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Feb 23, 2013 7:38 AM

Apr 2011
Off to Brazil then? Alright here's the current roster:


After you enter the Hellgate, it will spit you out at the base of the large statue of Jesus know as 'Christ the Redemer'. In Limbo it now resembles a large black skeleton with horns and an obscenely long tongue hanging from its mouth.

Here in Rio you will encounter slimy slug like Minions with tentacles that resemble something out of H.P. Lovercraft's nightmares.

Good Luck... Fallen.
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Feb 23, 2013 10:23 AM

Jun 2011
Rhea coughs, holding her head in pain. "Shit. I forgot how dizzy astral transport makes one be." The four of them are surrounded by various, low-level demons that seem excited at the prospect of devouring...and not only...the newcomers. She grimaces. Her right hand is projected towards the sky, and she obliges her ability to take the form of endless daggers, swords, cleavers, knives and other bladed weapons, all hanging over the heads of the enemy like the legendary Sword of Damocles - only that this once, the string that holds it is the sheer will of a spontaneous woman. Naturally, death comes.

The silence is cut. True to her name, Rhea, or better said, Illa Quae Silentio Cædere, dispels the heavy mantle of no spoken words by using the swoosh of weapons and the screams that thunder from the fallen forms of enemies. She partially turns to the rest of her party. "Mind helping out?"
Feb 23, 2013 10:33 AM

Apr 2011
Jovan swinging his fists, punching phallic themed demons in their... whatevers. Puncuating each word with a hit saying "I. HATE. ASMODEUS. THAT. FILTHY. EXCUSE FOR. AN. ARCHDEMON."

Clearly Jovan knows Asmodeus... as much as Beelzebub was an old friend and rival of his, Asmodeus was an old hardcore enemy of sorts.

Feb 23, 2013 11:25 AM

Apr 2011
Antonio took a second to transfer his container of demon blood into a nearby golem before ordering the other golems to attack the demons. He was sad that the dragon that he had put so much time into creating couldn't fit through the damned Hellgate but there was nothing he could really do about it after all. He immediately began working on a new creation as he charged into the fray with his war axe and spiked shield.

Much like the demons from before, they stood almost no chance against the combined might of Antonio and his golems. Due to the fact that the demons mostly relied on physical attacks, as soon as they even touched Antonio's ice that part of the demon quickly froze and became useless.
Feb 25, 2013 5:18 PM

Apr 2011
But no matter how many hits they took, some how all the tentacled eye minions kept regenerating! They were healing themselves!? How?!

It was the Jovan realized some were wrapping around his legs, limiting his movement... he then began to feel 'drained'. Tired, lethargic, sleepy... they were sucking the energy out of him!

He then noticed everyone else's movement was also being limited... they too before they knew it were being incarcerated and weakened even though they were 'fighting with all their might'.

Antonio's ice melted or shattered too easily, Rhea's CER couldn't hold their forms... every body was looking pale and weak.

Like the life was being sucked out of them...
and before they knew it, they were completely ensnared in tentacles... and falling unconcious.

Everybody began to pass out.
Feb 27, 2013 4:32 PM

Apr 2011

When Jovan next awoke, he was in what resembled an unnaturally large Cathedral... if his geography/history less ons were right then this place was the CATEDRAL METROPOLITANA (METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL).

Realized then that he was stuck to the wall, with a thick viscous goo of some sort sticking him there with his arms spread eagle in some sick and rude version of crucification that rendering him incapable of movement and escape. He looked around the building and saw the rest of his companions trapped in the same way looking groggy and beginning to awake themselves!

He turned his head to the left looking towards the alter, their he saw what looked like a person wearing what looked like an expensive black feathered cape and ornamental hat... it took a second to register but he then realized those feathers weren't from some raven or exotic bird, they were much too large for that. They were Angel Feathers. Fallen Angel Feathers.

