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Sep 6, 2013 10:55 AM

Nov 2011
Dat OST.

I'm also getting those Star Driver vibes this episode. Couldn't take Pai-pai seriously this episode though but I sure feel a bit for Rui. I like how everyone is trying to help him though even with what happened last time.

Sep 6, 2013 10:56 AM

Jan 2011
Rui meets up with the Gatchaman and has some shower time with Utsutsu, oh my!

They're apartment is now a call center hahaha.
Berg katse using CROWDS for terrorism! Shits going down!

I wasn't expecting them to hold a Gatchaman live show, that was cool. Katse's reactions were funny and its revealed he knows O.D.
VioLinkSep 6, 2013 10:59 AM
Sep 6, 2013 11:54 AM

Jun 2012
Can't say I could've predicted how these events are playing out. I like it though!
HybridMBLSep 6, 2013 11:58 AM
Sep 6, 2013 12:18 PM

Jan 2011
Rui's apology reminded me a bit of Tepco--oops, sorry that our little miscalculation is causing widespread damage....

I will be interested in seeing how the Gatchaman pull this out of the fire.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Sep 6, 2013 12:28 PM

Jan 2013
The Crowds and NeoCrowds use their abilities to summon an apparition, and then stay at their location. This means: while the apparitions can only be fought by Gatchaman and maybe themselves, the humans are still humans. I think Hajimes friends and all the good people who follow the Gatchaman can take out the NeoHundred by themselves. I hope something like that will happen.
Sep 6, 2013 12:46 PM

May 2012
Feel like a lot happened this episode. Rui is now I guess now with the gatchman. Sugane standing up to J.J. Never thought I see that happen. Hope Joe comes back. Great episode imo.
Sep 6, 2013 1:05 PM

Aug 2010
Damn it Hajime how awesome can u get.

How she didn't care about what people were saying about her and reading it out loud like that, was so BA.

Also how she said "Oh this pic is nostalgic, I'll save it" about a pic that was supposed to make her feel bad was so lol XD

And her not giving a fuck about buildings falling...etc was O_o...This girl is really unique.

Utsutsu saying it's no time to be gloomy was so cute.

The Gatchachannel was lol and Utsutsu reading the questions was kawaiii <3

Katze's reaction to OD was awesome. It seems like he knows him pretty well XD

I wonder if we'll get to know more about JJ?

Well shit should start getting really real soon. Can't wait :D
Sep 6, 2013 1:19 PM

Oct 2012
Sugane finally grew some balls at the end there, when he stood up to JJ, but the reaction from everyone just make that scene hilarious.

I was quite surprised at how serious this episode got and the second half really felt like the calm before the storm. Berg reacting to the gatchachannel was pretty great and Miyano was even more amazing than usual this episode. Loved the new OST this episode. Hopefully this means we'll get a second OST now.

Well, definitely looking forward to the next episode and hopefully we'll get to see O.D's and Utsu-tsu suits as well.

KoybzSep 6, 2013 1:31 PM
Sep 6, 2013 1:20 PM

Feb 2013
I don't know, this episode just didn't do it for me. It kind of became how I felt way back in episode 1, where things just seemed too simple and too black and white. This show often has been uneven at times in it's plot and characters, but for the most part, I'm glad I didn't drop it at the beginning and gave it a chance.

However, I have to say, that episodes like this don't help.

First off, forget JJ, Hajime is the god-like being here. That girl is never wrong, seems to know everything, has little to no flaws, and always, ALWAYS knows the right thing to say. To say she irks me, would be an understatement. As for everyone else, they're all her little followers, so alot of times it seems that whatever character they may have had, just gets overshadowed by hers.

The x-CROWDS members who had simply disagreed with Rui's idealistic and highly naive motivations in favor of more realistic approaches or who simply had a different opinion, have now suddenly been turned into cold-blooded killers and terrorists? Really? Really...okay Gatchaman, thanks for taking even more grey area and simply making it once again black and white.

I am really here only for BK, much of the time he's the only thing I find of interest in this show. He's so over the top and wonderfully evil. However, even at this point, they seem to be trying to dilute his character as well, by insinuating that the reason he went crazy and left Gatchaman was because of JJ and his "absent-leadership"? Well...that's just cliche. A bad guy who turned bad because he didn't like how the good guys did things...real original.

