That was some twisted ending, something I did not expect, not from that kind of anime, I have some hints that something not right will happend in the end when katsura went haiwire. Although I cant really blame any of the 3 main characters of the story for doing what they did. Each of their action changed the ones around them. I would say the anime depicts the true worst case scenarios that can happen in real life; Greed kills, Makoto went too far in small period of time, from not getting any to doing it to 6 girls I think, and not respecting them which is partially Sayonji fault("I read on the forum, some of you people hate Makoto, but in the case of Makoto can be anyone, the nature made men they way they are, and if they have a chance of doing it non stop they will."). Sayonji was the one that made Makoto the way he is, from being shy to heartless bold. If Sayonji let Makoto be with Katsura or make him explain everething to Katsura from the begining that he is not going out with her without keeping her in the clouds, he would react to other girls differently and have respect for them and not just dumping them as Sayonji tought him. Katsura, looking at her was very shy and very fragile, and the shock that Sayonji and Makoto made , got her to go haiwire, make her phychologically unstable, and it work very vell on Katsura because of her personally, calm and fragile. To Katsura any kind of big shock would be a big danger. Similarely Sayonji received similar phychological shock from Makoto, she did not expect him to do to her what she has tought him indirectly, which made Sayonji go haywire. Also girls by nature are more likely to go haiwire than man do, because of the way they were, raised and brough over long period of time, that is why when there is a cat fight it is much different than a braul between man, men might beat the chit out of them but they dont received scars that are left for a long period of time(in most case screnarios), just a few bruises here and there. For girls on the other hand it is much different, when they fight(in most case scenario)they leave scars and bruises that last for a life time. Although some of you might disagree with me, and It cannot be said about all cat fights and brauls, but in general that is how it tends to be. Although in the case scenario of the anime, it was a love triangle between 2 girls and one boy, I cannot say what might have happened if it was another way around 2 boys and one girl. But I can say one thing at the end of episode 12 on the rooftop, Katsura said to Sayonji, only if Sayonji did not do what she did, non of this would have happened."I think, I might have mixed up the character, but i remember some saying that to Sayonji". I am not blaming Sayonji, nor Makoto, nor Katsura for what they did, it was cause and effect, and everyone played their role well, although we as viewers might not have hoped for an ending to be like that. Over all I think this is a very good anime, very educative, teaches about real life issues, and there are not too many of those around. This anime also point out the influence, cause and effect that happends to people.
The other thing that might have happened in this anime, if Sayonji might not have stepped in, is the similar result of 40 Year Old Virgin the movie, although on the other hand since he was popular with girls it might not have happened and he would not be as jerk as he was and would go out with the brown pony tail girl and stayed the way he was.
I didnt meant to write that much, also I am not an expert on physchology, those are just common fact what I have read or talked about with out people. Also many of would most likely disagree we me, but if you read a few articles about human phychology and behaviors, that might change you mind. One more thing, there is a quote "You dont judge the book by its cover" which applies to this anime, which means you cannot judge its character just by what he did, you need to know the person and also a quote from sherlock holmes books "You cant just look at the crime and judge people because of it, you need to look and movite of the crime, and the backround of the one who did" which has a few meanings, one of which is fairly clear and the other other one is crime what was commited by the person might be wrong, but what was the reason that the person went and did that crime or what was the reason that the person shose that path. The same reason could be looked much different depends on what are your beliefs are and how you look at things. |