Jovan narrowed his eyes and felt rage boiling over, the freak was wearing fetahers of dead Fallen comrades! Seething he muttered with utter loathing and hate "Asmodeus..."

the Archdemon half turned with its feathered cloak covering its front and said with an adrogynous voice with a falsetto saying "Good morning sunshines..." with a filthy lecherous leer like a kid in a candy store holding the clerk at gun point.
Feb 27, 2013 8:45 PM

Apr 2011
Despite how well he felt was doing, Antonio felt something was off; his weapons, armor, and golems began to take extraordinarily more damage than they had previously and he was beginning to feel light-headed. Before he knew it, his armor shattered from the impact of several attacks at once and he was sent flying. "God dammit..." he said as he gritted his teeth to sit up but he didn't have the strength for some reason- didn't have the strength to go on... As much as he fought it, his vision blurred and he eventually passed out.

When Antonio woke, he found that he was stuck to a wall near Jovan by some goop. He tried moving any part of his body he could and found that it was pointless. "Sunnuva..." he said under his breath. He was still groggy from whatever had affected him in the first place so he couldn't use his Halo properly. He'd just have to wait patiently until he had recovered- hopefully that came sooner than later.
Feb 28, 2013 10:47 AM

Jun 2011
Rhea felt fatigue; now, she was used to feeling exhausted, but this was starting to exaggerate. Soon, however, her wings, armor and cutting ribbons began to lose form and return to their source in the form of foam. The fallen's eyes rolled back in her skull, and she collapsed into a dreamless, oblivion - colored sleep.

As she woke, first thing she registered was a familiar voice saying a mocking greeting. The second was that she was stuck to the wall with some suspicious substance next to the ice-wielder, and the third - well, she didn't have time for that, as she proceeded to cough up blood.
Mar 3, 2013 4:59 PM

Apr 2011
Asmodeus noticed everyone was awakening and its grin grew maliciously cheshire like wathcing everybody struggling... the thing seem to get off on the weak!

"Yes, yes, yeeeeeeees! Good morning sunshines! Limbo and its hostess the lovely Asmodeus, the Archdemon of Lust the 2nd Ring of Hell welcomes you all to my recently acquired yet incomplete humble abode" said Asmodeus trying to sund grand and magificent.

Noticing Jovan glaring at him and his clothing he said "Ah! I see you have spotted my absolutely FABULOUS new cloak... I just finished it shortly before you arrived, a few lovely little birds such as yourselves delivered them to me..." he gestured towards later behind him.

Behind him on the alter and the floor were bodies... of Fallen. Mutilated and seemingly tortured based upon the angles of the bodies and the facial expressions upon their faces.

Upon further inspection, one would see that where their blacken wings would've been attached to their bodies were broken and bloody stumps as if they were viciously torn off.

"You know, I almost felt bad removing their lovely wings... so I gave them new ones instead!" said Asmodeus

He lifted one of the Fallen corpses by its head and displayed its back for a closer look. Jovan recognized what he saw, it was a early medieval torture technique called 'Blood Wings'. Essentially the torturer broke almost every rib attachment to the spine... and then ripped out the lungs through the back making a pair of bloody pair of pseudo wings.

Hence Blood Wings.

Jovan's rage was reaching a peak, Beelzebub was cold, ruthless, obsessive... not to mention cannibalistic. But Asmodeus was a different breed of evil all together.

Asmodeus got extreme satisfaction from the rage and pain he was getting from the group as he said "Do not worry... you shall be joining your comrades shortly in the Void, MWAHAHAHA..."
Mar 4, 2013 1:06 PM

Jun 2011
Rhea grimaced at the sight. At the pathetic demon's next words, she began laughing. Laughing like a madwoman. "You're being fucking funny, boy." she spat, rolling back her shoulders as much as the binding allowed it. The hard, cold concrete did not bother her in the least. She cocked her head to the left, gazing at Asmodeus with utter disgust. "Do you really think you're scary? You must think you're fabulous...How damnably wrong you are." C.E.R began pouring out of her halo, and in spite of the fresh blood dripping down her chin, the Fallen forced the energy to sharpen, and ultimately cut through the sticky clay keeping her flush against the wall. She falls to the ground on her knees, coughing blood.

