wish that Saya will somehow miraculously appear in the real world again)

Btw,I read your Saya's story summary,there's some parts I want to add/fix but I'm lazy.
But man,you should have put Saya's song at the end of it.

Dem feels T-T

Tennouji_ said:

Actually it's Rx if it's Hentai. But now that you mentioned about we're talking about Kyousuke being a main character and LB:EX seriously turned into a side-story, how in the world of damn he did take that seriously?

I know right? Lol
To whoever did it,we're just speculating so stop before you're making a mess.
zakkun89Sep 22, 2013 2:34 PM
Sep 22, 2013 2:42 PM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

Btw,I read your Saya's story summary,there's some parts I want to add/fix but I'm lazy.
But man,you should have put Saya's song at the end of it.

Dem feels T-T

Then feel free to correct that. It has been a while that I played Saya's route.

And oh please don't make me want to remember the song! The feels are coming this way(In my house)!

zakkun89 said:
If you look at it from anime-only viewers's POV,they still don't know jack about refrain nor Saya and to them Kanata and Sasami are just side character that get some spotlight so side story or sequel doesn't matter to them at this point.

But what's common to the 3 EX routes is that, it's very vital to undergo Refrain(Or LB:Refrain) in order to fully understand the EX routes and that concludes LB:EX should be considered as a sequel of LB:Refrain.

Anyway, the issue seems finally fixed.
TennoujiSep 22, 2013 4:09 PM

Sep 22, 2013 6:13 PM
Oct 2012
Tennouji_ said:

Oh, about that, is that Sasami's memory or Riki just saw that memory?

Kuro showed it to Riki when he first found him.
Sep 23, 2013 1:18 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:

Then feel free to correct that. It has been a while that I played Saya's route.

And oh please don't make me want to remember the song! The feels are coming this way(In my house)!

Okay,here goes what I know
zakkun89Sep 23, 2013 1:23 AM
Sep 27, 2013 1:38 AM

Sep 2011
zakkun89 said:

Okay,here goes what I know

You should quote the summary that I wrote there and rewrite some of my mistakes.

Irustua said:

Kuro showed it to Riki when he first found him.

Oh but then... Nevermind. I'll just see it myself once the patch is released.

Still, do you have any ideas what's the Normal End about? You know, when you choose to "Stay". I never tried the Normal End ever since I was replaying Sasami's route.

Sep 27, 2013 4:12 AM

Mar 2013
Tennouji_ said:
You should quote the summary that I wrote there and rewrite some of my mistakes.

I just want to clear thing up for you,I'd prefer it if people play her route instead of just read it in 15 minutes.
Sep 27, 2013 9:21 PM
Oct 2012
Tennouji_ said:

Irustua said:

Kuro showed it to Riki when he first found him.

Oh but then... Nevermind. I'll just see it myself once the patch is released.

Still, do you have any ideas what's the Normal End about? You know, when you choose to "Stay". I never tried the Normal End ever since I was replaying Sasami's route.

You never tried? That was my first choice because I wanted the bad ending (or normal ending) first.
Sep 28, 2013 12:44 PM
Oct 2012
I was thinking. Things like kick the can can be showed in Kanata's route? at the introduction.
Sep 30, 2013 12:17 PM

Mar 2013

Oct 1, 2013 12:40 AM

Sep 2011
Irustua said:
Tennouji_ said:

Irustua said:

Kuro showed it to Riki when he first found him.

Oh but then... Nevermind. I'll just see it myself once the patch is released.

Still, do you have any ideas what's the Normal End about? You know, when you choose to "Stay". I never tried the Normal End ever since I was replaying Sasami's route.

You never tried? That was my first choice because I wanted the bad ending (or normal ending) first.

Thanks for telling me such a depressing ending...

Irustua said:
I was thinking. Things like kick the can can be showed in Kanata's route? at the introduction.

Not sure. I forgot how Kanata's route flows but I believe she has lots of screentime if you're aiming her route.

zakkun89 said:


Sadly, I lost my hype after hearing Kurugaya's arc has only 3 episodes.

Now I can see the future that the EX will be 1 cour then Sasami's and Kanata's routes will get 3 episodes and the remaining episodes will go to Saya's.

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