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Nov 16, 2008 12:17 PM

Jul 2008

*Mod edit*
aeroNov 17, 2008 3:39 PM
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 20, 2008 7:42 PM

May 2008
Been out forever and still no subs =(

Seemed like such a good show, I wonder why nobody watches it...
Nov 23, 2008 1:50 PM

Aug 2008
No subs, but this episode looked interesting. Mei is evil?! Lol. Anyways, it was hilarious when Noriyuki kissed Yomi.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Nov 23, 2008 2:30 PM

Feb 2008
there is a sub out but i think its a troll. probably have to wait a couple days before a real one come sout.
Nov 26, 2008 7:24 PM
Nov 2007
where can i find episode 7 subbed?
Nov 26, 2008 7:52 PM

Nov 2008
mickey1372492 said:
where can i find episode 7 subbed?

I wish to help you but at the moment myself I am not able to find the subs but wait and they will be out. Add me as friend and I will PM you links myself!

Ya! Great episode since things are moving and explained more.

slayer545-samaNov 28, 2008 10:24 AM
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 28, 2008 10:20 AM

Jul 2007
mickey1372492 said:
where can i find episode 7 subbed?

AniYoshi just released it.

Decent episode, though few part are pure filler/fanservice which I didn't like. The storyline is very, very good though.
Nov 28, 2008 10:20 AM
Jun 2008
AniYoshi's subs are out. Enjoy :)
Nov 28, 2008 10:34 AM

Dec 2007
Subs by AniYoshi are out now :D:D
Edit: Dammit, got beat to it. That's what you get for not refreshing the page before posting >_<

This episode sure was depressing...I hated how Yacchi accused Kagura, that was extremely mean. Ah well, she did redeem herself though :P

Nov 28, 2008 10:36 AM

Jun 2008
Didn't enjoy the episode much, so Mei is dead (maybe) and being controlled by that butterfly guy.
Nov 28, 2008 10:50 AM

Oct 2007
Well its not like Mei wasnt already planning to do some killing,
her intentions are still true to herself.

Am really liking Ga Rei Zero now.
As the episodes go by am feeling more and more um sad about how
their situation ends up.
Yomi is a character i really dont want to see die but she obviously does
Nov 28, 2008 2:29 PM

Jul 2008
I also feel the butterfly guy is controlling Mei, but I don't want to ignore all the politics involved with the Yomi's family. I guess the butterfly dude wants certain events to play out also.
Nov 28, 2008 4:55 PM
Aug 2008
So this is probably how Yomi turns evil - the same thing that happened to Mei will happen to her.

Also, nice cameo of the episode 1 characters. I really hope they do some back story on them.
Nov 28, 2008 5:20 PM
Nov 2007
Nice episode, good to see things coming together. It could just be me but I have a feeling that the "happy" episodes may be behind us.
Nov 28, 2008 5:40 PM

Mar 2008
Whoa, big plot activity this week

Nori-chan became my hero btw XD
Nov 28, 2008 8:35 PM

Nov 2007
O_O I wonder what Yomi is going to do now, this still leaves a lot of unanswered questions though @_@
Nov 28, 2008 9:09 PM
Oct 2008
Eh it was alright kind of boring right up untill the end where they left you with a nice cliff hanger and now she will slowly start to lose it and become the villian that kills everyone at the end
Nov 29, 2008 2:06 AM
Mar 2008
akagi111 said:
Eh it was alright kind of boring right up until the end where they left you with a nice cliff hanger and now she will slowly start to lose it and become the villian that kills everyone at the end

You think she "loses it" in the end? I was thinking more along the lines of she fights the butterfly kid, dies, and becomes the villain. Isn't that what happened to Mei? What I got from the episode was that Mei is being controlled by the butterfly kid after getting killed by him.

I need 8 subbed >.<
Nov 29, 2008 5:56 AM

Nov 2008
osiron23 said:
akagi111 said:
Eh it was alright kind of boring right up until the end where they left you with a nice cliff hanger and now she will slowly start to lose it and become the villian that kills everyone at the end

You think she "loses it" in the end? I was thinking more along the lines of she fights the butterfly kid, dies, and becomes the villain. Isn't that what happened to Mei? What I got from the episode was that Mei is being controlled by the butterfly kid after getting killed by him.

I need 8 subbed >.<

Yeah that's right but I think the whole thing relies on the stone in his eye Sesshouseki he showed to Mei in #6. That is a major key but how to get rid of it so he butterfly SOB goes dead!
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Nov 29, 2008 10:28 AM
Mar 2008
Sweet seems like the turn around.
Nov 29, 2008 10:36 AM
Sep 2008
guyklc said:
No subs, but this episode looked interesting. Mei is evil?! Lol. Anyways, it was hilarious when Noriyuki kissed Yomi.