"Let me tell you a thing or two about yourself." she starts, getting up on shaking limbs. "In contrast to your overly-good opinion about yourself, you're nothing more than an overly-grown child with laughable impotence. I can bet a hundred bucks you have to rape every mate not just 'cause you're an inconsiderate jackass and find pleasure in sick acts, but because no sane woman of today's era would dare roll around in your bed. You know, you always looked like you had AIDS." she mocks, rage marring the enemy's face. Rhea grins.

"Ya heard me, pretty girl. You probably plucked out these wings feather by feather just because all victims had a better feature than I right, little lady?" she asks, head tilted. "Listen here, and listen well, you motherfucker. I'll never understand how someone on Lucifer's level associated with you. Maybe he ran out of girls and felt like switching for the least manly man out of Astrals? Fuck me if I know - oh, you don't have what's required for that, my bad. But just because you are stronger than us on individual level, it doesn't really make you better. You're pathetic, and I'll make you fucking pay for killing my kin with these two, shaking hands."
AngelicXIMar 4, 2013 1:11 PM
Mar 4, 2013 1:27 PM

Apr 2011
Jovan felt his own Halo and strength tried to break free himself, he touched the goo trapping him to the wall with Midas... but it didn't break down! This shit was organic!

Helpless to aid in this fight at this time, Jovan began yelling jeers as well at the fiend saying "Hey Rhea?! Your right about the rapings! Every lifetime I've lived I've fought on the battlefield both as a man and a woman... except once. The one time I decided to try living and dieing a peaceful life, that shit-eating worm ruined it. I tried to give up for once as a warrior... and spend one of my female lives as a nun in a covent! Fuckwad went ruined it all!"

Looking boredand yawning; Asmodeus lazliy looked up at Jovan, opened his mouth... and spat out a white thick glob of goo at Jovan's face!

It stuck fast, and rendered him in capable of speaking... and barely able to breathe.

Asmodeus looked at Rhea and said taunting her "Well now... are you finished yet? Or is it still that time of the month for you?"
Mar 4, 2013 1:32 PM

Jun 2011
Rhea rolled back her shoulders, her Halo cutting the ties binding Antonio,Youka and Jovan. She manually removed the sticky part from Jovan's mouth, disgusted by the substance. The woman completely ignored Asmodeus, instead addressing her companions; "Can we pretty please beat the shit and fumes out of this girl and go home? It's nearly morning and I'm bored as fuck."
Mar 4, 2013 3:05 PM

Apr 2011
While the others were busy slinging insults at each other, Antonio was preparing something big, however, he couldn't help but give pause to Rhea's contribution. "Dayuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm!!!" Antonio exclaimed. "Man, that stings! God, the Exalted One himself, must have felt that one!" Antonio deepened his voice for effect. "'We sense someplace Asmodeus is receiving a new asshole.'" He returned his voice to normal. "Asmodeus!" he called. "Can you feel your asshole? I'm pretty sure by now it's big enough to fit an entire prison inside!"

A bit later, Antonio felt himself become free from his bindings and he immediately spawned his armor as well as about 20 javelins simultaneously. He groaned slightly from stretching his slightly stiff muscles, also bending his neck side to side. "I'm ready to kick some ass whenever you are."
Mar 4, 2013 4:44 PM

Apr 2011
"Asshole? Bored as Fuck? Fuckwad?" said Asmodeus tapping his chin "What EXCELLENT suggestions! LET"S BEGIN!"

Asmodeus threw his cloak and hat off revealing his front, which forced Jovan to yell ironically "Aiie! Shield your eyes! You can't un-see that!"

Instead of a normal lower half... Asmodeus's body resembled that of a worm... a hairy, slimy, ugly hybrid of man and a silkworm!

