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May 20, 2013 7:48 AM

Apr 2013
Okay, so I made a format for your character:

Name: Your characters name
Clan: Basically your last name + " Clan". So, if you're from one of the Noble Clans, you won't get to choose a last name
Gender: Male or female
Age: The age of your character. If you want a pixie, you have to be a child. Oh, and 16-17 is not considered a child. After you're about 15 years, your pixie disappears into your heart again to never come out anymore.
Element: You're clan's element, wind, water, fire or earth. So, everyone from the same clan has the same element
Personality: A short description of your characters personality
Bio: What's your character's life been like?
Look: A picture of your character. Please hide under a spoiler button. If you don't know how to make a spoiler button, or how to add a picture, click 'BBcode' next to the post message button when you're writing your message. And remember, you're an elf, so try to find a picture of one. Elves or not winged beings.

Pixie's name: If you have a pixie, what did you name it? Most pixies don't have a last name, so one name is enough
Pixie's gender: Doesn't have to be the same gender as your character
Pixie's Personality: Doesn't have to be the same either. In fact, it could be complete opposite. They're here to help you, after all.
Pixie's powers: What powers does your pixie have? Has to have something to do with your own element.
Pixie's look: A picture of your pixie. Unlike elves, pixies have wings.

That's it, I guess... If you have any more questions, ask me :)
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Pages (2) [1] 2 »
May 20, 2013 9:08 AM

Dec 2012
Name: kia Trump
Clan: Trump Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Element: wind
Personality: He is very kind to every one. looks up to his older sis Airi and want to be like her
Bio: being one of the noble clans he have had a esay life but have to always be well behave so he dose not make his clan look bad.

Pixie's name:Sara
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: over protective of Kia and will be rude of anyone that dont like him or if there females.(she likes Faye alot)
Pixie's powers: can make whirlwinds.
Pixie's look:
frogotenMay 20, 2013 11:20 AM
..... :'(
May 20, 2013 9:12 AM

Apr 2013
frogoten said:
Name: kia Trump
Clan: Trump Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Element: wind
Personality: He is very kind to every one.
Bio: being one of the noble clans he have had a esay life but have to always be well behave so he dose not make his clan look bad.

Pixie's name:Sara
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: over protective of Kia and will be rude of anyone that dont like him or if there females.
Pixie's powers: can make whirlwinds.
Pixie's look:

Approved ^^
Heheh, I was planning to go into Trump Clan too, so I guess our characters will be siblings :)
May 20, 2013 9:16 AM

Dec 2012
..... :'(
May 20, 2013 9:45 AM

Apr 2013
Okay, my character :

Name: Airi Trump (アイリ・トランプ)
Clan: Trump Clan
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Element: Wind
Personality: Very kind and caring, always happy, and very sociable
Bio: Even though Airi is very sociable, she's never had many friends because she's a noble. She was always compared to what her parents were like when they were young, and to make them all proud, she's always been studying her magic. Now she's a very powerful mage, but she doesn't know much about how other children live

Pixie's name: Faye (フェイ)
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's personality: Faye loves Airi very much, and will always try to help her, even if it means getting herself in danger
Pixie's powers: Using wind gusts, she can make things drive on the wind. Basically, she makes things fly :)
Pixie's look:
May 20, 2013 9:58 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Blaze Infernus(It's latin :D)
Clan: Infernus Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Element: Fire
Personality: Blaze has two sides in him. A Kind and Gentle side, this one is mostly displayed throughout the day. And his other side, the bloodthirsty killer, which is displayed during battles.
Bio: Blaze was once known as the strongest of his generation in the clan. Well, there have been a lot going on. Blaze was not your "normal" child. He was obsessed with power, trying to obtain every single bit that he can get. Training more than socializing, being consumed in the lie "Strength is everything.". This lie quickly crumbles once his clan got attacked. With him being the only survivor. The Infernus Clan, once known as one of the strongest, crumbled apart in one night.

Blaze is just wandering around, seeking shelter. He found it, in the Sayge Clan's house. They were kind enough to let him stay, to give him food and to make sure he survives. Blaze was thankful for that, but his lust for power did not change. He found a book in the library of the Sayge Clan that contained information of becoming one with the element, gaining unbeatable power of the element and immortality. He tried this, but failed. Blaze's efforts, however, did not go to waste. He was somehow able to gain some of the unbeatable power, but it was not enough. He wasn't unbeatable, neither was he immortal. Blaze do not think of any other fire-element users as his clan, which he refers to as his "kind".