Mhmm, I agree :D Except, *watched it with subs >_>
Nov 29, 2008 11:18 AM
Jun 2007
Woohoo!!! Natsuki appeared in this episode. I thought I'd never see the Hawt Biker chick ever again.

Seems that Yomi will indeed be, controlled by the brat with all the butterflies, just as her cousin Mei was. Though I was hoping that she'd become a traitor, so that Kagura will despise her, then leading to Kagura drawing out her full potential when she fights against her. =/
Nov 29, 2008 10:40 PM

Aug 2007
First half of the episode was too angsty...but I guess that was necessary to flesh out Kagura's character more. Looks like I made a mistake concerning Kagura's seclusion during her school life, but it had to have come from somewhere...

Hehe looks like Ojii-san's death was the catalyst that started the spiral of events that will eventually lead to episode01. I reckon that the timeline will correct itself at around episode10-11.

Another great episode with some more yuriness plus some much appreciated fanservice. Some nice YomixNoriyuki moments...which is probably the last we'll see of the couple given how things played out this episode. OST will be great...
Nov 30, 2008 3:20 PM

Jun 2007
What I think might happen next:
I have a feeling the uncle will try and prevent Yomi from inheriting her fathers position and try and get Mai the position in staid. If Mai does get the position then you know she's gonna label Yomi as a monster being controled or a traitor and have the whole family and exorcists hunt her down. Yomi will probably run into the butterfly guy, fight him, and get killed; have her freewill taken over by the butterfly guy like Mia. Mia will probably be commanded to slaughter her family thus killing off everyone and disappearing.

Flashbacks will be over and we will see Yomi and Kagura's present day fighting scene again.
Nov 30, 2008 3:29 PM

Jul 2008
So beginnings the series of unfortunate events that cause Yomi to snap and go berserk on everybody.
Dec 3, 2008 7:50 AM
Dec 2007
Defiance said:
So beginnings the series of unfortunate events that cause Yomi to snap and go berserk on everybody.
Why do I get the feeling she won't snap. I don't know, maybe it was the fact we've seen 2 people already been controlled by the butterfly Class A spirit kid. Or perhaps the fact Kagura and her fiancee would be the least likely candidates to suffer Yomi's wrath had she snapped for real.

What I want to know is how his "ressurection" and "mind control" skills work. Seems to me Mei seems capable of acting normally, and the only one who actually detected a hint of something being off was Yomi. I wonder if perhaps this is the part where those guys from Episode 1 get involved (since they're the ones most involved with the butterfly-boy).

Dec 4, 2008 8:39 PM

Oct 2008
i fell asleep watching this episode.
Dec 7, 2008 4:34 PM

Oct 2007
This anime has been a total letdown for me. I am so sick of the yuri-overtones, the crying angst fest over every kill, ad the stupid family politics. I wish they would just get to the butterfly guy and move on with that plot instead of these stupid cryfest episodes. They finally got somewhere in the last minute that helped to procede the plot but that's it.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
Dec 16, 2008 5:50 PM

Oct 2007
I don't think Mei and later on Yomi are so much being controlled as acting on their true selfish/evil desires once they are resurrected by butterfly guy.
Remember Mei wanted to inherit the family estate to this she had to kill 2 or even 3 people her uncle (done) Yomi (...) and maybe even her father (depending on have compliant with her plans he is) seeing that they were the only three who knew about his plans to have her inherit the estate early.

episode was ok I wanted to slap the crap out of Yacchi or what ever the stupid little friend's name was. Does the chick not remember Kagura was the one who save her ass and prevented her from being the mince meat that was the random guy in the hallway?
Dec 28, 2008 1:18 AM

Jan 2008
This is probably the start of what made Yomi snap D:
Dec 30, 2008 1:21 PM
Nov 2007
aero said:
This is probably the start of what made Yomi snap D:

Yes, I don't think it's going to take long before she turns evil >___<
Feb 14, 2009 5:03 PM
Aug 2008
angel999 said:

*Mod edit*

first of all kagura's friend didnt hate her. she jus didnt understand the situation and wanted kagura to say something to make it ok - so she didnt hav to hate her.

and also - mei- being possessed is part of the goos plot was yomi's stepfather who died
Feb 14, 2009 5:05 PM
Aug 2008
so_addictive said:
I don't think Mei and later on Yomi are so much being controlled as acting on their true selfish/evil desires once they are resurrected by butterfly guy.
Remember Mei wanted to inherit the family estate to this she had to kill 2 or even 3 people her uncle (done) Yomi (...) and maybe even her father (depending on have compliant with her plans he is) seeing that they were the only three who knew about his plans to have her inherit the estate early.

episode was ok I wanted to slap the crap out of Yacchi or what ever the stupid little friend's name was. Does the chick not remember Kagura was the one who save her ass and prevented her from being the mince meat that was the random guy in the hallway?

yacchi wasnt so much mad about the nurse being killed but more about kagura killing someone
Apr 14, 2009 2:51 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Daymn, heavy stuff. Everything, and I mean everything seems to be going downhill.