And then there is the Gatchaman's rejection of JJ, which I thought was plain silly (yeah, the guy came to this measly little planet, gave you your darn powers, gave you the means of how to use them, and attempts to help you using his gift of prophecy....I'm sure he doesn't care. Sigh.) and just makes JJ even more of a throwaway character who has had almost no character development this whole time.

I don't know, I just...I guess this episode simply disappointed me considering the previous episodes and I feel as if it took a step backwards rather than forwards.

This felt like one of the weakest episodes in a long time. I give it a 5.5/10.
Sep 6, 2013 1:57 PM
Apr 2013
Yaaaaay! Rui-Rui is staying with the G-Crew like I thought > w < I hope he becomes the 102nd Gatchaman or gets an upgrade to his Crowds in the future episode.

Berg Katze spamming the chat with his own thoughts as people is so very Berg Katze lol, as expected from an alien thats insane as hell - LOL @His reaction to O.D being alive, why wouldn't he if you are XD Speaking about O.D, his powers are apparently tied to Matter Disintegration, which would explain what Utsutsu meant by everything would be gone including them....but Im sure he has a way to get around this considering we already saw his FABULOUS Gatchaman form.

Sousai X is starting to realize that the Rui-Katze is....Berg Katze but can't do anything about it sadly, I guess Rui-Rui will get X and his Note back in the next episode, hopefully then JJ can modify it so he can fight against Katze too (and dammit I want to see the LOAD GALAX outfit again D:)

Speaking about JJ, lol wtf Sugane XD XD Okay, I really don't get what was supposed to be the point of that....but, I guess it will serve to get JJ to finally start doing stuff and help out instead of teaching us how to make paper birds in the coming episodes :D

Overall Score - 9/10
FreqnSep 6, 2013 2:01 PM
Sep 6, 2013 2:19 PM

Dec 2009
This episode was all over the place. The narrative isn't really that cohesive, for better or for worse. But it has a unique flair, to say the least. I kind of like it.

And Hajime is still wise about the Internet.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Sep 6, 2013 2:20 PM
Dec 2012
I don't understand Hajime. She was smiling when her fellow was severely damaged by Katze in previous episode, and now she was smiling and singing while the city was being under attack by Neo Hundred. She was lucky. If Katze had been a different type of villain (say, a result-oriented villain without playing nor wasting time), she would have been killed already.

I laughed when the police officers (or servicepersons?) said "Hajime-chan is cute" despite being under the crisis situation. It's hard to take the show seriously.

They parted company with JJ at the end? Interesting. It seemed Hajime solved the riddle posed by Katze, but is it possible to eliminate dissatisfaction and unhappiness from all the people?? I can't imagine. Like there is no perfect political regime, I think there will be always some people who are dissatisfied with society and such at any rate. Or are they going to brainwash people in some way? Curious to see what they are gonna do next.
eminagnamSep 6, 2013 2:29 PM
Sep 6, 2013 2:35 PM
Jul 2009
eminagnam said:
If Katze had been a different type of villain (say, a result-oriented villain without playing nor wasting time), she would have been killed already.

Why are you assuming she wouldn't just change her strategy if Katze was a different kind of villain?

She's smarter than that.
1idd0kunSep 6, 2013 2:40 PM
Sep 6, 2013 2:44 PM
Mar 2013
Is it only me that dislikes Rui? I just can't stand him. I hate his voice and hate that he is a crossdresser if he only looked like girl then it would be okay but would still dislike him, that voice and personality just... eugh. I don't like Berg-Katze either but Rui is worse. But still a good a good episode and show maybe a 7-8/10
Sep 6, 2013 2:52 PM

Mar 2008
The whole Sugane turning from JJ just seemed like a WTF moment. Stop giving us helpful prophecies? What is the big restrictions JJ ever put on them? He never told them how to deal with the prophecies or that they had to act on them. He just gave them the powers they are still more than happy to use while being incredibly ungrateful. That just seemed a bit stupid. I'd just love if JJ actually just took their notes and left the planet saying "well have fun" before leaving XD.