Blaze often complains about this world, about what's going on.

"This world is so strange..
First we're friends and family, and in the blink of an eye, we can become enemies.
Our happiness is someone else's misfortune. This world.. is indeed strange."
, - Blaze.


Pixie's name: Pix
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: Pix is the one who keeps Blaze in his gentle side. She herself is Gentle and Kind.
Pixie's powers: Pix is able to change herself into a fire-hound.
Pixie's look:
Discount66Jun 2, 2013 11:36 AM
May 20, 2013 10:01 AM

Apr 2013
llPhantom said:
Name: Blaze Sayge
Clan: Sayge Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Element: Fire
Personality: Blaze has two sides in him. A Kind and Gentle side, this one is mostly displayed throughout the day. And his other side, the bloodthirsty killer, which is displayed during battles.
Bio: Blaze was obsessed with power, he would do anything to obtain absolute power, absolute control over the Fire element. He tried converting his own body into pure power, but it had failed. He does have a lot of control over the element Fire. After the failure, his Pixie helped him back on his feet again. Right now, Blaze is social and kind, which seemed impossible to his family.

Pixie's name: Pix
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: Pix is the one who keeps Blaze in his gentle side. She herself is Gentle and Kind.
Pixie's powers: Pix is able to change herself into a fire-hound.
Pixie's look:


And wow, everyone's becoming a noble! Heheh :)
May 20, 2013 10:02 AM

Dec 2011
Don't want me becoming one?
May 20, 2013 10:03 AM

Apr 2013
No no, it's okay :) Make your character as you want
It was actually more against people who make their characters after you, saying they don't have to be a noble :)
May 20, 2013 11:17 AM

Dec 2011
I don't mind becoming a rogue clan.
May 20, 2013 11:20 AM

Apr 2013
You can be whatever you want. If you want to change your clan, you can, and if you want to stay in Sayge, you also can :)
May 20, 2013 11:21 AM

Dec 2011
I wonder what would make it more fun.
May 20, 2013 11:23 AM

Apr 2013
I think it's fun either way, so it's up to you
May 20, 2013 11:32 AM
Sep 2009
Name: Pretty Sayge
Clan:Sayge Clan
age: 15
element: fire
Personality:cool and scary.. she hate losing so she never did.. troublemaker.. likes teasing people and when she is engry she become the bloodthirsty killer
bio:Pretty's father had a very important position in the clan. He loved his daughter and tried to give Pretty an important seat to. He made Pretty train too much to get stronger in the clan. Pretty did not like this at first, but later she lost to someone. She didn't like the feeling of losing so she trained even harder.

pixie's name: Cha
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: she is kind, cool, rude to people who make Pretty angry and she loves Pretty really much and she is Pretty's best friend..
pixie's power:she is giving her power to Pretty,She is able to change herself as a fire "katana"
Pretty-chanJun 20, 2013 12:54 PM
May 20, 2013 11:40 AM

Apr 2013
Pretty-chan said:
Name: Pretty Uchiha
Clan:Sayge Clan
age: 16
element: fire
Personality:cool and scary.. she hate losing so she never did.. troublemaker.. likes teasing people and when she is engry she become the bloodthirsty killer
bio:Pretty's father had a very important position in the clan. He loved his daughter and tried to give Pretty an important seat to. He made Pretty train too much to get stronger in the clan. Pretty did not like this at first, but later she lost to someone. She didn't like the feeling of losing so she trained even harder.

pixie's name: Cha
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: she is kind, cool, rude to people who make Pretty angry and she loves Pretty really much and she is Pretty's best friend..
pixie's power:she is giving her power to Pretty,She is able to change herself as a fire "katana"

Well, your surname can't be different from your clan, so either enter the Uchiha Clan or be called Pretty Sayge. And, 16-year-olds don't have pixies anymore, so I guess be 15 (15-year-olds still have them) or remove your pixie (I recommend the first one. It'd be sad for Cha to be removed)
Just change those twolittle thingsa dnI'll approve you, okay? :)
May 20, 2013 11:41 AM

Jan 2013
Name: mellony Coldhart
Clan: Coldhart Clan
Gender: female
Element: water, and fire (normaly in the form of smock but at times can do one or the other)
Personality: get bord esaly and do the noble clans to much
Bio: beeing of an lower clan that was an off branch of the clan Sayge and the clan Quasha she was picked on almost all the time.