From his back however... appeared 8 tentacle leg things with large serrated blades on the end to serve as 'feet'. Asmodeus promptly raised himself upon these and now standing over 12 feet tall he began with a gooey barrage of white silk stuff from his mouth followed with strikes from his obscenely long nasty legs!
Mar 4, 2013 6:37 PM

Jul 2012
Coming through the gate Kahmu gets thrown to the ground. Picking himself up he always mutters to himself "Fuck why do i always come out the wrong way?". Upon cleaning himself off he look back to see where he had appeared and saw the statue, well i guess i need to be on guard, then he walks off following a trail of dead monsters.

Mar 11, 2013 4:38 PM

Apr 2011
Antonio's once unshakable confidence had wavered after the fight with Beelzebub, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing because he was much more cautious now. A dome made of several layers of thick ice erupted from the ground and shielded the group from the initial attacks.

Swords, axes, maces, spears, and lances in all shapes and sizes appeared. "Jovan, reinforce and use whatever you want, your gauntlets should be able to handle the cold," Antonio said. "Okay, so I have a plan, I'm going to create a distraction which Ass-face will 1) jump out of, 2) swipe away, or 3) endure. I already have a plan if number three happens but use the distraction as a chance to attack or move. Make your move once I initiate." Trust didn't come easy but, now was a time where he was forced to trust those around him, regardless of who they once were. "3... 2... 1..."

An icy and incredibly thick fog then enveloped Asmodeus, flooding the demon's vision. The dome opened up in several places to allow the Fallen to make a move. "Go!" Antonio said and charged forth.
Newmn84Mar 11, 2013 5:03 PM
Mar 11, 2013 8:03 PM

Apr 2011
As the 3 Fallen swarmed forward, they were in for a surprise... there wasn't one Asmodeus.

There were THREE.

All three Archdemons swiped at the party, with each one targetting a different Fallen. Jovan had completely forgot this Archdemon's Halo: Dividere et Vincere

Divide and Conquer

He remembered hearing that his Halo was distinctly different from his old buddy Beelzebub's Halo 'Municipal Darwinism' which was the break down his own body or rearrange parts of his own body into lesser lifeforms in order to 'adapt' to any situation.

Asmodeus's on the other hand just allowed him to 'divide' his body into multiple copies in order to over power his prey.

Jovan barely ducked the swish of one of the arm blades as it swiped the tips of his hair and he yelled "Do you have a fourth contingency plan or what???" towards Antonio.
Mar 12, 2013 1:17 PM

Jun 2011
Rhea grinned. Ferociously, like a predator who enjoyed the hunt - a hunt where the prey was stronger than the hunter. "Caesitas et Russus~" she softly commanded, and the familiar foam poured out, morphing in an array of fascinating twists around the wielder. Not longer caring if she dies or not, Rhea was determined to break Asmodeus' tentacles and beat his fucking ass with them. So, she did the thing she knew best. She crafted.

An array of odd weapons suddenly hung from the ceiling, kept hanging by unseen threads of sheer will - beasts of legend stood at each side of her, some looking like foxes, owls and even a small-sized Phoenix vermillion in color. Unlike Jovan, she did not forgot. No, she had known the enemy too well to do so. As he split, she quietly looked towards Antonio, blood running lazily down her jaw from between now ruby lips. She grinned in a Cheshire fashion, although it now looked sad.

"I normally don't follow orders, but give them; I was crafted to plan, to strike, to cut in half the silence. But this time I'm willing to cooperate...if you have something intelligent to propose, Icey." she commented, feeling just the tiniest bit dizzy. She'd lie if she said she wasn't having fun, though.
Mar 12, 2013 3:04 PM

Apr 2011
Asmodeus swatted Antonio like a fly- or so the demon thought- instead, Asmodeus' severed tentacle flew off with Antonio remaining completely unharmed. "That's the thing about magic, it's all smoke and mirrors," Antonio said smugly. Under the cover of his fog, he made a mirror with near-monomolecular edges in front of him that made it seem like he was closer than he really was in order to bait out attacks, it seemed like it worked perfectly fine.