Series has kind of gone in a weird direction for me, but I'll at least see how it ends. The OST at least is worth this series being made.

At this point just having fun with how weird they are going with this series.
Sep 6, 2013 2:52 PM

Jul 2013
I wonder if their way of doing things on their would lead to something misfortune, although I thought it was great of Sugane to stand up to JJ like that, his reaction didn't seem all that happy, so I'm wondering what that'll lead to.
Sep 6, 2013 3:00 PM
Jan 2013
1idd0kun said:

Why are you assuming she wouldn't just change her strategy if Katze was a different kind of villain?

She's smarter than that.

Why are you assuming she has alternative strategy? If she has, why has she not beat him yet when people have been harmed by him?
Sep 6, 2013 3:05 PM

Mar 2008
45Ravager said:
I wonder if their way of doing things on their would lead to something misfortune, although I thought it was great of Sugane to stand up to JJ like that, his reaction didn't seem all that happy, so I'm wondering what that'll lead to.

JJ's reaction seemed to be the same as always, indifferent. Some nobody he gave Gatchaman powers to doesn't want prophecies anymore. Oh well, saves him having to waste his breath warning these people of danger now.
Sep 6, 2013 3:08 PM
Jul 2009
phoenixdragon said:
Why are you assuming she has alternative strategy?

No. What I'm saying is that she would use a different stratagy if Katze was a different kind of villain. For Katze, what she's doing know seems to be working pretty well, and she will beat him when the time comes.
Sep 6, 2013 3:15 PM
Jan 2013
1idd0kun said:

No. What I'm saying is that she would use a different stratagy if Katze was a different kind of villain. For Katze, what she's doing know seems to be working pretty well, and she will beat him when the time comes.

Don't you think Katze could have killed her when he beat Joe before? She even failed to kick Katze at that time.
Sep 6, 2013 3:24 PM
Jul 2009
phoenixdragon said:
Don't you think Katze could have killed her when he beat Joe before?

No, because she engaged him in conversation, and it was obvious Katze wanted to talk, or rather, he wanted to be heard. That's why he seemed so pleased that Hajime had been thinking about what he'd said.
Sep 6, 2013 3:37 PM
Jan 2013
1idd0kun said:

No, because she engaged him in conversation, and it was obvious Katze wanted to talk, or rather, he wanted to be heard. That's why he seemed so pleased that Hajime had been thinking about what he'd said.

But if Katze had not wanted to be heard, she could not have even engaged him at that time. Like eminagnam said, if he had been a different type, she would've been killed then.
Sep 6, 2013 3:58 PM

Apr 2013
Okay episode I guess. Nice to see Rui hanging around with the Gatchaman.
Apparently Katze knows all about the Gatchaman and JJ. Hopefully we'll get some info from OD or Pai Pai on what exactly happened between the Gatcha and Katze soon.
Sep 6, 2013 4:00 PM
Jul 2009
phoenixdragon said:
But if Katze had not wanted to be heard, she could not have even engaged him at that time. Like eminagnam said, if he had been a different type, she would've been killed then.

No, she already knew he wanted to talk, based on what he told Jou the first time they fought.
Sep 6, 2013 4:03 PM

Mar 2008
Mills said:
Okay episode I guess. Nice to see Rui hanging around with the Gatchaman.
Apparently Katze knows all about the Gatchaman and JJ. Hopefully we'll get some info from OD or Pai Pai on what exactly happened between the Gatcha and Katze soon.

I'm not sure there is much of a story to tell there. Seems like Katze got tired of being a hero and helping people so decided to do whatever he wanted to have fun. That fun sadly involved causing the people on planets to kill each other in horrifying genocides.
Sep 6, 2013 4:07 PM
Jan 2013
1idd0kun said:

No, she already knew he wanted to talk, based on what he told Jou the first time they fought.

That's why eminagnam said Hajime was lucky. If he had been a different type of villain who would not want to talk, she would've been killed then.
Sep 6, 2013 4:23 PM
Jul 2009
phoenixdragon said:
1idd0kun said:

No, she already knew he wanted to talk, based on what he told Jou the first time they fought.

That's why eminagnam said Hajime was lucky. If he had been a different type of villain who would not want to talk, she would've been killed then.