Pixie's name: Zero
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: will do any thing to help mellony
Pixie's powers: can make smoke to blind pepole
Pixie's look:
link102Jun 12, 2013 8:43 AM
May 20, 2013 11:45 AM

Apr 2013
link102 said:
Name: mellony Coldhart
Clan: Coldhart Clan
Gender: female
Element: water, and fire (normaly in the form of smock but at times can do one or the other)
Personality: get bord esaly and do the noble clans to much
Bio: beeing of an lower clan that was an off branch of the clan Sayge and the clan Quasha she was picked on almost all the time.
Look: *looking*

Pixie's name: Zero
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: will do any thing to help mellony
Pixie's powers: can make smoke to blind pepole
Pixie's look: *looking*

I don't know about the clan having more than one element, but there is no rule against it, so you're approved!
May 20, 2013 12:01 PM

Apr 2013
Pretty-chan said:
Name: Pretty Sayge
Clan:Sayge Clan
age: 15
element: fire
Personality:cool and scary.. she hate losing so she never did.. troublemaker.. likes teasing people and when she is engry she become the bloodthirsty killer
bio:Pretty's father had a very important position in the clan. He loved his daughter and tried to give Pretty an important seat to. He made Pretty train too much to get stronger in the clan. Pretty did not like this at first, but later she lost to someone. She didn't like the feeling of losing so she trained even harder.

pixie's name: Cha
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: she is kind, cool, rude to people who make Pretty angry and she loves Pretty really much and she is Pretty's best friend..
pixie's power:she is giving her power to Pretty,She is able to change herself as a fire "katana"

Okay, you're approved! Have fun roleplaying :)
May 20, 2013 5:21 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Raekel Sayge
Clan: Sayge Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Element: Fire
Personality: Raekel is extremely silent and always dons a blank or serious face, or one with a scowl. Though, other that there is no true way to tell his current emotion. Almost no one even understands his personality and usually takes it offensively. He seems to be slightly protective of the younger elves, and will usually protect them. However he still won't speak to anyone, at most he will nod or shake his head, otherwise simply ignore them. It's often a shock if and when he does actually speak. He is also known to dislike any physical contact.
Bio: Raekel wasn't born in the Sayge clan. He was born in a clan with the flame element that was subordinate to the Sayge clan. It was wiped out and the only true reason he was adopted into the clan of nobles was due to his extraordinary ability to harness fire. Even so, because he wasn't directly born into the Sayge clan like everyone else, almost everyone looks down on him and treats him lower than them. He will usually ignore this kind of treatment, unless they physically touch him, in which case he will usually not tolerate it. Those in the clan also are suspicious of the strange tattoos he has, often causing rumors about him to be spread around.
May 20, 2013 9:07 PM
Jan 2011
Name: Trent Sayge
12345trent8May 21, 2013 7:15 AM
May 21, 2013 12:35 AM

Apr 2013
EmperorsChosen01 said:
Name: Raekel Sayge
Clan: Sayge Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Element: Fire
Personality: Raekel is extremely silent and always dons a blank or serious face, or one with a scowl. Though, other that there is no true way to tell his current emotion. Almost no one even understands his personality and usually takes it offensively. He seems to be slightly protective of the younger elves, and will usually protect them. However he still won't speak to anyone, at most he will nod or shake his head, otherwise simply ignore them. It's often a shock if and when he does actually speak. He is also known to dislike any physical contact.
Bio: Raekel wasn't born in the Sayge clan. He was born in a clan with the flame element that was subordinate to the Sayge clan. It was wiped out and the only true reason he was adopted into the clan of nobles was due to his extraordinary ability to harness fire. Even so, because he wasn't directly born into the Sayge clan like everyone else, almost everyone looks down on him and treats him lower than them. He will usually ignore this kind of treatment, unless they physically touch him, in which case he will usually not tolerate it. Those in the clan also are suspicious of the strange tattoos he has, often causing rumors about him to be spread around.