"No fourth plan!" He called out to Jovan. "Plan three works fine for this situation as well." He held his hand up in the air and clenched his fist as if crushing something in his grasp. His ice dome cracked in seemingly a million places and from its remains flew a swarm of small birds that attacked the nearest Asmodeus from seemingly everywhere, though specifically the demon's ugly face. Even as the demon tried to swat them away, they moved around the attacks effortlessly, almost like how a school of fish reacts to an incoming predator.

Antonio turned towards Rhea. "Unfortunately, now I'm kinda just making it up as I go," he replied. "I do really like being a pain in someone's ass though," he smirked, several more creations already ready to go if he so chose. "Ladies first."
Mar 12, 2013 3:25 PM

Jun 2011
Rhea grinned, wings sprouting from her back. Black, raven-like, decadent feathers symbolizing her sin adorned her back; she stretched them, feeling the muscles stiff. The former Dominion licked her lips in a vicious, somewhat seductive way.

"I was hoping you'd say that." she grinned at Antonio ruefully, crouching and then leaping up, wings cutting the air smoothly. She shouted something in a language akin to ancient Greek, her hand moving in a commanding fashion. The various weapons she summoned earlier began moving, each controlled individually, taunting and stabbing the forms of the three Asmodeus. Her familiars reacted, growling out of sheer anger.

Twin foxes, one azure, one vermillion, leaped at the copy originally targeting Jovan; the Phoenix chose to give a cry and provide back-up for Antonio, while the large azure owl came at Rhea's side. "Your turn!" she yelled down at them. And as strong as her voice came out, drops of ruby blood fell, staining the floor. She seemed to pay them no mind, choosing to stop her face from showing any of the pain she felt.

I don't have much left till the limit...let's see how much I can push the restraints.
Mar 12, 2013 9:48 PM

Jul 2012
Kahmu Hearing the distant battle heads in that direction, at a fast run, he was in shape, the scenery, or lack of it, and more like dead bodies every where. he was getting closer to the battle, now running over fresher bodies, not caring about them.

Mar 14, 2013 5:00 PM

Apr 2011
The lopped limbs of Asmodeus regenerated, and the amputated limbs themselves transmutated into miniature nasty versions of him... and each drop of blood that fell from his wounds made even smaller ones! It was a whole Legion of Perversion!

To top it all off, one of the big ones had to say "Ooooh, yeah... the bitches and bros can't get enough of little old Azzy"

Jovan, grabbed one of the candlessticks from the corner that was as tall as him. He reinforced it and began using it as a sort of lance or polearm swatting and smacking the Legion of Perversion left and right saying to his comrades "Rhea, Fall Back! Your good to no one dead! Antonio, do you think could Flash Freeze them all at once into a giant ice cube?"

As Jovan began already strategically smacking them into each other hoping to create a sort of pile... meanwhile dodging the big ones sweeps and knocking the little ankle biter shits off his legs and tearing away silk webbing however he could...
Mar 14, 2013 6:06 PM

Apr 2011
"Why am I not surprised..." Antonio muttered. His birds swarmed and clung to the miniature demon-spawn, freezing them in their tracks. This is getting troublesome... If that thing can regenerate endlessly, the only way to finish this is to either wear him out or trap him- That's it!

Antonio called out to his teammates. "If you all can help me keep that butt-ugly bastard busy for a bit, I know of a way to finish this!" Thankfully, he had already been planning for big so he was well on his way towards his newest creation's completion- he just needed more time to build it up and mold it into it's form. He hated to do this to his allies but, this was the best plan he could come up with at the moment- to get this over with as fast as possible, he needed to concentrate.