It wasn't luck because she knew he wanted to talk beforehand. She went there prepared for that. If he was a different kind of villain, she would have go with a different plan.
Sep 6, 2013 4:25 PM

May 2011
Hajime was the perfect person for Rui to be with at this time with all that terrible criticism. I was afraid he wouldn't get a chance to talk to her before doing something terrible. Bringing what happened to the people honestly instead of keping it hidden was pretty awesome.
Sep 6, 2013 4:39 PM
Jan 2013
1idd0kun said:

It wasn't luck because she knew he wanted to talk beforehand. She went there prepared for that. If he was a different kind of villain, she would have go with a different plan.

It doesn't make sense. As I said, if the character setting of Katze had been different and he would not have wanted to, she would've been killed at that time. Even Joe failed to beat Katze. And as I said, Hajime even failed to kick Katze then. How could she beat him if Katze had been a different type who didn't want to talk to and just wanted to kill her?
Sep 6, 2013 4:43 PM
Jul 2009
phoenixdragon said:

It doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense.
Sep 6, 2013 4:44 PM
Jul 2013
FlareKnight said:
The whole Sugane turning from JJ just seemed like a WTF moment. Stop giving us helpful prophecies? What is the big restrictions JJ ever put on them? He never told them how to deal with the prophecies or that they had to act on them. He just gave them the powers they are still more than happy to use while being incredibly ungrateful. That just seemed a bit stupid. I'd just love if JJ actually just took their notes and left the planet saying "well have fun" before leaving XD.

Well, if you think of JJ as something like a parent, it's basically like a child going off on their own; the Gatchaman are trying to become independent and take matters into their own hands instead of following his every word, and needing his permission to do anything (aka Pai Pai). This whole anime criticizes human dependence and apathy; at first they worship Galax, then instantly dump it and turn to the Gatchaman for help without doing anything themselves until an emergency. Basically they are rejecting "God" and becoming conscious thinkers.
Sep 6, 2013 4:48 PM
Jan 2013
1idd0kun said:

It makes perfect sense.

LOL OK It makes sense to you, not to me.
Sep 6, 2013 6:14 PM

Apr 2010
phoenixdragon said:
1idd0kun said:

It wasn't luck because she knew he wanted to talk beforehand. She went there prepared for that. If he was a different kind of villain, she would have go with a different plan.

It doesn't make sense. As I said, if the character setting of Katze had been different and he would not have wanted to, she would've been killed at that time. Even Joe failed to beat Katze. And as I said, Hajime even failed to kick Katze then. How could she beat him if Katze had been a different type who didn't want to talk to and just wanted to kill her?

No she would have transformed before reaching, lured him away from the spot and let Utsu collect injured then retreated. Any person with brains knows to adapt tactics to situations.
Sep 6, 2013 6:17 PM

Mar 2013
phoenixdragon said:
1idd0kun said:

It makes perfect sense.

LOL OK It makes sense to you, not to me.

It makes perfect sense to me as well. Maybe you just can't understand his reasoning.

It's easy: Hajime can make adjustments depending on who she is dealing with. If she faced another kind of villain, according to this theory, she would've been successful. You just don't like her.

The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.

Sep 6, 2013 6:20 PM

Jul 2012
Great episode!!!
Sep 6, 2013 7:41 PM

Jan 2009
shit is getting real
Sep 6, 2013 8:26 PM

May 2013
Can't wait for the next one.
Sep 6, 2013 8:53 PM

Mar 2013
My God, Mamoru Miyano it's... incredible. His voice on Berg-Katze, damn, amazing.
Loved this episode more than any other, Hajime it's adorable!
Sep 6, 2013 9:27 PM

Jul 2012
Sep 6, 2013 11:55 PM

Jan 2013
That was a good episode. I didnt think he was a cross dresser
Sep 7, 2013 12:03 AM

Sep 2010
Nice episode the only thing that bugged me is this:

rodac said:
Rui's apology reminded me a bit of Tepco--oops, sorry that our little miscalculation is causing widespread damage....

Rui's not responsible for Katze. Katze came and violated his soul to take a Note against his consent. Why did he even apologize for? It's disrespectful to the people the Crowds helped and saved, as if was a mistake to use that. Katze would have taken it with or without his altruistic actions.