12345trent8 said:
Name: Trent Sayge

Well, the Sayge Clan is not an earth clan, so if you change that, I'll approve you :)
May 21, 2013 10:38 AM

Apr 2013
12345trent8 said:
Name: Trent Sayge

Approved^^! Have fun roleplaying!
May 21, 2013 1:01 PM

Oct 2012
Name: Rin Sayge

Clan: Sayge Clan

Gender: Female

Age: 9 and a half

Element: Fire

Personality: Rin is really playful and shy at the same time. She has problems with large crowds and she is afraid of being alone. Overall she really love to play with her Pixie, Chi, and play around.

Bio: Rin has grown up alone. Her parents were hunted and killed by an unknown person. She was brought up in the Sayge Clan by an old couple. She hates the people she stays with because they do not care about her. So she only play in the wood and such with Chi.


Pixie's name: Aki

Pixie's gender: Male

Pixie's Personality: Very protective and defensive. Contrasts well with Rin's chill/playful personality.

Pixie's powers: He can shoot offensive fire at a person and defensive fire control as well.

Pixie's look:
Imagine him but smaller and with wings.
akira1998May 21, 2013 1:06 PM
May 22, 2013 6:44 AM

Apr 2013
akira1998 said:
Name: Rin Sayge

Clan: Sayge Clan

Gender: Female

Age: 9 and a half

Element: Fire

Personality: Rin is really playful and shy at the same time. She has problems with large crowds and she is afraid of being alone. Overall she really love to play with her Pixie, Chi, and play around.

Bio: Rin has grown up alone. Her parents were hunted and killed by an unknown person. She was brought up in the Sayge Clan by an old couple. She hates the people she stays with because they do not care about her. So she only play in the wood and such with Chi.


Pixie's name: Aki

Pixie's gender: Male

Pixie's Personality: Very protective and defensive. Contrasts well with Rin's chill/playful personality.

Pixie's powers: He can shoot offensive fire at a person and defensive fire control as well.

Pixie's look:

Imagine him but smaller and with wings.

You're approved! Oh, and if you don't mind, you're pictures weren't really working so I fixed them for you :)
May 22, 2013 1:23 PM

Oct 2012
Thanks life's too hard!
May 23, 2013 8:51 AM

Apr 2013
You're welcome :)
May 26, 2013 1:08 PM

Jul 2012
Name: Kazu Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Element: Earth
Personality: He is nice, but can be distant from tohers at times
Bio: He has been through alot of training to strengthen his elemental abilities, making him among the stronger earth users.

Pixie's name: Anri
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: Rude, to anyone she doesn't like, but will listen to Kazu
Pixie's powers: Earth spikes (she can throw needle like spikes of earth at people with precision and effectiveness)
Pixie's look:

May 27, 2013 4:36 AM

Apr 2013
kahmu84 said:
Name: Kazu Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Element: Earth
Personality: He is nice, but can be distant from tohers at times
Bio: He has been through alot of training to strengthen his elemental abilities, making him among the stronger earth users.

Pixie's name: Anri
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality: Rude, to anyone she doesn't like, but will listen to Kazu
Pixie's powers: Earth spikes (she can throw needle like spikes of earth at people with precision and effectiveness)
Pixie's look:

Character approved^^ Have fun roleplaying :)
May 27, 2013 11:02 AM

Nov 2012
Name: Mizu Quasha
Clan: Quasha Clan (クァシャ)
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Element: Water
Personality: Mizu is really quiet and distant from others. She's really shy and always talkks to Mist, her pixie. Mizu lacks leadership qualities, always relying on others, but mostly Mist.
Bio: Mizu was always a weak child. She wasn't the strongest, or the best. She was just there. Most of the time she was left alone, which made life hard on her. Then and now, Mizu would train, but the training never led to anything.

Pixie's name: Mist
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality:Mist is almost the same as Mizu. They're practically best friends. Mist is always there for Mizu and helps her in the time of need. Mist is talks more often than Mizu does.
Pixie's powers: Mist has powers that can control water in a variety of ways. She can freeze up water, heat it, and control it to move it around.
Pixie's look:
May 28, 2013 4:30 AM

Apr 2013
MysteriouslyMe said:
Name: Mizu Quasha
Clan: Quasha Clan (クァシャ)
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Element: Water
Personality: Mizu is really quiet and distant from others. She's really shy and always talkks to Mist, her pixie. Mizu lacks leadership qualities, always relying on others, but mostly Mist.
Bio: Mizu was always a weak child. She wasn't the strongest, or the best. She was just there. Most of the time she was left alone, which made life hard on her. Then and now, Mizu would train, but the training never led to anything.