[H+] ³  
Apr 14, 2009 2:52 PM

Feb 2008
Woah, what a end. But I actually saw something like that coming.
Very nice episode. Can't wait for the next.
Apr 19, 2009 2:32 AM

Jul 2008
what a bitch>< damn you mei~~

Jul 13, 2009 7:14 PM

Aug 2008
Oh my gosh-ness.... Looks like up from here the things will go downhill since an important person in the exorcist heriarchy actually died because a stupid bitch was selfish enough to dare to kill the poor old and unarmed dude of the Isayama family... May he rest in peace >>... So Mei is controlled by the Butterfly BoY...Kewl enough to make this interesting... And on top of that.... Looks like Nori and Yomi finally had a reasonable start for their arranged relationship and suddenly that comes up... that's just too f'd for the poor Yomi... So... What will happen next?

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 21, 2009 9:45 PM

Jun 2009
Great now Mei is super evil.......seriously I hate that character.....
It was one of those sad someone dies cry episode. I don't appreciate that.
Also Kagura's not wanting to fight crisis doens't really fit into a series that is so short, so it was kind of tedious.
Personally it was not the best

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Oct 6, 2009 9:41 AM

Aug 2008
Poor Yomi : (

Natsuki and Tooru sighting~
Jan 8, 2010 6:43 AM

Jun 2009
That Butterfly kid again? Looks like Yomi is next, Nooooooooooo!
Feb 4, 2010 7:40 AM

Nov 2009
Cant wait for the show to get back to yomi killing every >: D
Feb 16, 2010 3:20 PM
Feb 2010
I think I have an idea of why Yomi went berserk. Hopefully it's not because of something so shallow like revenge. :P

Anyway, great episode.
Mar 30, 2010 11:38 PM

Oct 2008
Poor Yomi. :/
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Apr 17, 2010 8:34 PM

Apr 2010
this show is so retarded. i dont think i've seen more poorly executed melodrama
Aug 9, 2010 1:00 PM

May 2010
Feels like this is when our main character changes.
Dec 22, 2010 8:38 AM
Feb 2009
brono11 said:
this show is so retarded. i dont think i've seen more poorly executed melodrama

I don't think I've seen a better moodkiller than the topic starter =P

Feb 9, 2011 2:18 PM

Oct 2010
Well between this and the previous episode it is pretty clear how Yomi became a demon/monster (after all they classified her as a Class A so i guess she is no longer human).
I'm anxious to know what happens after the Yomi vs Kagura fight than this atm =S. This show had an great start but its epicness is starting to wear down.
Apr 20, 2011 8:19 AM

Oct 2009
Mei =/.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 18, 2011 2:53 AM

Jan 2010
Eh… this entire "Omg! *tear face* Killing demons and zombies is wrong!" is so retarded. Seriously. Let's hope she grows out of this nonsense and the fact that her friend blamed her for saving their freakin lives is enough to make you want to strangle those girls to death.
Jun 21, 2011 12:02 PM
Jul 2010
Wow, reading the posts and seeing so many people disliked this episode... Wasn't expecting that actually. I personally found it pretty good. People are always hating on the angsty scenes but damn, what would you do if you were forced to kill "someone" you knew to save your friends, who actually end up reacting in a mean way instead of being grateful? (Though I do understand Yacchi as well and she kinda redeemed herself later.)

I also loved the conversation between Kagura and Yomi, where the later shows her unconditional support. She really cares for Kagura... I wonder what'll happen...

so_addictive said:
I don't think Mei and later on Yomi are so much being controlled as acting on their true selfish/evil desires once they are resurrected by butterfly guy.
I also think this is what happens. I believe being resurrected by the butterfly guy just brings out the worst each on has. So they're acting on their own free will, except their being driven by their worst emotions.

As I said, I really loved the episode. As much as I like the action, gore and the like, episodes like this one are essential to get me caring for the characters. Besides, it's not like this episode doesn't add anything to the plot. Especially the end.
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