The ones responsible for Katze are the Gatchaman. He's one of their flock, fallen and crazy, that some of them have ignored. Katze wouldn't have any power if he wasn't one of them in the first place. Rui can't really move on until he realizes he's only responsible for his own mistakes and not everyone's. He can't carry that burden. He can take measures to take X and Galax back, those are his responsibilities, but the rest isn't. It was annoying he apologized when the Gatchaman who failed to keep one of their own behaved didn't.
ThessSep 7, 2013 12:09 AM
Sep 7, 2013 1:10 AM

Jan 2011
Loved this episode, probably my favourite one now. :) Rui finally got together with the Gatchaman members. Hajime is a really great character. She was able to make Rui feel better. Lots of character development in this episode, especially for Rui. She was able to apologise and come clean to everyone. Katze is such a manipulative, psychotic, crazy, shape-shifting alien. He's such a good villain though. xD Sugane pretty much telling JJ that 'we will do what we want, you're not in charge anymore' was a great moment. The OST was AMAZING in this episode. I had to increase the volume when it came on, it was that good. Can't wait for the final episodes.
Sep 7, 2013 1:45 AM
Jan 2011
Rui has reveled herself to the world and the team are ready to kick butt.
Sep 7, 2013 4:43 AM

Apr 2010
No one has any guesses what the answer to the riddle is? Hajime seems to have solved it after looking at OD's packet of sweets.

Also though Hajime's warning will probably deter others, the 23k users are unlikely to be so helpful unless they cause harm to those they care for such as 26's kid getting caught in the destruction they are doing.
Sep 7, 2013 5:03 AM
Apr 2013
^ I think its another's misery or something along the lines of that, since O.D said "They do say that people's misfortune are as sweet as honey, though"

I only just realized that its 23k users that Berg Katze gave powers about overkill lol XD
FreqnSep 7, 2013 5:13 AM
Sep 7, 2013 5:17 AM
Jul 2013
Zaku_Fan said:

No she would have transformed before reaching, lured him away from the spot and let Utsu collect injured then retreated. Any person with brains knows to adapt tactics to situations.

That's your assumption and belief.

Zaku_Fan said:
No one has any guesses what the answer to the riddle is? Hajime seems to have solved it after looking at OD's packet of sweets.

Like someone already said, it must be people's dissatisfaction/unhappiness/negative thought.
Sep 7, 2013 5:21 AM
Nov 2012
Cronosmu said:
It's easy: Hajime can make adjustments depending on who she is dealing with. If she faced another kind of villain, according to this theory, she would've been successful. You just don't like her.

It makes no sense to me as well. It's your belief she would've been successful. How do you know she is almighty always?
Sep 7, 2013 5:35 AM

Apr 2010
Rui-Rui said:
^ I think its another's misery or something along the lines of that, since O.D said "They do say that people's misfortune are as sweet as honey, though"

I only just realized that its 23k users that Berg Katze gave powers about overkill lol XD

I was focused on the sweet packet itself and missed that sentence. Misery of others could be the answer given Berg's point of view. A recheck of the number showed me that it was actually 29k
Sep 7, 2013 5:38 AM

Apr 2010
Melticos said:
Zaku_Fan said:

No she would have transformed before reaching, lured him away from the spot and let Utsu collect injured then retreated. Any person with brains knows to adapt tactics to situations.

That's your assumption and belief.

Given a simple comparison of intellect tells me that Hajime's displayed intellect though her actions is higher than mine, if i can think of something that simple, do you really think someone smarter than me will fail to recognize that or execute a better plan?

It takes intellect to recognize intellect
Sep 7, 2013 5:51 AM
Jul 2013
Zaku_Fan said:

Given a simple comparison of intellect tells me that Hajime's displayed intellect though her actions is higher than mine, if i can think of something that simple, do you really think someone smarter than me will fail to recognize that or execute a better plan?

It takes intellect to recognize intellect

That's still your belief. Just because she is intellectual doesn't necessarily means she can defeat him by force. Don't you think she was intelligent enough to think she would fail if she opposed force with force when it came to Katze?
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