Pixie's name: Mist
Pixie's gender: Female
Pixie's Personality:Mist is almost the same as Mizu. They're practically best friends. Mist is always there for Mizu and helps her in the time of need. Mist is talks more often than Mizu does.
Pixie's powers: Mist has powers that can control water in a variety of ways. She can freeze up water, heat it, and control it to move it around.
Pixie's look:

Jun 1, 2013 8:17 PM

Nov 2012
Name: Aurora
Clan: Trump Clan (トランプ)
Gender: female
Age: 8
Element: air
Personality: shes really shy around new elves. she loves making new friends though. she is generally quiet, she is friendly and kind
Bio: Aurora lives a really good life, her parents gave her a lot of things she wanted, she is usually with them and they gave her a lot of love too.
Look: (at the bottom with pixie picture)

Pixie's name: Raven
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: he usually is laid back and cool, protective of Aurora, he can be mean but only when you make him angry. always by Auroras side.
Pixie's powers: air power, healing
Pixie's look:
AyaNekoQueen1996Jun 1, 2013 8:34 PM
Jun 1, 2013 10:15 PM

Apr 2013
ayachan1996 said:
Name: Aurora
Clan: Trump Clan (トランプ)
Gender: female
Age: 8
Element: air
Personality: shes really shy around new elves. she loves making new friends though. she is generally quiet, she is friendly and kind
Bio: Aurora lives a really good life, her parents gave her a lot of things she wanted, she is usually with them and they gave her a lot of love too.
Look: (at the bottom with pixie picture)

Pixie's name: Raven
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: he usually is laid back and cool, protective of Aurora, he can be mean but only when you make him angry. always by Auroras side.
Pixie's powers: air power, healing
Pixie's look:


Yay, another sibling for my character :)
Jun 1, 2013 11:05 PM

Nov 2012
yay :)
Jun 3, 2013 1:55 AM

Nov 2012
hey im gonna make Aurora look up to her older sister (your chara) k
Jun 4, 2013 3:35 AM
Feb 2012
Name: Selena Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Gender: female
Age: 19
Element: Earth

Personality: She is very mature and is protective of the younger elves. She will do whatever she has to in order to keep them safe. She believes that her own life is worthless and her only purpose is to be a guardian to the younger elves. She is an excellent fighter with both her element and her fists. She will be kind to the younger elves but will be cautious around older ones.

Bio: She was raised to be a strong elf and to always protect her younger sister but when she was 10, her sister was attacked and past away. After that, her parents tormented her saying that her only use was to protect her sister, and told her that as a punishment she was trained to always give her life to protect the younger elves. Since then she has become more protective and will always look down on herself.

Jun 4, 2013 5:38 AM

Apr 2013
arisa808 said:
Name: Selena Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Gender: female
Age: 19
Element: Earth

Personality: She is very mature and is protective of the younger elves. She will do whatever she has to in order to keep them safe. She believes that her own life is worthless and her only purpose is to be a guardian to the younger elves. She is an excellent fighter with both her element and her fists. She will be kind to the younger elves but will be cautious around older ones.

Bio: She was raised to be a strong elf and to always protect her younger sister but when she was 10, her sister was attacked and past away. After that, her parents tormented her saying that her only use was to protect her sister, and told her that as a punishment she was trained to always give her life to protect the younger elves. Since then she has become more protective and will always look down on herself.