Antonio sat on the ground with his legs crossed and all the ice he wore reformed into a protective barrier around him. He closed his eyes and concentrated with all his might.
Newmn84Mar 14, 2013 7:47 PM
Mar 14, 2013 6:55 PM

Jul 2012
Entering the battle field Kahmu now has his hands molded with fire, his left hand turning into a swords, while his right turns into a Spear which he sends flying towards a spawn, after the release of the spear, from his hand forms another sword as he slows to fight an oncoming group.

Mar 14, 2013 7:41 PM

Apr 2011
"OOOH! Another player has entered the game? Welcome little Fallen to our little Orgy of Sinful DELIGHTS!" Called Asmodeus, with falsetto and a lisp...

Jovan didn't bother to look back, any Fallen who got its kicks out of burning an Archdemon... was a friend of his!
Mar 14, 2013 7:57 PM

Jun 2011
Rhea rolled back her shoulders, flexing her wings yet again to gain greater altitude. She ignored Jovan's plea, picking instead the option she considered best - make herself useful.
Thus, she kept making new and new weapons, stabbing and slicing and making heavenly noise. She forced more energy into the created familiars as well, opting to regroup them. The four creatures moved at great speed, acting just like her usual ribbons - everything they came in contact with was sliced. Drip, drip, drip, and more blood stains the ground...
Mar 15, 2013 6:26 PM

Apr 2011
There were too many of them; no matter how many were bludgeoned, sliced, burned, or whatever... they kept coming back for more! It was literally a flood of tiny bodies. The three orginally tall ones had long since been cut down to size, now their sizes ranged anywhere from waist to ankle high in height.

True the new ally was a plus... but it still was enough to stop Asmodues's Legion from making excessive sexual innuendos that Jovan would never dream of repeating.

Jovan was swearing as minis forced him to stand on the backs of the pews like a balance beam and swiping them away like golf balls. He noticed Rhea refused to back down despite her excessive anemic reactions... if a miracle did not happen soon. She'd die of blood loss long before Asmodeus would begin his mutilation.

Jovan yelled at Antonio "I SOOOOO hope I'm not inconveniencing you... but can you hurry the Hell up?! We can't take much more of this!"
Gibz0maticMar 15, 2013 8:01 PM
Mar 15, 2013 7:45 PM

Jul 2012
Keeping the Flame sword in his left hand he turns his right swords into a whip that snapped sent out a flame that burned, all the flames were shooting from it were blue. Kahmu moved back trying to not get surrounded by the pests, he tried to get them to funnel in front of him.

Mar 16, 2013 12:56 AM

Apr 2011
"Only a little bit..." Antonio replied to Jovan, somewhat annoyed. "Done!"

Hollow pillars of ice erupted from the ground and enveloped all the other Fallen, trapping them within for their own good. A fierce blizzard quickly enveloped the entire area, forming a sheet of ice over everything and it was even powerful enough to instantaneously erode away bits of the area. The small versions of Asmodeus were snap-frozen and the larger ones wouldn't last very long either if they were left alone. Unfortunately for them, they weren't.

"Meet Myritera you sick fuck!" Antonio roared. As the larger versions of the demon were buffeted by the blizzard, they were all snatched up the jaws of something big, very big. Inside the blizzard, the shadow of Myritera's form was revealed to the Fallen; it was a massive, eight-headed hydra. As the demons tumbled down its gullets, they were ripped to shreds by razor-sharp protrusions and finally landed in its stomach. As the last demons slid down the hydra's gullets, all of Antonio's other ice creations broke down into a myriad amount of wasps that swarmed in afterwards, separating and freezing the demons individually.

Antonio, walked up to his hydra and placed his hand against it. "You're not fucking getting out of this one, you piece of shit," Antonio said bitterly. The demon had increased his own surface area so that heat could be distributed more evenly throughout the system; in layman's terms, he had screwed himself over by splitting into smaller and smaller forms. The hydra's stomach soon filled with more and more ice until it was just one solid piece. "Welcome to your final resting place," he said finally.
Mar 16, 2013 8:57 AM

Apr 2011
With the blizzard over, and most of Asmodeus's Essense absorbed and broken down within the ice. Jovan tapped his Midas fingertip on his own ice-shell... which broke it down what into what resembled pile of glass dust that broke down continuously into mere molecules.