Approved :)
Jun 4, 2013 11:03 AM
Jul 2012
Name: Kisame Quasha
Clan: Quasha
Gender: Male
Element: water
Personality: shy, strong, protective, etc
Bio: hardworking,tough,always protecting and helping the clan and everyone within it
InfamousOtakuJun 4, 2013 11:29 AM
Jun 4, 2013 11:17 AM

Apr 2013
InfamousOtaku said:
Name: Kisame Quasha
Clan: Quasha
Gender: Male
Element: water
Personality: A short description of your characters personality
Bio: hardworking,tough,always protecting and helping the clan and everyone within it

Approved ^^:)
Jun 6, 2013 10:35 AM
Jul 2018
Name: Tk sayge
Personality:shy quite loner when you know him randome outgoing and pervy
Bio:A orphan who was adopted into the sayge clan because he could use fire like them he has been looked down. appon given the fact he is not true blood
removed-userJun 6, 2013 11:31 AM
Jun 6, 2013 11:16 AM

Apr 2013
DJCannibalClown said:
Name: Tk sayge
Personality:shy quite loner when you know him randome outgoing and pervy
Bio:A orphan who was adopted into the sayge clan because he could use fire like them he has been looked down appon given the fact he is not true blood and he is also a vampire. who could go into the sun needs to feed so often

Your character looks fine, but we're elves, not vampires... If you remove that, I'll approve you :)
Jun 6, 2013 11:34 AM
Jul 2018
Jun 6, 2013 12:02 PM

Apr 2013
DJCannibalClown said:
Name: Tk sayge
Personality:shy quite loner when you know him randome outgoing and pervy
Bio:A orphan who was adopted into the sayge clan because he could use fire like them he has been looked down. appon given the fact he is not true blood

Approved :) Have fun RPing
Jun 12, 2013 1:48 AM

Nov 2012
Name: Yukina Sayge
Clan: Sayge clan
Gender: female
Age: 17
Element: Fire
Personality: Kind, caring. she can be mean if you anger her. she is also usually quiet.
Bio: Yukina is apart of the Sayge royals, her father is in the process of looking for a suitor for her as she is of age to be wedded. She lived a quiet life. she never usually got out much but now does. she has a very unique birthmark on her back of a dragon. her parents have no idea why she has it or how it got there. they always thought she was the fragile child so kept her inside a lot.
Jun 12, 2013 6:45 AM

Apr 2013
ayachan1996 said:
Name: Yukina Sayge
Clan: Sayge clan
Gender: female
Age: 17
Element: Fire
Personality: Kind, caring. she can be mean if you anger her. she is also usually quiet.
Bio: Yukina is apart of the Sayge royals, her father is in the process of looking for a suitor for her as she is of age to be wedded. She lived a quiet life. she never usually got out much but now does. she has a very unique birthmark on her back of a dragon. her parents have no idea why she has it or how it got there. they always thought she was the fragile child so kept her inside a lot.

Another part of the Sayge Clan -.- A few more and I'm gonna put a temporary stop on entering the Sayge Clan. Anway, Approved!
Jun 12, 2013 6:48 AM

Nov 2012
haha you want her to be in trump clan or something?
Jun 12, 2013 8:24 AM

Apr 2013
No, no, it's okay.
Jun 12, 2013 8:24 AM

Dec 2012
Name: Sam Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Element: earth.
Personality:she is shy and really talks to people she don't know.
Bio: she had a ok life but few people talked to her because of her hire they think it is a curses

Pixie's name:Daved
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: care deeply for the clan. like to pick on Sam
Pixie's powers:make things from earth
Pixie's look:
frogotenJun 12, 2013 8:31 AM
..... :'(
Jun 12, 2013 8:25 AM

Apr 2013
frogoten said:
Name: Sam Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Element: earth.
Personality:she is shy and really talks to people she don't know.
Bio: she had a ok life but few people talked to her because of her hire they think it is a curses

Pixie's name:Daved
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: care deeply for the clan. like to pick on Sam
Pixie's powers:make things from earth
Pixie's look:

Her pixie is a cat? Sorry, this is too weird...
Jun 12, 2013 8:26 AM

Dec 2012
awww..ok i lok for a other
..... :'(
Jun 12, 2013 8:41 AM

Apr 2013
frogoten said:
Name: Sam Lyker
Clan: Lyker Clan
Element: earth.
Personality:she is shy and really talks to people she don't know.
Bio: she had a ok life but few people talked to her because of her hire they think it is a curses

Pixie's name:Daved
Pixie's gender: male
Pixie's Personality: care deeply for the clan. like to pick on Sam
Pixie's powers:make things from earth
Pixie's look:

Approved :)
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» Spirit Valley

Shiura_Aoi - Jun 15, 2013

1 by Discount66 »»
Jun 18, 2013 9:11 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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