He approached the Hydra, smiling at Antonio. Jovan said "Nice work snowman... may I?" he asked holding out his gauntlet to touch the Hydra.
Mar 16, 2013 9:03 AM

Jun 2011
Rhea forced her Halo to cut through the ice. Then, she dissipated the accumulated weapons and familiars she previously formed, their energy returning to her. The stubborn Fallen descended, her breath heavy and eyes glassy. She looked like a mess, and felt like one.
"Well, fuck. That was some battle." she mumbles, coughing into her hand, then wiping away excess blood. She took in long calming breaths, her hectic cardiac rhythm synchronized with her still erratic breathing. Crouched next to a stone pillar, she allowed herself a moment of rest.
Mar 16, 2013 2:36 PM

Apr 2011
"You know I could have just freed you all, right?" Antonio said as the pillar around the new Fallen with the fire-based halo opened up to let him free. He then turned to Jovan, definitely painfully mulling it over in his head. "Ughhhhhhh.... If you have to, then I guess it can't be helped. If you can make sure that bastard never sees the light of day again, do it."

He turned towards, Rhea, a bit concerned. "You got this?" he asked.
Mar 16, 2013 3:07 PM

Apr 2011
Grinning, Jovan flicked the ice Hydra... and the whole thing crumbled to dust with Asmodeus's remians along with it. From the pile of the shards rose a single shining little butterfly (just like Beelzebub's!) it fluttered a little before dissolving into Oblivion.

"2 Archdemons down" said Jovan "7 to go... 6 if the guys in London did there job"
Mar 16, 2013 11:59 PM

Jul 2012
Kahmu lets his flames disappear, and starts to slow his breathing

Mar 17, 2013 6:56 AM

Jun 2011
Rhea nodded towards Antonio, smiling weakly. "Mhm. Just hungry. And I might need some blood transfusions in the morning, but so far, so good. No internal damage..." she listed, closing her eyes and trying to relax as much as it was allowed by their current location.
Mar 17, 2013 7:05 PM

Apr 2011
Antonio nodded in agreement and at the fact that she said she was okay. "Food would be good about now," he said. "Doubt anybody wants plain shaved ice or roasted demon though."
Mar 17, 2013 9:04 PM

Jul 2012
Kahmu not knowing anyone just stands there quietly, not wanting to disturb their conversation

Mar 19, 2013 5:05 AM

Apr 2011
"Uhhh... you might wanna wait on the food, something's up with the gate..." said Jovan.

After Asmodeus's demise, a gate appeared like Beelzebub's. However the gate continually flitted from what resembled Sydney, Moscow, Tokyo, and Paris until final settling or rather being overpowered by a bright white light that seemed to fill the church.

Jovan who was standing right in front of had to shield his eyes, he didn't even see the white ribbons reach out and ensnare his and the other Fallen's arms and legs!

They were being pulled into the light, and nothing they could do could break the ribbons!
Mar 19, 2013 11:18 AM

Jun 2011
Rhea didn't had the strength to struggle, so she patiently waited for whatever was coming next; the familiar energy radiating from the ribbons and the light filling the room calmed somewhat, soothing her pain in a weird manner. Brokenly, she smiled.
Mar 19, 2013 12:38 PM

Apr 2011
With his back turned to the Gate, Antonio was grabbed from behind before he had a chance to turn and he was pulled too quickly into the light to utter more than a quick curse. As he passed through the light he was surprised to find that he didn't feel like he was in much danger, which was a first on this bizarre adventure.
Mar 20, 2013 7:54 PM

Jul 2012
Kahmu struggling keeps try to move away from the gate

Mar 30, 2013 7:50 AM

Apr 2011
"Do not be frightened my friends" said a friendly effeminate voice from the light "Purgatorio... Purgatory is a refuge"

and with that the party exited Rio, for Purgatory

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